1. The seven Ps are fundamental for the Marketing 101. How would


Examination questions from Lab 6 to lab 9

From Lab 6


What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ACD (Activity centered design) and HCD

(human centered design)?


Norman said that the human mind is ever changing, if one should concentrate on the activity, how will the designer know which activity is most important, and what activity will be performed? Maybe HCD has to be involved anyway, if this is the way then what is the downside and upside with combining HCD and ACD?


How to prioritize different users when define the quality in use?


Norman tells us to listen to the users to take their complaints and critique seriously. But if we listen too much it might lead to overly complex design. Is there any way of being aware when you should stop listening in HCD? For Norman the only solution seems to be to use activity centered philosophy.

From Lab 7


The seven Ps are fundamental for the Marketing 101. How would you apply these seven Ps when marketing Facebook, a website with such a broad usability group?


Considering an internal group (IG) willing to apply a marketing strategy to promote their usability services, is this IG as free and objective as a LC or an EG to market, considering global strategies coming from top management and their own hindsight?


Kotler et al. (2002) identify four alternative fee-setting objectives. “The first, current profit maximization, results in the highest possible profit levels by setting price to maximize the difference between the consultant's expected revenue and the cost of delivering the service.” What should one think about in order to get a good estimation on the first of the alternative fee-setting objective?


How do you convince a company who say they are not in need of usability engineering that they could do better?

From Lab 8


Chapter one argues that natural sounds are richer in information compared to beeps.

When designing a product, how should a usability designer choose between natural sound and beeping signals? Discuss pros and cons of each choice.


When designing a new product, how can it be possible to see which feedback is good/bad feedback, and are there any methods or something else that can help to see if the good feedback really is necessary to satisfy the user for a specific product?


Discuss the pros and cons of developing technology (Smart Homes) that replaces normal human activities (such as driving, making meals etc). Does this really make us smarter, or does it inhibit our natural way of thinking and planning for ourselves?


The idea with automated homes is to help the people who live there. Can a house be too much automated? When is time to stop developing such a system that makes everything automated?
