Studiefiche Academiejaar 2008-2009 t.e.m. 2012-2013 Phytonematology (C001146) Cursusomvang (nominale waarden; effectieve waarden kunnen verschillen per opleiding) Studiepunten 5.0 Studietijd 150.0 u Contacturen 60.0 u Aanbodsessies in academiejaar 2012-2013 A (semester 1) Lesgevers in academiejaar 2012-2013 Mota, M. EVORA0Verantwoordelijk lesgever Aangeboden in onderstaande opleidingen in 2012-2013 Erasmus Mundus: European Master of Science in Nematology stptn 5 aanbodsessie A Onderwijstalen Engels Trefwoorden Niveau Gespecialiseerd Situering Inhoud Introduction to Nematoda. History of Nematology. Contributions to Biology. Related phyla. Abundance and number of species. Functional Organization (I). Gross morphology, structures, systems, etc.. Digestive system. Cuticle. Functional implications: survival, molting, growth, parasitism. Locomotion and its physiology; secretions and feeding. Functional Organization (II). Reproductive system. Gametogenesis, life cycle, pheromones and sexual attraction. Modes of reproduction. Genetics of the phyllum. Developmental biology. C. elegans as the biological model of choice for the XXIth century. Evolution. Major constrains related to the fossil record. Molecular evolution. Systematics. Taxonomy: principles and different approaches. Modern molecular biology techniques for taxonomy. Classes Adenophorea and Secernentea. New approaches and criticism to this system. Ecology of free-living and terrestrial nematodes. Ecology of soil nematodes. Principles and basis for sampling and extraction techniques. Feeding habits: microbivorous, fungivores, omnivores, predators and parasites. Plant parasitism in the orders Dorylaimida and Tylenchida. Morphological, physiological, ecological and etological adaptations. Types of plant parasitism: exo-, endo- and semi-endo-. Examples of main plant parasitic nematodes: symptoms, life cycles, control, etc... Root knot nematodes, cyst, lesion, ectoparasites, etc... The case of the pinewood nematode, B. xylophilus, in Portugal. Histopathology. Resistance. Molecular approaches to introduce resistance. The Mi gene system. Interactions of planta parasitic nematodes with other organisms: viruses (vectors), bacteria, fungi, mycorrhizae. The important role of virus-vectors (NEPO and TOBRA). Control of plant parasitic nematodes: chemical, physical, biological, cultural practices, etc... The role of biological control. Case studies: Pasteuria penetrans and Pochonia chlamydosporia. Begincompetenties This course builds on basic knowledge on General Nematology and Zoology. Basic understanding of Plant Pathology and Soil Biology is important too. Eindcompetenties Students are expected to obtain a broad view of nematodes, their biology and ecology, be aware of their importance in the biosphere and especially the plant parasitic species. (Goedgekeurd) 1 Students are expected to recognize and handle plant symptoms caused by nematodes and learn how to handle these issues. Students are expected to develop their skills on the practical use of several techniques namely for nematode extraction from soil and plants, and identification, both morphologically and molecular. Creditcontractvoorwaarde Toelating tot dit opleidingsonderdeel via creditcontract is mogelijk mits gunstige beoordeling van de competenties Examencontractvoorwaarde Dit opleidingsonderdeel kan niet via examencontract gevolgd worden Didactische werkvormen Excursie, groepswerk, hoorcollege, practicum, zelfstandig werk Toelichtingen bij de didactische werkvormen Lectures taught in a classroom, with permanent connection to the web for clarification of various aspects of plant nematology. Topics are to be presented as an overview, the development of which is to conducted by each student out of class. Students will be encouraged to regularly use the University of Evora e-learning platform (Moodle). Lab sessions: students are encouraged to use the most common techniques learned in the course, through the use of different experimental protocols, namely microscopy, microbiology, PCR and DNA analysis in the Nematology Laboratory (NemaLab) and develop an individual or group mini-project. A few field trips are also antecipated for collection of plant and soil material, and to observe field symptoms. Leermateriaal Referenties Ferraz, L. & D. Brown (eds). 2002. An introduction to nematodes: Plant Nematology. Pensoft Pub., Sofia. 221 pp. Lambert, K. and S. Bekal. 2002. Introduction to PlantParasitic Nematodes. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2002-1218-01 (cf. 1st web site below) Perry, R.N. & M. Moens (eds.). 2006. Plant Nematology. CABI, UK. 480 pp. (A series of relevant and recent papers in Plant Nematology will be provided to students). Web sites http://www.apsnet. org/education/IntroPlantPath/PathogenGroups/intronematodes/default.htm http: // http://www.oardc.ohio-state. edu/nematodes/insect_parasitic_nematode_public.htm html http://www. http://pppweb.clemson. edu/NematodeSites.html htm Vakinhoudelijke studiebegeleiding Evaluatiemomenten periodegebonden en niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Evaluatievormen bij periodegebonden evaluatie in de eerste examenperiode Schriftelijk examen met open vragen Evaluatievormen bij periodegebonden evaluatie in de tweede examenperiode Schriftelijk examen met open vragen Evaluatievormen bij niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Mondeling examen, werkstuk Tweede examenkans in geval van niet-periodegebonden evaluatie Examen in de tweede examenperiode is mogelijk Toelichtingen bij de evaluatievormen Two mid-term exams and one final exam (written). Discussion of two recent and relevant papers in phytonematology (oral) Presentation and discussion of a lab book report (oral). Eindscoreberekening (Goedgekeurd) 2