NCE ST R A TE GY RE I A S R EL CO NF E The 1st Israel Strategy Conference (ISC 2007) Beit Maiersdorf, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem I Monday, December 24, 2007 A S R EL RE NCE S T R A TE GY CON 9:00-10:00 Reception and Conference Registration 10:00-10:30 Room 501 Welcome Session FE Israel Strategy Conference is Sponsored by: 10:30-12:00 12:00-13:00 Room 501 Donald S. Siegel, University of California at Riverside David A. Waldman, Arizona State University Gideon Markman, University of Georgia Tsvi Piran, Dean, School of Business, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Avi Fiegenbaum, ISC Advisory Board Dovev Lavie, ISC Organizing Committee The Structured Research Joint Venture as a New Organizational Form for R&D Paper Session: Cooperative Relations Amiram Porath, Tel-Aviv University Alliance Portfolio Internationalization and Firm Performance Strategizing for Innovation - The Role of Challenging Conditions Dovev Lavie, Technion & University of Texas at Austin Stewart Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio Stav Rosenzweig, Hebrew University of Jerusalem David Mazursky, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Organizational Size, Performance, and FrequencyBased Imitation: A Test of Competing Hypotheses Ithai Stern, Northwestern University Jo-Ellen Pozner, University of California at Berkeley Facilitator: Morris Teubal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 12:00-13:00 Room 502 Confidence in Cooperative Relations between Entrepreneurs and VCs: The Role of Social and Formal Control Mechanisms ISC Advisory Board Avi Fiegenbaum, Technion Avraham Meshulach, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Zur Shapira, New-York University Conference website: Contact e-mail: Patterns of Marketing Activities Internationalization: Typology, Incentives and Impediments Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback Gaps: Incorporating Board of Directors and Environmental Characteristics Shai Harel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Chanan Ben Oz, Technion Avi Fiegenbaum, Technion Henrich Greve, Norwegian School of Management BI Michael Hadani, Long Island University Ravi Dharwadkar, Syracuse University For further information visit us at: Andrea M. Herrmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung Paper Session: Corporate Governance Organizational Governance and Corporate Political Activity: An Empirical Examination of the Implications of Monitoring and Incentive Alignment Mechanisms Sellers’ Expectations from Acquisition in the ICT Industry: A Conceptual Framework for Stakeholder Analysis Caren Weinberg, University of Cambridge Clive Kerr ,Universty of Cambridge Discussant: Yuval Deutsch, York University Global Mindedness and the Strategic Orientation of Chinese Firms in Their Internationalization Efforts Strategy Choice and Strategy Stability: Do National Institutions Matter? Discussant: Orly Yehezkel, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) 10:30-12:00 Room 502 Interactive Session: International Business Eden Yin, Cambridge University Yongjian Bao, University of Lethbridge Ronit Yitshaki, Bar Ilan University ISC Organizing Committee Niron Hashai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Dovev Lavie, Technion & University of Texas at Austin Ithai Stern, Northwestern University Interactive Session: Technology and Innovation Towards a Taxonomy of University Technology Transfer Strategies: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence Room 501 THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM December 24-25, 2007 Facilitator: Seev Hirsch, Tel-Aviv University 13:00-14:00 Second floor Lunch Break 14:00-15:30 Room 501 Paper Session: Venture Capital Networks Geneaology as Evolutionary Dynamics* Shmuel Ellis, Tel-Aviv University Israel Drori, College of Management Zur Shapira, New-York University Competition for VC Attention: Overcoming the Hurdles in the Venture Funding Obstacle Course Azi Gera, University of Maryland Brent Goldfarb, University of Maryland David Kirsch, University of Maryland Investments and Relations: The Social Organization of Venture Capital Industry in Israel 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break Ilan Talmud, University of Haifa Ronit Yitshaki, Bar Ilan University 10:45-11:45 Room 501 Interactive Session: Resources and Capabilities Paper Session: Market Entry and Location The Determinants of Survival of De Novo Entrants in Clusters and Dispersal* Aviad Pe'er, Dartmouth College Ilan Vertinsky, University of British Columbia The Relationship between Geographic Diversification, Product Diversification and Performance: An Economic Reasoning Ofer Azar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev David Brock, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Resource Uncertainty and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the RBT Perspective Implementation through Interpretation: The Strategic Process in a Voluntary Non-Profit Organization Haim K. Levy, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Avraham Meshulach, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ziva Sharp, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Brian Polin, Jerusalem College of Technology William Acar, Kent State University A Formal Model of Co-Location as a Signaling Vehicle Facilitator: Nir Brueller, Tel-Aviv University 10:45-11:45 Room 502 Interactive Session: Economic Models Discussant: Eli Segev, Peres Academic Center Evolutionary Targeting 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break Gil Avnimelech, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Morris Teubal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 16:00-18:30 Room 501 Plenary Session: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Strategic Management Network Security: Vulnerabilities and Disclosure Policy Garth Saloner, Stanford Zur Shapira, New-York University Ezra W. Zuckerman, MIT Tuesday, December 25, 2007 09:00-10:30 Room 501 Deans Panel: Developing Vision and Excellence for the Strategy Field in Israel Address: Menachem Yaari, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Panelists: Elazar Berkovitz, Dean, Arison School of Business, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Boaz Golany, Dean, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management, Technion Tsvi Piran, Dean, School of Business, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Sheizaf Rafaeli, Dean, School of Business Administration, University of Haifa Arie Reichel, Dean, School of Management, BenGurion University of the Negev Facilitator: Avraham Meshulach, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 12:45-13:45 Second floor Lunch Break 13:45-15:15 Paper Session: Change and Adaptation Room 501 Poster Session Emergent Strategies for Business Continuity under Severe Conditions Corporate Venture Capital Investment and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings Ari Ginsberg, New-York University Iftekhar Hasan, Lally School of Management & Technology Christopher Tucci, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Antecedents and Consequences of Academic Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Small Business Innovation Research Program Donald Siegel, University of California at Riverside Charles Wessner, National Research Council Discussant: Israel Drori, College of Management Capability Adaptation: Narrowing Performance Gaps through Performance Feedback Learning 15:30-17:00 Room 502 Galia Rosen Schwarz, Technion Avi Fiegenbaum, Technion Zur Shapira, New-York University Discussant: Aviad Pe’er, Dartmouth College An Institutional Perspective on Business Planning Activities for Nascent Entrepreneurs in Sweden an the USA Social and Operational Integration Mechanisms Enabling Post-Acquisition Transfer of Capabilities between Amalgamating Companies: A Decade of International M&A by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Paper Session: Exploration and Exploitation Exploration - Exploitation Dilemmas of Venture Capital Companies: The Role of Organizational Slack and Horizons* Tamar Almor, College of Management Shlomo Yedidia Tarba, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev & College of Management Tamar Sagiv, Tel-Aviv University Shmuel Ellis, Tel-Aviv University Israel Drori, College of Management Discussant: Eyal Yaniv, Bar Ilan University The e-Market perspective of Value Creation in eBusiness: Insights from the Israeli e-Market Benson Honig, Wilfrid Laurier University Tomas Karlsson, Jönköping International Business School & Wilfrid Laurier University 17:00-17:30 Room 501 Rotem Shneor, UiA University of Agder 15:15-15:30 Coffee Break Best Conference Paper Award Sponsored by the Peres Academic Center Conference Feedback and Concluding Remarks Ithai Stern, ISC Organizing Committee Leo Bakman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Niron Hashai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Discussant: Gary Dushnitsky, University of Pennsylvania Concluding Session Eli Segev, President, Peres Academic Center The Competitive Environment Effect on the Strategic Behavior of Knowledge Intensive Firms Major Business Strategy Change in New Ventures: Taking the Investors’ Perspective Exploring the "Depth" and the "Breadth" of Internationalization Extending the Behavioral Theory of R&D Innovation: Motivational Determinates of Performance Feedback Learning and the Moderating Effects of Slack Resources and Environmental Contingencies Moshe Farjoun, York University Room 502 Paper Session: Learning and Capabilities Niron Hashai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ohad Ref, Hebrew University of Jerusalem The End of Strategy? Sharon Link, Technion Carmit Rapaport, Technion Alan (Avi) Kirschenbaum, Technion Eyal Benjamin, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Eli Gimmon, Tel-Hai Academic College Liora Katzenstein, ISEMI Israel, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Gary Dushnitsky, University of Pennsylvania Zur Shapira, New-York University Zachary Sheaffer, Open University of Israel Abraham Carmeli, Bar Ilan University Michal Steiner-Revivo Shaul Zionit, Open University of Israel 13:45-15:15 Paper Session: Corporate Venturing and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Finance Meet Organizational Reality: Comparing Investment Practices by Corporate and Independent Venture Capitalists* How Downsizing Strategies Affect Organizational Performance: A Longitudinal Study* Facilitator: Yishay Yafeh, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 10:45-11:45 Room 504 Room 501 Speaker: Gabriel Szulanski, INSEAD Ari Dothan, Technion Avi Fiegenbaum, Technion Dovev Lavie, Technion & University of Texas at Austin Ofer Azar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Reception Dinner and Tour of the Old City of Jerusalem Early registration required for this event Keynote Session: The Making of Strategy Optimal Strategy of Multi-Product Retailers in the Presence of Relative Thinking Facilitator: Yair Aharoni, Tel-Aviv University 20:00-24:00 11:45-12:45 Room 501 Neil Gandal, Tel-Aviv University Jay Pil Choi, Michigan State University Chaim Fershtman, Tel-Aviv University Speakers: 15:30-17:00 An Analysis of Journals, Citations, and Research Topics in the Strategic Management Field Sara Lev, University of Haifa Avi Fiegenbaum, Technion Capability Lifecycles and Reconfigurations Ohad Ref, Hebrew University Aviad Pe'er, Dartmouth College Sabrina Deutsch Salamon, York University Yuval Deutsch, York University Paone Valerie, Centre Thucydides, Panthéon-Assas & Dept of International Markets and Economics, Arts & Métiers de Paris Technological versus Marketing Absorptive Capacity: Environmental and Feedback Learning Antecedents and Firm Flexibility Consequence Discussant: Avi Fiegenbaum, Technion 14:00-15:30 Room 502 From Intellectual Property Competition to Social Property Competition 17:30-18:00 Wine and Cheese Host: Niron Hashai, ISC Organizing Committee * Finalist for the ISC Best Paper Award