File - SWHS Disteldorf Biology

What is a karyotype ?
1. Go to:
2. Click on heredity and traits
3. Go to – Using Karyotypes to predict genetic disorders.
4. Watch each animation and answer the following questions.
Animation: Meisosis
1. Click Play: How many chromosomes does the original cell have?
2. Click forward: Now how many chromosomes does the cell have?
What phase did the cell just go through?
3. Click forward: How many cells are there?
How many chromosomes do they have?
What phase did they just finish?
4. Click forward: How many cells are there?
How many chromosomes do they have?
What phase did they just finish?
What types of cells would these be?
Animation: Fertilization
1. Click play: What cell is shown?
How many chromosomes does it have?
2. Click forward: What cell arrives?
How many chromosomes does it have?
3. Click forward: What happened to the two cells?
How many chromosomes are there now?
What did these two cells just create?
Animation: Abnormal Meiosis
1. Click play: How many chromosomes are present?
2. Click forward
3. Click forward: What is wrong with the chromosomes highlighted in orange in the right cell?
How many chromosomes does each cell have?
4. Click forward: How many chromosomes do the cells on the left have?
How many chromosomes do the cells on the right have?
Animation Trisomy:
1. Click play: How many chromosomes does the egg cell have?
2. Click forward: How many chromosomes does the sperm cell have?
3. Click forward: How many chromosomes does the zygote (the fertilized egg) have?
4. What is a trisomy mutation?
Animation Monosomy:
1. Click play: How many chromosomes does the egg cell have?
2. Click forward: How many chromosomes does the sperm cell have?
3. Click forward: How many chromosomes does the zygote (the fertilized egg) have?
4. What is a monosomy mutation?
Animation Deletion:
1. What happened to the chromosome in both animations?
2. How is this different from a monosomy condition?
Animation Translocation:
1. If the pink chromosome is from mom, who is the blue chromosome from?
2. What happened to the chromosomes in the reciprocal translocation?
Take the quiz at the bottom: Use the chart below to help you:
Normal Girl
Normal Boy
Down Syndrome
Klinefelters Syndrome
Turners Syndrome
Three chromosomes in the 21 pair
X only
5. Go back to the homepage and click on Make a Karyotype and complete the karyotype– it’s ok if you turn the hints on.
1. How many chromosomes are there?
2. Look at number 23. Is this a boy or girl?