An Introduc+on to Life Cycle Assessment with SimaPro Colin McMillan and Steve Skerlos ME 589 Term Project F06 An Introduc@on to SimaPro • Why Use It? • Program Structure – Goal and Scope Defini@on – Inventory Analysis – Impact Analysis – Interpreta@on • Building a LCA in SimaPro – Naviga@ng SimaPro – Where to find data – Entering data (see extra slides) Why SimaPro? • Market-­‐leading LCA soRware developed by PRé Consultants (Netherlands). • Provides access to a large amount of licensed (i.e. not publicly available) LCI data. • Speeds the calcula@on of LCI and LCIA. • SimaPro allows organiza@on of material & energy flows into a database of product and process building blocks. • LCAs of materials and processes are then constructed with these building blocks. SimaPro Organiza@on • Organized based on LCA stages: – Goal and scope defini@on – Inventory – Impact assessment – Interpreta@on Goal and Scope Defini@on • Descrip+on – Mul@ple fields for discussion of project goal, func@onal unit, and other details. • Data Quality Indicators (DQIs) – Used to record data @me period, geography, representa@veness, alloca@on, system boundaries. – Allows users to evaluate the appropriateness of data and to define DQI requirements and weigh@ngs. • Your ideal LCI data are the most current possible and are obtained from the same geographic area as your study. • Complete documenta@on of data sources, data quality, and any associated assump@ons are of KEY IMPORTANCE. Life Cycle Inventory: LCA “Building Blocks” (flows, states, and “things”) Processes (flows) Describe materials processing , transporta@on, produc@on processing, and disposal processing in terms of input & output “flows” of substances: 1) Environmental Flows-­‐ most commonly used. Include emissions to air, water, and soil, solid wastes, non-­‐material emissions (i.e. radia@on, noise), use of natural resources. 2) Economic Flows-­‐ include inputs from other processes, economic outputs (e.g. products), waste outputs for treatment, avoided processes, economic inputs. 3) Social Flows-­‐ user specified. Product Stages (states) Assemblies, life cycle, disposal scenarios, reuse, disassembly used to describe the overall product and its life cycle. Life Cycle Inventory: LCA “Building Blocks” Substances (from nature): (Resources) – These are the most basic blocks in SimaPro and express the use of natural resources. – They are materials as they exist in nature and have neither emissions nor energy consump@on associated with them. Example: limestone in ground. Inputs (from Technosphere): Materials/Fuels & Electricity/Heat – These are inputs from other processes. – The building blocks that define human products and processes and contain defined inputs and outputs. Example: limestone mining, heat from an industrial furnace. – Dis@nc@on between inputs: “Materials/Fuels” have mass units. “Electricity/Heat” have energy units. SUBSTANCES PROCESSES PRODUCT STAGES Rela@onships Among “Building Blocks” Residential Life Cycle Home Fiberglass Assembly Insulation Mined Inputs Limestone from Technosphere Inputs Electricity from Technosphere Generation Limestone Inputs (Ca from 2CONature 3, in ground) Emissions CO2 Process Types: Systems and Unit Processes • A system type process includes only inputs from nature (the furthest point upstream) and emissions. A “black box” is created, reducing transparency. • A unit process type process iden@fies all of the sub processes used, each of which have inputs from nature and emissions. Individual sub processes can be modified with updated data or data from a new geographic area (i.e. in order to make European process data for mfg HDPE more suitable for use in a U.S. LCA, subs@tute U.S. electricity produc@on for the given electricity process) Process Types: Systems and Unit Processes System: Only inputs from nature and emissions Unit Process: Also includes sub processes in addition to inputs from nature and emissions Product Stages: Assembling the “Building Blocks” Product Stages Do not directly contain environmental, social, or economic flows; instead are used to assemble materials and processes to describe various life cycle stages. • Assemblies – The product specifica@on of component materials, transporta@on, and mfg processes. – An assembly is a “cradle-­‐to-­‐gate” representa@on of a product. • End-­‐of-­‐Life Scenarios – Enables user to describe separate processes for disposal, disassembly, and reuse. • Life Cycle – Links the product specifica@ons (assemblies) with defined use phase and end-­‐ of-­‐life scenario. – Can be linked to other life cycles, enabling the user to model a product’s use of other products. Example Product Assembly Required materials Processes for converting materials into required forms Example Product Life Cycle Product assembly: represents all required components Electricity consumption: represents use phase Additional product life cycles: filters and product packaging Waste Scenarios, Disposal Scenarios, Disassembly, and Reuse • Used to build descrip@ons and to define impacts of EOL processes • Commonly an under u@lized feature of SimaPro • Waste Scenarios are SimaPro “processes” and are used to describe where waste flows go. They require addi@onal “waste treatment” processes. – Example: a waste scenario for municipal waste describes the %s of certain materials collected from waste stream. An incinera@on process describes the emissions resul@ng from incinera@on. • Disposal Scenarios, Disassembly, and Reuse are SimaPro “product stages” and are used to describe the EOL processes for the product you’re modeling, as well as any of the product’s assemblies and subassemblies. – Example: a disposal scenario describes the transporta@on energy required to collect a discarded coffee maker and includes the %s of the overall coffee maker that are disposed, disassembled and recovered, and reused. Waste Scenarios: Iden@fying Waste Flows and Where They Go • A material or process must have a defined waste type in order to be included in a waste scenario. This is the waste flow. • The waste scenario is then used to describe where the waste flow goes. Example: household waste 36% of paper waste flow is separated and recycled All remaining is treated as municipal waste Waste Scenarios: Describing the Treatment of Waste Flows • ARer ini@al separa@on, household waste is linked to the “municipal waste” scenario. Here, addi@onal separa@on occurs before waste is incinerated and landfilled • The “Incinera@on” waste treatment process contains the emissions that result from incinera@ng municipal waste Additional separation & recovery Waste treatment scenarios Disposal Scenarios, Disassembly, and Reuse • Disposal Scenarios describe the types of EOL processes that specific products undergo. • The disposal scenario for a coffee maker includes the % of the product that is sent to municipal waste, disassembled, and reused. • Separate disassembly and reuse stages are used to describe specifics. SUBSTANCES PROCESSES PRODUCT STAGES Rela@onships Among Disposal & EOL Processes Disposal Coffee Scenario Maker Disposal Scenario Coffee Disassembly Maker Disassembly Municipal Waste Scenario Waste Waste Landfill Treatment Waste Types Aluminum (“waste flows”) Emissions Al to Soil Calcula@ng, Analyzing, and Interpre@ng Results • • • • • Network Tree Analyze Compare Uncertainty Analysis } Clicking any of these will calculate results Analyzing & Interpre@ng Results: Networks and Trees • Both networks and trees show the rela@onships within and between processes and assemblies. • Unlike a tree, a network shows looped rela@onships between processes • Contribu@on Analysis-­‐ both can track contribu@ons of substances, emissions, and impact assessment results. Analyzing & Interpre@ng Results: Analyze & Compare • Choosing either will calculate LCI and LCIA results. “Compare” is used to create a side-­‐by-­‐ side comparison of mul@ple processes or assemblies. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Results • A life cycle inventory (LCI) is the environmental balance sheet for a process or material. • It records material and energy flows entering and leaving the process or material. • Later used to calculate the life cycle impact assessment LCI Results Inventory contribution by life cycle stage Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) LCI results are aggregated and adjusted to describe their relevance in a more meaningful way. Mul@ple steps of calcula@on are involved-­‐ depend on Midpoint or Endpoint approach. • Classifica@on – Defines the impact categories and their substances. • Characteriza@on – Reflects the rela@ve contribu@on of a LCI flow (a substance) to the impact category result. Only these steps are required by ISO Standards • Normaliza@on – Defines the extent to which an impact category contributes to the total environmental burden. • Weigh@ng – Process by which indicators are aggregated into a single score. Uses subjec@ve weigh@ng factors. Genng to Know Your Impact Assessment Methods (v 7.0) Endpoint Methods: include emission, fate, exposure, effect, and damage. Provides more intui@ve measures, but at the expense of certainty. • Eco-­‐Indicator 99 • Impact 2002 • Ecopoints 97 Midpoint Methods: include emission, fate, and exposure. Less uncertainty than endpoints. • TRACI 2002: U.S. EPA. Characteriza@on only-­‐ no normaliza@on or weigh@ng. • CML 2 baseline 2000 LCIA Example: Climate Change in EcoIndicator 99 Characterization: factors to convert masses of GHG emissions (in kg) to DALYs Classification: climate change Weighting factor expresses value impact categoryNormalization factor determines to change judgment on the importance of an Factor tocontribution convert climate overall environmental impact category. impact category to human health impact damage category Classification: list of substances included in impact category EXAMPLE OF POINT BREAKDOWN GLASS JUG COFFEE MAKER Example of Point System Using SimaPro SoRware Coffee Maker Material Impacts Example of Point System Using SimaPro Coffee Maker 0.1 kg Aluminum Ingot (B250 Data) Material Weight mPt Aluminum ingots 0.1 kg 56 Polypropylene PVC PET bottle grade Cable Steel low alloy Glass 1.14 kg 0.02 kg 0.04 kg 0.02 kg 0.15 kg 0.4 kg 349 6 16 28 17 23 1 Point (Pt) is Equivalent to 1/1000 of Average European’s Environmental Impact in One Year Why 56 mPt for 0.1kg of Aluminum? 56.5 27.8 26.5 2.2 Why 26.5 mPt for Human Health? 7.8 6.1 4.2 3.7 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 kg Aluminum Ingot Which Human Health Impacts Were Considered? Inorganics Units DALY Note: ozone depletion of Halon-1301 is a negative DALY since O3 is a global warming gas 1.0 kg Aluminum Ingot Rounded From DALYs To Points Pt = 1000 ⋅ kg substance ⋅ • • • • • Human Health Ecosystem Quality Resources 40% 40% 20% (damage / kg ) ⋅ weighting (damage of 1 European per year ) Production of 1 Kg creates a total of 1.02E-5 DALYs Average European creates 1.5E-2 DALYs Per Year Weighting of human health is 0.4 We are considering 0.1 Kg of Al in the Coffee Maker Impact is 26.5 mPt! 26.5E − 3 = 1000 ⋅ 0.1kg ⋅ 1.02E − 5 ⋅ (0.4) 1.5E − 2 LCIA Results • Based on the type of impact assessment methodology chosen, it may be possible to see results from each stage of the LCIA (characteriza@on, damage assessment, normaliza@on, weigh@ng, and single score). Can also see results in tabular form Results by life cycle stage Connec@on Between Inventory and Impact Assessment • LCI emissions must be matched to the substances contained in impact assessment categories. If not, the emissions will not be captured by the impact assessment method. • The “Checks” Tab – Lists substances that are not being captured by the selected impact assessment method. =234 Substances not included in impact assessment Analyzing & Interpre@ng Results: Uncertainty Analysis • Latest version of SimaPro (v7.0)incorporates Monte Carlo analysis for calcula@ng uncertainty in process inputs and outputs, as well as product stages, in LCI and LCIA. • HOWEVER, informa@on on the types of distribu@ons and other uncertainty parameters are only included with the EcoInvent database. Uncertainty Analysis: Example Only 0.0399% of the values contain uncertainty data! An Introduc@on to SimaPro • Why Use It? • Program Structure – Goal and Scope Definition – Inventory Analysis – Impact Analysis – Interpretation • Building a LCA in SimaPro – Where to find data – Entering data Genng to Know Your Underlying Databases (v 7.0) • EcoInvent v1.2 (2005) – Swiss energy produc@on, transport, and materials. • Industry Data (2001) – Data collected by industry associa@ons, such as the Associa@on of Plas@cs Manufacturers in Europe (APME). • Idemat (2001) – Produc@on of various materials, compiled by DelR University (Netherlands) • Buwal 250 (1997) – Packaging materials for the Swiss Packaging Ins@tute. • ETH-­‐ESU (1996) – Swiss and Eastern European produc@on of energy, resource extrac@on, raw material produc@on, produc@on of semi-­‐manufactures, auxiliary and working materials, supply of transport and waste treatment services, and infrastructure construc@on. • Franklin (1996) – North American materials, energy, and transport. Sources of Publicly Available LCI/LCA Data • U.S. LCI Database: hsp:// – Managed by the Na@onal Renewable Energy Lab – Sources include Franklin Associates, Athena Ins@tute, … • Associa@on of Plas@cs Manufacturers in Europe (APME): hsp:// – LCI data contained in “eco-­‐profiles”, developed by Boustead. • Peer-­‐Reviewed Journals – Journal of Industrial Ecology, Interna<onal Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Journal of Cleaner Produc<on, Environmental Science & Technology, and others… US. LCI Database The “go-to” source for publicly available LCI data for North American materials, energy, and processes. Free, but registration required. U.S. LCI Database Data Data arranged in spreadsheets. We’re concerned with the “streamlined” and “detailed” spreadsheets. • Streamlined Spreadsheets – Contain informa@on on scope & boundary, data quality indicators, and data sources. – LCI data should look familiar; arranged by inputs from nature, inputs from technosphere, outputs to nature (air, water, soil emissions). • Detailed Spreadsheets – Contain suppor@ng calcula@ons and references U.S. LCI Database Data: Al Precision Sand Cas@ng Streamlined Spreadsheet Inputs of Man-Made Materials, Industrial Processes, and Energy Inputs of Natural Resources Air Emissions Solid Waste Functional unit: 1000 kg Co-Products