ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (ESRF) Capacity Building in Policy Analysis and Economic Management By Samuel M. Wangwe ESRF Discussion Paper Series No. 012 CAPACITY BUILDING IN POLICY ANALYSIS AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT by Samuel M. Wangwe Published by: Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) P.O. Box 31226 51 Uporoto Street Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ISBN: 9987 610 14 5 1997, Economic and Social Research Foundation CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................ v 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1 1.1 The Premises .....................................................................................................................1 1.2 The Process.......................................................................................................................1 1.3 Policy Analysts and Economic Managers............................................................................ 2 2. THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT FOR POLICY ANALYSIS AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................3 2.1 Internal Changes - Towards Economic and Political Liberalization......................................................................................................................4 2.2 External Changes ...............................................................................................................6 3. ASPECTS OF CAPACITY BUILDING.................................................................................6 3.1 Creating and Sustaining Capacity........................................................................................ 6 3.2 Using Capacity...................................................................................................................8 4. THE EXPERIENCE OF TANZANIA IN CAPACITY BUILDING FOR POLICY ANALYSIS AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT.................................................9 4.1 The Colonial Legacy ..........................................................................................................9 4.2 The Arusha Declaration.................................................................................................... 10 4.3 The Reform Era ...............................................................................................................10 5. SUSTAINABILITY OF CAPACITY BUILDING................................................................ 12 6. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................... 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................... 17 iv ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION DISCUSSION PAPER 1. INTRODUCTION Capacity building is the continuous and multidimensional process of nurturing the ability of individuals and institutions to undertake quality policy analysis and economic management. Planning for capacity building must of necessity incorporate the challenges of a complex and continuously changing national and international environment. 1.1 The Premises Capacity building in policy analysis and economic management is addressed on the basis of four premises: That changing conditions in Tanzanian society and in the world economy require a greater capacity for policy analysis and economic management. Policy analysis has been a monopoly of government, but under political and economic liberalization it calls for the participation of various stakeholders in the economy. That capacity building as a process deals with multifaceted issues and therefore requires a multidimensional approach. A clear elaboration of various aspects of capacity is needed to facilitate the proper design of the process. That substantial lessons can be drawn from the experiences of policy analysis and economic management over the last three decades. That the capacity building process must be continuous, which means it must be sustained. 1.2 The Process Policy analysis, as one of the pillars of sound economic management, refers to the sequential process of identifying problems, analysing them, formulating appropriate policy options to solve them and articulating these options clearly. From there the process moves on to deciding which options to take, imple menting these choices and finally evaluating the implementation process. Capacity building in policy analysis requires instilling or enhancing the ability to manage this sequential process. Specific action steps are needed to enhance the ability to: Identify problems: This means establishing the causal factors of the problem, which may be systemic, i.e., inherent within the system; individualistic, i.e., within actors in the system; or exogenous, i.e., caused by external shocks. Analyse problems: Solving a problem requires assessing and understanding the problem in terms of its magnitude, causes, complexity and effects, in order to facilitate the formulation of appropriate solutions and establish a good order and priority for applying the solutions. Formulate appropriate policies: This involves identifying and measuring the impact of various proposals and policy options as solutions, assessing trade-offs, and weighing alternative solutions to problems that more often than not are complex. It is a process that