MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 1. YEAR MATH 101 Calculus I (4+0) 4: Coordinates, Lines, Circle, Functions and graphing, trigonometric functions, Limits, İntuitively and with an idea of how they can be formalized, İncluding limits at infinity and infinite limits, Trigonometric limits, Derivatives, Chain rule, Leibniz notation, Higher order derivatives, implicit differentiation, Related rates, Approximations, Applications of the derivative, Graph sketching, Maxima and Minima, Antiderivatives, Indefinite integrals and introduction to differential equations, Sums, areas and the definite integral, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Usubstitution, Applications of the integral: areas and volumes. Text Book: Stewart, J. (2000). Calculus: Concepts and Contexts (2nd ed.), Brooks/Cole Publishing. PHYS 103 Physics I (3+2) 4: Physics and measurement, Vectors, Motion in one dimension, Motion in two dimension, Circular motion and other applications of Newton’s Laws, Work and energy, potential energy and conservation of energy, Linear momentum, Collisions, Equilibrium of rigid bodies and problem solving Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Physics for Scientists and Engineers 8e ISE with Modern Physics Isbn: 9781439048757 Fen ve Mühendislik için Fizik I, R. A. Serway et al, Palme Press, 2002 (Translation editor: K. Çolakoğlu) Isbn: 9758624229 TURK 101 Turkish I (2+0) 2: What is language? The significance of language in the social systems, particularly at nation level. Relationships between culture and language. The status of Turkish among the world languages and areas of dissemination. Vowels in Turkish and classification. Phonetic principles in Turkish. Syllables in Turkish. Rules of spelling and punctuation and practical applications. AIIT 101 Principles of Atatürk and the Revolution History I (2+0) 2: Revolutionary movements during the end of the 19th century in the Ottoman Empire and an overview of the Ottoman Empire in the beginning of the 20th century. The first and the second Constitutionalist Periods. Tripoli and Balkan wars. General overview of the World War I with a special emphasis on the Battles in the Dardanelles. The political consequences of Mondros Armistice on the Ottoman rule, and the events MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT and developments until May 19th, 1919. Mustafa Kemal, his upbringing, the environment around him and his character. Preparation for the Independence War. Start of the Independence Movement; Mustafa Kemal’s arrival to Samsun, Erzurum and Sivas Congresses. Inauguration of The Great National Assembly. The establishment of Great National Assembly Government. Domestic disturbances during the 1920’s. CSE 151 Computer Programming I (2+2) 3: Basic programming concepts using C language. Programming environment, rules of code writing. Structured program development in C. Basic data types, variables, values. Control Statements: looping, branching. Arithmetic, relational and logical operators. Formatted input/output. Functionsunctions, parameter passing to f. Program organization; style, iteration, scope rules, recursion. Arrays, 2-D arrays and brief introduction to sorting. Strings. Text Book: Lecture notes prepared by the instructor C Primer Plus (5th Edition), Stephan Prata Reference Book: C How to Program : Harvey M. Deitel - Paul J. Deitel Programming in C with Numerical Methods for Engineers, KAMAL B. Rojiani ENG 101 Academic Writing and Speaking Skills I (1+2) 2: This course aims to teach students how to read both print and online material with better understanding. Students also learn essential skills to communicate information and ideas clearly, creatively, and effectively through writing. In class, students will read and discuss technical and occupational texts and learn to read and think more critically. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of modern technology for strategic reading and writing tasks, including brainstorming ideas with an authentic purpose by doing email exchanges and weblogs etc. Text Book: Academic Writing, A Practical Guide for Students,Bailey Stephen EEE 102 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2+0) 2: Conductors and insulating materials. The technology of semiconductor. The main characteristics of the semiconductors. Printed circuit techniques in engineering with some popular packet programs. Transmission line conductors and underground cables. Resistively and resistivity, conductance and conductivity. Calculation of current carrying capacity of conductors and cables. Heating in cables. Fuses. Insulators. Insulated conductors and pipes used in internal installation. Internal circuits and their installation methods. Switches and applications. Lighting armatures. Electric meters. Security concept in electrical installations. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MATH 102 Calculus II (4+0) 4: Methods of integration, Integration by parts, Reduction formulas, Partial fraction expansion, Taylor’s formula and infinite series, Taylor polynomials, The remainder term, Convergence of Taylor series, Complex numbers and complex exponentials, Argument and absolute value, Differential equations and applications, Vectors, Parametric equations for lines and planes, Vector functions and parametrized curves, Graphs in cartesian and in polar coordinates Text Book: Stewart, J. (2000). Calculus: Concepts and Contexts (2nd ed.), Brooks/Cole Publishing. PHYS 104 Physics II (3+2) 4: Electric fields, Gauss’law, Electric potential, Capacitance and dielectrics, Current and resistance, Direct-current circuits, magnetic fields, Sources ofmagnetic field, Faraday’s law, Inductance, Alternating-current circuits, Electromagnetic waves. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Physics for Scientists and Engineers 8e ISE with Modern Physics Isbn: 9781439048757 Fen ve Mühendislik için Fizik I, R. A. Serway et al, Palme Press, 2002 (Translation editor: K. Çolakoğlu) Isbn: 9758624229 TURK 102 Turkish I (2+0) 2: The features of Turkish language, phonetics, vocabulary, clauses, spelling and punctuation, writing skills AITT 102 Principles Of Ataturk And The Revolution History -II (2+0) 2: Plans for disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Paris Conference. Military occupation of İzmir. Internal affairs and minorities. Çerkez Ethem Revolt. First and second İnönü Battles. Eskişehir and Kütahya Battles. Sakarya War and its results. Kars and Ankara Treaties. The Great Raid. Mudanya Armistice and its importance. Lausanne Conference and its importance. Political, juridical, social, cultural, educational revolutions. Transition to democracy. Economical development of the Republic of Turkey: the early years. Turkish foreign policy. Armenian problem. World War II and Turkey. Principles of Atatürk. CSE 152 Computer Programming II (2+2) 3: Pointers, pointer-based memory manipulation. File processing, sequencial-access files, random-access files. Structures and other data forms. Bitwise operators. Introduction to Matlab, commands frequently used in Matlab, variable definition and some special functions, reading and writing with format, graphics, matrix and vectors operation. Text Book: Lecture notes prepared by the instructor C Primer Plus (5th Edition), Stephan Prata MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Reference Books: C How to Program : Harvey M. Deitel - Paul J. Deitel Programming in C with Numerical Methods for Engineers, KAMAL B. Rojiani ENG 102 Academic Writing and Speaking Skills II (1+2) 2: This course aims to teach students how to read both print and online material with better understanding. Students also learn essential skills to communicate information and ideas clearly, creatively, and effectively through writing. In class, students will read and discuss technical and occupational texts and learn to read and think more critically. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of modern technology for strategic reading and writing tasks, including brainstorming ideas with an authentic purpose by doing email exchanges and weblogs etc. Text Book: Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering ve Academic Connections 3 MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2. YEAR EEE 201 Circuit Theory I (3+2) 4: Review of current, voltage and resistance, Ohm's law, power and energy. Series-parallel dc circuits. Controlled sources. Methods of d.c. circuit analysis; mesh and nodal analysis. Multi-terminal components and terminal equations. DC network theorems. Two-port parameters. Capacitors, operational amplifiers. Magnetic circuits and inductors. DC analysis of RLC circuits. DC meters. EEE 203 Electromagnetic Fields (3+0) 3: Vectors, Coulomb`s Law and electric field, Gauss`s Law and divergence, electric potential and energy, current and conductors, dielectrics and capacitance, Poisson`s and Laplace`s equations, Magneto-statics, Biot- Savart law, Ampere`s law, Stokes theorem, magnetic forces, magnetic materials, inductance, magnetic induction and Faraday`s law, Maxwell`s equations. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Engineering Electromagnetics, 7e William H. Hayt. ISBN:0071244492 Engineering Electromagnetics, Umran Inan ISBN: 9780805344233 Mühendislik Elektromanyetiğinin Temelleri, David Cheng ISBN: 9758982990 MATH 201 Probability and Statistic (3+0) 3: Probability, random variable, variance,covariance Point Estimation of parameters, Statistical Intervals for a single sample, tests of hypotheses,Regression and Correlations. Text Book: “Introduction to Probablity” by Dimitri B and John N.T. Reference Books: Jean Jacod and Phillip Protter “Probability Essentials”, Springer, 2nd Edition, (2003) MATH 203 Engineering Mathematics I (4+0) 4: Vectors and vector spaces, Matrices, Rank, Solutions of Linear Equations, Cramer’s method, Deterninant and inverse of a matrix, Eigenvalue and eigenvector, Similarity transformatin and diagonalization, State-space equations and solutions, Difference equations and solutions, Complex numbers, Complex variable functions, limit, contiunity. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyszig, John Wiley, New York, 2006 MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Reference Books: Calculus, C.H. Edwards and D.E Penney Calculus for Engineers, D. Trim Calculus with Analytic Geomentry, R.A. Silvermen ENG 201 Academic Writing and Presentation Skills I (2+0) 2: This course explores the expectations of academic writing, and the features that make academic discourse and argumentation unique. This is done by analyzing sample texts, papers in the students' own disciplines, and the students' own writing. Second, through in-class and homework tasks students practice language skills and specific academic research and writing skills, so that the features of academic writing become clearer and more manageable. Finally, they get some guidance as to general intelligibility in written English (grammar, clarity, coherence, etc.). Presentation course is for students who want to learn about making successful presentations. This course will look at some of the common pitfalls that presenters are faced with, and how to overcome them. Upon the successful completion of this course, the learner will: be able to plan and develop a presentation, know and understand the main principle of speaking, know how to involve the audience in their presentation, be able to use visuals effectively, learn to use PowerPoint effectively, and enjoy the experience of giving a presentation. Text Book: Academic Writing, A Practical Guide for Students,Bailey Stephen EEE 202 Circuit Theory-II (3+0) 3: Magnetic coupled circuits, characteristics of frequency, two ports circuits, Laplace transform, laplace transform applied to circuit analyses. Circuit synthesis problem, positive-reel functions one-port passive circuit synthesis, two ports passive circuits synthesis, filter functions and approximation problem. EEE 204 Signals and Systems (3+0) 3: Mathematical representation of continuous and discrete time signals. Types and properties of systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. Impulse response of continuous and discrete time signals. Convolution sum and integral. Representations of causal LTI systems using differantial and difference equations. Fourier series representation of periodic signals. Filtering and continuous and discrete time filters, description of filters using differantial and difference equations, finite and infinite impulse response filters (FIR and IIR filters). Fourier transform of periodic and aperiodic signals and transform properties. Text Book: Signals and Systems, AV Oppenheim, AS Willsky, SH Nawab, Prentice Hall, 1997. Reference Books: Signals and Systems, MJ Roberts, McGraw-Hill, 2004. Sinyaller ve Sistemler (Turkish translation), Hwei P. Hsu, Schaum Series, McGraw-Hill, 1995. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EEE 206 Digital Design (3+2) 4: Number systems, operations and codes. Conversion between number systems. Logic gates. Boolean Algebra and logic simplification. Boolean functions. Simplification methods. Analysis and implementation of combinational logic circuits. Functions of combinational logic: adders, subtractors, comparators, decoders, encoders, code convertors, multiplexers (data selectors), demultiplexers (data distrubuters). Sequential logic. Two state logic. Latches, flip-flops. master slave and edge triggered flip-flops. Monostable and astable circuits. Asychronous counters, synchronous counters. Finite state machines, implementation of Finite state machines. TTL and CMOS Logic device families. Shift registers; Memory elements and programmable logic: ROM, RAM, PLA, PAL, CPLD, FPGA. Register transfer and micro operations. Parallal transfer, serial transfer. Bus design, bus transfer, memory transfer, arithmetic, logic and shift micro operations. Processor design. Arithmetic circuit design. Logic circuit design. Accumulator design. Digital to Analog convertors. Analog to Digital convertors. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Thomas L. Floyd. Digital Fundamentals, 9th or 10th Edition. Prentice Hall M. Morris Mano, Digital design, 2nd or 3rd Edition. Lessons in Electric Circuits: Volume IV: DIGITAL Hüseyin Ekiz, Mantık Devreleri, Sayısal Elektronik, Değişim Yayınları. Murat UZAM, PICBIT_PLC ile Lojik Tasarım, Birsen Yayınevi, 2008 MATH 204 Engineering Mathematics II (4+0) 4: First-order differential equations, Second-order differential equations, Second-order differential equations and high-order differential equations, Analytical functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations; Complex number series, Complex integrations, Cauchy-Riemann Theorem, Caucy Integral Theorem and applications, Taylor and Laurent series, Residues and poles, Fourier series, transformation and applications Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyszig, John Wiley, New York, 2006 Reference Books: Calculus, C.H. Edwards and D.E Penney Calculus for Engineers, D. Trim Calculus with Analytic Geomentry, R.A. Silvermen MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENG 202 Academic Writing and Presentation Skills II (2+0) 2: This course explores the expectations of academic writing, and the features that make academic discourse and argumentation unique. This is done by analyzing sample texts, papers in the students' own disciplines, and the students' own writing. Second, through in-class and homework tasks students practice language skills and specific academic research and writing skills, so that the features of academic writing become clearer and more manageable. Finally, they get some guidance as to general intelligibility in written English (grammar, clarity, coherence, etc.). Presentation course is for students who want to learn about making successful presentations. This course will look at some of the common pitfalls that presenters are faced with, and how to overcome them. Upon the successful completion of this course, the learner will: be able to plan and develop a presentation, know and understand the main principle of speaking, know how to involve the audience in their presentation, be able to use visuals effectively, learn to use PowerPoint effectively, and enjoy the experience of giving a presentation. . Text Book: Academic Writing, A Practical Guide for Students,Bailey Stephen MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3. YEAR EEE 300 Internship Project-I (0+0) 0: Summer intership is 20-workdays and it is applied after the forth semester. EEE 301 Electronics-I (3+2) 4: Basic semiconductor concept. Physical electronics. Physics of P-N diodes. Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). Field effect transistors (FETs). Transistor biasing and small signal models. Unijunction transistors (UJTs). P-N-P-N switching devices. Negative resistance microwave devices. Lasers. Introduction to electronic circuit analysis using SPICE. Climber, Clipper, Rectifiers, transistor parameters. photoresistors and applications, Common collector amplifiers, emitter mounted amplifiers, logic gate circuits, FETs, voltage regulators, OPAMPs applications (741) EEE 303 Communication Systems (3+2) 4: Mathematical representation of message signals. Amplitude and angle modulation techniques: Amplitude modulation, double sideband, single sideband, vestigial sideband modulation, frequency modulation. Superheterodyne receivers. Phase locked loops. Frequency division multiplexing. Noise in amplitude and frequency modulation systems. EEE 305 Control Systems (3+0) 3: Review of the mathematical system modeling. The concept of feedback; block diagrams, flow graphs. System performance specifications. Stability of linear feedback control systems by using Routh criterion, root-locus method and Nyquist criterion. Nichols chart. Design of compensators. Sensitivity. EEE 307 Microcontrollers (3+2) 4: Microprocessors, microcontrollers, PIC hardware features, PIC16F877A microcontroller, hardware features of 8 bit microcontrollers, PIC assembly programming language, PIC programming, Microcontroller instruction set, programming techniques, Problem solving algorithms. Application examples; Inputs/outputs, subroutines, time delay functions, seven segment display, keypad scanning, DC motor control, step motor control, temperature control and LCD display, analog to digital and digital to analog conversions. Algorithms, flowcharts and machine language program lists. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Mikrodenetleyiciler ve PIC Programlama, Orhan Altınbaşak, Altaş Basım Yayım Dağıtım, 2000. PICBIT_PLC ile Lojik Tasarım, Murat Uzam, Birsen Yayınevi, 2008. PIC Mikrokontrolör Öğreniyorum, Doğan İbrahim, Bileşim Yayınevi, 2005. The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller, Sid Katzen, Springer Verlag, 2000. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EEE 302 Electronics-II (3+2) 4: Small signal parameters for transistors; r-pi and hybrid equivalent circuits. Common emiter, common base and common collector amplifiers. Cascade and Darlington circuits. High frequency response for transistors. H-pi model parameters and amplifier circuits. Examining FET and MOSFET; relationship between current and voltage; small signal model; examining common source and comman drain at low and high frequency; response of an amplifier circuit and the factor that affect of this response. Cascade amplifiers for high frequency and feedback. Amplifiers with feedback. Voltage-serial, current- serial, voltage-parallel, current-parallel circuits. Sinusoidal oscillators. Phase shifting, resonance circuits, crystals etc..basic OPAMPS circuits and applications EEE 304 Electric Machinery-I (3+2) 4: Examining of single phase transformers, working in open and short circuit, reducing from secondary magnitudes to primary magnitudes in transformers which are working under load,values of voltage and variation of voltage on transformer, parallel operating of transformer with Hahnenmann chart, autotransformers, current,voltage and power relations on three phase transformers, description of asynchronous machinery, voltages of rotor and stator, rotating field equivalence circuit, phasor charts, circle charts and characteristics. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 4. YEAR EEE 400 Internship Project-II (0+0) 0: Summer intership is 20-workdays and it is applied after the sixth semester. EEE 401 Graduation Project I (0+4) 2: Students taking this course conduct detailed investigation of a topic of interest or design and/or construct a device under the direction of an instructor. A written report and the presentation of the topic investigated is required at the end of semester. EEE 402 Graduation Project II (0+4) 2: Students taking this course conduct detailed investigation of a topic of interest or design and/or construct a device under the direction of an instructor. A written report and the presentation of the topic investigated is required at the end of semester. ENGR 403 Project Management (2+0) 2: Introduction to Project Management, Project Life Cycle, Project Management Processes, Forms of Organization, Project Start and Project Requirements, Project Plan, Business Distribution Tree, Risk Management, Cost Estimating, Calendar Creation, Resource Allocation, Project Enforcement; Team Structure and the Human Dimension of the Project control, Change Management, Configuration Management, Progress Measurement and control, Earned Value Management, Assessment, Project Closure. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COURSES (TECHNICAL ELECTIVES) Microwave Theory (3+0) 3: Review of Electromagnetic wave theory. Frequency and time domain analysis of transmission lines. Rectangular and circular wave guides. Equivalent circuit analysis of microwave systems. Impedance transformation and matching techniques. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Foundations for Microwave Engineering, R. E. Collin. Microwave Engineering, David M. Pozar, 2005. Microwave Engineering- Passive Circuits, P. A. Rizzi. Lighting Project (3+0) 3: Light theories. Eye, sensitivity and vision types. Light reflection, absorption and transmission phenomenon. Definition of lighting terms. Lighting methods. Internal lighting systems and calculations. Pre-project preparation fundamentals. Feeder, column and main-column line formation. Fundamentals of practical application project preparations. Low power-factor correction methods in internal installations. Voltage-drop calculation for lighting systems. External lighting calculations. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: M. ÖZKAYA Lighting Techniques, İTU Electrical-Electronics Faculty İ. KAŞIKÇI M.BAYRAM TSE Turkish Governmental Regulations for Internal Electrical Installations. Projection of Low Voltage Electrical Installations. Security in Electrical Installations. Electromechanic Energy Conversion (3+0) 3: Introducing energy engineering. Electromagnetic systems and basic laws of electromagnetic systems. Innovation of electrical machines. Electromechanical systems Examples for electromechanical systems and analyzing methods. Reluctance motor co-energy concept. Transformers.One phase and three phase transformers. Introducing rotary electrical machines. Diagrams for magnetomotor-force. Basics of rotary field. Generalized machines and primitive machines. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Electric Machines, G.R. Slemon, A Straughen. Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, P.C. Sen, John Wiley & Sons. S.J.Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals. Digital Communications (3+0) 3: Introduction to digital signaling, dealing with noise in a digital system. PAM, PCM, DPCM, PWM, PPM, OOL, BPSK, TSK, OPSK and M-ary PSK, QAM; MPSK and QAM modulations and their power spectral density functions. Sampling, quantization, coding, bit synchronizing, spectral efficient, ISI. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Communication Systems Engineering, J. G. Proakis, M. Salehi. Communication Systems, S. Haykin. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B. P. Lathi. Antennas And Propagation (3+0) 3: Antenna Parameters. Wire typed Antennas. Radiation from Aperture Antennas. Antenna Arrays. Feed systems for Short, Medium, Long Waves and Microwaves. Energy Transfer Between Antennas. Ground Wave and Sky Wave Propagation. Satellite Communications. Introduction to Radar Systems. Digital Signal Processing (3+0) 3: Discrete time signals and systems. Z transforms and applications. Spectrum analyzing analog signals. Sampling. Discrete Fourier transforms and FFT. Digital filter design. FIR and IIR filter design. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: S. S. Soliman, M. D. Srinath, Continious and discreate signals and systems, Prentice-Hall, 1998. Electric Machines II (3+0) 3: Structure of dc machinery, armature reaction, commutation and characteristics, transient state in dc machinery, losses and efficiency in electric machinery, Synchronous machines. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: S.J.Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals. A.E. Fitzgerald,, Electric Machinery, 1983. G.R.Slemon, Electric Machines and Drives. Power Generation And Transmission (3+0) 3: General description of energy systems. Producing, transferring and consuming the energy. Energy sources. Electrical characteristics for transformers and generators. Reasons of transmitting the energy with high voltage. Differences between AC transmission and DC transmission. RLC parameters for energy transmission lines. Short and long line equivalent circuits. Loading limits. Compensation. Deflection of transmission lines. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Elements of power system analysis: William D. Stevenson,1981. Power System Analysis: John J. Grainger and William D. Stevenson, 1994. Power system analysis: Hadi. Saadat, 2004. High Voltage Techniques (3+0) 3: I-V characteristic of gases. Electron emission processes. Ionization and deionization. Townsend and Streamer breakdown mechanisms. : Breakdown in electronegative gases. Corona discharges and loses. Breakdown mechanisms in solid and liquid insulations. Generation of A.C. D.C. and impulse voltages. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals: E. Kuffel and W. S. Zaengl. High Voltage Engineering: E. Kuffel and M. M. Abdullah. Facility Management (3+0) 3: Relation between frugality economy and other sciences, establishment of administration, productivity. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VLSI Circuit Design (3+0) 3: Production techniques of ICs., Operational Amplifiers integrated circuit analyze, Analog processing blocs, Signal generator IC elements and experiment circuits, IC voltage regulators, IC Norton amplifiers, Operational transient conductivity amplifier, Digital signal processing, IC elements and their theories. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Numerical Methods (3+0) 3: Numerical error analysis, roots of equations, linear algebraic equations, curve fittings, numerical differentiation and integration, ordinary differential equations, eigenvalue, and eigenvectors. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Numerical Methods For Engineers S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale. Applied Numerical Methods for Digital Computation M. L. James and G. M. Smith J. C. Wolford, Harper Collins. Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab L.V. Fausett. Hardware Description Language (3+0) 3: Introduction to hardware description languages, Schematic hardware description, Verilog and VHDL. VHDL code architecture, Library, entitiy and architecture. Operators, WHEN, GENERATE, BLOCK. PROCESS, IF, WAIT, CASE, LOOP. Signals and variables: ONSTANT, SIGNAL and VARIABLE. State machines. FPGA. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic : Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design. Enoch Hwang : Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL Electromagnetic Waves (3+0) 3: Maxwell’s equations in time and frequency domains, Electromagnetic Energy and Power, Wave Equation, Uniform Plane Waves, Reflection Transmission and Refraction. Introduction to Transmission Lines. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Industrial Control Systems (3+0) 3: Classical control circuit elements: contactors, relays, power MELİKŞAH UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE FACULTY ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT switches, time relays. Driving AC motors via contactors. Two way direction control of motors. Application circuits, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Comparison of PLCs and classical control circuits. CPU and Memory, I/O facilities and hardware, Dimensions of PLCs, System software, Programming PLCs, Application examples. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods and Applications, John R. Hackworth and Fredrick R. Hackworth Jr., Prentice Hall, Har/Com edition, 2003, 320 pages, ISBN: 0130607185. Programmable Controllers: An Engineer’s Guide, Brian Holdsworth, Clive Woods, Newness, Third Edition, 2003, 429 pages, ISBN: 0 7506 5757 X. Klockner Moeller – EASY 412 Programmable Mini – PLCs User Manual. Energy Distribution (3+0) 3: Properties of electrical energy and energy distribution systems. Line constants and calculation methods. Fundamentals of line conductor cross-section determinations. Lines loaded from a point. Energy distribution networks. Lines loaded with point loads and their crosssection calculations. Distributed loads and power densities. Cross-section calculations on compact and distributed load lines. Determination of transformation locations, and calculations of powers. Towers, calculation of side-wing. Forces and determination of tower types. Preparation fundamentals of low voltage energy distribution network projects. Text Book: The Lecture notes which is prepared by the instructor. Reference Books: Faulkenberry L.M., Coffer W., Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission, 1995.