DT home work grids - year 8

Year 8 - Resistant Materials
Banksy Box HW Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of
your lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each
homework day. Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete. There is no limit on homework! If
feeling ambitious you can complete all 8!
Personalized Tag
Step by Step
Research the artist Banksy. Display
what you have found in a way you
think he would like/appreciate.
Remember to write up the facts in
your own words.
Banksy uses a tag to sign his work
and show that it was made by him.
Try and come up with a design for
your own tag that you can apply to
the work you do in this project.
Produce a step by step, fact file or
top tip sheet on how to make a
stencil and how to apply it to a
surface. Use images and technical
vocabulary to help you.
Stencil Artists
Research how different material can
be joined together. Make a chart to
help inform you to make the correct
choices in future DT projects.
Level Assessed
Isometric Drawing
Surface finishes
Mood Board
Have a go at drawing your phone (or
another object of a similar shape) in
isometric perspective. Then try to
render your drawing to enhance the
3D look.
Try and find as many different
examples of surface finishes for
wood. Try and discover how they
have been produced and explain
what you like and dislike about each
and why.
Create a mood board for your Banksy
box project. Fill your page with
images; there should be no white
Research another artist that uses
stencils to produce their work.
Make sure to write up your findings
in your own words and use images to
Bonus Task
Use isometric paper to draw a range of different shapes in isometric perspective. Then use rendering techniques to
make each shape look like it’s made from a different material.
*Ask your teacher for some isometric paper or find some to print from the internet. There are also loads of great tutorials on how
to draw in isometric and how to render on line - have a look.
Year 8 - Graphics
Pewter Casting HW Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of
your lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each
homework day. Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete. There is no limit on homework! If
feeling ambitious you can complete all 8!
Pewter Booklet
Mood Board
Customer Profile
Create a booklet of gathered
information about Pewter
From your chosen customers
interests decide on a theme gather a
range of images that describe this
theme, enough to fill an A4 page. If
you don’t have access to a printer
you can cut them from magazines or
draw images.
Gather a range of images that
describe your intended customer
that fill an A4 page. If you don’t have
access to a printer you can cut them
from magazines or draw images.
Its uses
Its properties
What it is made of
where it comes from
Existing Products
Gather a range (3 minimum) of existing
products, similar to the one you hope to
Analyse the products using these
Research the meaning of CAD CAM
giving four examples of different CAD
CAM processes.
Create a step by step of how a laser
cutter is used
Making Diary
Write down the stages you have
covered during the practical lessons
in a making diary. Refer to the safety
precautions you took and use the
correct tool names.
Add drawings with colour to
illustrate each stage covered.
Gather information on two Ferrous
metals and two non-ferrous metals
Gather information on three
different types of casting. Choose
one of these to look at in more
What are their good points, why?
What are their bad points, why?
How much would they cost?
What can you take from these when
doing your own designing?
Make sure to draw or photo graph the
Explain what they are used for and
why. Pictures can be used to
illustrate this.
Explain what it is used for and why.
Pictures can be used to illustrate
Bonus Task
Find a product designer or artist that uses casting to make their work. Produce a fact file, booklet, leaflet or poster
about them and their work. Make sure to write all the information in your own words (do not copy and paste), add
images and examples of their work and share you own opinions about the pieces.
Year 8 - Textiles
Batik Juggling Balls HW Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of your lessons. You can
choose which other homework tasks to complete each homework day. Put a nought/ cross through each
one you complete. There is no limit on homework! If feeling ambitious you can complete all 8!
How to Batik
Mood Board
Create a step by step help sheet
on how to Batik onto fabric. Make
sure to include health and safety
advice, images of each step and
use the correct technical
Select a country to inspire your
design ideas. Collect images of
patterns, shapes, colours and
themes that are traditional to its
culture. Present the images in a
mood board.
Care instructions – part 1
All textiles products have care
instructions. They inform the owner
how to look after the product. Have
a look inside your school uniform.
Research each symbol and make a
chart to demonstrate your finding.
Can you find more on other products
around your house?
A company is interested in mass
producing your juggling balls and
carry bag. Produce a poster to
advertise your product to encourage
more sales.
Care instructions – part 2
Produce your own care label for your
juggling balls. Think carefully about
what you found out in part 1 when
making your decisions.
Either hand draw you label or
product it on the computer.
Sustainable Fabrics
Fabric Dye
Research sustainable fabrics – how
many can you find?
Explain the advantages,
disadvantages of each and present
your research in an interesting way
Research the history of fabric dye.
How were the first dyes made and
how do they compare to todays?
Remember to write up your finding
in your own words and use images to
support it.
Technical Words
Make a list of all the technical words
you’ve learnt in textiles this year and
last. Add images to help you
remember them.
Bonus Task
Design a new product that uses the batik process. It could be an item of clothing, a bag or accessory or even
something for the home. Remember to label your designs to explain them in more detail and use sketches to show
more than one view point.
Year 8 – Food Technology
International Cuisine HW Grid
You must complete the level assessed task. Your teacher will set this during one of
your lessons. You can choose which other homework tasks to complete each
homework day. Put a nought/ cross through each one you complete. There is no limit on homework! If
feeling ambitious you can complete all 8!
Seasonal Produce
What’s your favorite?
Produce a chart that represent all
the food that you like and what
season it grows in. You could present
the information in a seasonal wheel
(like the chat we use in school) or
find a more creative way.
What’s your favorite international
Write an article about your favorite
cuisine. Try and use lots of
descriptive words and images to
support your reasons. Try to present
your article in a way that represents
the country you’re backing.
Design some interesting packaging
for a product you’ve made in a
practical lesson. Try and include the
nutritional information and other
information you’d expect to find on
food packaging. Try and make it look
as professional as possible.
Food Passport
Dietary needs
Design a 3 course meal for a specific
dietary need. Think carefully about
what they are lacking in their diet
and how that can be replaced in a
way that still fits their needs. Use the
Eatwell plate to help.
Where has your food come from?
Make a list of all the food you eat in
a week. Use the packaging to help
find out where your food came from
and add this to the list.
You could even use a map to plot
where your week’s food has been.
Animal rights
High risk foods
Research in more detail the
difference in how the meat we eat is
reared. What is meant by battery
farmed, caged, barn, free range,
outdoor reared? What are your
Make a poster on how to store high
risk foods. You may need to do some
research to help inform your poster.
Make sure its eye-catching, clear and
factually correct
Research the history of one of the
recipes we have/will cook in this
Where did it originate and
What differences have there
been over the years?
Bonus Task
Cook more often!
Try out a new recipe
Help make a family meal
Remake one of the schools recipes but have a go at making a small change
Try out a new food – what recipe could it be used with?
Record you outcomes by taking a picture – show it to your teacher to teacher to get their opinion