
Weathering includes mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. Mechanical weathering is any
process that breaks up rock without changing its chemical composition. Chemical weathering is any
process in which water, air, or other substances react with the minerals in the rock and change the
chemical composition of the rock.
Circle “M” (Mechanical) or “C” (chemical)l, and then, write the TYPE of weathering after the sentence. Choices
Plants& Animals
Frost Action
Expansion & Contraction (E&C)
M / C______________________1. The wedging of tree roots along natural joints in granite outcrops
M / C______________________2. Limestone dissolved by carbonic acid (acid rain)
M / C______________________3. Oxygen reacting with minerals that contain iron (rust)
M / C______________________4. Animal burrows dug in rock that let in water and air
M / C______________________5. Repeated freezing and thawing of water that cracks rock
M / C______________________6. Formation of potholes in streets during severe winters
M / C______________________7. Lifted sections of sidewalk along tree-lined streets
M / C______________________8. A small rock falling from a cliff
M / C______________________9. Feldspar mixing with acidic groundwater and producing clay minerals
M / C______________________10. Tree roots cracking the concrete foundation of a house