Improving Communications Skills - Handout

Improving Communications Skills
Good writing, oral, and presentation skills are critical for effective communication in business.
Based upon your performance on the assignments in this course, your instructor feels that you
could benefit from additional instruction in these skills. This handout provides information on
steps graduate business students can take to improve their communication proficiency.
‘ Enroll in IDS 705 - Communications Strategies
Course description: Development of advanced written, oral, and interpersonal
communication strategies for the business environment.
With the approval of your advisor, this 3-unit course can be included on your official
program of study. If you are in the MBA program, it also satisfies the interpersonal skills
theme. IDS 705 is typically offered in Fall and Spring semesters and in the summer term.
‘ Enroll in Linguistics 99 - Writing for Graduate Students
Course description: To assist graduate students, particularly those for whom English is a
second language, in writing theses or other assigned papers for courses in their majors. Focus
on students' writing needs, including writing style, mechanics, grammar, and other issues.
This course is typically offered Spring semesters. Because this is not at least a 500-level
course, graduate students cannot include it on their official programs.
‘ Consult print and online reference material
A list of reference material, compiled by Professor Gretchen Vik, is provided later in this
‘ Enroll in a College of Extended Studies distance learning course
The following three courses, described in detail later in this handout, are offered by the
College of Extended Studies ( ) at SDSU. These courses can be
completed at any time at your own pace. Graduate students cannot include these on their
official programs.
Pronunciation in American English
American Business Idioms
Write Now!! Effective Writing in English
Spring 2003, G. N. Vik
These three should be in the Bookstore, as they are recommended texts for the course.
For common errors: The Goof Proofer by Manhard (Fireside, 1998, $7.00).
A good handbook: The Elements of Grammar by Shertzer (Longman, 1996, $9.95).
Handbook with lots of exercises and answers: The Least You Should Know About English by
Glazier (Thomson, 2003, $36.95).
Two good resources if English is not your first language:
Geffner, Andrea B. Barron's Guide to American Business English.
Huckin, Thomas N. and Leslie A. Olsen. Technical Writing and Professional Communication for
Non-native Speakers of English, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.
Some good websites for help with your writing and speaking:
Baseball English Test (English Idioms from Baseball):
Citing Electronic Sources
Editing and Revision Tips
Improving your presentations
Using the Article (A, An, The) in English
Writing an Effective Document
Extension Courses
>>English for Non-Native Speakers
English Classes On-line
with Optional On-line Coaching
The College of Extended Studies announces the following three distance learning courses:
>>Pronunciation in American English
>>American Business Idioms
>>Write Now!! Effective Writing in English
The courses are recommended for non-native speakers of English at the intermediate or advanced level. You can take these courses
working on your own, or you can have one-on-one feedback from a coach who is a World Learning professional language instructor.
You have 90 days to complete the course work and complete the sessions with your distance coach. Once you have taken the final
exam, you will receive a certificate of completion for the course.
For the courses listed you will need the following:
For Windows – a Pentium class with 16+ megabytes of memory, multimedia enabled with speakers and a microphone
installed and functioning.
For Macintosh – at least a PowerMac (or better) running system 7+, with 16+ megabytes of memory. The computer
should be multimedia enabled with speakers and a microphone installed and functioning.
Write Now!! Effective Writing in English
This interactive on-line program helps non-native writers of English improve or fine-tune their writing skills in English. Recommended for
intermediate or advanced levels, this on-line language class targets common writing problems of ESL/EFL writers. Class participants will
build more effective writing skills. Topics include:
clear explanations of grammar rules in English,
examples of common errors,
interactive practice activities that give students immediate feedback on answers, and
application activities to guide students in applying new skills.
A free on-line needs assessment is provided to give participants an immediate results analysis to help them decide if this program will
meet their needs.
To register call (619) 594-5152. For further information, call (619) 594-5907 and ask for Dr. Roberts.
Instructor: Kathy L. Hans, has been teaching in the field of English as a second language for more than 20 years. She has trained ESL
teachers throughout California for the State Department of Education and authored Teaching Pronunciation in Context, a training text
with videotape for teachers. Currently she is implementing workplace ESL instruction at companies like IBM and Abbott Laboratories.
Noncredit Schedule No. 03SP 9719 AL
Date: Open enrollment – enroll anytime
Fee: $285*
*See information below for additional Special Coaching Option.
American Business Idioms
This interactive, on-line program offers 100 current American business idioms that are designed for non-native speakers of English. An
idiom is a group of words that have a special meaning, when they are used together, that is different from the ordinary meaning of the
separate words. Idioms are used extensively in American business such as “think outside of the box” or “on the same page.” Topics
sound files for the stories and individual idioms – listen to the correct pronunciation,
review quizzes after each group of 10 idioms – keep score,
interactive grammar exercises – get immediate feedback on answers,
application exercises for writing sentences – practice using idioms, and
final interactive quiz with all 100 idioms – try for 100 points.
The program is designed for ESL/EFL students/professionals at the intermediate level and above, and contains answers to three
questions about each idiom:
What does it mean?
How do you say it?
How do you use it in a sentence?
All participants receive a copy of the CD and workbook TOEIC Business Idioms from Silicon Valley.
To register call (619) 594-5152. For further information, call (619) 594-5907 and ask for Dr. Roberts.
Instructor: Kathy L. Hans, has been teaching in the field of English as a second language for more than 20 years. She has trained ESL
teachers throughout California for the State Department of Education and authored Teaching Pronunciation in Context, a training text
with videotape for teachers. Currently she is implementing workplace ESL instruction at companies like IBM and Abbott Laboratories.
Noncredit Schedule No. 03SP 9720 AL
Date: Open enrollment – enroll anytime
Fee: $285*
*See information below for additional Special Coaching Option.
Pronunciation in American English
When you are engaged in conversation, do people ask you to repeat yourself? When speaking on the telephone, do people
misunderstand you? Do you find it difficult to make presentations in group situations? Don’t have time to take a 10-week course on
language improvement?
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, then this course and software are ideal for you.
Designed for busy foreign-born professionals looking for time-efficient methods to improve their English pronunciation skills, this course
is built around a self-paced 30-hour instructional CD-ROM which contains the following topics:
more than 68 interactive lessons and practices,
video presentations,
audio lessons,
record and playback feature for practice and self-correction,
integrated written instruction, and
complete textbook for additional review.
This interactive pronunciation learning approach provides a unique focus on how to identify and use the most important elements of
pronunciation: stress, intonation, and rhythm. An interactive CD-ROM is provided for each participant and is included in the course fee.
To register call (619) 594-5152.
For further information, call (619) 594-5907 and ask for Dr. Roberts.
Instructor: Kathy L. Hans, has been teaching in the field of English as a second language for more than 20 years. She has trained ESL
teachers throughout California for the State Department of Education and authored Teaching Pronunciation in Context, a training text
with videotape for teachers. Currently she is implementing workplace ESL instruction at companies like IBM and Abbott Laboratories.
Noncredit Schedule No. 03SP 9721 AL
Date: Open enrollment – enroll anytime
Fee: $285*
*See information below for additional Special Coaching Option.
Special Distance Coaching Option
If you would like one-on-one feedback from a
World Learning professional language instructor
on your work on the Write Now!!, American
Business Idioms, or Pronunciation in
American English courses, a distance coaching
package is available. The package includes the
course plus an experienced teacher of workplace English trained
in the course curriculum available to each participant; coaches
respond to learners within 24 hours of receiving sound files and
email; coaches provide written evaluation as needed; learners
are allowed five coaching sessions including first and final
If you wish to enroll in one of these courses with the Special
Coaching Option, use the schedule numbers to the right.
Write Now!! Effective Writing in
Noncredit Schedule No. 03SP 9722 AL
American Business Idioms
Noncredit Schedule No. 03SP 9723 AL
Pronunciation in American English
Noncredit Schedule No. 03SP 9724 AL
Instructor: To be announced.
Date: Open enrollment – enroll any time
Fee: $550 (includes course and distance coaching)
The following six courses highlighted by an * are offered by the College’s American Language
Institute (ALI), one of the largest University-based English as a Second Language (ESL) programs
in the country. These courses are taught by expert instructors from the ALI who specialize in
teaching English to non-native speakers.
Conversation and Pronunciation for
Non-Native English Speakers*
(6-week version)
Would you like to feel more confident when you speak with
others in English? Are you interested in knowing what kinds of
language are appropriate in different social and work situations?
Do you want to improve your spoken grammar and
pronunciation? This class was made for you! Through dialogues,
games, drama, and a wide variety of other activities, you will
learn many different skills, such as how to politely express
disagreement, how to enter into a conversation, how to get
more information when you need it, and how to express your
own opinions in appropriate ways. Regular pronunciation drills
will help you to speak more clearly so that others can easily
understand you. As you feel more comfortable and confident in
your speaking skills, your listening skills will also improve
because you will be able to listen to others, instead of worrying
about your own speech. Come, and talk with us! Note: This
course is for students at the intermediate level.
To register, call (619) 594-5907.
Business Communication*
This class is designed to improve professional communication
skills of non-native English speakers by introducing significant
business topics through current newspaper articles, real-life
successes and dilemmas, business terms and jargon, problemsolving, and mediation. Many of the class sessions will begin by
the instructor presenting information followed by group work
where students will work on decision-making, problem-solving,
and mediation. Note: High intermediate listening and speaking
skills required.
To register, call (619) 594-5907.
Instructor: ALI Staff-TBA
Schedule No. 03SP 9825 AL
Dates: Tuesdays, March 11-May 13 (6 meetings), 7-9 pm
Location: SDSU Gateway Center, corner of Campanile Drive
and Hardy Avenue.
Fee: $195, no refunds after March 17.
Instructor: ALI Staff-TBA
Schedule No. 03SP 9822 AL
Dates: Thursdays, Jan. 30-March 6 (6 meetings), 7-9 pm
Location: SDSU Gateway Center, corner of Campanile Drive
and Hardy Avenue.
Fee: $145, no refunds after February 6.
Oral Presentations: Successful Public
Speaking for Non-Native English
Conversation and Pronunciation for
Non-Native English Speakers*
(9-week version)
Would you like to feel more confident when you speak with
others in English? Are you interested in knowing what kinds of
language are appropriate in different social and work situations?
Do you want to improve your spoken grammar and
pronunciation? This class was made for you! Through dialogues,
games, drama, and a wide variety of other activities you will
learn many different skills, such as how to politely express
disagreement, how to enter into a conversation, how to get
more information when you need it, and how to express your
own opinions in appropriate ways. Regular pronunciation drills
Effective oral presentation skills are increasingly important in
both professional and social settings. The benefits of acquiring
presentation skills include: increased self-confidence, better
listening skills, improved vocabulary, effective note preparation
skills and the ability to use audience profile analysis techniques.
A video camera will be used on occasion to provide the
opportunity for instructor and class critique. This class is highly
recommended for those who need to give oral presentations in a
professional or academic setting. Note: This course is for highintermediate and advanced English speakers.
To register, call (619) 594-5907.
Instructor: ALI Staff-TBA
Schedule No. 03SP 9823 AL
Dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 29-March 5 (6 meetings), 7-9 pm
Location: SDSU Gateway Center, corner of Campanile Drive
and Hardy Avenue.
Fee: $165, no refunds after February 5.
Business Writing for Non-Native
English Speakers*
This class will focus on the various aspects of business writing
which make it unique. The course will cover the proper
formatting for letters, resumes, memos, reports, and
newsletters. An emphasis will be placed on the use of proper
tone and diction. In addition, the different varieties of grammar
and vocabulary appropriate for business writing will be covered.
Note: Intermediate to advanced writing ability in English
To register, call (619) 594-5907.
Instructor: ALI Staff-TBA
Schedule No. 03SP 9824 AL
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan. 28-March 4 (6 meetings), 7-9 pm
Location: SDSU Gateway Center, corner of Campanile Drive
and Hardy Avenue.
Fee: $145, no refunds after February 4.
will help you to speak more clearly so that others can easily
understand you. As you feel more comfortable and confident in
your speaking skills, your listening skills will also improve
because you will be able to listen to others, instead of worrying
about your own speech. Come, and talk with us! Note: This
course is for students at the intermediate level.
To register call (619) 594-5907.
Instructor: ALI Staff-TBA
Schedule No. 03SP 9826 AL
Dates: Wednesdays, March 12-May 14 (9 meetings, no meeting
April 2), 7-9 pm
Location: SDSU Gateway Center, corner of Campanile Drive
and Hardy Avenue.
Fee: $195, no refunds after March 18.
Academic Writing Clinic for NonNative English Speakers*
This clinic is designed for busy, fully matriculated, non-native
speakers of English who would like to improve their writing skills
for academic purposes. Through one-on-one tailored assistance,
students refine their writing skills and receive timely feedback
on their current university writing assignments. Students should
bring in their current writing assignments which serve as the
basis for this clinic.
To register call (619) 594-5907.
Instructor: ALI Staff-TBA
Schedule No. 03SP 9827 AL
Dates: Thursdays, March 12-May 15 (9 meetings, no meeting
April 3), 7-9 pm
Location: SDSU Gateway Center, corner of Campanile Drive
and Hardy Avenue.
Fee: $275, no refunds after March 19.
Last update December 16, 2002
The statements found on this page/site are for informational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure
that this information is up to date and accurate, official information can be found in the University publications.
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Professional Development Language Training Programs
American Language Institute
Does Your Workplace Need English
Language Training?
Conversation and Pronunciation for NonNative English Speakers
The American Language Institute at SDSU has a strong capability
in the area of teaching written and verbal English to employees
who speak English as a second language. Our instructors are all
highly qualified, hold graduate degrees in ESL and/or business,
and can provide a customized program to meet your specific
Through dialogues, games, drama, and a wide variety of other
activities, this class will teach you many different skills, such as
how to politely express disagreement, how to enter into a
conversation, how to get more information when you need it, and
how to express your own opinions in appropriate ways. Regular
pronunciation drills will help you to speak more clearly so that
others can easily understand you. Note: this course is for students
at the intermediate level.
“We saw results almost immediately. Most people
felt more confident using English increasingly in
their daily interactions with other employees and
with customers on the telephone. These classes
were tailor made to meet Invensys Powerware
employees’ specific needs.”
– Mona Melanson, manager,
human resources,
Invensys Powerware, San Diego
For more information on English training
programs for your employees call SDSU’s
American Language Institute today at (619) 5945907 or
Section 1
Dates: Thursdays, Jan. 30-March 6, 7-9 pm
(six meetings)
Schedule No. 03SP 9822 AL
Fee: $145
Section 2
Dates: Wednesdays, March 12-May 14, 7-9 pm
(nine meetings, no meeting April 2)
Schedule No. 03SP 9826 AL
Fee: $195
Business Communication
Business Writing for Non-Native English
This class will focus on the various aspects of business writing
which make it unique. The course will cover the proper formatting
for letters, resumes, memos, reports, and newsletters. An
emphasis will be placed on the use of proper tone and diction. In
addition, the different varieties of grammar and vocabulary
appropriate for business writing will be covered. Note: this course
is for students with an intermediate to advanced writing ability in
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan. 28-March 4, 7-9 pm
Schedule No. 03SP 9824 AL
Fee: $145
Oral Presentations: Successful Public
Speaking for Non-Native English
This class is designed to improve professional communication skills
of non-native English speakers by introducing significant business
topics through current newspaper articles, real-life successes and
dilemmas, business terms and jargon, problem-solving, and
mediation. Note: high-intermediate listening and speaking skills
Dates: Tuesdays, March 11-May 13, 7-9 pm
(no meeting April 1)
Schedule No. 03SP 9825 AL
Fee: $195
Academic Writing Clinic for Non-Native
English Speakers
This clinic is designed for busy, fully matriculated, non-native
speakers of English who would like to improve their writing skills
for academic purposes. Through one-on-one tailored assistance,
students refine their writing skills and receive timely feedback on
their current university writing assignments. Students should bring
in their current writing assignments which serve as the basis for
this clinic.
Effective oral presentation skills are increasingly important. The
benefits of acquiring presentation skills include: increased selfconfidence, better listening skills, improved vocabulary, effective
note preparation skills and the ability to use audience profile
analysis techniques. Note: this course is for high-intermediate and
advanced English speakers.
Dates: Thursdays, March 13-May 15, 7-9 pm
(no meeting April 3)
Schedule No. 03SP 9827 AL
Fee: $275
Dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 29-March 5, 7-9 pm
Schedule No. 03SP 9823 AL
Fee: $165
Last update November 27, 2002
The statements found on this page/site are for informational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure
that this information is up to date and accurate, official information can be found in the University publications.
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