Date Name Class Rocks and Weathering Guide for Reading a Whatcauses mechanical weathering? a Whatcauses chemical weathering? <)Whatdetermines howfast weathering occurs? 42c G eathering is the process that breaks down rock and other materialsat Earth'ssurface.The forcesof weatheringbreak rocks into smallerand smallerpieces.The forcesof erosioncarry the pieces away.Erosion is the movementof rock particlesby wind, water,or ice. Weatheringand erosionwork togethercontinuouslyto wear down and cafiy awaythe rocksat Earth'ssurface, The type of weatheringin which rock is physicallybroken into smaller piecesis calledmechanical weathering. Thesesmallerpieceshave the samecompositionas the rock they camefrom. Mechanical weathering breaks rock into piecesby freezing and thawing, heating and cooling, growth of plants, actions of animals, and abrasion. In cool climates, the most important force of mechanicalweatheringis freezingand and actsasa wedge.This process thawing.Waterexpandswhen it freezes, is calledice wedging. Heatingand coolingcan causerocksto crack.Plant roots can pry apart crackedrocks.Rock particlescarriedby wind, water, and ice can wear away rocks in the processcalled abrasion. Animal actions,suchasburrowing,can breakapart rocksin the soil. Chemical weathering is the processthat breaksdown rock through chemical changes.The agents of chemical weathering include rrater, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, and acid rain. Chemical weatheringproducesrock particlesthat havea differentmineral makeup from the original rock. Chemicaland mechanicalweatheringoften work together.As mechanicalweatheringbreaksrock into pieces,more surface areabecomesexposedto chemicalweathering. Water is the most important agent of chemical weathering.Water weathersrock by dissolvingit. The oxygenin air is an important causeof chemical weathering.Iron combines with oxygen in the presenceof water in a processcalledoxidation.Rock that containsiron oxidizes,or rusts.Another gasfound in air, carbondioxide,combineswith rainwater to form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid easily weathersmarble and limestone.Plant roots produceweak acidsthat slowly dissolveany rock around the roots.Lichensalsoproducea weakacid that weathersrock. Acid rain causes very rapid chemicalweathering. The most important factors that determine the rate at which weathering occurs are tnre of rock and climate. Some types of rock weather more rapidly than others. For example,limestoneweathers easilybecauseit is permeable, which meansthat it is full of air spaces that allow water to seepthrough it. Both chemicaland mechanical weatheringoccur fasterin wet climates.Chemicalweatheringoccurs more quickly wherethe climate is both hot and wet. TeachingResources Earth'sChangingSurface o ! o =. o o f Name Date Class Rocks and Weathering I Understanding Main ldeas Fill in the blanksin the tablebelow. Agent Type Description I Mechanical Rock particleswear awayrock 2. Chemical Formsfrom coal,oil, and gasburning Freezingand thawing 3. Breaksrock by ice wedging Carbon dioxide 4. Formscarbonicacid in water f,. Chemical Weathersmarble and limestone 6. Mechanical Burrowingin the groundbreaksrock Plantgrowth 7. Rootspry apart cracksin rock Living organisms 8. Produceweak acid that weathersrock Oxygen 9. Causesrust on somerock 10. Mechanical Sun or forestfire causesrock to crack Answerthefollowing questionson a separatesheetof paper. ll. How doeserosiondiffer from weathering? 12. What factorsdeterminethe rate of weathering? s j f Building Vocabulary G Fill in the blank to completeeachstatement. o .o 13. is the movementof rock particlesby wind, water,or ice. 14. meansthat a materialhasspacesthat allow water to seep - q) oA through it. 15.The processthat breaksdown rock and other materialsat Earth'ssurfaceis called 16. The grinding awayof rock by other rock particlesis called 17.The processby which ice widensand deepenscracksin rocksis called Earth'sChangingSurface T e a c h i n gR e s o u r c e sG . 4 3