Business English 1 Year 1 MPEN-EBR-14 MPEN-EBR-14 2014-2015 Term A - D Compulsory Full “MATERIE” Course site: Drs. E.J. Das Room 2.113 e-mail tel: 0884816402 Date: 14-11-2014 1 Business English 1 Year 1 MPEN-EBR-14 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Course Description Course Goals and Learning Objectives Place in the Curriculum and Related Courses Study Burden Pre-requisites Exemption Possibilities Competencies Didactic Forms Assessment Course Material and Literature Course Evaluation 3 3 3 4 11 11 11 12 13 17 17 2 Business English 1 Year 1 MPEN-EBR-14 1 Course Description International business managers need both accuracy and fluency in English. They must write business reports and letters, make presentations, take part in business discussions and read authentic business materials. A firm grasp of business terms is essential. The goal of this course is to improve students’ speaking, writing, listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar skills in the field of business. Specifically, students will learn to write reports according to modern UK & US practices, the basics of summarising, and giving oral presentations. Furthermore students will learn how to read more complex business related texts. 2 Course Goals and Learning Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increase effectiveness in reading and listening in the area of business Develop speaking and writing skills in the area of business Extend active use of business English terms Develop awareness of intercultural aspects and culture within a business setting Facilitate students in writing proficient emails according to modern practices in the US and UK 6. Improve students' presentation and discussion skills. 7. Improve grammatical knowledge on a basic level At the end of this course students should have reached B2.2 level of the Common European framework for languages. 3 Place in the Curriculum and Related Courses Business English is needed in relation to other courses/projects in an international/intercultural setting throughout the study programme. 3 Business English 1 Year 1 MPEN-EBR-14 4 Study Burden First lesson of the week 1 Day 1 1.1a In classroom A Second lesson of the week In classroom B Brief introduction programme Homework Day 2 In classroom A Download all material from SharePoint 1.2a Introduction class presentations Do grammar exercises 1, 2, 3 1.2b Divide class in two groups, A and B, and make group list for presentations and other tasks: Group A in room A Group B in room B In classroom B Homework Explanation SQAT 1.1b 1.1c Attendance Further introduction programme Study Tenses Active Voice Start in class with grammar exercises Do all the exercises in the handout on franchising Handout on Franchising 1.1b ctd 1.2c 4 Discussion of homework Introduction to email writing and business graphs (handout) Do grammar exercise 5 and do email assignment in handout on franchising Bring your (individual) email to class in week 2 Study the handout on business graphs and do the exercises Business English 1 Year 1 2 Day 1 2.1a 2.1b 2.1c In classroom A MPEN-EBR-14 Homework Day 2 Explanation future (SQAT exceptions) and passive voice Study Basic Grammar pp 1 - ….. 2.2a Introduction to meetings and writing invitation to meetings Attendance Small test irregular verbs Start with exercise 4 ACE Discussion of graph exercises Finish grammar exercise 4, 6 and 7 2.2b Attendance Group B: ACE assignment Group A: Peer feedback on graph description and start writing email to go with the graph. Draft final version Do summarising exercise Group A: Graph description and pair work practice Switch with group B In classroom B In classroom A ACE assignment Meetings (minutes, agenda) and summarising Do handout on emailing exercises (Common mistakes) Group B : peer feedback on email franchising in writing groups. Write final version and send it to your teacher. Do assignment on graph description (individually) and bring it to next class 2.2c Switch group B In classroom B Homework All groups start working on their presentations Read theory on email writing Switch group A Send group writing ass. 2 (graph and email) to your teacher before the deadline ACE assignment Switch with group A 5 Business English 1 Year 1 3 Day 1 3.1a 3.1b 3.1c In classroom A MPEN-EBR-14 In classroom B Homework Day 2 Conditionals aob (pitfalls, relatives) Study Conditionals aob 3.2a Introduction Viewing/listening exercise 1 Attendance Start grammar exercise on conditionals Do grammar exercises 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 3.2b Attendance General discussion writing ass. 1 and 2 ACE assignment 3.2c Group A: Meeting Group 1 Group B: Peer feedback on writing ass. 3 in your writing group and draft final version Send group writing ass. 3 (complaint) to your teacher before the deadline Switch with group B: Meeting Group 2 Switch with group A ACE assignment Complaints: input and exercises Group A: working on a complaint assignment Group B: Role play on complaints Switch group B Switch group A In classroom A Do writing ass. on complaints (individually) In classroom B Homework ACE assignment Shadow / Reading groups prepare for next week’s Presentations 6 Business English 1 Year 1 4 Day 1 4.1a 4.1b In classroom A MPEN-EBR-14 In classroom B Homework Gerund/ (to)-infinitive and relative clauses Attendance Do grammar exercises 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Grammar exercise on gerund/to-infinitive Day 2 4.2a Viewing/listening exercise 2 4.2b Attendance Group A: Meeting groups 3 and 5 ACE assignment Writing proposals: Input and exercises Switch with group A: Group B: Meeting groups 4 and 6 Error analysis 1 4.1c General discussion writing ass. 3 Group A: PRESENTATION 1 based on Text 1 ½ group Group B: PRESENTATION 2 based on Text 2 ½ group In classroom A Group B: working on proposal ass. Shadow / Reading groups: prepare questions. The rest answer the MC questions and make individual summaries in their own words of the texts and put these in portfolio In classroom B Group B: peer feedback on writing ass. 4 (proposal) Homework ACE assignment Switch with group A: Peer feedback on writing ass. 4 (proposal) 4.2c Group B: PRESENTATION 3 based on Text 3 ½ group Group A: PRESENTATION 4 based on Text 4 ½ group Switch with group A: working on proposal ass. 7 Making final draft of minutes of the meetings in writing groups Send group writing ass. 4 (proposal) to your teacher before the deadline Business English 1 Year 1 5 In classroom A Day 1 5.1a Transcription exercise 1 5.1b Attendance MPEN-EBR-14 In classroom B Homework Do grammar exercises 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Discuss Transcription exercise 1 Day 2 In classroom A 5.2a Viewing/listening exercise 3 5.2b Attendance In classroom B Homework ACE assignment ACE assignment Error analysis 2 General discussion writing ass. 4 (proposal) Short report writing: input and exercises 5.1c Group A: PRESENTATION 5 based on Text 5 ½ group Group B: working on short report ass. Group B: PRESENTATION 6 based on Text 6 ½ group Switch with group A: working on short report ass. Shadow / Reading groups prepare questions. The rest answer the MC questions and make individual summaries in their own words of the texts and put these in portfolio 5.2c Group B: PRESENTATION 7 based on Text 7 ½ group Group A: PRESENTATION 8 based on Text 8 ½ group 8 Peer feedback on writing ass. 5 (short report writing) in your writing group and draft final version Switching groups Send group writing ass. 5 (short report ass.) to your teacher before the deadline Shadow / Reading groups prepare for next week’s Presentations Business English 1 Year 1 6 In classroom A Day 1 6.1a Transcription exercise 2 6.1b Attendance Discuss transcription 2 General discussion writing ass. 5 (short report ass.). MPEN-EBR-14 In classroom B Homework Day 2 6.2a Viewing/listening exercise 4 Shadow / Reading groups prepare questions. The rest answer the MC questions and make individual summaries in their own words of the texts and put these in portfolio 6.2b Attendance Error analysis 3 ACE assignment 6.2c In classroom B Homework ACE assignment Group A: PRESENTATION 9 based on Text 9 ½ group Group B: PRESENTATION 10 based on Text 10 ½ group Content check portfolio 6.1c In classroom A Hand in your portfolio via sharepoint and in hard copy before the deadline Grammar recap 9 Business English 1 Year 1 7 In classroom A MPEN-EBR-14 In classroom B Homework Day 2 In classroom A Day 1 7.1a Sample exam 1 Review all material 7.2a Sample exam 2 7.1b Attendance Do grammar exercises 28, 29, 30 7.2b Attendance Discussion sample exam 1 and problem areas (30 mins) 7.1c Discussion portfolio groups A B C 3* 30 mins. Discussion sample exam 2 and problem areas (30 mins) 7.2c 10 Discussion portfolio groups D E F 3* 30 mins. In classroom B Homework Review all material 5 Pre-requisites Students should enter the course at B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Modern Languages. 6 Exemption Possibilities none 7 Competencies Communication (oral and written) The ability to express himself fluently and correctly in English, both in speech and in writing. The ability to present clear, detailed description on a wide range of business-related subjects. The ability to make proper use of audio-visual aids in his presentations. The ability to write clear, wellstructured text, expressing points of view at some length. English: Good operational command of the language in a wide range of real world situations, e.g. can participate effectively in discussions © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Utrecht, 2011 This material is subject to copyright. Copies for own or internal use are permitted. © Hogeschool Utrecht: Univer Utrecht, 2007 Business English for Business and Research This material is subject to cop Propedeuse (EN) Copies for own or internal use Understanding of the ethical, normative and social issues related to the Ethical professional practice and accepting the responsibility for his actions. responsibility The ability to recognize and act accordingly to the values, norms and codes of conduct which are imposed on him by the culture or organisation. 8 Didactic Forms Training sessions: speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary exercises ; written assignments; presentations; discussions. 12/17 © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht 9 Assessment Exam Practical = 50% (minimum mark 5.5) = 50% (minimum mark 5.5) MULTIPLE CHOICE EXAM (Exam 1) Regular programme: During this exam the students will be tested on basic grammatical knowledge, general and business vocabulary and text comprehension. The exam consists of 75 multiple choice questions. As a rule students pass the exam if they have a score of 50 correct answers. However, please be advised that after analysis of the exam and the results this number of correct answers may vary. The exam consists of the following parts: Questions 1 – 5: irregular verbs Questions 6 – 45: grammar Questions 46 – 65: vocabulary Questions 66 – 75: text comprehension Every term 10 new texts are published on SharePoint at least two weeks before the exam. One of these texts will be used for the text exam. In the last week you can work on these in your classroom. Subject material to be studied for the MC exam: Grammar: all grammar as discussed during the lectures Vocabulary: * the a·c·e-exercises from the following folders (see ): Financial English, General Business Terms, Pitfalls en Glossary. Title Number of exercises 8 Financial English Financial English 1 Financial English 2 Financial English 3 General Business Terms Pitfalls in pronunciation 1 Pitfalls in pronunciation 2 Landed in Leuven Appearance Money Pitfalls Pitfalls Glossary (source: The Dragons’ Den) A-C D-F G-M N-R S-Z 3 3 2 12 3 3 3 3 7 7 31 7 6 7 6 5 TOTAL 58 The vocabulary part of the written exam will consist of 20 items, which are all taken from the a·c·e. exercises. 13/17 © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht For details on how to use a·c·e: please be referred to the a·c·e II manual, which can be downloaded from our Sharepoint site. Text comprehension: Ten texts will be uploaded for the MC exam in week 6 of each term. One of these texts will be used for your MC exam. PRACTICAL EXAM (Exam 2) During the course students should do and hand in several assignments. All these assignments are collected in one portfolio (see: portfolio requirements). This portfolio will be discussed in week 7. The students receive either a pass or a fail for the total portfolio including the final discussion. Students who receive a pass for their portfolio can earn 1 bonus point for the practical writing exam if all underlying parts have been handed in handed in and are sufficient. Should the students miss 1 assignment only 0.5 bonus point will be given. In case of 2 missing assignments no bonus point will be given. Three or more missing assignments will automatically lead to a fail. If a student hands in assignments after the deadline they are considered as not handed in! If the portfolio is handed in after the deadline students cannot hold the portfolio discussion in week 7. These students must register for a re-sit in the next term. Students who score a fail for the presentation may only do their presentation again in a later term if they have scored a sufficient result for their practical writing exam. Please beware, this presentation must be done in the same term as the re-sit for the practical writing exam. If students pass the practical writing exam the first time, but fail to pass the presentation in that term, these students must register for the re-sit for the practical exam in the next term. Students can only register for any exam twice in each academic year. Only students who have received a pass for the portfolio will receive a result for the practical writing exam in the exam week. The result will be registered by the teacher. Student must register for a re-sit in the next term. Only after receiving a pass for the portfolio in the second term may the teacher enter the score of the practical writing exam. Should the students have scored an insufficient result for the practical writing exam in the first term, these students have the opportunity to use the second term as resit. This practical writing exam is graded from 1.0 to 10.0. Students who score at least a 5.5 have passed their practical exam. Please beware: While attendance is not registered during the lectures, attendance during the lessons is compulsory! You only receive a result if you have attended at least 80% of all lessons, i.e. at least 11 lessons of the total of 14 lessons. This means that in total you may only miss 3 classes. If you have failed to attend the minimal number of lessons you will have to do the entire practical exam, including lessons, again in a later academic year. The re-sit opportunity for the practical writing exam is in the next exam period. Make sure that you register in Osiris for your practical exam!!! Exam Multiple Choice Exam Pass OK Fail Re-sit next term. Fail re-sit Two re-sits next academic year. Presentation OK The entire practical exam, including lessons, has to be done again next academic year. Portfolio OK Re-sit next term only if practical writing exam is sufficient. You do not receive a result in Osirs. Re-sit next term. Practical Writing Exam OK Re-sit next term. Attendance <80% Fail No re-sit opportunities for practical exam. No lessons have to be followed.* The presentation re-sit must be organised before the third week of the following term, i.e. before Osiris closes! The student is responsible for making this appointment. The entire practical exam, including lessons, has to be done again next academic year. The entire practical exam, including lessons, has to be done again next academic year. The entire practical exam, including lessons, has to be done again next academic year. * Students may always ask a teacher if they may join a group for the lessons as preparation for the multiple choice exam. 14/17 © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Expulsion from class // Arriving too late If students fail or continually resist doing their homework or disturb the learning process in class the teacher has the right to dismiss these students. In the unlikely event that this happens the students will be registered as absent from class and the programme leader will be notified. If a student arrives late, it is up to the teacher to decide whether or not the student is allowed entrance. Under no circumstances may students enter class during a presentation! The teacher may register a student as absent if a student is frequently late for class. 15/17 © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Subject In classroom Multiple Choice Exam (Exam 1) grammar (tenses;passive;conditionals;pitfalls) exercises 1-30 Type of exam Duration Percentage of final mark MC 120 min. 100% exam 1 (minimum mark for a pass = 5.5) MC 120* min. 100% exam 1 * * = in combination with vocabulary and text comprehension text comprehension vocabulary 10 texts + summaries + MC questions. Hand in summaries + answers MC questions. MC self-study MC 120* min. 100% exam 1 * * = in combination with grammar and vocabulary 120* min. 100% exam 1 * * = in combination with grammar and text comprehension Practical Exam (Exam 2) 50% Practical Writing Exam 5 writing exams Open 90 min. 100% exam 2 (minimum mark for a pass= 5.5) presentations in classroom 10 presentations in groups of a maximum of 3 students; presentations based on text + self-study oral In classroom a minimum speaking time per student of 5 minutes! Pass or Fail Further instructions will be published on the course site. written Portfolio Must be sufficient (= Pass) in order to be allowed to do the practical writing exam Bonus points can be earned . See next page. 16/17 © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Portfolio Bonus Rules On time (strict deadline!!!) Yes Complete Sufficient discussion Yes P Bonus Yes Sufficient content Yes P Yes 1 part missing Yes Yes P Yes Yes Yes Yes or no F Re-sit discussion only Yes Yes F Re-sit portfolio only Yes Yes ? Discussion not sufficient No discussion allowed F No Content not sufficient Content not sufficient ? Yes No discussion allowed Discussion not sufficient Yes P F Yes 2 parts missing 3 or more parts missing Yes 1.0 point extra for practical writing exam 0.5 point extra for practical writing exam No bonus Re-sit Re-sit both the portfolio and the discussion Re-sit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yes F Re-sit the portfolio in the next term. Students must register in Osiris for their re-sit. The re-sit of the portfolio and the writing exam must be done in the same term. The portfolio must be complete! Parts missing = fail! For all re-sits: no bonus will be awarded. 10 Course Material and Literature DIVERSEN ( Required ) Title: All coursematerials are available on sharepoint Authot(s): ISBN: 11 Edition: Publisher: Course Evaluation At the end of the course an oral evaluation will be organised by your teacher. However feel free to contact the programme leader also if you have any comments, questions or suggestions. We are here for you! 17/17 © Hogeschool Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences Utrecht