ARTICLE IN PRESS Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx Analyzing bioterror response logistics: the case of smallpox Edward H. Kaplan a a,* , David L. Craft b, Lawrence M. Wein c Yale School of Management, and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale School of Medicine, Box 208200, New Haven, CT 06520-8200, USA b Operations Research Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA c Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA Received 8 July 2002; received in revised form 16 April 2003; accepted 3 May 2003 Abstract To evaluate existing and alternative proposals for emergency response to a deliberate smallpox attack, we embed the key operational features of such interventions into a smallpox disease transmission model. We use probabilistic reasoning within an otherwise deterministic epidemic framework to model the Ôrace to traceÕ, i.e., attempting to trace (via the infector) and vaccinate an infected person while (s)he is still vaccine-sensitive. Our model explicitly incorporates a tracing/vaccination queue, and hence can be used as a capacity planning tool. An approximate analysis of this large (16 ODE) system yields closed-form estimates for the total number of deaths and the maximum queue length. The former estimate delineates the efficacy (i.e., accuracy) and efficiency (i.e., speed) of contact tracing, while the latter estimate reveals how congestion makes the race to trace more difficult to win, thereby causing more deaths. A probabilistic analysis is also used to find an approximate closed-form expression for the total number of deaths under mass vaccination, in terms of both the basic reproductive ratio and the vaccination capacity. We also derive approximate thresholds for initially controlling the epidemic for more general interventions that include imperfect vaccination and quarantine. 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc. Keywords: Bioterror response logistics; Contact tracing; Queueing; Traced vaccination; Mass vaccination; Smallpox 1. Introduction The threat of bioterrorism, that is, the deliberate use of viruses, bacteria, toxins, or even insects to harm civilian populations, existed before the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-203 432 6031; fax: +1-203 432 9995. E-mail addresses: (E.H. Kaplan), (D.L. Craft), (L.M. Wein). 0025-5564/$ - see front matter 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/S0025-5564(03)00090-7 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx States. However, the September 11 attacks (which indicated the existence of terrorists willing to murder thousands of civilians), together with the deliberate and fatal delivery of anthrax via the US Mail (which provided a bioterror Ôproof of conceptÕ) comprised a bioterror wake up call in the United States and around the globe. Consequently, government agencies, academics, and the population at large have started in earnest to assess possible bioterror scenarios and countermeasures. While there are many points of entry for the mathematical sciences in efforts to counter the threat of bioterror, we focus in this paper on analyzing the response to a smallpox attack in a large city, with an eye towards understanding the consequences (in terms of deaths and cases of illness) of different proposed response policies. Smallpox is one of the most feared bioterrorist threats [1], despite the fact that it was eradicated in 1979 by the World Health OrganizationÕs (WHO) campaign in one of the twentieth centuryÕs major health achievements [2]. Although the US is stockpiling 286 million doses of smallpox vaccine [3], the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionÕs (CDC) interim response plan [4] does not call for mass vaccination in the event of an attack. Rather, the plan (along with an independent expert panel [5]) calls for a surveillancecontainment strategy that combines the isolation of symptomatic cases with the vaccination of traced contacts from those cases. A critical reason for pursuing contact tracing is that unlike many infectious diseases, a person infected with smallpox who is vaccinated shortly after infection can avoid serious disease complications and infectiousness. To cite from the CDCÕs interim plan, ‘‘Contact identification is the most urgent task when investigating smallpox cases since vaccination of close contacts as soon as possible following exposure but preferably within 3–4 days may prevent or modify disease. This was the successful strategy used for the global eradication of smallpox’’. Recent editorials call for an analysis of the CDC plan [6] and express skepticism about the planÕs efficacy [7]. Motivated by this sequence of events, we previously reported a numerical analysis comparing the performance of the CDCÕs Ôtraced vaccinationÕ (TV) strategy and a mass vaccination (MV) strategy, where the entire population is vaccinated as soon as possible after an attack is detected, in the event of a bioterror attack in a major metropolitan area [8]. In the present paper, we perform an approximate analysis that results in closed-form expressions for the number of deaths under TV and MV in terms of the various problem parameters. From a modeling viewpoint, it is crucial to balance the epidemiological details against response logistics in modeling different response policies, and the analysis of this paper underscores this point. TV and MV operate on different time scales: TV requires the identification of new cases to trigger further vaccination, and thus proceeds at the pace of the epidemic, whereas the time required for MV is dictated by the number of available vaccinators and the speed with which they work, independently of the state of the epidemic. Our analysis shows that as a result of these differences, the number of deaths that will occur under TV will scale with the population size more or less independently of the initial number infections, while for MV, the reverse is true: deaths scale with the initial number of infections, independently of the population size. Our TV model is novel in two respects. First, it incorporates scarce vaccination resources and places people in a queue, where they wait to be traced and vaccinated. As such, our model cannot only compare response alternatives such as TV or MV, but can also be used as a capacity planning tool. Second, we include a detailed accounting of the Ôrace to traceÕ: To assess the efficacy of TV, we compare the time from when someone is infected until (s)he is no longer vaccine-sensitive to ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 3 the time from when the infection occurs until the infector becomes symptomatic, seeks medical care, names this contact, and this contact is traced and vaccinated (perhaps after waiting in a queue). While we know of no other work that has incorporated queueing into an epidemic model or modeled the race to trace, there are several related papers that deserve mention. M€ uller [9] derived an elegant stochastic model of contact tracing as an STD intervention. While there are some analogous results from their analysis and our own, their model is fundamentally different in that contact tracing in their model is a means of identifying infected persons (by way of screening tests or medical exam) who can be removed from the population and treated, whereas contact tracing in our TV model is a means of finding and vaccinating susceptibles or infected persons still in the vaccine-sensitive stage of disease. Also, in the M€ uller et al. paper, only persons actually infected by index cases are traced, whereas in our model, all reported but as yet untraced contacts, whether infected or not, are traced and vaccinated. Finally, as will become clear, the tracing and vaccination efforts in our TV model are constrained by the number of available personnel and the rates with which they can operate; there are no resource constraints in the model of M€ uller et al. In addition, several papers [10–12] analyze various physical ring vaccination strategies, whereby persons (or animals) within a certain distance from a disease outbreak are vaccinated. By contrast our model does not consider physical distance as a variable. Finally, Halloran et al. [13] constructed a microsimulation model for the spread of small outbreaks in a ÔcommunityÕ of 2000 persons; though their simulation methodology is completely different than our analytical approach, the results they obtained are almost identical to those in [8] when compared on the same scale, as expected based on the analysis in the current paper. There have also been some statistical analyses that have fit historical smallpox outbreaks to disease transmission models. Most notably, Gani and Leach [14] used such models to estimate the basic reproductive ratio R0 for numerous smallpox outbreaks. Some of their models do include contact tracing; however they do not directly tie the progress of infection in a contact to the progress of infection in the infecting index. Also, Meltzer et al. [15] have constructed a simple smallpox model (essentially a geometric progression), and considered the impact of vaccination and quarantine policies by modifications of the geometric growth rates and removal rates, respectively, within their model. They conclude that vaccination alone is unlikely to control a smallpox outbreak, but that vaccination in concert with quarantine can eradicate disease within one year. A valuable contribution of their work is the assembly of data describing the duration of various stages of infection for smallpox and proposed probability distributions for these stage durations. Our paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we embed TV operations into a smallpox transmission model. Following the derivation of our TV model, in Section 3 we develop analytical approximations for the number of deaths and the queue length process. Section 4 is devoted to a discussion of threshold conditions for various TV-based policies that are necessary for the initial control of a smallpox outbreak. Examples include the tracing and vaccination of Ôcontacts of contactsÕ, more aggressive quarantine policies, and the CDCÕs interim smallpox response plan for an attack in the United States. Section 5 analyzes the special case of mass vaccination (MV), and Section 6 assesses the accuracy of the analytical approximations in Sections 3–5, and in Section 6.5 also shows how the recent results reported by Halloran et al. [13] are consistent with our analysis. Our concluding remarks appear in Section 7. ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 2. Traced vaccination Motivated by the CDC smallpox response policy, we turn our attention to a model of traced vaccination. Before deriving the equations for this model in Sections 2.3–2.5, we construct in Section 2.1 a basic smallpox transmission model in the absence of any intervention save the isolation of symptomatically infected individuals. In Section 2.2, we outline the basic operations entailed in such a policy, and then expand the state space (and notation) of the smallpox model described in Section 2.1 to account for these operations. Values for the model parameters are discussed in Section 2.6. 2.1. A model without intervention In the absence of intervention beyond the isolation of symptomatic smallpox cases, we consider a closed-population smallpox model with mass-action transmission (i.e., free mixing) and staged disease progression dynamics. Since we will build on this model to incorporate vaccine-related interventions, we include four stages of infection: asymptomatic, non-infectious and vaccinesensitive (stage 1); asymptomatic, non-infectious and vaccine-insensitive (stage 2); asymptomatic, infectious and vaccine-insensitive (stage 3); and symptomatic and isolated (stage 4). We note that the transition from stage 3 to stage 4 in our model occurs at the time the person is isolated, which may be some time after symptoms appear (e.g., the person may observe symptoms, then seek medical help, and finally begin isolation). The duration of infection is exponentially distributed for all disease stages, with mean duration in stage j given by rj1 , j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4. We further assume that a fraction d of symptomatic cases die from disease, while the remaining cases recover and are immune to reinfection, and we ignore non-smallpox sources of mortality. We define SðtÞ as the number of susceptibles in the population at time t, and Ij ðtÞ as the number of infected persons in stage j of infection at time t, j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4. Since only those in stage 3 of infection are infectious, mass-action sets the rate of new infections equal to bSðtÞI3 ðtÞ at time t where b is the disease transmission parameter. This leads to the following system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs): dSðtÞ ¼ bSðtÞI3 ðtÞ; dt ð1Þ dI1 ðtÞ ¼ bSðtÞI3 ðtÞ r1 I1 ðtÞ; dt ð2Þ dIj ðtÞ ¼ rj1 Ij1 ðtÞ rj Ij ðtÞ; j ¼ 2; 3; 4: dt This SEIR-like system is governed by the basic reproductive ratio R0 , where R0 ¼ bSð0Þ bN ; r3 r3 ð3Þ ð4Þ where N is the population size. The approximation in (4) follows from our assumption that a very small fraction of the population is exposed to the smallpox attack. Following the introduction of infection into the population, the number of infected persons will only increase if R0 > 1, as is ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 5 typically the case. Also, the fraction i, of the population that is ultimately infected is well approximated by the root of the equation ð5Þ i ¼ 1 eR0 i ; as is well known for SEIR-like models, and thus the total number of cases and deaths in the population essentially equal N i, and N id respectively. 2.2. Overview and notation When a person infected with smallpox is identified as symptomatic, (s)he is immediately isolated to prevent further disease transmission. We refer to a newly identified and isolated symptomatically infected person as an index case. At the time of isolation, the index case is interviewed to obtain a list of contacts who were potentially exposed to infection via the index. Imperfect recall and imperfect tracing are modeled by assuming that of all those truly exposed to infection via the index case, only a proportion are both named and located. The names of all newly (i.e., first-time) identified contacts are entered into a tracing/vaccination queue. Upon reaching the front of the queue, the contact is located and vaccinated (unless the contact has already become symptomatic, in which case (s)he becomes a new index case). Note that although all contacts are vaccinated, the vaccine is only effective in contacts who are either susceptible or in the vaccine-sensitive stage 1 of infection. Even for these contacts, the vaccine is not perfect, and in addition, a fixed fraction of all those vaccinated will die from vaccine complications. The rate with which this queue is serviced (that is, contacts are located and vaccinated) depends upon both the number of persons involved in contact tracing and vaccination (ÔserversÕ in queueing theory parlance), and the rate with which these servers can work (which depends upon the time required to find contacts and vaccinate them). Initially, we will not consider quarantine beyond the isolation of symptomatic cases, but later we will show how various quarantine policies can easily be incorporated into the model. The model has the five basic disease states outlined earlier. These are replicated to account for persons who have yet to be named as a contact by an index case, who have been named but have not yet been located and vaccinated and hence remain in queue (though symptomatic cases do not enter the queue), or who have been located but unsuccessfully vaccinated. In addition are two states that account for individuals who are immune (via vaccination or recovery from disease) or dead (from either disease or fatal vaccine complications). The state notation is as follows (all variables are time-dependent): S ‘ ¼ number susceptible in level ‘ (‘ ¼ 0 corresponds to untraced persons, while ‘ ¼ 1 corresponds to those unsuccessfully vaccinated), ‘ ¼ 0; 1; Ij‘ ¼ number infected and in disease stage j of level ‘ (again ‘ ¼ 0 corresponds to untraced persons while ‘ ¼ 1 corresponds to unsuccessfully vaccinated persons), j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; ‘ ¼ 0; 1; Qj ¼ number in disease stage j (j ¼ 0 refers to susceptibles) in the tracing/vaccination queue (and hence unvaccinated), j ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3 (note that symptomatic cases never appear in queue); Z ¼ number immune (whether from the vaccine or recovery from disease); D ¼ number dead. Fig. 1 depicts a flow diagram indicating the states and feasible population flows between states in the model. In addition, Table 1 provides the notation for the model parameters. ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx I 30 S0 I 10 I 20 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 S1 I11 I 21 I 31 Z I 40 I 41 D Fig. 1. Referring to the notation in Section 2.2, the first three rows of compartments represent people who are untraced, in the tracing/vaccination queue, and unsuccessfully vaccinated, respectively. The five columns of compartments correspond to the five disease stages (susceptible; asymptomatic, non-infectious and vaccine-sensitive; asymptomatic, noninfectious and vaccine-insensitive; asymptomatic, infectious and vaccine-insensitive; and symptomatic and isolated). In the last row of compartments, immunization ðZÞ results from successful vaccination and disease recovery, and death ðDÞ results from vaccine complications and disease. Table 1 Parameter values for the model Parameter b c p N r1 r2 r3 r4 n l m0 m1 d f I10 ðsÞ s Description Infection rate: uncongested ðR0 ¼ 3Þ congested ðR0 ¼ 6Þ Names generated per index Fraction of infectees named by index Population size Disease stage 1 rate Disease stage 2 rate Disease stage 3 rate Disease stage 4 rate Number of vaccinators Service rate Vaccine efficacy, stage 0 Vaccine efficacy, stage 1 Smallpox death rate Vaccination fatality rate Initial number infected Detection delay Value 7 Reference 1 1 10 person day 2 · 107 person1 day1 50 0.5 107 (3 days)1 (8 days)1 (3 days)1 (12 days)1 5000 50/day (TV), 200/day (MV) 1.0 1.0 0.3 106 103 5 days [14] [14] [2] Text Text [2] [2] [2] [2] [16] Text Text Text [2] [2] Text Text 2.3. Contact tracing 2.3.1. Overview In this section we describe our model of contact tracing. Note that while all contacts newlyidentified by an index will be traced, only some of these contacts will actually have been infected by the index. This leads to two different classes of contacts: those who were not infected by the referring index, and those who were. This distinction is important, for the disease status of a ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 7 contact infected by an index depends on the time that has lapsed from infection through detection of the index case. Of key interest is the probability that a contact referred and infected by the same index is still in the vaccine-sensitive stage 1 of infection at the time the index is detected, for only such contacts can be saved by vaccination. In contrast, contacts named but not infected by an index could be susceptible or in any stage of infection. Consistent with our free-mixing transmission model, we assume that such contacts are distributed in proportion to the state populations in the model. When a new index is detected, (s)he identifies c contacts as having been potentially exposed to infection. Of the indexÕs true contacts, however, only a proportion p are named and traced. In particular, of the R0 ðtÞ persons an index detected at time t actually infected (R0 ðtÞ will be defined mathematically below), only pR0 ðtÞ are named and traced. We refer to the tracing of contacts infected by the index case as local tracing. The remaining c pR0 ðtÞ contacts named are persons who were not actually infected by the index. We refer to the tracing of such contacts as random tracing. The arrival rate from a level 0 (untraced) population compartment to the tracing/vaccination queue will thus be the sum of two terms: a random tracing term for contacts not infected by the referring index case (which will be proportional to the population of the level 0 compartment) and a local tracing term for contacts that are infected by the index case (which will not be proportional to the level 0 compartment size). The rate at which new index cases are detected is given by r3 I3 ðtÞ where I3 ðtÞ ¼ I30 ðtÞ þ Q3 ðtÞ þ I31 ðtÞ; ð6Þ the total number of stage 3 infectious persons in the population. For any level 0 (i.e., untraced) population compartment, the random tracing term will always be of the form ½c pR0 ðtÞ compartment size r3 I3 ðtÞ; N ð7Þ while the local tracing term will always be of the form E½# local contacts traced r3 I3 ðtÞ: ð8Þ The challenge is to model correctly the expected number of local contacts traced by disease stage (clearly there are no susceptible local contacts traced), and approximate the resulting expression in a way that allows us to continue with an ODE model. 2.3.2. Local tracing For convenience, we assume that the initial bioterror attack occurs at time s, and that the TV response begins at time 0 (so s is the detection delay). The expected number of persons infected by an index case detected at time t is denoted by R0 ðtÞ, where Z tþs b½S 0 ðtÞ þ Q0 ðtÞ þ S 1 ðtÞ er3 x b½S 0 ðt xÞ þ Q0 ðt xÞ þ S 1 ðt xÞ dx : ð9Þ R0 ðtÞ r3 0 The approximation assumes that the state populations are changing slowly relative to the relaxation time 1=r3 (3 days). To derive Eq. (9), we observe that a new index discovered at time t was infectious x time units ago with probability er3 x , and was by free-mixing generating infections at rate b½S 0 ðt xÞ þ Q0 ðt xÞ þ S 1 ðt xÞ. Note that early in the epidemic, one can neglect the Q0 ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx and S 1 terms and take S 0 ðt xÞ ¼ S 0 ð0Þ, which recovers the usual definition for R0 ¼ bS 0 ð0Þ=r3 bN =r3 at the start of the epidemic. An index detected at time t will have generated R0 ðtÞ infections. However, only pR0 ðtÞ of these will be detected. As stated earlier, this means two things: of the c contacts named, pR0 ðtÞ contacts were infected by the index, while the remaining c pR0 ðtÞ contacts named were not infected by the index case. Suppose that an index case has just been detected at time t. What is the expected number of previously untraced contacts currently in disease stage j that were infected by this index? Note that while the index could have infected persons in the S 0 , Q0 or S 1 compartments, only those infected who were in the S 0 compartment were untraced at the time of infection. Thus, we only have to consider infections of persons in S 0 for purposes of local tracing. We also want to consider the possibility that even if someone was in S 0 at the time the index infected him/her, there is a chance that someone else could have randomly named this infectee before the index became symptomatic. To proceed, we define pj ðxÞ ¼ Prfperson in stage j at time x after infectiong: ð10Þ We need to determine the expected number of contacts infected by an index detected at time t who are currently (i.e., at time t) in disease stage j; we refer to such contacts as local infectees, and denote the expected number of local infectees in disease stage j by kj ðtÞ. We claim that kj ðtÞ ¼ E½local infectees in level 0; disease stage j j index detected at time t Z tþs ¼ er3 x bS 0 ðt xÞ Prfnot randomly named in ðt x; tÞgpj ðxÞ dx: ð11Þ 0 To understand Eq. (11) above, note that the index was infectious x units prior to detection with probability er3 x , was infecting level 0 susceptibles at rate bS 0 ðt xÞ at that time, that the new infection at time ðt xÞ would now be in disease stage j with probability pj ðxÞ, but would only still be untraced (in level 0) if (s)he was not randomly named in the time period ðt x; tÞ by someone other than the index. Of the expected number computed above, a fraction p would be named by the index case and have their names sent to the tracing/vaccination queue. The likelihood that a person just infected is in disease stage j at time x after infection is just ( ) j1 j X X ð12Þ Tk < x 6 Tk ; pj ðxÞ ¼ Pr k¼1 k¼1 where Tk represents the duration of time spent in disease stage k, and is assumed to be exponentially distributed with mean 1=rk . Eq. (12) can be evaluated directly from first principles for each j, for example p1 ðxÞ ¼ er1 x ; Z x p2 ðxÞ ¼ r1 er1 u er2 ðxuÞ du ¼ 0 and so forth. ð13Þ r1 ðer2 x er1 x Þ; r1 r2 ð14Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 9 We now address the probability that a contact is not randomly named over ðt x; tÞ. By Eq. (7), regardless of which level 0 compartment the contact is in, at time u between t x and t, the random tracing rate experienced by any individual is given by jðuÞ where ½c pR0 ðuÞ r3 I3 ðuÞ : ð15Þ N The probability that a contact would not have been randomly traced over ðt x; tÞ is thus given by Rt jðuÞ du PrfNot randomly traced over ðt x; tÞg ¼ e tx : ð16Þ jðuÞ Returning to Eq. (11) we have Z tþs Rt jðuÞ du r3 x 0 e bS ðt xÞ e tz pj ðxÞ dx: kj ðtÞ ¼ ð17Þ 0 Owing to imperfect recall, the expected number of local infectees actually named and traced from disease stage j is given by pkj ðtÞ. Eq. (17) is not terribly convenient for use in an ODE model, so we now approximate it in a way Rt that depends only on time t. We accomplish this in three steps. First, we take tx jðuÞ du jðtÞx. Second, we take S 0 ðt xÞ S 0 ðtÞ. The justification is that the random tracing rate jðtÞ (which depends on the population compartment sizes) and the population of untraced susceptibles S 0 ðtÞ are slowly varying relative to the relaxation time 1=r3 (3 days); this is the same assumption we made in Eq. (9). This leads to the expression Z tþs eðr3 þjðtÞÞx bS 0 ðtÞpj ðxÞ dx kj ðtÞ 0 j1 Y k¼1 rk bS 0 ðtÞ ; rk þ r3 þ jðtÞ rj þ r3 þ jðtÞ ð18Þ where the third and final approximation follows from assuming that t þ s is large relative to 1=r3 . 2.3.3. Contact tracing ODEs With R0 ðtÞ, kj ðtÞ, and I3 ðtÞ as defined in Eqs. (9), (18), and (6), we can now specify the ODEs that govern the population flows through the level 0 (untraced) compartments in the model. These are given by dS 0 ðtÞ S 0 ðtÞ 0 ¼ bI3 ðtÞS ðtÞ ½c pR0 ðtÞ ð19Þ r3 I3 ðtÞ; dt N dI10 ðtÞ I10 ðtÞ 0 ð20Þ ¼ bI3 ðtÞS ðtÞ ½c pR0 ðtÞ þ pk1 ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ r1 I10 ðtÞ; dt N ( ) 0 dIj0 ðtÞ I ðtÞ j 0 ðtÞ ½c pR0 ðtÞ ð21Þ ¼ rj1 Ij1 þ pkj ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ rj Ij0 ðtÞ for j ¼ 2; 3; dt N dI40 ðtÞ ¼ r3 I30 ðtÞ r4 I40 ðtÞ: dt ð22Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS 10 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx In addition to the usual disease transmission and progression terms, note how individuals leave the untraced population via random and local tracing. 2.4. Queueing Newly named contacts enter a tracing/vaccination queue, where they wait until they are located and vaccinated. Disease progression among already infected contacts continues as before. Uninfected persons in queue remain susceptible to infection, while queued individuals in stage 3 of infection continue to infect others. Queued infectious individuals who become symptomatic immediately exit the queue and are placed in isolation; in terms of the states in our model, such individuals enter the Ôunsuccessfully vaccinatedÕ state I41 described in the next section. We let Qj ðtÞ denote the number in queue in disease stage j (j ¼ 0 refers to susceptibles). Each tracer/vaccinator can locate and vaccinate l persons per day. Since there are only n tracers/vaccinators available, the population flow out of the queueing states can never exceed nl persons per day. If more than n persons are in the queue, then queued individuals in disease stage j receive service at rate nlQj ðtÞ=QðtÞ where 3 X Qj ðtÞ: ð23Þ QðtÞ ¼ j¼0 Thus, queue departure rates are proportional to the relative numbers in queue when QðtÞ > n. This explains the minð1; n=QðtÞÞ in the queueing state equations. The queueing ODEs are then given by dQ0 ðtÞ S 0 ðtÞ n ¼ ½c pR0 ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ bI3 ðtÞQ0 ðtÞ lQ0 ðtÞ min 1; ; ð24Þ dt N QðtÞ dQ1 ðtÞ I10 ðtÞ n ¼ bI3 Q0 ðtÞ þ ½c pR0 ðtÞ þ pk1 ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ lQ1 ðtÞ min 1; r1 Q1 ðtÞ; dt N QðtÞ ð25Þ dQj ðtÞ ¼ rj1 Qj1 ðtÞ þ dt for j ¼ 2; 3: ( ) Ij0 ðtÞ n þ pkj ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ lQj ðtÞ min 1; ½c pR0 ðtÞ rj Qj ðtÞ QðtÞ N ð26Þ 2.5. Vaccination and death The unsuccessfully vaccinated states (by stage of infection) constitute one set of destinations for asymptomatic individuals departing the queue. Upon vaccination, those who do not die of vaccine complications but are still unsuccessfully vaccinated (the vaccine only takes with probabilities m0 and m1 for susceptibles and those in disease stage 1 respectively) freely mix in the population, contributing to disease transmission and progression in the usual way (except for symptomatically infected individuals in isolation). We let S 1 ðtÞ and Ij1 ðtÞ denote unsuccessfully vaccinated susceptibles and disease stage j infecteds respectively; note that infectious individuals in queue ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 11 proceed directly to state I41 . The unsuccessfully vaccinated states are governed by the following ODEs: dS 1 ðtÞ n ð27Þ ¼ ð1 f Þð1 v0 ÞlQ0 ðtÞ min 1; bS 1 ðtÞI3 ðtÞ; dt QðtÞ dI11 ðtÞ n ð28Þ ¼ bI3 ðtÞS 1 ðtÞ þ ð1 f Þð1 v1 ÞlQ1 ðtÞ min 1; r1 I11 ðtÞ; dt QðtÞ dIj1 ðtÞ n 1 ¼ rj1 Ij1 ðtÞ þ ð1 f ÞlQj ðtÞ min 1; rj Ij1 ðtÞ QðtÞ dt for j ¼ 2; 3; ð29Þ dI41 ðtÞ ¼ r3 ðI31 ðtÞ þ Q3 ðtÞÞ r4 I41 ðtÞ: ð30Þ dt Successful vaccinations occur with probability m0 and m1 for susceptibles and those in stage 1 of disease respectively, while a fraction 1 d of those who progress to symptomatic smallpox eventually recover (on average r41 days after development of symptoms) and remain immune. We denote the number of immune individuals (whether by vaccination or recovery from disease) by ZðtÞ, and obtain dZðtÞ n ¼ ð1 f Þðm0 Q0 ðtÞ þ m1 Q1 ðtÞÞl min 1; ð31Þ þ ð1 dÞr4 ðI40 ðtÞ þ I41 ðtÞÞ: dt QðtÞ A fraction d of those who develop smallpox die of the disease, while a fraction f of all those vaccinated die of vaccine-related complications. Letting DðtÞ denote the number of deaths in the population at time t, we obtain dDðtÞ n ð32Þ ¼ f lQðtÞ min 1; þ dr4 ðI40 ðtÞ þ I41 ðtÞÞ: dt QðtÞ 2.6. Parameter values The parameter values for our model, along with the associated references, appear in Table 1. Many of the epidemiological parameters are taken from the classic literature, and require no further comment. The infection rate b is chosen so that R0 ¼ 3 in the uncongested base case and R0 ¼ 6 in the congested base case (these terms are defined in the next paragraph); these two values correspond to the lower and upper estimates provided in [14]. Our base case considers an initial attack size of 1000 in a large urban population of 10 million. We assume that the disease-detection infrastructure would work as expected, so that the time of detection would correspond to a point on the left tail of the probability density function (pdf) that convolves the first three disease-stage pdfs (i.e., the time from the attack until several people are symptomatic). It then may take several days to mobilize the intervention program. We chose s ¼ 5 days, at which point about 10% of the initial infecteds are symptomatic. We assume for simplicity that no one exits disease stage 4 before time 0. Turning to the logistical parameters, Ref. [16] reports that 0.78% of the US population is employed in nursing, while 18.3% of employed nurses work in public or community health. ARTICLE IN PRESS 12 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx Applying these percentages to N ¼ 10 million and dividing by 3 to produce round-the-clock 8-h shifts yields 4758 which we have rounded to 5000. Vaccinators trace and vaccinate the contacts named by index cases. In our model, it takes ST and SV time units, respectively, to trace and vaccinate a named contact. Hence, l1 ¼ ST þ SV for TV and l1 ¼ SV for MV. We assume ST ¼ 3SV , recognizing that the time required to locate contacts is greater than the time required for vaccination [17]. Finally, while vaccine efficacy has been estimated to be 0.975 [18,19], our analysis in Section 3 assumes 100% efficacy of susceptibles and people in disease stage 1; we consider imperfect vaccination in Section 4. 3. TV analysis This section contains an approximate analysis of TV. After investigating the pre-intervention dynamics in Section 3.1, we transform the problem in Section 3.2, and estimate in Section 3.3 the total number of deaths and the maximum queue length in the uncongested case, where QðtÞ 6 n for all t. We consider the congested case in Section 3.4, where the maximum queue length exceeds the number of vaccinators. Our approach is to find approximate closed-form expressions that reveal dependencies of outcomes on model parameters. 3.1. Pre-intervention In this subsection, we estimate the state vector at the time that intervention begins. Let us suppose the attack occurs at time s, and the size of the initial attack is I10 ðsÞ. Intervention starts s time units later, at time 0. Since I10 ðsÞ is much smaller than N , and the detection delay is relatively short, we assume that S 0 ðtÞ N for t 2 ½s; 0, so that Eqs. (20) and (21) can be expressed as dI10 ðtÞ ¼ r3 R0 I30 ðtÞ r1 I10 ðtÞ; dt ð33Þ dI20 ðtÞ ¼ r1 I10 ðtÞ r2 I20 ðtÞ; dt ð34Þ dI30 ðtÞ ð35Þ ¼ r2 I20 ðtÞ r3 I30 ðtÞ: dt Because the matrix exponential solution to (33)–(35) is quite tedious, we pursue a simple linear approximation that is used again in Section 5.1: I30 ðtÞ gðt þ sÞ for t 2 ½s; 0. To estimate the growth rate g, we note that the vast majority of people in disease stage 3 at time 0 are people who were exposed in the initial attack. Therefore, we ignore the infection term on the right side of (33), and solve (33)–(35) sequentially to get I30 ð0Þ ¼ r1 r2 eðr1 þr2 þr3 Þs ½ðr1 r2 Þ eðr1 þr2 Þs þ ðr2 r3 Þ eðr2 þr3 Þs þ ðr3 r1 Þ eðr1 þr3 Þs 0 I1 ðsÞ; ðr1 r2 Þðr1 r3 Þðr2 r3 Þ which provides a closed-form expression for g via g ¼ and (33), and solving (22), (33) and (34) yields I30 ð0Þ . s ð36Þ Substituting gðt þ sÞ for I30 ðtÞ in (22) ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 13 I10 ðtÞ ¼ er1 ðtþsÞ ½I10 ðsÞr12 þ R0 r3 g þ R0 r3 g½r1 ðt þ sÞ 1 ; r12 I20 ðtÞ ¼ 1 ðeðr1 þ2r2 ÞðtþsÞ ðe2r2 ðtþsÞ r22 ½I10 ðsÞr12 þ R0 r3 g þ eðr1 þr2 ÞðtþsÞ r12 ½I10 ðsÞr22 þ R0 r3 g r1 ðr1 r2 Þr22 I40 ðtÞ ¼ ð37Þ þ eðr1 þ2r2 ÞðtþsÞ R0 ðr1 r2 Þr3 g½r2 þ r1 ðr2 ðt þ sÞ 1ÞÞÞ; ð38Þ r3 gðt þ sÞ2 : 2 ð39Þ This approach is reasonably accurate when s ¼ 5 [8] and R0 6 7, which appears to be the relevant range for R0 [14]. However, for longer intervention delays and/or higher values of R0 , it is important to capture the fact that I30 ð0Þ is roughly linear in R0 , rather than independent of R0 as in (36). A refinement in these cases, which we do not pursue here, is to substitute (38) into (35) and solve the latter to obtain a new estimate of g that yields a linear dependence of I30 ð0Þ on R0 . 3.2. Model transformation We begin our TV analysis by defining a new set of variables. Let SðtÞ ¼ S 0 ðtÞ þ Q0 ðtÞ, I1 ðtÞ ¼ þ Q1 ðtÞ (note that S 1 ðtÞ ¼ I11 ðtÞ ¼ 0 because m0 ¼ m1 ¼ 1), and Ij ðtÞ ¼ Ij0 ðtÞ þ Qj ðtÞ þ Ij1 ðtÞ for j ¼ 2; 3 be the total number of people in each disease stage, susceptibles in queue are reP3 where 0 ðtÞ denote the total number of ferred to as being in disease stage 0. Let UðtÞ ¼ S 0 ðtÞ þ j¼1 IP j untraced people that are asymptomatic, and recall that QðtÞ ¼ 3j¼0 Qj ðtÞ. Then we have dSðtÞ n ¼ bI3 ðtÞSðtÞ lQ0 ðtÞ min 1; ; ð40Þ dt QðtÞ dI1 ðtÞ n ð41Þ r1 I1 ðtÞ; ¼ bI3 ðtÞSðtÞ lQ1 ðtÞ min 1; dt QðtÞ I10 ðtÞ dI2 ðtÞ ¼ r1 I1 ðtÞ r2 I2 ðtÞ; dt ð42Þ dI3 ðtÞ ¼ r2 I2 ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ; dt ð43Þ ! 3 X dU ðtÞ U ðtÞ ¼ ½c pR0 ðtÞ þp kj ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ r3 I30 ðtÞ; dt N j¼1 ð44Þ dQðtÞ ¼ dt ! 3 X U ðtÞ kj ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ l minðn; QðtÞÞ r3 Q3 ðtÞ: ½c pR0 ðtÞ þp N j¼1 ð45Þ In contrast to the original model in Section 2, individuals can be in several compartments simultaneously in the transformed model (40)–(45). ARTICLE IN PRESS 14 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 3.3. Uncongested case Our analysis of the uncongested case starts with a set of assumptions that simplify the model. The simplified model is then analyzed to estimate the total number of deaths and the magnitude and time of the maximum queue length. 3.3.1. Model simplification Although we do not show the detailed simulations, the accuracy of these assumptions have been confirmed for the base case values in Table 1. Assumption 1. Nearly all random tracing is of susceptibles, and so assume jðtÞ ¼ 0 in (18). Assumption 2. Nearly all uninfected people are untraced, and so replace S 0 ðtÞ by SðtÞ in (18). Assumption 3. Nearly the entire queue is made up of susceptibles, and so replace Q0 ðtÞ by QðtÞ in (40). Assumption 4. Nearly all people leave the untraced compartment via tracing, not disease symptoms, and so ignore the r3 I30 ðtÞ term in (44). Assumption 5. Nearly all people leave the Q1 ðtÞ and QðtÞ compartments via vaccination, not disease symptoms, and so ignore the r1 Q1 ðtÞ and r3 Q3 ðtÞ terms in (25) and (45), respectively. Assumption 6. Because nearly all uninfected people are untraced ðS 0 ðtÞ=SðtÞ 1Þ and nearly all untraced people are susceptible ðS 0 ðtÞ=U ðtÞ 1Þ, we assume that the ratio of the number of susceptibles to the number of untraced people is one ðSðtÞ=U ðtÞ ¼ 1Þ. Assumption 7. Nearly all the arrivals to Q1 ðtÞ are via tracing, not infection, and so ignore the bI3 ðtÞQ0 ðtÞ term in (25). P 3 Assumption 8. cU ðtÞ=N p k ðtÞ R ðtÞU ðtÞ=N in (44). j 0 j¼1 Assumption 9. pR0 ðtÞI10 ðtÞ=N cI10 ðtÞ=N < pk1 ðtÞ in (25). By Assumptions 1 and 2 and Eq. (18), we have kj ðtÞ ¼ where qj ¼ Pr qj bSðtÞ ; r3 ( j1 X k¼1 Tk < T3 6 ð46Þ j X k¼1 ) Tk ¼ j1 Y k¼1 rk r3 rk þ r3 rj þ r3 ð47Þ and T3 is the time from when an index infects a (random) contact until the index is detected. A key to our simplification is to assume that the queue composition Qj ðtÞ=QðtÞ is independent of time, so that we can express (41) in terms of QðtÞ rather than Q1 ðtÞ; this simplification, combined ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 15 with the other assumptions above, leads to a free-standing set of transformed equations. To this P3 end, let Aj ðtÞ be the time-dependent arrival rate to queue Qj ðtÞ and let AðtÞ ¼ j¼0 Aj ðtÞ be the arrival rate to QðtÞ. Then cI10 ðtÞ I10 ðtÞ pbSðtÞ þ q 1 r3 N N A1 ðtÞ by Assumptions 1; 2 and 7; ð48Þ cU ðtÞ pbSðtÞ U ðtÞ AðtÞ þ q N pq1 bSðtÞ r3 cU ðtÞ N r3 N by Assumptions 8 and 9; ð49Þ pq1 R0 by Assumption 6: ð50Þ c The queues Q1 ðtÞ and QðtÞ have the same service rate by Assumption 5, the arrival rates are multiples of each other by (50), and the queue departure rates are proportional to the relative numbers in queue. Hence, it follows that Q1 ðtÞ=QðtÞ A1 ðtÞ=AðtÞ pq1 R0 =c. Taken together, these assumptions allow us to re-express the core, or coupled portion, of our model, as (by definition, minðn; QðtÞÞ ¼ QðtÞ in the uncongested case) dSðtÞ ð51Þ ¼ bI3 ðtÞSðtÞ lQðtÞ; dt dI1 ðtÞ lpq1 R0 ¼ bI3 ðtÞSðtÞ QðtÞ r1 I1 ðtÞ; dt c ð52Þ dI2 ðtÞ ¼ r1 I1 ðtÞ r2 I2 ðtÞ; dt ð53Þ dI3 ðtÞ ¼ r2 I2 ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ; dt dU ðtÞ cU ðtÞ pbSðtÞU ðtÞ pqbSðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ; ¼ þ dt N r3 N r3 dQðtÞ cU ðtÞ pbSðtÞU ðtÞ pqbSðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ lQðtÞ: ¼ þ dt N r3 N r3 ð54Þ ð55Þ ð56Þ We make a final reduction by assuming that QðtÞ is in a quasi-steady state. While the service rate is very fast, and this is not an unreasonable approximation, we are making this assumption for purposes of analytical tractability. Setting Q_ ðtÞ ¼ 0 in (56), substituting in for lQðtÞ in (52), and using Assumption 6 gives 13 2 0 SðtÞ pR q 0 N dI1 ðtÞ A5I3 ðtÞU ðtÞ r1 I1 ðtÞ: ¼ b41 pq1 @1 ð57Þ c dt Assumption 8 applied to Eqs. (55) and (57) leads to the simplified SEIR-like model dU ðtÞ cr3 ¼ I3 ðtÞU ðtÞ; dt N ð58Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS 16 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx dI1 ðtÞ ¼ bð1 pq1 ÞI3 ðtÞU ðtÞ r1 I1 ðtÞ; dt ð59Þ dI2 ðtÞ ¼ r1 I1 ðtÞ r2 I2 ðtÞ; dt ð60Þ dI3 ðtÞ ¼ r2 I2 ðtÞ r3 I3 ðtÞ: dt ð61Þ 3.3.2. Subcritical case We first consider the subcritical case, where the post-intervention value of R0 , which is R0 ð1 pq1 Þ, is less than one. In this case, we expect a very small fraction of people to get infected or traced. Hence, we set U ðtÞ N for all t in (58) and (59), so that (59) becomes dI1 ðtÞ ¼ r3 R0 ð1 pq1 ÞI3 ðtÞ r1 I1 ðtÞ: ð62Þ dt P3 Eqs. (60)–(62) can be viewed as a system in which j¼1 Ij ð0Þ people initially reside and – upon exiting compartment I3 – re-enter compartment I1 for another pass through the system with probability R0 ð1 pq1 Þ. Because each pass through the system represents a symptomatic smallpox case, we can sum the resulting geometric series to find that the total number of deaths in the subcritical case is approximately # " P3 j¼1 Ij ð0Þ : ð63Þ Dð1Þ ¼ d I4 ð0Þ þ 1 R0 ð1 pq1 Þ Hereafter, we assume that R0 ð1 pq1 Þ > 1. 3.3.3. Total deaths Our primary performance measure is the total number of deaths. Let us consider (58)–(61) along with dI4 ðtÞ ¼ r3 I3 ðtÞ; ð64Þ dt i dX ðtÞ h cr3 ð65Þ ¼ bð1 pq1 Þ I3 ðtÞUðtÞ; dt N where I4 ðtÞ is the cumulative P4 number of people who become symptomatic by time t, and (65) is chosen so that U ðtÞ þ j¼1 Ij ðtÞ þ X ðtÞ remains constant. Following the classical SIR analysis (e.g., [20]), we divide (58) by (64) and solve to get U ð1Þ ¼ U ð0Þ ecI4 ð1Þ=N : ð66Þ Dividing (65) by (58) implies that X ð1Þ X ð0Þ R0 ð1 pq1 Þ ¼ 1: U ð1Þ U ð0Þ c ð67Þ Note thatPthe total Ôpopulation sizeÕ of (58)–(61), (64) and (65), initially (and forever after) is P S 0 ð0Þ þ 2 3j¼1 Ij0 ð0Þ þ I40 ð0Þ þ X ð0Þ ¼ N þ 3j¼1 Ij0 ð0Þ þ X ð0Þ, and hence ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx U ð1Þ þ I4 ð1Þ þ X ð1Þ ¼ N þ 3 X Ij0 ð0Þ þ X ð0Þ: 17 ð68Þ j¼1 By (67) and (68), we can re-express (66) as (note that we never had to specify X ð0Þ––it cancels out) !! 3 X U ð1Þ c R ð1 pq Þ 0 1 ¼ exp Nþ Ij0 ð0Þ 1 ½U ð1Þ U ð0Þ U ð1Þ : ð69Þ U ð0Þ N c j¼1 Defining u~ ¼ U ð1Þ=U ð0Þ Uð1Þ=N, we have ! 3 c X u~ ¼ exp R0 ð1 pq1 Þð1 u~Þ I 0 ð0Þ : N j¼1 j ð70Þ Eqs. (32), (66) and (70) imply that the total number of deaths is approximately dN Dð1Þ ¼ f ð1 u~ÞN ln u~; ð71Þ c where u~ solves (70). Eq. (71) implies that the number of deaths under TV scales with the population size N , with minimal dependence on the initial number of infections (which enters through u~). This appears to be a fundamental property of TV, as we will explain later in Section 6.5. 3.3.4. Maximum queue length We hypothesize that system performance degrades significantly when the system becomes congested, i.e., when the maximum queue length exceeds the number of vaccinators. Hence, an estimate of the maximum queue length in the uncongested regime can aid in staffing decisions. The maximum queue length is estimated in two steps: we find an approximate relationship between the maximum queue length Qmax and the maximum size of the I1 ðtÞ compartment, I1max , and then we estimate I1max by forcing (58)–(61) into the classic SIR framework. By (56) and Assumption 8, the maximum queue length occurs when cr3 ð72Þ I3 ðtÞU ðtÞ: lQðtÞ ¼ N Note also that I1 ðtÞ should hit its maximum at about the same time that QðtÞ does, because both are receiving ÔarrivalsÕ at rate proportional to I3 ðtÞSðtÞ I3 ðtÞU ðtÞ by Assumption 6. Setting the right side of (52) equal to zero and solving simultaneously with (72) yields, with Assumption 6, I1max ¼ lR0 ð1 pq1 Þ max Q : cr1 ð73Þ max 1 1 , we transform To estimate 1 P3 I1 P3 Eqs. (58)–(61) into a SIR framework via I3 ðtÞ ¼ r3 IðtÞ=r , where 1 r ¼ j¼1 rj and IðtÞ ¼ j¼1 Ij ðtÞ. Then (58)–(61) become dU ðtÞ c ¼ 1 IðtÞUðtÞ; dt Nr ð74Þ dIðtÞ r1 1 ¼ bð1 pq1 Þ 31 IðtÞU ðtÞ 1 IðtÞ: dt r r ð75Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS 18 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx Using the classic SIR conservation law analysis (e.g., [20]), we divide (75) by (74) and integrate to get R0 ð1 pq1 Þ N R0 ð1 pq1 Þ N UðtÞ ln UðtÞ ¼ Ið0Þ þ U ð0Þ ln U ð0Þ c c c c By (75), IðtÞ achieves its maximum when N U ðtÞ ¼ : R0 ð1 pq1 Þ IðtÞ þ Substituting (77) into (76) gives I max R0 ð1 pq1 Þ N N N ¼ Ið0Þ þ U ð0Þ ln U ð0Þ þ ln r3 c c c N : R0 ð1 pq1 Þ for all t: ð76Þ ð77Þ ð78Þ Ignoring the relatively tiny Ið0Þ term in (78), using I1max ¼ r11 I max =r1 and (73) gives the approximation N N max ¼ 1 R0 ð1 pq1 Þ ln N 1 þ ln : ð79Þ Q lr R0 ð1 pq1 Þ R0 ð1 pq1 Þ In Section 6, we show that (79) accurately predicts that some of the model parameters influence the number of deaths in a non-smooth manner. While it might seem surprising that Qmax is nearly independent of c (incorporating Ið0Þ in (78) produces a slight dependence on c), this claim is confirmed by simulation results (not shown here). Increasing c places more people in the queue initially, but also limits the epidemic and causes less people to enter the queue in total. 3.3.5. Time of the maximum queue With Eq. (79) in hand, we now approximate the time, tmax , when this maximum queue length is achieved, and also construct an approximation for the entire queue length process. Eick et al. [21,22] show that in an infinite-server queue with non-homogeneous Poisson arrivals, the time lag between the maximum arrival rate and the maximum queue length is roughly the mean service time, which is negligible in our case. Moreover, their analysis implies that the pointwise stationary approximation (PSA), QðtÞ l1 AðtÞ, should be quite accurate in our setting. Hence, to estimate the queue length process QðtÞ it suffices to construct an approximation to the arrival process AðtÞ. To this end, we assume AðtÞ follows a Gaussian pdf (simulations reveal that AðtÞ is bell-shaped in t), AðtÞ ¼ lQmax eaðtt where ln a¼ lQmax cr3 I30 ð0Þ ðtmax Þ2 max Þ2 ; ð80Þ ð81Þ is chosen so that Að0Þ ¼ cr3 I30 ð0Þ, which follows from setting Uð0Þ N in (56) and imposing Assumption 8, and Aðtmax Þ ¼ lQmax , which follows by the PSA. By the symmetry of AðtÞ and the fact that roughly N ð1 u~Þ people are served in all, we find tmax by solving Z tmax N ð1 u~Þ max 2 ; ð82Þ lQmax eaðtt Þ dt ¼ 2 0 ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 19 which yields tmax rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi max N ð1 u~Þ ln crlQI 0 ð0Þ 3 3 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ ; pffiffiffi lQmax max pU ln cr I 0 ð0Þ lQ ð83Þ 3 3 where UðÞ is the standard normal cdf. Substituting (83) and (79) into (80) and using QðtÞ ¼ l1 AðtÞ generates an approximate queue length process throughout the entire epidemic. While of interest in its own right, this queue length estimate is also required to approximate the total number of deaths in the congested analysis in Section 3.4. 3.4. Congested case We now turn to the congested case, where the maximum queue size exceeds the number of vaccinators. As in Section 3.3, we begin with a set of simplifying assumptions, followed by an analysis of the number of deaths, and the size and time of the maximum queue length. 3.4.1. Model simplification In addition to Assumption 1 in Section 3.3, we make the following assumptions that can be confirmed by simulations of the R0 ¼ 6 case: Assumption 10. Everyone is either successfully vaccinated or contracts symptomatic smallpox. Assumption 11. r1 Q1 ðtÞ bI3 ðtÞQ0 ðtÞ for all t in (25). Assumption 12. Qj ðtÞ QðtÞ Aj ðtÞ AðtÞ pqj R0 c I 0 ðtÞ þ Uj ðtÞ for all t. 3.4.2. Integrating the ODEs Our main concern is to estimate the total number of deaths. Assumption 10 implies that Z 1 Z 1 n n Q0 min 1; Q1 min 1; dt l dt : ð84Þ Dð1Þ ¼ fN þ d N l QðtÞ QðtÞ 0 0 Our analysis proceeds in two steps: first we R 1integrate several of the ODEs to approximate the integrals in (84) in terms of the integral 0 QðtÞ dt, and then we perform an analysis of the congested period of the queue to estimate the latter integral, as well as the size and time of the maximum queue. R1 To find l 0 Q0 minð1; n=QðtÞÞ dt, we first integrate (19) and replace R0 ðtÞ by a time- averaged value of R0 =2 (since SðtÞ drops from N to 0 during the epidemic), which yields Z 1 N2 I3 ðtÞS 0 ðtÞ dt ¼ : ð85Þ R0 r3 1 p2 þ cr3 0 ARTICLE IN PRESS 20 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx Similarly, integrating (24) gives Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 n cr3 pb b I3 ðtÞQ0 ðtÞ dt þ l Q0 min 1; I3 ðtÞS 0 ðtÞ dt dt ¼ QðtÞ 2 N 0 0 0 c p2 R0 N by ð85Þ: ¼ c þ 1 p2 R0 Assumption 12 implies that Z 1 Z 1 0 Z r1 pq1 R0 1 I1 ðtÞQðtÞ dt: r1 Q1 ðtÞ dt QðtÞ dt þ r1 U ðtÞ c 0 0 0 ð86Þ ð87Þ ð88Þ For the sake of analytical tractability, we ignore the last term in (88), which is the smaller of the two terms, and use Assumption 11 and Eqs. (87) and (88) to get Z Z 1 c p2 R0 n r1 pq1 R0 1 Q0 min 1; N QðtÞ dt: ð89Þ l dt QðtÞ c c þ 1 p2 R0 0 0 R1 To estimate, l 0 Q1 minð1; n=QðtÞÞ dt, we integrate (25) and approximate R0 ðtÞ by R0 =2 to get Z 1 n Q1 min 1; dt ð90Þ l QðtÞ 0 Z Z 1 cr3 pb r3 1 0 I ðtÞI3 ðtÞ dt þ pr3 k1 ðtÞI3 ðtÞ dt by Assumption 11; ð91Þ 2 N 0 1 N 0 Z Z 1 cr3 pb r3 1 0 I ðtÞI3 ðtÞ dt þ pq1 b S 0 ðtÞI3 ðtÞ dt ð92Þ 2 N 0 1 N 0 by Assumption 1; ð18Þ and ð47Þ; ! Z cr3 pb r3 1 0 pq1 R0 I ðtÞI3 ðtÞ dt þ N 2 N 0 1 N R0 1 p2 þ c by ð85Þ: ð93Þ If we again ignore the smaller of the two terms in (93), which is the first term, then combining (84), (89) and (93) gives ! R1 c pR0 12 q1 r1 pq1 R0 0 QðtÞ dt : ð94Þ þ Dð1Þ ¼ fN þ dN 1 cN R0 1 p2 þ c 3.4.3. Congested period analysis Following [23], we now analyze the congested period of the queue to R 1 Chapter 2 of Newell 0 estimate 0 QðtÞ dt in (94). Let t be the time when QðtÞ ¼ n for the first time, let t1 be the time of the maximum arrival rate, let t2 be the time of the maximum queue length, and let t3 be the time when QðtÞ ¼ n again. Although the congested period starts at time t0 , we need to estimate the number of people who are served before this time. For simplicity, we assume that AðtÞ ¼ Að0Þ eKt for t 2 ½0; t0 , where Að0Þ cr3 I3 ð0Þ by (81) and Aðt0 Þ ¼ nl, and hence nl Kt0 ¼ ln ; ð95Þ cr3 I3 ð0Þ but neither K nor t0 are known. The number of arrivals before time t0 is ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx Z t0 AðtÞ dt ¼ 0 21 nl : K ð96Þ To estimate t0 such that Qðt0 Þ ¼ n (and hence K via (95)), we use the approximate queue length process in the last sentence of Section 3.3, which yields sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi max 1 Q t0 ¼ tmax ln ; ð97Þ a n where Qmax ; a and tmax are given by Eqs. (79), (81) and (83), respectively. We now assume that all N people are vaccinated before time t3 , so that the length of the congested period is N nl K : t3 t0 ¼ nl We also assume that the arrival process AðtÞ is symmetric about t1 , so that Z t1 N nl AðtÞ dt ¼ : 2 K t0 ð98Þ R t1 0 AðtÞ dt ¼ N =2, or ð99Þ Following Newell, we assume that the arrival process during the congested period is quadratic, with AðtÞ ¼ Aðt1 Þ kðt t1 Þ2 , where the curvature k is unknown. Newell shows that t0 ; . . . ; t3 are equally spaced in time, so that the time lag, call it D, between ti and tiþ1 for i ¼ 0; 1; 2, is N nl K D¼ : 3nl ð100Þ Integrating (99) gives nlD þ 2kD3 N nl ¼ ; 2 K 3 ð101Þ which gives 3 81ðnlÞ N6 2nl 3K k¼ 3 : 2 N nl K Newell shows that the queue length process in the interval ½t0 ; t3 is given by t t0 2 : QðtÞ ¼ kðt t0 Þ D 3 Moreover, because Aðt0 Þ ¼ nl, the maximum arrival rate is given by Amax ¼ Aðt1 Þ ¼ Aðt0 Þ þ kD2 ; 3ðNK 4nlÞ ¼ nl 1 þ by ð100Þ and ð102Þ; 4ðN K nlÞ and, from Newell, the maximum queue length is ð102Þ ð103Þ ð104Þ ð105Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS 22 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 4 3 kD ; 3 N 4nl ¼ 3 3K which occurs at time Qmax ¼ Qðt2 Þ ¼ tmax ¼ t0 þ 2D 1 ¼ r ln R0 ð1 pq1 Þ 1 ð106Þ by ð100Þ and ð102Þ; nl cr3 I3 ð0Þ Finally, Newell also shows that Z t3 9 QðtÞ dt ¼ kD4 ; 4 t0 9 N6 2nl N nl 3K K ¼ 8nl 2 N nl K þ 3nl ð107Þ ð108Þ by ð97Þ and ð100Þ: ð109Þ ð110Þ by ð100Þ and ð102Þ: ð111Þ Because the queue R 1length is very small before time t0 and after time t3 , we can substitute the right side of (111) for 0 QðtÞ dt in (94) to estimate the total number of deaths in the congested case. 4. Approximate thresholds for initial epidemic control via TV interventions For a variety of intervention strategies, we approximate in this section the time derivative of the total number of infected asymptomatic people at the beginning of intervention. These calculations, which appear in Sections 4.1–4.4, lead to threshold conditions (in terms of R0 ) to initially reduce the number of infected but asymptomatic cases via intervention with various combinations of tracing, imperfect vaccination and quarantine. While these results are of interest in their own right, they also can be generalized to incorporate non-exponential disease-stage durations (Section 4.5) and can be combined with results in Section 3 to approximate the total number of deaths and the size and time of the maximum queue length under these more sophisticated strategies (Section 4.6). 4.1. Imperfect vaccination Consider again the basic smallpox model in the absence of any interventions other than the isolation of symptomatic cases (see Section 2.1). At the beginning of the epidemic, the total number of infected but asymptomatic individuals grows as d ð112Þ ½I1 ðtÞ þ I2 ðtÞ þ I3 ðtÞ ¼ ðbS 0 ð0Þ r3 ÞI3 ð0Þ; dt t¼0 as can be seen from summing Eqs. (2) and (3). By (4), the net growth rate of new infections per infectious individual is thus given by c ¼ r3 ðR0 1Þ: Hence, the epidemic initially increases if c > 0, which is the same condition as R0 > 1. ð113Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 23 Now let us return to the model considered in Section 3. Recall that at the beginning of the epidemic, each newly infected person produces R0 new infections, where R0 ¼ bS 0 ð0Þ=r3 bN =r3 . At the time an index case enters stage 4 and is detected as symptomatic, a fraction qj of the persons the index has infected are in disease stage j, where qj is defined in Eq. (47) (Assumptions 1 and 2 leading to (47) hold at time 0). We assume that any contacts infected by the index are accurately named and located with probability p, and that any contact so traced is vaccinated. The vaccine is effective with probability vj for people in disease stage j ¼ 0; 1, where – in contrast to Section 3 – we allow mj < 1. To mimic the analysis in (112) and (113) for this more general case, let us define SðtÞ ¼ S 0 ðtÞ þ Q0 ðtÞ þ S 1 ðtÞ and Ij ðtÞ ¼ Ij0 þ Qj þ IJ1 ðtÞ be the total number of susceptibles and people in disease stage j ¼ 2; 3; note that SðtÞ and I1 ðtÞ now include unsuccessfully vaccinated people, which was not the case in Section 3.2. Summing the appropriate equations in Section 2 gives, at the time intervention begins, d ½I1 ðtÞ þ I2 ðtÞ þ I3 ðtÞ ¼ bI3 ð0ÞSð0Þ r3 I3 ð0Þ m1 lQ1 ð0Þ: ð114Þ dt t¼0 By Assumptions 5, 7 and 9 in Section 3.3, which certainly hold at time 0, and the fact that the service rate is very fast, we can approximate the service completion rate lQ1 ð0Þ by the approximate arrival rate pk1 r3 I3 ð0Þ. These assumptions lead to a net growth rate of infections of ð115Þ cct ¼ r3 ðR0 1 pq1 m1 R0 Þ; where the superscript ct stands for C ontact T racing. Eq. (115) reveals the approximate impact of contact tracing at the beginning of the epidemic: with probability pq1 v1 , a contact of the index case is named, found in stage 1 of infection, and successfully vaccinated. Hence, the last term on the right side of (115) can be interpreted as an intervention-induced removal term of active infected individuals. We initially control the epidemic if cct < 0, which is the same as the threshold 1 R0 < : ð116Þ 1 pq1 v1 Note that for our base case parameter values, q1 ¼ 1=2, and thus perfect recall ðp ¼ 1Þ and a perfect vaccine ðm1 ¼ 1Þ cannot initially control an epidemic with R0 > 2 via TV. Before proceeding to more complex interventions, it is important to note that these results are neither necessary nor sufficient, but are approximate. Moreover, they ignore the positive effect of random tracing (i.e., faster herd immunity) and the negative effect of congestion, both of which may play a major role later in the epidemic. 4.2. Tracing contacts of contacts A more intensive approach is to trace and vaccinate the contacts of an index caseÕs contacts. Focusing on local tracing, we see that there is no immediate benefit from tracing the contacts of susceptibles or infected persons in stage 1 or stage 2, because these people have yet to infect anyone. However, tracing and vaccinating the contacts of infected persons in stage 3 is immediately useful, since some of these contacts of contacts will be infected (from the original indexÕs infected stage 3 contact), but still in stage 1 and hence sensitive to the vaccine. Finally, the contacts of the original index now in stage 4 themselves become indexes for tracing, and are already addressed by the model. ARTICLE IN PRESS 24 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx We need to answer three questions. First, how many contacts of the original index are in stage 3 at the time the index was detected? This is just the fraction q3 of the R0 persons infected by the index. Having located an index contact who is in stage 3, what is the probability distribution for the length of time (s)he has already spent in stage 3? We need this, because we need to figure out how many infections have already been transmitted (at the time we found the index case) by the stage 3 contact of the index. Finally, of these infections generated, how many infectees are still in stage 1 at the time we detected the index case? Those are the incremental infections we can prevent immediately via tracing and vaccination of contacts of contacts. Once we know the rate with which we interdict infections traced from contacts of contacts, call this vcc (where cc indicates C ontacts of C ontacts), we will subtract this from cct in Eq. (115) to obtain a new growth rate, ccc ¼ cct vcc ; ð117Þ and see what must happen to force this growth rate negative. We now turn to the second question. Let us begin with a newly detected index. We know that with probability q3 , a person infected by the index is in stage 3 at the time the index is detected. Given this, we seek the conditional distribution for the length of time the contact has already spent in stage 3 by the time the index is detected. Denote this time by W . Since the time from when an index infects a (random) contact until the index is detected is given by T3 , we know that T3 represents the total elapsed duration of infection for the contact at the time the index is detected. Recall that T3 is exponentially distributed with rate r3 due to the memoryless property of the exponential distribution. What must happen for W ¼ w? The contact is newly infected T3 time units before the index was detected. From that point on, the contact must spend exactly T3 w time units traversing disease stages 1 and 2, and remain in stage 3 for at least w time units. All this is conditional upon the contact being in stage 3 at the time the index is detected (which is q3 ). We thus see that the density function fW ðwÞ must equal Z 1 1 r3 er3 x fT1 þT2 ðx wÞ er3 w dx: ð118Þ fW ðwÞ ¼ q3 w We note that Z x Z x er2 x er1 x fT1 ðuÞfT2 ðx uÞ du ¼ r1 er1 u r2 er2 ðxuÞ du ¼ r1 r2 for x > 0 fT1 þT2 ðxÞ ¼ r1 r2 0 0 ð119Þ and r1 r2 r3 q3 ¼ ; ð120Þ r1 þ r3 r2 þ r3 r3 þ r3 which yields fW ðwÞ ¼ 2r3 e2r3 w for w > 0: ð121Þ Eq. (121) implies that the infected contact will on average have spent 1=2r3 time units in stage 3 by the time the index is detected. But note that this is not half of the time (s)he will spend there––after the index is detected, on average a contact in stage 3 will stay for an additional r31 time units (the memoryless property again), so that on average, index contacts found in stage 3 of their infection are only one-third of the way through their infectious period. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 25 Now that we know how long the indexÕs direct contact has spent in stage 3, we can proceed to the third question and ask how many persons have been infected by that contact who are in stage 1 of infection when the original index was detected. These are the contacts of contacts who are in the vaccine-sensitive stage of infection. We can think of this as an infinite-server queueing problem with deterministic arrivals and exponential service times. The customers are contacts of contacts in stage 1 of disease. The arrival rate is bS 0 ð0Þ, which is the rate at which the indexÕs direct contact is infecting susceptibles at the beginning of intervention. The service rate is r1 , which is the rate with which infected persons leave stage 1. The number of persons infected by the indexÕs direct contact who are in stage 1 of infection when the original index is detected is then exactly the number of customers in an infinite-server queue that started as an empty system and has been operating for W units of time. Let LðwÞ denote the mean number of customers (contacts of contacts) who are in service (in the vaccine-sensitive stage of infection) after w time units. From the theory of infinite-server queues we have Z w r 3 R0 bS 0 ð0Þ er1 ðwxÞ dx ¼ ð1 er1 w Þ ð122Þ E½LðwÞ ¼ r1 0 and consequently the expected number of contacts of contacts who would be found in stage 1 of infection at the time the original index was detected is given by Z 1 r3 R0 r 3 R0 2r3 e2r3 w ð1 er1 w Þ dw ¼ : ð123Þ E½LðW Þ ¼ r r 1 1 þ 2r3 0 We are now in a position to calculate the removal rate of infected persons via the tracing of contacts of contacts. Recall that of all those infected by an index case, the fraction q3 will reside in stage 3 when the index is detected. On average, each of the indexÕs direct contacts will have resulted in E½LðW Þ infected persons (contacts of contacts) who are in stage 1 when the original index was detected. However, only a fraction p of the indexÕs direct contacts in stage 3 will be found, and among those that are, only the fraction pv1 of the contacts of contacts still in stage 1 will be successfully located and vaccinated. Consequently, the incremental removal rate of infected persons due to contacts-of-contacts tracing is given by r3 R0 r3 R0 : ð124Þ vcc ¼ q3 p E½LðW Þ pv1 r3 R0 ¼ p2 q3 v1 r1 þ 2r3 By Eqs. (115), (117) and (124), we have p2 q3 v1 r3 R20 : ccc ¼ r3 R0 1 pq1 v1 R0 r1 þ 2r3 ð125Þ This epidemic is initially controlled by the tracing of contacts of contacts if ccc < 0, or equivalently if qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2q m r 3 1 3 1 pq1 m1 ð1 pq1 m1 Þ2 4pr1 þ2r 3 R0 < : ð126Þ 2p2 q m r 3 1 3 r1 þ2r3 In the best case where we have a perfect vaccine and v1 ¼ 1, and perfect tracing and p ¼ 1, the threshold in (126) equals 2.225 for our base case parameter values. From the standpoint of initial ARTICLE IN PRESS 26 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx fraction of infectees named 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Basic reproductive ratio Fig. 2. The tracing accuracy p required to initially control an epidemic, as a function of the basic reproductive ratio R0 , for contact tracing (––) and contacts-of-contacts tracing ð Þ. epidemic control, contacts-of-contacts tracing offers only a modest improvement beyond tracing only the direct contacts of index cases, which could control epidemics with R0 < 2 if m1 ¼ p ¼ 1. To see this more vividly, Fig. 2 shows, for the case of a perfect vaccine, the tracing probability p that would be required to control epidemics for different R0 values for both contact tracing and contacts-of-contacts tracing. The improvement of contacts-of-contacts tracing over tracing only the direct contacts of index cases is just the space between the two curves. However, recall that this calculation ignores the impact of random tracing. The arrival rate to the tracing/vaccination queue is about c2 people per index case under contacts-of-contacts tracing, which is significantly higher than the c people per index case that arrive during contact tracing. Hence, contacts-ofcontacts tracing is likely to make better use of the tracing/vaccination resources than contact tracing, but will also lead to more congestion. 4.3. Quarantine Though we did not include quarantine beyond the isolation of symptomatic smallpox cases in the model formulation and analysis reported above, it is easy to do so, and instructive to see how the quarantine of traced contacts contributes to initial epidemic control. Focusing only on the initial growth rate of infected persons early in the epidemic, we note that the impact of quarantine is to lessen the amount of time during which an infectious person is mixing in the population and thus able to transmit new infections. Quarantine will not always be effective: some infected persons will enter and leave quarantine before becoming infectious, and hence transmit the same number of infections as would occur in the absence of quarantine, while others will be found in quarantine for part or all of their infectious periods, resulting in reduced transmission. As an illustration, suppose that once individuals are traced and vaccinated, they are quarantined with probability h (alternatively, only a fraction h of contacts comply with residential quarantine orders), and that the time spent in quarantine is exponentially distributed with mean a1 . If a located contact is in disease stage 3 (which occurs with probability q3 ) and quarantined (which occurs with probability h), then the remaining mean time during which such a contact is infectious and mixing in the population is reduced from r31 (due to the memoryless property of the expo- ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 27 nential distribution) to ar31 =ða þ r3 Þ (since with probability a=ða þ r3 Þ, quarantine ends before the remaining time in stage 3, and by the memoryless property the remaining time in stage 3 once released from quarantine again equals r31 ). Consequently, the reduction in the mean time spent infectious and mixing due to quarantine for a contact found in stage 3 is given by ðr3 =ða þ r3 ÞÞr31 , and thus the rate with which such persons generate infections is reduced by the factor w3 ¼ r3 r1 aþr3 3 r31 ¼ r3 : r3 þ a ð127Þ Quarantine therefore reduces the actual rate of new infections by the amount q3 hw3 bS 0 ð0Þ for infected persons found in stage 3. Similarly, if a located contact is in stage 2 and quarantined (an event that occurs with probability q2 h), the mean time during which such a contact will be both infectious and mixing in the population is reduced from r31 in the absence of quarantine (for the contact would simply progress from stage 2 to stage 3 and then be infectious for the duration of stage 3) to ½a=ða þ r2 Þ þ ðr2 =ða þ r2 ÞÞða=ða þ r3 ÞÞr31 . To be infectious and mixing in the population, either quarantine ends during stage 2 (with probability a=ða þ r2 Þ), and the contact is thus released and infectious for the entire r31 mean duration of stage 3, or quarantine extends into stage 3 (with probability r2 =ða þ r2 Þ) but ends during stage 3 (with probability a=ða þ r3 Þ), leaving the contact infectious and mixing for an additional r31 time units on average (again due to the memoryless property of the exponential distribution). For located contacts in stage 2 of infection, quarantine thus reduces the mean time spent infectious and mixing by the factor w2 ¼ r31 ½a=ða þ r2 Þ þ ðr2 =ða þ r2 ÞÞða=ða þ r3 ÞÞr31 r2 r3 ¼ 1 r3 r2 þ a r3 þ a ð128Þ and as a result, the actual rate of new infections is reduced by the amount q2 hw2 bS 0 ð0Þ for infected persons found in stage 2. A similar argument obtains for infected individuals found and quarantined in stage 1 of infection, though now one also must consider the probability v1 that such a person was successfully vaccinated. Doing so reveals that the actual rate of new infections for infected persons found in stage 1 is reduced by the amount q1 ðv1 þ ð1 v1 Þhw1 ÞbS 0 ð0Þ where w1 ¼ 3 Y k¼1 rk : rk þ a ð129Þ Now recall that only a fraction p of all contacts are named and located. Combining our results, we see that early in the epidemic, the growth rate of new infections per infectious individual incorporating (imperfect) contact vaccination and quarantine, cq , is given by cq ¼ r3 ðR0 1 pR0 ½q1 ðm1 þ ð1 m1 Þhw1 Þ þ q2 hw2 þ q3 hw3 Þ; ð130Þ which yields the threshold for epidemic control of R0 < 1 : 1 p½q1 ðm1 þ ð1 m1 Þhw1 Þ þ q2 hw2 þ q3 hw3 ð131Þ As an extreme example, imagine that contact tracing and vaccination are perfect ðp ¼ v1 ¼ 1Þ and that all vaccinated contacts comply with a quarantine averaging 14 days ða ¼ 1=14Þ. Under ARTICLE IN PRESS 28 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx our assumptions governing the durations of disease stages, Eq. (131) suggests that such a draconian quarantine policy could initially control epidemics with R0 < 3:95. Given that the protection conferred by quarantine on susceptibles has not been taken into account, this threshold understates the true effect. Of course, the actual number of persons in quarantine could grow quite large, so that even allowing for residential (as opposed to institutional) quarantine, such aggressive quarantine would likely prove impractical [24]. 4.4. CDC’s interim policy: contact tracing with febrile quarantine Using approximations such as those described above, it is possible to construct ÔboutiqueÕ thresholds for any particular policy of interest. As an important illustration, the CDCÕs interim plan for the control of smallpox calls for case isolation, contact tracing and vaccination, and a 5day quarantine of all contacts found febrile [4]. To create an approximate threshold for this policy, we (optimistically) presume that 90% of infected contacts found in stage 3 of infection are febrile and remanded to the (average) 5-day quarantine (h ¼ 0:9 and a ¼ 1=5). Combined with our base case assumptions that stages 1 and 3 of infection are exponentially distributed with mean 3 days ðr1 ¼ r3 ¼ 1=3Þ, that newly detected index cases accurately name half of their contacts ðp ¼ 0:5Þ, and that the vaccine is effective 97.5% of the time when given to persons in stage 1 of disease ðv1 ¼ 0:975Þ we obtain the growth rate cCDC ¼ r3 ðR0 1 pR0 ½q1 v1 þ q3 hw3 Þ ð132Þ and the corresponding threshold R0 < 1 ¼ 1:36; 1 pðq1 v1 þ q3 hw3 Þ ð133Þ which suggests that the interim CDC policy can only initially control a smallpox outbreak if R0 < 1:36 (as reported in [8]). 4.5. Non-exponential disease-stage durations It is possible to account for non-exponential disease-stage distributions in determining the probabilities that infected contacts are found in various disease stages, and use these probabilities in the approximations discussed above. As an illustration, consider the threshold derived for basic contact tracing in Section 4.1. A key ingredient is the probability q1 that early in the epidemic, an infected contact is still in the vaccine-sensitive stage of infection at the time the infecting index case is detected. When T1 and T3 , the durations of the vaccine-sensitive and infectious periods respectively, are exponentially distributed with rates r1 and r3 , from Eq. (47) we obtain r3 : ð134Þ q1 ¼ r1 þ r3 If we relax the exponential assumptions and instead allow T1 and T3 to be arbitrarily (but independently) distributed, we can still derive the probability that an infected contact is vaccinesensitive when the infecting index is detected. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 29 To proceed, since an infected person is equally likely to transmit at any point in time during the infectious stage 3 of infection, the remaining duration of infectiousness from the time of a random infection until the end of stage 3, T3 , is distributed as a forward recurrence time with density given by [25] fT3 ðxÞ ¼ PrfT3 > xg : EðT3 Þ ð135Þ A randomly infected contact will thus still be in the vaccine-sensitive stage of infection if T1 > T3 , an event that occurs with probability Z 1 PrfT3 > xg EðminfT1 ; T3 gÞ q1 ¼ PrfT1 > xg dx ¼ : ð136Þ EðT3 Þ EðT3 Þ 0 For example, if T1 and T3 are exponentially distributed with rates r1 and r3 respectively, Eq. (136) reduces to (134) as expected. Alternatively, if T1 and T3 are both uniformly distributed between 0 and some upper limit u, then independently of u Eq. (136) yields 2/3. If T1 and T3 have the same Weibull distributions, that is PrfT1 > xg ¼ PrfT3 > xg ¼ eax b for x > 0 and a; b > 0; ð137Þ then Eq. (136) yields q1 ¼ 21=b : ð138Þ This result is interesting, for it shows that with Weibull distributions, the probability that a contact is vaccine-sensitive at the time the infecting index is detected can fall anywhere between 0 and 1, depending upon the value of the shape parameter b; if b ¼ 1, then (138) coincides with (134). 4.6. Performance analysis The extensions considered in this section make the direct analysis of TV very difficult. However, all of the uncongested TV results in Section 3.3 depend explicitly on the Ôpost-intervention R0 ,Õ which is R0 ð1 pq1 Þ, via Eqs. (63), (70) and (79). Hence, we propose the following approach to analyzing TV under the generalizations in this section: Replace R0 ð1 pq1 Þ in Eqs. (63), (70), and (79) by the corresponding post-intervention R0 derived in this section (e.g., with R0 ½1 pðq1 v1 þ q3 hw3 Þ in the case of the CDC policy in (133)). There does not appear to be a similar approach to generalizing the congested results in Section 3.4. 5. Mass vaccination We now consider the case of mass vaccination (MV), where all asymptomatics enter the vaccination queue at time 0; this scenario can be viewed as a special case of TV, where the number of names generated per index, c, is infinite. In view of the fact that nearly everyone is vaccinated, and that QðtÞ < n only during the final minutes of vaccination, we assume that vaccination is completed at time T ¼ N =nl and that Q0 ðtÞ ¼ Q0 ð0Þ nlt for t 2 ½0; T . Hence, the infection term bI3 ðtÞS 0 ðtÞ in Eqs. (19) and (20) is well approximated by r3 R0 ð1 t=T ÞI3 ðtÞ for t 2 ½0; T . ARTICLE IN PRESS 30 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 5.1. Total deaths To estimate the number of deaths, we keep track of how many people enter stage 2 throughout the epidemic, and multiply this number times the P smallpox death rate d. At time 0, which is when mass vaccination begins, there will already be 4j¼2 Ij0 ð0Þ people who have entered stage 2. These quantities are given in Eqs. (36), (38) and (39), recalling that at time 0 everyone in the Ij0 compartment moves to the Qj compartment. The people who are in disease stage 1 at time 0 become symptomatic if they progress to stage 2 before they are vaccinated. From a probabilistic point of view, a person in disease stage 1 at time 0 progresses to stage 2 at a time that is exponentially distributed with parameter r1 , by the memoryless property of the exponential distribution. By our assumptions in the last paragraph, each of these people will be vaccinated at a time that is uniformly distributed between 0 and T . Hence, of these I10 ð0Þ people, Z T 1 er1 T 1 0 r1 t 1 0 ð1 e Þ dt ¼ dI1 ð0Þ ð139Þ Tþ dI1 ð0Þ T T r1 0 of them will die, where I10 ð0Þ is given in (37). Finally, we turn to the number of deaths of the S 0 (or Q0 ð0Þ) people that are susceptible at time 0. As mentioned above, new infections occur at rate r3 R0 ð1 t=T ÞI3 ðtÞ. As in Section 5.1, we assume that I3 ðtÞ is linear with growth rate g derived in (36), which leads to reasonably simple and accurate formulas, mainly because the susceptibles are dropping to zero linearly at rate nl and most of the deaths under MV are of people who are already infected by time 0. Proceeding as before, someone who is infected at time t 2 ½0; T progresses to stage 2 after an exponentially distributed amount of time with parameter r1 , and is vaccinated at a time that is uniformly distributed between t and T . Hence, the number of people who are susceptible at time 0 and who die during the epidemic is Z T Z T 1 r3 R0 ðI30 ð0Þ þ gtÞ ð1 er1 ðutÞ Þ du dt: ð140Þ d T 0 t Integrating (140) and summing up over the people who are in stage 0, stage 1, and beyond stage 1 at time 0 gives the total number of deaths under MV: 4 X er1 T 1 r3 R0 r1 T Ij ð0Þ þ I1 ð0Þ 1 þ e g 6 þ er1 T ðr13 T 3 þ Dð1Þ ¼ fN þ d 3 r T 6Tr 1 1 j¼2 ! 3r12 T 2 þ 6r1 T 6Þ þ 3r1 er1 T ð2 2r1 T þ r12 T 2 Þ 2 I3 ð0Þ : ð141Þ The key parameters in the MV model are R0 and the vaccination capacity nl ¼ N =T . By (37), (38) and (141), we predict that the number of deaths is roughly linear in R0 when this parameter is in its practically relevant range, although the refinement discussed at the end of Section 3.1 suggests that I30 ð0Þ is linear in R0 , and hence the number of deaths is roughly quadratic in R0 , which becomes important when R0 > 7. Eq. (141) also reveals that while deaths under MV depend only slightly on the population size N (for the vaccine death rate f is so small), they do scale with the number infected at time 0 when the intervention is launched. Deaths under MV are therefore heavily influenced by the number initially infected when the attack occurs. This stands in complete ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 31 contrast to TV, where deaths scale with the size of the population with minimal dependence on the initial attack size. If vaccination is imperfect (i.e., m0 and m1 < 1), then simulation results suggest that about half of the additional cases occur before time T and the other half occur after time T . Two changes are required to capture the additional cases before time T : we replace 1 erðutÞ in the integral in (140) by 1 m1 þ m1 ð1 er1 ðutÞ Þ because people now enter compartment I2 either by a failed vaccination or by losing the race to trace (a similar substitution occurs in (139)), and we change the infection term r3 R0 ð1 t=T ÞI3 ðtÞ that leads to (140) to r3 R0 ð1 m0 t=T ÞI3 ðtÞ because the susceptible population is decreasing at a reduced rate. However, the analysis of the additional cases after time T requires an accurate estimate of the system state at time T , which we do not have. 6. Simulation results This section assesses the accuracy of the analytical approximations in Sections 3–5 by comparing them to exact simulation results. 6.1. Pre-intervention At time 0, the simulated number of infected individuals in the uncongested (i.e., R0 ¼ 3) scenario is 1336, where I10 ð0Þ ¼ 415, I20 ð0Þ ¼ 662, I30 ð0Þ ¼ 156, and I40 ð0Þ ¼ 103. Eqs. (36)–(39) predict 1346 infectees, with a breakdown of 410, 672, 144, and 120, respectively. In the congested (i.e., R0 ¼ 6) case, the actual number of infectees at time 0 is 1708 (Ij0 ð0Þ ¼ 660, 773, 168 and 107) and the predicted number of infectees is 1684 (631, 789, 144, 120). 6.2. Uncongested TV Fig. 3(a) shows the dynamics for the queue length process and the total number of infected people for the uncongested base case. The total number of deaths is 105 000 and the maximum queue length is 2864 on day 74, which are reasonably close to the predicted values of 116 000 deaths and 2788 people on day 71 in (71), (79) and (83), respectively. The approximate queue length process in Fig. 3(a) (see the last sentence of Section 3.3) is quite accurate throughout the epidemic. A sensitivity analysis is shown in Fig. 4, which depicts the exact and approximated deaths versus five different model parameters. Fig. 4(a) shows that our analysis accurately captures the weak near-linear dependence of deaths versus initial attack size I10 ðsÞ. Fig. 4(b) and (c) depict the uncongested and congested estimated number of deaths, versus the number of vaccinators n and the tracing/vaccination rate l, respectively. Fig. 4(b) shows that the number of deaths is independent of the number of servers when n is greater than 2864. In this self-service regime, the queue length is never greater than the number of servers and hence no named individuals wait to be traced and vaccinated. We predict that the location of the kink in Fig. 4(b) that separates the selfservice regime from the congested regime is simply the right side of (79), which is 2788, quite close to the actual value of 2864. However, our congested estimate significantly underestimates the number of deaths when the system is highly congested. Substituting n for Qmax on the left side of (79) and solving for l gives us the predicted location of the kink in the deaths vs. service rate curve ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 3.5 Infected Queue Queue Approx 12 10 2.5 8 2 6 1.5 4 1 2 0.5 0 0 50 100 (a) 150 200 250 2000 Infected Queue Queue Approx 80 Number infected (104) 0 300 Time (days) 90 70 1800 1600 1400 60 1200 50 1000 40 800 30 600 20 400 10 200 0 0 (b) 3 Number in queue (103) Number infected (104) 14 20 40 60 80 100 Number in queue (103) 32 0 120 Time (days) Fig. 3. Population dynamics during the aftermath of a smallpox attack with the basic reproductive ratio (a) R0 ¼ 3 and (b) R0 ¼ 6. The number of infected people, regardless of disease stage, and the number of people, whether susceptible or asymptomatically infected, waiting in the vaccination queue, both exact and approximate. in Fig. 4(c). The predicted value is l ¼ 28 and the actual value is 27. As in Fig. 4(b), the congested estimate in Fig. 4(c) underestimates the impact of congestion on the number of deaths. Fig. 4(d) shows that Eq. (70) accurately mimics the impact of the fraction of infectees named by an index, p, on the number of deaths. Fig. 4(e) shows how the number of deaths varies as a function of the number of names generated per index, c. The relationship predicted in (71) is fairly accurate over the range of 10–70, where the number of deaths is roughly proportional to c1 . Finally, to assess the accuracy of the approach suggested in Section 4, we consider quarantine (with a ¼ (5 days)1 [4] and h ¼ 0:9) and imperfect vaccination (m0 ¼ m1 ¼ 0:975 [18,19]). Eqs. (70), (71), (79) and (83), together with Eq. (131) for the post-intervention R0 , predict that the total number of deaths is 103 000 and the maximum queue length is 2412 on day 78, compared to the actual values of 96 500 deaths and 1629 people on day 98, respectively. This calculation suggests that the approach proposed in Section 4.6 may be useful for assessing the impact of different strategies on the number of deaths (we predict an 11.2% reduction in deaths relative to the base case, i.e., from 116 000 to 103 000, while the actual reduction was 8.3%), but is too crude to provide reliable estimates for the size and time of the maximum queue length. ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx Number of deaths (10 ) 250 Exact Approx Uncong Approx Cong 4 4 Number of deaths (10 ) 14 33 12 Exact Approximate 10 8 6 4 200 150 100 50 2 0 0 0 5000 (a) 10000 15000 20000 25000 120 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Number of vaccinators Number of deaths (10 ) 18 100 4 Exact Approx Uncong Approx Cong 4 Number of deaths (10 ) 0 (b) Number initially infected 80 60 40 Exact Approximate 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 20 2 0 0 0 (c) 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0.2 (d) Tracing/vaccination rate (days-1) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Fraction of infectees named by infector Exact Approximate 4 Number of deaths (10 ) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 (e) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Number of contacts named Fig. 4. Sensitivity analysis for uncertain model parameters under TV in the uncongested ðR0 ¼ 3Þ case. The exact and approximate number of deaths versus (a) the initial attack size I10 ðsÞ, (b) the number of vaccinators n, (c) the tracing/ vaccination rate l, (d) the fraction of infectees named by an index p, and (e) the number of names generated per index c. Figures (b) and (c) contain two analytical estimates, one for the uncongested case and one for the congested case. 6.3. Congested TV Fig. 3(b) shows the queue length and infections in the congested case. The total number of deaths is 336 000, and the maximum queue length is 1.74 million, which is achieved on day 50. The predicted values are 311 000 (an underestimate of 7.4%), and a maximum queue length of 1.13 million on day 53. An investigation of the inaccuracy of our estimated queue length process in R1 Fig. 3(b) (and hence of 0 QðtÞ dt in (94)) reveals that the actual rush-hour arrival process is bellshaped rather than quadratic. Consequently, we attempted to use Eqs. (97)–(100) to fit a Gaussian arrival process; although our predictions for t0 (30.75 vs. 32 days), t1 (41.8 vs. 42 days) and R t1 AðtÞ dt (3.35 · 106 vs. 3.4 · 106 people) appear to be reasonably accurate, this approach did not t0 lead to a significantly better estimate for the total number of deaths in the congested TV case. ARTICLE IN PRESS 34 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 5 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.1 0.5 0 0 0 20000 (a) 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 2000 3000 4000 1.5 1 5000 6000 Number of vaccinators Exact Approx Cong Approx Uncong 0.45 6 Number of deaths (10 ) 6 1000 0.5 Exact Approx Cong Approx Uncong 2 0 (b) Number initially infected 2.5 Number of deaths (10 ) Exact Approximate 4.5 6 Number of deaths (10 ) Exact Approximate 6 Number of deaths (10 ) 1 0.9 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.5 0.05 0 0 0 (c) 20 40 60 80 100 -1 0 120 0.2 (d) Tracing / vaccination rate (days ) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Fraction of infectees named by infector Exact Approximate 6 Number of deaths (10 ) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 (e) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Number of contacts named Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis for uncertain model parameters under TV in the congested ðR0 ¼ 6Þ case. The exact and approximate number of deaths versus (a) the initial attack size I10 ðsÞ, (b) the number of vaccinators n, (c) the tracing/ vaccination rate l, (d) the fraction of infectees named by an index p, and (e) the number of names generated per index c. Figures (c) and (d) contain two analytical estimates, one for the uncongested case and one for the congested case. Fig. 5 shows the exact and predicted (see (94) and (111)) number of deaths versus the five key parameters. Our analysis is too crude to capture any dependence on the initial attack size in Fig. 5(a), although it is unlikely that attack sizes in the tens of thousands are feasible. As mentioned in Section 6.2, the congested analysis underestimates the impact on the number of deaths if the capacity nl is scarce, as seen in Fig. 5(b) and (c). The estimated number of deaths in Fig. 5(d) is not accurate for low values of the fraction of infectees names by an infector, p. Eq. (79) predicts that the onset of congestion occurs when l ¼ 64/day and p ¼ 0:86, which coincide reasonably well with Fig. 5(c) and (d), respectively. As in Fig. 4(e), Fig. 5(e) shows that the number of deaths is roughly proportional to the inverse of the number of contacts named per index. Until now, we have only considered two values of R0 : 3 and 6. Fig. 6, which displays the number of deaths as a function of R0 , provides three analytical estimates: Eq. (63) for the sub- ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 35 20000 18000 Number of deaths (102) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 Exact Approx Uncong Approx Cong 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 Basic reproductive ratio 100000 Number of deaths (102) 10000 1000 100 Exact Approx Subcritical Approx Uncong Approx Cong 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 Basic reproductive ratio Fig. 6. The exact and approximate number of deaths versus the basic reproductive ratio R0 , on both a (a) linear scale and a (b) log–log scale. There are three approximations for the three different regimes (subcritical, uncongested, congested). critical case, Eq. (71) for the uncongested case, and Eqs. (94) and (111) for the congested case. The log–log plot in Fig. 6(b) shows the appropriate range for each of the three approximations. The approximations are quite accurate in their respective regimes when R0 < 6, but the congested estimate significantly underestimates the total number of deaths when R0 > 6. The linear plot in Fig. 6(a) shows the two kinks in the deaths versus R0 curve. The first kink corresponds to the value of R0 such that the post-intervention R0 , which is R0 ð1 pq1 Þ in Section 3, equals 1, i.e., the kink is at R0 ¼ ð1 pq1 Þ1 ¼ 1:33. The second kink corresponds to the value of R0 that causes the maximum queue length to equal n. Substituting n for Qmax on the left side of (79), and solving for R0 gives 4.6, compared to the actual value of 4.8. ARTICLE IN PRESS 36 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 10 9 1.6 8 1.4 7 1.2 6 1 5 0.8 4 0.6 3 0.4 2 0.2 1 0 0 0 (a) 10 20 30 40 50 6 60 Time (days) Number of deaths (103) Infected Queue Number in queue (106) Number Infected (103) 2 1.8 4 3 2 1 0 (b) 0 10 15 20 Basic reproductive ratio 50 Number of deaths (103) Exact Approximate 40 30 20 10 0 Exact Approximate 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0 (c) 5 10000 60 Number of deaths (103) Exact Approx Approx refined 5 20000 40000 60000 80000 Number initially infected 100000 (d) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Number of vaccinators Fig. 7. The special case of mass vaccination. (a) The number of infected people, regardless of disease stage, and the number of people, whether susceptible or asymptomatically infected, waiting in the vaccination queue during the aftermath of a smallpox attack. The exact and approximate number of deaths versus (b) the basic reproductive ratio R0 , (c) the initial attack size I10 ðsÞ and (d) the the number of vaccinators n. The refinement in Figure (b) is explained at the end of Section 3.1. 6.4. MV Fig. 7(a) shows the total number in queue and the total number of infected people under MV in the R0 ¼ 3 case. The total number of deaths is 570, just one less than the estimated value of 571 from (141). Fig. 7(b)–(d) shows the exact and estimated number of deaths as a function of R0 , the initial attack size, and the number of vaccinators n (a similar curve could be shown for the vaccination rate l, since the number of MV deaths depends on the capacity nl), respectively. Eq. (141) accurately captures the impact on deaths of the initial attack size and the capacity, and is accurate for moderate values of R0 . The extension discussed at the end of Section 3.1 provides a reasonable approximation for higher values of R0 . 6.5. Mixing versus scaling in comparing TV and MV Halloran et al. [13] reported a detailed microsimulation model of smallpox transmission in a small community of 2000 persons. They reported that deaths under TV exceeded deaths under MV by a factor of 2-to-1, which is smaller than the factor of 200 reported by Kaplan, Craft and Wein in their base case analysis of 1000 initial infections in a city of 10 million [8], and attributed this difference to the highly structured, non-random mixing assumed in [13] versus the mass-action free-mixing employed in [8] (and also this analysis). However, recall that our mathematical ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 37 Table 2 Deaths per 1000 estimated from Halloran et al. as reported in the first column of Table 2 in [13] and the model of Kaplan et al. [8] for the inputs used by Halloran et al. [13]: a population of 2000, a single initial infection, R0 ¼ 3:2, 80% vaccination coverage, and response delays of 7, 27, and 37 days to match the detection of smallpox after the first, 15th, and 25th case, as discussed by Halloran et al. Deaths per 1000 Halloran et al. [13] Kaplan et al. [8] 80% MV after 1 case 15th case 25th case 0.9 9.4 13.7 0.4 6.4 17.8 80% TV after 1 case 15th case 25th case 10.9 19.6 28.2 8.8 12.0 33.9 analysis has shown that deaths under (uncongested) TV scale with the population size (Eq. (71)), while deaths under MV scale with the number infected at the time intervention begins (Eq. (141)). Given that both the population and initial attack sizes are so different in these two analyses, scaling alone could account for the differences reported rather than population mixing patterns. Table 2 compares the number of deaths that result from these competing models when they are compared using the inputs reported by Halloran et al. The results clearly indicate that the two models are in strong agreement for both policies. In particular, note that having greatly reduced the size of the population, deaths under TV are only a factor of two larger than deaths under MV for both models. Thus, it is not the case that the difference in previously reported results came about due to the different population mixing assumptions employed. Consistent with the analysis of this paper, the different results obtained can be explained by scaling alone. 7. Discussion For the interim CDC Ôtraced vaccinationÕ (TV) plan [4] to successfully control a bioterror smallpox attack, it needs to be both accurate and fast. Our detailed modeling of both the race to trace and the queueing of contacts waiting to be traced and vaccinated allows us to assess the importance of TVÕs efficacy and efficiency, and compare it to the more efficient (but less efficacious) mass vaccination (MV). Because the complexity of the model appears to preclude an exact analysis, we resort to analytical approximations in an attempt to understand how the number of deaths is affected by the parameters describing the tracing and queueing processes. Although we make liberal use of approximations, the overall accuracy of our results – typically within 10–15% in moderately congested cases, sometimes less accurate in highly congested cases that generate hundreds of thousands of deaths – suffices for purposes of gaining qualitative insight, comparing various policies, and capacity planning. Our analysis includes three sets of results, which are given in Section 3–5. First, an approximate analysis of the TV model in Section 3 – which uses a detailed understanding (gleaned from ARTICLE IN PRESS 38 E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx simulations) of the relative magnitudes of the flow terms in the TV model, a transformation of the state variables, and some classic results from epidemic theory and non-stationary queueing theory – generated a closed-form estimate of the total number of deaths and the queue length process. These results were derived in both an uncongested regime, where the maximum queue length is less than the number of available vaccinators, and a congested regime. While the fraction of deaths in a traditional SIR model depends only on R0 (see Eq. (5)), the number of deaths in the TV model also depends strongly on three tracing parameters ðc; p; q1 Þ and two logistical parameters (n and l, via the capacity nl). More specifically, the number of names generated per index, c, measures the efficiency of TV, and is due to what we call random tracing: The higher c is, the faster herd immunity is reached. The efficacy of TV, which is due to what we call local tracing, is the product of the accuracy p, which is the probability that an infected contact is correctly named by his infector, and the probability that the race to trace is won (i.e., the contact is located and vaccinated while still vaccine-sensitive), which is q1 in the absence of congestion. We have three main TV results: the number of deaths in the uncongested case, the maximum queue length in the uncongested case, and the number of deaths in the congested case. In the uncongested regime, Eqs. (70) and (71) show that tracing essentially reduces the post-intervention basic reproductive ratio to R0 ð1 pq1 Þ, and the number of deaths is roughly proportional to c1 . Eq. (70) also shows that the number of deaths increases with the number of asymptomatic infecteds at the time intervention begins, but only in a weak manner. Eq. (71) also shows that under (uncongested) TV, the number of deaths scales with the population size N. The significance of our approximate expression for the maximum queue length in the uncongested regime in (79) is that it quantifies the transition from the uncongested to the congested regime. Fig. 4 confirms that Eq. (79) accurately predicts the kinks in the curves of deaths versus the basic reproductive ratio, the number of vaccinators, and the vaccination rate. The degradation in performance characterized by the kinks in these curves can be explained in terms of the probability of winning the race to trace, conditioned on a contact being successfully named by his infector. In the uncongested case in Section 3.3, we find that the race to trace is won if T1 , which is the duration of the infecteeÕs vaccine-sensitive period, is less than T3 þ V , which is the remaining time in the infectorÕs infectious period plus the tracing/vaccination time V . Because T1 and T3 are exponentially distributed with means r11 and r31 respectively, and because the tracing/vaccination rate satisfies l r3 (see Table 1), the probability of winning the race in this case is r3 =ðr1 þ r3 Þ, as shown in (47). However, in the congested regime, the race to trace pits T1 against T3 þ V þ Wq , where Wq is the waiting time in the tracing/vaccination queue. If the queue length is QðtÞ > n, then Wq ðQðtÞ nÞ=nl. Hence, a negative feedback loop is generated when QðtÞ exceeds n: the probability of winning the race to trace is reduced, the resulting infectees who evade the TV intervention become infectious and then symptomatic, generating R0 ðtÞ new infections and c names, thereby further increasing both the spread of the epidemic and the queue length, which in turn makes it even more difficult to win the race to trace. In Fig. 3(b), this feedback loop causes the queue length to skyrocket to 1.74 million people, and this vicious cycle is not broken until herd immunity (due to disease recovery and vaccination) kicks in, and results in nearly the entire population being traced. Eqs. (94) and (111) provide an approximate expression for the number of deaths in the congested regime. While this result is less transparent than in the uncongested case, it again shows that the number of deaths is roughly proportional to c1 . However, our approximations are less ARTICLE IN PRESS E.H. Kaplan et al. / Mathematical Biosciences xxx (2003) xxx–xxx 39 accurate here because of our inability to accurately predict the area under the queue-length curve; e.g., we are unable to capture the effect of the initial attack size. Also, although the capacity nl dictates whether the system is uncongested or congested, our analysis predicts that the number of deaths in the congested regime is only weakly affected by capacity (i.e., deaths is c1 þ c2 =ðnlÞ, where the constants c1 and c2 satisfy c1 c2 ), whereas Figs. 4(b),(c) and 5(b),(c) show that the actual impact is greater. The second set of results are approximate thresholds (in terms of the basic reproductive ratio R0 ) for initially containing the epidemic. These results allow us to assess the impact of imperfect vaccination, quarantine and contacts-of-contacts tracing. A main conclusion from Section 4 is that contacts-of-contacts tracing offers only a slight enhancement in tracing efficacy (i.e., successfully vaccinating people who were infected by contacts of the index case) over contact tracing (see Fig. 2); its primary benefit is its significant increase in efficiency – by generating c2 rather than c names per index case – which hastens the effect of herd immunity. Our third set of results is for mass vaccination (MV). A probabilistic analysis provides a closedform expression for the number of deaths, and reveals that the number of deaths is roughly linear in R0 over the practically relevant range [14] of R0 , and shows how the number of deaths decreases as more vaccination capacity is added. Hence, in addition to enabling the comparison of TV and MV, Eqs. (79) and (141) provide a capacity planning tool for tracing/vaccination resources in the event of a smallpox attack. We also showed that under MV, the number of deaths is heavily dependent on the number infected at the time intervention begins, and is not influenced heavily by the population size. A companion paper [8] carries out a detailed comparison of TV and MV, and concludes that serious consideration should be given to changing the interim CDC response plan from TV to MV. Acknowledgements Supported by the Societal Institute for the Mathematical Sciences via grant DA-09351 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (E.H.K.), a grant from the Singapore–MIT Alliance (L.M.W.), and contract 263-MD-210207 from the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health (L.M.W.). We thank Ellis McKenzie of the Fogarty International Center for his comments and interest in our work. 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