Holy Spirit Catholic School Kevin Malcolm 3530 Sheppard Ave E

Holy Spirit Catholic School
Morgan, Padraig
Kevin Malcolm
John Del Grande
3530 Sheppard Ave E Toronto ON M1T 3K7
Administrative Rep
Morgan, Padraig
Parent Rep
De Castro, Kristin
Teacher Rep
De Silva, Barbara
Community Rep
Campana, Rosie (EA)
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Safe School Action Plan
1. Bullying Awareness, Intervention and Prevention Plan
Providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and respectful society is a key goal of the TCDSB. Providing students with an opportunity to
learn and develop in a safe and respectful environment supports academic achievement for all students, which in turn, helps them to reach their full potential.
Research and experience show that bullying is a serious issue that has far-reaching consequences for individuals, their families and peers and the entire school
community. Schools that have bullying intervention and prevention strategies foster a positive learning and teaching environment that supports academic
achievement for all students and that helps students reach their full potential. PPM 144
School Vision
To provide the opportunity for students to learn about the impact of their choices and actions(both positive and negative) on themselves, their
fellow students, their wider community and within a global perspective. Students will be encouraged to recognize the power dynamics of bullying
and aim to be ³up-standers´This starts with our interactions with each other and centres on the idea of God being inside each person; we treat
others with the same respect that we want shown to us.
Students will regularly reflect on the kinds of relationships they build and how they resolve conflict, using the framework and supports provided
by the school. Students will be assisted in developing their ability -- as appropriate to their age -- to identify and challenge bullying behaviour.
- Holy Spirit Cares pledge posters: pledge renewed each term
- Monthly Virtue Assemblies
- Remembrance Day presentation and Peace-making: students challenged to be peace-makers in school yard (Nov. 11,2015)
- Character education presentation to school: Big Kids Theatre (Nov. 20, 2015)
- Student-leader presentations on anti-bullying as part of Virtue Assemblies (TBD)
- Anti-bullying week (Feb. 22-26), featuring Pink Shirt Day (Feb. 24, 2016)
- Admin/Staff use model of "Bully, Bystander and Victim" to help students understand and analyze behaviour of concern
- Use of restorative justice circle when appropriate
- Administration
- Student-leadership team (teachers, guidance counselor, student-leaders)
- Parent council (PRO presentation)
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
- As generated by Leadership Team
- Pledge posters
- Guidance department
- Outside agencies/presenters
- Anti-bullying framework by B. Colorosso
- Restorative justice circles involve guidance and social work staff.
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Safe School Action Plan
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- Student and parental feedback
- Student engagement
- School Climate Survey to be shared with staff and CSPC
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Safe School Action Plan
School Vision
To provide the opportunity for students to learn about the impact of their choices and actions(both positive and negative) on themselves, their
fellow students, their wider community and within a global perspective. Students will be encouraged to recognize the power dynamics of bullying
and aim to be ³up-standers´This starts with our interactions with each other and centres on the idea of God being inside each person; we treat
others with the same respect that we want shown to us.
Staff and student-leaders (FAST, PALS and student-monitors) will be vigilant as to recesses and transition times, when bullying is more apt to
occur. As to social media, students will learn about safe behaviour through media studies. Parents will also receive support through a community
presentation on social media.
- Supervision duties include recess washroom access duty. An additional Student Supervisor has been added to the rotation for Primary students
- Peer supervision: lunch-time monitors, PALS, FAST, "Student Alert" provide additional support for student safety
- CYC student placements have been requested through Centennial College; this will hopefully help address the gap caused by the cutting of permanent CYW
- TPS Safety Presentations concerning social media (requested)
- Social Media Safety presentation to community with S. Chapelle: PRO Grant Presentation (Feb. 11, 2016)
- Admin oversees Monitor schedule and performance, in conjunction with classroom/supervisory staff
- FAST, PALS and "Student Alert" overseen by select EAs and teachers
- Various staff and leadership students run activities
- CPSC arranged for PRO presentation
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
- Staffing
- FAST training provided initially by Canadian Lifesaving Society and supplemented by staff
- PALS training facilitated by Toronto Public Health
- Outside agencies/presenters
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- Reduction of reported bullying incidents
- Sustained participation of leadership students in FAST, PALS and other monitoring initiatives
- Participation of parents in community event; "exit" slips.
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Safe School Action Plan
School Vision
To provide the opportunity for students to learn about the impact of their choices and actions(both positive and negative) on themselves, their
fellow students, their wider community and within a global perspective. Students will be encouraged to recognize the power dynamics of bullying
and aim to be ³up-standers´This starts with our interactions with each other and centres on the idea of God being inside each person; we treat
others with the same respect that we want shown to us.
Students will have access to safe spaces and alternate activities at recesses and after school, whenever possible, through clubs and drop-in
activities. Students who may be vulnerable will be identified to broader staff for additional attention.
- Clubs: Leadership Team, PSL and Scooterboard house leagues, PALS, Chess Club, Knitting Club, Dance Programme, Drum Club, Eco-club and Games Club.
Additional clubs include Guitar Starz and Arts Express.
- Staff identify isolated students for invitation into activies such as Games Club and other activities. FAST students walk perimeter of Primary and Junior yards at
each shift to engage students who are isolated
- Greening Committee to plan engaging spaces for students at recesses
- Youthlink FAST programme for grade 7 boys
- Full staff, student leaders
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
- Local resources
- TCDSB Restorative Justice documents
- Outside agencies
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- Participation in extra-curricular activities
- Student self-assessment of conduct
- Reduction of repeat offenses
- Student Voice surveys
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Safe School Action Plan
2. Progressive Discipline Plan
Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student
behaviour and to build upon strategies that promote positive student behaviours. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures should be applied
within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is both corrective and supportive. Schools should utilize a range of
interventions, supports and consequences that include learning opportunities focused on reinforcing positive behaviour and helping students make good choices.
PPM 145
School Vision
The staff, students and parents in the Holy Spirit CS community are committed to building and sustaining a positive school climate for all
students. The use of progressive discipline -- as a holistic response to negative behaviour patterns -- continues to be a central tenet of our
school ethos. We continue to work towards actively promoting and supporting appropriate and positive student behaviours. Discipline situations
are viewed as opportunities for growth, for students to develop self-awaren
Staff members will respond, within the progressive discipline framework, to incidents that may have a negative impact on the school climate. A
cohesive, school-wide approach to discipline will be promoted. Parents are called upon as partners to address serious or repeated matters of
student misconduct.
- Progressive discipline refresher at staff meetings ±on-line and hard-copy reporting
- IEP awareness: staff will be encouraged to be attentive to student IEPs, to reduce incidents of student frustration.
- School-wide message: "We keep our hands, feet and negative comments to ourselves".
- Promote immediate and standardized staff interventions at recesses: students are asked to stand against wall to reflect on conduct, followed up by staff
- Increased supervision at recess by staff and peer leaders (as per first section).
- General staff
- TECT rep
- Admin
- Guidance
- Support Staff/Spec. Ed teachers
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
- Progressive discipline portal
- School Board
- Admin/Staff-generated materials for student sessions
- Outside agencies
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Safe School Action Plan
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- Progressive discipline portal
- School Board
- Student feedback from facilitated sessions
- School Climate survey
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Safe School Action Plan
3. Positive School Climate
A school should be a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school
climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted. The Safe School Action Team and student leadership groups can
play key roles in supporting learning and practices that educate students and staff members about safety concerns. Those practices used for very challenging
situations that can jeopardize the safety and well being of others include, but not limited to: Threat Assessment, Restorative Conference and Mediation Circles.
School Vision
A school is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment; we strive
to meet the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel
safe, comfortable and accepted. The Safe School Action Team, the Health Action Team, CSPC, student leadership groups and parish all play
key roles in supporting intentional practices which welcome and engage student
Holy Spirit CS strives to establish a sense of identity and belonging. We continue to actively work towards founding relationships between staff,
students and parents that are based on self-awareness, mutual acceptance and inclusion, which are modelled by everyone. We promote and
celebrate positive behaviours and interactions, as well as diversity.
- Enriched programming through experiential learning and diverse activities; "Third Teacher" design in the use of space and resources
- Varied extra-curricular activity as in first part (3rd section)
- Monthly masses to which parents are invited
- Monthly Virtue Assemblies to which parents are invited
- Terry Fox Run, Carnaval and similar events
- Student-Leadership team activities (monitoring, Me to We, Leadership Retreat, Anti-bullying, Equity and so forth)
- Spirit Days and Charity initiatives
- Student-leadership awards at graduation
- Health Action initiatives: Games Club, PALS (Playground Activity Leaders), FAST (First Aid Student Teams), Skating programme, Swim to Survive, house
league and other extra-curriculars.
- Nutrition Programme and special monthly lunch days
- Inclusive funding, and messaging of, school events and trips
- CSPC: monthly meetings which include hospitality, on-going initiatives (Advent Open House, Talent Show, and so forth)
- Greening Programme
- Early Years Partnership -- new Mini-Talent Show event
- Volunteer Appreciation event
- Greening Initiatives
- AFCY -- continued djembe programming
- Board
- School: staff and Student-Leadership, including guidance staff
- Parish
- Administration
- Outside agencies
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Safe School Action Plan
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
- Board and school: multiple
- Parish
- Virtue crests
- Recess activity bags
- Parent Engagement Funds
- 7 Habits Programme
- Angel Foundation (Nutrition Programme)
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- Student, staff and parent on-going feedback
- School Climate Survey
- Leadership students' capacity to articulate OCSGE
- Parental involvement at masses, Virtue Assemblies, CSPC meetings and school-wide events in general
- Statistical participation in Nutrition Programme
- Greening Plan schedule
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Safe School Action Plan
School Vision
A school is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive
school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted. The staff, Student Leaders and CSPC
can play key roles in supporting intentional practices which welcome and engage students.
#SVP 1 Students will feel safer at recess, as expressed in the Safe and Caring Catholic School Climate Survey. In 2014-15, Only 18.5% expressed
feeling very safe at recesses outside.
See plans in previous sections; as has been communicated, our plan to address the student concern in the SMART GOAL is to improve the school yard space,
create more opportunities for activity at recesses, and increase the valuing of student voice in the school by raising the profile of student leadership in the school.
Ultimately, we anticipate seeing a more favorable percentage in the spring Student Voice survey.
see previous sections
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
see previous sections
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- feedback from student leaders
- Student Voice survey in spring 2016
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Safe School Action Plan
4. Emergency Response Plan
The Toronto Catholic District School Board has a primary responsibility to ensure the safety of students and staff inside Board buildings and on Board property.
Central policies and procedures, developed in collaboration with the Toronto Police Service, provide direct support to school administrators in the management of
crisis situations, including a lockdown response. It is the responsibility of each school to develop local procedures specific to that school, including a process by
which all regular staff members, itinerant and specialist teachers and support staff, facility workers and visitors are informed of local considerations in the event of
a threat to school safety. MOE Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol
School Vision
All students, staff members and visitors will become knowledgeable about emergency procedures for threats to the safety and well-being of all
persons at school, and will be able to appropriately respond according to the guidelines established by TCDSB.
To plan, practice and evaluate a minimum of 2 Lockdown Drills in this school year; one drill per term.
- Fire drills in September and December for first semester. Second semester TBD
- Signs for designated grade lines are attached to fence at gathering location, for use in fire drills
- Anaphylaxis, asthma and medical emergency protocol are reviewed at staff meetings -- photos of students at risk are posted in staff room. Additional epi-pens
have been procured for office and use on trips.
- EAs have been trained for dealing with diabetic student (CCAC)
- FAST students: training scheduled for October 2015
- Excursion handbook has been reviewed at Sept 3rd staff meetings: emergency planning
- Increased security measures have been introduced with FDK additions, as well, school perimeter is locked at recess times
- Administration
- Divisonal Leaders and general staff
The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:
- Board
- Anaphylaxis Canada
- Labour Board of Canada
- City of Toronto Fire Services
- Lifesaving Society of Canada
Measurement of Progress
The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:
- Ongoing staff feedback
- CSPC consultation
- Fire drills are timed; assessment sheets completed
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