?*!» 6 ADIRONDACK Daily ENTERPRISE \V#di**d*r, Augxm 20,1969 WHO ISSUED PERMIT FOR The Franklin County Branch of A t Northern New York Heart As*oclatKHi Gratefully Accept^ Memorial Gifts WHITE LAKE. N.Y. CAP) ~ mm KXM mam *m tt> %m Residents who bort the try** d want to for tf* three-da* fe^Uva last & * t SOVIETS SELL TITANIUM r mm mmon SCtD OR SKOQftfelt—^rwotfei fle#W skilboats hav# been purchased by the North Country Girl Scout Council for their Lake Clear Camp And the Girl Scouts of the Saranac Lake Neighborhood were given the privilege of naming them. The girls submitted names to a selection committee and Michel* DttkettV (left) and Allison Schrolt's (right) suggestions were adopted. Mkhele chose Skooder and Allison, Scud. *• Irish Protestants Hit Concessions 1. The British army takes con- j and couldn't guarantee order. FROST Bv BELFAST, Northern Ireland troi of a^ Northern Ireland's se- Among the l.rst to criticize "AP.» — Leadmg-Bw'estants in curity force?. The force of Prot- were two leaders of Chichesterd t contestant poiice reserves' known i Clark's Unionist party, which Northern Ireland today demned s l g concessions'the B-Snecials. the chief object dominates peltries m Northern made b\ their .genernment to of Catlioiic hatred, will bejlreland. the pro\ime's Roman Catholic nuned otit of the cities, and the Hard 4hc British armv commander minority. Rev. Ian Paisley, the Pro'estant Two formpr Cal>inet ministers Northern Ireland. Gen. Sir Ian ire brand, who said Wilson "has 5aid there «<•>&} d be a powerful Freeland. will control their capitulated l o the hierarchy of demand :o r Piime Minister arms. he Roman CathoiicHChurch . . . James Chit-hester-Clark's gov-; 2. Discrimination due to reli- Ulster Protostant& must now ernment to resign. !gi©fi or petHieaf-belMs w4H end. pin—themselves together Some Catholic leaders were; 3. Two senior British civil more favorable, but hard-liners 'servants will be named advisslurk to their demands for dis-|ers to the Ulster government. missal of Chichester-ClarkV 4. An amnesty for citizens government and negotiations to handing in illegal arms. Northern Ireland with the Cath-j 5. An impartial investigation olio Irish Republic. ~"~ \Vf\Zo the riots and religious baTBritish Prime Minister Harold ;tling last week. Wilson and Cliinhester-ClarkJ Chichester-Clark Sfcid he was wrangled in London for six; "entirely favorable" to the hours Tuesday night before agreement and had himself sugajgrpein_g._on ji_ five-point peace gested the changes. Butjjojitica| plan designed to end Lite "reli- insiders said^tKe acceptance gious warfare between Northern British advisers and of British the UN. Security Council today. Ireland'?; Protestant majority control of the security forces But Britain was reported" within and its Catholic minority. was an admission that the local one vole of having enough to The five points: government had done a poor job keep tho council from debating the situation in Northern Ireland. rBrttt»h-gev^rament deolaration issued after Wilson and Chichester-Oark met, emphati caliy statM Northern Ireland will remain part of the United Kingdom until its \t>ters decide ATTJANTIC CITY, N.J. 'APt ! Boardwalk auction. Judy Gold otherwise. 1 The border is not in issue," — There's a new front in worn- berg of Levitt own. Pa., said she -New Female Front: It's Brassiereless LOS ANGELES (APi -Every- feels "awfully stuffy" In bras girls admitted to owning brassie Mr. Ronald B. Keough, { 20 St. Bernard a t , garaaaei pHic«. Telephone: 891-2414 or 89L2184 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERSt SPECIAL at Block's Ladies' Casual Wear So. Telephone Co. p Is Anti-Women ATLANTA, Ga . (AP) - A suit charging Southern Bell Telephone Co with discriminating. against women employes in salaries ha s been filed in U.S. District Court. Linda H. Blanton of Shelby, N.C., brought the -uit Tuesday on behalf of herself and all other nonsupervisory women employes of the company. The STERLING LakePlacid ~1O% OFF on all NEW Fall Merchandise ._._..._ with this coupon, ^TOAWM W & 1969 ENTERTAINMENT: GOLFING: Play Golf ..at the Beautiful Craig Wood tiolf and Country Club Santa's Workshop — N o r t h Pole, N.Yr — Electric Carts — Cocktail LouBge — Bistaurant "ETerything For The Golfer" Cascade Road 633-9904 Lain Placid R t 431 • Wilmington oil R t 86 Rides. show», Animals - Plu« SanU And All Dt Helper* „. ^ Open ? days a week at 9:30 a j n . 8I± Miles from Land of Make B«Ueve . Upper J a j B t gN ,kG0LF* COUNTRY MYSTERY SPOT- O 1ZZ_PARK I Open to the Public Why Not Play the Best Course in the Adirondacks T Half price for groups _204ifesiz!ed GIfTSfiOP Phenomenal Pre-Hi^toric Animals Attractions M l ^ m L East of l^ke PUdd Rt. 30 — mid-way between Saranac Lake and Tapper Lake - Tel*: 891*9031 VISIT THE HOME OF ^ Game Room ^ Run Movies at The Harbor Theatre. Feed, Pet, Photofrapi Fur and Game Farm Caihy Meighan, a 21-year-old Lake Placid, Route 86 unpopular in tr«e rrdominantly Despite it all, store clerks «t Negro area torn by massive lingerie counters maintain that rioting in 1965. droopy fashions haven't An.i rha:. says the Rev. curves. Claude Kvan? of Truth Baptist Business, they claim is as rug ever. • Hats • Boas • Jackets • Stoles Coffee Shop Cocktail Lounge — The Brig Pub. ALL AT HOLIDAY SARBOfe 350 Car Free Parking *h *hone 523-3301 21 Horses — Superb Riding AsklJsFlrst About Prices11 MOODY*S 30 Miles of Scenic trails U mt E** * L*ke PU<*i WEDNESDAY timrSAfURDAY lice sTalions and neighboitwod churched The .slogan was thr brainchild of ? committee mm posed of vo COUNTRY CLUB Latex Houtt Puln Choice Prime Ribs & Steak - Chops - Seafood Home Made B r e a d s - Cocktail Louiitfe attitude," says Police Lt. Don Hriggs. "rn['o"(>nTv"w-av lg Bear j It's psychoIOEicaT, fpalIy.~~XT Restaurant i Beasou Ticket* $19.95 Excellent Jlea Pood wn from the Olympic Aitia 233 Main Interioi'Of ipleM Latex fit. 688-3581 is alert and ready to do anv The first run oi stickers flbout 3,000, all handed out in five days-^wcrc printed 1S.HQLE MINlATlfRE CO! Upp^r Broadway HUM* your #4cta kndwo p*& U ~ RENE'S SPORTSWEAR But not all the girls approve sticker saying. "Another Fami- ate Hm.!!" Within threp weoks. 10.000 of rhe stick^is have been distributed to residents of the Watts area. This week. 12,000 more by telephone i£ % m4il^ - Acknowledg-ement it seal promptly to the Bereaved f a m i l y tip around the ctoek t& watch The WASHINGTON them. Soviet Uftk*i has started selHftg A number of person* w«re re* large Amounts of tHannim— ported piarming to t«)ie l#g«l aconce called the woftdef m*tal of tion against the town board for the 1960s—to the United Stales. damage*. Materials experts say they are puzzled by the move. Titanium is being used inreasiftgly in American milita !e said many is well as civilian aircraft. A few weeks ago the first So- nity residents viet merchant ship to call on the forces to make the Bethel Town United State9 this decade Board "come up with answers" docked at Seattle. Wash., to de- about the permits. liver 900 tons ofsponge titanium Clarence W. Townsend, a —as it is referred to in its in- dairy farmer, said milk trucks could not get to Ns iarm fcetermediate production form. And now officials say the caus* of the Jam. t h e boys just milked tte same shjp is cringing another big load to the United States noxt month. Drugs Can Be The Soviets said only 421 tons of sponge titanium to this coun- Found in Sea CORVALUS, Ore. (AP) — try is all of 1968, with ships r/f Scientists said Tuesday more. other flags importing it. Main St. The United States has a money is needed to find the jilanium production drugs in the^sea. attending tiie capacity of its tnvn but is unable to ccrnpete with Soviet or Japa- 10|h annual meeting ot ttie Featured at American Society of PhaHnanese prices. RENE'S Sr>me officials suspect the So- ccgnosy at Oregon State Univer•icts may be trying to undercut sity, said two life-saving dru£s Wool Rich & Safari the fledgling U.S. titanium in- Irerve been recovered Worn dustry, possibly to disrupt i4s^ rjo^ including—an^ intibiotit fungus American cnmpHnies can get and a sulfate from salmon Soviet titaium for $1 per j sperm. BLQCH'S low- "It is hard to ^ay which tias p<iund, about 30 cents prices charged by U.S. produc- e most potential—sea animals Oolle^ctown-Oatalina ers and about 20 cents below the or plants," said Dr. Ara Der Pandora Sportswear Japanese price. ._ .. Marderosian of the Philadelphia One materials expert figures College of Pharmacy and Sciti For thr first time since the America, AFL-CTO. joined in Legions, of young ladies are wear one. ' Dirrioh, a 21- year old street fighting last week, it w the suit as coplaintiffs. taming toward the brassierPleM j O hCynthia i o W e s t e r n University student possible Tuesday night to drive Ttie suit asks the court to halt lnrAr t/> «iv*> them morp frpprWrm ._, . . \ . ; ... through much of Belfast's cen Southern Bell from such disof movement. [ dresses on her summer job « s a ter. T h * sole roadblocks pay based on nondiscriminatoiry Evidently it has caught on newspaper reporter, were_ in Catholic 'Falls Road, salaries. ^ Boardwalk—a. -show place for school. Going without them i* so cause a wall of a large building *f you don't get your paper displaying new fashion trends. much airier and less confining." threatened to collapse. regularly call 891*2600. "Bras are a real pain." grum Bernice Caapaldo, a 22-ye-arbled Christine Young. 17, of old Pater son, N'.J. high school Philadelphia. teacher, acknowledged what '.'They're- too birjding. But \vas apparent as she windowTrom Producer To when you wear a 4Of), you have shopped. to wear them sometimes," she "Whenever possible. I never You At Substantial Savings1 said. wear a bra. I put one on only An 18-year-old fk<or girl at a when I really dres up." I'm in5 -hrbttel wilhoot one" ffienT" Kathy Pasterczyk, 16. of PittsTalking About field, f>a., confided that she WATTS FIGHTS p ^ , o*ti#t erf Island Glen Country Club on Route 17B, said « special permit need r f t ttse festival festival >had >had g By the » U ^ el SSomnp Soard (A Ap^peate and that ftie ttmti SUp«rrVisor$ and the Board of Health fed Issued permits that did not take Into consideration the vast crowds. "Sanitary facilities were com pletely inadequate,' Lj-nch paid, " t h e Brwfd at Health made a complete mockery of the heaKh code. The whole town was left without police and fire 3 l f aflat Lake Featuring* unique