F - Pittsburg State University

Psychological Tests: F
Name: FACES III (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III)
Accession Number: 000252
Publisher/City: Life Innovations/Minneapolis, MN
Date/Ed: 1985
Reviewed In: Test Critiques, v. 10
000252-A. Manual
000252-B. Reprint from Journal of Family Therapy, vol. 22, issue 2, May 2000, pp.
144-167, "Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems".
000252-C. Overview of FACES III for Clinical Work
000252-D. Family Inventories Abstract Form
000252-E. Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales III
000252-F. Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales III (FACES III) In:
Family Assessment: a Guide to Methods and Measures, by Harold D. Grotevant
and Cindy I. Carlson. New York: Guilford Press, 1989. pp. 299-301.
000252-G. Test Critiques, v. 10
Name: Family Adjustment Test (Elias Family Opinion Survey)
Accession Number: 000272
Publisher/City: Psychometric Affiliates/Murfreesboro, TN
Date/Ed: 1952
Reviewed in: 5th Mental Measurements Yearbook, review # 53
000272-A. Family Adjustment Test - Manual
000272-B. Elias Family Opinion Survey, c. 1-3
000272-C. Scoring Key
000272-D. Information Sheet
Name: Family Adjustment Test (Elias Family Opinion Survey)
Accession Number: 000652
Publisher/City: Psychometric Affiliates/Murfreesboro, TN
Date/Ed: 1952
Reviewed in: 5th Mental Measurements Yearbook, review # 53
000652-A. Price list
000652-B. Manual
000652-C. Elias Family Opinion Survey, c. 1-2
000652-D. Scoring Key
Name: Family Apperception Test (LOCATED IN CABINET #5
Accession Number: 001104
Publisher/City: Western Psychological Services/Los Angeles, CA
Date/Ed: 1988
Reviewed In: Twelfth Mental Measurement Yearbook, Review #150 - Test Critiques, v.
001104-A. Manual
001104-B. Test pictures, #1-21
001104-C. Scoring Sheets, c. 1-2
001104-D. Box
Name: Family Assessment Form: a Practice Based Approach to Assessing Family
Accession Number: 000247
Publisher/City: CWLA (Child Welfare League of America) Press/Washington, DC
Date/Ed: 1997
Reviewed In: 14th Mental Measurement Yearbook, Review #144
000247-A. Manual (includes test)
Name: Family Assessment Measure: Version III (FAM III)
Accession Number: 000340
Publisher/City: Multi-Health Systems, Inc./North Tonawanda, NY
Date/Ed: 1995
Reviewed In: 14th Mental Measurement Yearbook, Review #145
000340-A. Technical Manual
000340-B. FAM Progress ColorPlot of Change in Family Perceptions, c. 1-2
000340-C. FAM-III: Dyadic Relationship Scale, c. 1-2
000340-D. FAM-III: Self-Rating Scale, c. 1-2
000340-E. FAM-III: General Scale, c. 1-2
Name: Family Celebrations Index (FCELEBI)
Accession Number: 000213
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson
Date/Ed: 1987
000213-A. " Family Celebrations Index (FCELEBI)", by Hamilton I. McCubbin
and Anne I. Thompson. In: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and
Practice, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. Madison, WI:
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 168-172.
Name: Family Coping Inventory (FCI)
Accession Number: 000515
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin
Date/Ed: 1987
000515-A. "Family Coping Inventory (FCI)", by Hamilton I. McCubbin. In:
Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice, edited by Hamilton
I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison,
1987, pp. 211-224.
Name: Family Crisis-Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES)
Accession Number: 000260
Publisher/City: Dr. Hamilton I. McCubbin, University of Wisconsin/Madison, WI
Date: 1981
000260-A. Family Crisis-Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales
Name: Family Day Care Rating Scale
Accession Number: 000156
Publisher/City: Teachers College Press/New York
Date: 1989
Reviewed In: Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review #141
000156-A. Manual and test
Name: Family Environment Scale
Accession Number: 000246
Pulisher/City: Consulting Psychologists Press/Palo Alto, CA
Date/Ed: 1994/3rd ed. (manual)
Reviewed In: Twelfth Mental Measurement Yearbook, Review #151; 14th Mental
Measurements Yearbook, Review #146; Test Critiques, v. 2
000246-A. Manual
000246-B. Form R: Interpretive Report Form
000246-C. Family Environment Scale Answer Sheet
000246-D. Family Environment Scale Form R
000246-E. 14th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review #146
Name: Family Environment Scale: Children's Version (CVFES)
Accession Number: 000270
Publisher/City: Slosson Educational Publications/East Aurora, NY
Date/Ed: 1984
Reviewed In: Tenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review #57 - Test Critiques, v. 3
000270-A. Manual
000270-B. Student booklet, c. 1-2
000270-C. Social Climate Scale Profile, c. 1-2
000270-D. Examiner's worksheet, c. 1-2
000270-E. Individual Answer Form, c. 1-2
Name: Family, Friends and Self Scales, Revised
Accession Number: 000384
Publisher/City: D. Dwayne Simpson and Anthony A. McBride
Date/Ed: 1992
000384-A. "Family, Friends, and Self (FFS) Assessment Scales for Mexican
American Youth", by D. Dwayne Simpson...et al. In: Hispanic Journal of
Behavioral Sciences, v. 14, no. 3, pp. 327-340, 1992.
Name: Family Hardiness Index (FHI)
Accession Number: 000488
Publisher/City:Marilyn A. McCubbin, Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson
Date/Ed: 1987
000488-A. "Family Hardiness Index (FHI)", by Marilyn A. McCubbin...et al. In:
Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice, edited by Hamilton
I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison,
1987, pp. 125-130.
Name: Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation - General (FIRA-G)
Accession Number: 000489
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin
Date/Ed: 1987
000489-A. "Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation - General (FIRA-G)",
by Hamilton I. McCubbin. In: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and
Practice, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. Madison, WI:
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 285-300.
Name: Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation - Military (FIRA-M)
Accession Number: 000257
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin
Date/Ed: 1987
000257-A. "Family Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation - Military (FIRA-G)",
by Hamilton I. McCubbin. In: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and
Practice, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. Madison, WI:
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 304-328.
Name: Family Inventories
Accession Number 001433
Publisher/City Life Innovations/Minneapolis
Date/Ed: 1985/1st revision
001433-A. Manual - Contains copies of the following:
A. FACES III- Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales – reviewed in Test
Critiques, v. 10
B. Family Satisfaction – reviewed in Test Critiques, v. 10
C. Parent-Adolescent Communication – reviewed in 12th Mental Measurements
Yearbook and Test Critiques, v. 7
D. ENRICH - Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and
Happiness (Includes Marital Satisfaction, Communication and Conflict Resolution)
E. Family Strengths
F. Quality of Life
G. FILE-Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes – reviewed in Test
Critiques, v. 10
H. A-FILE-Adolescent-Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes – reviewed in
Test Critiques, v. 6
I. F-COPES-Family Coping Strategies
001433-B. Reprint from Family Process, v. 25, issue 3, September, 1986, pp. 337351, “Circumplex Model VII: Validation Studies and FACES III”, c. 1-3
001433-C. Overview of Family Inventories, c. 1-2
001433-D. Families: What Makes Them Work? (Order form)
001433-E. Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems
001433-F. Abstract on Proposed Study, c. 1-2
001433-G. Abstracts on Current Studies, c. 1-3
001433-H. Published Studies that Used: FACES III, Family Satisfaction Scale,
Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale, Family Strengths Scale, Quality of Life
Scale, FILE, and F-COPES
001433-I. FACES III, c. 1-2
001433-J. Clinical Rating Scale (CRS) for the Circumplex Model of Marital and
Family Systems, c. 1-2
001433-K. Marriage and Family Inventories, c. 1-2
001433-L. Brief Memo on “Inter-rater Reliability for the Clinical Rating Scale”
Name: Family Inventories
Accession Number 000244
Publisher/City Life Innovations/Minneapolis
Date/Ed: 1992/2nd revision
000244-A. Manual - Contains copies of the following:
A. FACES II-Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales – reviewed in Test
Critiques, v. 7
B. Family Satisfaction – reviewed in Test Critiques, v. 10
C. Parent-Adolescent Communication – reviewed in 12th Mental Measurements
Yearbook and Test Critiques, v. 7
D. ENRICH - Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and
Happiness (Includes MaritalSatisfaction, Communication and Conflict Resolution)
E. Family Strengths
F. Quality of Life
000244-B. Reprint from Journal of Family Therapy, vol. 22, issue 2, May 2000, pp.
144-167, "Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems".
000244-C. Overview of Family Inventories
000244-D. Family Inventories Abstract Form
Name: Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (FILE)
Accession Number: 000261
Publisher/City: Dr. Hamilton McCubbin, University of Wisconsin/Madison, WI
Date: 1985
Reviewed In: Test Critiques, v. 10
000261-A. Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (FILE)
000261-B. Test Critiques, v. 10
000261-C. "Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (FILE)", by Hamilton I.
McCubbin and Joan M. Patterson. In: Family Assessment Inventories for
Research and Practice, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson.
Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 80-98.
Name: Family Inventory of Resources for Management (FIRM)
Accession Number: 000511
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin and Joan K. Comeau
Date/Ed: 1987
000511-A. "Family Inventory of Resources for Management (FIRM)", by Hamilton
I. McCubbin and Joan K. Comeau. In: Family Assessment Inventories for
Research and Practice, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson.
Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 146-160.
Name: Family Profile
Accession Number: 000362
Publisher/City: John G. Halvorsen
Date: 1992
000362-A. "The Family Profile: a New Self-Report Instrument for Family
Assessment", by John G. Halvorsen. In: Family Practice Research Journal, v. 12,
no. 4, pp. 343-367, 1992.
Name: Family Strengths
Accession Number: 000262
Publisher/City: Dr. David H. Olson, University of Minnesota/St. Paul, MN
Date: 1982
000262-A. Family Strengths
000262-B. “Family Strengths: a review and critique”, by Davod Fenell. In:
American Journal of Family Therapy, v. 13, n. 4, pp. 80-81, 1985.
Name: Family Task Interview/Family Health Scale
Accession Number: 000263
Publisher/City: Kinston, Loader, & Miller
Date: 1985
000263-A. Family Task Interview/Family Health Scale
000263-B. "The Family Task Interview: a Tool for Clinical Research in Family
Interaction", by Warren Kinston and Peter Loader. In: The Journal of Marital and
Family Therapy, vol 14, no. 1, pp. 67-87, 1988.
Name: Family Therapist Rating Scale
Accession Number: 000264
Publisher/City: Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, 9.49-59
Date: 1981
000264-A. Family Therapist Rating Scale
000264-B. “A Family Therapist Rating Scale”, by Fred P. Piercy…et al. In: Journal
of Marital and Family Therapy, v. 9, no. 1, pp. 49-59, 1983.
Name: Family Time and Routines Index (FTRI)
Accession Number: 000265
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin, Marilyn A. McCubbin and Anne I.Thompson
Date/Ed: 1987
000265-A. " Family Time and Routines Index (FTRI)", by Hamilton I. McCubbin,
Marilyn A. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. In: Family Assessment Inventories
for Research and Practice, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I.
Thompson. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 132-141.
Name: Family Traditions Scale (FTS)
Accession Number: 000296
Publisher/City: Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson
Date/Ed: 1987
000296-A. " Family Traditions Scale (FTS)", by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne
I. Thompson. In: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice,
edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Anne I. Thompson. Madison, WI: Univ. of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1987, pp. 162-165.
Accession Number: 000361
Publisher/City: Donna P. Funch, James R. Marshall and Garren P. Gebhart
Date: 1986
000361-A. "Assessment of a Short Scale to Measure Social Support" by Donna P.
Funch...et al. In: Social Science and Medicine, v. 23, no. 3, pp. 337-344, 1986.
Name: Feetham Family Functioning Survey
Accession Number: 000482
Publisher/City: Carolyn Sara Roberts and Suzanne L. Feetham
Date: 1982
000482-A. "Assessing Family Functioning Across Three Areas of Relationships",
by Carolyn Sara Roberts...et al. In: Nursing Research, v. 31, no. 4, pp. 231-235,
Name: Firo Scales-Forms B, BC, & F
Accession Number: 000266
Publisher/City: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc./Palo Alto, CA
Date: 1977
Reviewed in: 7th Mental Measurements Yearbook, # 78, and as Firo Awareness Scales, in
9th Mental Measurements Yearbook, # 416
000266-A. Manual, c. 1-2
000266-B. Firo B, Sum & Difference
000266-C. Firo-B (white paper)
000266-D. Firo-B (green leaflet)
000266-E. Firo-BC
000266-F. Firo-F
000266-G. Firo-F-Ae-Expressed Affection Score Card
000266-H. Firo-F-Aw-Wanted Affection Score Card
000266-I. Firo-F-Ce-Expressed Control Score Card
000266-J. Firo-F-Cw-Wanted Control Score Card
000266-K. Firo-F-Ie-Expressed Inclusion Score Card
000266-L. Firo-F-Iw-Wanted Inclusion Score Card
000266-M. Firo-BC-Ae-Expressed Affection Score Card
000266-N. Firo-BC-Aw-Wanted Affection Score Card
000266-O. Firo-BC-Ce-Expressed Control Score Card
000266-P. Firo-BC-Cw-Wanted Control Score Card
000266-Q. Firo-BC-Ie-Expressed Inclusion Score Card
000266-R. Firo-BC-Iw-Wanted Inclusion Score Card
000266-S. Firo-B-Ei-Expressed Inclusion Score Card
000266-T. Firo-B-Ec-Expressed Control Score Card
000266-U. Firo-B-Ea-Expressed Affection Score Card
Name: Firo Scales Forms: B, BC, & F
Accession Number: 000267
Publisher/City: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc./Palo Alto, CA
Date: 1977
Reviewed in: 7th Mental Measurements Yearbook, # 78, and as Firo Awareness Scales, in
9th Mental Measurements Yearbook, # 416
000267-A. Manual
000267-B. Firo B, Sum & Difference
000267-C. Firo-B (white paper)
000267-D. Firo-B (green leaflet)
000267-E. Firo-BC
000267-F. Firo-F
000267-G. Firo-B-Wa-Wanted Affection Score Card, c. 1-2
000267-H. Firo-B-Wc-Wanted Control Score Card, c. 1-2
000267-I. Firo-B-Wi-Wanted Inclusion Score Card, c. 1-2
000267-J. Firo-BC-Aw-Wanted Affection Score Card
000267-K. Firo-BC-Ae-Expressed Affection Score Card
000267-L. Firo-BC-Ce-Expressed Control Score Card
000267-M. Firo-BC-Cw-Wanted Control Score Card
000267-N. Firo-BC-Ie-Expressed Inclusion Score Card
000267-O. Firo-BC-Iw-Wanted Inclusion Score Card
000267-P. Firo-F-Ea-Expressed Affection Score Card
000267-Q. Firo-F-Ei-Expressed Inclusion Score Card
000267-R. Firo-F-Ec-Expressed Control Score Card
000267-S. Firo-F-Wa-Wanted Affection Score Card
000267-T. Firo-F-Wc-Wanted Control Score Card
000267-U. Firo-F-Wi-Wanted Inclusion Score Card
Name: FirstSTEP Screening Test for Evaluating Preschoolers (LOCATED IN CABINET
Accession Number: 000346
Publisher/City: Psychological Corporation/San Antonio, TX
Date: 1993
Reviewed in: 13th Mental Measurements Yearbook, review #126
000345-A. Blue carrying case
000346-B. Manual
000346-C. Stimulus Booklet
000346-D. Record form, age groups 1 and 2, c. 1-2
000346-E. Record form, age groups 3 and 4, c. 1-2
000346-F. Record form, age groups 5, 6 and 7, c. 1-2
000346-G. Parent/teacher scale, c. 1-2
000346-H. Adaptive Behavior Checklist, c. 1-2
000346-I. Plastic card with four removable parts (in plastic bag)
000346-J. Red block with hole (in plastic bag)
000346-K. Long shoe lace (in plastic bag)
000346-L. Short shoe lace (in plastic bag)
000346-M. Four yellow rubber squares (in plastic bag)
000346-N. Plastic bag
000346-O. Black pencil
Name: Five P's: Parent Professional Preschool Performance Profile
Accession Number: 000402
Publisher/City: Variety Pre-Schooler's Workshop/Syosset, N.Y.
Date: 1987
Reviewed in: 10th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review # 116; 13th Mental
Measurements Yearbook, Review # 127; Test Critiques, v.3
000402-A. Five P's Manual
000402-B. Five P's System
000402-C. Classroom Adjustment Scale
000402-D. Self Help Scales
000402-E. Language Development Scales
000402-F. Social Development Scales
000402-G. Motor Development Scales and Cognitive Development Scale
000402-H. Graphic Profile
000402-I. 13th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review # 127
000402-J. Validation Studies of the Five P's
000402-K. The Five P's Replication Study
000402-L. Model Program Gets Parents Involved in Assessment, Services
000402-M. Children Today, v.7, no. 6, pp. 3-6
000402-N Paul's Talk: Parents Look at a Child's Language
000402-O. Shared Assessment: Another Approach to the Parental Link
000402-P. Variety Pre-Schooler's Workshop
000402-Q. Parents as Assessors of Children: A Collaborative Approach to Helping
Name: Five P's: Parent Professional Preschool Performance Profile
Accession Number: 000601
Publisher/City: Variety Child Learning Center/Syosset, N.Y.
Date: 1987-2002
Reviewed in: 10th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review # 116; 13th Mental
Measurements Yearbook, Review # 127; Test Critiques, v.3; 16th Mental Measurements
Yearbook, Review #91
000601-A. Five P's Information and Directions
000601-B. Five P's User Manual
000601-C. Test
000601-D. Graphic Profile
000601-E. Five P’s System
000601-F. Home/School Collaborative Model
000601-G. Assessing and Promoting Language Development in Young Children
000601-H. 13th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review # 127
000601-I. Validation Studies of the Five P's
000601-J. The Five P's Replication Study
000601-K. Parents as Assessors of Children
000601-L. Shared Assessment: Another Approach to the Parental Link
000601-M. Model Program Gets Parents Involved in Assessment, Services
000601-N. Paul's Talk: Teachers and Parents Look at a Child's Language
000601-O. Troubled Preschoolers Could Make Trouble Later
000601-P. The Difficult Child and an Inclusionary Model that Can Work
000601-Q. Children Today, v.7, no. 6, pp. 3-6
000601-R. What Do I Say to Parents When I am Worried about Their Child?
000601-S. Letter
Name: Five P's: Parent Professional Preschool Performance Profile
Accession Number: 000755
Publisher/City: Variety Child Learning Center/Syosset, N.Y.
Date: 1987-2002
Reviewed in: 10th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review # 116; 13th Mental
Measurements Yearbook, Review # 127; Test Critiques, v.3; 16th Mental Measurements
Yearbook, Review #91
000755-A. Five P's User Manual
000755-B. Five P’s System, c. 1-2
000755-C. Information and Directions
000755-D. Test
000755-E. Postcard – The Earlier the Better
000755-F. Postcard – Variety Child Learning Center
000755-G. Brochure
000755-H. 16th Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review #91
000755-I. Graphic Profile
000755-J. Paul's Talk: Teachers and Parents Look at a Child's Language
000755-K. Parents as Assessors of Children
Name: Food Neophobia Scale
Accession Number: 000359
Publisher/City: Patricia Pliner and Karen Hobden
Date: 1992
000359-A. "Development of a Scale to Measure the Trait of Food Neophobia in
Humans", by Patricia Pliner...et al. In: Appetite, v. 19, pp. 105-120, 1992.
Name: Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test
Accession Number: 000044
Publisher/City: Western Psychological Services/Los Angeles
Date: 1957
Reviewed In: 5th Mental Measurements Yearbook, review # 134; Test Critiques, v. 4
000044-A. Manual-(Includes Test)
Name: Friel Adult Child/Co-dependency Assessment Inventory
Accession Number: 001407
Publisher/City: Health Communications/Pompano Beach, FL
Date: 1988
001407-A. “A General Model of Adult Children and Co-dependency”; In: Adult
Children: the Secrets of Dysfunctional Families, by John and Linda Friel.
Pompano Beach, FL: Health Communicatiions, 1988. pp. 155-165
Name: Full-Range Picture Vocabulary Test; Forms A & B
Accession Number: 001087
Publisher/City: Robert B. Ammons
Date: 1948
Reviewed In: 4th Mental Measurements Yearbook, review # 340; Test Critiques, v. 2
001087-A. Picture Plate #1
001087-B. Picture Plate #2
001087-C. Picture Plate #3
001087-D. Picture Plate #4
001087-E. Picture Plate #5
001087-F. Picture Plate #6
001087-G. Picture Plate #7
001087-H. Picture Plate #8
001087-I. Picture Plate #9
001087-J. Picture Plate #10
001087-K. Picture Plate #11
001087-L. Picture Plate #12
001087-M. Picture Plate #13
001087-N. Picture Plate #14
001087-O. Picture Plate #15
001087-P. Picture Plate #16
001087-Q. Use of the Full-Range Vocabulary Test
001087-R. Answer Sheet, form B
001087-S. Answer Sheet, form A
Name: Full-Range Test of Visual Motor Integration (FRTVMI)
Accession Number: 000733
Publisher/City: Pro-ED/Austin, TX
Date: 2006
000733-A. Examiner’s Manual
000733-B. Summary/Response Booklet for Ages 5-10 Years
000733-C. Summary/Response Booklet for Ages 11-74 Years
Name: Functional Time Estimation Questionnaire
Accession Number: 000066
Publisher/City: Academic Therapy Publications/Novato, CA
Date: 1990
Reviewed In: Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook, Review #157
000066-A. Functional Time Estimation Questionnaire
000066-B. Test Form