Northeast neighbourhood newsletter Burglary Information period 2nd September 2002 – 8th September 2002. There has been an increase in burglaries across the borough by 10% on the previous weeks figures with 31% of reports in the Northeast area. There is no specific information about times of day or descriptions of suspects. The most predominant method used by suspects during this week and over the previous month has been the targeting of windows or doors left open or unlocked at the front or rear of premises. This may be due to the hot weather. Another method used is the forcing of front doors or kitchen windows using a blunt instrument. Whilst everybody should be aware of the problem and without wishing to cause alarm, members of the Jewish community may be particularly vulnerable as their premises may be left unoccupied for extended periods of time during the Jewish high holy days. Whilst any crime prevention advice cannot be guaranteed to prevent offences please ensure all windows and doors are secure and arrangements are made to leave lights on during those periods when premises are left empty during the hours of darkness. Paul Doerr Inspector Stoke Newington police station 12.09.02.