7 years of Indian Cyber Law - Department of Information

7 years of Indian
Cyber Law
Rohas Nagpal
About the author
Rohas Nagpal is the founder President of Asian School of
Cyber Laws.
He advises Governments and corporates around the world
in cyber crime investigation and cyber law related issues.
He has assisted the Government of India in drafting rules
and regulations under the Information Technology Act,
He has authored several books, papers and articles on
cyber law, cyber terrorism, cyber crime investigation and
financial law.
Rohas lives in Pune (India) and blogs @ rohasnagpal.com
Some of the papers authored by Rohas Nagpal
1. Internet Time Theft & the Indian Law
2. Legislative Approach to Digital Signatures
3. Indian Legal position on Cyber Terrorism
4. Defining Cyber Terrorism
5. The mathematics of terror
6. Cyber Terrorism in the context of Globalisation
7. Biometric based Digital Signature Scheme
Some of the books authored by Rohas Nagpal
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
ABOUT THIS PAPER ................................................................................................... 2
JURISPRUDENCE OF INDIAN CYBER LAW.......................................................... 3
1. CYBER PORNOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 6
AVNISH BAJAJ VS. STATE (N.C.T.) OF DELHI ........................................................... 11
2. ACCESSING PROTECTED SYSTEM ................................................................. 13
FIROS VS. STATE OF KERALA .................................................................................... 17
3. TAMPERING WITH COMPUTER SOURCE CODE .......................................... 20
4. BANKER’S BOOKS EVIDENCE ACT................................................................. 29
STATE BANK OF INDIA VS. RIZVI EXPORTS LTD ........................................................ 32
5. ADMISSIBILITY OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS ................................................ 33
STATE VS. MOHD. AFZAL AND OTHERS ..................................................................... 35
6. IS ATM A COMPUTER? ........................................................................................ 40
7. PLACE OF ELECTRONIC CONTRACT.............................................................. 42
P.R. TRANSPORT AGENCY VS. UNION OF INDIA & OTHERS ...................................... 42
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
About this paper
This paper is prepared for Clubhack 2007 in December 2007.
Indian Cyber Laws were official born on 17th October 2000 with the
Information Technology Act, 2000 coming into force. This paper
discusses 7 interesting case laws that I feel highlight the development of
cyber legal jurisprudence in India over the last 7 years.
This paper begins with a short outline of the various rules, regulations
and orders that have been passed over the last 7 years. It then moves
onto a brief discussion on the Indian law relating to cyber pornography
and features the Avnish Bajaj (CEO of bazzee.com – now a part of the
ebay group of companies) case.
The next issue covered by this paper is that of protected systems and
features the Firos vs. State of Kerala case. The highly topical issue of
tampering with computer source code is discussed next along with the
Syed Asifuddin case.
The importance of the amendments to the Banker’s Books Evidence
Act is discussed next in the context of the State Bank of India vs. Rizvi
Exports Ltd case.
The issue of admissibility of electronic records is discussed in the
context of the State vs. Mohd. Afzal and others case also known as the
Parliament attack case.
The paper ends with two cases, one focussing on whether an ATM is a
computer and the other on the place of an electronic contract.
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Jurisprudence of Indian Cyber Law
The primary source of cyber law in India is the Information Technology
Act, 2000 (IT Act) which came into force on 17 October 2000.
The primary purpose of the Act is to provide legal
recognition to electronic commerce and to facilitate
filing of electronic records with the Government. The IT
Act also penalizes various cyber crimes and provides
strict punishments (imprisonment terms upto 10 years and
compensation up to Rs 1 crore).
Minor errors in the Act were rectified by the Information
Technology (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2002
which was passed on 19 September 2002.
An Executive Order dated 12 September 2002 contained
instructions relating provisions of the Act in regard to
protected systems and application for the issue of a Digital
Signature Certificate.
The IT Act was amended by the Negotiable Instruments
(Amendments and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act,
2002. This introduced the concept of electronic cheques
and truncated cheques.
Information Technology (Use of Electronic Records
and Digital Signatures) Rules, 2004 has provided the
necessary legal framework for filing of documents with the
Government as well as issue of licences by the
Government. It also provides for payment and receipt of
fees in relation to the Government bodies.
On the same day, the Information Technology (Certifying Authorities)
Rules, 2000 also came into force.
These rules prescribe the eligibility, appointment and
working of Certifying Authorities (CA). These rules also lay
down the technical standards, procedures and security
methods to be used by a CA. These rules were amended
in 2003, 2004 and 2006.
Regulations, 2001 came into force on 9 July 2001. They
provide further technical standards and procedures to be
used by a CA.
Two important guidelines relating to CAs were issued. The
first are the Guidelines for submission of application for
licence to operate as a Certifying Authority under the IT
Act. These guidelines were issued on 9th July 2001.
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Next were the Guidelines for submission of certificates
and certification revocation lists to the Controller of
Certifying Authorities for publishing in National Repository
of Digital Certificates. These were issued on 16th
December 2002.
The Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 2000
also came into force on 17th October 2000.
These rules prescribe the appointment and working of the
Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal (CRAT) whose
primary role is to hear appeals against orders of the
Adjudicating Officers.
The Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal (Salary,
Allowances and other terms and conditions of service
of Presiding Officer) Rules, 2003 prescribe the salary,
allowances and other terms for the Presiding Officer of the
Information Technology (Other powers of Civil Court
vested in Cyber Appellate Tribunal) Rules 2003
provided some additional powers to the CRAT.
On 17th March 2003, the Information Technology (Qualification and
Experience of Adjudicating Officers and Manner of Holding Enquiry)
Rules, 2003 were passed.
These rules prescribe the qualifications and experience of
Adjudicating Officers, whose chief responsibility under the
IT Act is to adjudicate on cases such as unauthorized
access, unauthorized copying of data, spread of viruses,
denial of service attacks, disruption of computers,
computer manipulation etc. These rules also prescribe the
manner and mode of inquiry and adjudication by these
The appointment of adjudicating officers to decide the fate of multi-crore
cyber crime cases in India was the result of the public interest litigation
filed by students of Asian School of Cyber Laws (ASCL). The
Government had not appointed the Adjudicating Officers or the Cyber
Regulations Appellate Tribunal for almost 2 years after the passage of
the IT Act. This prompted ASCL students to file a Public Interest
Litigation (PIL) in the Bombay High Court asking for a speedy
appointment of Adjudicating officers.
The Bombay High Court, in its order dated 9th October 2002, directed the
Central Government to announce the appointment of adjudicating officers
in the public media to make people aware of the appointments. The
division bench of the Mumbai High Court consisting of Hon’ble Justice
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
A.P. Shah and Hon’ble Justice Ranjana Desai also ordered that the
Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal be constituted within a reasonable
time frame.
Following this the Central Government passed an order dated 23rd March
2003 appointing the “Secretary of Department of Information Technology
of each of the States or of Union Territories” of India as the adjudicating
The Information Technology (Security Procedure) Rules, 2004 came
into force on 29th October 2004. They prescribe provisions relating to
secure digital signatures and secure electronic records.
Also relevant are the Information Technology (Other
Standards) Rules, 2003.
An important order relating to blocking of websites was passed on
27th February, 2003.
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IND) can
instruct Department of Telecommunications (DOT) to
block a website.
The Indian Penal Code (as amended by the IT Act) penalizes several
cyber crimes. These include forgery of electronic records, cyber frauds,
destroying electronic evidence etc.
Digital Evidence is to be collected and proven in court as per the
provisions of the Indian Evidence Act (as amended by the IT Act).
In case of bank records, the provisions of the Bankers’ Book Evidence
Act (as amended by the IT Act) are relevant.
Investigation and adjudication of cyber crimes is done in accordance with
the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the IT Act.
The Reserve Bank of India Act was also amended by the IT Act.
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
1. Cyber Pornography
There is no settled definition of pornography or obscenity. What is
considered simply sexually explicit but not obscene in USA may well be
considered obscene in India. There have been many attempts to limit the
availability of pornographic content on the Internet by governments and
law enforcement bodies all around the world but with little effect.
Pornography on the Internet is available in different formats. These range
from pictures and short animated movies, to sound files and stories. The
Internet also makes it possible to discuss sex, see live sex acts, and
arrange sexual activities from computer screens. Although the Indian
Constitution guarantees the fundamental right of freedom of speech and
expression, it has been held that a law against obscenity is constitutional.
The Supreme Court has defined obscene as “offensive to modesty or
decency; lewd, filthy, repulsive.
Section 67 of the IT Act is the most serious Indian law penalizing cyber
pornography. Other Indian laws that deal with pornography include the
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act and the Indian
Penal Code.
According to Section 67 of the IT Act
Whoever publishes or transmits or causes
to be published in the electronic form, any
material which is lascivious or appeals to
the prurient interest or if its effect is such as
to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who
are likely, having regard to all relevant
circumstances, to read, see or hear the
matter contained or embodied in it, shall be
imprisonment of either description for a
term which may extend to five years and
with fine which may extend to one lakh
rupees and in the event of a second or
subsequent conviction with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may
extend to ten years and also with fine which
may extend to two lakh rupees.
This section explains what is considered to be obscene and also lists the
acts in relation to such obscenity that are illegal.
What constitutes obscenity in electronic form?
To understand what constitutes obscenity in the electronic form, let us
analyse the relevant terms:
Any material in the context of this section would include video
files, audio files, text files, images, animations etc. These may be
stored on CDs, websites, computers, cell phones etc.
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Lascivious is something that tends to excite lust.
Appeals to, in this context, means “arouses interest”.
Prurient interest is characterized by lustful thoughts.
Effect means to produce or cause.
Tend to deprave and corrupt in the context of this section
means “to lead someone to become morally bad”.
Persons here refers to natural persons (men, women, children)
and not artificial persons (such as companies, societies etc).
Having understood these terms, let us analyse what constitutes
obscenity. To be considered obscene for the purpose of this section, the
matter must satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
1. it must tend to excite lust, or
2. it must arouse interest in lustful thoughts, or
3. it must cause a person to become morally bad.
The above conditions must be satisfied in respect of a person who is the
likely target of the material. This can be understood from the following
Sameer launches a website that contains
information on sex education. The website
is targeted at higher secondary school
students. Pooja is one such student who is
browsing the said website. Her illiterate
young maid servant happens to see some
explicit photographs on the website and is
filled with lustful thoughts.
This website would not be considered
obscene. This is because it is most likely to
be seen by educated youngsters who
appreciate the knowledge sought to be
imparted through the photographs. It is
under very rare circumstances that an
illiterate person would see these explicit
Acts that are punishable in respect of obscenity
To understand the acts that are punishable in respect of obscenity in the
electronic form, let us analyse the relevant terms:
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Publishes means “to make known to others”. It is essential that
at least one natural person (man, woman or child) becomes
aware or understands the information that is published. Simply
putting up a website that is never visited by any person does not
amount to publishing.
Sameer has just hosted a website
containing his articles written in English.
Sameer has not published the articles.
An automated software released by an
Internet search engine indexes Sameer’s
website. Sameer has still not published the
A Chinese man, who does not understand
a word of English, accidentally visits
Sameer’s website. Sameer has still not
published the articles.
Pooja, who understands English, visits
Sameer’s website and reads some of his
articles. Now, Sameer has published his
Transmits means to pass along, convey or spread. It is not
necessary that the “transmitter” actually understands the
information being transmitted.
Sameer has just hosted a website
containing his articles. Pooja uses an
Internet connection provided by Noodle Ltd
to visit Sameer’s website. Noodle Ltd has
transmitted Sameer’s articles to Pooja.
However, Noodle employees are not
actually aware of the information being
transmitted by their computers.
Causes to be published means “to bring about the publishing of
something”. It is essential that the actual publishing must take
Sameer has just hosted a website
containing his articles. An automated
software released by Noodle Internet
search engine indexes Sameer’s website.
But no human being has still used that
index to read these articles. Noodle has not
caused Sameer’s articles to be published.
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Based upon the index created by Noodle,
Pooja reaches Sameer’s website and reads
some of his articles. Now, Noodle has
caused Sameer’s articles to be published.
Information in the electronic form includes websites, songs on a CD,
movies on a DVD, jokes on a cell phone, photo sent as an email
attachment etc.
The punishment provided under this section is as under:
1. First offence: Simple or rigorous imprisonment up to 5 years and
fine up to Rs 1 lakh
2. Subsequent offence: Simple or rigorous imprisonment up to 10
years and fine up to Rs 2 lakh
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Publishing cyber pornography
Actions covered
Publishing, causing to be published
transmitting cyber pornography.
First offence: Simple or rigorous imprisonment
up to 5 years and fine up to Rs 1 lakh
Subsequent offence: Simple or rigorous
imprisonment up to 10 years and fine up to Rs
2 lakh
Relevant authority
Court of Session
Appeal lies to
High Court
1. Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA)
2. Person authorised by CCA
3. Police Officer not below the rank of
Deputy Superintendent
Points to mention in
1. Complainant details
2. Suspect details
3. How and when the contravention was
discovered and by whom
4. Other relevant information
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© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Avnish Bajaj vs. State (N.C.T.) of Delhi
(2005)3CompLJ364(Del), 116(2005)DLT427, 2005(79)DRJ576
Bail Appl. No. 2284 of 2004
Decided On: 21.12.2004
Appellants: Avnish Bajaj
Respondent: State (N.C.T.) of Delhi
Summary of the case
Avnish Bajaj, CEO of Baazee.com, an online auction website, was
arrested for distributing cyber pornography. The charges stemmed from
the fact that someone had sold copies of a pornographic CD through the
Baazee.com website.
The court granted him bail in the case.
The major factors considered by the court were:
1. There was no prima facie evidence that Mr. Bajaj directly or
indirectly published the pornography,
2. The actual obscene recording/clip could not be viewed on
3. Mr. Bajaj was of Indian origin and had family ties in India.
Avnish Bajaj is the CEO of Baazee.com, a customer-to-customer
website, which facilitates the online sale of property. Baazee.com
receives commission from such sales and also generates revenue from
advertisements carried on its web pages.
An obscene MMS clipping was listed for sale on Baazee.com on 27th
November, 2004 in the name of “DPS Girl having fun". Some copies of
the clipping were sold through Baazee.com and the seller received the
money for the sale.
Avnish Bajaj was arrested under section 67 of the Information
Technology Act, 2000 and his bail application was rejected by the trial
court. He then approached the Delhi High Court for bail.
Issues raised by the Prosecution
1. The accused did not stop payment through banking
channels after learning of the illegal nature of the
2. The item description "DPS Girl having fun" should
have raised an alarm.
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Issues raised by the Defence
1. Section 67 of the Information Technology Act relates
to publication of obscene material. It does not relate to
transmission of such material.
2. On coming to learn of the illegal character of the sale,
remedial steps were taken within 38 hours, since the
intervening period was a weekend.
Findings of the court
1. It has not been established from the evidence that any
publication took place by the accused, directly or
2. The actual obscene recording/clip could not be viewed
on the portal of Baazee.com.
3. The sale consideration was not routed through the
4. Prima facie Baazee.com had endeavored to plug the
5. The accused had actively participated in the
6. The nature of the alleged offence is such that the
evidence has already crystallized and may even be
tamper proof.
7. Even though the accused is a foreign citizen, he is of
Indian origin with family roots in India.
8. The evidence that has been collected indicates only
that the obscene material may have been unwittingly
offered for sale on the website.
9. The evidence that has been collected indicates that
the heinous nature of the alleged crime may be
attributable to some other person.
Decision of the court
1. The court granted bail to Mr. Bajaj subject to furnishing
two sureties of Rs. 1 lakh each.
2. The court ordered Mr. Bajaj to surrender his passport
and not to leave India without the permission of the
3. The court also ordered Mr. Bajaj to participate and
assist in the investigation.
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© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
2. Accessing Protected System
According to section 70 of the IT Act
The appropriate Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, declare that
any computer, computer system or computer
network to be a protected system.
The appropriate Government may, by
order in writing, authorize the persons who are
authorized to access protected systems notified
under sub-Section (1).
Any person who secures access or
attempts to secure access to a protected
system in contravention of the provisions of this
Section shall be punished with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may extend
to ten years and shall also be liable to fine.
As per Executive order dated 12-9-2002,
issued by Ministry of Communications
&Information Technology details of every
protected system should be provided to the
Controller of Certifying Authorities.
There are three elements to this section1. Gazette notification for declaring protected system.
2. Government order authorizing persons to access protected
3. Punishment for access to protected systems by unauthorised
Let us discuss the relevant terms and issues in detail.
Appropriate government is determined as per Schedule VII of
the Constitution of India.
Schedule VII of the Constitution of India
contains 3 lists – Union, State and
Concurrent. Parliament has the exclusive
right to make laws on items covered in the
Union List e.g. defence, Reserve Bank of
India etc.
State Governments have the exclusive right
to make laws on items covered in the State
List e.g. police, prisons etc.
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7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Parliament as well as the State
Governments can make laws on matters in
the Concurrent List e.g. forests, electricity
Illustration 1
If the computer network of the Indian Army
is to be declared as a protected system, the
Central Government would be the
appropriate Government.
Illustration 2
If the computer network of the Mumbai
police is to be declared as a protected
system, the Government of Maharashtra
would be the appropriate Government.
Illustration 3
If the computer network of the Forest
Department in Maharashtra is to be
declared as a protected system, the Central
Government as well as the Government of
Maharashtra would be the appropriate
All the acts, rules, regulations etc passed by the Central and
State Government are notified in the Official Gazette. The
Official Gazette in the electronic form is called the Electronic
Gazette. A notification becomes effective on the date of its
publication in the Gazette.
The Government order may specify the authorised persons by
name or by designation (e.g. all officers of rank of Inspector and
above deputed in a particular department).
The term “securing access” in this section is a grammatical
variation of the term “secures access” as discussed earlier.
Attempt to secure access is a very wide term and can best be
understood through the following illustrations.
Illustration 1
Sameer runs a password cracking software
to crack the password of a protected
system. Irrespective of whether he
succeeds in cracking the password, he is
guilty of attempting to secure access.
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© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Illustration 2
Sameer runs automated denial of service
software to bring down the firewall and
securing a protected system. Irrespective of
whether he succeeds in bringing down the
firewall, he is guilty of attempting to secure
Illustration 3
Sameer sends a Trojan by email to Pooja,
who is the network administrator of a
protected system. He plans to Trojanize
Pooja’s computer and thereby gain
unauthorised access to the protected
Irrespective of whether he
succeeds in finally accessing the protected
system, he is guilty of attempting to secure
The punishment provided for this section is rigorous or simple
imprisonment of up to 10 years and fine.
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Unauthorised Access to Protected System
Actions covered
Unauthorised access to protected system (or
attempt thereof)
Imprisonment up to 10 years and fine (this may
be rigorous or simple imprisonment i.e. with or
without hard labour)
Relevant authority
Court of Session
Appeal lies to
High Court
1. Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA)
2. Person authorised by CCA
3. Police Officer not below the rank of
Deputy Superintendent
Points to mention in
1. Complainant details
2. Suspect details
3. Details of gazette notification and
Government order
4. How and when the contravention was
discovered and by whom
5. Other relevant information
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© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
Firos vs. State of Kerala
AIR2006Ker279, 2006(3)KLT210, 2007(34)PTC98(Ker)
W.A. No. 685 of 2004
Decided On: 24.05.2006
Appellants: Firos
Respondent: State of Kerala
Summary of the case
The Government of Kerala issued a notification u/s 70 of the Information
Technology Act declaring the FRIENDS application software as a
protected system.
The author of the application software filed a petition in the High Court
against the said notification. He also challenged the constitutional validity
of section 70 of the IT Act.
The Court upheld the validity of both, section 70 of the IT Act, as well as
the notification issued by the Kerala Government.
Background of the case
Government of Kerala, as part of IT implementation in Government
departments, conceived a project idea of "FRIENDS" (Fast, Reliable,
Instant, Efficient Network for Disbursement of Services).
The project envisaged development of a software for single window
collection of bills payable to Government, local authorities, various
statutory agencies, Government Corporations etc. towards tax, fees,
charges for electricity, water, etc. A person by making a consolidated
payment in a computer counter served through "FRIENDS" system can
discharge all his liabilities due to the Government, local authorities and
various agencies.
The work of developing the "FRIENDS" software was entrusted to Firos.
The application-software "FRIENDS" was first established at
Thiruvananthapuram, free of cost, and since the project was successful,
the Government decided to set up the same in all other 13 district
The Government of Kerala entered into a contract with Firos for setting
up and commissioning "FRIENDS" software system in 13 centres all over
Kerala for providing integrated services to the customers through a single
window for a total consideration of Rs. 13 lakh. Firos set up FRIENDS
service centres in all the 13 centres and they were paid the agreed
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A dispute arose between Firos and the Government with regard to
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the FRIENDS software.
The Government arranged to modify the FRIENDS software to suit its
further requirements through another agency. Firos alleged violation of
copyright and filed a criminal complaint against the Government. A
counter case was filed by the Government against Firos.
The Government of Kerala issued a notification under Section 70 of the
Information Technology Act declaring the FRIENDS software installed in
the computer system and computer network established in all centres in
Kerala as a protected system.
Firos filed a writ petition challenging section 70 of the IT Act.
Issues raised by the Petitioner
1. The Government of Kerala notification under section
70 of the IT Act is arbitrary, discriminatory and violates
Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India.
2. The Government of Kerala notification under section
70 of the IT Act is and was against the statutory right
conferred under Section 17 of the Copyright Act.
3. Section 70 of the IT Act which confers the unfettered
powers on the State Government to declare any
computer system as a protected system is arbitrary
and unconstitutional and inconsistent with Copyright
4. Section 70 of the IT Act has to be declared as illegal.
5. There is direct conflict between the provisions of
Section 17 of the Copyright Act and Section 70 of the
Information Technology Act. When there is conflict
between two Acts, a harmonious construction has to
be adopted.
Conclusions of the court
1. There is no conflict between the provisions of
Copyright Act and Section 70 of IT Act.
2. Section 70 of the IT Act is not unconstitutional.
3. While interpreting section 70 of the IT Act, a
harmonious construction with Copyright Act is needed.
4. Section 70 of the IT Act is not against but subject to
the provisions of the Copyright Act.
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7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
5. Government cannot unilaterally declare any system as
"protected" other than "Government work" falling under
section 2(k) of the Copyright Act on which Govt.'s
copyright is recognised under Section 17(d) of the said
Section 2(k) of the Copyright Act
(k) 'Government work' means a work which
is made or published by or under the
direction or control of (i) the Government or any department of
the Government;
(ii) any Legislature in India;
(iii) any Court, Tribunal or other judicial
authority in India;
Section 17(d) of the Copyright Act
17. First owner of copyright:- Subject to the
provisions of this Act, the author of a work
shall be the owner of the copyright therein;
(d) in the case of a Government work,
Government shall, in the absence of any
agreement to the contrary, be the first
owner of the copyright therein;
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7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
3. Tampering with computer source code
According to section 65 of the IT Act
conceals, destroys or alters or intentionally
or knowingly causes another to conceal,
destroy or alter any computer source code
used for a computer, computer programme,
computer system or computer network,
when the computer source code is required
to be kept or maintained by law for the time
being in force, shall be punishable with
imprisonment up to three years, or with fine
which may extend up to two lakh rupees, or
with both.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this
section, "computer source code" means the
commands, design and layout and
programme analysis of computer resource
in any form.
Computer source code is the listing of programmes, computer
commands, design and layout and programme analysis of computer
resource in any form.
Computer source code need not only be in the electronic form. It can be
printed on paper (e.g. printouts of flowcharts for designing a software
Let us understand this using some illustrations:
Illustration 1
Pooja has created a simple computer
program. When a user double-clicks on the
hello.exe file created by Pooja, the
following small screen opens up:
Hello World
The hello.exe file created by Pooja is the
executable file that she can give to others.
The small screen that opens up is the
output of the software program written by
Pooja has created the executable file using
the programming language called “C”.
Using this programming language, she
created the following lines of code:
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© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
7 years of Indian Cyber Laws
printf("hello, ");
These lines of code are referred to as the
source code.
Illustration 2
Noodle Ltd has created software for
viewing and creating image files. The
programmers who developed this program
used the computer-programming language
called Visual C++. Using the syntax of
these languages, they wrote thousands of
lines of code.
This code is then compiled into an
executable file and given to end-users. All
that the end user has to do is double-click
on a file (called setup.exe) and the program
gets installed on his computer. The lines of
code are known as computer source code.
Illustration 3
Pooja is creating a simple website. A
registered user of the website would have
to enter the correct password to access the
content of the website. She creates the
following flowchart outlining the functioning
of the authentication process of the
Login page
Enter password
Invalid password
© 2007 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved.
Logged in
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She takes a printout of the flowchart to
discuss it with her client. The printout is
source code.
This section relates to computer source code that is either:
1. required to be kept (e.g. in a cell phone, hard disk, server etc), or
2. required to be maintained by law
The following acts are prohibited in respect of the source code
1. knowingly concealing or destroying or altering
2. intentionally concealing or destroying or altering
3. knowingly causing another to conceal or destroy or alter
4. intentionally causing another to conceal or destroy or alter
Let us discuss the relevant terms and issues in detail.
Conceal simply means “to hide”
Pooja has created a software program. The
source code files of the program are
contained in a folder on Pooja’s laptop.
Sameer changes the properties of the
folder and makes it a “hidden” folder.
Although the source code folder still exists
on Pooja’s computer, she can no longer
see it. Sameer has concealed the source
Destroys means “to make useless”, “cause to cease to exist”,
“nullify”, “to demolish”, or “reduce to nothing”.
Destroying source code also includes acts that render the source
code useless for the purpose for which it had been created.
Illustration 1
Pooja has created a software program. The
source code files of the program are
contained in a folder on Pooja’s laptop.
Sameer deletes the folder. He has
destroyed the source code.
Illustration 2
Pooja has created a software program. The
source code files of the program are
contained in a folder on Pooja’s laptop.
Sameer deletes one of the source code
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files. Now the source code cannot be
compiled into the final product. He has
destroyed the source code.
Illustration 3
Pooja is designing a software program. She
draws out the flowchart depicting the
outline of the functioning of the program.
Sameer tears up the paper on which she
had drawn the flowchart. Sameer has
destroyed the source code.
Alters, in relation to source code, means “modifies”, “changes”,
“makes different” etc. This modification or change could be in
respect to size, properties, format, value, utility etc”.
Pooja has created a webpage for her client.
The source code of the webpage is in
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
format. Sameer changes the file from
HTML to text format. He has altered the
source code.
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Tampering with computer source code
Actions covered
Knowingly or intentionally concealing, altering
or destroying computer source code (or causing
someone else to do so).
Imprisonment up to 3 years and / or fine up to
Rs 2 lakh
Relevant authority
Judicial Magistrate First Class
Appeal lies to
Court of Session
1. Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA)
2. Person authorised by CCA
3. Police Officer not below the rank of
Deputy Superintendent
Points to mention in
1. Complainant details
2. Suspect details
3. How and when the contravention was
discovered and by whom
4. Damage suffered
5. Other relevant information
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Syed Asifuddin and Ors. Vs. The State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr.
Cri. Petn. Nos. 2601 and 2602 of 2003
Decided On: 29.07.2005
Appellants: Syed Asifuddin and Ors.
Respondent: The State of Andhra Pradesh and Anr.
Summary of the case
Tata Indicom employees were arrested for manipulation of the electronic
32-bit number (ESN) programmed into cell phones that were exclusively
franchised to Reliance Infocomm.
The court held that such manipulation amounted to tampering with
computer source code as envisaged by section 65 of the Information
Technology Act, 2000.
Background of the case
Reliance Infocomm launched a scheme under which a cell phone
subscriber was given a digital handset worth Rs. 10,500 as well as
service bundle for 3 years with an initial payment of Rs. 3350 and
monthly outflow of Rs. 600. The subscriber was also provided a 1 year
warranty and 3 year insurance on the handset.
The condition was that the handset was technologically locked so that it
would only work with the Reliance Infocomm services. If the customer
wanted to leave Reliance services, he would have to pay some charges
including the true price of the handset. Since the handset was of a high
quality, the market response to the scheme was phenomenal.
Unidentified persons contacted Reliance customers with an offer to
change to a lower priced Tata Indicom scheme. As part of the deal, their
phone would be technologically “unlocked” so that the exclusive Reliance
handsets could be used for the Tata Indicom service.
Reliance officials came to know about this “unlocking” by Tata employees
and lodged a First Information Report (FIR) under various provisions of
the Indian Penal Code, Information Technology Act and the Copyright
The police then raided some offices of Tata Indicom in Andhra Pradesh
and arrested a few Tata Tele Services Limited officials for reprogramming the Reliance handsets.
These arrested persons approached the High Court requesting the court
to quash the FIR on the grounds that their acts did not violate the said
legal provisions.
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Issues raised by the Defence
1. It is always open for the subscriber to change from
one service provider to the other service provider.
2. The subscriber who wants to change from Tata
Indicom always takes his handset, to other service
providers to get service connected and to give up Tata
3. The handsets brought to Tata by Reliance subscribers
are capable of accommodating two separate lines and
can be activated on principal assignment mobile (NAM
1 or NAM 2). The mere activation of NAM 1 or NAM 2
by Tata in relation to a handset brought to it by a
Reliance subscriber does not amount to any crime.
4. A telephone handset is neither a computer nor a
computer system containing a computer programme.
5. There is no law in force which requires the
maintenance of "computer source code". Hence
section 65 of the Information Technology Act does not
Findings of the court
1. As per section 2 of the Information Technology Act,
any electronic, magnetic or optical device used for
storage of information received through satellite,
microwave or other communication media and the
devices which are programmable and capable of
retrieving any information by manipulations of
electronic, magnetic or optical impulses is a computer
which can be used as computer system in a computer
2. The instructions or programme given to computer in a
language known to the computer are not seen by the
users of the computer/consumers of computer
functions. This is known as source code in computer
3. A city can be divided into several cells. A person using
a phone in one cell will be plugged to the central
transmitter of the telecom provider. This central
transmitter will receive the signals and then divert
them to the relevant phones.
4. When the person moves from one cell to another cell
in the same city, the system i.e., Mobile Telephone
Switching Office (MTSO) automatically transfers
signals from tower to tower.
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5. All cell phone service providers have special codes
dedicated to them and these are intended to identify
the phone, the phone's owner and the service
6. System Identification Code (SID) is a unique 5-digit
number that is assigned to each carrier by the
licensor. Every cell phone operator is required to
obtain SID from the Government of India. SID is
programmed into a phone when one purchases a
service plan and has the phone activated.
7. Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is a unique 32-bit
number programmed into the phone when it is
manufactured by the instrument manufacturer. ESN is
a permanent part of the phone.
8. Mobile Identification Number (MIN) is a 10-digit
number derived from cell phone number given to a
subscriber. MIN is programmed into a phone when
one purchases a service plan.
9. When the cell phone is switched on, it listens for a SID
on the control channel, which is a special frequency
used by the phone and base station to talk to one
another about things like call set-up and channel
10. If the phone cannot find any control channels to listen
to, the cell phone displays "no service" message as it
is out of range.
11. When cell phone receives SID, it compares it to the
SID programmed into the phone and if these code
numbers match, cell knows that it is communicating
with its home system. Along with the SID, the phone
also transmits registration request and MTSO which
keeps track of the phone's location in a database,
knows which cell phone you are using and gives a
12. So as to match with the system of the cell phone
provider, every cell phone contains a circuit board,
which is the brain of the phone. It is a combination of
several computer chips programmed to convert analog
to digital and digital to analog conversion and
translation of the outgoing audio signals and incoming
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13. This is a micro processor similar to the one generally
used in the compact disk of a desktop computer.
Without the circuit board, cell phone instrument cannot
14. When a Reliance customer opts for its services, the
MIN and SID are programmed into the handset. If
some one manipulates and alters ESN, handsets
which are exclusively used by them become usable by
other service providers like TATA Indicom.
Conclusions of the court
A cell phone is a computer as envisaged under the
Information Technology Act.
2. ESN and SID come within the definition of “computer
source code” under section 65 of the Information
Technology Act.
3. When ESN is altered, the offence under Section 65 of
Information Technology Act is attracted because every
service provider has to maintain its own SID code and
also give a customer specific number to each
instrument used to avail the services provided.
4. Whether a cell phone operator is maintaining
computer source code, is a matter of evidence.
5. In Section 65 of Information Technology Act the
disjunctive word "or" is used in between the two
phrases –
a. "when the computer source code is required to
be kept"
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"maintained by law for the time being in force"
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4. Banker’s Books Evidence Act
The Banker’s Books Evidence Act lays down the rules of evidence in
relation to bankers’ books. Generally, bankers’ books would be
adduced as evidence where any financial transaction involving the
banking system is in question or has to be examined.
The IT Act has amended the Banker’s Book Evidence Act to confer equal
status on electronic records as compared to paper based documents.
Bankers' books include ledgers, day-books,
cash-books, account-books and all other
books used in the ordinary business of a
bank. These can be in paper form or
printouts of data stored in bank computers.
If a “certified copy” of printouts of bankers’ books has to be given, then
such printouts must be accompanied by three certificates.
Let us take a simple illustration to understand the contents of these
Note: These certificates are for illustration purposes only and do not
constitute legal advise. Please do not use in a real scenario. If you
require legally valid certificate formats for use in a real scenario,
please email us on info@asianlaws.org
Sameer issued a cheque to Pooja for Rs 3 lakh. The
cheque was dishonoured by Sameer’s bank (Noodle Bank
Ltd) as the balance in Sameer’s account was only Rs
50,000. Pooja has filed a case against Sameer under
section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act for the
cheque “bouncing”.
Pooja has requested Noodle Bank for a certified copy of
Sameer’s bank account statement (for January 2008) for
producing in court as evidence. The printout of the bank
statement will be accompanied by the following 3
Certificate u/s 2A(a) of the
Banker’s Books Evidence Act
I, the undersigned, state to the best of my knowledge and
belief that:
1. Mr. Sameer Sen is holding account no. 12345 with the
Pune branch of the Noodle Bank Ltd.
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2. The accompanying bank account statement is a
printout of the transactions and balances in the said
bank account for the period beginning 1st January
2008 and ending 31st January 2008.
Siddharth Sharma
Manager, Pune branch
Noodle Bank Ltd
Certificate u/s 2A(b) of the
Banker’s Books Evidence Act
I, the undersigned, state to the best of my knowledge and
belief that the enclosed “Information Security Policy of
Noodle Bank Ltd” contains the true and correct information
relating to the computer system used to store bank
account related information of Noodle Bank customers
and including the following information:
(A) the safeguards adopted by the system to
ensure that data is entered or any other
operation performed only by authorised
(B) the safeguards adopted to prevent and detect
unauthorised change of data;
(C) the safeguards available to retrieve data that is
lost due to systemic failure or any other
(D) the manner in which data is transferred from
the system to removable media like floppies,
discs, tapes or other electro-magnetic data
storage devices;
(E) the mode of verification in order to ensure that
data has been accurately transferred to such
removable media;
(F) the mode of identification of such data storage
(G) the arrangements for the storage and custody
of such storage devices;
(H) the safeguards to prevent and detect any
tampering with the system; and
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(I) other factors that will vouch for the integrity
and accuracy of the system.
Pooja Singh
System Administrator, Pune branch
Noodle Ltd
Enclosed: Information Security Policy of Noodle Bank Ltd
Certificate u/s 2A(c) of the
Banker’s Books Evidence Act
I, the undersigned, state to the best of my knowledge and
belief that:
The Noodle computer system described more
accurately in the “Information Security Policy of
Noodle Bank Ltd” operated properly at the material
time when the said system was used to take the
printout relating to the transactions and balances in
the bank account no. 12345 for the period beginning
1st January 2008 and ending 31st January 2008 was
The printout referred to above is appropriately derived
from the relevant data stored in the said system.
Pooja Singh
System Administrator, Pune branch
Noodle Ltd
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State Bank of India vs. Rizvi Exports Ltd
T.A. No. 1593 of 2000
Decided On: 01.10.2002
Appellants: State Bank of India
Respondent: Rizvi Exports Ltd.
State Bank of India (SBI) had filed a case to recover money from some
persons who had taken various loans from it. As part of the evidence,
SBI submitted printouts of statement of accounts maintained in SBI’s
computer systems.
The relevant certificates as mandated by the Bankers Books of Evidence
Act (as amended by Information Technology Act) had not been attached
to these printouts.
The Court held that these documents were not admissible as evidence.
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5. Admissibility of electronic records
Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act relates to admissibility of
electronic records as evidence in a Court of law.
The computer holding the original evidence does not need to be
produced in court. A printout of the record, or a copy on a CD ROM, hard
disk, floppy etc can be produced in court. However some conditions need
to be met and a certificate needs to be provided. These conditions and
the certificate are best explained using a detailed illustration.
Note: This certificate is for illustration purposes only and does not
constitute legal advice. Please do not use in a real scenario. If you
require a legally valid certificate format for use in a real scenario,
please email us on info@asianlaws.org
Noodle Ltd is an Internet Service Provider. The police are
investigating a cyber crime and need details about the
user of a particular IP address. They have requested
Noodle for these details.
What Noodle is going to provide the police is a printout of
records stored in its computer systems. The following
authenticated certificate has to be attached to this printout.
Certificate u/s 65B of Indian Evidence Act issued in
relation to the printout titled “Information relating to
IP address”
I, the undersigned, state to the best of my knowledge and
belief that:
1. The printout titled “Information relating to IP
address” issued on 1st January
2008 contains information stored in the ABC server
being used by Noodle Ltd to provide Internet
connection services to its customers in India.
2. The said printout was produced by the ABC server
during the period over which the ABC server was
used regularly to store and process information for
the purposes of activities regularly carried on over
that period by lawfully authorised persons.
3. During the said period, information of the kind
contained in the electronic record was regularly fed
into the ABC server in the ordinary course of the
said activities.
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4. Throughout the material part of the said period, the
computer was operating properly.
5. The information contained in the electronic record
reproduces such information fed into the computer
in the ordinary course of the said activities.
6. I am in a responsible official position in relation to
the operation of the ABC server.
Signed on this 1st day of January 2008
Pooja Singh
System Administrator,
Noodle Ltd
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State vs. Mohd. Afzal and others
2003VIIAD(Delhi)1, 107(2003)DLT385, 2003(71)DRJ178,
Reference No. 1/2003 and Crl. A. No. 43/2003
Decided On: 29.10.2003
Appellants: State
Respondent: Mohd. Afzal and Ors.
[Alongwith Crl. A. Nos. 59 and 80/2003]
Appellants: Mohd. Afzal
Respondent: State
[Along with Crl. A. Nos. 12, 19 and 36/2003]
Summary of the case
Several terrorists had attacked the Parliament House on 13th December,
2001. Digital evidence played an important role during their prosecution.
The accused had argued that computers and digital evidence can easily
be tampered and hence should not be relied upon.
The Court dismissed these arguments. It said that challenges to the
accuracy of computer evidence on the ground of misuse of system or
operating failure or interpolation, should be established by the challenger.
Mere theoretical and generic doubts cannot be cast on the evidence.
Background of the case
Several terrorists had attacked the Parliament House on 13th December,
2001 intending to take as hostage or kill the Prime Minister, Central
Ministers, Vice-President of India and Members of Parliament. Several
terrorists were killed by the police in the encounter and several persons
were arrested in connection with the attack.
The Designated Judge of the Special Court constituted under Section 23
of the Prevention of Terrorist Activities Act, 2002 (POTA) had convicted
several accused persons. They filed an appeal in the Delhi High Court
challenging the legality and validity of the trial and the sustainability of the
Digital evidence played an important role in this case. Computerized cell
phone call logs were heavily relied upon in this case.
A laptop, several smart media storage disks and devices were recovered
from a truck intercepted at Srinagar pursuant to information given by two
of the suspects. These articles were deposited in the police “malkhana”
on 16th December, 2001. Although the laptop was deposited in the
“malkhana” on 16th December, some files were written onto the laptop on
21st December.
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The laptops were forensically examined by a private computer engineer
and the Assistant Government Examiner of Questioned Documents,
Bureau of Police Research, Hyderabad.
The laptop contained files relating to identity cards and stickers that were
used by the terrorists to enter the Parliament premises. Cyber forensic
examination showed that the laptop was used for creating, editing and
viewing image files (mostly identity cards).
Evidence found on the laptop included:
1. fake identity cards,
2. video files containing clippings of political leaders
with Parliament in background shot from TV news
3. scanned images of front and rear of a genuine
identity card,
4. image file of design of Ministry of Home Affairs car
5. the game 'wolf pack' with the user name 'Ashiq'.
Ashiq was the name in one of the fake identity
cards used by the terrorists.
Issues raised by the Prosecution
2. Analysis of the Windows registry files of the suspect
laptop showed that its hard disk had not been
3. If internet has been accessed through a computer then
the actual date of such access would be reflected.
Additionally, if any change is made to the date setting
of the computer, it would be reflected in the history i.e.
in the REG file.
4. A hard disc cannot be changed without it being
reflected in the history maintained in the REG file.
5. It was not possible to alter the date of any particular
file unless the system date had been altered.
6. The files written on the laptop on 21st December were
“self generating and self written” system files. These
were created automatically by the laptop’s operating
system when the laptop was accessed by law
enforcement agencies at the “malkhana”.
Issues raised by the Defence
2. Although the laptop was deposited in the Government
“malkhana” on 16th December, some files were written
on the laptop on 21st December.
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3. The date setting on a computer can be edited.
4. In the absence of verified time setting and reliable
information about the hard disc being original, there is
no certainty that the material found on a later date,
was exactly the material, which may have existed on a
previous date.
5. Hard disc is a replaceable component and could be
formatted. If a hard disc was replaced, it would not
contain the data which was stored earlier unless it was
6. The Windows registry files can be edited.
7. The back up of complete suspect hard disc was not
taken by the law enforcement agencies.
8. The date setting on a file is related to the date setting
on the computer. It is possible to modify this date.
9. Information stored in a computer is on a magnetic
medium which can easily be polarized. Therefore, any
data in a computer can be changed by a
knowledgeable person.
10. The date of last access to a file is treated differently by
different software. The time of last access was
meaningless in the absence of knowledge as to what
software is used to process the file.
11. Software which was installed in a computer could be
modified and un-installed without leaving any trace.
Points considered by the court
1. In effect, substantially, Section 65B of the Indian
Evidence Act and Section 69 of the Act in England
have same effect.
2. Section 69 of The Police & Criminal Evidence Act,
1984 of England 280 reads as under:
In any proceedings, a statement in a
document produced by a computer shall not
be admissible as evidence of any fact stated
therein unless it is shown
(a) that there are no reasonable grounds for
believing that the statement is inaccurate
because of improper use of the computer.
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(b) that at all material times the computer
was operating properly, or if not, that any
respect in which it was not operating
properly or was out of operation was not
such as to affect the production of the
document or the accuracy of it contents;....
3. It was held by Lord Griffiths In R.V. Shepherd, 1993
A.C. 380., that computers vary immensely in their
complexity and in the operations they perform. The
nature of the evidence to discharge the burden of
showing that there has been no improper use of the
computer and that it was operating properly will
inevitably vary from case to case. He further stated
that “I suspect that it will very rarely be necessary to
call an expert and that in the vast majority of cases it
will be possible to discharge the burden by calling a
witness who is familiar with the operation of the
computer in the sense of knowing what the computer
is required to do and who can say that it is doing it
4. In DPP v. Me. Kewon, (1997) 1 Criminal Appeal 155,
Lord Hoffman discussed this section 69. He said that
it cannot be argued that “any malfunction is sufficient
to cast doubt upon the capacity of the computer to
process information correctly. A malfunction is relevant
if it affects the way in which the computer processes,
stores or retrieves the information used to generate
the statement tendered in evidence. Other
malfunctions do not matter”.
5. The Law Commission in England held that
“Realistically, therefore, computers must be regarded
as imperfect devices." The Law Commission
recommended the deletion of this section 69 and
subsequently it was deleted.
6. The Law Commission report in England said that “The
complexity of modern systems makes it relatively easy
to establish a reasonable doubt in a juror's mind as to
whether the computer was operating properly.... We
are concerned about smoke-screens being raised by
cross-examination which focuses in general terms on
the fallibility of computers rather than the reliability of
the particular evidence. The absence of a presumption
that the computer is working means that it is relatively
easy to raise a smoke-screen."
7. In England, the common law presumption that "in the
absence of evidence to the contrary the courts will
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presume that mechanical instruments were in order at
the material time", operates with full force.
8. Development in computer networking, access, control,
monitoring and systems security are increasingly
making it difficult for computer errors to go undetected.
Most computer errors are immediately detected or the
resultant error in the date is immediately recorded.
Conclusion of the court
If someone challenges the accuracy of computer
evidence on the ground of misuse of system or
operating failure or interpolation, then the challenger
has to establish the challenge.
Mere theoretical and generic doubts cannot be cast on
the evidence.
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6. Is ATM a computer?
Diebold Systems Pvt Ltd vs. The Commissioner of
Commercial Taxes
ILR2005KAR2210, [2006]144STC59(Kar)
Sales Tax Appeal No. 2/2004
Decided On: 31.01.2005
Appellants: Diebold Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Respondent: The Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
Section 2 of Information Technology Act, 2000
Diebold Systems Pvt Ltd manufactures and supplies
Automated Teller Machines (ATM).
Diebold sought a clarification from the Advance Ruling
Authority (ARA) in Karnataka on the rate of tax applicable
under the Karnataka Sales Tax Act, 1957 on sale of
Automated Teller Machines.
The majority view of the ARA was to classify ATMs as
"computer terminals" liable for 4% basic tax as they would
fall under Entry 20(ii)(b) of Part 'C' of Second Schedule to
the Karnataka Sales Tax Act.
The Chairman of the ARA dissented from the majority
view. In his opinion, ATMs would fit into the description of
electronic goods, parts and accessories thereof. They
would thus attract basic rate of tax of 12% and would fall
under Entry 4 of Part 'E' of the Second Schedule to the
KST Act.
The Commissioner of Commercial Taxes was of the view
that the ARA ruling was erroneous and passed an order
that ATMs cannot be classified as computer terminals.
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Findings of the court
1. The enlarged definition of "computers" in the
Information Technology Act cannot be made use of
interpreting an Entry under fiscal legislation.
2. An Automatic Teller Machine is an electronic device,
which allows a bank's customer to make cash
withdrawals, and check their account balances at any
time without the need of human teller.
3. ATM is not a computer by itself and it is connected to
a computer that performs the tasks requested by the
person using ATM's. The computer is connected
electronically to many ATM's that may be located from
some distance from the computer.
Decision of the court
ATMs are not computers, but are electronic devices under
the Karnataka Sales Tax Act, 1957
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7. Place of Electronic Contract
P.R. Transport Agency vs. Union of India & others
AIR2006All23, 2006(1)AWC504
Civil Misc. Writ Petition No. 58468 of 2005
Decided On: 24.09.2005
Appellants: P.R. Transport Agency through its partner Sri Prabhakar
Singh Vs.
Respondent: Union of India (UOI) through Secretary, Ministry of Coal,
Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. through its Chairman, Chief Sales Manager
Road Sales, Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. and Metal and Scrap Trading
Corporation Ltd. (MSTC Ltd.) through its Chairman cum Managing
Background of the case
Bharat Coking Coal Ltd (BCC) held an e-auction for coal in different lots.
P.R. Transport Agency’s (PRTA) bid was accepted for 4000 metric tons
of coal from Dobari Colliery.
The acceptance letter was issued on 19th July 2005 by e-mail to PRTA’s
e-mail address. Acting upon this acceptance, PRTA deposited the full
amount of Rs. 81.12 lakh through a cheque in favour of BCC. This
cheque was accepted and encashed by BCC.
BCC did not deliver the coal to PRTA. Instead it e-mailed PRTA saying
that the sale as well as the e-auction in favour of PRTA stood cancelled
"due to some technical and unavoidable reasons".
The only reason for this cancellation was that there was some other
person whose bid for the same coal was slightly higher than that of
PRTA. Due to some flaw in the computer or its programme or feeding of
data the higher bid had not been considered earlier.
This communication was challenged by PRTA in the High Court of
Allahabad. [Note: Allahabad is the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP)]
BCC objected to the “territorial jurisdiction” of the Court on the grounds
that no part of the cause of action had arisen within U.P.
Issue raised by BCC
The High Court at Allahabad (in U.P.) had no jurisdiction
as no part of the cause of action had arisen within U.P.
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Issues raised by PRTA
1. The communication of the acceptance of the tender
was received by the petitioner by e-mail at Chandauli
(U.P.). Hence the contract (from which the dispute
arose) was completed at Chandauli (U.P). The
completion of the contract is a part of the "cause of
2. The place where the contract was completed by
receipt of communication of acceptance is a place
where 'part of cause of action' arises.
Points considered by the court
1. In reference to contracts made by telephone, telex or
fax, the contract is complete when and where the
acceptance is received. However, this principle can
apply only where the transmitting terminal and the
receiving terminal are at fixed points.
2. In case of e-mail, the data (in this case acceptance)
can be transmitted from any where by the e-mail
account holder. It goes to the memory of a 'server'
which may be located anywhere and can be retrieved
by the addressee account holder from anywhere in the
world. Therefore, there is no fixed point either of
transmission or of receipt.
3. Section 13(3) of the Information Technology Act has
covered this difficulty of “no fixed point either of
transmission or of receipt”. According to this section
“...an electronic record is deemed to be received at the
place where the addressee has his place of business."
4. The acceptance of the tender will be deemed to be
received by PRTA at the places where it has place of
business. In this case it is Varanasi and Chandauli
(both in U.P.)
Decision of the court
1. The acceptance was received by PRTA at Chandauli /
Varanasi. The contract became complete by receipt of
such acceptance.
2. Both these places are within the territorial jurisdiction
of the High Court of Allahabad. Therefore, a part of the
cause of action has arisen in U.P. and the court has
territorial jurisdiction.
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