patra sk boc bod meeting

Management Excellence Towards The SUPEX Company
APRIL | 2014
2013 Company Performance Review and 2014 Business Plan
The first meeting of Board of Directors (BOD) & Board of Commissioners (BOC) of PATRA SK in 2014 was conducted
on Wednesday 19 March 2014 in Novotel Hotel, Bogor.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Suhaimi as the President Commissioner from Pertamina and Mr. Seeyoung Lee who
came as the proxy of Mr. Yongmin Park, Commissioner from SKL because unfortunately Mr. Yongmin Park was unable
to attend the meeting. Mr. Nyoman Sukadana, our Commissioner from Pertamina also could not join due to urgent situation in RU II Dumai therefore in this meeting he was represented by Mr. Suhaimi.
In the meeting, the BOC reviewed the annual report of the Company Annual Performance during 2013 and the Company Business Plan in 2014 before it is submitted to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder (AGMOS) for approval of
the Shareholders. This AGMOS is conducted once in a year, as a form of accountability of BOC and BOD to the Shareholders.
After the three member of Board Directors of PATRA SK, Mr. Dadik Pribadi, Mr. Hoontae Sohn and Mr. Jaekwang Kim,
presented the Company Operation & Financial Performance and also the Company KPI, the Board of Commissioners
gave their approval and deep appreciation to BOD for the Company good achievement despite decreased demand in
the market of LBO Group III due to the Europe Crisis. The BOC also showed their full support for the LBO Revamp Project.
Operation Team PATRA SK Dumai
“EMERGENCY DRILLS COMPETITION” is an event by Operation Team to improve capability and awareness among all manpower to face emergency situation, we call that event
Emergency Drills are the best and one of the ways to simulate and prepare for an unlikely but potentially devastating circumstance. Emergency drills are not limited to fires, but also in worse situation may cause plant shut down or maybe other natural disaster. The main purpose of Emergency Drills is to give more confidence and experience if such event really
happens in LBO Plant..
Emergency Drills are so effective and have some benefits such as :
Discover new issues by walking through a live scenario. Sometimes it is difficult to anticipate issues on the ground
when planning on paper.
Test knowledge taught in the classroom in a live case-study scenario
Challenge yourself with surprise elements and preparing them to react in a real emergency.
Identify leaders. Realistic drills may be a good opportunity to identify individuals who “shine” in a crisis. Who can
think on their feet? Who can respond? Identifying unexpected leaders and bringing them into the emergency planning
process can be a real asset.
For the past few years , LBO plant must be in a more stable condition and PATRA SK has recruited new operators with not
enough experience to handle emergency situation. For this reason, it is required to conduct emergency drill competition in
operation team which is followed by all team shift. Operation team has a plan to conduct emergency drills with different
case especially for any cases that never happen in PATRA SK before.
This event has been proposed by the OP and received appreciation and support by COO of PATRA SK Mr. Sohn Hoon Tae
by giving reward for the winner of this competition.
F & GA—Planning | March 2014
Based on market demand in 2014, PATRA SK plans to produce LBO with capacity 9,000 B/D but due to HCU-211
emergency on February 2014, we have difficulties for UCO supply From Pertamina RU-II Dumai, therefore to cover
the feed supply we need additional feed to meet market demand.
One material that has the potential to be used as feed (raw materials) for PATRA SK LBO Plant (Dumai) is UCO from
Hydrocracker unit (HCU) Train A&B Pertamina RU-V Balikpapan, called Net Bottom Fractionator (NBF).
NBF product Balikpapan is the heaviest hydrocarbon product from the Pertamina RU–V Hydrocracker unit, taken
from the bottom fraction fractionator so it has high viscosity and Pour Point (39 oC).
The last NBF introduction was in 2012, after that we didn’t make any NBF Introduction due to enough UCO feed
from Pertamina RU-II Dumai until 26 March 2014, MT AU ARIES O. O. S finished loading NBF at Jett#4 Pertamina RUV Balikpapan with quantity 5,000 MT (38,000 Bbl) and arrive Dumai on 31 March 2014 then un-loading at jetty#3
Pertamina RU-II Dumai.
For current condition, PATRA SK has introduce NBF to VDU unit : 1,500 B/D and hope with NBF we may meet the
production plan and market demand.
English Corner
Its vs. it’s – is it one word or two?
Its is one word – a possessive pronoun:
The cat is chasing its tail
It’s is two words – a contraction of it is:
It’s chasing its tail.
We compress two words into one - for example: we are becomes
we’re – and we replace the omitted letters with an apostrophe (‘)
You are
He is
It is
PRONOUNS that show possession never have
an apostrophe.
E-Filing for Individual Tax Payers by Submitting Annual Tax Return Form 1770S or
Form 1770SS through Web-Based ( Online )
Nowadays, Tax is more familiar to our daily life. Moreover, Government give another option to apply a simplest way to
report Annual Individual Tax Return ( SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi ). Their missions are in line with the paperless
( Go Green Concept ), to reduce tax filling in tax office, to save the data more efficiently and effectively.
The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has issued regulation no. PER-1/PJ/2014 (PER-1) dated 6 January 2014 to
encourage Individual Taxpayers submit their annual tax returns through e-Filing for the category 1770 S and 1770 SS.
This mechanism (e-filling) means of conveying yearly annual tax return electronically by on line and real time through
internet at DGT’s website ( or Application Service Provider (ASP).
If Tax Payers have interested with this method , we should have Electronic Filing Identification Number (e-Fin) which
stated an identity number issued by tax office.
We can get e-Fin with those procedures
(1) Tax payers have to come to the nearest tax office ;
(2) Fill and sign the e-Fin form;
(3) Enclose the tax id number or registered certificate and indentification cards ( special power of attorney in case
therequest submitted by the power of tax payers) ;
(4) e-Fin can be issued by the same day ( so...just wait a moment to get it).
Then, how we can operate e-Filling after get e-FIN?
(1) Go the DGT’s website ( to register by input username and password and get Activation
Code ;
(2) Choose the type of Yearly Annual Tax Return ( Form 1770 S or Form 1770 SS ( if tax payer’s income is under 60
millions )) ;
(3) Input the data based on Form 1721 A1 which has been given from Human Resources (No need to be attached);
(4) In case that the application shows underpayment, tax payers must put the number of transactions state revenues as
proof of payment;
(5) In case that the application shows overpayment, tax payers will be audited accordingly;
(6) If we have submit the annual tax return, tax payers will get verification code and reception of evidence as proof tax
payers have completed submission.
Happy Birthday
Forget the past, look forward to the future for the best things are yet
07 March
Barita Gultom
22 Maret
07 March
Adi Nugraha
28 Maret
Saiful Hidayat
10 March
Muhammad Faisal
15 March
Eko Setioro Herdianto
17 March
Muhamad Zuriadi
22 March
Galindra Mardanny
25 March
Nikmah Dwi Riani
25 March
Arman Nurivai
13 March
Heri Fadli Sinaga
05 March
PTSK BULETIN TEAM : Ari Indratomo , Dara Ayunda , Eddywansyah Iksan , Lietha Nurullia , Seri Astuti , Syafniarti , Umu Maryam
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