Assessment Report Spring 2014 Biology Department: Biotechnology

Assessment Report Spring 2014
Biology Department: Biotechnology & Genetics Course
Submitted by Nidhi Gadura, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biology Department
Assessment was done in two courses BI356 & BI453.
A list of your student learning outcomes and the General Education
Objectives that are related to those student learning outcomes;
The following Student Learning Outcomes will be the focus of the current
For BI-356 Genetics
Learning outcome #1: Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical reading and understanding of
complicated genetics concepts and terms.
Learning outcome #2: Students will be able to summarize the current literature and integrate
knowledge to write two reports on genetic diseases.
Learning outcome #3: Students will prepare a well reasoned presentation on a genetic disease by the
end of the semester.
For BI-453 Biotechnology
Learning outcome # 1: By the end of the semester students will perform an experiment to gather,
interpret and assess information collected from the experiments done in the lab.
Learning outcome # 2: By the end of the semester students will evaluate data and think critically to
write a scientific lab report.
Learning outcome # 3: By the end of the semester, the students will prepare a well reasoned
presentation that compares data/evidence critically to support/refute different points of view on a topic
and make a strong presentation.
BI356: Alignment of Student Learning Outcomes with Gen Ed Objectives:
Gen Ed. Objective
#1. Communicate effectively
through reading, writing,
listening and speaking
LO #2
LO # 3
#2. use analytical reasoning to
identify issues or problems and
evaluate evidence in order to
LO # 1
LO# 2
LO # 3
make informed decisions
#5. integrate knowledge and
skills in their program of study
LO #1
LO #2
LO #3
#9. employ concepts and
methods of the natural and
LO #2
LO #3
physical sciences to make
informed judgments
BI453 Alignment of Student Learning Outcomes with Gen Ed Objectives:
Gen Ed. Objective
#1. Communicate effectively
through reading, writing,
listening and speaking
#2. use analytical reasoning to
identify issues or problems and
evaluate evidence in order to
make informed decisions
#5. integrate knowledge and
skills in their program of study
#7. work collaboratively in
diverse groups directed at
accomplishing learning
#9. employ concepts and
methods of the natural and
physical sciences to make
informed judgments
LO #2
LO # 3
LO # 1
LO# 2
LO # 3
LO #1
LO #2
LO #3
LO #2
LO #3
LO #1
A discussion of the assignment(s) that students completed;
A) For BI356 Genetics: Students submitted a research paper on a Genetic Disease
(topic was cleared by the instructor ahead of time). This writing assignment was
rigorously researched using primary research literature through PUBMED
( website and all scholarly sources used should be cited. A 4-5 page
double spaced paper was submitted only via SafeAssign on BlackBoard.
assignment had the following parts: a) Introduction to the genetic disease, b) brief
history of the disease, c) genes involved in the disease and type of mutations that
occur, d) current research on the disease and treatment plans available, and e) any
future therapies being developed.
B) For BI456 Biotechnology: Students submit 11 lab reports this semester, only
one of the intensive lab reports (project takes two weeks to finish) was used for
the purposes of this assessment. All reports were required to follow the strict
scientific lab report writing pattern. Students are expected to use scholarly
articles as references that must be cited. Specifically, students must provide: a)
Objective – a brief synopsis of what the experiment is set out to accomplish b)
Introduction – a detailed introduction and background of all the new techniques
introduced and learnt in the particular experiment and how they will all be used
as a tool to answer a particular objective, c) Hypothesis – a clear statement of
hypothesis for the particular experiment, d) Material and Method – a clear step
by step list of protocol/s used in the experiment, e) Results - section that will
have pictures, data tables, calculations and or graphs as required and f)
Conclusion – use critical thinking to analyze the data and summarize all the
results in correlation to the objective.
A discussion of the evidence that was used to determine how well students
were achieving the selected outcomes, including the instrument(s) that were
used to collect data;
Rubric used for BI-356 Report Assessment
Students will demonstrate
proficiency in critical
reading and
understanding of
complicated genetics
concepts and terms.
Student was able to do
literature search and
completely gather all the
data necessary to start
writing a scientific report
which seem very
Students will be able to
summarize the current
literature and integrate
knowledge to write two
reports on genetic
Student is able to read
primary scientific literature
and interpret it appropriately
and write an excellent report
defining all new terminology
learnt. Student writes a
comprehensive and analytical
report on a genetic disease.
Student was able to do
literature search and
completely gather all the
data necessary to start
writing a scientific report
which seem somewhat
Student obtained data from
sources that were not
primary research however it
seems somewhat
Student obtained few
literature sources which
seem somewhat
Student is able to read
primary scientific literature
and interpret it appropriately
and write a good report
defining all new terminology
learnt. Student writes a
somewhat comprehensive
and analytical report on a
genetic disease.
Student is able to make the
write a report from secondary
scientific sources and does
not analyze the data reported
Student is somewhat able to
draw conclusions but is not
able to completely analyze
the reasons for the genetic
1 (not
Students will prepare a well
reasoned presentation on a
genetic disease by the end of the
Student is able to demonstrate
critical thinking and interpret data
accurately and present a complete
report on background of the disease,
genes involved, current research in
the field and conclusions with
complete accuracy. Student also
demonstrates mastery in explaining
how different techniques can be
used to identify and solve the
The student is able to draw
conclusions with almost complete
accuracy and provide 1-2 techniques
that can be used to solve the
problem for a particular genetic
Student is able to draw conclusions
with some accuracy while making
the presentation.
The student is able to draw some
conclusions with very little accuracy
while making the presentation.
Student does not obtain any
literature sources which are
Student is unable to draw
conclusions about the
reasons for the genetic
disease Therefore student is
unable to complete the
The student cannot draw any
conclusions from data collected in
the report or during presentation.
Rubric Used for BI-453 Lab Report Assessment
Students will follow
experimental protocols to
successfully finish an
experiment and collect
Student followed the
experimental protocol
completely to gather all the
results/data which seem
very reasonable.
Student followed the
experimental protocol
completely to gather all the
results/data which seem
somewhat reasonable.
Student obtained most
experimental data which
seem somewhat
1 (not
Student obtained few
experimental data which
seem somewhat
Student does not obtain any
experimental data which is
Students will correctly
make and label the figures,
perform calculations from
the experimental data make
plots and do calculations
and submit an analytical
lab report.
Student is able to make
figures and label them,
perform calculations and plot
the data. Student writes a
comprehensive and analytical
lab report.
Student is able to make
figures, plot the data and
make a graph and is
somewhat able to further
complete the calculations
generated from the graph
and explain results.
Student is able to make the
figures but cannot label them
properly. Student can plot the
data and make a graph but is
not able to further complete
the calculations for a lab
Student is somewhat able to
draw and somewhat plot the
data but is not able to
complete the calculations for
a lab report.
Student is unable to draw
sub-cloning plasmids or plot
the data. Therefore student is
unable to complete the
calculations for a lab report..
Students will demonstrate critical
thinking skills to analyze and
compare data and provide various
strategies/solutions to solve the
problem and make an oral
Student is able to demonstrate
critical thinking and interpret data
accurately and come to complete
conclusions with complete accuracy.
Student also demonstrates mastery
in writing/explaining how different
techniques can be used to solve the
The student is able to draw
conclusions with almost complete
accuracy and provide 1-2 techniques
that can be used to solve the
Student is able to draw conclusions
with some accuracy while making
the presentation.
The student is able to draw some
conclusions with very little accuracy
while making the presentation.
The student cannot draw any
conclusions from data collected in
the lab or during presentation.
(4) An analysis (and summary) of the assessment results that were obtained;
For the BI356 (N = 17)
– Degree
to which students have
met Gen. Ed. Outcome
(4 points)
(3 points)
(2 points)
(1 point)
(0 points)
Total 89% of the class was able to meet and exceed the Gen Ed Objectives set
forth by the writing assignment. 11% was able to meet the minimally acceptable
Students were able to communicate effectively through writing, use analytical
reasoning to identify a genetic problem and integrate knowledge in their program
of study and make informed decisions
For the BI453 (N = 8)
– Degree
to which students have
met Gen. Ed. Outcome
(4 points)
(3 points)
(2 points)
(1 point)
(0 points)
 Total 50% of the class was able to meet and exceed the Gen Ed Objectives set
forth by the lab report. 25% of the students were able to meet the minimally
acceptable standard. And the other 25% never completed the assignment.
 Students were able to perform an experiment, gather and interpret data and
evaluate and think critically to interpret the data. Then students were able to
communicate effectively by writing a well reasoned lab report.
A description of how the assessment results that were obtained affected (or
did not affect) the student learning outcomes you identified. As part of the
discussion, there should be a description of any plans to address the areas
where students need to improve
For BI356 The assessment results affected the student learning outcomes
really well. Majority of the students demonstrated proficiency in critical reading
and understanding of complicated genetics concepts and terms. Most students did
an excellent job summarizing the current literature and integrate knowledge to
write two reports on genetic diseases. In the future, I will encourage students who
did not do so well to either a) submit a draft so that I can review it or, b) go to the
writing center and seek help in writing skills.
For BI453 the assessment results were reasonable. This is an extremely
challenging lab project and the lab report requires complete understanding of 7
different techniques learnt in two weeks. Most students were able to perform an
experiment to gather, interpret and assess information collected from the
experiments done in the lab. Most students were also able to evaluate data and
think critically to write a scientific lab report. Students were also able to compare
data/evidence critically to discuss the results. However, a major source of
improvement would be to help students with writing skills as 25% of the students
did not even complete the lab report. Because the total number of students is small
in this class, these two students dropped out of the class.
(6) Any examples of student artifacts should be placed in Appendices. (see
Respectfully submitted,
Nidhi Gadura