Antennas Simple array of two antennas Consider two identical parallel Hertzian dipoles separated by a distance d iθ iθ i 2 θ z r2 θ2 I2 θ d 2 © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 1 r r1 θ1 ψ d 2 I1 x 64 Antennas The dipole currents have the same amplitude and total phase difference α I1 ( t ) = Io cos(ω t + α 2) I2 ( t ) = Io cos(ω t − α 2) ⇒ phasor ⇒ phasor I1 = Io e jα 2 I 2 = I o e− jα 2 The electric far−field components at the observation point are E1 ≈ i θ1 E2 ≈ i θ 2 − jβ r1 + jα 2 µ jβ Io ∆ z e 4π r1 ε − jβ r2 − jα 2 µ j β Io ∆ z e 4π r2 ε © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series sin θ 1 sin θ 2 65 Antennas At long distance, we have r >> d θ1 ≈ θ 2 ≈ θ iθ 1 ≈ iθ 2 ≈ i θ d r1 ≈ r − cosψ 2 d r2 ≈ r + cosψ 2 and the field components can be written as E1 ≈ i θ µ jβ Io ∆ z e− jβ ( r − ( d 2) cosψ ) + jα 2 sin θ ε 4π ( r − ( d 2) cosψ ) E2 ≈ i θ µ jβ Io ∆ z e− jβ ( r + ( d 2) cosψ )− jα 2 sin θ ε 4π ( r + ( d 2) cosψ ) © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 66 Antennas After applying the approximations, the two components can be combined to give the total electric field µ j β Io ∆ z sin θ − jβ r E = E1 + E2 ≈ i θ e ε 4π r j β ( d 2) cosψ +α 2 ) − j β ( d 2) cosψ +α 2 ) × e ( +e ( ( ) The final result is E ≈ iθ µ j β Io ∆ z sin θ − jβ r β d cosψ + α e 2 cos ε 4π r 2 field of a Hertzian dipole located at the center of the array © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series array factor 67 Antennas The resultant radiation pattern of the electric field is proportional to sin θ unit pattern β d cosψ + α × cos 2 group pattern The unit pattern is proportional to the radiation pattern of the individual antennas, assumed to be identical. The group pattern is proportional to the radiation pattern the array would have with isotropic antennas. • Note: on the x−y plane, ψ coincides with the azimuthal angle ϕ. Following are examples of two−antenna arrays with specific values of dipole distance and current phase difference. © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 68 Antennas d = λ/2 α=0 Broad-side pattern z z z x Unit Pattern x Group Pattern y © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Resultant Pattern y y x x x x 69 Antennas d = λ /2 α=0 Broad-side pattern Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 70 Antennas d = λ /2 α = 180 End-fire pattern Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 71 Antennas d = λ /4 α = 90 Cardioid pattern Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 72 Antennas d = λ /4 α = −90 Cardioid pattern Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 73 Antennas d = λ /2 α = 90 Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 74 Antennas d=λ α=0 Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 75 Antennas d=λ α = 180 Radiation Pattern for E and H © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series Power Radiation Pattern 76 Antennas CASE STUDY - 1) A radio broadcast transmitter is located 15 km West of the city it needs to serve. The FCC standard is to have 25 mV/m electric field strength in the city. How much radiation power must be provided to a quarter wavelength monopole? We consider θ=90° for transmission in the plane perpendicular to the antenna E = iθ µ j e− jβ r Imax π cos90° cos ε 2π r sin 90° 2 Imax E = 120π = 0.025 V/m 2π × 15, 000 ⇒ λ / 2 dipole Imax = 6.25 A In a monopole, the lower wire is substituted by the ground. The equivalent radiation resistance is half that of the corresponding dipole. Therefore, the total radiated power is half the power radiated by the half-wavelength dipole, for the same current. © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 77 Antennas Monopole P λ/4 GROUND PLANE A perfect ground would act like a metal surface, reflecting 100% of the signal. The ground creates an image of the “missing” wire delivering to a given point above the ground the same signal as a complete dipole. The transmission line connected to the antenna sees only half of the radiation resistance, with total radiated power: 1 2 µ 2 73.07 Ptot = Imax ⋅ 0.193978 / 2 = 0.5 ⋅ 6.25 ⋅ = 713.6W 2 ε 2 Req © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 78 Antennas 2) Improve the design by using a two−antenna array. A good choice of array parameters is d = λ /4 phase(antenna B) − phase(antenna A) = α = −90° which gives a cardioid pattern d A B 15 km © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 79 Antennas The Poynting vector is given by P( t ) = i r µ 2 Imax ε 8π r sin θ 2 2 2 cos 2π cos θ 2 4 cos 2β ( array factor ) 2 λ 2 dipole Poynting vector = ir µ 2 Imax ε 8π r sin θ 2 2 2 cos 2π d cos ψ + α 2 cos θ 2 4 cos 2π 4 cos ψ − π 4 ( array factor ) 2 Note cosψ = sin θ cos ϕ R cos ψ R sin θ cos ϕ © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series θ ψ R ϕ R sin θ sin ϕ R sin θ 80 Antennas The total radiated power is Only π/2 because it is a monopole 2π 2 π 2 Ptot = r sin θ dθ P( t ) dϕ 0 0 ∫ π 2 2 Ptot = r ∫ 0 ∫ 2 I max µ 2 π cos θ cos sin θ θ d ε 8π 2 r 2 sin 2 θ 2 2π π 2 π ∫0 4cos 4 sin θ cosϕ − 4 dϕ ( array factor )2 © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 81 Antennas The integral over the azimuthal angle ϕ gives 2π π 2 π 4 cos sin θ cos ϕ − dϕ 0 4 4 ∫ 2π 1 1 π π =4 + cos sin θ cos ϕ − dϕ 0 2 2 2 2 ∫ 2π 1 1 π dϕ = 4π =4 + θ ϕ sin sin cos 0 2 2 2 ∫ For a monopole, we only have the integral 2π dϕ = 2π 0 ∫ © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 82 Antennas In the direction of maximum θ = 90° & ϕ = 90° ⇒ array factor = 2 The same field strength (25 mV/m) is obtained by applying half the current of the original monopole to the array elements (also monopoles) 6.25 Imax = = 3.125 A 2 The total radiated power is proportional to the square of the current, and the integral over ϕ gives a factor 4π instead of 2π for the array. Overall, the total radiated power needed by the array, to produce the same electric field, is half that of the individual monopole 714 Ptot = = 357 W 2 © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 83 Antennas For a monopole Radiated Power = 0.5×1428.3127 = 714.155635 [ W ] Rad. Resistance = 0.5×73.129616 = 36.564808 [ Ω ] SAME FEEDING CURRENT FOR BOTH DIPOLE AND MONOPOLE © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 84 Antennas For monopoles Radiated Power = 0.5×714.1532 = 357.0766 [ W ] SAME FEEDING CURRENTS FOR BOTH DIPOLES AND MONOPOLES © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 85 Antennas N-Element Antenna Array Assume a uniform array of N identical antennas. The elements are fed by currents with constant amplitude and with phase increasing by an amount α from one to the other. The spacing d between the antennas is uniform. r 1 23 r − ( N − 1) d cosψ ψ N d I (1) = Io ; I (2) = Io e jα ; … ; I ( N ) = Io e j( N −1)α © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 86 Antennas The electric field at the observation point (r,ψ) is of the form E( r, ψ ) = Eo e− jβ r + Eo e− jβ ( r − d cosψ ) e jα + … … + Eo e− jβ ( r − ( N −1) d cosψ ) e j ( N −1)α = Eo e− jβ r 1 + e j( β d cosψ +α ) + … + e j( N −1)( β d cosψ +α ) = Eo e jN ( β d cosψ +α ) − 1 e − jβ r N −1 We have used ∑ 1 − e j( β d cosψ +α ) e jn( β d cosψ +α ) = n= 0 © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 1 − e jN ( β d cosψ +α ) 1 − e j ( β d cosψ +α ) 87 Antennas The magnitude of the electric field is given by E( r, ψ ) = Eo 1 − e jN ( β d cosψ +α ) 1 − e j ( β d cosψ +α ) sin[ N(β d cosψ + α ) / 2] = Eo sin[(β d cosψ + α ) / 2] array factor We have used 1− e jx x jx 2 x = 2 j sin e = 2 sin 2 2 © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 88 Antennas We can rewrite 1 sin[ N (β d cosψ + α ) / 2] E( r, ψ ) = N Eo N sin[(β d cosψ + α ) / 2] group pattern The group pattern has Maxima when Nulls β d cosψ + α = 0, 2π , 4π … when N ( β d cosψ + α ) = 2 mπ for m = integer ≠ 0, N , 2 N ,… © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 89 Antennas Examples Broadside array (plots on the azimuthal plane, with θ = 90°) ϕ 2 dipoles © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 4 dipoles 90 Antennas 8 dipoles © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 16 dipoles 91 Antennas End-fire array (plots on the azimuthal plane, with θ = 90°) 2 dipoles © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 4 dipoles 92 Antennas 8 dipoles © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 16 dipoles 93 Antennas Cardioid array (plots on the azimuthal plane, with θ = 90°) 2 dipoles © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 4 dipoles 94 Antennas 8 dipoles © Amanogawa, 2006 – Digital Maestro Series 16 dipoles 95