Finding Aid - University of Hawaii at Manoa Library

Prepared by Patricia Polansky, Russian Bibliographer, Hamilton Library UH
Scope and Content
Information for users
Biographical note
Box and folder list
Box 1 Biodata, Correspondence, Interviews, Memoirs, Conferences, Articles &
parts of books, Misc.
Box 2 Archival documents, Newsletters & Journals, Dissertations
Box 3 Books
Box 4 Other materials
Separate items / not in boxes—5 encapsulated musical posters
The Bruce Friend Adams collection consists of research materials gathered for his study
of Russian émigrés from China who repatriated to the Soviet Union after World War II.
There are documents from four Russian archives. The collection includes taped
interviews, many of which are translated and transcribed into English.
Adams, Bruce Friend, 1946-2008
University of Louisville, Kentucky, Dept. of History
Russians—China—History—20th Century
Repatriation—Soviet Union
Cite as:
Bruce Friend Adams papers, # , University of Hawaii
Use of the archives is restricted to scholars who are doing research.
[see C.V. for more information ]
Born to John F. and Constance L. (Friend) Adams in Port of Spain, Trinidad, Aug.
10,1946; died Louisville, Kentucky, Nov. 30, 2008
He is survived by his wife Mary-Ellen Swain (married June 17, 1967) and three
children—Greggory, Kristin, and Margaret.
From 1967 to 1971 Adams served in the Army, where he was a White House translator
and manned the USA/USSR “hotline” from 1969-71. ; in 1976 he worked for the CIA.
Professor of Russian History at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. He began as an
instructor in the department in 1980. His undergraduate, masters (1973), and doctoral
(1975) work were all done at the University of Maryland. Adams was awarded many
fellowships and grants, among which were an IREX (1978-79) and Fulbright (1978-79).
He traveled to Russia in 1996 (or 97—not clear), 1999, and 2004 to do interviews the
Russians who repatriated from China.
Specializing in the history of Russia, he taught a variety of courses in that area, including
a two-semester survey of Russian history, Russian Cultural History, a graduate seminar
on the Russian revolutions, and graduate reading classes on selected topics. He also
participated heavily in teaching the general education course History of Civilizations.
He liked to create crossword puzzles, many of which were published in the New York
Times. He was the founder of the Louisville-Perm (Russia) Sister City Committee.
[see C.V. in box 1 for full list]
Tiny Revolutions in Russia: Twentieth-Century Soviet and Russian History in Anecdotes
(London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005)
The Politics of Punishment: Prison Reform in Russia, 1863-1917 (DeKalb: Northern
Illinois Univ. Press, 1996)
V.V. Shulgin, Days of the Russian Revolutions: Memoirs from the Right, 1905-1917
(Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press,1990. Translated, edited and
with an introduction by B.F. Adams)
Vitaly Rapoport and Yuri Alexeev (pseudonym), High Treason: Essays on the History
of the Red Army, 1917-1938 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press,1985.
Translated and edited by B.F. Adams)
Editor, Supplement to Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet, and Eurasian History,
v.4 (2003), v. 5(2004), v. 6 (in press)
Box 1
Biodata, Correspondence, Interviews
Bruce Adams: Curriculum vitae, Adams’ webpage, list of book reviews
2 conference papers:
B. Adams, “Re-emigration of Russians from China (1921-1960),”
v. 1, p. 124-127; inserted is a Russian translation: Vozvrashchenie
russkikh emigrantov iz Kitaia, 1921-1960 [no name, but could be
done by Natasha Ablazhei] IN:
Istoriia i kul’tura Vostoka Azii: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi
konferentsii, Novosibirsk, 9-11 dekabria 2002 g. (Novosibirsk: Institut
arkheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2002. 2 v.
B. Adams, “Re-emigration from Western China to the USSR, 19541962,” presented at 2004 Kennan Institute conference, 27 p.
Mary Adams (wife): P. Polansky correspondence with M. Adams
Bruce Adams: P. Polansky correspondence with Adams
Katalog knig…v Kitae 1900-1949 in: [Russkie emigranty v Kitae] (Beijing: 1997)
Lists of Russian newspapers and journals printed in China
N. Ablazhei
V. Boyko
S. Breuillard
Z. Bryner
Pär Cassel
G. Grossman
R. Krasno
Lorenz Luthi
E. McGuire
G.V. Melikhov
N. Moravsky
P. Polansky
N. Razhigaeva
Wang Zhicheng
D. Wolff
Questionnaire: Russian, English
Interviews: Summary list
Sidorkin / Popov / Vinogradov
Radakova / Khorshavina
Replies to Questionnaire
Borodin (Vladimir)
Borodin (IUrii)
Interviews: floppy disc
Files are Summary list and transcribed interviews (same as above),
Kennan bibliography, Questionnaire, Kennan 2004 paper
V. V. Cheusov
A. Dzgoev
N. Il’ina
N. S. Kuznetsov
O. Lundstrem
V. Pestov
Popov & Sidorkin
E. Rachinskaia
A. I. Solovei
N. V. Ustrialov [dnevnik]
B. Zaitsev
KVzhd i ee vliianie na razvitie politicheskikh, sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh i
kul’turnykh protsessov v Severo-vostochnoi Azii: tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii
[mezh. Nauchnoi konf., posviashchennoi 100-letiiu KVZhD] (Vladivostok:
1997. 138 p.) Xerox copy
[Full bibliographic info is not given in this section, as it is often absent]
N. Ablazhei: [Russkie v Shankhae] from where not noted
Various files on floppy disc…one of which is Ablazhei’s Dukhovnaia
zhizn’ v Shankhae
Materials from N. Ablazhei – collection of xeroxes from newspapers,
S. V. Ashmarin: “TSelinnyi krai – Takyr shoksai”
E.E. Aurilene: Russkie v Man’chzhu-digo: emigrantskaia politikha okkupatsionnykh
vlastei (1932-1945 gg.)
Nikolai Baikov: KVZhD (K 100-letiiu rossiiskoi dal’nevostochnoi emigratsii)
Peter Balakshin: Final v Kitae
Benson Bobrick: East of the sun
Benson & Svanberg, Olcott: China’s Kazakhs [2 separate articles]
Choibalsan massacre – Mongolia
L. Chuguevskii – collection of materials from him [L. I. Chuguevskii, “V ‘polose
otchuzhdeniia’,” Moskovskii zhurnal, 1998, no. 2, p. 15-22, illus.; Chuguevskii’s
list of stations of KVzhd, population statistics, unpublished articles by
Davies & Wheatcroft: Kazakh catastrophe
Diaries [Soviet] of the 1930s
M. Dickens: The Soviets in Xinjiang, 1911-1949
Dubinina: Far Eastern emigration
[Dubinina & Tspkin: Ob osobennostiakh dal’nevostochnoi vetvi rossiiskii emigratsii]
Edinenie (Australia)
B. Elleman: review of his book; his article on KVzhd
R. Garthoff: Sino-Soviet military relations
Chia Yin HSU: A tale of two railroads
A.S. Ipatova: R. emig. In Shankhai 1920s-30s
[A.S. Ipatova: Rossiiskaia emigratsiia v Shankhae. . .]
F.C. Jones: Manchuria since 1931
Kamekii: Belye v Kitae (Sibirskie ogni, 1923, no. 1-2)
A. J. Kantorovich: The sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway
G. Khotkovskii: From Harbin to Tiumen’ – see 5 x 8 notecards [Box 4]
[Georgii Khotkovskii: Dolgii put’ ot Kharbina do Tiumeni –4 part article from
Tiumenskie izvestiia 2002]
Oleg & Nadezhda Kirsanova: letters
Lev Kopelev: Ease my sorrows
[KVzhd] from Olga Bakich: population statistics, names of repatriats, etc.
L.P. Markizov: Do i posle 1945
Millnard, etc.: Xinjiang Muslims
S. Paine: Imperial rivals
A. Popov: Zolotoi vek russkoi emigratsii v gorode Kharbine (1920-1931 gg.)
Population statistics: repatriates (Ekaterinburg), Harbin
R. Quested: Russo-Chinese bank
R. Quested: Sino-Russian relations
G.T. Rittersporn: Extra-judicial repression and the courts: [1937]
Rodzaevskii trial; Ataman Semenov
Russians in Tian’tszin WWII
[B. Karaev: Russkie v Tian’tszine (p. 6) and E. Odintsova: Poezd v neizvestnost’
(p. 5) from Russkie v Kitae (Ekaterinburg)]
A.I. Solzhenitsyn: The Gulag archipelago (v. I-II, p. 72, 263-264)
N. A. Speshnev: Russ. Emig. In Pekin 1920s-40s
[N.A. Speshnev: Zhizn’ russkoi emigratsii v Pekine (20-40-e gg. XX v.)]
A. Suturin: Kharbintsy [sent by John Stephan]
Trekhrech’e 1932-1955
[A.Kaigarodov, V. Perminov: Zemlia za Argun’iu]
D. Wolff: Sino-Soviet alliance and split, 1948-1959
D. Wolff: To the Harbin Station and …Crossing borders
G. Zaitsev: Shankhai [from Rodina]
V.N. Zemskov: Repat. 1944-51
[V.N. Zemskov: K voprosu o repatriatsii sovetskikh grazhdan 1944-1951 godakh]
Maps: Russia [Nat’l Geographic map 1993]
Xeroxes – Kharbin & KVzhd, railroads in Manchuria, Trekhrech’e (2),
Vodnye puti soobshcheniia Man’chzhurii, Plan goroda Kharbina
Bibliography: items to pursue, new books
Music – Perm’: 4 articles from local newspapers (in Russian) about Igor
Anufriev and Valerii Gruner, IUliia Alikina, Anatolii
Zhokhov – all connected with Detskaia shkola
Miscellaneous: 4 oddments
Box 2
Archives, Newsletters /Journals, Dissertations
Operativnyi prikaz 20 sent. 1937 [Ezhov] reprint of document
Irena Vladimirsky: archives for resettlement of the Kazakh population [email]
Khotelos’ by vsekh poimenno nazvat’ … (Komsomol’sk-na-Amure: 1997. 2 v.)
Copies of certain documents; B.Adams’ notes
Mikhail Starkov: Stranitsy istorii [text submitted to Delovoi kvartal’
(Ekaterinburg) May 2002, no. 17 (34), p. 24-30. Discusses several
repatriates—Aleksei Popov, Mikhail Borodin (“Borodinskii khleb”), IUrii
Borodin, Vladimir Borodin
Akmolinsk Repatriates: from Michaela Pohl [collection of xeroxes]
TSelinniki iz Kharbina, newspaper articles from Esil’ (Akmola), 2
documents from Akmolinsk obkom Kom. Partii Kazakhstana with
statistics and names
TsGAOR (GARF) – f. 9526
Repatriation – mainly from Western Europe after WWII
GAKhK [Gos. arkhiv Khabarovskogo kraia]
Handwritten notes from BREM; Doklad on population in Manchuria
Permskii oblastnoi Gos. arkhiv po delam politicheskikh repressii
Notecards plus copies of documents
Ekaterinburg Archive
B. Adams’ notes, cards, some copies of documents
RGAE [Rossiiskii Gos. arkhiv Ekaterinburga] – f. 7803, op. 7, d. 372
[roughly 150 pages of documents]
RGAE [Rossiiskii Gos. arkhiv Ekaterinburga] – f. 7803, op. 7, d. 335, 338, 343,
345, 365, 369, 392 [roughly 60 pages of documents]
Archival leads
[notes by B.Adams’ on further places to check]
The following folders are information about:
Vladivostok archive
Hoover Institution
Shkurkin Far East archive
Na sopakh Man’chzhurii [some articles, some correspondence with Oleg
Na sopakh Man’chzhurii: 2002—nos. 98, 99, 100
Emigratsiia (Moscow) [note about]
Kharbin (Novosibirsk): notes from various issues, xerox of articles about Viktor
Lavrov and P. Fialkovskii
Society for the study of Sino-Russian relations –Hawaii newsletter, no. 1-9
Vestnik Man’chzhurii [xeroxes from various issues]
Russkaia Atlantida [emails about]
=Russians in China (Ekaterinburg)
1999 apr. no. 16
avg. no. 17
sent. no. 17 [mistake by printer]
noiab. no. 18
dek. no. 19
no. 29
2002 fev. no. 30
mai no. 31
iiun’ no. 32
sent. no. 33
noiab. no. 34
apr. no. 20
no. 21
no. 22
no. 23
no. 24
2003 fev. no. 35
apr. no. 36
iiul’ no. 37
noiab. no. 38
2001 fev. no. 25
apr. no. 26
iiun’ no. 27
sent. no. 28
no. 39
(1898-1995) = Russian in China (Ekaterinburg)
1995 no. 2 [in newspaper format]
Rossiiane v Azii (Toronto), no. 1-7 (1994-2000)
Natal’ia Nikolaevna Ablazhei: Emigratsiia iz vostochnykh raionov Rossii v
1920-1930-e gg. Novosibirsk gos. universitet, 1997. 279 leaves, illus.
Kand. istor. Nauk
There is a xerox of the thesis, a floppy disc copy, and an Avtoreferat
Chia Yin Hsu: The Chinese Eastern Railroad and the making of Russian
Imperial Orders in the Far East. PhD, New York University, 2006
[only certain parts are copied]
Lorenz Lüthi: The Sino-Soviet split, 1956-1966. PhD, Yale University, 2003.
10 chapters, 622 p. on a CD
Michaela Pohl, The virgin lands between memory and forgetting: people and
transformation in the Soviet Union, 1954-1960. PhD, Indiana University,
1999. xiii, 469 leaves
Box 3
China, KVzhd, repatriation, emigration
Ablazhei, N.N. Sibirskoe oblastnichestvo v emigratsii (Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Inst-a
arkheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2003. 302 p. illus.
Inscribed by author to Bruce.
Abrosimov, I. Pod chuzhim nebom (Moskva: Molodaia gvardiia, 1990. 349 p., illus.)
Arzamaskin, IU. Zalozhniki vtoroi mirovoi voiny. Repatriatsiia sovetskikh grazhdan v
1944-1953 gg. (Mosvka: [otpechatano v Rostove-na-Donu], 2001. 144 p.
Illustrated cover; paper brittle.
Dal’nii Vostok Rossii—Severo-Vostok Kitaia: istoricheskii opyt vzaimodeistviia i
perspektivy sotrudnichestva; materialy mezhd. … konf. … posviashch. 60letiiu Khabarovskogo kraia, 100-letiiu so dnia nachala stroitel’stva KitaiskoVostochnoi zheleznoi dorogi i goroda Kharbina (Khabarovsk: Izd-skii dom
Chastnaia kollektsiia, 1998. 316 p.)
Accompanied by:
Dal’nii Vostok Rossii—Severo-Vostok Kitaia: istoricheskii opyt vzaimodeistviia i
perspektivy sotrudnichestva: plenarnye doklady i otchet konferentsii
(Khabarovsk, 1-3 iiunia 1998 g.) (Khabarovsk: RIO DVGNB, 1998. 73 p.
Tirazh 100)
Dzemeshkevich, Liudmila. Kharbinskie byli (Omsk: Izd-vo OmGPU, 1999. 284 p.,
Efanova, Vera. Domoi s chernogo khoda (Moskva: Izd-vo N. Bochkarevoi, 1999.
319 p., illus.) Highlights by Adams in book.
Il’ves, Mikhail. Famil’nye dragotsennosti: kniga o genealogicheskom dreve i o tom kak
ego sostavliat’ (Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Sibirskaia kniga, 1993. 222 p., illus.)
Kharbin: vetka russkogo dereva; proza, stikhi. Sostaviteli Sel’kina D.G., Taskina E.P.
(Novosibirsk: Novosibirskoe kn. izd-vo, 1991. [32], 397 p., illus.
Kharbintsy v Moskve: biograficheskie ocherki v 2-kh vypuskakh (Moskva: RAN Inst.
Rossiiskoi istorii i Assotsiatsiia “Kharbin” (Moskva), 1997. 2 vyp.
Vyp. 1: A-K [72 p.] Vyp. 2: L-IA [68 p.]
Khisamutdinov, A.A. Sleduiushchaia ostranovka Kitai (Vladivostok: Izd-vo VGUES,
2003. 243 p.)
Kolledzh Sv. Ursuly 1929-1949 v gorode Kharbine = St. Ursula Russian Catholic
Mission College 1929-1949 Harbin China. [Red. N. Butvillo i L. Kositsyna]
([Australia: self-publishing], 1998. 252 p., illus.
Kuznetsova, T.V. Deiateli russkogo knizhnogo dela v Kitae v 1917-1949 gg.: biograficheskii slovar’ (Khabarovsk: DVGNB, 1998. 68 p. Tirazh 100)
Levitskii, V.V. Pristan’ na Sungari (Inostraniia): mosty i smysly, iskaniia i somneniia.
Khudozh. Galaktionov P.I. (Khar’kov: 1998). 2 vyp.
[vyp.] I: istoriko-filologicheskii sbornik (arkhivnye materially i zametki. 172 p.,
Pristan’ na Sungari (Snovideniia): schast’e, dom, liubov, sud’ba, Vera.
[vyp.] II: istoriko-filologicheskii sbornik. 215 p., illus.
Litsei Sv. Nikolaia 1929-1949 v g. Kharbine = Russian Catholic St. Nikolas Lyceum.
1929-1949. Harbin China. Redkollegiia: N. Butvillo (red.), A. Butvillo, D.
Mutsenko. (Australia: self-publishing, [1998] 280 p., illus.)
Melikhov, G.V. Man’chzhuriia dalekaia i blizkaia (Moskva: Nauka, GRVL, 1991.
319 p., illus.)
Moravskii, N.V. Ostrov Tubabao 1949-1951: poslednee pristanishche rossiiskoi
dal’nevostochnoi emigratsii (Moskva: Russkii Put’, 2000.
Okorokov, A.V. Molodezhnye organizatsii russkoi emigratsii (1920-1945 gg.) (Moskva:
Ross. istorich. Voenno-politicheskaia biblioteka, 2000. 111, [8] p., illus.)
Planeta Kharbin: KVZhD, g. Kharbin, 1898-1945 gg. (Khabarovsk: Izd-skii dom
Chastnaia kollektsiia, 1998. 54 p., illus.)
Pronin, A.A. Istoriografiia rossiiskoi emigratsii (Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. Un-ta, 2000.
183 p.)
Rossiia i Kitai na dal’nevostochnykh rubezhakh. [Vyp.] 2. (Blagoveshchensk: Izd-vo
AmGU, 2001. 635 p.
This issue is papers from a conference.
Rossiiane v Azii, v.1, v. 3-7 (1994-2000) Toronto. [v.1 xerox copy]
Russkii Kharbin i Perm’: materially nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii 15 maia 1998
goda. Sostavitel’ T.I. Bystrykh. (Perm’: 1998. 48 p.) On back cover: Izdanie
Belogoroskogo Sviato-Nikolaevskogo Pravoslavno-missionerskogo muzhskogo
monastyria. At head of title: Permskaia oblast. universal’naia biblioteka im. A.
M. Gor’kogo. Gos. arkhiv po delam politicheskikh repressii Permskoi oblasti.
Russkie kharbintsy v Avstralii: iubileinyi vyp. k 100-letiu osnovaniia goroda Kharbina,
1898-1998: KVZhD, no. 1. (Sidnei, Av.: 1999. 93 p., illus.)
Shkarenkov, L.K. Agoniia beloi emigratsii. Izd. 3-e. (Moskva: Mysl’, 1987. 236 p.)
Sotsial’no-demograficheskoe razvitie Sibiri v XX stoletii: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.
Vyp. 1. (Novosibirsk: Inst. Istorii SO RAN, 2003. 323 p. Tirazh 100)
**Ablazhei, N.N., B. Adams, “Repatrianty iz Kitaia v SSSR: problemy integratsii
v sovetskoe obshchestvo (1934-1960-e gg.)
100-letie goroda Kharbina i KVZhD: materially konferentsii. Novosibirsk: RAN SO
Inst. istorii i Assotsiatsiia “Kharbin” (g. Novosibirsk), 1998. 79 p. Tirazh 150)
Tykotskii, G.B. Pravoslavnye khramy Kharbina (Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo “SV-96”, 1999.
126 p., illus.) This is a miniature book 10 cm.
Vestnik DVGNB (Khabarovsk, 1998--
) 1998, no. 1, 1999, no. 1 (2)
Volkova, Kseniia. Sud’by (Arkhangel’sk: Izd-skii dom “ELPA”, 2000. 302 p., illus.)
Voskresenskii, A.D. Rossiia I Kitai: teoriia i istoriia mezhgosudarstvennykh otnoshenii
(Moskva: Moskovskii obshch. nauchnyi fond; OOO Izd-skii tsentr nauchnykh
i uchebnykh programm, 1999. 405 p.)
Patrikeeff, Felix. Russian politics in exile: the Northeast Asian balance of power, 19241931 (Houndmills [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan in association
with St. Antony’s College, Oxford, 2002. xiv, 230 p., maps)
Stephan, John J. The Russian Far East: a history (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1994.
xxiii, 481 p., illus., maps)
Ablazhei, Natal’ia Nikolaevna. Emigratsiia iz vostochnykh raionov Rossii v 19201930-e gg. Avtoreferat…kand. istoricheskikh nauk, Novosibirskii gos. univ.
1997. 23 p. Tirazh 100
Hsu, Chia Yin, The Chinese Eastern Railroad and the making of Russian Imperial orders
in the Far East. New York Univ., PhD, 2006 [this xerox is only certain pages:
viii, 53-164, 194, 200-2001, 220, 225, 281-285, 401-416 [xerox]
Lüthi, Lorenz, The Sino-Soviet split, 1956-1966. Yale Univ., PhD, 2003. 622 p.
[on CD]
Pohl, Michaela. The virgin lands between memory and forgetting: people and
transformation in the Soviet Union, 1954-1960. Indiana Univ., PhD, 1999.
469 p. [xerox]
UH and/or the NE Asia Collection has these materials
Will give to scholars who ask—exceptions will be to keep Ablova and Melikhov
due to extensive notes by Adams in the margins
Ablova, N.E. Istoriia KVZhD i rossiiskoi emigratsii v Kitae (pervaia polovina XX v.)
(Minsk: BGU, 1999. 316 p.)
Lacks title page. Handwritten notes on 6 separate note pages, plus annotations in
red throughout text
Kochubei, O.I., Pecheritsa, V.F. Iskhod I vozvrashchenie…(russkaia emigratsiia v Kitae
v 20-40-e gody) (Vladivostok: Izd-vo DV un-ta, 1998. 225 p. –according to the
colophon should be 250 p.)
Melikhov, G.V. Rossiiskaia emigratsiia v Kitae (1917-1924 gg.) (Moskva: Inst.
Rossiiskoi istorii RAN, 1997. 245 p.
Notes in margins through about half of text
Rossiiskaia emigratsiia v man’chzhurii: voenno-politicheskaia deiatel’nost’ (1920-1945):
sbornik dokumentov. Sost. E.N. chernolutskaia. (IUzhno-Sakhalinsk 1994.
151 p.)
Sokolsky, George E. The story of the Chinese Eastern Railway (Shanghai: North-China
Daily News & Herald Ltd., 1929. 68 p.)
Taskina, Elena. Neizvestnyi Kharbin (Moskva: Prometei, 1994. 159 p., with
unnumbered pages of illustrations at end; colophon says 192 p.)
Taskina, E.P. Russkii Kharbin. (Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo un-ta “CheRo”, 1998.
270 p., illus.)
K stoletiiu goroda Kharbina, 1898-1998. Sostavitel’ G.B. Tykotskii. ([Ekaterinburg?]:
Opechatano v tip. URALTRANS, 1998 [?]) 15 cards
Inside the cover that surrounds the postcards are two poems by Arsenii Nesmelov
and a map of Harbin. On the front side of the cover is a photo (which actually
makes 16) and a list of the views on the postcards; photos are in sepia tone.
Mikhailiuk, Vladimir. Permskii leksikon (Perm’: Permskoe kn. izd-vo, 2001. 258 p.,
illus., some col.)
Morozova, M.G. Traditsionnyi kostium narodov Prikam’ia (Moskva: VRIB
Soiuzreklamkul’tura, 1990. 16 p., illus.—some col.)
Osorgin, Mikhail. Memuarnaia proza. [Sost., vstup. st. i primech. O. G. Lasunskogo]
(Perm’: Permskoe kn. izd-vo, 1992. 287 p. Literaturnye pamiatniki Prikam’ia.)
Verkholantsev, V.S. Gorod Perm’, ego proshloe i nastoiashchee; kratkii istorikostatisticheskii ocherk. 3-e izd. (Perm’: Elektrotip. Gubernskogo zemstva, 1913;
izd-vo Pushka, 2002. 261 p., port., illus.)
Zyrianov, I.V. Zametki o fol’klore Prikam’ia (Perm’: Permskaia kn., 1993. 49 p.,
port.) This is a small size book.
Two booklets from the Permskii oblastnoi kraevedcheskii muzei:
“Khokhlovka” : arkhitekturno-etnograficheskii muzei: putevoditel’ (Perm’:
Zvezda, 1993. no paging [26 p.], illus.)
“Khokhlovka” : arkhitekturno-etnograficheskii muzei: khleb da sol’ i obed poshel
(Perm’: Zvezda, 1993. no paging [36 p.], illus.) Recipes
Samovar kipit: ukhodit’ ne velit (Perm’: 1993) small fold out from the Perm’
oblastnoi kraevedcheskii muzei
Iskusstvo Prikam’ia: Persmkii zverinyi stil’ [collection of 7 bookmarks]
(Perm’: Zvezda, 1993)
Gerby dvorianskikh rodov Permskoi gubernii: kalendari na 1992-1997 gg.
[6 heraldic emblems] (Perm’: Zvezda, 1993)
Arkhitekturno-etnograficheskii muzei: Khokhlovka [collection of 8 wooden
structures which are on folded page –4 pages of text in each] (Perm’:
Izd-vo Poligrafist, n.d.] illus.
Postcard sets:
Arkhitekturno-etnograficheskii muzei Khokhlovka [cover says 10 cards, but
only 9 remain (1990)
Perm’ [18 cards] (1998)
Other topics
Fainburg, Z.I. Ne sotvori sebe kumira…sotsializm i “kul’t lichnosti” (ocherki teorii)
(Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1991. 317 p.)
Minenko, N.A. Po staromu Moskovskomu traktu (Novosibirks: Novosib. kn. izd-vo,
1990. 181 p., illus.)
Opolovnikov, A.V. Kizhi (Moskva: Izd-vo lit-ry po stroitel’stvu, 1970. 177 p., illus.,
mostly col.)
Vakhtin, Nikolai. Korennoe naselenie Krainego Severa Rossiiskoi Federatsii (SanktPeterburg-Parizh: Izd-vo Evropeiskogo Doma, 1993. 95 p., map; photo on cover)
9 xeroxed photos:
Klemm, Kolchak, Khorvat, Ustrugov (1919 g.)
Leonid Aleksandrovich Ustrugov (1877-1937), rektor Kharbinskogo
politekhnicheskogo institute
S. IU. Vitte
Mitropolit Mefodii Kharbinskii
N. N. Bocharov
S. V. Ignatsius
A. I . IUgovich
Church [probably Harbin] with a line of izvozhshiki
Dom Miloserdiia, Kharbin
5” x 3” index cards (about 1”): bibliography of books / articles
8” x 5” index cards (about 6”): notes taken from books, articles,
archives [Cases from Perm archive of political repression];
articles clipped from newsletters to cards
6 tapes: interviews
1. Olga Frolova
Marina Chaikina both Novosibirsk 17-18 July 1999
2. Tumashev [in English]
Cherepanov [in Russian]
Anatolii Petrenko
N. V. Shlei
both Novosibirsk
Tykotskii [English]
Ekaterinburg 14 July 1999
V. V. Borodin
2d Berezniki tape: second side blank
[there was no tape 1]
The Moscow Kremlin: walls and towers [18 cards] (1978)
Moscow [13 cards] (1990)
Oruzheinaia palata = The Armory Chamber [18 cards] (1989)
Pavlovsk: palace and park = Pavlovsk: dvorets i park [16 cards] (1978)
Isaakievskii sobor: muzei-pamiatnik [15 cards] (1978) black & white
Ermitazh [15 cards] (1977) black & white
Petersburg [12 cards] (1998)
Novosibirsk [24 cards] (2003)
Samara [12 cards] (2003)
Russkie tipy: akvareli B.M. Kustodieva [15 cards] (1970)
Inscription on cover around cards:
“Dear Bruce, With respect and gratitude in memory of our meeting in
Louisville in April of 1994. Great thanks that I was able to
attend your lecture. Ol’ga [?] Kuznetsova. Perm’, June 1994.
[transl. by P. Polansky]
5 encapsulated music posters from Perm….most dealing with Tchaikovsky
Bruce F. Adams
Book Reviews
[filed in Box 1]
Catriona Kelly, 'Children's World: Growing Up in Russia, 1890-1991' , Russian review,
Oct2008, v. 67, no. 4, p709
Jonathan W. Daly, ‘The watchful state: security police and opposition in Russia, 1906-1917’, Journal of modern
history, Dec2006, v. 78, no. 4, p.1007-1008
Stephen Lovell et al., eds. ‘Bribery and ‘blat’ in Russia: negotiating reciprocity from the
Middle Ages to the 1990s’, Canadian-American Slavic Studies = Revue
Canadienne-Americaine d'etudes slaves, Spr-Sum2004, v. 38, no. 1-2, p159
Iain Lauchlan, ‘Russian hide-and-seek: the Tsarist secret police in St. Petersburg, 19061914’, Russian Review, Jan2004, v. 63, no.1, p168
Abby M. Schrader, ‘Languages of the lash: corporal punishment and identity in Imperial
Russia’, Punishment & Society, Jan2004, v. 6, no.1, p122-124
G.M. Ivanova, edited by Donald J. Raleigh, ‘Labor camp socialism: the Gulag in the
Soviet system’, American historical review, Jun2001, v. 106, no. 3, p. 1099-1100
Yanni Kotsonis, ‘Making peasants backward’, H-Net Reviews in the Humanities &
Social Sciences, Oct2000
Charles A. Ruud, ‘Fontanka 16’, Slavic review, Fall2000, v. 59, no. 3, p670
Jonathan W. Daly, ‘Autocracy under siege: security police and opposition in Russia,
1866-1905’, Russian review, Oct1999, v. 58, no. 4, p701
G. V. Ioffe and T. Nefedova, ‘Continuity and change in rural Russia’, Slavonica, 1999,
v. 5, no. 2, p75
Melissa K. Stockdale, ‘Paul Miliukov and the quest for a liberal Russia, 1880-1918’, HNet Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences, Jun98
Peter H. Solomon Jr., ‘Reforming justice in Russia, 1864-1996: power, culture and the
limits of legal order’, Slavic review, Fall1998, v. 57, no. 3, p. 660
‘Aleksandr Nikolaevich Englehardt’s letters from the country, 1872-1887’, transl. and ed.
by Cathy A. Frierson, Slavic review, Spr1995, v. 54, no. 1, p.180
T.S. Mamsik, ‘Krest’ianskoe dvizhenie v Sibiri vtoraia chetvert’ XIX veka’, American
historical review, Feb1991, v. 96, no.1, p211
David Wolff, ‘To the Harbin Station’ (Stanford 1999) 4 p
SCHOOLS.Preview Adams, Bruce F.; History Teacher 1989 22(4): 387-396 10p. Historical Period:
Russian History = Histoire Russe 1989 16(2-4): 449-454 6p.
RUSSIA TO 1863. By: Adams, Bruce F.; Maryland Historian 1986 17(1): 57-74 18p. .
By: Adams, Bruce F.; Canadian-American Slavic Studies 1985 19(1): 28-43 16p.
Compiled by P. Polansky, Feb. 2009
Reviewed by Mary Edgeland Adams March 2009