University of Waterloo Department of Management Sciences MSCI 271 Advanced Calculus and Numerical Methods Fall 2008 Instructor: Emre Çelebi, CPH 4349, ext: 33675, e-mail: O¢ ce hours: Tuesday, 5:30pm-6:30pm Objectives: This course will be centered around several main topics covering partial di¤erentiation, multiple integrals, ordinary di¤erential equations and numerical methods. We will extend the concepts of basic calculus to functions of several variables for a …rm background. Ordinary di¤erential equations (ODE) will be introduced with some applications from management and economics. Throughout the course, numerical methods will provide an introduction to numerical techniques used to obtain solutions to engineering and management problems (unconstrained optimization problems, linear and non-linear systems of equations, numerical integration, initial and boundary value problems). Many software packages provide implementations of these methods, but this does not eliminate the need for a thorough understanding of principles and practice. For a particular application, an informed choice of method and sometimes customization of this method is often needed. Acquiring the fundamentals of scienti…c computation using MATLAB software is a secondary objective. Class Schedule: Lectures Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday MC 4020 15:30 - 16:20 16:30 - 17:20 Tutorial Wednesday Friday MC 4020 17:30 - 18:20 (if needed) 14:30 - 15:20 Course website: All course information and announcements are available through UW-ACE at Textbook: Calculus for Engineers, 4th ed., Donald Trim, Prentice-Hall, 2008. Supplementary Textbook: A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Brian Bradie, Prentice-Hall, 2006. (QA297 .B73x 2006) Teaching Assistant: Shuang David Liu, e-mail: Assessment: To do well in this course, there are pre-class and post-class activities you must complete. Before each class, you must read the textbook sections or posted course notes to get acquainted with the course material and after each class you must solve some of the even-numbered exercises in the textbook (answers are provided at the end of the textbook) for a …rm understanding of the course material. You must develop problem solving skills week by week throughout the term. These skills cannot be developed by cramming lecture notes at the last minute or looking at solution sets for a few hours before exam time. There is simply too much material to learn in this way. Lectures will also mean more to you if you are keeping up as new material is presented. Assignments (4) Quizzes (4) Midterm Final 20% 10% 30% 40% There will be four assignments and they will be posted on Tuesday of the week as indicated in the course outline. They are to be done individually. While you are encouraged to discuss the course material with other students in the course, each assignment submitted for marking must be students’own work. Assignments are due at the beginning of the tutorials on Friday of the week as indicated in the course outline (not any other time). Due dates are strict unless an extension is announced by the instructor. Late assignments are not accepted. Some assignments may involve using MATLAB, a high level computing language for algorithm development and numerical computation. MATLAB may be used at no-charge for coursework on UW-owned computers. Additionally there will be four quizzes which will be randomly held in tutorial sessions. This is for you to attend tutorial sessions and it will act as a participation mark to your overall grade. Best three out of four quizzes will count towards your …nal grade and there will be no make-up for a missed quiz for any reason. Midterm: Time and location: Wednesday, October 15th, 4:30pm-6:30pm, MC 4020. Midterm will be closed book. Final exam: Time and location TBA. It will be scheduled during the …nal exam period of December 5 to December 19. The …nal exam will be closed book. You can appeal to any assignment, quiz or exam within two weeks after they are returned back. You should appeal to the instructor or the TA by person. Appeals by e-mail are not accepted. Course Outline: Some of the topics listed are covered in the indicated textbook sections. Supplementary materials will be available via UW-ACE. This is a tentative outline and can change as the course progresses. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Topics PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Review of basic concepts and de…nitions Directional derivatives and gradient Relative and absolute maxima & minima Lagrange multipliers Systems of linear equations Matrix methods Systems of non-linear equations Gradient search methods MIDTERM MULTIPLE INTEGRALS Double integrals and double iterated integrals Triple integrals and triple iterated integrals Numerical integration ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Review of basic concepts and de…nitions First-order di¤erential equations Initial value problems Second order linear di¤erential equations Boundary value problems Review FINAL EXAM Reading 12.1-12.7 12.8-12.9 12.10-12.11 12.12 Course notes Course notes Course notes Course notes Key dates Ass’t 1 posted Ass’t 1 due in tutorial Ass’t 2 posted Ass’t 2 due in tutorial Wed, Oct 15th, 4:30pm 13.1, 13.2, 13.6 13.8, 13.9 Course notes 15.1, Course notes 15.2-15.3, Course notes Course notes 15.4, Course notes Course notes Ass’t 3 posted Ass’t 3 due in tutorial Ass’t 4 posted Ass’t 4 due in tutorial Time and location TBA Note on academic o¤ences: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated; students are referred to University Policy 71 on scholastic o¤ences. Note for students with disabilities: The O¢ ce for Persons with Disabilities (OPD), located in Needles Hall, Room 1132, collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with the OPD at the beginning of each academic term. 2