April 2012
The following are general guidelines for requesting updates to your FMC tariff. This memo includes useful information about how to file commodity rates using the New File Request process at
It also explains how we use Publication Confirmation Reports to confirm filings. Additionally, you will find information about how to access your tariff on the DPI website, how to search for and amend your filed tariff rates online, and how to view tariffs in Adobe PDF® format. A sample User ID and Password for access to tariffs at
are shown on the last page.
The New File Request process at
provides an interactive menu-driven process for the submission of new or amended freight rates. It is similar to printed Tariff Filing Request Forms, but better, because it is interactive and includes quality controls which are explained in this memo.
Your company’s selling rates and surcharges, including documentation fees (if any), must be on file and in effect in your tariff no later than the date cargo is received for shipment under your bill of lading and/or via your service to/from the USA. FMC Tariff filing is not required for shipments that do not originate or terminate in the USA; for example, from China to Canada.
DPI's fee for filing for commodity items and tariff rate items (TRIs) is US$14 per item requested via email or fax, and US$12 per item requested via
- both of which include the following: a . b.
c . d .
FMC compliance review and advice as necessary.
Description of the commodity or commodities (of any length).
Assignment of a 10 digit commodity item number.
Creation of commodity index (e.g. Air Filters and Filters, Viz: Air). e . f . g . h .
Filing of up to 10 different rates for the commodity.
Any notes or special conditions must be included with the rate, for example: "Rate applies on
Premium Service" or “Rate applies on shipments over 3 cbm only” or the shipment weight or dimensions for lumpsum rates.
Rates may apply between multiple origins and destinations, for example: a single rate can apply from both Hong Kong and Yantian to Long Beach. It is not necessary to file separate rates.
If more than 10 rates are needed, the excess charge is US$2 per rate. This is called the Excess TRI charge. TRI means tariff rate item.
There is no discount if only one rate is filed under a commodity item. i .
are required by the FMC, but these are not provided by the FMC. There is no fixed listing of descriptions or items provided by the FMC. Many tariffs use item numbers that organize commodities into broad groups, for example: Electrical/Electronics, Foodstuffs,
Machinery, or Textiles. At DPI, we assign item numbers to create an alphabetical index of commodities for each tariff. The FMC does not provide specific item numbers.
We recommend using commodity descriptions as shown on bills of lading, in whole or in part. For example:
Machinery, or Printing Machinery. Commodity descriptions in tariffs should agree with those shown on bills of lading. However, trade names and brand names are not acceptable by the FMC.
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If you wish to file the rate to apply on all types of Machinery, then we will file it as Machinery, Not Otherwise
Specified (NOS). This is agreeable to FMC, and may be applied for any shipment of machinery. If you wish the rate to apply only on Printing Machinery (assuming rates will be filed for other machine types), then we will file it as Machinery, Viz: Printing, NOS.
DPI will assign commodity item numbers as needed using an alphabetical index, unless you request otherwise. If your description is unclear, we will ask for clarification and assist you in finding the correct commodity description for your tariff filing. Other shipping documents are often useful in such cases.
Need help finding the Harmonized Code or a Schedule B Number? Harmonized Code and Schedule B
Numbers are NOT REQUIRED for FMC filing, but may be included in your tariff. Use the following links to search for Harmonized Code or Schedule B Numbers. If you would like Harmonized Code and Schedule B
Numbers included in your FMC tariff, please add the appropriate numbers into the Commodity Description box.
For IMPORTS - Harmonized Code - U.S. Customs requires the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS - also called Harmonized Code). These numbers and/or their accompanying commodity descriptions may also be used in FMC tariffs. Use the following link to look-up current Harmonized Code numbers and descriptions.
For EXPORTS - Schedule B – When shippers file electronic export information (EEI) with the US Federal
Government, these must use SCHEDULE B NUMBERS. These numbers and/or their accompanying commodity descriptions may be used in FMC tariffs. Use the following link to look up current Schedule B
Reference Numbers may be used to help identify your rate requests. These are optional, since a separate and unique filing request number will be created automatically for all requests submitted using New File
Request on
. If you allow more than one person or branch office of your company to request tariff filings, a reference number can be useful. For example, you may use reference number “HKG” to identify requests from your Hong Kong branch office, or “LGB” to identify requests sent from your Long Beach branch office. Up to 10 characters (letters or numbers) may be used for the reference number. Trademarks and brand names are not allowed as per FMC regulations.
Rates must be on file and in effect in your tariff before the date cargo is received for shipment at origin under your Bill of Lading.
New or amended rates that result in decreased costs to shippers may become effective upon publication.
This includes rates filed under new commodity descriptions. Any rate that results in an increased cost to shippers must be on file for 30 days before it can become effective.
For full details, please refer to the FMC’s Tariff Regulations, CFR Part 520.8 Effective Dates.
A link to these regulations is also provided in the “NEW FILE REQUEST” process at
Please feel free to contact us for help in understanding these regulations.
Expiration dates are optional, but highly recommended by DPI. We recommend all freight rates be filed with expiration dates for two reasons. First, once a rate expires, it can be re-filed at a higher level without waiting for 30 days. This gives you more flexibility to react to changes in market rates. Second, once a rate expires, it is automatically removed from the tariff. This helps keep the tariff accurate, compact, easier to read and use.
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If we have a question about your filing request, we will revert quickly. If there are no questions, then you may expect we will make the filing as soon as possible, and confirm filing. These confirmation reports are excellent record keeping and quality control tools.
Most requests are completed on the same day received, with confirmation to follow on the next business day.
Confirmation reports are sent via e-mail. All confirmation reports are also always available to your at
under the “Confirmation Reports” link in the Members Menu. If additional copies or the confirmation reports are desired, please indicate parties to be copied on your request. These copies will be provided at no additional charge. If no indication in this regard is given, DPI confirms to the requesting party only.
Our Publishing staff here at DPI work each business day preparing tariff filings, and at the end of each day we post these to our website at
for official filing. Once you have our confirmation, you may be certain your request has been filed. A confirmation fee of US$0.50
per report is assessed to the handling costs for these reports. If you submit a filing request to DPI and DO NOT RECEIVE a confirmation report timely, please contact us. This probably means your request did not reach us.
The New File Request process at
was recently upgraded to include several new features.
The basic design and function of the process remain the same – it continues to provide a menu-driven process where you can advise details of new or amended rates to be filed in your FMC tariff. However, we added new features that improve access to your tariff data and make the process faster. Here is a summary: a.
Commodity Use the commodity box to search for and select an existing commodity from your tariff, or to create a new one.
Begin typing the commodity name or number to show a list of results from your existing tariff commodities. This list is updated as you type.
To create a new commodity , simply type the commodity description into the same box. The form will recognize if the entered commodity is a new entry.
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Validate Origin / Destination: All origin and destination locations and via ports filed in FMC tariffs must be valid locations approved by the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. By validating locations, you ensure that your filing request will not be delayed due to invalid or incomplete location names - these are the top reasons tariff filings are delayed.
Search locations by typing in your location name. After typing the first four characters, our location database will begin to show your search results and will update in real time. Click on any location or select from the list using the UP and DOWN arrow keys and the ENTER button to auto-fill the box with your selection. Results are grouped by PORT locations, INLAND locations, and GROUPS.
Your search will show the total number of results at the upper right hand corner of the list. Click NEXT and PREVIOUS to scroll through your search results and select your desired location. You may also hit the LEFT or RIGHT arrows on your keyboard to scroll through the search results pages. c. Add Use the “Add Rate” button to request filing of multiple rates for different rate bases, container sizes or services using a single filing request. For example, rates for 20’, 40’ and 40’ high cube containers. Rates must be for the same Commodity, Origin and Destination. This feature is a big time saver. Selections for rate bases, container sizes, and types have also been expanded to include all those allowed by the FMC.
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d. Applicable Rules/Surcharges: Rates are subject to all rules in effect in the tariff at the time of shipment, except where an exception is specifically noted. Surcharges are filed under tariff rules.
If the box next to the rule is checked, the rule DOES apply (subject to the rule text).
You may check and uncheck rules as necessary for each request. For example, unchecking the rule box labeled:
"DOCUMENTATION FEES" indicates that the shipments moving under this TRI are not charged the
Documentation Fee as specified in that particular rule. It is not necessary to uncheck rules that obviously would never apply to your request. In the below example, if your rate filing applies on shipments from
Taiwan only, there is no need to uncheck the rule for origin charges in Hong Kong or Guangdong.
Click on a rule title to view the text of the rule in a pop up window without exiting New File Request. You may amend, remove, or add new tariff rules by contacting your DPI Account Representative. e. Ocean Carriers
You may provide freight rates applicable only when a specifically named ocean carrier is used. Rates applicable to carrier-specific service will be noted in individual TRIs with the legal name of the underlying
Ocean Carrier provided. To assist in this procedure, you may now select from a list of FMC-approved ocean carriers on the New File Request page.
Expand or collapse the list of approved ocean carriers by clicking on the + and - icons. You may then select the ocean carrier from the dropdown list.
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f. Review , then Submit Filing Request: We have added a “Review Request” step to the process to improve quality control. If your request is incomplete, this step will identify missing information and guide you. Use the Edit button to make changes to your request.
Once you review your request and find it in good order, please click the “Submit Filing Request” button.
At that time a filing request number will then be assigned to your request and you will quickly receive an e-mail message confirming receipt of your Filing Request. g. E-mail Messages Confirming Receipt of your Tariff Filing Requests: An e-mail message confirming receipt of your request will be quickly sent each time a request is submitted at
These e-mails will identify your FMC Tariff Number and Filing Request Number in the subject line. Full details of the request will be included in the message, along with a link to check the status of your Filing Request at any time. These e-mails are sent to the e-mail address shown on the request – which is based on the User Profile for your User ID. Copies of these e-mails can also be sent to additional e-mail addresses – just add these to your requests in the box provided. h. Publication Confirmation Reports: We will continue to send the same Publication Confirmation
Report the next business day after filing as we have in the past. Please note copies of these reports are also accessible online at the “Confirmations Report” link – just above the New File Request link on the
Members Menu at
after you login with your User ID and Password. i. DPI Account Representatives: Every tariff published by DPI is assigned to an experienced Account
Representative who is the primary customer contact. The New File Request process will automatically email your Account Representative each time you submit a request. Your DPI Account Representative will send Publication Confirmation Reports to you every time your tariff is updated. j. Help : HELP text is provided for each section of the New File Request page once your cursor enters the box provided for the section. The help window in the right hand pane will update its HELP contents as you move from section to section. We also offer a full help page with extensive HELP on several topics. This link is always shown at the top of the Help window on the main New File Request page.
The Review Request step identifies missing data with red highlighting .
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k. How to Cancel or Change a Tariff Filing Request: In the past, we have asked members to contact us by phone or e-mail to cancel or change tariff filing requests that have already been submitted for filing.
You can continue to do that, but we will also have two new shortcuts, viz:
Forward the e-mail message Confirming Receipt of your Filing Request to your DPI Account
Representative and request the filing be cancelled or changed.
– OR –
Follow the link in the message Confirming Receipt of your Filing Request to view your request status page on
. From here you may easily contact your DPI Account Representative about your request. An e-mail will be generated when you do this and it will be retained in our database along with the tariff filing request.
Cancel or change requests received the same day before 4:00PM can usually be accommodated before the official tariff filing is completed. Thereafter, changes must be filed according to FMC tariff regulations, which do not allow rates to be increased or removed from tariffs on less than 30 days notice.
Copy from your previous filing requests to create new requests
You may create a new file request by copying the information from any of your previous requests. This is a useful time saver when filing or amending your freight rates. This option is found on the detail page of your filing request, which is easily accessed from the link provided in your confirmation email for that request. All of your filing requests are also available to you at
under Members > New
File Request History .
The MY TARIFF section of the DPI Website is now integrated with the New File Request process. Your USER ID and PASSWORD provide full access to your FMC tariff on the DPI website. From here, you may AMEND or
COPY FROM your filed tariff rates to create new rate requests.
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a. Rate Amendments
Use the AMEND button in the SEARCH RATES tab to create a rate amendment request using the New File
Request process. The AMEND button is useful when you want to amend the selected TRI to a new rate level. You will be automatically redirected to the New File Request – Rate Amendment page:
TRI information is copied into a New File Request and assigned a Filing Request ID number.
Make any necessary amendments to the following TRI details in the request: o Your Information - add or change your contact information for this TRI. o Applicable Rules / Surcharges - add or remove surcharge applicability details. o Origin and Destination Locations - add or remove origins and destinations for this TRI. If you will be replacing all origins / destinations, please file a new TRI. This option is intended for existing rate amendments only. o Rate - Specify the amended rate amount. Please note, FMC requires 30 days notice for any increase to existing rates. o Dates - Specify the effective/expiration dates for the amended rate amount. Please note FMC 30 day notice requirement above. o Special Conditions or Comments - add/amend/remove any special conditions or comments relating to the amended rate.
Rate Amendments - Rate Increases
The New File Request process will automatically note any increases in rate amendment requests:
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New File Request will suggest effective dates which are in full compliance with FMC regulations for rate amendments which result in an increase in cost to shipper customers:
If a rate is to be filed under a different FMC Tariff in your organization or a different Commodity or Rate Basis , please file a NEW TRI using New File Request or copy from any existing TRI in your tariff.
Your amendment request will be sent directly to your DPI Account Representative for regulatory review. After submission, you will receive an email confirmation containing a link with the details and filing status of your amendment request. b. Copying From Filed Tariff Rates
Use the COPY button in the SEARCH RATES tab to create a NEW rate request using the New File Request process. The COPY button is useful when you want to create a NEW rate in your tariff which may be similar to the rate you are copying from – for example, a new rate for a new destination. You will be automatically redirected to the New File Request page. TRI information is copied into the New File Request form for your convenience.
The FMC has full access to the DPI website to review filings. If/when the FMC finds tariff filings on the DPI website that do not comply with the regulations it will order DPI to remove the filing. If an NVOCC does not maintain the required surety bond, the FMC will require DPI to remove the NVOCC’s tariff from the DPI website. Also, the FMC will update its website at
to show the NVOCC as “inactive.” All tariffs published by Distribution-Publications, Inc. are maintained at our internet website:
All FMC requirements for electronic tariff publication are met by DPI’s website. These requirements are complex and highly detailed. You are not required to maintain your tariff on your company website because DPI satisfies this requirement for you.
Each carrier whose FMC tariffs are published by DPI (our members) is provided with unlimited access to its own FMC tariffs. In addition to this, as an optional service, members can obtain FULL ACCESS to the full details of all FMC tariffs maintained by DPI – in other words, the tariffs of other carriers and NVOCCs that are published by DPI. The monthly access fee for this access is US$100 and there is a minimum enrollment period of three months. You can upgrade your account at any time to FULL ACCESS and immediately begin viewing the rates of other tariffs. Please see our website at
for details.
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All tariffs published by DPI are available in Adobe PDF file format. The Adobe Acrobat Reader™ and an optional installation program for Microsoft Windows are also provided by DPI. Each tariff is saved in a separate file; the tariff number and “issue date” of the PDF file are always included in the file name.
The Adobe PDF tariffs created by DPI provide for easy navigation within the tariffs using the Adobe Acrobat
Reader toolbar and bookmarks displayed on the left hand side of the screen. Bookmarks with a ‘triangle’ icon beside them contain more bookmarks underneath. Click on a bookmark to view the tariff page. In addition to bookmarks, the tariffs may be searched and navigated using the FIND feature (Ctrl ‘F’ and Ctrl ‘G’). Any word in the tariff can be found with this feature. A user’s guide is available under HELP, reader Online Guide.
You may easily print tariff pages from the PDF using Adobe Acrobat Reader . It is compatible with a wide variety of printers. Each PDF issue includes a complete and up-to-date tariff as of the date shown in the file name. This makes the PDF much easier to maintain and to use than a printed tariff. This reduces postage and courier costs also. Updated tariffs in Adobe PDF format are available at any time via download from our website or via e-mail.
You must install the Acrobat Reader software before you can view PDF tariffs. There is no additional charge for downloading you own tariff; simply login to
and select My Downloads.
If you would prefer to receive updated PDF tariffs via e-mail please advise your Account Representative.
Upon request, you may also view your tariff rates in Microsoft EXCEL® format. These reports display Tariff
Rate Item (TRI) data in a convenient and organized report using Microsoft EXCEL®. EXCEL reports display only commodities and rates that are in effect as of the access date of the file. Commodity items without any rates in effect as of the access date will not display in this report. Report columns contain key TRI data elements. Use the tools in EXCEL®, including search, sort and filter, to organize rate information as needed.
Each row in the report displays data on each current effective TRI in the selected tariff. As with PDF tariffs, there is no additional charge for requesting / downloading these reports.
Every account handled by DPI is assigned to an Account Representative. All communications are handled by this person. Please forward all requests for tariff filing to your Account Representative. He/she will coordinate the filings and confirmations for your company. When your Account Representative is away from the office other DPI staff will read his/her e-mails, reply, and observe normal filing procedures.
Your User ID and PASSWORD provides you with unlimited access to your FMC tariff. Tariff access is provided through a menu-driven item-by-item basis via the My Tariffs link. Rates are displayed by commodity description. Updates to your tariff will be posed by 6:00PM on the same date filed. The tariff data shown here is the “Official FMC Tariff” which is monitored by the FMC Office of Tariffs. To submit requests to
DPI to update your tariff to add or amend freight rates, please use the New File Request link. This provides an interactive menu-driven process for the submission of new or amended freight rates. Here is a sample
USER ID: 999991
PASSWORD: 2701%Dpiz (Case Sensitive)
We look forward to receiving your new file requests and helping your good company update your FMC tariff.
180 Grand Avenue, Suite 430
Oakland, California 94612
TEL: 1-510-273-8933 or 1-800-204-3622
FAX: 1-510-273-8959
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