January ʷథ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. ............................................................................................................................. January Calendar ʷథథԋ 1 2 3 T A B L E Coloring Activity: Zodiac Animals ๕ᮨᓤӡ̄ၷᐟ................................................................ 74 My January Calendar ੈᄊʷథథԋ.................................................................................................... 75 What’s Happening in January? ʷథᅼܳ࠶Ὕ................................................................................... 76 Zodiac Animals ӡ̄ၷᐟ 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 O F 10 11 12 C O N T E N T S 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 Story-Telling: Zodiac Animal Story ᝯ̃ӡ̄ၷᐟᄊ̃. ..................................................2 Role Play: The Cat and the Rat ᝈᓤ੶ᔉˁᏥᴅᄊ̃. ...............................................2 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET;PEJBD"OJNBMT ឈӵӡ̄ၷᐟ .......................................................... 77 Find and Color: Who Are the Winners? ʷὊ๕ʷ๕ឺᡅ̀Ὕ .................................... 78 Group Activities: Zodiac Animal Challenge ᬷʹၷᐟ્੍..............................................3 Cut and Paste: What Is the Next Zodiac Animal? ҝʷҝὊʷʾʷ˔ၷᐟ௧̤˦Ὕ...................................................................................... 79 Matching Activity: Zodiac Animal Matching ᦡࠫၷᐟᦡʷᦡ. ................................. 80 Compare: Are They the Same or Different? ឭʷឭὊඋʷඋ߲̓᧗דᄱՏὝ᧗דˀՏὝ ....................................................................... 81 7PDBCVMBSZ3FWJFX8IP"N* ឈලጷ˸ੈ௧ឺὝ.................................................................. 82 Mini-Book: What Can These Animals Do? ੈᄊ࠵˺߲̓ᑟ͘Ϣ̤˦Ὕ............... 83 Reading: Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits ឴ʷ឴Ϳᄊၷᐟ˔ভ. .................................... 87 Writing Activity: What Zodiac Animal Sign Do They Have? иʷи̵࡛̤̓˦ၷᐟὝ.................................................................................................................. 88 Draw and Write: My Favorite Zodiac Animal ႇʷႇὊиʷиੈత؞ൔᄊၷᐟ...........5 Word Search: Zodiac Animals ʷၷᐟ ʷ . ...................................................................... 89 Word Search: Zodiac Animals ʷၷᐟ ̄ ....................................................................... 90 Art Project: Zodiac Animal Projects ѹਓࢺӡ̄ၷᐟࢺᓨ ...........................................5 Art Project: Chinese Zodiac Lantern ѹਓࢺၷᐟ༥ኊ ...................................................... 91 Art Project: Zodiac Fortune Wheel ѹਓࢺၷᐟᣃᄨ ........................................................ 92 Art Project: Zodiac Animal Necklace, Headband, or Banner ѹਓࢺၷᐟᮊᩗnj݀ဗ֗ࣨ. ..................................................................................................6 Reading: Story of the 12 Zodiac Animals ឴ʷ឴ӡ̄ၷᐟᄊ̃. ................................... 93 7PDBCVMBSZ3FWJFX4UPSZPGUIF;PEJBD"OJNBMT ឈලጷ˸ӡ̄ၷᐟᄊ̃ ....... 95 2VJ[4UPSZPGUIF;PEJBD"OJNBMT ᏦᏦͿӡ̄ၷᐟᄊ̃ ......................................... 96 Math Fun: Chinese Zodiac Animals ካʷካὊʷӡ̄ၷᐟ........................................ 97 Lantern Festival Ћࠑᓬ 1 2 3 4 Mini-Book: The Lantern Festival ੈᄊ࠵˺Ћࠑᓬ...................................................................122 Art Project: Chinese Lantern Paper Cut ѹਓࢺ༥ኊҝጮ. ..............................................125 Art Project: Chinese New Year Lantern ѹਓࢺழࣲ༥ኊ. ...............................................126 Riddle Game: Riddles for Lantern Festival ʷᡚ֊༥។. ..............................................127 Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 What’s Your Zodiac Sign? Ϳ࡛̤˦Ὕ.................................................................................................129 2 What’s Your Favorite Zodiac Animal? Ϳత؞ൔᄊၷᐟ௧דʷ˔Ὕ.....................................129 3 Happy New Year! ழࣲঌ˭Ἷ.................................................................................................................129 Let’s Write! иʷи 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET$IJOFTF/FX:FBS ឈӵкԋழࣲ..................................................... 98 Word Search: Chinese New Year ʷкԋழࣲ. ................................................................... 99 7PDBCVMBSZ3FWJFX$IJOFTF/FX:FBS ឈලጷ˸кԋழࣲ. ...............................................100 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET1PQVMBS'PPEGPS$IJOFTF/FX:FBS ឈӵழࣲᮼֶ. ...............101 Beginner vi Survey: What Food Do You Like to Eat during Chinese New Year? ᫈ԄͿ؞ൔՉ̤˦ழࣲᮼֶὝ....................................................................................................102 Rhyme: Chinese New Year Is Coming! ࠃழࣲ҂Ἷ .......................................................103 Mini-Book: Chinese New Year Celebration ੈᄊ࠵˺ழࣲ. .............................................104 Character Code Challenge: Chinese New Year Message ᝍᆊழࣲࠛឦ ʷ . ...108 Character Code Challenge: Chinese New Year Message ᝍᆊழࣲࠛឦ ̄ ....109 Art Project: Lucky Messages for New Year ѹਓࢺழࣲՍᇼភ.....................................110 Art Project: Chinese New Year Couplets ѹਓࢺࠫᐏ........................................................111 Art Project: Chinese New Year Ornament – Paper-cut Fish ѹਓࢺழࣲૈᯏ .........112 Art Project: Dragon Puppet ѹਓࢺᴝ݀ጮϦ......................................................................113 Art Project: Happy New Year Fish ѹਓࢺþࣲࣲదÿૈᯏ. .....................................114 Art Project: Lucky Words Paper Cuts ѹਓࢺՍᇼߚҝጮ. ..............................................115 Art Project: Red Envelope ѹਓࢺጚӊ....................................................................................116 Art Project: Firecrackers ѹਓࢺ᭸༼. ......................................................................................117 Game: Chinese New Year Dragon Board Game ᴝॎೠ ...............................................118 Game: Chinese New Year Qs and As ᫈ንкԋழࣲᅼܳ࠶. ....................................119 Song: Happy New Year! ழࣲൡো؞Ἷো؞Ἷ ........................................................................120 Recipe: Dumplings ʾԙ˭ӊᯖߕ.................................................................................................121 Group Activity 1: Let’s Celebrate Chinese New Year! ᬷʹำүʷੈ̓ʷᡑൔࣼкԋழࣲἿ ...................................................................................... 12 23 Group Activity 2: Let’s Have a Parade! ᬷʹำү̄кԋழࣲᛡ. ................................... 12 24 Group Activity 3: Chinese New Year Feast ᬷʹำүʼкԋழࣲܸᯀ. ........................... 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ܹnjዛnjொnjژnjܳnj࠶............................................................................................................................130 Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) кԋழࣲἷᓬἸ 2 5 Intermediate Review Copy Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All vii February ̄థ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. .......................................................................................................................... February Calendar ̄థథԋ T A B L E $PMPSJOH"DUJWJUZ7BMFOUJOFT%BZ ๕ᮨᓤৱ̡ᓬ.................................................................... 132 2 My February Calendar ੈᄊ̄థథԋ................................................................................................133 3 What’s Happening in February? ̄థᅼܳ࠶Ὕ. .............................................................................134 Valentine’s Day ৱ̡ᓬ O F C O N T E N T S Number Chart: 1-100 ᝣʷᝣʷ҂ʷᄈ. ......................................................................................135 Art Project: Banner Design for “100” ѹਓࢺᄈெ .........................................................136 Write and Color: Candy Hearts иʷиὊ๕ʷ๕ዾ౧ॷ . ....................................................137 Math Fun: Ways to Make 100 ᡚ֊ߦҫᡑ100 ...............................................................138 Writing Activity: 100 Words in Chinese иʷи˗100 ߚ. ...............................................139 1 2 3 4 5 13 Sign Language: Three Important Words ឦʼ˔᧘᜶ᄊߚ. .............................................. 17 Story-telling: A Little Love Story ᝯ̃࠵࠵ྖৱ̃. .......................................................141 Song: A Little Love Song ЈൡੈྖͿ ..........................................................................................142 Art Project: My Little Heart for You ѹਓࢺੈᄊॷፌͿ ............................................143 Word Chart: Heart to Heart ᦡʷᦡॷॷᄱӿ .........................................................................144 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET7BMFOUJOFT%BZ ឈӵৱ̡ᓬ. ............................................................145 .BUDIBOE8SJUF7BMFOUJOF8PSET ᤌʷᤌὊиʷиৱ̡ᓬឈឦ .................................146 8PSE1V[[MF7BMFOUJOFT%BZ ߚ܍។ৱ̡ᓬ.............................................................................147 1BUUFSO$IBMMFOHF7BMFOUJOF8PSET ॥ৱ̡ᓬឈឦ. .....................................................148 .JOJ#PPL.Z7BMFOUJOFT%BZ ੈᄊ࠵˺ੈᄊৱ̡ᓬ .........................................................149 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU(PPE-VDL8PSET ឈ᛫Սᇼߚ .......................................................................151 "SU1SPKFDU7BMFOUJOF(JGU#PY ѹਓࢺৱ̡ᓬᇪᄤ ..........................................................153 Reading: The Love Story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maiden ឴ʷ឴ྦጻݙᄊ̃ ..................................................................................................................154 Song: What Time Is It Now? Јൡဘښїག᧿Ὕ ......................................................................165 Draw: Telling Time ႇʷႇဘښїག ᧿ Ὕ ʷ ..................................................................166 Fill in the Blanks: Telling Time ܍ʷ܍ဘښїག ᧿ Ὕ ̄ ...........................................167 Fill in the Blanks: Telling Time } ܍ʷ܍ဘښїག ᧿ Ὕ ʼ ...........................................168 Daily Activities ெำү 1 2 100 Days of School ʽߦʷᄈܹ 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 3 Mini-Book: My Daily Schedule ੈᄊ࠵˺ੈᄊʷܹ. ...............................................................169 Writing Activity: The Earliest Time and The Latest Time иʷиతொ֗త௹ᄊᫎ. .............................................................................................................172 Word Search: Daily Activities ʷெำү. .......................................................................173 Cultural Link: Emperor Qin Shihuang ሠݽᄌ 1 Reading: The First Emperor — Qin Shihuang ឴ʷ឴ኄʷͯᄌࣛúሠݽᄌ...................................................................................................174 2VJ['BDUTBCPVU&NQFSPS2JO4IJIVBOH ᏦᏦͿሠݽᄌ ....................................................176 3 Essay Writing: Emperor Qin Shihuang иᆁሠݽᄌ. ...........................................................177 Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 Grammar: Using “...and...” and “very...but...” in conversations ԡĀĀԡĀĀὙॢĀĀὊԻ௧ĀĀదགЈĀĀ. ...................................................................178 2 What time do you (do something)ὝͿїག Ὕ .........................................................178 Let’s Write! иʷи Ϳnjੈnj̵nj̓njՐnjߚ............................................................................................................................179 Adjectives to Describe People ଡи̡ྭᄊॎࠔឈ 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET"EKFDUJWFTUP%FTDSJCF1FPQMF ឈӵଡи̡ྭᄊॎࠔឈ....................................................................................................................156 2 Game: Bumble Bee ࠵ᚑᚄ. .....................................................................................................157 3 Writing Activity: Describe My Family Members иʷиॎࠔੈᄊࠒ̡ .........................158 4 Word Search: Adjectives ʷ̡ྭॎࠔឈ ..........................................................................159 5 Crossword Challenge: Adjectives ߚ܍។̡ྭॎࠔឈ .........................................................160 Telling Time ဘښїག ᧿ 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU8IBU5JNF*T*U/PX ឈ᛫ဘښїག ᧿ Ὕ ...............................................161 2 Art Project: The Clock on the Great Wall ѹਓࢺ᫂ۢʽᄊܸ᧿...................................162 3 Card Game: Wolf, Wolf, What Time Is It? ӵྟᏥὊᏥὊїག᧿Ὕ ...............163 viii Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All ix March ʼథ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. ......................................................................................................................... Famous Chinese Women ᗃՐӨ̡ݙভ 1 2 3 4 March Calendar ʼథథԋ 1 2 3 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Coloring Activity: Hua Mulan ๕ᮨᓤᔉలР............................................................................ 182 My March Calendar ੈᄊʼథథԋ.....................................................................................................183 What’s Happening in March? ʼథᅼܳ࠶Ὕ....................................................................................184 Picture Cards: Famous Chinese Women ڏӵᗃՐӨ̡ݙভ. .............................................204 Fact Cards: Famous Chinese Women ᠫநӵᗃՐӨ̡ݙভ...............................................206 Online Search: Famous Chinese Women ᎪʽଽጊᗃՐӨ̡ݙভ.................................208 Interview: A Famous Chinese Woman េʷͯᗃՐӨ̡ݙভ........................................ 33 Foreign Language Month ܱឦథ. ................................................................................................... Countries of the World ˇႍՊڎ 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET$PVOUSJFT ឈӵࠒڎ. .............................................................................397 2 Find and Write: Where are these Countries? ʷὊиʷиᤈ̏᧗דښࠒڎὝ. .........................................................................................185 2VFTUJPOBOE"OTXFS8PVME:PV-JLFUP7JTJU5IFTF$PVOUSJFT ᫈ʷ᫈ὊንʷንͿਇˀਇԝᤈ̏ࠒڎὝ ...............................................................................186 4 Greeting: Say HELLO in Different Languages ੪રͿݞἿ ...............................................187 5 Word Search: Countries around the World ʷˇႍՊڎ. ............................................188 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU$POUJOFOUT ឈ᛫ʹܸฯ ....................................................................................189 7 Find and Write: On Which Continent do These Countries Belong? ʷὊиʷиᤈ̏̏דښࠒڎฯὝ ....................................................................................190 Landforms ڡॎ Spring ܹ 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cultural Link: Hua Mulan ᔉలР 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU-BOEGPSNT ឈ᛫ڡॎ...........................................................................................191 2 Write and Circle: Landforms and Our World иʷиὊڔʷڔڡॎ֗ੈ̓ᄊˇႍ. ........................................................................................192 $SPTTXPSE1V[[MF-BOEGPSNT ߚ܍។ڡॎ ................................................................................193 4 Map Exercise: Locate Places on a World Map Grid ᄺڏڡဗፉုڡʷ...............194 5 Art Project: Landform Model ѹਓࢺڡॎവی.................................................................... 28 6 Research: Choosing a Place to Live ូಊᤥહࡐͱᄊڡவ. ................................................... 28 7 Art Project: Postcard Design ѹਓࢺηྟ҄ͻ ............................................................... 28 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET4JHOTPG4QSJOH ឈӵܹᄊఀ៶...................................................209 Circle and Color: Spring ڔʷڔὊ๕ʷ๕ܹ ......................................................................210 Color and Write: What Is This? ๕ʷ๕Ὂиʷиᤈ௧̤˦Ὕ ............................................211 Board Game: Spring Fun ೠᄨܹᄾݞနἿ.................................................................212 Poem: Spring Is Here! ᆁទܹ̀Ἷ.......................................................................................213 Imagine and Write: Spring Is Beautiful! ਇʷਇὊиʷиܹᄾᎿˠἿ .....................214 Art Project: Paper Cuts ѹਓࢺҝጮ ........................................................................................215 1 Reading: Hua Mulan ឴ʷ឴ᔉలР..............................................................................................216 2VJ[)VB.VMBO ᏦᏦͿᔉలР ....................................................................................................217 3 Mini-Book: Hua Mulan ੈᄊ࠵˺ᔉలР ...................................................................................218 ¡ Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ ...............................................................................................................................................221 Let’s Write! иʷи ᔉnjڎnjቬnj᱓njనnjԤ............................................................................................................................222 My Community ੈᄊᇫӝ 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET.Z$PNNVOJUZ ឈӵੈᄊᇫӝ. ......................................................195 2 Find and Write: Where Can You Find Me? ʷὊиʷиͿ᧗דښԻ̿҂ੈὝ................................................................................196 3 Board Game: Tour Your Community ೠᄨᇫӝ ....................................................197 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET$PNNVOJUZ)FMQFST ឈӵᇫ̡͘ܣ.............................................198 5 Unscramble Fun: Community Helpers ૃૃ˭ᇫ̡͘ ܣ.....................................................200 6 Guess and Write: Who Am I? ʷὊиʷиੈ௧ឺὝ ....................................................201 7 Word Search: My Community ʷੈᄊᇫӝ. ......................................................................202 8 Word Search: Community Helpers ʷᇫ̡͘ ܣ............................................................203 9 Art Project: Chinatown Community ѹਓࢺ̡סᛤᇫӝവ ی...................................... 31 Beginner x Intermediate Review Copy Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All xi April پథ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག ......................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 T A B L E O F xii 2 3 4 5 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET$PMPST ឈӵᮨᓤ ...................................................................................227 Coloring Activity: The Fish and the Fisherman ๕ᮨᓤ᱓֗ດܻ .....................................228 Coloring Activity: Pagoda ๕ᮨᓤࠃ ܉........................................................................................229 Coloring Activity: The Bunny’s House ๕ᮨᓤДߕᄊࠒ ......................................................230 Write, Draw, Color: My Color Wheel иʷиὊႇʷႇὊ๕ʷ๕ੈᄊ॑ᓤᣃᄨ. ......231 Fruits ඵ౧ C O N T E N T S Coloring Activity: Chinese Inventions ๕ᮨᓤ˗ڎᄊԧ................................................ 224 My April Calendar ੈᄊپథథԋ........................................................................................................225 What’s Happening in April? پథᅼܳ࠶Ὕ .....................................................................................226 Colors ᮨᓤ 2 3 4 Cultural Link: Chinese Inventions ˗ڎᄊԧ 1 April Calendar پథథԋ Reading: Four Great Inventions from Ancient China ឴ʷ឴˗ڎԱܸ̽پԧ ..............................................................................................................251 2VJ['PVS(SFBU*OWFOUJPOTGSPN"ODJFOU$IJOB ᏦᏦͿ˗ڎԱܸ̽پԧ .............................................................................................................254 3 Brainstorm and Research: Chinese Inventions ਇʷਇὊಊʷಊ˗ڎᄊԧ.......................................................................................................... 42 4 Draw and Write: What Came from China ႇʷႇὊиʷи˗ڎᄊԧ........................................................................................................255 $SPTTXPSE1V[[MF$IJOFTF*OWFOUJPOT ߚ܍។˗ڎᄊԧ ...............................................256 6 Word Search: Chinese Inventions ʷ˗ڎᄊԧ .........................................................257 7 Guess and Write: Things that Came from China ʷὊиʷи˗ڎᄊԧ........................................................................................................258 Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET'SVJUT ឈӵඵ౧ .....................................................................................232 Mini-Book: I Love to Eat Fruit ੈᄊ࠵˺ੈྖՉඵ౧ .............................................................233 Writing Activity: Colors of Fruits иʷиඵ౧ᄊᮨᓤ ............................................................235 Survey: Fruits ᫈Ԅඵ౧ .....................................................................................................................236 8SJUFBOE%SBX.Z7FSZ)VOHSZ$BUFSQJMMBS иʷиὊႇʷႇඐඐᙂݞᯙἿ ..............................................................................................237 Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 What is Your Favorite Fruit? ͿྖՉ̤˦ඵ౧Ὕ ...........................................................................259 2 Do You Like Big Animals or Small Animals? Ϳ؞ൔܸүྭὊᤇ௧࠵үྭὝ ..................259 3 What Pet Do You Like To Have? Why? Ϳ؞ൔ̤˦ࠅྭὝ˞̤˦Ὕ ..................................259 Let’s Write! иʷи ࢻnjԿnjˌnj᜵njӯnjӒ...........................................................................................................................260 Animals үྭ 2 3 4 5 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET"OJNBMT ឈӵүྭ.................................................................................238 Make a Guess: Who Am I? ʷੈ௧ឺὝ .................................................................................. 40 Make a Guess: Who’s Talking? ʷឺښឭភὝ..................................................................240 Song: Old McDonald Had a Farm ЈൡဍᏥЏၷద ڡڱ....................................................241 Compare and Write: Which Animal Has…? Which Animal Can…? උʷඋὊиʷиឺదĀĀὝឺ͘ĀĀὝ ..............................................................................242 2VJ[8IFSF$BO5IFZ#F'PVOE ᏦᏦͿ߲̓ͱדښЈὝ................................................243 7 Read and Write: Pet Show ᝣʷᝣὊиʷиࠅྭሒ .............................................................244 8 Essay Writing: My Pet иʷиੈᄊࠅྭ......................................................................................245 Tomb Sweeping Day ຍᓬ 1 Reading: Qing Ming Jie (Tomb Sweeping Day) ឴ʷ឴ຍᓬ..........................................246 'JMMJOUIF#MBOLT$MP[F ܍ʷ܍ຍ˸ΰ...................................................................................248 3 Tang Poem: Qingming סទຍ ...................................................................................................249 Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All xiii May ̋థ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. ......................................................................................................................... May Calendar ̋థథԋ 1 2 3 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Coloring Activity: Chinese Food ๕ᮨᓤ˗ڎᖝ. ..................................................................... 262 My May Calendar ੈᄊ̋థథԋ. ........................................................................................................263 What’s Happening in May? ̋థᅼܳ࠶Ὕ........................................................................................264 Food ᮼྭ 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU8FTUFSO4UZMF#SFBLGBTU ឈ᛫᜵रொᯀ. .......................................................265 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU$IJOFTF4UZMF#SFBLGBTU ឈ᛫˗रொᯀ........................................................266 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU7FHFUBCMFT ឈ᛫ᘂᖝ ...........................................................................................267 7PDBCVMBSZ-JTU.FBUBOE4FBGPPE ឈ᛫ᐛዝ֗๒ᱥ ............................................................268 Writing Activity: Supermarket Manager иʷиᡔ࣊ፃေ. ..................................................269 Math: Food Shopping ካʷካ˼ᖝ. ................................................................................................270 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET$IJOFTF'PPE ឈӵ˗ڎᖝ. ...............................................................271 Writing Activity: Let’s Go Shopping! иʷиʷᡑԝ˼ᖝἿ................................................272 Draw and Label: My Favorite Food ႇʷႇὊиʷиੈྖՉᄊᮼྭ ............................... 47 Art Project: My Chinese Placemat ѹਓࢺੈᄊᯀЦۙ. ...................................................... 47 Integrated Activity: Ordering Food from a Chinese Menu ፬Ռำүག˗ڎᖝ. ..............................................................................................................................273 Decode the Word Search: Chinese Food ߚᝍᆊ˗ڎᖝᄊሜࠛ. .................................276 Reading: Food Pyramid ឴ʷ឴ᮼྭߚ ܉..............................................................................277 Role Play: My Chinese Restaurant ᝈᓤ੶ੈᄊ˗ᯀᯞ ..................................................... 48 Role Play: My Farm Stand ᝈᓤ੶ੈᄊᖝ. ........................................................................... 48 Survey: Favorite Food ᫈ԄྖՉᄊ˗ڎᖝ. ................................................................................278 Write and Say: Favorite Food and Healthy Food иʷиὊឭʷឭྖՉ֗Ϥकᄊᮼྭ. ........................................................................................279 Word Search: Chinese Food ʷ˗ڎᖝ ................................................................................280 Bingo Game: Food ࠖ౧ᮼྭ ................................................................................................... 49 Song: Rainbow Sister Јൡᙆ॑ݸݸ. ............................................................................................281 Folk Dance: Chopsticks Dance ඟீᓂᢜኡߕᓂ. ....................................................................... 49 Game: Musical Chopsticks Challenge ᮃ˭ኡߕ્੍. ................................................... 49 Pick and Put: What’s in the Refrigerator? ଆʷଆὊஊʷஊтኸ᧗ద̤˦Ὕ................................................................................................282 1 Reading: Tea-Drinking ឴ʷ឴˗ڎᕐ. .........................................................................................286 2VJ[5FB%SJOLJOH ᏦᏦͿ˗ڎᕐ..................................................................................................288 3 Mini-Book: My Tea Book ੈᄊ࠵˺˗ڎᕐ. ................................................................................289 Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 What Do You Want For Dinner? Ϳ௹ᯀਇՉ̤˦Ὕ....................................................................291 2 What Do You Want For Breakfast? ͿொᯀਇՉ̤˦Ὕ ...............................................................291 3 What’s A Food Pyramid? ᮼྭߚ܉௧̤˦Ὕ............................................................................291 Let’s Write! иʷи njܮnjሗnjрnj᮳njᭁ............................................................................................................................292 Mother’s Day ඇ̞ᓬ 1 2 3 Art Project: Mother’s Day Card ѹਓࢺඇ̞ᓬӵྟ. .........................................................283 Art Project: Mother’s Day Super Mom Certificate ѹਓࢺඇ̞ᓬᡔጟݒݥݥ. ........................................................................................................284 Rap: Mom Is Cooking Dinner ឭׯݥݥϢ௹ᯀ .......................................................................285 Beginner xiv Cultural Link: Tea-Drinking ˗ڎᕐ Intermediate Review Copy Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All xv June Оథ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. ......................................................................................................................... June Calendar Оథథԋ T A B L E O F 1 2 3 4 Coloring Activity: Dragon Boat Festival ๕ᮨᓤቫӥᓬ. ....................................................... 294 My June Calendar ੈᄊОథథԋ........................................................................................................295 What’s Happening in June? Оథᅼܳ࠶Ὕ.......................................................................................296 Graduation: Chinese Language Achievement Certificate ඌˊ˗ݒ࿄. ......................384 Leisure Activities ͔ᫌำү 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET-FJTVSF"DUJWJUJFT ឈӵ͔ᫌำү. ....................................................297 2 Mini-Book: My Leisure Activities ੈᄊ࠵˺ੈᄊ͔ᫌำү ................................................298 3 Song: A Field Trip Јൡ ...............................................................................................................301 Cultural Link: Dragon Boat Festival ቫӥᓬ 1 2 3 Reading: Dragon Boat Festival ឴ʷ឴ቫӥᓬ. ..........................................................................323 Match: Dragon Boat Festival ᦡʷᦡቫӥᓬ. .............................................................................325 Art Project: Dragon Boat ѹਓࢺᴝᓃ......................................................................................326 Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 Hobbies and Sports ྖ֗ݞᤂү. .........................................................................................................327 Let’s Write! иʷи njෲnjဌnjᆃnjᛨnjѨ............................................................................................................................328 Sports ᤂү 3 4 5 6 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET#BMM(BNFT ឈӵုዝᤂү. ...............................................................303 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET.PSF4QPSUT ឈӵХ̵ᤂү. .............................................................304 Write and Draw: My Favorite Sport иʷиὊႇʷႇੈత؞ൔᄊᤂү ......................305 Chant: Sports ᮋົᤂү ...............................................................................................................306 Art Project: My Weekly Schedule on Sports ѹਓࢺᤂүᫎ᛫ ................................307 Reading: Yao Ming ឴ʷ឴ޅҫ෴Ἷ .......................................................................................308 Father’s Day ̞ᓬ C O N T E N T S xvi 1 2 3 4 Art Project: No.1 Dad Badge/Gold Medal ѹਓࢺþྚྚኄʷՐÿॶቦ.................309 Art Project: Super Dad Certificate ѹਓࢺᡔጟྚྚݒ. ....................................................310 Art Project: Father’s Day Shirt Card ѹਓࢺ̞ᓬӵྟ.................................................311 Poem: You Are My Sun ࠵ទͿ௧ੈᄊܺ ..............................................................................312 Insects ௗᙂ 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET*OTFDUT ឈӵௗᙂ..................................................................................313 2 Compare: Big and Small Insects උʷඋௗᙂᄊܸ࠵. ............................................................314 3 Game Activities: Insect Survey and Let’s Catch ᡚ֊ำүௗᙂ᫈Ԅ֗૦ᙂ˭........................................................................................................315 4 Write and Color: Body Parts of Insects иʷиὊ๕ʷ๕ௗᙂᄊᢶʹᦊͯ ................316 5 Fill in the Blanks: Are You Afraid Of These Insects? ܍ʷ܍Ϳণˀণᤈ̏ௗᙂὝ.....317 6 Reading: Story of the Silkworm ឴ʷ឴ᙕˍᄊ̃ .............................................................318 2VJ[4UPSZPGUIF4JMLXPSN ᏦᏦͿᙕˍᄊ̃ .....................................................................320 8 Sequencing: How To Make Silk ଆѵᮋऀˍᄊ҄ͻ ...............................................................321 9 Compare: Life Cycles of the Butterfly and the Silkworm Moth උʷඋᚭᚮ֗ᙕᚂᄊၷ֑ևర ..................................................................................................322 Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All xvii July August ʹథ Мథ page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. ......................................................................................................................... July Calendar ʹథథԋ August Calendar Мథథԋ 1 2 3 T A B L E page Notes for Teachers ஔߦ᧘ག. ......................................................................................................................... Coloring Activity: Independence Day ๕ᮨᓤᎿڎ࿘ቡெ. ................................................ 330 My July Calendar ੈᄊʹథథԋ..........................................................................................................331 What’s Happening in July? ʹథᅼܳ࠶Ὕ. .......................................................................................332 National Day ࣼڎᓬ 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Peking Opera: Introduction and Face-Painting ̛қእ̮֗ᑵ៨๕ᓤ...........................338 Origami Fun: Pinwheel ᡚ֊ઉጮ᮳ᢼ. ........................................................................................342 Art Project: Tangram Fun ѹਓࢺʹࢼ ..............................................................................343 2 4 6 7 10 11 12 Cultural Link: Four Treasures of the Study ࠃپ C O N T E N T S 1 2 3 Reading: Chinese Calligraphy and Painting ឴ʷ឴˗˺ڎข֗˗ڎႇ.......................345 Fill in the Blanks: Four Treasures of the Study ܍ቇࠃپ..............................................347 Make a Sentence: Four Treasures of the Study ᤵԲࠃپ. ...........................................348 Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 What Country Are You From? Ϳ௧̡ڎדὝ ..................................................................................349 2 Where Is (country)? ࠒڎ᧗דښὝ...........................................................................................349 3 Have You Been To (country)? ͿԝࠒڎՙὝ ...................................................................349 Let’s Write! иʷи ᡜnjᢶnj៰njᕙnjᙂnjᲚ............................................................................................................................350 Beginner Intermediate 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET4VNNFS"DUJWJUJFT ឈӵܹܮำү. .................................................355 Mini-Book: Summer Fun ੈᄊ࠵˺˭ܹܮ................................................................................356 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET"UUIF#FBDI ឈӵښ๒ໞ . .................................................................357 Read and Circle: At the Beach ឴ʷ឴Ὂڔʷڔښ๒ໞ .....................................................358 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET5IJOHT:PV#SJOHUPUIF#FBDI ឈӵࣜ҂๒ໞᄊˌ᜵............359 Read and Circle: Beach Words ឴ʷ឴Ὂڔʷڔ๒ໞឈឦ. ................................................360 Guess and Write: What Is That? ʷὊиʷиᥧ௧̤˦Ὕ ..........................................361 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET4FB"OJNBMT ឈӵ๒ภၷྭ . .............................................................362 8PSE1V[[MF4FB"OJNBMT ߚ܍។๒ภၷྭ .............................................................................363 Reading: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ឴ʷ឴ᠫູᄊᓬጞnjгၷ֗ڀஆ ..........................364 Circle: True or False ڔʷڔࠫˀࠫὝ ...........................................................................................366 Jeopardy Game: 60 Questions Review 60˔˸ܭᮥ. ........................................................ 66 Cultural Link: Zheng He ᦀ֗ Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ xviii $PMPSJOH"DUJWJUZ4VNNFS7BDBUJPO ๕ᮨᓤఋϜ.................................................................... 352 2 My August Calendar ੈᄊМథథԋ. ..................................................................................................353 3 What’s Happening in August? Мథᅼܳ࠶Ὕ..................................................................................354 Summer Fun ˭ܹܮ 7PDBCVMBSZ'MBTI$BSET*OEFQFOEFODF%BZ ឈӵᎿڎ࿘ቡெ. ..........................................333 Match and Write: Independence Day ᤌʷᤌὊиʷиᎿڎ࿘ቡெ..............................334 Word Search: Independence Day ʷᎿڎ࿘ቡெ ...........................................................335 Coloring: National Day around the World ๕ᮨᓤˇႍՊڎᄊࣼڎᓬ ..........................336 Write, Draw, Color: My Country’s National Day иʷиὊႇʷႇὊ๕ʷ๕ੈᄊࣼڎᓬ....................................................................................337 Craft Fun ࢺ˭ O F 3FBEJOH;IFOH)FBOE)JT4FWFO7PZBHFT ឴ʷ឴ᦀ֗ʾ᜵ภ. .............................................................................................................................367 2VJ[;IFOH)F ᏦᏦͿᦀ֗ ...........................................................................................................369 Try It Out! ඈథʷጷ Let’s Talk! ឭʷឭ 1 Do You Like to Go to the Beach? Ϳ؞ൔԝ๒ໞՙὝ...................................................................370 2 Where Are You Going This Summer? ᤈ˔ఋϜͿ᜶ԝ᧗דὝ. ...............................................370 Let’s Write! иʷи nj᫃nj᠅njᝓnjᮼnjᓃ............................................................................................................................371 Review Copy Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All Beginner Appendices ᬄै page Answer Key for Word Search and Crossword Puzzles ߚ។ንವ.......................... 374 100 Ideas to Celebrate Foreign Language Month ࣼᇷܱឦథ. ............. 378 Useful Templates ၹನవ T A B L E O F 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Chinese Language Achievement Certificate ˗ݒ࿄ ..............................................................384 Lesson Plan: 5C’s Chart 5C’s ិܬጮ (እʹ) ʷ ...........................................................................385 General Review: Character Writing ˸ܭиʷи..................................................................386 Reward Coupons ݒҵڍవ. ...................................................................................................................389 7FOO%JBHSBN पՏඋᣗ᛫. ...................................................................................................................390 Character Writing Sheet иߚጷ˸ጮ (ܸಫ) ʷ . ......................................................................391 Character Writing Sheet иߚጷ˸ጮ (࠵ಫ) ̄ . ......................................................................392 Passage Writing Sheet ͻጷ˸ጮ.....................................................................................................393 BINGO ࠖ౧ӵ....................................................................................................................................394 Spin Wheel ࣴᤂᣃ. ....................................................................................................................................395 Dice Cube ᰥߕ.............................................................................................................................................396 Vocabulary Flash Cards: Countries ឈӵὉࠒڎ................................................................ 397 Vocabulary Flash Cards: Colors ឈӵὉᮨᓤ. ....................................................................... 398 Project Samples ͻֶ࡙ᇨ. ................................................................................................................. 399 C O N T E N T S xx © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All xix PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY 2. Match and Write: Independence Day ᤌʷᤌἻиʷиὉᎿڎ࿘ቡெ Notes for Teachers This vocabulary exercise requires students to match individual characters to make words related to Independence Day. Students must then provide the pinyin and English translation for each of the words. ஔ ߦ᧘ ག ᤈ˔ឈලጷ˸᜶රߦၷᤌଌӭឈὊጸੇ֗Ꮏڎ࿘ቡெᄱТᄊឈឦǍଌᅌὊߦၷॹᮌ˞ඈ˔ឈ ឦଢΙૃᮃ֗ᔮᏢឋǍ July ʹథ ንವ1. 3. 5. 7. July Calendar ʹథథԋ ᒭႀݙᇸnjz# y5u n) sh9nnjStatue of LibertyὙ བྷ࿑njr- g6unjhotdogὙ ڎnjgu5 q!njflagὙ ᧙ᯀnjy0 c`nnjpicnicὙ ᛡnjy5u x!ngnjparade 3. Word Search: Independence Day ʷὉᎿڎ࿘ቡெ America’s Independence Day is on the 4th of July. This is a national holiday in America and many Americans observe the day by participating in or watching parades, having picnics and watching fireworks at night. Students who are from America can share their personal experiences with this holiday. Students who are not from America can be asked to share how they celebrate their country’s national day. This word search puzzle gives students the opportunity to practice reading and become more familiar with the new Independence Day vocabulary words. 2. My July Calendar ੈᄊʹథథԋ By this point in the school year most students will be able to fill in the numbers of the July calendar independently. Students can then color the calendar red, white, and blue to represent America’s Independence Day or the colors of their nation’s flag. ҂ߦࣲᄊᤈ˔Ὂܳߦၷऄសᑟܵ࿘ቡ܍иʹథథԋʽᄊߚǍଌᅌὊᝨ̵̓࠲థԋ๕ ʽጚnjᄇ֗ᗰᓤὊಖঃᎿڎ࿘ቡெὊੋ๕ʽ̵̓ᒭࣂڎࠒڎᄊᮨᓤǍ 3. What’s Happening in July? ʹథᅼܳ࠶ This fill-in-blank worksheet, which is included with each month, allows advanced learners to review numbers, dates, important holidays and events of that month in a familiar and consistent way. 4. Coloring: National Day around the World ๕ᮨᓤὉˇႍՊڎᄊࣼڎᓬ Many children love to learn about the designs of different flags from around the world. On this worksheet students are required to color the flags correctly and write each of the country’s date of independence. This exercise is a good review of color words, months, and numbers. ܳߦၷ؞ൔᝣគˇႍՊڎڎᄊڏವǍښᤈ˔ͻˊ᧗Ὂߦၷॹᮌ˞Պڎڎ๕ʽᆸᄊᮨᓤὊ ࣳиʽХࣼڎᓬᄊெరǍᤈ˔ำүదҰ̆˸ܭᮨᓤឈලnjథ͋֗ߚǍ Answer key: Mexico – May 5; China – October 1; Korea – August 15; South Africa – April 27; Israel – May 14. 5. Write, Draw, Color: My Country’s National Day иʷиἻႇʷႇἻ๕ʷ๕Ὁੈᄊࣼڎᓬ Students will feel proud to complete this worksheet that features a picture of their country’s flag. Depending on the class make up, it may be necessary to provide an online resource or World Almanac for some students to refer to in order to complete this activity. In addition to drawing and coloring their nation’s flag correctly, students are required to fill in the colors of their flag in Chinese. ᤈ˔ำүᝨߦၷ࡙ᇨᒭࣂࠒڎᄊڎǍߦၷᄊᑀఀὊੋదॹ᜶ଢΙᎪʽᠫູੋˇࣲႍὊ ᝨʷ̏ߦၷͻ˞ԠᏦὊ߹ੇᤈ˔ำүǍᬔ̀ᆸႇѣڎࣳ๕ʽᮨᓤὊߦၷᤇॹᮌ̿˗ ˞ᒭࣂࠒڎᄊڎಖʽᮨᓤՐሦǍ National Day ࣼڎᓬ 1. Vocabulary Flash Cards: Independence Day ឈӵὉᎿڎ࿘ቡெ Identify and discuss each of these vocabulary words related to America’s Independence Day. Introducing this set of words presents the opportunity to make connections with other cultures by comparing different foods eaten for a national holiday celebration or popular symbols for different countries. ᝧඈʷ˔֗Ꮏڎ࿘ቡெదТᄊឈឦǍ̮ፁᤈ̏ឈឦὊ˷Ի̿උᣗˀՏࠒڎᄊࣼڎᓬਫ਼Չ ᄊᮼྭὊੋˀՏࠒڎᄊᗃՐ៶ढ़ྭὊͻ˞ӑᐏጇǍ Beginner ᤈ˔ߚ។ᝨߦၷᑟܵጷ˸឴ѸߦᄊᎿڎ࿘ቡெឈឦὊҫງӿ៶Ǎ Intermediate Craft Fun ࢺ˭ 1. Peking Opera: Introduction and Face-Painting ̛қὉእ̮֗ᑵ៨๕ᓤ Color a sample of each of the worksheets included to introduce the four main character roles in Peking Opera and the colors that are used to represent them. This provides an opportunity to review Review Copy Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced July ʹథ ᰴࣲጟᄊߦၷԻ̿ښథԋᄊ۳ᆩʽὊᤰᤈನᄊ܍ቇᮥ˸ܭߚ֗రὊྀඈథ᧘᜶ᄊெߕǍ July ʹథ 2 4. 6. 8. 9. 1. Coloring Activity: Independence Day ๕ᮨᓤὉᎿڎ࿘ቡெ Ꮏڎ࿘ቡெ௧ʹښథپெǍᤈ௧ᎿڎᄊНࠀϜெὊܳᎿ͘ᦐ̡ڎᤰԠҫੋᠶᛡnj᧙ ᯀܴ֗ښ௹ൕᠶཏ༢ൔࣼᤈʷܹǍ̰ᎿڎᄊߦၷԻ̿֗Տߦ̓Ѭ̵̓̚ᄊ˔̡ፃԋǍХ ̵ՏߦԻ̿Ѭ̵̓ࣼ̚͵ݠᇷᒭࣂࠒڎᄊࣼڎᓬǍ 60 Ꮏڎnjm0i gu5njAmericaὙ ཏ༢njy`n hu6njfireworksὙ Ꮵ᳔njl2o y~ngnjeagleὙ ʹథپெnjq~ yu- s# r#nj 4th of JulyὙ All Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All 61 PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ᤈݓឈӵ̮ፁ̡ܳښఋϜਫ਼؞ൔᤉᛡᄊำүǍ˞̀ࣟҰߦၷښᝣគழឈලՑ߲ࠫ̓ఞྀ ὊԻ᫈ߦၷ̵̓௧աద࠽តᤈ̏ำүǍߦၷԻ̿ጷ˸᫈ज़Т̵̆̓త؞ൔᄊำүǍ Notes for Teachers ஔ ߦ᧘ ག 2. Mini-Book: Summer Fun ੈᄊ࠵˺Ὁ ˭ܹܮ Students pick three activities that they love the most to write about and draw to complete this mini-book. They will share their drawings and favorite activities when they present their mini-book to the class. August Мథ ߦၷиʾࣳႇѣ̵̓త؞ൔᄊʼ˔ำүὊཀྵՑ֗ိʽՏߦѬ̚Ǎ 3. Vocabulary Flash Cards: At the Beach ឈӵὉښ๒ໞ August Calendar Мథథԋ 1. Coloring Activity: Summer Vacation ๕ᮨᓤὉఋϜ Summer is a popular time of year for families to enjoy their vacation time together. This topic provides a good opportunity for students to share about their favorite family outings or trips. Use the picture on this page to begin a discussion about summer vacation with students. Afterwards students may color this page as they wish. ܹܮ௧ЛࠒʷᡑएϜᄊݞАǍᤈ˔˟ᮥᝨߦၷѬ̵̓̚؞ൔᄊࠒऑำүੋᛡǍѾၹ ᤈʷᮆᄊڏႇͻ˞ᡑགὊ֗ߦၷᝧఋϜǍ˨Ցгᝨߦၷ˞ڏႇ๕ᓤǍ 2. My August Calendar ੈᄊМథథԋ Students can use this month’s calendar to discuss when their families will go on vacation or participate in different summer activities. Use an enlarged copy of the calendar, and, as students volunteer information about themselves, put it on the calendar. Summer vacation and leisure activities are enjoyable topics that most students will be motivated to share about. For other uses of the calendar, please refer to the notes on My January Calendar. ߦၷԻ̿ၹవథథԋᝧЛࠒᄊఋϜएϜᝠѳੋᏨХ̵ำү߷ଆǍ࠲థԋஊܸὊંߦၷਫ਼Ѭ ̚ᄊЯࠔ᧗ښ܍᭧ǍఋϜ͔֗ᫌำүᦐ௧ܸࠒ؞ൔេᄊិᮥǍ Т̆థԋᄊХ̵ၹὊឰԠᏦኄ1ᮆþੈᄊʷథథԋÿᄊឭǍ 3. What’s Happening in August? Мథᅼܳ࠶ This fill-in-blank worksheet, which is included with each month, allows advanced learners to review numbers, dates, important holidays and events of that month in a familiar and consistent way. ᰴࣲጟᄊߦၷԻ̿ښథԋᄊ۳ᆩʽὊᤰᤈನᄊ܍ቇᮥ˸ܭߚ֗రὊྀඈథ᧘᜶ᄊெߕǍ This set of flash cards introduces words for things people commonly see at a beach. If possible, use pictures of beach scenes from advertisements or from the Internet to ask students which objects from the vocabulary list that they see. Students can share their responses by answering in a complete sentence using the new words ᤈݓឈӵ̮ፁ๒ໞʽᄊˌ᜵ǍԻᑟᄊភὊࣹշੋ̉ᐏᎪʽᄊ๒ໞིྟፌߦၷᄺὊ̵᫈ ̓᧗ྟིښᄺ҂דನˌ᜵௧̵̓ழߦ҂ᄊឈලǍߦၷԻѾၹழឈල̿߹டԲߕڀንǍ 4. Read and Circle: At the Beach ឴ʷ឴ἻڔʷڔὉښ๒ໞ For additional practice with these new words about things to see and do on the beach, students can circle the correct word that corresponds with each of the pictures on this page. ᝨߦၷڔѣ֗ྟڏᄱऄᄊᆸឈලὊͻ˞ᮩܱጷ˸Ǎ 5. Vocabulary Flash Cards: Things You Bring to the Beach ឈӵὉࣜ҂๒ໞᄊˌ᜵ This set of flash cards introduces words for things that people bring to the beach. To make learning this set of words more lively, use a real beach bag filled with some of the items on the list to demonstrate what you usually take on a trip to the beach. Students can also be asked to draw a picture of a large beach bag and draw and label five things they usually take with them to the beach. Afterwards they can share and compare their items with the class. ᤈݓឈӵ̮ፁ̡̓ࣜ҂๒ໞᄊˌ᜵Ǎ᜶ܙߦ˸ᡚ֊ὊԻΎၹʷ˔ᄾᄊ๒ໞӊὊ݀᧗ښஊʷ̏ ឈӵʽਫ਼ѵᄊˌ᜵Ὂ࡙ᇨፌߦၷᄺǍ˷Իᝨߦၷႇʷसܸᄊ๒ໞӊὊ᧗݀гႇ̵̓ࣜ҂๒ໞ ᄊ̋ನˌ᜵ὊࣳಖʽՐሦǍ˨ՑὊ̵̓Ի̿֗ՏߦѬࣳ̚උᣗՊᒭᄊྭֶǍ 6. Read and Circle: Beach Words ឴ʷ឴ἻڔʷڔὉ๒ໞឈឦ This activity is a good follow up activity to be done after students learn the new words related to the beach. ᤈ˔ำүᑟࢾߦڍၷ˨Ғਫ਼ߦᄊ๒ໞឈලǍ August Мథ 7. Guess and Write: What Is That? ʷἻиʷиὉᥧ௧̤˦ 1. Vocabulary Flash Cards: Summer Activities ឈӵὉܹܮำү This set of flash cards introduces some popular activities that many people enjoy during the summer months. To help students become more familiar with these new words after introducing them, ask students if they have ever tried each of the activities. Students can also practice interviewing each other about which activities they enjoy most. 64 Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced This activity gives students further practice with using the new Beach Words vocabulary. ᤈ˔ำүᝨߦၷᤉʷ൦ጷ˸Ύၹ๒ໞឈලǍ ንವ1. ๒ໞ 2. ཐᐛ 3. ᩌߕ 4. ௳ܺ 5. ܺᅋ᪫ 6. ф๎ 7. ๒Ჟ 8. ၷր 9. ณᛨ All © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd Beginner Intermediate Beginner-Intermediate Intermediate-Advanced Advanced All 65 August Мథ Summer Fun ˭ܹܮ PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ ᄍ ଈሻĻ ಸ Find and Color: Who Are the Winners? Word Search: Zodiac Animals ʷ Ἳ ๕ʷ ๕ Ὁឺ ᡅ ̀ ʷ Ὁၷ ᐟ The emperor announced, “The first 12 animals to reach the finish line will have a year named after them!” Color the 12 animals that are the winners in the race. ᄍ ಸ ʷ Write the animal names in English: 1. t గ Star 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ᇴ zh$Ļ ূ l2o h^Ļ ࠡ j~Ļ ূඒ l2o sh^Ļ જ m2Ļ ሸ t& ziĻ ୬ ni%Ļ ഠ sh9Ļ 9. ੋ l5ngĻ 10. ޮሸ h5u ziĻ 11.ဣ y1ngĻ 12. ܘg6uĻ 7. 8. Find the above pinyin words in the word search puzzle below. c g c n n h g x p k c l i h k ᇜin ish F j n l i t a p y w b s v l s d l i u l e x k a d x d a y g y m e t e k h e n s i o e d m h z o d i a c p g y s a x h u u k a i a g y g y h i y h c s m l a d m e c t u j b e y o t k Review Copy 78 PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ ᄍ i a m e m d y g m e k c g x t g x o d l y l o n g m m o u o t b l h n a g u s u l t z j h c k y u u n d j a b y i h o d i w h o u z i t c u d h a l j a z c e g b h m a e h b g c e 89 PREVIEW COPY ಸ Math Fun: Ways to Make 100 ᡚ֊ߦὉҫᡑ100 Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers to make 100. The first one has been done for you. ශ് ఆ ೠ ് 47 + 53 = 100 21 + ് 73 + = 100 c4ng m!ng y6ng g2n pi3o liang ՚smart Ⴏbraveە pretty ނĢ = 100 ch9ng sh! ് y4u m7 Ӽ ൔ honest Ⴑ ଗ humorous A r t wk0o r k3i : 1 1 g A r t w `n o r kj#ng: 1 1 h y6u sh3n Ⴞഇ friendly ് + 44 = 100 + 35 = 100 फ़cuteρ υquietࣩ A r t w hu5 o r kyu: 11i ࠋᄉ active, energetic ྎྎĢ ് ് ് q!n + 138 = 100 + = 100 + l1o ী hardworking = 100 156 t~ng hu3 ๘ ߍ obedient Vocabulary Flash Cards: Adjectives to Describe People ឈӵὉଡи̡ྭᄊॎࠔឈ © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd y6u l@ m3o Ⴝિ respectful, polite PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ ᄍ ಸ Crossword Puzzle: Landforms h2i y1ng ݢဤ ocean b3n d2o Ͼ֣ peninsula Use the clues below to complete this crossword puzzle. 4. ֣კ island sh8n g^ യܩ valley ߚ܍។Ὁڡॎ y^ 8. d2o 12. 1. 2. 3. m7 ଙ desert 11. sh` 5. hu6 sh`n ࠍ volcano 7. 6. h2i 3n ݢω coast Down: 2. Lava and steam come from its top. 5. The land beside a sea or ocean. 7. A tall, dense jungle that gets a lot of rain. 9. An elevated tableland that is flat on top. 11. A large, natural stream of water that flows. 12. It is surrounded by water on three of its sides. 1. A dry region that has less than 10 inches of rain annually. 3. A hollow depression surrounded by hills and mountains. 4. A large body of water completely surrounded by land. 5. A large body of saltwater that separates continents. 6. A body of land that is surrounded by water on all sides. 8. It is the tallest landform on Earth. y^ l!n თਧ rainforest g`o yu1n ۢჸ plateau p4 Across: h% ҃ lake g`o sh`n ۢ mountain h9 li% ੈޒ river 9. Review Copy Vocabulary List: Landformsឈ᛫Ὁڡॎ PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ 191 PREVIEW COPY ᄍ ଈሻĻ ಸ Coloring Activity: Pagoda 9 Name of Animal ၊ مೠ ශ 4 5 ఆ Ϟ ࣼ ് 6 7 8 ၊ Ļ h5ng مĻ z@ 9 s- s- ೠ Ļ hu1ng s- ශ Ļ ch9ng s- s- Ļ l1n s- ఆ Ļ b1i s- Ϟ Ļ z4ng ࣼ Ļ l_ s- 10 Ļ h8i s- ಸ What animal makes that sound? Write the animal that makes each sound in pinyin or characters. Then choose the sound each animal makes in Chinese from the word bank and write it on the space provided. 8 3 ᄍ ʷὉឺښឭភ Match the numbers on the pagoda with the Chinese numbers to figure out the color code. Then color each level of the pagoda accordingly. 2 Make a Guess: Who’s Talking? ๕ᮨᓤὉࠃ܉ 1 193 1. PHRZPHRZ 2. EDDEDD 3. QHLJKQHLJK 4. RLQNRLQN 5. ZRRIZRRI 6. TXDFNTXDFN 7. PRRPRR 8. cock-a-doodle-doo 7 6 5 4 3 2 mi8 mi8 ᔸᔸ 1 w4 w4 ᕫᕫ 229 240 © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd g` g` ۅۅ mi`o mi`o ᕌᕌ w`ng w`ng ອອ g$ l$ ܟᖓ Sound in Chinese m4u m4u ᔽᔽ hu~ hu~ ᔩᔩ PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ Writing Activity: Supermarket Manager иʷиὉᡔ࣊ፃေ ᄍ ଈሻĻ ಸ You are the supermarket manager. You need to label the vegetables in Chinese characters or pinyin. Select the right words from the tray below to label the vegetables. zh~ f1ng Celery Lettuce ᄍ ಸ Read the food pyramid carefully and find out how many servings you will need everyday for each food item below. y5u t1ng l-i ᆳ٣gႺgย Mushrooms ĩചԁĪ r7u l-i ji` q!n l-i gࡍౢ 1.50 1.00 $ ĩૌ็2ڂĪ 2.00 $ each $ per lb per box r^ zh# p@n Eggplant Carrots 0.50 Broccoli per bag $ per lb Potatoes sh$ c3i l-i ණݜ ൾҚ ĩૌ็3ڂĪ each g^ Spinach shu@ gu6 l-i ĩૌ็2–3ڂĪ 0.30 $ $ per lb ĩૌ็3ڂĪ 0.50 3.00 $ ೌᇍ Corn Tomatoes l-i mi3n b`o ܩgЏg mi3n f0n ڀ Green peppers ĩૌ็6-11ڂĪ 1.00 2.00 $ 1.00 per bag $ per lb number of servings per day Food item 1.50 $ $ per lb per lb ch2o mi3n 1 . ݜ 6. ӡ ni% r7u h% lu5 bo 2 . ୬ ഻Қ sh8ng c3i ߅ျҚ hu` y8 c3i ѳҚ b4 c3i ౠҚ q!n c3i જਸ਼ඌ m2 l!ng sh^ h% lu5 7. ઋ ҆ mi3n b`o j~ d3n 3. Џ 8. ࠡ ֙ y5u ઋ҆ r^ l3o 4. Ⴚ bo 9. ೌ ni% n2i ّౖ f`n qi9 პ y& m@ ଐܞ m5 g$ q~ng ji`o ౖሸ qi9 number of servings per day Food item p!ng gu6 m2 l!ng sh^ 5. ୬ ଷ 1 0 . જ ਸ਼ ඌ zi Review Copy 269 Reading: Food Pyramid ឴ʷ឴Ὁᮼྭߚ܉ 277 PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ʼ ʷ ଈሻĻ ᄍ ಸ Song: A Field Trip k3n sh$ ॉඈh ଈሻĻ ̄ q! xi3 ༷ఌh w6 x@ huan zu# ቓ ༧ ߓ ᾖ favorite b& ՞ ধ Ҋ ᾖ never c5ng l1i h0n sh2o Ӑ Ӑ ᾖ always ޛച ᾖ rarely My Leisure Activities ch1ng ch1ng ੈᄊ͔ᫌำү hu5 d7ng xi1n xi$ de w6 w6 O O 4 2 2 w6 men xi2o sh6u l` ቄቄቄ Ģ ུ ൵ 5 3 1 J OO OO z6u z6u z6u ቄቄቄ Ģ J O 5 O O ቄĢቄĢ 3 2 1 J J J y# J t5ng q& ji`o 5 2 2 y5u ၊ಈ 5 xi2o sh6u ঠུ ൵ĭ O O J F 5 OO OO OO O z6u C O O J O O 1 3 O OO OO z6u OO J 5 O O OO OO OO OO 1 3 O OO OO OO 5 5 3 1 z6u z6u z6u J O OO OO OO z6u O O O O @ O 298 @ O z6u ቄĢቄĢ J O @ A 5 O @A O Word choices: ЈൡὉ Ⴛļ J 2 301 Mini-Book: My Leisure Activities ੈᄊ࠵˺Ὁੈᄊ͔ᫌำү © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ ᄍ ଈሻĻ ಸ ᄍ ಸ Let’s Write! иʷи ch6u Ԡ z% 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 foot sh8n 1 3 24 7 5 6 body d7u 1 3 2 4 6 5 7 beans s$n w& c2o j#ng k4ng ࣲ ෬༉४ Monkey King 3 2 1 5 4 6 7 9 8 grass ch5ng 4 2 1 3 6 5 worm ni2o 1 2 4 3 5 bird 340 Review Copy 350 Peking Opera: Introduction and Face-Painting ̛қὉእ̮֗ᑵ៨๕ᓤ PREVIEW COPY PREVIEW COPY ଈሻĻ ᄍ ಸ Let’s Write! Reading: Zheng He and His Seven Voyages иʷи ឴ʷ឴Ὁᦀ֗ʾ᜵ภ j~n ᄲᄥ۪આҋهཋ્ᇥྕվ੬ᄇ60୕ၣవĭᇗݛօ֭ ᆪތၠࣤຣӶఆՙ֦٬ᇥތᇥ֭ݢഐธཊྣݼh 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 ᆪތ഻ᄥᄑ֭ߵቊࡍh֭ቋڻތڻᅃಈݞ ઢࡎhᆪތ՞ུऄ༧ߓ๘ݢݼธཊ֭ܫൡĭႵఋ൦ല֭ εঠѽܫൡތજफ़ѷઍႻࡂh m9n ᆪم്ތ෧ĭऄЬӜ֭ळؚሊಈ֚ฆ࡛hҊࣺ Ь්֦ߧ֚܍൫໗ĭধӶແӶቋ֭վࢄĭЬቕӳແ uೠЗฆ࡛vhႁແޛ՚ჃႽᅦ܇ĭӶቋޛಱ ĭஒ֦ݛປ݄ປĭ࿎Զᇗݛߌh b-i 8 gold 1 3 2 door 2 1 3 4 ՞ 1405 ֦ 1433 ്֭مϞ୕ఁĭᆪތփਜ၊ᆮ ஜվ֭uЗԷvࡻؚཧ༎ဤྣݼఆՙĭޠᄈᇗݢݛgޫ ތݢႎ؏ဤĭѱᄥ׃ශՙྣݼ֦պቓᄁ֭٬ᇥײωh ֭ࡻؚЏছਜϬاාԷތຫϞబ۹Էჼg൞ѩg࠷ඔ ჼْތၺჼֱhᆪ֦ތ٨ਜೠ്۹ࡍݛѱᅄ්ਜاޛ Ԟgҷ၅gࣉႇތՔఞֱ༆hᆪތ၁փਜاޛ༎٢ࡍݛ ֭མਠgཨgးgᆍᇰތᆍ֭༆ߵᇗݛh shellfish y1n 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 word sh! 1 2 3 4 75 8 6 ᄥଲଞᄍĭປݛاޛݛຮg൘ࢳތಮټټধᇗݛ ࡎౄގቜܹ༪hՖປĭᆪތఆՙ༷༎ ဤ၁վվׁਜಎൟࣀ֭ݢݼൡ ၄hᆪ༷ތ༎ဤй۪આҋهཋ ્ᇥᄲਜ87୕ĭйઢᆅઆྣݼ ֦ײᄲਜ116 ୕h 9 food zh4u 1 3 2 4 5 6 boat 367 © Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd 371