Novosibisk State University (Russia) is seeking EU partners for the

Tempus IV Second Call for Proposals: Search for Partners
Novosibirsk State University (Russia) is seeking EU partners for the application for Joint
Projects in the Tempus IV Second Call for Proposals.
Country: Russian Federation
Organization: Novosibirsk State University
Department: Natural Sciences
Tentative proposal name: Development of Masters-level Teaching/Research Educational
Programs in Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology in the Framework of Post-Soviet
Educational System.
Novosibirsk State University is one of the highest-ranking research universities in Russia and the
leading center for higher education in Asian Russia, closely associated with the Siberian
Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Department of Natural Sciences trains BS and MS
students majoring in chemistry, biology, and medicine. More information about the University
can be found at
We are looking for prospective EU partners that offer MS-level educational programs in medical
or industrial biotechnology, biomaterials, bioengineering, or bioinformatics. The main goal of
the collaborative effort is development of a generic MS program in biotechnology and
nanobiotechnology based on the existing schemes of biological and chemical university
education in post-Soviet Russia, and adaptation of this generic program to the conditions of
Russian universities with different educational standards. The involvement of the EU partner
universities is thought to consist in providing consulting for curricula development, training
educators from the Russian partner universities, and hosting short-term training or research visits
for students from the Russian partner universities. Additional initiatives and suggestions are
Contact person:
Dmitry O. Zharkov, Ph.D.
Department of Natural Sciences
Novosibirsk State University
Novosibirsk, Russia