Nicholle Stone E-mail: SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS 16 years of experience with web-based instruction. Served in every role related to online course development: leader, manager, instructional designer, instructional technologist, project manager, content expert, instructor, and consultant. Able to translate theoretical instructional design models to real world development. Worked with faculty as instructional designer to achieve Quality Matters certification for online courses. Quality consultation and design skills: able to communicate effectively with faculty, administration, instructional designers, network and server administrators, helpdesk personnel, students and managers; talented in assessing needs and goals and developing solutions. Consultation skills: able to communicate effectively with faculty, administration, instructional designers Facilitation skills: experienced with developing and conducting formal training and informal coaching on best practices, tools, and techniques for e-Learning. Face to face, hybrid, and online teaching experience. Currently teach Instructional Design and Designing for Computer-based Training online graduate courses. Ability to monitor, evaluate, implement and administer new technologies including hardware and software. Excellent technology skills including a variety of software, hardware, and CMS platforms. Proven ability to successfully coordinate, manage and execute multiple projects simultaneously. Project planning, budgeting, personnel management experience. Exceptional fiscal management skills. Successfully met or exceeded organizational goals and priorities for e-Learning. Successfully implemented and administered Blackboard, Desire2Learn, and custom proprietary CMS platforms. Experience in working with vendors and implementing systemic instructional technologies. Earned reputation for building relationships founded on mutual respect and trust. Experience in working in global business, traditional higher education, and start-up environments. PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Program Advisor and Adjunct Instructor, University of Wisconsin-Stout (8/09-current) Designed, developed and teach graduate courses in the Instructional Design certificate program through the School of Education. The four courses are: Trends and Issues in Instructional Design, Instructional Strategies and Assessment Methods, Designing Computer-Based Training, and Project Management for Instructional Development. Director, Distance Education/Teaching, Learning & Innovation, University of South Florida in Lakeland (05/10-9-13) Managed the administration of online programs and courses, responsible for support of Blackboard utilization on the campus, and support the development and delivery of web-based courses and programs. Worked with faculty as an instructional designer to meet national quality standards. Responsibile for recommending and implementing guidelines and procedures for distance learning. Support faculty in the use of instructional technologies, administer and support the ePortfolio tool; design, develop, and facilitate various workshops for faculty and staff. Researched, recommended and implemented new instructional technologies as appropriate. Participated in multiple cross-functional teams and committees to represent the Teaching and Learning Innovation unit. Assisted with the campus-wide selection and implementation of a new SAI (Student Assessment of Instruction) tool. Developed and monitored multiple budgets. Assisted in writing reports for SACS accreditation. Director, Instructional Development & Faculty Development for Online College, Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design (1/10-04/10) Developed strategic plan for Faculty Development and designed, developed, and facilitated professional development workshops and sessions for faculty. Assisted with writing accreditation reports for HLC and CIDA. Developed budget for the start-up of an Online College, designed hiring plan for faculty and ID team, wrote position descriptions and began assembling the course development team. Worked with the Nicholle Stone 2 parent company to implement technologies, budgets, and design standards. Collaborated daily with Deans and College President to help plan and prepare for start-up of online college. Director, Instructional Development, Colorado State University-Global Campus (5/08-01/10) Lead and manage the instructional development team to design and develop the instructional model for completely online courses, develop the processes for course development including templates, interface design, usability testing, quality assurance, Quality Matters review process, maintenance, and project management. Designed these processes and developed over 20 courses with a staff of 4 within 4 months. Met the University’s business plan goals and instructional quality goals within 4 months for Fall rollout. Work with content experts as an instructional design project manager to develop all graduate business courses. Responsible for strategic planning of course development for CSU-GC’s programs, production schedules, deadlines, and deliverables. Director, Learning Technology Services, University of Wisconsin-Stout (4/05-5/08) Directed the Learning Technology Services department which includes the service areas responsible for training, faculty development, and the development of multimedia, web-based instruction, audio and video conferencing, video production, mediated classrooms, the University website, and technologies which support the instructional, research and other objectives of the institution. Selected department projects, allocated resources, and ensured timely completion. Developed new approaches towards the use of educational technology techniques and promoted the use of instructional technologies. Developed Faculty training and development programs. Responsible for empowering 13 successful staff members, improving processes and increasing productivity and services during a time of decreasing budgetary resources. Designed and conducted training, served as back-up administrator for CMS platforms and webmaster duties, and worked with faculty as an instructional designer. Administered $1 million budget to achieve goals, staffing and equipment needs. Web-Based Instructional Development Coordinator, University of Wisconsin-Stout (9/99-4/05) Directed a new unit that was responsible for the coordination of and support for web-based curriculum development across the campus. Developed the unit’s core values and skill sets, yearly goals, policies, procedures, consulting and instructional design methodology and professional development. Consulted with faculty and academic staff on the development of web-based curriculum, conducted training for faculty and staff on techniques and methodologies of web-based curriculum development, reviewed and made recommendations on current off-the-shelf web development products, interfaced with other offices on campus that provide web-related technical services and other academic and student support services, assisted in the development of web-based courses and programs, and supervise staff. Implemented and administered four campus-wide course management systems. Administered and maintained department domain and servers. Served as the campus course management administrator. Helped instructors select the appropriate technology for the learning outcomes and activities. Increased technology-enhanced courses from 22 to 1500+ per semester. Increased the number of instructors utilizing Web technologies from 12 to over 390. Senior Technology Consultant, Arthur Andersen (01/98-8/99) Worked with instructional designers, graphic artists and other team members to create Web-based training for global consulting firm. Led a team of instructional designers in selecting appropriate macro-designs, to enable learning strategies, to sequence and chunk information, and to ensure site usability. Responsible for production and oversight of production processes. Helped to design, develop, and conduct internal training on new instructional design methodology. Evaluated new technologies and selected vendors when appropriate. Nicholle Stone 3 EDUCATION University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA M.A. Communication and Training Technology (December 1997) Cumulative GPA: 4.00/4.00 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA B.A. English (May 1996) Cumulative GPA: 3.89/4.00 Wartburg College Waverly, IA Major: English (1989-1991) Cumulative GPA: 3.43/4.00 Continuing Education Conferences and Topics include: STC (2013), DLA (2012), WCET (2011), DevLearn (2010). (Quality Matters (2008), Sloan-C Getting Started: Online Course Development (2008), ASTD Human Performance Improvement – 3 of 5 courses (2007), Russell Leadership (2005), Leadership Academy (2004), Network + Certification (2001), Designing Instruction for Web-Based Training (2001), JavaScript courses (1999, 2002), MS Project training (1998) TEACHING EXPERIENCE AND PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS “Trends and Issues in Instructional Design” (3 graduate credits, online – UW-Stout) “Instructional Strategies and Assessment” (3 graduate credits, online – UW-Stout) “Designing for Computer-Based Training” (3 graduate credits, online – UW-Stout) “Futures of Technology” (2 graduate credits, online – UW-Stout) “Introduction to Media in Education and Training” (2 undergraduate credits, online – UW-Stout) “Learning Technologies” (3 graduate credits, hybrid – UW-Stout) “Designing Your Online Classroom” (3 graduate credits, online – University of Northern Iowa) Merlot International Conference 2004: “D2LLO-A success story of collaboration in a distributed environment” Educause 2003: “The Evolution of Web-enhancement at UW-Stout” “The User-Friendly ID Model” (instructional design workshop for UW-System) “WebCamp” and “Extreme WebCamp” - intensive workshops for faculty and teaching staff which focus on designing and developing courses for web-enhancement. 17 years experience in designing, developing and delivering stand-up training workshops. COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient in Desire2Learn, Blackboard, WebCT, Dreamweaver, Contribute, Chalk & Wire, MS Project, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Audacity, Lectora Snap!, Articulate, PageMaker, Camtasia, HTML, FTP tools, Acrobat, Adobe Connect, Respondus, Elluminate, PhotoShop. Experience with wikis, blogs, podcasting, and vodcasting. Developed over 35 SCORM compliant Shareable Content Objects for use statewide. Edited XML metadata, developed template for first D2L SCO and facilitated training for other instructional technologists. HONORS AND COMMITTEES Received UW-Stout’s Chancellor’s Academic Staff Award for Excellence (2007) Won two Blue Web’n Awards for the educational websites, CampSilos and Grout Museum Excursion Golden Key National Honor Society member Sigma Tau Delta member - International English Society Nicholle Stone 4 Graduated Summa Cum Laude Committees served: SACS Accreditation Leadership Council, EDS Career and Technical Education, D2L Implementation (System), Campus Information Technology Advisory, Ad Hoc Task Force, Web Review Team, Information Portal, Content Management System, Recreation/Athletic Complex, D2L Learning Objects Team (System), e-Scholar Technical Team, e-Scholar Implementation Team, and Educational Support Unit Review. ACHIEVEMENTS Worked with USF in Lakeland faculty to design online courses to meet QualityMatters standards. Developed 6 courses in less than 9 months which passed the QM review while fulfilling Director responsibilities. Designed the first completely online professional development courses for graduate credit for the University of Northern Iowa. Created the templates for the instructional design and interface design for subsequent courses. Reached 77% utilization of Course Management System in 7 years while transitioning through 4 different systems at UW-Stout. Increased number of instructors, courses and sections using course management system while maintaining level number of support staff (three) and excellent customer service. Implemented, administered, and transitioned to/from WebCT, Blackboard, e-Scholar (proprietary Stout tool), and Desire2Learn. Led the design of a custom proprietary course management system for Stout faculty. Managed and supported 4 distance education rooms with central control room for distributing connectivity. Managed installation of PolyCom VSX8000 codecs to convert from fiber optic to video and voice over IP. Also use ISDN and a portable IP system. International connections included Germany, France, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Ireland and more. Assumed responsibility for Stout website. Led the implementation of a content management system to manage the site and convert it from 180,000 static webpages to a dynamic, database driven, reusable object-oriented site. Implemented first integrated classroom recording system at Stout to enable faculty to easily present to face-to-face students as well as asynchronous, distance students. On a very small team, assisted in building an online University from ground up within four months. This includes curriculum, policies, procedures, faculty training, development of courses, quality assurance procedures, hiring of Subject Matter Experts, working with technology and textbook vendors, internal team training, and facilitating communication between the academic and development unit of the University and the marketing, recruiting and advising unit.