Global and Planetary Change 24 Ž2000. 41–58 www.elsevier.comrlocatergloplacha Elevated marine terraces from Eleuthera žBahamas/ and Bermuda: sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological evidence for important deglaciation events during the middle Pleistocene Pascal Kindler a,) , Paul J. Hearty b a Section of Earth Sciences, UniÕersity of GeneÕa, Maraıchers 13, 1211 GeneÕa 4, Switzerland ˆ b 4208 Ai Road, P.O. Box 190, Kalaheo, Kauai, HI 96741, USA Received 15 February 1999; accepted 15 March 1999 Abstract Sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological Žuranium series and amino acid racemization dating. study of middle Pleistocene deposits from the archipelagos of Bermuda and The Bahamas revealed the occurrence of marine terraces of possible stage 11 age at q2, q7 and over 20 m above mean sea level. Considering the tectonic stability of the investigated regions, these elevated deposits likely correspond to three discrete, higher than present sea levels during this time period, which is regarded by many as the warmest interglacial of the late Quaternary. It follows that warmer than present climatic conditions might profoundly modify water distribution between the cryosphere and the oceans. The punctuated nature of our stratigraphy further suggests that future deglaciation might not be a smooth process, but could be marked by rapid ice-sheet breakdown leading to abrupt, meter-scale sea-level rises. Given the long period of warm climate and stable sea level of the past few thousands of years and CO 2 loading of the atmosphere, the probability of a rapid eustatic rise must be seriously considered. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Bahamas; Bermuda; Middle Pleistocene; marine terraces; geochronology; sedimentology; sedimentary petrography; eustacy; Ice caps 1. Introduction Many uncertainties remain regarding the hydrosphere response to the recent anthropogenic rise in global temperature because the controlling factors and complex feedback mechanisms interconnecting the external geospheres are not fully understood and difficult to model. Wigley and Raper Ž1993. cau) Corresponding author. Tel.: q41-22-702-6649; fax: q41-22320-5732. E-mail address: ŽP. Kindler.. tiously predict that thermal expansion of the oceans and the melting of land-based ice will raise sea level by 0.03–1.24 m Žbest estimate 0.46 m. during the next century. By contrast, Mercer Ž1978. proposed that sudden disintegration of the West Antarctic ice sheet ŽWAIS., which is mostly grounded on land below sea level, could possibly add another 5–6 m of waters into the oceans within the coming century. Most recent theoretical studies and glaciological field evidence do not seem to support the idea of WAIS instability ŽBentley, 1997; Oppenheimer, 1998., but geological data of higher than present sea levels 0921-8181r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 8 1 8 1 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 6 8 - 5 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 42 during the last interglacial are widespread ŽSelivanov, 1992. and Antarctic-ice collapse has been invoked to account for the peak late Quaternary datum at ca. 6–7 m at the beginning of this time interval Žisotopic substage 5e; Mercer, 1978; Neumann and Hearty, 1996.. In this paper, we present sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological data from Bermuda and The Bahamas confirming that sea level was also close to its 5e level during at least one middle Pleistocene interglacial Žpossibly isotope stage 11; Hearty and Kindler, 1995a. and briefly exceeded the q20 m datum near the end of that period. Our data further provide new insights about the validity of the oxygen-isotope record from deep-sea sediments as a sea-level indicator, the stability of large ice sheets, and the possible modes of deglaciation. 2. Setting and methods In the following sections, we present data from three geological sites. Two of them are situated on Eleuthera Island in the northwestern Bahamas; the other one is located on the main island of Bermuda in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean ŽFig. 1.. The Bahamas islands represent the emerged portions of a series of isolated carbonate platforms located to the E of Florida and to the N of Cuba, and extending for more than 1200 km in a N–S direction, and 400 km in an E–W direction ŽFig. 1.. Fig. 1. Location map of study areas. Fig. 2. Tectonic setting of the northwestern Bahamas. Note proximity of the banks to the North American–Caribbean plate boundary and ancient faults inherited from the late Jurassic rifting phase. These platforms are standing on the passive North American continental margin and appear to be affected by slow Ž1.6 cmr10 3 years, Lynts, 1970. subsidence largely due to thermally induced sedimentary loading ŽPindell, 1985.. Nonetheless, the archipelago lies in close proximity to the North American–Caribbean plate boundary and is further deeply underlain and dissected by a number of normal and wrench faults inherited from an upper Jurassic rifting phase ŽFig. 2.. These faults are presumed to be inactive today ŽSheridan et al., 1988., but recent sedimentological and seismic data suggest that slow compressional deformation occurs in the western part of the archipelago ŽSantaren Anticline, Masaferro et al., 1998.. Lying in an abyssal plain setting about 1500 km northeast of The Bahamas, the Bermuda platform supports approximately 150 islets and consists of a thin Žca. 100 m. carbonate cap overlying a volcanic pedestal ŽOfficer et al., 1952.. Despite the occurrence of two earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5.0 in 1988 ŽHartsock et al., 1995., the Bermuda region is considered to be tectonically stable ŽLand et al., 1967; Stanley and Swift, 1968.. P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 The stratigraphic record exposed in both areas consists of Ž1. peritidal limestone units formed during interglacial periods when the platforms were flooded, and Ž2. terra rossa paleosols which probably developed during glacial times when carbonate production was shut off due to a lowered sea level. The Bahamian record extends from the middle Pleistocene to the late Holocene Žfrom isotope stage ?13 to stage 1; Kindler and Hearty, 1997., whereas the longer Bermudian record further includes one limestone unit of early Pleistocene age ŽLand et al., 1967; Hearty and Vacher, 1994.. Kindler and Hearty Ž1996. proposed that climatic conditions controlled the petrographic composition of Bahamian limestone units. Deposits accumulated during warmer than present interglacials or interstadials Že.g., isotope substage 5e. predominantly include ooids and peloids; in contrast limestone units formed when climate was comparable or seemingly cooler than present Že.g., substage 5a. are characterized by skeletal particles. Bermudian units exclusively consist of bioclastic calcarenites ŽMackenzie, 1964. and reflect a climate history generally cooler than The Bahamas. The tectonic quiescence of both Bermuda and The Bahamas makes them particularly suitable for extracting information about interglacial and interstadial sea levels from fossil coastal deposits Že.g., Land et al., 1967; Harmon et al., 1978; Kindler and Bain, 1993; Hearty and Kindler, 1995a; Meischner et al., 1995; Neumann and Hearty, 1996.. Lower than present stands of sea level can be readily identified by the occurrence of large-scale, landward-dipping eolian foresets in the modern intertidal or subtidal zones. By contrast, higher than present sea levels may be recognized by emergent in situ coral reefs and perched beaches. The latter are usually distinguished in the field by large-scale, planar cross-beds with a low-angle seaward dip and, at a smaller scale, by the occurrence of large intergranular pores Žkeystone vugs or fenestrae. which result from the trapping of air in beach sands by breaking wave action ŽDunham, 1970.. The intertidal origin of such deposits can further be confirmed under a petrological microscope by the occurrence of early circumgranular, isopachous, acicular cements Ž‘‘beachrock cements’’. which originally consist of aragonite or high-Mg calcite and usually precipitate from marine waters Že.g., Gischler and Lomando, 1997.. 43 Basic stratigraphic and morphostratigraphic ŽVacher, 1973; Garrett and Gould, 1984. principles were used in the field as a measure of relative age of Bahamian and Bermudian limestone units and thus associated sea-level events. Additional age information was obtained from Hearty Ž1998. and Hearty et al. Ž1999. who measured the amino acid content of whole-rock samples collected from the studied deposits. This method, which relies on the slow conversion Žracemization. of L-amino acids to their Disomer form, is fully explained and discussed in Hearty et al. Ž1992. for Bermuda and Hearty and Kindler Ž1993, 1994. for The Bahamas. These authors measured the epimerization of D-alloisoleucine and L-isoleucine, or ArI ratio, which is close to zero in Holocene samples and increases with age up to an equilibrium value of 1.30. Absolute ages were obtained from Hearty et al. Ž1999. who applied thermal ionization mass spectrometric ŽTIMS. determination of 230 Th and 231 Pa to travertine and coral fragments following analytical procedures described by Edwards et al. Ž1987.. R.L. Edwards and H. Cheng carried out TIMS dating at the University of Minnesota Isotope Laboratory in Minneapolis. Fig. 3. Geologic map of the Glass Window area ŽNorth Eleuthera. showing the location of the studied sections Žmodified from Hearty and Kindler, 1995b.. 44 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 3. Results 3.1. Bahamas data Eleuthera Island lies in close proximity to the northeastern margin of the Great Bahama Bank and is fully exposed to the winds and swells of the open ocean. For this reason, limestone units have built up vertically rather than laterally as in lower energy settings ŽKindler and Hearty, 1997.. Marine erosion has cliffed these deposits forming remarkable exposures which are best accessible during fair weather and at low tide. Previous stratigraphic studies in this area include those of Kindler and Hearty Ž1995., Hearty Ž1998. and Hearty and Kindler Ž1995b.. In the next paragraphs, we describe two geological sections, EGC a3 and EGC a6 ŽEGC stands for Eleuthera Goulding Cay. located along the Atlantic shoreline of the island at, respectively, 2100 and 1350 m to the SE of the Glass Window bridge ŽFig. 3.. Fig. 4. Sedimentological log of EGC a3 and EGC a6. Beach deposits characterized by low-angle cross-bedding and fenestrae occur at q2, q7 and q17 m above MSL. 3.1.1. Section EGC a3 The lower part of this ca. 25 m-high section displays two massive limestone units separated by a Fig. 5. View of the basal part of EGC a3 showing the lower units Ž3a, 3b. and intervening erosion surface Ždashed line.. Cliff height is about 15 m. P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 sloping erosional surface and capped by a prominent karstic surface ŽFigs. 4 and 5.. The petrographic composition of both units is very similar ŽTable 1.. They contain up to 80% of peloids and ooids and a minor amount of bioclasts Žalgal, coral and echinoid fragments, benthic foraminifers.. Although aragonite may still be present in some samples, these rocks are heavily cemented and recrystallized ŽFig. 6.. In situ calcitized ooids ŽRichter, 1983. are common. The 45 lower unit Ž3a. shows low-angle, seaward-dipping cross-beds and fenestrae near its base, and steep landward-dipping foresets in its upper part. The former beds can be interpreted as beach deposits, whereas the latter reflect deposition in an eolian setting. The occurrence of pedogenic microfabrics Ž Microcodia, micritic rinds, see Bain and Foos, 1993. in the uppermost centimeters of the eolian facies suggests that 3a was once overlain by a paleosol, Table 1 Petrographic data from studied Bahamian sections. Statistics are based on 500-point counts per thin-section. S ratio is obtained by dividing the percentage of bioclasts by the total percentages of ooids, peloids and bioclasts. For more details see Kindler and Hearty Ž1996. Field a Lab a Setting % Grains Pores Cement Bioclasts Ooids Peloids Misc. S ratio Aragonite Goulding Cay a 3 Unit 3c EGC 3f2 EL 116 EGC 3f EL 91 EGC 3f2 EL 168 EGC 3e EL 142 beach beach beach beach 57.2 52.2 60.0 46.0 53.9 3.6 21.4 12.2 21.0 14.6 39.2 26.4 27.8 33.0 31.6 5.7 16.8 15.1 12.1 12.4 25.0 15.6 12.1 11.4 16.0 63.7 64.6 66.9 68.9 66.0 5.6 3.0 5.9 7.6 5.5 0.060 0.173 0.160 0.131 0.132 present ? abundant present Unit 3b EGC 3c3 EGC 3g2 EGC 3c2 EGC 3d EL 141 EL 167 EL 140 EL 115 eolian eolian beach beach 65.8 65.8 59.6 50.8 60.5 1.8 4.6 5.8 8.4 5.2 32.4 29.6 34.6 40.8 34.4 14.7 10.0 11.9 8.9 11.4 11.8 7.1 8.1 3.6 7.7 71.1 81.8 74.8 85.7 78.4 2.4 1.1 5.2 1.8 2.6 0.151 0.101 0.126 0.091 0.117 present abundant traces ? Unit 3a EGC 3a2 EGC 3c EL 139 EL 114 eolian beach 49.0 54.8 51.9 13.4 10.0 11.7 37.6 35.2 36.4 25.8 14.0 19.9 5.8 7.4 6.6 63.7 76.7 70.2 4.7 1.9 3.3 0.271 0.143 0.206 traces present Goulding Cay a 6 Unit 6f EGC 6f3 EL 113 EGC 6f2 EL 112 EGC 6g EL 138 EGC 6f1 EL 111 beach beach beach beach 49.4 60.0 58.0 51.9 73.1 5.8 11.2 3.4 5.6 8.7 44.8 28.8 38.6 42.5 51.6 23.5 12.8 32.5 13.9 27.6 4.5 10.3 2.4 2.4 6.5 70.8 74.5 62.8 80.4 96.2 1.2 2.4 2.3 3.3 3.1 0.238 0.131 0.333 0.144 0.282 present present present present Unit 6e EGC 6e4 EGC 6e3 EGC 6d2 EGC 6d1 EL 137 EL 136 EL 110 EL 109 eolian eolian eolian eolian 54.2 49.2 56.6 58.4 54.6 11.8 7.0 7.2 3.6 7.4 34.0 43.8 36.2 38.0 38.0 9.3 11.7 20.8 9.4 12.8 8.2 8.3 10.0 8.0 8.6 79.6 74.0 66.9 80.4 75.2 2.9 6.2 2.3 2.2 3.4 0.096 0.124 0.213 0.096 0.132 Unit 6a r c EGC 6c2 EGC 6c EGC 6a EL 135 EL 108 EL 107 ? eolian ? eolian ? eolian 64.2 61.0 62.0 62.4 22.4 13.9 20.8 19.0 14.4 25.1 17.2 18.9 95.1 91.2 91.4 92.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.6 5.0 6.2 5.3 0.4 3.8 2.4 2.2 0.954 0.948 0.936 0.946 present present present absent absent absent 46 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 Fig. 6. Sample EL 167, section EGC a3, unit 3b, eolian facies. Peloidal grainstone. Peloids have turned black when thin-section was immersed in Feigl’s solution, indicating an aragonitic composition. Note high percentage of cement. Polygonal boundaries Žarrow. suggest that early diagenesis occurred in a phreatic setting. probably stripped prior to deposition of the second unit Ž3b.. The latter displays a vertical succession of sedimentary structures from subtidal Žsmall-scale trough cross-beds., intertidal Žlow-angle planar cross-beds. to eolian Žsteeply landward-dipping cross-beds, Figs. 4 and 5.. The occurrence of an early generation of isopachous fibrous cement Ž‘‘beachrock cement’’. within the low-angle planar cross-beds confirms their intertidal origin. Relative sea-level elevation during deposition can be estimated at about q2 m for 3a and q7 m for 3b. Samples collected from these units yielded ArI ratios between 0.678 " 0.024 and 0.632 " 0.013 ŽFig. 4; Hearty, 1998. indicating a middle Pleistocene age. Such an age is further supported by stratigraphic relationships Ž3b is laterally overlain by early Sangamonian deposits; Kindler and Hearty, 1995. and by a high degree of diagenetic transformation within the rocks ŽLand et al., 1967; Kindler and Hearty, 1997.. The eolian facies of 3b is further carved by an erosional bench from about 13 to 22 m above mean sea level ŽMSL, Figs. 4 and 7.. One sample collected from unit 3b just below the platform surface revealed an early generation of fibrous cement typical of the marine diagenetic realm ŽLongman, 1980., indicating that the erosional bench was cut by marine processes. This platform is overlain by a thin limestone unit Ž3c. characterized by low-angle, seaward-dipping planar cross-beds ŽFig. 7. and the presence of numerous fenestrae ŽFig. 8.. The petrographic composition of these rocks is similar to that of underlying units although it contains a higher proportion of ooids ŽTable 1.. Particularly interesting is the presence of a well-preserved early generation of fibrous cement rimming constituent grains ŽFig. 9. and locally showing a pendant fabric. Such a cement likely precipitated from marine waters ŽLongman, 1980.. Its presence within fenestrae-rich, low-angle, planar cross-beds identify 3c as a former beach deposit. Relative sea-level datum during formation of this unit can be estimated at about q17 m based on the occurrence of pendant fibrous cement typical of the upper intertidal zone. Samples collected from 3c gave ArI ratios of 0.709 " 0.181 ŽFig. 4; Hearty, 1998.. This value, probably slightly elevated as a result of surface heating in the thin deposits, is statistically consistent with those measured from the underlying units ŽHearty, 1998.. P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 47 Fig. 7. Upper part of EGC a3. The upper unit Ž3c. displays low-angle cross-bedding that usually characterize a beach setting. Dashed line emphasizes the sloping erosional surface between 3c and underlying and adjacent unit Ž3b.. Seawards is to the left. Bag is 50 cm in length. 3.1.2. Section EGC a6 The basal part of this 20 m-high section ŽFig. 4. consists of two well-lithified, coarse-grained, bioclastic limestone units Ž6arc., separated by an orange, Cerion-rich, sandy protosol Ž6b., and capped by a red paleosol showing calcrete and breccia horizons Ž6d.. No aragonite has been observed in these calcarenites which include numerous fragments of benthic foraminifers as well as recrystallized Halimeda debris ŽFig. 10.. Sedimentary structures have Fig. 8. Section EGC a3, unit 3c. Fenestral porosity visible both on bed surface and broken slab. Such porosity results from the trapping of air in sands by breaking waves and is typical of the upper intertidal zone. 48 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 Fig. 9. Sample EL 168, section EGC a3, unit 3c. Cement stratigraphy within 3c limestones. Note early isopachous rims indicating a phreatic, probably marine, early diagenetic setting Žfibrous crystals are locally preserved.. Younger cement consists of equant calcite crystals showing a meniscus fabric typical of a fresh-water vadose environment. been largely erased, but the occurrence a few landward-dipping foresets, intervening protosol, and widespread fresh-water vadose cements ŽFig. 10. suggest an eolian depositional setting for these units. Relative sea level was thus below modern datum during the formation of 6arc. No reliable ArI ratio Fig. 10. Sample EL 135, section EGC a6, unit 6arc. Microscopic view of stage ?13 bioclastic calcarenite. Thin, non-isopachous rims of small calcite crystals Ž‘‘grain-skin’’ cement; Land et al., 1967; arrow. characterize a fresh-water vadose environment. P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 could be obtained at this site, probably because of the intensity of diagenetic transformations that lowered the concentration of amino acids within the rocks. However, one sample collected from the same unit on an adjacent section yielded a ratio of 0.789 " 0.036, suggesting a middle Pleistocene age, possibly stage 13 or 15 ŽHearty, 1998.. The upper part of the EGG a6 section consists of a deeply karstified, massive peloidal–oolitic unit Ž6e, Fig. 4.. These limestones are strongly cemented and recrystallized, but still contain traces of aragonite. Fine grain-size, good sorting and the presence of steep, landward-dipping cross-bedding testify to an eolian origin for this unit which can be correlated with the 3b eolianite at EGC a3. The absence of subtidal and intertidal facies within 6e is presumably related to the high elevation Žq7 m. of the underlying bioclastic calcarenites at EGC a6 andror to erosional processes. A narrow Žca. 30 m. bench at the elevation of q16 m ŽFigs. 4 and 11. truncates the 6e unit. One sample collected just below the platform surface shows a well-preserved early generation of isopachous fibrous cement, suggesting that the platform was carved by marine erosion. Superimposed on the platform is a thin limestone unit Ž6f. showing lowangle cross-beds dipping seaward and numerous fenestrae. Petrographic composition of 6f is similar to 49 that of the underlying unit, although bioclasts may be abundant in some samples ŽTable 1.. Thin-section analysis further revealed the presence of an early generation of isopachous acicular cement typical of the phreatic marine diagenetic environment ŽLongman, 1980.. Unit 6f can thus be interpreted as a fossil beach. Relative sea-level datum during deposition of this unit can be estimated at ca. q17 m. ArI ratios measured from 6f samples average at 0.716 " 0.023 ŽFig. 4; Hearty, 1998., a value nearly identical to that measured on unit 3c at EGC a3. Both units can thus be correlated and represent the remnants of a marine terrace of middle Pleistocene age. 3.2. Bermuda data Geologic research in Bermuda began in the early 19th century and current understanding of the island stratigraphy is much refined in comparison with that of The Bahamas Žsee for example Vacher et al., 1995.. In a landmark paper, Land et al. Ž1967. documented a ‘‘marine conglomerate’’ deposited against a sea cliff carved in the oldest Bermudian unit ŽWalsingham Formation, early Pleistocene; Hearty and Vacher, 1994; Hearty et al., 1992. at the elevation of 28 m above MSL in Government Quarry ŽFig. 12.. The outcrop was unfortunately destroyed Fig. 11. View of the upper part of EGC a6 showing units 6e Žeolianite. and 6f Žbeach.. Dashed line emphasizes the contours of unit 6f. 50 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 Fig. 12. Location map of UGQ a4 site on Bermuda. by quarry expansion a few years later and its relevance to Quaternary sea-level history was never exploited. A single archive sample from this outcrop, stored in the Bermuda Aquarium Museum, yielded a whole-rock ArI ratio of about 0.92, suggesting an apparent age of ) 700 ka ŽHearty and Vacher, 1994; Hearty et al., 1992.. The ratio obtained from this isolated sample is of doubtful significance because of unknown provenance and depth of burial, and hence, uncertain thermal history. In early 1997, one of us ŽPJH., upon the suggestion of David Wingate, found a lateral equivalent of these deposits in a well-protected small cave Žsite UGQ a4. in the quarry wall, located a few tens of meters from the original marine terrace described by Land et al. Ž1967.. 3.2.1. Site UGQ a4 Located near the western entrance of Government Quarry, the cave is about 3 m in diameter and is only accessible by ropes and harness. It is cut in the eolianites of the Walsingham Formation Ž4a. and, because of its mainly horizontal dimensions, is interpreted as a former phreatic passage. The cave floor has been precisely surveyed at q21.6 m. The cavity is partly filled by a succession of sediments and flowstone layers ŽFig. 13., including a basal silty horizon with mm-sized concretions Ž4b., a dark brown laminated travertine Ž4c., crudely stratified pebbly calcarenites described in more detail hereafter Ž4d., a cone-shaped body of fine-grained sand Ž4e., and an upper layer of clear laminated travertine Ž4f., which partly covers the underlying deposits. The limit between the pebbly calcarenites Ž4d. and the underlying travertine Ž4c. is erosional. The former deposits consist of a basal conglomeratic layer and an upper interval where pebbles and cobbles are less abundant. Gravel-sized constituents include limestone clasts from the Walsingham Formation, volcanic-rock fragments, bird bones, whole and fragmented marine shells, and coral debris. Thin-section analysis of the calcarenite matrix bounding the conglomerate revealed the predominance of bioclasts Žred alga, coral, echinoid, mollusk and foraminifer fragments., some of which are still aragonitic, and lithoclasts Žcalcitized volcanic rocks, skeletal grainstone.. Cement pattern ŽFig. 14. includes an early generation of isopachous rims Žca. 50 mm in thickness. composed of bladed or fibrous crystals, and a later generation of equant to bladed crystals forming menisci at grain contacts, whole or partial rims around grains and locally filling in pore spaces. Both cements now consist of low-Mg calcite, but the fabrics of the earlier one suggest an aragonite or high-Mg calcite precursor. Sedimentological and petrographic data of the UGQ a4 site will be discussed in the following section. Three calcarenite samples Fig. 13. Stratigraphic units at UGQ a4. See text for more explanations. P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 51 Fig. 14. Sample BER 1, site UGQ a4, base of unit 4d. Grains are bound by two generations of isopachous cement typical of a phreatic diagenetic environment. Fibrous crystal habit of the inner rim further indicate precipitation from marine waters. Dashed line emphasizes the limit with the underlying travertine Ž4c.. collected from Unit 4d gave a mean ArI ratio of 0.67 " 0.05 ŽHearty et al., 1999., indicating a middle Pleistocene age and allowing correlation with the Lower Town Hill Formation ŽArI s 0.69 " 0.01, Hearty et al., 1992.. Uranium series TIMS analyses ŽHearty et al., 1999. gave an infinite age for the lower flowstone Ž4c. and an average maximal age of 525 " 45 ka for the interior portion of a coral pebble Ž Montastrea sp.. gathered from the pebbly calcarenites Ž4d.. A chemically reliable age of 420 " 30 ka 52 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 was obtained from the basal 5 mm of the upper flowstone Ž4f.. The age of the 4d unit can thus be bracketed with some certainty between 390 and 570 ka. 4. Discussion 4.1. Sedimentological and petrographic data Deposits exposed at ca. 20 m in both Eleuthera sites can surely be identified as fossil beaches because: Ž1. the morphology of the underlying platforms clearly results from marine erosion; Ž2. largescale Žlow-angle planar cross-beds. and small-scale Žfenestrae. sedimentary structures are characteristic of the intertidal zone; and Ž3. early isopachous cements of likely marine origin occur within both the perched deposits and the upper interval of the underlying units. In contrast, the Bermuda occurrence is subject to alternative explanations. The pebbly calcarenites at UGQ a4 could conceivably be interpreted as: Ž1. cave collapse deposits; Ž2. storm sediments forced through a vadose shaft and reworked by groundwater; and Ž3. marine deposits accumulated in a previously breached phreatic passage. Only the latter hypothesis implies a relative stand of sea level higher than the present one during deposition. Although some collapsed material can be observed at the studied site ŽFig. 13., the first hypothesis can easily be dismissed because of the lithological contrast between unit 4d Žcoarse-grained, pebbly calcarenites. and the encasing Walsingham Formation Žfine-grained eolianite.. The second hypothesis has some validity. Unit 4d essentially consists of marine material, but undoubtedly rests in a karstic cavity and shows textural similarities with cave sediments described elsewhere Že.g., Engel et al., 1997.. Furthermore, aragonite and high-Mg calcite, which probably are the precursors of unit 4d early cements, can also precipitate in a cave environment from Mg-rich meteoric waters ŽMurray, 1954; Frisia et al., 1997.. Marine sands and pebbles could thus have been brought to a high elevation during a storm and forced into a sinkhole connected with the studied cave. However, the lack of insoluble material Žsilts and clays from terra rossa soils. within the studied sediments does not support the idea of surface wash- ing by storm waves. In addition, reworking of this material by vadose water is unlikely because UGQ a4 is located near the top of a hill and there is a minimal topography above it. It is thus improbable that groundwater recharge could have been strong enough at that location to transport and sort dm-sized cobbles and deposit clean sands in the cave. More convincingly, Land et al. Ž1967. and Mackenzie Žunpublished data. clearly described an erosional bench below their marine conglomerate that cannot result from storm processes. Therefore, we conclude that unit 4d represents a marine deposit accumulated in an older cave passage that had been breached by the rising sea. A modern equivalent has been observed by one of us ŽPK. along the southeastern shoreline of Cat Island ŽBahamas, Fig. 15.. In Watch Hill Park ŽBermuda., similar small sea caves containing marine rubble of substage 5e age and flowstone occur at about q2 m ŽMeischner et al., 1995.. The presence of an early-fibrous cement similar to those found in modern beachrock could further indicate a intertidal depositional environment for the elevated deposits at UGQ a4. 4.2. Age of the perched deposits Well-preserved in situ coral reefs from the last interglacial period can and have been accurately dated using U-series disequilibrium methods Že.g., Chen et al., 1991.. Unfortunately, the precision of the results decreases with increasing age, commonly because of sample diagenesis and ages in ; 500 ka range require confirmation by other lines of evidence. In this study, age estimates are derived from stratigraphic and morphostratigraphic analyses, amino acid racemization ŽAAR. measurements and ThrU TIMS dating, all of which suggest a middle Pleistocene age for the elevated marine deposits in Eleuthera and Bermuda. The perched beaches at EGC a3 and a6 certainly predate the last interglacial period because they are capped by a karstic surface that can be followed beneath a well-exposed Sangamonian sequence ŽKindler and Hearty, 1995; Hearty, 1998.. The age of the perched marine conglomerate in Bermuda can be stratigraphically constrained between the early Pleistocene Žage of the Walsingham Formation; Hearty et al., 1992. and the present, but the outcrop position in ‘‘Older Bermuda’’ P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 53 Fig. 15. Breached sea cave partly filled with conglomeratic deposit Žcontours emphasized by dashed line.. This view was taken near Columbus Point on Cat Island ŽBahamas. at low tide and could correspond to a modern equivalent of UGQ a4 site on Bermuda. Hammer is 36 cm long. also supports a pre-Sangamonian age. AAR data show a good correlation between the ca. 20 m deposits from both Eleuthera ŽArI s 0.71. and Bermuda ŽArI s 0.67., the former values reflecting the warmer temperature history in The Bahamas. ArI values measured from the UGQ a4 deposits are considerably higher than the oldest U-series calibrated aminozone in Bermuda Ž0.44 " 0.03, 204 " 11 ka, Hearty et al., 1992.. ArI ratios from the Eleuthera sites are also significantly larger than those measured from well-identified deposits of stage 7 age on that island Ž0.58 " 0.01, Hearty, 1998. and on neighboring New Providence Ž0.56 " 0.02, Hearty and Kindler, 1997.. Finally, radiometric dating puts an upper age limit for the UGQ a4 calcarenites at 420 " 30 ka. The stratigraphic, radiometric and AAR data thus show that Ž1. the elevated deposits are probably coeval, and Ž2. they predate the penultimate interglacial period Žisotope stage 7. by a considerable amount of time. The age of these deposits can probably be constrained between stages 9, 11 and 13. Among these, we favor stage 11 Ž427–364 ka, Bassinot et al., 1994. because several lines of evidence from the marine record ŽBurckle, 1993; Howard, 1997. indicate that it was an interglacial of exceptional warmth and duration. 4.3. Origin of perched deposits The studied deposits record three ancient relative sea-level stands at ca. q2 m, q7 m and q20 m, respectively ŽFigs. 4 and 13.. Among the various factors controlling relative sea level, only the following can induce changes similar in amplitude Ž10–20 m. and time-scale Žprobably 10 ka. to those associated with the perched marine deposits described in this paper: Ž1. glacio-isostatic subsidence; Ž2. eustatic effect of changes in liquid water on land; Ž3. regional tectonic motions; and Ž4. glacio-eustatic variations. According to Peltier Ž1988, 1998., the postglacial sea-level history in both The Bahamas and Bermuda is characterized by monotonic submergence strongly influenced by the collapse of the northern hemisphere ice-sheet forebulge. Lambeck and Nakada Ž1992. further claim that, in these regions, the elevated coral reefs and marine shorelines of the last interglacial actually record a relatiÕe sea-level rise 54 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 linked to increased isostatic subsidence. The same phenomenon, possibly amplified by the protracted duration of the corresponding interglacial episode, could account for the high elevation of the marine deposits presented in this study. However, we would like to point out that geophysical models are based on a series of assumptions Že.g., the timing of onset and termination of the last interglacial. that are not fully verified. In addition, the studied terraces in Eleuthera clearly record an episodic rather than a continuous trend of sea-level rise. Finally, the most likely time for terrace formation is isotopic stage 11 which, based on independent geochemical ŽBurckle, 1993; Howard, 1997. and paleontological ŽScherer et al., 1998. evidence, was an interglacial of exceptional warmth when ocean volume may have been considerably larger than today. Therefore, we believe that isostatic subsidence was only a subordinate factor in the building up of the described deposits. Climate-induced changes in groundwater levels ŽHay and Leslie, 1990. can theoretically result in sea-level variations of suitable amplitude and frequency to account for our stratigraphy. However, according to this model, sea-level rises are expected to occur during cold and dry periods when the water table is lowered by decreased precipitation which is probably not the case during interglacial stages. Thus, the high relative sea levels recorded by the marine terraces in Bermuda and The Bahamas cannot be explained by an input of groundwater from the continents. The occurrence of recent earthquakes in Bermuda ŽHartsock et al., 1995. shows that the area is subject to some tectonic stress probably engendered by movements of the North American plate from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Thus, although unlikely, vertical tectonic displacement of the Bermuda platform cannot be totally excluded. This is also true for the Eleuthera area that could have been uplifted by transpressive movements along the regional fault system ŽFig. 2; Sheridan et al., 1988. reactivated by tectonic activity at the North American–Caribbean plate boundary. This would adequately explain the old age of the north-Eleuthera sea cliffs and the absence of marine or beach deposits at ca. q20 m elsewhere in The Bahamas. However, except for vertical fractures formed in response to undercutting of the bank margin during glacial lowstands ŽAby, 1994., no evidence of faulting Ži.e., displaced beds. has ever been observed in The Bahamas islands. In Bermuda, fracture systems appear to be related to limestone collapse into pre-existing deep caverns rimming a buried volcanic caldera ŽHartsock et al., 1995.. Moreover, in both areas, the sedimentary facies within limestone units predating and postdating the studied deposits occur at the expected elevation for stable or slightly subsident tectonic settings. In particular, the bioclastic limestones underlying the studied deposits at EGC a6 ŽFig. 4. only display eolian bedding, whereas beach or subtidal facies should be visible if the area had been uplifted by 20 m. Finally, a synchronous tectonic uplift of similar amplitude in such distant regions as The Bahamas and Bermuda is not realistic. The foregoing discussion shows that the elevated marine deposits described in this study mainly record episodes of continental ice wastage. If a combination of steric change, isostatic rebound and melting of alpine glaciers could possibly explain the first rise to ca. q2 m, the latter two clearly imply a major contribution from polar ice. More specifically, a rise of sea level up to a q20 m datum requires total disintegration of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, which could, respectively, add ca. 5 and 7 m of water to the world oceans ŽDuplessy and Morel, 1990., and a significant input ŽG 6 m. from the East Antarctic ice sheet. The implications of the glacioeustatic origin of the marine terraces described in this study are discussed in the following section. 4.4. Implications for sea-leÕel and climate history The sea-level data gathered from this study bring new or complementary information regarding the validity of the oxygen-isotope record from deep-sea sediments as a proxy indicator of sea level, the stability of large ice sheets, and the nature of deglaciations. 4.4.1. Oxygen isotope curÕe as a proxy for sea leÕel Ever since the work of Shackleton and Opdyke Ž1973., the d18 O record from deep-sea sediments has been used as an indicator of continental-ice volume back through time, and often considered as the best record of glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations during the Quaternary ŽMatthews, 1990.. Nevertheless, in addition to indistinguishable elements of ocean tem- P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 perature and salinity, there are some discrepancies between the d18 O curve and the record obtained from the study of reefal terraces and fossil shoreline deposits, from both stable and tectonically active regions, that justify a critical attitude towards the limitations inherent in the isotopic record. Particular points of disagreement concern sea-level elevation during substage 5a Že.g., Vacher and Hearty, 1989. and the numbers of highstands during substage 5e Že.g., Aharon et al., 1980.. The high sea levels documented in this study correlate well with several low-latitude benthic records for isotopic stage 11 which indicate a 18 O depletion of approximately 0.2 ‰ with respect to stage 1 ŽBurckle, 1993; Raymo, 1997.. These lighter values suggest that the volume of ocean waters was larger during this period than it is today. However, in most records, the d18 O curve for stage 11 shows one single ŽImbrie et al., 1984; Hodell, 1993. or a double peak ŽPrell et al., 1986., whereas our stratigraphy suggests the occurrence of three fluctuations during this time period. Caution is thus required when directly translating d18 O curve wiggles in terms of sea-level changes. 4.4.2. Stability of large ice sheets There is much controversy about how large ice sheets, particularly in Antarctica, will respond to CO 2-induced global warming Žsee for example Meier, 1990; Bentley, 1997; Oppenheimer, 1998.. They might disintegrate by accelerated discharge and melting Že.g., Rignot, 1998., or, alternatively, build up because of increased precipitation, as documented from the Greenland ice sheet ŽZwally, 1989.. In other words, it is unclear whether the present cryosphere has reached some kind of interglacial equilibrium where wastage is compensated by accumulation, or if this apparent stability is only a lure linked to a lack of both observations and knowledge of ice-sheet dynamics. Our study suggests that the present balance between continental ice and ocean waters is fragile. Warmer climatic conditions, such as those probably prevailing during stage 11 ŽBurckle, 1993; Hodell, 1993; Howard, 1997; Scherer et al., 1998., might induce wastage of polar ice sheets, including parts of East Antarctica, and consequently elevate sea level to heights comparable to those recorded from the marine terraces in Eleuthera and Bermuda. 55 4.4.3. Nature of deglaciations If ice sheets were to melt further, some knowledge about modes of deglaciation and melting rates will be of prime importance to evaluate coastal response and impact on human communities. Several models have been proposed for ice-sheet demise at the end of the last glacial period Žsee review in Ruddiman, 1987., including a ‘‘smooth deglaciation model’’, a ‘‘two-step model’’, a ‘‘younger Dryas model’’ Žwith a reversal.. Judging from the elevation and ages of drowned reefs from the Caribbean region, Blanchon and Shaw Ž1995. more recently proposed that the last deglaciation was punctuated by sudden ice-sheet collapses and subsequent meterscale sea-level rise events ŽCREs or Catastrophic Rise Events; Blanchon and Shaw, 1995.. Similarly, geological data from both the terrestrial and marine record support a two-step deglaciation at the isotopic stage 6r5e transition Žtermination II, Seidenkrantz et al., 1996.. The stratigraphic record at EGC a3 shows three shallowing-upward sequences of facies separated by marine erosional surfaces. The latter probably represent short periods of accelerated sea-level rise, shifting coastal depocenters landward. In contrast, the intervening sedimentary sequences may reflect times of stable or slowly rising sea level characterized by a seaward progradation of coastal sediments. Our data suggest that the deglaciation associated with the studied deposits occurred in pulses. Had polar ice slowly melted, sediment production would have kept pace with sea-level rise and the geologic record at EGC a3 would be represented by one thick sequence of coastal sediments. Our data further agree with the scenario first envisaged by Hollin Ž1965., and recently reactualized by Neumann and Hearty Ž1996., that the end of the last interglacial period was marked by a rapid sea-level rise triggered by the surging of Antarctic ice sheets. 5. Conclusions The occurrence of marine terraces of middle Pleistocene age at ca. q2, q7 and more than 20 m in the tectonically stable, or slightly subsident archipelagos of Bermuda and The Bahamas documents major deglaciation events during this time interval. Stratigraphic, geochemical ŽAAR. and ra- 56 P. Kindler, P.J. Heartyr Global and Planetary Change 24 (2000) 41–58 diometric data constrain the age of these terraces between isotopic stages 13 Ž528–474 ka, Bassinot et al., 1994. and 9 Ž334–301 ka, idem.. We tend to correlate these deposits with isotopic stage 11 Ž427– 364 ka, idem. because the high sea levels recorded by our data are essentially coherent with the d18 O record and other lines of evidence from both the deep sea and continental realms ŽBurckle, 1993; Howard, 1997; Scherer et al., 1998. which indicate this was the warmest interglacial in the past half million years. In addition, our best constraining radiometric date Ž420 " 30 ka. agrees with a stage 11 age for these deposits. Considering the tectonic setting of the studied areas, the values of q2, q7 and q20 m are minimum elevations that sea level may have reached during this time interval. It follows that the present-day equilibrium of the cryosphere–ocean system may be fragile, and that warmer climatic conditions could modify the water balance between these two reservoirs. Finally, our data support punctuated deglaciation models proposed for this and the previous interglacial, whereby the demise of ice sheets is marked by sudden collapses triggering extremely rapid Žca. 100–300 yr.. meter-scale sea-level rises. Considering the warm climate and slowly rising sea level of the past few millennia, one is compelled to examine a scenario that includes a potentially disastrous rise in sea level. Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by a grant from the National Science Fund of Switzerland Ža2040638.94.. We are very thankful to Andre´ Droxler and John Farrell for inviting us to present our data at the 1997 AGU Spring Meeting special session on ‘‘The Carbonate Marine System during Stage 11’’. 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