Uncertainty Assessment of Alpha-Spectrometry Analysis of 210Po in Marine Sediment Sample from Jakarta Bay Ali Arman Lubis Kelompok Kelautan dan Lingkungan, Pusat Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, BATAN e-mail: alilubis@batan.go.id Received 21 March 2007, accepted for publication 12 March 2008 Abstract The expression of measurement uncertainties in a standardized form is a requirement for result reliability as it imposes implications to the interpretation of analytical results. In this work, the analytical procedure involves sample preparation steps for drying, dissolution and further radiochemical separation, self deposition and counting of 210Po of marine sediment sample are discussed. An isotopic tracer (209Po) is used to determine the overall chemical yield and to ensure traceability to a national standard. The uncertainty assessment of 210Po is discussed using marine sediment sample from Jakarta Bay with quality assurance based on Standard Reference Material, International Atomic Energy Agency, No. 300 (SRM IAEA-300) and SRM IAEA-368 for marine sediments. 210Po is measured by a PIPS detector coupled to a multichannel spectrometer. The contribution of the sources to the expanded standard uncertainty in the concentration of 210Po in marine sediment is assessed and the sample activity which contributed 71.10% of total is identified as the major contribution. Keywords: Uncertainty, Alpha spectrometry method, 210Po, Environmental radionuclide, Marine sediment Abstrak Standarisasi ketidakpastian dalam pengukuran merupakan suatu keharusan dalam menyampaikan hasil pengukuran karena akan mempengaruhi interpretasi hasil analisis. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas analisis sampel sedimen yang mencakup tahapan preparasi sampel yaitu pengeringan, pemisahan kimia dan radiokimia, deposisi spontan dan tahapan pengukuran 210Po. Penelusur isotopik 209Po digunakan untuk analisis kuantitatif dan ketertelusuran pada standar nasional. Kajian ketidakpastian dalam pengukuran 210Po menggunakan sampel sedimen laut dari Teluk Jakarta dan kualitas pengukuran ditelusuri dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran sedimen laut dengan SRM IAEA-300 dan SRM IAEA-368. 210Po diukur dengan spektrometer multi saluran alpha menggunakan detektor PIPS. Selanjutnya dibahas kontribusi dari komponen ketidakpastian terhadap total ketidakpastian dalam analisis 210Po dalam sedimen laut dan pengukuran sampel memberikan kontribusi sebesar 71,10% yang merupakan kontribusi paling besar terhadap total ketidakpastian. Kata kunci: Ketidakpastian, Metode spektrometri alpha, 210Po, Radionuklida alam, Sediment laut radionuclide 210Po in marine sediment core samples in environmental level. Furthermore, the concentration of 210 Po through sediment core which is assumed to be in equilibrium with 210Pb is applied to determine the age and sedimentation rate (Lubis, et al., 2005; 2006). In this work, the uncertainty sources for the relative method of alpha spectrometry were applied to determine 210Po in sediment samples as part of the Quality Assurance System implementation at PATIR, BATAN. Various uncertainty sources for the preparation step and for the alpha spectrometry measurement were considered. The contributions of the uncertainty sources to the expanded uncertainty in the concentration of 210Po were assessed. For the accuracy and sensitivity measurement, a Standard Reference Material (SRM) IAEA-300 (Baltic sea sediment) and IAEA-368 (Pacific ocean sediment) were used. These SRMs contain 210Pb which was determined by several 1. Introduction The expression of measurement uncertainties in a standardized form allows the comparison of results from different laboratories. It is also important in reaching decisions about the result in complying with the regulatory limits, as measurement uncertainties have implications on the interpretation of analytical results. Due to the growing demand on the quality assurance of analytical laboratories, the presentation of analytical results with their related uncertainties is a recent requirement in method validation and laboratory accreditation (EURACHEM/CITAC, 2000); (Moreira, et al., 2006). The alpha spectrometry method has been frequently used at the Marine and Environmental Laboratory of Center for the Application of isotopes and Radiation Technology (PATIR), National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) for analysis of natural 54 Lubis, Uncertainty Assessment of Alpha-Spectrometry Analysis of 210Po in Marine 55 laboratories around the world under Proficiency Test organized by IAEA. The process of uncertainty assessment includes the specification of the measurand, the identification of uncertainty sources, the quantification of the individual standard uncertainties, the calculation of the combined standard uncertainty, and the presentation of the expanded uncertainty. efficiency. Moreover, these mixed covered the energy of 209Po and 210Po. 4 g dried sediment Filtered and dried the filtrate + 0.4 mL HCl + 10 mL HCl + 10 mL HNO3 + 15 mL H2O + 4 drops H2O2 2. Experiment Sediment sample from Jakarta Bay and IAEA300 and IAEA-368 were analyzed to determine 210Po activity as well as 210Pb activity. Moreover, these SRMs were used for quality assurance through the accuracies and sensitivities of analytical methods used in this study. Wet and dry masses of samples before and after drying in calibrated oven at 60 οC were determined using a calibrated Satorius analytical balance, and dry bulk density and porosity were calculated (IAEATECDOC 1360, 2003). 2.1 Analytical procedures 210 Po analysis were performed according to the methodology developed by Sanchez-Cabeza, et al., (1993). The procedure is as follows: 4 g of dried homogenized sediment, IAEA-300 and IAEA-368 marine sediment were placed in different beaker glass. Each of sample and SRM was spiked with 0.4 ml (0.169 Bq) of 209Po tracer using a calibrated pipette for the determination of the chemical yield as well as for quantitative analysis. This tracer was produced by NIST (National Institute for Standard and Technology) USA. A mixture of HCl, HNO3 and H2O2 (all from Merck) and H2O was used to digest the sample. The remaining sample was filtered and ascorbic acid was added to complexify any iron present. 209Po and 210Po in solution were plated onto a copper disc for 8 hours at room temperature while stirred to produce a thin film. Detail of the procedure is depicted in a flowchart in Figure 1. Polonium isotope was counted for approximately 8 hours using α-spectrometer equipped with PIPS (Passiveted Implanted Planar Silicon) detector (Canberra model A450-20AM) with the resolution 20 keV and active area 450 mm2. The PIPS detector is optimized for high resolution (≤ 20 keV), high sensitivity (≥ 25% efficiency) and low background (≤ 1 count/hr) of alpha spectroscopy. 209Po and 210Po were determined in the energy of 4.88 MeV and 5.33 MeV, respectively. 210Po was assumed to be in radioactive equilibrium with 210Pb in the sediment samples (Ebaid, et al., 2006); (Guogang, et al., 2003). The calibration and background of detector are measured monthly. Calibration is performed using a mixed radionuclides of alpha emitters (238U, 234U, 239Pu and 241Am) point source which was traceable to NIST for qualitative analysis and determination of detector radionuclides + 100 mL HCl + 400 mg ascorbic acid Heated in Waterbath For + 10 minutes Dried in waterbath + 10 mL HCl + 40 mL H2O Heated in Waterbath For+10 minutes Self deposition For alpha spectrometer Figure 1. Flowchart of the analytical procedures of Po. 210 2.2 Specification of the measurand The measurand is the concentration of 210Po in sediment sample from Jakarta Bay. The concentration of 210Po is determined by means of the following equation (IAEA-TECDOC 1401, 2004): CA = AA f1 f 2 f 3 f 4 mA .q (1) in Bq.kg-1 wet weight at the date of sampling with: ⎡ R − RBA ⎤⎛ p ⎞ AA = cTVT ⎢ GA − q1 ⎥⎜⎜ αT ⎟⎟ ⎣ RGT − RBT ⎦⎝ pαA ⎠ (2) f1 = e ( + λA .(ts −tE )) (3) f2 = λ AtG 1 − e ( −λ f 3 = e (−λ T f4 = AtG ) .( t s −t c )) λT t G (4) (5) (6) 1 − e (−λ t ) where : AA = Activity of the 210Po on the deposition copper disk (Bq), mA = mass of dried sample used for the alpha analysis (kg), q = mass ratio (wet/dry) of sample, cr = certified concentration of tracer solution 209 Po (Bqml-1), at date of calibration, VT = volume of tracer (209Po) used (ml), RGA = gross counting rate of the 210Po in s-1 (with counting time tG), RBA = blank counting rate of the 210Po in s-1 (counting time tB), RGT = gross counting rate of 209Po in s-1(counting time tG), RBT = blank counting rate of 209Po in s-1 (counting time tB), q1 = isotopic impurity ratio of 210Po in the tracer T G 56 JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN SAINS, JUNI 2008, VOL. 13 NO. 2 mentioned previously is treated in the discussion of this paper. solution, pαT = sum of alpha emission probabilities for 209 Po region of interest, pαA = sum of alpha emission probabilities for 210Po region of interest, f1 = correction for decay of 210Po from sampling to measurement, f2 = correction for decay of the 210Po during the counting interval period tG, f3 = correction for decay of 209Po from its calibration date to measurement, f4 = correction for decay of 209Po during the counting interval period tG, λA = decay constant of 210 −1 Po in ( s ), λT = decay −1 constant of 209Po in ( s ), tE = end of sampling time, ts = beginning of measurement time, tC = time of calibration of 209Po solution, tG = counting time interval of the gross counting in s. The radiochemical yield η of the 209Po, an indicator of the performance of the procedure, can be calculated from the following equations: ( R − RBT ) η = GT εcTVT ε= Figure 2. Cause and effect diagram for alpha spectrometry of analyzing 210Po in sediment sample 2.4 Traceability links All the parameters used in the alpha spectrometry method of analysis 210Po in sediment are traceable in SI unit. The traceability links were established by means of oven and balance calibration by Calibration Laboratory, Directorate of Quality Control, Ministry of Trade, Indonesia (DEPDAG) using balance weight and thermocouple, respectively. The calibrated radioactive sources for qualitative and efficiency were determined by Canberra, USA. The certified reference solution (209Po) as a tracer for quantified determination was from NIST. (7) ( RGPS − RBPS ) AA, PS Ρ (8) with ε the detection efficiency for alpha particles, and RGPS, RBPS, AA,PS and Ρ are the gross counting rate, background, activity and probability of each radionuclide in mixed radionuclides point source, respectively. 3. Results and Discussion 2.3 Identification of uncertainty sources The data of efficiency (ε) calculated using equation (8) based on the available data from certificated mixed radionuclides and extended uncertainty with the confidence level 95% (k=2) are shown in Table 1 and Figure 3. Radiochemical yield (η) of tracer 209Po as an indicator of the performance of the method was then determined using equation (7). The result of radiochemical yield is 79.48%. The calculation of concentration of 210Po in marine sediment from Jakarta Bay was done with the equations (1) and (2). The result was 11.837 Bqkg-1. The uncertainty sources considered in this work are shown in the cause and effect diagram in Figure 2 (IAEA-TECDOC 1401, 2004) and (Heydorn, 2004). As can be seen in Figure 2, the individual uncertainty consists of dry weight of sample, mass ratio, decay correction of both radionuclides 209Po and 210Pb, concentration and volume of tracer 209Po, counting statistics, isotopic impurities and alpha probabilities. The assessment of the various uncertainty sources as Table 1. Data of radionuclides used for calibration detector for determining qualitative analysis and detector efficiency Radionu clides 238 Energy (MeV) Activity (Bq) 4.198 1.485 U 4.775 1.478 U 239 5.157 1.508 Pu 241 5.486 1.540 Am * Uncertainty (k=2), 95% confidence level 234 Half-life (year) 4.47x1009 2.46x1005 2.41x1004 4.32x1002 Probability (%) 79 71.38 73.38 84.5 Expanded uncertainty* (Bq) 0.0344 0.0333 0.0344 0.0356 Efficiency detector 0.1806 0.1945 0.1743 0.1622 Expanded uncertainty of efficiency* 0.0262 0.0297 0.0224 0.0181 Lubis, Uncertainty Assessment of Alpha-Spectrometry Analysis of 210Po in Marine 57 0.25 Efficiency 0.2 0.15 Eff = -0.0065*(Energy)2 + 0.025*(Energy) + 0.1643 R = 0.914 0.1 0.05 0 4.198 4.775 5.157 5.486 Energy (MeV) Figure 3. Efficiency curve of detector PIPS using point source of mixed radionuclides 238U, 234U, 239Pu and 241Am with the counting time tG = 18000 s. Table 2 lists the contributions for combined standard uncertainty based on cause and effect in determining the uncertainty of 210Po in marine sample (Figure 2). The uncertainty of sample mass (mA) was combined standard uncertainty from repeatability and calibration. The repeatability contribution, a type A uncertainty, was taken from a control chart of 0.1 g measurements, with number of measurements were 10 times. The other contributions were taken from the balance calibration certificate. Similarly, the combined uncertainty of the mass ratio (q) of wet and dry sample was from the sample mass (repeatability and calibration) of wet and dry sample and the calibrated oven. Combined uncertainty of sample mass u m was 0.000094 kg and mass ratio u q was 0.064604. Furthermore, the contribution of mA and q to total (u C ) 2 are 2.46% and 7.58%, respectively (Table 2 and Figure 4). The uncertainty in the concentration of standard tracer depends on the certified concentration values for the standard solutions (taken from the solution certificates) and on the volume of the solution pipetted onto the samples. The following sources of uncertainty were considered: volume repeatability, the statements by the pipettor producers about the imprecision of pipettors in dispensing liquids and the uncertainty from volume expansion due to the temperature at the time of pipettor calibration. Moreover, a variation of ± 30C of the environment temperature will result in an uncertainty of 3.2x10-4 ml. The combined standard uncertainties were 0.009587 ml and 0.005 Bqml-1 for the volume uVT and the concentration u cT of 209Po, respectively. The contributions of both parameters to total (u C ) 2 are 0.65% and 2.67% for the volume and concentration of tracer 209Po. Table 2. Individual uncertainty components and contributions to the square of the combined uncertainty Reference list and symbol Dry weight for analysis (mA) Value of variable Uncertainty ( uC ) Percent contribution to (u C ) 2 0.004 kg 0.000094 kg 2.46 1.53521 0.064604 7.58 1.558601 1.000369 0.99343 1.000001 0.012051 0.006262 0.008841 0.008984 0.28 0.18 0.37 0.37 0.423 Bq.ml-1 0.005 Bq.ml-1 0.65 0.4 ml 0.009587 ml 2.67 0.003074 s-1 0.000008 s-1 0.010822 s-1 0.000007 s-1 0.000338 s-1 0.000007 s-1 0.000541 s-1 0.000064 s-1 71.10 3.20 10.75 0.17 0.0011 0.00024 0.003 1.000 1.000 0.0024 0.0064 0.03 0.19 Mass ratio ( q) Decay corrections: f1 f2 f3 f4 209 Po concentration ( cT ) 209 Volume of Po ( V T) Counting rates: RGA RBA RGT RBT Isotopic impurity ( q 1) Alpha probabilities: pαT pαA Component uncertainty 58 JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN SAINS, JUNI 2008, VOL. 13 NO. 2 paA paT q1 RBT RGT RBA RGA VT cT f4 f3 f2 f1 q ma 0 5 10 % Contribution to (uc) 70 80 2 Figure 4. Contribution of individual uncertainties to the total of uncertainties of sediment sample. The contribution of the decay constants ( f1 , f 2 , f 3 and f 4 ) depend on the uncertainty of the half-life of the radionuclides (equation 3 to 6). Halflives were converted to seconds and their uncertainties in decay constant were propagated as exponential uncertainties. Uncertainties due to the decay time of samples and standard may be neglected for the radionuclide under consideration as these uncertainties contributed only 1.20% of (uC ) 2 . The counting statistics component to uncertainty is available from the measurement result as the square root of the measured activity, as it follows the Poisson distribution. The contribution of counting statistics of measurement needs to be considered because this is the most important contribution to the uncertainty in nuclear analytical methods. The combined standard uncertainty originated from the gross counting rate of analyte and tracer and the gross counting rate of background at the same energy of analyte and tracer. The background was the averaged of a series of blank analyses (n=10). In this case, the contributions from the peak overlap and covariant were neglected due to the non-overlapping peak amongst tracer 209Po, sample 210 Po and other isotopes impurities. Accordingly, from Table 2 and Figure 4, the total contribution of all counting statistics, namely; gross counting rates of sample and tracer and gross counting rates of background sample and tracer, are 85.22% with 71.10%, 10.75%, 3.20% and 0.17% for RGA, RGT, RBA and RBT, respectively. From all contributions of uncertainties which has been mentioned above, the result of the calculation of analyzing 210Po (equilibration with 210Pb) in the sample was 11.837 Bqkg-1 ± 3.270 Bqkg-1 with 95% confidence level. Table 3 presents the 210Po concentration results obtained in this work for the SRMs with associated expanded uncertainties. For comparison, certified values are also presented. A good agreement is observed between the obtained results and certified values with the differences are 2.44% and 5.67% for SRM IAEA-300 and IAEA-368, respectively. For 210Pb which is assumed to be in equilibrium with 210Po on the reported uncertainties are in the same order of magnitude of the certified values uncertainties, showing the suitability of the alpha spectrometry method to the analysis of sediments. 4. Conclusion This paper shows the various steps involved in the expanded uncertainty assessment for the concentration of 210Po in sediment sample by alpha spectrometry method. Sample activity was the most important source of uncertainty. The alpha counting statistics was the strongest contribution to the activity uncertainty. 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