bot 328 taxonomy of flowering plants

Damanhour University
Faculty of Science
Course specification
University/Academy: Damanhour
Faculty/Institute: Science
Department: Botany
1. course Data:
Course code: Bot 328
Course title: taxonomy of flowering
No. of instructional units:
2. course Aim
3. Intended learning outcome
a) Knowledge and understanding
b) Intellectual skills
c) Professional skills
Academic year/level:
3 rd year student (2nd term)
The aim for all awards in the course is to understand
the principles of plant taxonomy, the basic concepts
of current systems of classification and the relation
of taxonomy to other sciences
A1:Give the significant differences between old and
modern of classification system.
A2:List the principles of plant taxonomy.
A3:Give the relation of taxonomy to other sciences.
A4: Write the angiosperm history.
A5:Write origin and evolution of some plants.
A6: Describe the characters of some plant orders
and families represented in Egyptian flora
B1: Conclude the principles of plant taxonomy.
B2: Compare between past and modern
classification systems.
B3: Explain the relation between taxonomy and
other sciences.
B4: Compare between the basic knowledge of fossil
botany, palynology, and embryology of several
B5: Conclude the principles of plant taxonomy.
B6: Evaluate the angiosperm history.
B7: Compare the origin, evolution of some plants.
B8: Differentiate between some orders and families
represented in Egyptian flora.
C1: Demonstrate the main features of different
classification keys.
C2: Use the simple microscope to identify different
botanical samples
Damanhour University
Faculty of Science
d) General skills
4. course content
5. Teaching and learning methods
6. teaching and learning methods
for students with special needs
7. Student Assessment
a) Procedures used:
b) Schedule:
C3: Demonstrate the main features of angiosperm.
C4: Demonstrate the main features of many flowers
represented in Egyptian flora.
D1: Exchange ideas, principles and information by
oral, written and visual means.
D2: Work effectively both in a team and
D3: Use the information technology to gather
information and right reports.
Introduction in plant taxonomy
- History of classification
- Principles of taxonomy
- Current systems of classification
- types of different classification keys
 The angiosperms
- History of angiosperms
-Definition of angiosperms
- Origin of angiosperms
- Evolution of angiosperms
- Studies of some orders and families represented in
Egyptian flora(dicot + monocot )plants
- Lectures and seminars.
- Lab work.
- Problems.
- Course work, essay
- Written exam.
-Practical exam.
- Problems.
- Signments.
Mid term exam
final practical exam
Final written exam
Week: 4-7
Week: 8
Week: 15
Week: 16
Damanhour University
Faculty of Science
c) Weighing of Assessment:
Semester work
Mid term exam
Practical examination
Final term exam
8. List of Textbooks and
c) Recommended Books
Course Notes in plant taxonomy
Esaue, k. (1976). Taxonomy of flowering Plants. 2nd
edition, Johan Wiley & Sons.
- Flowering Plants: Eudicots, Sapindales,
Cucurbitales, Myrtaceae
- Plant Taxonomy: The Systematic Evaluation of
Comparative Data
d) Periodicals, web sites,…,etc
a) Course Notes
b) Required Books (Textbooks)
Course Instructor: Dr.
Head of Department: Dr.
Date: 17/8/2009