April 2014 - History of Diving Museum

APRIL 13, 2014
Honoring Military Divers
On the third Wednesday of
every month, the Museum May is Military Appreciation Month. In celebration
hosts the Immerse Yourself of the contributions of divers from all branches of
seminar series.
the American military, the Museum will host Dive
In February, we were Into History: Honoring Military Divers as the
treated to an exciting look next part of our quarterly event series. The event
at the risks and rewards of will begin with May’s Immerse Yourself! Seminar
treasure diving by Dick on Wednesday, May 21, and continue on through
Memorial Day on Monday, May 26.
Our March seminar was
Frankel, the CEO of Eternal
Reefs, who discussed the
purpose and benefits of
underwater memorials, not
underwater resting places,
but as a way to create new
habitat and promote coral
growth with artificial reef
April 16th, 7 pm
Jack Grove
William Beebe
in the Galápagos
Explorer Jack Grove, coauthor of The Fishes of the
Galápagos Islands, will take
us underneath the waters
that William Beebe, “the
father of marine biology,”
himself in during his travels
in the Galápagos.
May 21st, 7 pm
Rick Kaiser
The Navy SEALs:
A Personal Account
Our Immerse Yourself! seminar will feature Rick
Kaiser, former Navy SEAL and current director of
the Navy UDT-SEAL Museum, on May 21 at 7 PM.
On Friday, May 23rd, at 7 pm there will be a
movie night featuring The Frogmen, a 1951 film
starring Richard Widmark and featuring
documentary footage of early UDT teams.
On Saturday, we will host a reception for our
enhanced and expanded Military Divers exhibit. Our
guest of honor will be Bob Croft, Navy submariner
and acclaimed freediver, who will speak at the
reception. Admission to this event is $15. For
Museum members and military families, admission is
$7.50. Military veterans will be admitted for free.
All proceeds benefit the Museum’s educational
outreach programs.
On Sunday, May 25th, the Museum will present
several free educational activities in the Library and
on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26th we will show
Men of Honor in the library at 1 pm.
From Friday through Monday, museum admission
will be free for active duty military and their
Family Science Nights
The Museum has recently partnered with Florida
International University and other area nonprofits
Rick Kaiser, the director of for their Family Science Nights, hosted by local
UDT-SEAL schools to help engage children in fun activities
Museum, will present on his related to science and technology.
experiences as a Navy
SEAL. Mr. Kaiser received Pictured at right: Alyssa Engiles helps two students
the silver star for valor for work on assembling hardware while wearing diving
conspicuous gallantry and gloves from our education collection.
intrepidity in action during
in HDM would love to come to your school! For more
in information, contact Angela at 305-664-9737 or at
October of 1993.
Museum Store Spotlight
Did you know that some of the fun toys in our Museum Store are
also environmentally friendly? One of our latest additions, the
Submarine Safe Seas Set, is made from recycled milk bottles. We
also carry the Dunk & Dive bath play set, a trio of bath toys made
from natural rubber.
Both sets are BPA and phthalate free. In addition to the
submarine, the Submarine Safe Seas Set comes with a copy of
Joel Harper’s All the Way to the Ocean, which describes how
litter travels from storm drains to the ocean. The Dunk & Dive
bath play set comes with a diver, a shark, and an octopus.
Bob Croft
Our guest of honor for the upcoming Dive Into History:
Honoring Military Divers event is Bob Croft. Mr. Croft was a
U.S. Navy submariner for twelve years before becoming an
instructor at the U.S. Submarine School in Groton, Connecticut.
While there, his duties involved teaching future submariners
how to escape from damaged submarines. This training took
place in a 118 foot deep tank that contained 250,000 gallons of
Mr. Croft’s access to this tank enabled him to improve his freediving abilities. He developed the ability to hold his breath for
up to six minutes while sitting at the bottom of the tank. In
1967, he became the first person to dive beyond 200 feet while
holding his breath when he reached 212 feet. Before this,
depths beyond 200 feet had been thought impossible for
humans to reach.
Buy your ticket now to be sure you won’t miss hearing Mr. Croft
speak on Saturday, May 24th.
Historical Diving Society Visits!
The Historical Diving Society recently paid a visit to the History of Diving
Museum. On March 24, they held their annual board meeting in the Bauer Diving
History Research Library. Pictured at left are the HDS board members along with
Museum co-founder Dr. Sally Bauer.
The History of Diving Museum is launching a volunteer docent program! We are
looking for personable individuals to help us enhance the visitor experience and
to better tell the story of Man’s Quest to Explore Under the Sea. Flexible hours
and training provided.
Our volunteer opportunities are not limited to our docent program. If you have
experience or expertise in other areas - or just a little time to spare – we could use
your help serving our community.
For more information, please contact programs@divingmuseum.org or 305.664.9737.
Be Iron Mike’s Friend on Facebook! You can find him at Facebook.com/IronMike1930