APPENDIX B: REQUEST FOR TENDER – CONTENT TEMPLATE RFT PART 1 – REQUEST FOR TENDER Introduction The <Name of Council> is seeking tenders for the supply and delivery of the item of plant identified in this RFT. Scope of the RFT The RFT is for the supply, delivery, commissioning and training of the following item(s) of equipment: <List of equipment>. Form of Contract The proposed Contract is for a <lump sum> contract. Trade-in (where appropriate) The following item(s) of equipment is/are proposed to be traded in this RFT. However, the council reserves the right to not trade the listed equipment. <List of equipment and ID>. Availability of the RFT Documents The RFT documents are available at <location and instructions to obtain RFT documents>. Closing of Tender The closing date and time location of lodgement of the RFT is <date and time>. Tenders are to be lodged in the Tender Box located at <location and address of the tender box> or lodged electronically through <URL of the electronic tender lodgement portal>. Evaluation Criteria The tenderers should address the evaluation criteria listed in Part 2. Enquiries Contact for queries: <nominated contact person’s details and email>. Page 59 RFT PART 2 – CONDITIONS OF TENDERING 1. INTRODUCTION The Council is seeking tenders for the supply and delivery of <item of equipment> [with trade-in of Council’s <equipment and ID e.g. registration number>. 2. CONTRACT PERIOD The Tenderer shall nominate in their Tender the length of time required for delivery of the unit from the date of the letter of acceptance. 3. FORM OF CONTRACT The proposed contract is a lump sum contract. The price(s) submitted in the Tender must be for the complete unit as specified [including trade-in]. 4. CLOSING OF TENDERS The closing date and time for lodgement of tenders is <day, date at xx.xx pm>. Tenders are to be deposited in the Tender Box located in the <Location and address of the tender box>. [or Tenders can be submitted through the eTender portal <URL of eTender portal>]. 5. TENDER DOCUMENTS The following are the tender documents issued to all prospective tenderers: • • • • • • Part 1 - Request for tender Part 2 - Conditions of tendering Part 3 - General conditions of contract Part 4 - Instrument of agreement Part 5 - Specification Part 6 - Tender forms and responses Any supporting information or documentation referred to in the general conditions of contract or specification can be made available to tenderers upon request. 5.1. Accuracy of Tender Information The tender information is provided in good faith and is believed to be reliable. However, neither the <name of Council> nor the agents of the <name of Council> warrants the accuracy of the tender information. 5.2. Ambiguities and Discrepancies The Tenderer shall peruse the tender information, the conditions of tendering and all tender documents with a view to identifying any errors, ambiguities or discrepancies. If the Tenderer becomes aware of any such ambiguity or discrepancy the Tenderer shall immediately notify the <name of Council>. The <name of Council> may issue an addendum clarifying the ambiguity or discrepancy. 6. TENDERER TO ACQUIRE INFORMATION The Tenderer shall be deemed to have: ¡ Examined the tender documents and any other information made available in writing by the Council to the Tenderer for the purpose of tendering. Page 60 ¡ Examined all information relevant to the risks, contingencies, and other circumstances having an effect on their Tender and which is obtainable by the making of reasonable enquiries. ¡ Satisfied themselves as to the correctness and sufficiency of their Tender and that their price covers the cost of complying with all the obligations of the tender documents and of all matters and things necessary for the supply and delivery of the specified item of plant. ¡ Inspected the relevant trade-in to ensure that they are fully familiar with the items of plant required by the Council. ¡ Used all reasonable efforts to inform themselves of the requirements of the Council regarding the items. The Council has a purchasing and contracts policy manual. Details and an explanation of the policy are available on the Council’s web site. 7. TENDER SUBMISSION The Tender submission must comply with the conditions of tendering, the general conditions of contract, and the specification, and include the tender form and information supplied in accordance with the accompanying tender schedules forming part of the tender form. Additional supporting information may be submitted, especially information which addresses the tender evaluation criteria. The Tender shall be signed by the Tenderer or by a duly authorized representative of the Tenderer. The Tender “Lump Sum“ shown in Tender Schedule No. 2 shall be Inclusive of GST. In addition to a Conforming Tender, the Tenderer may submit a non-conforming Tender which also provides for the plant Items set out in the Specification. Non-conforming tenders shall be clearly identified. The Council reserves the right to reject part or all of a non-conforming Tender. The Council is not responsible for any cost or expense incurred by the Tenderer in preparing and lodging a Tender. 8. ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS Tenderers are encouraged to incorporate innovative options by submitting alternative proposals in addition to a conforming Tender. 9. TENDER LODGEMENT The Tender must be submitted in an envelope addressed to the <name of Council> and marked: <Position Title of Procurement Delegate> CONFIDENTIAL - CONTRACT NO. <Contract Ref#> Supply and delivery of <description of items and trade-in> Tenders are to be deposited in the Tender Box located in the <Location and address of the tender box>. [or Tenders can be submitted through the eTender portal <URL of eTender portal>]. It is the responsibility of the Tenderer to ensure that the Tender is received in the Tender Box by the due time and date. 9.1. Tender Validity Period A Tender placed into the Tender Box shall remain valid and capable of acceptance by the Council for a period of sixty days (60) from the close of the tender. A tender placed in the Tender Box [or lodged electronically] cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the <name of Council>. Page 61 Tenders submitted or received after the closing time will not be accepted. Tenders received by telegram, e-mail or facsimile or delivered verbally will not be accepted. 10. PURCHASE OF SECOND-HAND PLANT <Name of Council> may elect to sell the proposed item for trade-in independently. Tenders for the new plant item are to show any price variances for new plant if trade-in is sold separately. 11. VARIATION TO SPECIFICATION After tenders have been opened and during the evaluation process, if the <name of council> forms an opinion that the provision of the unit requires variation to that detailed in the specification, the Council may: a) b) c) request additional tenders/submissions from all tenderers, or readvertise the project, or determine the project will not proceed. The <name of Council> will notify all tenderers in writing of any decision. 12. POST TENDER SUBMISSION Notwithstanding any other requirement of the tender documents, the <name of Council> may require a tenderer to submit additional information concerning the tender before any tender is accepted. This includes proof of conformity with legislative requirement. Should the Tenderer fail to submit the schedules or any of the information so required by the date and time stipulated by the purchasing Council, the Tender may not be further considered. 13. OPENING OF TENDERS Tenders will be opened at a public opening held at the <name of Council> office, as soon as practicable after closing time on the date the tender closes. All Tenderers are welcome to attend the public opening. Upon the opening of a Tender, the name of the Tenderer will be read out aloud in order of opening. 14. ENQUIRIES 14.1. Contact Officer All enquiries regarding this Request for Tender may be directed to <name of contact> of <name of council>, <contact address>. 14.2. Trade-In Inspection and Enquiries Please contact <contact name and contact details> for trade-in inspection arrangements. 14.3. Addendum If the Tenderer has any doubt as to the meaning of any of the tender documents, it shall either: ¡ request clarification, which clarification shall be valid only if issued in writing, or ¡ when submitting each Tender, include a statement of the interpretation upon which the Tenderer relies and upon which the Tender has been prepared. Any clarification given pursuant to this clause will also be issued to all other prospective Tenderers as an addendum and this will form part of and be included in the Tender Documents. Any requests for clarification received within one week of the Tender closing date will not be able to be clarified. Page 62 15. CANVASSING OF COUNCILLORS OR COUNCIL OFFICERS Canvassing of Councillors, or any member of the Council’s staff will disqualify the Tenderer. Councillors and staff are obliged to report canvassing by any Tenderers. Queries in relation to the Tender are to be directed to the Contact Officer nominated in clause 16.1. 16. EVALUATION OF TENDERS Tenders will be evaluated in accordance with the Council’s Purchasing and Contracts Policy and the Tender Evaluation Criteria within this RFT. Tender Evaluation Criteria are not necessarily listed in the highest to lowest order of importance. A weighting of the Tender Evaluation Criteria shall be determined prior to the close of tenders and kept confidential until after the opening of tenders. In the course of the evaluation of a Tender, the Council may require any Tenderer to attend an interview. Any Tenderer who either fails or refuses to attend an interview may be disqualified. The Council may require a Tenderer to submit additional information within a reasonable time prior to accepting any Tender. Should the Tenderer fail to submit any of the information required by the date and time stipulated by the Council, the Tender may not be further considered. Any further information provided will be used in assessing the Tenderers. 16.1. Mandatory Evaluation Criteria 16.1.1. Satisfactory OH&S Hazard Assessment The Tenderer is to submit with the Tender a Risk Analysis of the operation of the Item of Plant being offered. This analysis is mandatory and should the Tenderer fail to supply this information, the Tender may not be considered. 16.2. Other Tender Evaluation Criteria The tender evaluation criteria include the following: Criteria Operational Service Support Schedule Ref Details Schedule 3 / Item 2 OHS perspective of the vehicle’s operational functions <> Schedule 2 / Item 3 Cabin environment including noise level <> Schedule 2 / Item 2 Payload capacity <> Schedule 2 / Item 2 Power, transmission & mechanical functionality <> Schedule 2 / Item 3 Attachment capability <> Schedule 2 / Item 3 Length of warranty <> Schedule 2 / Item 3 Costs of extended warranty <> Schedule 2 / Item 3 Warranty of additional fittings <> Schedule 2 / Item 4 Parts availability <> Schedule 2 / Item 4 Services availability <> Page 63 Weighting (not disclosed in RFT) Criteria Social Procurement Total Cost of Ownership 17. Schedule Ref Details Schedule 2 / Item 4 After hours supports <> Schedule 2 / Item 3 Training <> Schedule 2 / Item 4 Total CO2 emission <> Schedule 2 / Item 4 Oil change intervals <> Schedule 2 / Item 1 Manufacturing supports at local locations <> Schedule 2 / Item 4 Parts support local locations <> Schedule 2 / Item 4 Services support local locations <> Schedule 2 The whole-of-life costs to be used in the value for money assessment <> Weighting (not disclosed in RFT) CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The Council shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender for the Item of Plant listed under this Contract. A Tender shall be accepted only by a notice in writing advising acceptance of the Tender by <name of council> which may be handed to, or posted by prepaid post to, or left at the address notified pursuant to these Conditions of Tendering by the successful Tenderer. The successful Tenderer shall be deemed to have received such notice if posted by prepaid post at the time it would normally be received in the ordinary course of the post at the address to which it is directed. The Date of Acceptance of Tender shall be deemed to be the date which appears on the notice in writing of acceptance of the Tender. 18. TENDER INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Until the Contract is awarded the Council is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of tender contents. Unsuccessful tenderers will be notified promptly in writing and advised of the successful Tenderer’s name and the price and reasons for the awarding of the Contract. No other information regarding the successful Tender will be provided. After the closing of Tenders Council will, on request, advise the names only of those who have lodged tenders. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 provides that documents containing information of a ‘business, commercial or financial nature’ are exempt from disclosure under the Act. In-house and external tender documents are so exempt. 19. INSTRUMENT OF AGREEMENT A binding agreement between the Council and the successful Tenderer will be created by the Council’s written acceptance of the successful Tender. The successful Tenderer must execute two copies of the Instrument of Agreement and Contract Documents and return them to the Council within fourteen (14) days of the date on which the completed Documents were forwarded to it (or any longer period approved in writing by Council). 20. NEGOTIATION ON PRICE Council may negotiate with Tenderers on the Tendered amount. Page 64 21. COMPLAINTS Any complaints regarding the tender documentation or procedures should be in writing and directed to <position title of Council officer who handles tendering complaints>. Page 65 RFT PART 3 – CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Drafting Note: The following section contains example terms to include as general conditions of contract. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS In this Specification, the following terms have the meanings indicated, unless inconsistent with the context: “Goods” means the items described in Part 5 (Specification) “Specification” means this Contract Specification - Goods to be Delivered 2. OBLIGATION TO SUPPLY 2.1. Contractor’s Obligation The Contractor must supply Goods in accordance with this Specification and within the Contract Term. 3. DELIVERY OF GOODS 3.1. Delivery of Goods The Contractor must deliver the Goods on or before the date specified. 4. QUALITY All Goods supplied by the Contractor to the Council must: (i) be in the form described; and (ii) conform with Part 5 (Specification) 5. DELIVERY 5.1. Delivery Site The Goods must be delivered by the Contractor to the site referred to in Schedule 1. 6. CANCELLATION 6.1. Cancellation of Direction The Council may cancel any direction to the Contractor to supply Goods where all the Goods have not been supplied within any time specified. 6.2. No Claim by Contractor The Contractor will have no claim against the Council if a direction to supply Goods is cancelled under this clause. 7. PAYMENTS Page 66 TEMPLATES 7.1. Invoices The Contractor must issue invoices to the Council, itemised to the satisfaction of the Supervisor. Payment for the supplied unit will be made at the first Council meeting after delivery 8. CONDITIONS It is a condition of the Council’s purchase of the Goods that: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the Goods will be new, unless stated otherwise in Schedule 2; the Goods will be fit for the purpose for which items of the same kind are commonly supplied; the Goods are merchantable quality and free from defects; the Contractor is capable of passing title in the Goods free of encumbrances and all other adverse interests at the time after they are supplied to the Council; and (v) the Goods carry any applicable manufacturer’s‟ warranties, the benefits of which are deemed to be assigned to the council, without further liability to the Council, on the supply of the Goods. The Contractor must do anything necessary to ensure that the Council may have the benefit of the manufacturers’ warranties. 9. TITLE Title to any Goods, free of encumbrances and all other adverse interests, will pass to the Council upon the Goods coming into the possession of the Council’s agents or employees. 10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Contractor agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless the Council from and against any actions, claims, losses, damages, penalties, demands or costs (including, without limitation, all indirect losses, consequential losses and legal costs on a full indemnity basis) arising from actual or alleged infringements in the supply of the Goods of any rights in respect of letters patent, trademarks, copyright, design, confidential information or the like whether granted by the Commonwealth of Australia, a foreign State or the common law. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Any supplementary General Conditions of Contract are referred to in General Conditions of Contract, Appendix 1. 12. ANNEXURE 1. Delivery Site <Site address for delivery of the equipment> Date for Delivery: <To be stated in the tender> Times for payment claims First council meeting after delivery. Council meets on <day> of each month. Supplementary Conditions: <State conditions if any> 2. 3. 4. The Tenderer is to note that two forms of offer may be submitted with this tender based on: (a) Supply of Unit/s with no vehicle being offered as trade-in on the new Unit/s. (b) Supply of Unit/s with adjustment allowance for trade on <item to be traded> currently owned by the Council. (c) Outright purchase of <item to be traded>. Page 67 RFT PART 4 – INSTRUMENT OF AGREEMENT Drafting Note: This section is to contain the Council’s preferred contract to be used with this RFT. Page 68 RFT PART 5 - SPECIFICATIONS Drafting Note: The following sections contains a set of standard specifications for a range of plant types. When completing the Specification section of the RFT, the following is to be included: ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ A summary of the products/services required. Product specification: Use the specification template for the relevant products/equipment Additional fittings: Specify additional fittings by tenderers or by other third parties Non product requirements: Specify other requirements such as registration, delivery, OH&S requirements, training, warranty, services and payment terms etc. Trade-in: Provide details of equipment for trade-in including arrangements to view the equipment Specification Template: Static Roller Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Engine Gross Power Specify minimum requirements 35 kw Dimensions Weights Operational Number of Cylinders 4 Power Measured (rpm) 2100 rpm Drum Diameter - Front 1600 mm Drum Diameter - Rear 1200 mm Wheelbase 2700 mm Max Static Linear Load - Drive Drum 30.5 kg/cm Max Static Linear Load - guide drum 21.8 kg/cm Operating Weight - standard 10000 kg Spray Water Capacity 370 L Attachments Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 69 Specification Template: Pneumatic Roller Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Gross Power Specify minimum requirements 67.1 kw Number of Cylinders 4 Power Measured (rpm) 2100 rpm Ground Clearance 250 mm Wheelbase 3800 mm Average Weight per Wheel 1900 kg Weights Operating Weight - standard 15400 kg Operational Average Weight per Wheel 1800 kg Operating Weight - standard 12900 kg Water Spray Tank Fluid Capacity 350 L Engine Dimensions Attachments Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 70 Specification Template: Truck Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Drivetrain Drive Specify minimum requirements 4x2 Dimensions Chassis Emissions Attachments Power - kW 110 Torque - Nm 400 Transmission 6 speed auto GCM - kg 7300 GVM - kg 6700 Tare - kg 2400 Wheel Base - mm 3430 Brakes ABS 9 with EBD - Electronic Brake force Distribution Category Rigid Front Axle 3100 Front Suspension Independent with adjustable torsion bar anchored to the chassis integrated with double-acting telescopic shock absorbers and anti-roll bar Rear Axle 5200 Rear Suspension Leaf springs Emission Control Standard ADR 80/03 Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 71 Specification Template: Cab and Chassis Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Engine Gross Power Specify minimum requirements 227.4 kw Dimensions Number of Rear Axles 1 Weight Class 8 Length from Back of Cab to End of Frame 2500 mm Overall Length 5257.8 mm Total Chassis Weight 5200 kg Total GVW 15800 kg Wheelbase 3200 mm Wheelbase Attachments Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 72 Specification Template: Grader Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Engine MAX POWER Specify minimum requirements 108 kw Number of Cylinders 6 Transmission Power Shift Blade Base 2500 mm Tandem Axle Wheelbase 1500 mm Wheelbase 5900 mm Blade tip angle – front 36 degrees Blade tip angle – rear 5 degrees Diameter 1500 mm Max reach outside tyres -left 1700 mm Max reach outside tyres -right 1800 mm Rotation 360 degrees Front Axle Oscillation - Total 30 degrees Moldboard Blade Pull at Max Weight 12000 kg Max Depth of Cut 500 mm MOLDBOARD WIDTH 3600 mm Side Shift Left 500 mm Side Shift Right 660 mm Max Operation Weight - Total 20200 kg Std Operation Weight - Total 12300 kg Dimensions Circle Operational Attachments Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 73 Specification Template: Skid Steer Attribute Details Engine Gross Power 108 kw Number of Cylinders 6 Ground clearance 170 mm Reach at Max Lift and Dump 310 mm Turning Radius from centre – incl. bucket 1500 mm Turning Radius from centre – machine rear 1400 mm Wheelbase 1000 mm Bucket out Force 1700 kg Bucket Capacity 0.40 m3 Tipping Load 1300 kg Chain Box Fluid Capacity – each side 5L Cooling System fluid capacity 10 L Max Speed 10 km/h Operational Weight 1680 kg Dimensions Loader Operational Attachments Specification Instructions Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 74 Examples Specification Template : Wheel Loader: Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Engine Gross Power Specify minimum requirements 100 kw Number of Cylinders 4 Gross Power 240 kw Net Power 230 kw Reach at Max Lift and Dump 1000 mm Wheelbase 2600 mm Breakout Force 100 kN Bucket Capacity - heaped 1.4 m3 Bucket Capacity - struck 1.2 m3 Dump Clearance at Max Raise 2600 mm Operating Weight 10000 kg Turning Radius 5100 mm Hydraulic System Pump Type dual, vane-type tandem Transmission TYPE 3 elements, single-stage, single phase Dimensions Bucket Operational Attachments Provide specific details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 75 Specification Template : Backhoe Loader Attribute Engine Hydraulic System Transmission Dimensions Backhoe Loader Operational Attachments Details Specification Instructions Examples Displacement Specify minimum requirements 4 L Gross Power 58.2 kw Net Power 55.9 kw Number of Cylinders 4 Pump Flow Capacity 124 L/min Pump Type twin gear Max Speed Forward 32.8 km/h Max Speed Reverse 32.8 km/h Number of Forward Gears 4 Number of Reverse Gears 4 Ground Clearance 297 mm Wheelbase 2100 mm Bucket Dig Force 5307 kg Dig Depth 4240 mm Load at Max Lift 1584 kg Load Height 3483 mm Reach at Load Height 1764 mm Bucket Breakout Force 40.2 kN Bucket Capacity 0.76 m3 Bucket Width 2262 mm Clearance at Max Dump Height 2740 mm Dig Depth 105 mm Lift Capacity at Full Height 2621.8 kg Reach at Max Dump Height 730 mm Fuel Capacity 128 L Provide specific details and requirements to each attribute Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 76 Specification Template: Excavator Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Engine Gross Power Specify minimum requirements 85 kw Net Power 78 kw Number of Cylinders 4 Boom/Stick Option 15'1 (4600mm) Boom / 6'3 (1900mm) Stick Max Cutting Height 8000 mm Max Digging Depth 5000 mm Max Loading Height 5600 mm Max Reach Along Ground 7600 mm Max Vertical Wall Digging Depth 4400 mm Maximum Bucket Capacity 0.71 m3 Minimum Bucket Capacity 0.23 m3 Swing Mechanism Swing Speed 13.6 rpm Undercarriage Ground Pressure 35.3 kPa Boom/Stick Option Buckets Attachments Specify details and requirements to each attribute. Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 77 Specification Template: 4WD and 2WD Tractor Attribute Details Specification Instructions Examples Engine Gross Power Specify minimum requirements 61.1 kw Power Measured (rpm) 2200 rpm Number of Cylinders 4 Transmission Type Powershift speeds 6 Dimensions Ground Clearance 535 mm Wheelbase 1900 mm Operating Weight 1585 kg Operational Attachments Specify details and requirements to each attribute Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Others Page 78 RFT PART 6 – TENDERER RESPONSE Drafting Note: The following can be used as a Tenderer Response Template: ¡ Tender Form: Tenderer’s ID and offer ¡ Tender Response Schedules, including as standard: • pricing schedules; • questions and responses to the evaluation criteria; • any other commitments. TENDER FORM Full Legal Name Trading Name Entity Status (e.g. Partnership, Company etc.) ACN number Australian Business Number (ABN) If registered for GST, please enclose copy of registration. Registered Office/Business Address If a sole trader or partnership, the names and addresses of the individual members Tender Contact Person Position/Title Telephone/Mobile No Facsimile No E-mail address By submitting this Tender, the Tenderer warrants that: 1. the offer is in accordance with the RFT Conditions of Tendering, General Conditions of Contract and Specifications 2. the Tender amounts are those stated in Schedule 2: Pricing. Name ___________________________________________ Position* ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______ /_______ /_______ * Must be an Authorised Officer of the corporate entity making the Submission. Page 79 TENDER RESPONSE SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 1: MANDATORY CRITERIA Drafting Note: Add to Schedule 1 any mandatory evaluation criteria and associated instructions. 1. Mandatory Criterion 1, Satisfactory OH&S Hazard Assessment: Provide the Risk Analysis of the operation of the Item of Plant being offered below or indicate if the analysis has been supplied as an attachment. SCHEDULE 2: PRICING SCHEDULE 1. Base Unit Cost GST Exclusive GST Inclusive Brand Name: Model Reference: Built Date and Location: Base Unit Cost excluding Trade-in and Extras listed below: Trade-In: <please insert specified unit ID> Discounts (if the trade-in equipment is sold separately): Net Turnover Amount: Delivery Time from Order Date: Location for Viewing and Field Testing of Equipment 2. Base Unit Information Drafting Note: Copy contents from the Specification Section to the table below. Attribute Requirements Specification and Offer Details (Please also submit equipment brochure and technical data.) Engine Dimensions Other attributes other than Operational Operational Page 80 3. Other Features, Fittings and Requirements Drafting Note: Copy contents from the Specification Section to the table below. Requirements Specification & Offer Details Extra cost above the base unit cost (GST Exclusive) Attachments Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Training Registration Warranty Standard Warranty Extended Warranty Warranty of fitouts by subcontractors 4. Can machine be serviced at any time by council without affecting warranty? If “No”, please provide details. Consumables and Services Information Drafting Note: Modify contents as necessary to suit the equipment. Tyres Recommended replacement cycle. Please state Km-based or Hours-based. Average cost per tyre Fuel Fuel Type Fuel Consumption. Please state Km-based or Hours-based. Total CO2 emissions Oil Is oil sampling mandatory or optional? Sampling types, frequencies and cost (GST exclusive) Oil Consumption. Please state Km-based or Hours-based. Services/Parts Frequency 1 Recommended servicing frequencies Service costs including travel costs Services included in the offer Page 81 Frequency 2 Frequency 3 Proposed Services Locations Proposed Parts Locations After Hours Support Details 5. Resale Information Resale Value 5 years $ Approximate resale value (GST inclusive) Page 82 7 years $ 10 years $ Drafting Note: The following is an example of the Pricing Schedule response forms prepared for a Static Roller. This example has been provided to show how you may modify the template tables for a released RFT. Static Roller – Offer 1. Base Unit Cost GST Exclusive Brand Name: Model Reference: Built Date and Location: Base Unit Cost excluding Trade-in and Extras listed below: Trade-In: <please insert specified unit ID> Discounts (if the trade-in equipment is sold separately): Net Turnover Amount: Delivery Time from Order Date: 2. Base Unit Information Attribute Requirements Engine Specification and Offer Details. (Please also submit equipment brochure and technical data.) Gross Power Number of Cylinders Power Measured Dimensions Drum Diameter – Front Drum Diameter – Rear Wheelbase Weights Max Static Linear Load - Drive Drum Max Static Linear Load - Guide Drum Operating Weight – standard Operational GST Inclusive Spray Water Capacity Page 83 3. Other Features, Fittings and Requirements Requirements Specification and Offer Details Attachments Cabin Safety Environmental Technologies Training Registration Warranty Standard Warranty Extended Warranty Warranty of fitouts by subcontractors Can machine be serviced at any time by council without affecting warranty? If “No”, please provide details. 4. Consumables and Services Information Tyres Recommended replacement cycle. Please state Km-based or Hours-based. Average cost per tyre Fuel Fuel Type Fuel Consumption. Please state Km-based or Hours-based. Total CO2 emissions Oil Is oil sampling mandatory or optional? Sampling types, frequencies and cost (GST exclusive) Oil Consumption. Please state Km-based or Hours-based. Page 84 Extra cost above the base unit cost (GST Exclusive) Services/Parts Can machine be serviced at any time by council without affecting warranty? If “No”, please provide details. Frequency 1 Frequency 2 Frequency 3 7 years $ 10 years $ Recommended servicing frequencies Service costs including travel costs Services included in the offer Proposed Services Locations and details Proposed Parts Locations and Details 5. Resale Information Resale Value 5 years $ Approximate resale value (GST inclusive) 6. WorkCover WorkCover Registration No#: 7. Insurances: Types Public Liability Third Party Property (Service Provision Vehicles) Professional Indemnity Provider Policy Number Page 85 Insured Amount Expiry Date SCHEDULE 3: SUPPORTING INFORMATION Please provide the following information in response to this RFT: 1. OH&S Management System Questionnaire (to be submitted with the tender) Yes/No 1.1 Is there a written company health and safety policy Y/N? If “Yes” provide a copy of the policy with the tender. 1.2 Does the company have an OHS Management System certified by a recognised independent authority (e.g. SafetyMAP) Y/N? If “Yes” provide evidence of certification with the tender. 1.3 Is there a company OHS Management System manual or plan Y/N? If “Yes” provide a copy of the content page with the tender. 2. Provide a summary of the key OH&S features of the operational functions of your tendered equipment in the response box below. 3. OH&S Management System Questionnaire (to be submitted post tender when requested) Yes/No 1. OHS Policy and Management 1.1 Is there a written company health and safety policy? If “Yes” provide a copy of the policy with the tender. Comments: 1.2 Does the company have an OH&S management System certified by a recognised independent authority (e.g. SafetyMAP)? If “Yes” provide details. 1.3 Is there a company OH&S Management System manual or plan? If “Yes” provide a copy of contents page. Comments: Page 86 Yes/No 1.4 Are health and safety responsibilities clearly identified for all levels of staff? If “Yes” provide details: 2. Safe Work Practices and Procedures 2.1 Has the company prepared safe operating procedures or specific safety instructions relevant to its operations? If “Yes”, provide a summary listing of procedures or instructions. Comments: 2.2 Does the company have any permit to work systems? If “Yes”, provide a summary listing or permits: 2.3 Is there a documented incident investigation procedure? If “Yes” provide a copy of a standard incident report form. 2.4 Are there procedures for maintaining, inspecting and assessing the hazards of plant operated/owned by the company? If “Yes”, provide details: 2.5 Are there procedures of storing and handling hazardous substances? If “Yes”, provide details: 2.6 Are there procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling risks associated with manual handling? If “Yes”, provide details: 3. OH&S Training 3.1 Describe how health and safety training is conducted in your company. 3.2 Is a record maintained of all training and induction programs undertaken for employees in your company? If “Yes”, prove examples of safety training records: 4. Health and Safety Workplace Inspection 4.1 Are regular health and safety inspections at worksites undertaken? If “Yes”, provide details: Page 87 Yes/No 4.2 Are standard workplace inspection checklists used to conduct health and safety inspections? If “Yes”, provide details or examples: 4.3 Is there a procedure by which employees can report hazards at workplaces? If “Yes”, provide details: 5. Health and Safety Consultation 5.1 Is there a workplace health and safety committee? 5.2 Are employees involved in decision making over OH&S matters? If “Yes”, please provide details: 5.3 Are there employee-elected health and safety representatives? Comments: 6. OH&S Performance Monitoring 6.1 Is there a system for recording and analysing health and safety performance statistics? If “Yes”, provide details: 6.2 Are employees regularly provided with information on company health and safety performance? If “Yes”, provide details: 6.3 Has the company ever been convicted of an occupational health and safety offence? If “Yes”, provide details: Page 88