SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (SCMIS) A CASE STUDY IN VAMCO (AXLE MANUFACTURING FACTORY) MOHAMMADREZA KHOEI A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Industrial Engineering) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University Technology Malaysia JULY 2010 iii Dedication page To my beloved mother and father. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians, and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis supervisor, Professor Dr. ASHRAF HAFIZ RADWAN, for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. Without his continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. v ABSTRAK Pasaran masakini yang semakin berdaya saing memerlukan kecekapan, tindakbalas segera, pantas, mudah untuk mengikuti perkembangan proses permintaan, berkeupayaan untuk berinteraktif dalam talian selama 24 jam dan 7 hari dan sebagainya. Bagi pengkaji, model ini menyediakan pendekatan antara displin untuk memahami keupayaan SCM IS. Dengan kajian lanjutan, model dan konsep ini juga boleh diadaptasi bagi penggunaan IS yang strategik. Pengguna boleh mencapai kefahaman yang lebih mendalam terhadap penggunaan SCM IS dan juga jangkaan keupayaan yang boleh diberikan oleh SCM IS di masa hadapan. Pengurusan sistem rantaian bekalan adalah sistem maklumat di antara syarikat yang menguruskan maklumat dan teknologi komunikasi dikalangan ahlinya seperti pelanggan, penjual, pembekal dan pengedar yang terlibat di dalam penggunaan dan pembekalan barangan atau servis. Syarikat kebiasaanya menggunakan portfolio sistem pengurusan rantaian bekalan di mana secara umumnya mengandungi sistem pengesan yang menghubungkan data elektronik, pakej pertukaran maklumat atau idea berdasarkan laman layar dan sesuatu kombinasi teknologi capaian maklumat. Oleh itu, matlamat penulisan ini adalah untuk membangunkan model bersepadu SCM IS yang disokong oleh bukti empirik yang spesifik kepada penggunaan SCM IS. Model yang dibangunkan adalah menggunakan teori bersepadu seperti strategi bersaing, pengurusan rantaian bekalan dan sistem maklumat antara organisasi. vi ABSTRACT Today high competitive market needs fast, effective, high responsiveness, online interactive, 24 hours 7 days availability, easy to follow up orders processing, etc. For researchers, the model provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the range of Supply Chain Management Information System (SCMIS) capabilities. With further study, the model and concepts could also be adapted for other strategic IS applications. Practitioners can gain a better understanding of the capabilities of their implemented SCMIS and the expected capabilities that future SCMIS may provide. Supply chain management information systems are the information systems between companies that employ information and communication technology to arrange information inside and among the participator of a supply chain such as clients, sellers, providers, and distributors. Companies frequently use a portfolio of supply chain management information systems, which characteristically contain legacy systems linked by electronic data interchange, packaged applications employing Web-based exchange of information or ideas, or some other blend of information connection technology. Thus, the goal of this thesis is to identify the system’s main elements, analyze the system’s operational issues, identify the inputs and outputs for each element of the system, define the interfaces between the related activities in the system, design relation data model and develop a prototype SCMIS. It is hoped that the model that will be developed is able to integrate and enrich theories of competitive strategy, supply chain management, and interorganizational information systems. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICTION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRAK v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background of Study 1 1.1.1. What is Supply Chain Management? 2 1.1.2. The Importance of Information System to Supply Chain Management in Strategy 3 1.1.3. The Importance of Information System to Supply Chain Management in Procedure Planning 1.1.4. Supply Chain Management Information Systems 6 7 1.1.5. Type of Information systems in supply chain operations 9 1.2. Problem Statement 10 1.3. Objective of Study 11 viii 2 3 1.4. Significance of Study 12 1.5. Scope of the Study 13 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1 Introduction 15 2.2 Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) 16 2.3 Knowledge gap in SCMIS 18 2.4 Advantages of SCMIS 19 2.5 Usage of Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) 20 2.6 Architecture of SCMIS 22 2.7 Information exchange categories in SCM of production 26 2.7.1 27 The production information exchange categories 2.8 Scope of modeling the SCM 2.9 Modeling of Supply Chain Management Information Systems 27 (SCMIS) 31 2.9.1 Decision making models 32 2.9.2 Information modeling 34 2.9.3 Decision making model and Information model 35 2.9.4 Perception modeling 40 2.9.5 The unified modeling language 41 2.9.6 Process modeling 43 2.9.7 Supply chain operations reference model 44 2.9.8 Integration definition for information modeling (IDEF1X) 46 48 The basic constructs of an IDEF1X model 2.10 Conclusion 49 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 51 3.1 Introduction 52 3.2 Profile of Vehicle Axle Manufacturing Company (VAMCo.) 54 ix 3.2.1 Bill of material (BOM) 3.3 Supply Chain Management Information System in VAMCo. 3.4 Current flow of information in the factory with 55 56 Microsoft Visio 2003 59 3.5 SCMIS Modeling 59 3.6 Data Requirements for SCMIS Modeling 60 3.7 Data Collection 61 3.8 Designing VAMCo. database 62 3.9 Problems associated with developing the VAMCo. database 62 3.10 Data flow diagram (DFD) 63 3.11 Entity relationship diagram (IDEF1X) 65 3.12 Data relationship 66 3.13 Operation manual 67 3.13.1 Operation manual for customers 67 3.13.2 Procedures to be followed by personnel-in-charge at VAMCo. Factory 3.13.3 Operation manual for suppliers 3.14 Running the database 71 77 79 3.14.1 Steps to order from customer 79 3.14.2 Steps to entering data by factory 83 3.14.3 Steps to view the factory order by suppliers 100 3.14.4 Steps to see the information about order release time by customers 4 101 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 106 4.1 Comparison of order cycle time between old and new system 107 4.2 Developed flow of information in the factory 109 4.3 The successes of applying this new database to the company 110 4.3.1 Ordering cycle time is shortened 110 4.3.2 Product inventory decreased 110 4.3.3 Transportation cost decreased 111 x 4.3.4 4.3.5 5 The amount of production lane stop decrease to almost zero 111 The cost of production lane stop become almost zero 111 4.4 Charts of the developed system 112 4.5 Comparison between Old System and Developed system 119 CONCLUSION 121 5.1 Introduction 121 5.2 Summary of Research 122 5.3 Discussion of findings 125 5.3.1 Summary of the major findings 125 Ordering cycle time is shortened 125 Product inventory decreased 126 Transportation cost decreased 126 The amount of production lane stop decrease to almost zero 127 The cost of production lane stop become almost zero 127 5.4 Recommendation 127 5.5 Limitations of the study 128 REFERENCES 129 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 4.1 TITLE Comparison between old system and new system PAGE 120 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 1.1 production of higher value for customers, decrease cycle times 2.1 Flow of information and integrating business processes across the supply chain 2.2 PAGE 4 17 The closed loop interactions between transaction processing and decision making 21 2.3 Architecture of the supply chain management information system 23 2.4 Production operations model 26 2.5 The configuration of this supply chain modeling 29 2.6 Overview of the information model of the supply chain 30 2.7 Interactions between information systems development and decision modeling 36 2.8 Sample of IDEF1X diagram 49 3.1 Flow chart of research methodology 53 3.2 Cover of light rear axle 55 3.3 Bill of Material 56 3.4 Business process for rear axle cover 57 3.5 Factory Layout 58 3.6 Current flow of information in the factory 59 3.7 Data Flow Diagram 64 3.8 IDEF1X diagram of the company 65 xiii 3.9 Data relationship. Microsoft Access 66 3.10 Customer; Behran Mehvar Saipa Order Steps 68 3.11 Customer; Gama Khodro Order Steps 69 3.12 Customer; Mehvar Karan-e-Kosha Order Steps 70 3.13 To enter the production detail for today 72 3.14 To enter the product release for today 73 3.15 To enter the raw material order receive for today 74 3.16 To enter the material additional order for today 75 3.17 To send the estimate release date to the customer for today order 76 3.18 Steps to see the raw material requested by VAMCo. 78 3.19 Customer order steps 1 80 3.20 Customer order steps 2 81 3.21 Customer order steps 3 82 3.22 Customer order steps 4 82 3.23 Customer order steps 5 83 3.24 Factory data entering steps 1 84 3.25 Factory data entering steps 2 85 3.26 Factory data entering steps 3 86 3.27 Factory data entering steps 4 86 3.28 Factory data entering steps 5 87 3.29 Factory data entering steps 6 88 3.30 Factory data entering steps 7 89 3.31 Factory data entering steps 8 89 3.32 Factory data entering steps 9 90 3.33 Factory data entering steps 10 91 3.34 Factory data entering steps 11 91 3.35 Factory data entering steps 12 92 3.36 Factory data entering steps 13 93 3.37 Factory data entering steps 14 93 3.38 Factory data entering steps 15 94 3.39 Factory data entering steps 16 95 xiv 3.40 Factory data entering steps 17 95 3.41 Factory data entering steps 18 96 3.42 Factory data entering steps 19 97 3.43 Factory data entering steps 20 97 3.44 Factory data entering steps 21 98 3.45 Factory data entering steps 22 99 3.46 steps to view the factory order by supplier 1 100 3.47 steps to view the factory order by supplier 2 101 3.48 Steps to see the information about order release time 1 102 3.49 Steps to see the information about order release time 2 103 3.50 Steps to see the information about order release time 3 104 3.51 Steps to see the information about order release time 4 105 4.1 Flow the data Gantt chart in old system 107 4.2 Flow the data Gantt chart in new system 108 4.3 Developed flow of information in the factory 109 4.4 Behran Mehvar Saipa Order chart 112 4.5 Gama Khodro Order chart 113 4.6 Mehvar Karan Order chart 113 4.7 Total Order chart 114 4.8 Factory production plan chart 114 4.9 Production of factory chart 115 4.10 Factory reject chart 115 4.11 Press Part Total order chart 116 4.12 Role sheet Total order chart 116 4.13 Press Part Total order chart 117 4.14 Product Inventory chart 117 4.15 Press factory inventory chart 118 4.16 Role sheet factory inventory chart 118 4.17 Welded Nuts factory inventory chart 119 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study The background of the present study will discuss the following areas, next we will discuss about each in turn. What is Supply Chain Management? The Importance of Information System to Supply Chain Management in Strategy The Importance of Information System to Supply Chain Management in Procedure Planning Supply Chain Management Information Systems Type of Information systems in supply chain operations 2 1.1.1 What is Supply Chain Management? Supply chain management is an advance that has evolved out of the combination of these considerations. Supply chain management is known as the combination of key business procedures from last part user through original providers that present products, services, and information and therefore adds value for customers. Supply chain management is an increasingly useful procedures pattern for increasing overall organizational competitiveness. (A. Gunasekaran , E.W.T. Ngai,2004) A latest study of supply chain linked executives found that 92% of those studied were scheduling to execute one or more supply chain ideas in 1999 (Bradley, 1999). Supply chain management is based on the combination of all behaviors that increase the value to customers, staring from designing the product to delivery of it. Supply chain management is a point of approaches applied to efficiently combine suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that products is created and spread at the exact amounts, to the precise positions, and at the correct time, to reduce system broad cost in order to pleasing service stage conditions. (A. Gunasekaran , E.W.T. Ngai,2004) Today’s companies are in contest for civilizing their organizational competitiveness in order to participate in the latest century worldwide marketplace. This market is electronically linked and active in nature. Hence, companies are demanding to improve their nimbleness stage with the purpose of being supple and responsive to face to the changing marketplace requirements. In an attempt to reach this, many companies have spread out their value-adding actions by outsourcing and increasing virtual enterprise. 3 1.1.2 The Importance of Information System to Supply Chain Management in Strategy Raising an information system for supply chain management involves with a cooperative work with business associates for the restore and clearing up of a pure infrastructure for the supply chain and the plan and execution of the information system. A supply chain as mentioned earlier is a group of providers, producers, stores, distributors and sellers who, during synchronized strategies and behaviors, develop products by changing raw substances to completed products. The supply chain covers all organizations and actions related with the flow and alteration of goods from raw resources to the end product user and the data flows related with it. Supply chain management engage different approaches used to combine suppliers, producers and distributors in performing their purposes: materials obtain materials transformation in middle and finished goods, the sharing of these products to clients in the proper amounts, to the exact place and at the correct time to meet the essential service level with minimum cost. During cooperation and information distribution firms create high presenting value systems, supplying part organizations a significant competitive advantage. The value system is a joined chain of organizations, resources and understanding channels included in the producing and delivery of value to the end client. (Figure 1.1) shows the production of higher value for customers, decrease cycle times for improving new products at inexpensive price in a company. (Handfield and Nichols, 2002). 4 The information flow suppliers Manufacturer Distributers engineer operation Figure 1.1 F I N A L C O N S U M E R production of higher value for customers, decrease cycle times (Handfield and Nichols, 2002). Clients demand new products on the function that the most current technologies and suitable to various market niches. By analyzing the picture of events as they are now in the market, we can understand that administers have to make determinations in a short period of time, with fewer information and with higher fine expenses. So that by administering these appearances, firms raise their responsiveness and elasticity in their performance, giving high concentration to time. Information systems help to decrease delivery lead time admit stock costs, fewer re work, higher quality, and fewer operating expenses across the supply chain. It could be made by the execution of an information system which can raise the rate of all the activities from the supply chain. There are outdoor profits caused from concentration to time: higher quality, faster client reaction, higher products. Interior profits are: more effective procedures, shorter scheduling times, and enhanced reactiveness, exchange of information or ideas, harmony, working together among acts. 5 Substances and data flows upon supply chain are potential founded upon organizational connections between supply chain components. To make these connections better, exchange of information or ideas and solving the problems actions like enterprise or venture undertaken in collaboration, distributed drilling schedules, staff gathering are required. Firms have to distribute much information: production data, predicting data or expense information for distinguishing non-value added parameters as illustrated in Figure 1.1. (Handfield and Nichols, 2002). The development of information systems is an element that allowed the combination of supply chains within value systems. Electronic business technologies uphold current's client centric situation which providers use the web to connect their business information systems and to raise the productivity of the decision making procedures for their providers and clients. Discerning supply chains information systems allow quality enlargement of products, and services, information services and electronic business connects, stock decrease, client service enhancement. Earlier than executing a multifaceted information system for supply chain management, firms have to make a new preliminary sketch for their supply chain, produce an infrastructure to enable the utilizing of these up to date technologies. In order that make an incorporated value system, it is essential to execute a chain of activities that we mentioned in following. 6 1.1.3 The Importance of Information System to Supply Chain Management in Procedure Planning Advantageous supply chain policies must stay considerate to the active interaction of malleability and effectiveness in order to equilibrium product-centricity against the focus on purchaser’s demand for choices with attention paid to unpredictable such as cost, quality, service and sequence time. An important policy district is the creation of a sturdy supply network plan which includes the following items, suppliers, producers, distributers, stores. Other region includes origins, sinks, centralized in comparison to decentralized, straight delivery, pull in comparison to push and convey (Shoumen Palit Austin Datta, 2006). The measurable decision field includes definition of amount and position of stock involving raw substances, products that are still being manufactured (WIP) and products that have been produced and are ready for sale. Supply chain management information systems usually rotate around these decision fields. Productivity and advantageousness may conditional upon the range to which systems and procedures of the supply chain are capable to distribute real time information about claim, predicted, stock and conveyance (Shoumen Palit Austin Datta, 2006). The “Bullwhip effect” as we know demands fickleness has influence on supply chain fields. For instance, little alters in client order at retailers might bring about bulky changes in the stock at distributors or producers. Therefore, near real time information regarding little alters together with the chain have to be accounted in supply chain models. Science of engineering, like radio frequency identification, may be helpful for acquisition of stock information at the point stage if there is adequate business worth for like granularity of information (Shoumen Palit Austin Datta, 2006). 7 Information models explain the problems from an information processing viewpoint. Information modeling can be mentioned as illustrative modeling and had the function of an interface for information systems progress. Information modeling of supply chains is under the influence of business procedure reengineering models, information systems driven models and the application of up to date information systems methods and techniques for the combination of supply chain decision making models (Shoumen Palit Austin Datta, 2006). 1.1.4 Supply Chain Management Information Systems The acronym SCMIS will be used throughout the study to refer to Supply Chain Management Information Systems. Supply chain management information systems are progressively important to the prosperity of many companies (Chopra and Meindl 2001; Kumar 2001), but have received inadequate consideration in experiential information system study (Subramani 2004). Few researches have investigated the profits and abilities of various kinds of supply chain management information systems such as EDI (Lee et al. 1999; Mukhopadhyay et al. 1995), electronic market (Dagenais and Gautschi 2002; Kaplan and Sawhney 2000), or extended enterprise resource scheduling (Green 2001) systems. Nevertheless, there are few experimentally extracted models appropriate for examining the scope of supply chain management information systems options. Similarly, companies face complicated and dangerous determination analyzing and choosing a suitable supply chain management information systems solution or guaranteeing that their executed systems are organized with their competitive policies (Reddy and Reddy 2001). While the improved policies suitable model is operationalized 8 particularly for supply chain management information systems, the fundamental hypothesis and methodology could be accept in coming studies for analyzing other kinds of information systems. Supply Chain Management Information Systems have an extremely vital role in the ability of companies to decrease expenses and increase the accessibility of their supply chain. Supply Chain Management Information Systems are information systems used to organize information between indoor and outdoor customers, providers, distributors, and other members in a supply chain. Few researches have explored the benefits and potential of dissimilar Supply Chain Management Information Systems like Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Marketplace, or Enterprise Resource Planning systems. However, there are some experimentally form fit for evaluating the organizational skill held up by the ambit of Supply Chain Management Information Systems alternatives. Due to that, companies face complicated and perilous determinations appraising and picking up a suitable Supply Chain Management Information Systems solution or guaranteeing that their executed systems are organized with their business policies (Reddy and Reddy 2001). An organizational skill is the aptitude of an organization to attain its objectives by leveraging its different resources (Ulrich and Lake 1990). Information system abilities are organizational abilities which are capable by information system. Correspondingly, supply chain management information systems abilities are organizational abilities capable by supply chain management information system. Through the years, study on the estimation of information system has improved in abstraction from matching information system abilities with practical necessities 9 (Lucas 1981), to desired formation (Allen and Boynton 1991), to competitive policies (Henderson et al. 1996). Despite politic alignment has received important Concentration in current researches of generally information systems policies (Kearns and Lederer 2001; Reich and Benbasat 2000; Sabherwal and Chan 2001), models have not yet been advanced to an adequately itemized stage to interrogate the organizational abilities allowed by peculiar kinds of information system, like supply chain management information systems. 1.1.5 Type of Information systems in supply chain operations Stephen Hays Russel (n.d) lists four types of information systems in sustaining supply chain operations: • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Enterprise resource planning software procedures all the deals in every useful area and suppliers provide real time approach to an enterprise wide data base. Enterprise resource planning substitute for the inheritance information systems which after passing the years have been matched together by performance, finance, selling, engineering, purchase, and so forth. Inheritance systems are ability repressed, hard to connect to other Operational stages, and cannot support supply chain activities. 10 • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Electronic data interchange and the Internet make easy a connected to each other business environment that enables members to distribute decision pertinent information all over the supply chain. • Electronic Product Code Technologies. Electronic product code technologies contain optical scanners, radio frequency identification and bar codes technologies. Electronic product code enables for situation, item, pallet, and vehicle tagging for a track and trace ability in a supply chain. • Supply Chain Analytics. Supply chain analytics is any software planed to estimate and progress supply chain execution. Supply chain analytics can do that things as appraise capacity, substances, and client order instabilities; or recognize which carriers and allotment centers are more responsive. 1.2 Problem Statement Supply Chain Management Information System acting an increasingly vital role in the skill of factories to decrease costs and raise the responsiveness of their supply chain. Supply chain management information systems used to organize the data between interior and outdoor customers, producers, distributors, and other associates in a supply chain. 11 Nevertheless, there is a very few study articles that show the influence of information system in supply chain management. However, it is impossible to reach to a successful supply chain without information system. While providers are placed all over the global, it is necessary to combine the behaviors both in and out part of an organization. This needs a general-purpose information system for sharing data on sundries value adding behaviors participant to supply chain. Information system is like a chord system for supply chain management. In this research we try to develop a system that shows the vital role of information system in supply chain Management. 1.3 Objective of Study The objective of the study is as follows: 1. To identify the system’s main elements 2. To analyze the system’s operational issues 3. To identify the inputs and outputs for each element of system 4. To define the interfaces between the related activities in the system 5. To design relation data model 6. To develop a prototype SCMIS. The primary objective of the study is to design and develop a Supply Chain Management Information System (SCMIS). It is hoped that the model that will be developed is able to integrate and enrich theories of competitive strategy, supply chain management, and interorganizational information systems. 12 1.4 Significance of Study Today high competitive market needs fast, effective, high responsiveness, online interactive, 24 hours 7 days availability, easy to follow up orders processing, etc. For researchers, the model provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the range of SCM IS capabilities. With further study, the model and concepts could also be adapted for other strategic IS applications. Practitioners can gain a better understanding of the capabilities of their implemented SCM IS and the expected capabilities that future SCM IS may provide. The next section describes the initial SCM IS capabilities model and its theoretical foundations. The third section describes the research methodology and the fourth presents the findings and the emergent SCM IS capabilities model. The final section discusses the implications of the findings for research and practice. Supply chain management information systems are the information systems between companies that employ information and communication technology to arrange information inside and among the participator of a supply chain like the clients, sellers, providers, and distributors included in the utilization and supply of a special product or service. Companies frequently use a portfolio of supply chain management information systems, which characteristically contain legacy systems linked by electronic data interchange, packaged applications employing Web-based exchange of information or ideas, or some other blend of information connection technology. 13 1.5 Scope of the Study While strategic coalition has received substantial consideration in latest researches of generally information systems policies (Kearns and Lederer 2001; Reich and Benbasat 2000; Sabherwal and Chan 2001), models have not so far been advanced to a adequately itemized stage to tested the organizational ability, capable by particular kinds of information system, such as supply chain management information system. Find out that how well supply chain management information systems facilitate different organizational potential in a company can decrease the complexity of estimating different supply chain management information system. Earlier studies models of the organizational powers, accomplished by dissimilar types of information system (Bensaou 1997; Sabherwal and Chan 2001; Venkatraman and Ramanujam 1987; Zviran 1990). Nevertheless, there isn’t any single model that is appropriate for investigative and evaluating the potential facilitated by supply chain management information system specifically. Tim S. McLaren (2004) found existing generic IS capabilities constructs such as “analysis” (Sabherwal and Chan 2001; Venkatraman 1989) did not sufficiently discriminate between internal and external analysis, which subsequent interviews showed to be an important distinction in SCM IS. In addition, current researches of information systems abilities have various shortages when used to model the abilities allowed by supply chain management information systems particularly. For instance, vagueness in the current hypothesis makes it indistinct whether or how a model of supply chain management information 14 systems abilities should differentiate among complicated concepts like functional competence, functional elasticity, and interior or exterior business procedure harmony. Thus, the goal of this paper is to develop an integrated model of SCM IS capabilities that is supported by empirical evidence specific to SCM IS implementations. The model developed integrates and enriches theories of competitive strategy, supply chain management, and interorganizational information systems. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter presents summary of previous studies on the following areas: Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Knowledge gap in Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Advantages of Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Usage of Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Architecture of Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Information exchange categories in SCM of production Scope of modeling the SCM Modeling of Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Conclusion 16 2.2 Supply Chain Management Information Systems (SCMIS) Supply chain management and information systems are firmly attached. Execution of supply chain strategies will be extremely complicated with no supporting of information systems. Simultaneously, a lot of progresses in information systems have appear from necessities set by enterprises seeking cooperate with their members in the supply chain area. For example, the progression of internet services has been driven by a must for pliability and more open information systems interfaces to uphold reconfigurability (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The supply chain is an expression that utilized progressively by logistics specialists. Supply chain covers each attempt entangled with manufacturing and delivering a last product, from the providers to the clients. the basic factors of the supply chain procedure are source, plan, create and deliver which this factors completely describe these attempts, that contain administer provide and request, sourcing raw substances and components, production and assembly, storage and stock pursuing, demand entrance and demand organization, allocation all over the channels, and transference to the clients (Arrianto Mukti Wibowo, 1999). Due to its broad range, supply chain management has to show complicate mutual dependence, in effect making an extended enterprise that achieves over to the industrial unit door. Nowadays, substance providers, channel supply members and clients themselves, all have important role in supply chain management. So that efficiently and impressively administer a supply chain, and also to achieve competitive benefit, supply chain management information system is more and more become very significant (Arrianto Mukti Wibowo, 1999). 17 Supply chain management information systems are the information systems between companies that employ information and communication technology to arrange information inside and among the participator of a supply chain like the clients, sellers, providers, and distributors included in the utilization and supply of a special product or service. Companies frequently use a portfolio of supply chain management information systems, which characteristically contain legacy systems linked by electronic data interchange, packaged applications employing Web-based exchange of information or ideas, or some other blend of information connection technology (Tim McLaren 2004). Figure 2.1 shows the flow of information and integrating and managing business processes across the supply chain. Figure 2.1 Flow of information and integrating business processes across the supply chain (Cooper, M.C., Lambert, D.M., & Pagh, J. 1997). 18 2.3 Knowledge gap in SCMIS Supply chain management information systems are progressively important to the prosperity of many companies (Chopra and Meindl 2001; Kumar 2001 cited in Tim McLaren 2004), but have received inadequate consideration in experiential information system study (Subramani 2004, cited in Tim McLaren 2004). Few researches have investigated the profits and abilities of various kinds of supply chain management information systems such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (Lee et al. 1999; Mukhopadhyay et al. 1995, cited in Tim McLaren 2004), electronic market (Dagenais and Gautschi 2002; Kaplan and Sawhney 2000, cited in Tim McLaren 2004), or extended enterprise resource scheduling (Green 2001, cited in Tim McLaren 2004) systems. Nevertheless, there are few experimentally extracted models appropriate for examining the scope of supply chain management information systems options. Similarly, companies face complicated and dangerous determination analyzing and choosing a suitable supply chain management information systems solution or guaranteeing that their executed systems are organized with their competitive policies (Reddy and Reddy 2001, cited in Tim McLaren 2004). While the improved policies suitable model is operationalized particularly for supply chain management information systems, the fundamental hypothesis and methodology could be accept in coming studies for analyzing other kinds of information systems. 19 2.4 Advantages of SCMIS Companies have identified the advantages of using supply chain management information systems to synchronies information between the customers and producers of a supply chain since the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) discovered. Supply chain management information systems are interring organizational methods used to synchronize information among the customers, producers, distributors, and other members in a supply chain (Tim S. McLaren, Milena M. Head and Yufei Yuan, 2004). Current improvements in extra flexible e-business technologies have led to a puzzling diversity of supply chain management information system approaches like extended ERP systems, business-to-business electronic market, enterprise function combination, and network services. Forecasting which type of supply chain management information system will best fit an organization’s policies is difficult by a shortage of a theory for find out that how the different potentials of supply chain management information system should be allied with an organization’s policies. Usually, information systems execution researchers have advised matching information system capabilities with a company’s functional needs, vital victory elements, or desired structure (Tim S. McLaren, Milena M. Head and Yufei Yuan, 2004). Nevertheless, with the intricacy of enterprise systems packs like supply chain management information system, it has turn into more and more impracticable to choose a system that will face to all of a company’s necessities or even to know what those necessities are. As an outcome, companies may select a supply chain management information system result based on its earlier achievements in other supply chains, with no a full study of whether it strictly fits the necessities for sustaining the company’s precise environment and policies. 20 The fit among supply chain management information system and the competitive policies they maintain leftovers a significant so far often overlooked issue in the victory of supply chain management information system executions (Tim S. McLaren, Milena M. Head and Yufei Yuan, 2004). The among of supply chain management information system options makes it complicated for factories to define which answer is best for their exclusive circumstances. The complicatedly of cross enterprise supply chain management information system necessities study, execution, and combination has resulted in regular unsuccessful match among the strategic scopes of an organization and the abilities of then information system executed. For instance, Nike’s disturbed supply chain management information system execution has been blamed on a difference among their particular necessities for nimble allocation and the system’s further standardized abilities (Tim S. McLaren, Milena M. Head and Yufei Yuan, 2004). 2.5 Usage of SCMIS In the background of the supply chain information problem, the supply chain management information system is employed to preserve information required for mentioned and implementation of decision making models, to supply suitable data sources, and to perform online decision making factors. The upkeep of the information required for progression and accomplishment of decision making models principally 21 interest upkeep of storeroom, warehouse and models of information systems (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Decision making models employ information due to different sources in the supply chain management system, different is demanded to supply mechanisms to guide the necessitated data from their sources to decision making models. Although decision making results are often described in the supply chain information system in an offline way, on a case by case base, few of the decision making results are executed as online decision making factors, like, a provider choosing factor. In this situation, the supply chain management information system assists the execution of this decision making factors and guarantees its accomplishment on an everyday basis. In this manner, there are closed loop communication among transaction processing and supply chain formation decision making, as illustrated in Fig. 2.2 (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Figure 2.2 The closed loop interactions between transaction processing and decision making. (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 22 The right-side of the loop in Fig. 2.2 describes the inventory replenishment processes. In this case, suppliers are vigorously chosen base on case by case. Suppliers are chosen in accord with decision making regulations elaborated during the supply chain configuration studies and implemented in the integrated manner. The left-side loop describes the supplier selection processes within the decision-making component of the supply chain information system. Demand planning and inventory tracking are also involved in some other transaction processing or decision-making processes (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The supply chain information system is demanded to uphold this type of communication. From the background of operating reconfigurable supply chains, the supply chain management information system is accountable for processing transactions inside distinct supply chain units, in addition to between these units. It also has to uphold the combination of new supply chain units (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 2.6 Architecture of SCMIS The structure of supply chain management information systems displays the chief factors of this system. It draws upon the service-oriented architecture reference model (Er, 2005 cited in Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). This kind of structure is creating to predict changes in the system, which is vital to uphold supply chain reconfigurability. The structure demonstrates accentuate appearance of the service oriented structure significant to supply chain management with a scope on decision making necessities (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 23 Figure 2.3 Architecture of the supply chain management information system (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The central components of the architecture (Fig. 2.3) are business processes and the decision-making system. The decision making system composed of different analytical applications. It, together with the business intelligence factor, supplies instruments for decision making objective. The business process factor make possible incorporation of decision making factors to the generally supply chain management information system. It supplies a method for assembling business processes (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Factors and applications of the supply chain information system can be requested while implementation of the business processes. Information flows between factors and applications are as well determined by method of an exchange of messages. It consents to the web abilities business process execution language (or BPEL, is a business process modeling language that is executable. The origins of BPEL can be traced 24 to WSFL and XLANG. It is serialized in XML and aims to enable programming in the large. The concepts of programming in the large and programming in the small distinguish between two aspects of writing the type of long-running asynchronous processes that one typically sees in business processes). (Thatte et al. 2003, cited in Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The business integration factor supplies real time information exchange between factors and applications. It fundamentally performs cross functional and cross enterprise business procedures. The information combination factor connected the decision making model system with the other components of the supply chain information system to supply connect to set aside information sources and targets. It is also accountable for guaranteeing information firmness across enterprise applications (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Extraction Transformation Loading (or ETL is a process in data warehousing that involves extracting data from outside sources, transforming it to fit business needs (which can include quality levels), and ultimately loading it into the end target, i.e. the data warehouse. ETL is important, as it is the way data actually gets loaded into the warehouse. This article assumes that data is always loaded into a data warehouse, whereas the term ETL can in fact refer to a process that loads any database. ETL can also be used for the integration with legacy systems. Usually ETL implementations store an audit trail on positive and negative process runs (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). In almost all designs, this audit trail is not at the level of granularity which would allow reproducing the ETL's result if the raw data were not available) instruments are principally employed to supply data exchange abilities. Technical methods like data hubs are utilized to support and modernize master data across enterprises and supply 25 chains. The final customer admission to business procedures and to the decision making system is furnished by the supply chain management gateway, which can be composed from current modules and present an individualized consumer interface (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). In the situation of reconfigurable supply chains, the supply chain administration entrance can be proportionately easily adjusted to represent information and procedures relevant to the present condition of the supply chain arrangement. Enterprise Resource Planning, legacy systems, specialist applications, and the other enterprise applications principally was use as data origins in the situation of supply chain formation problems. These applications can as well be invoked from business procedures composed to combine online decision making ingredients. Service and ingredients are shown individually (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). All major salesmen of Enterprise Resource Planning systems have modules for supply chain interaction processing, and these systems are being reestablished to consent to the necessities of the service oriented approach to enterprise computing. In the background of supply chain formation, the main application of progression tools is elaboration and upkeep of models of the supply chain information system. These models are utilized to make easy progress of decision making models. The structural design of the supply chain information system and the structural design of the supply chain formation decision support system portion numerous factors, for example, ETL instruments are employed in both situations (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 26 2.7 Information exchange categories in SCM of production The SCM information exchange categories between the enterprise control domain and the operations control domain are defined (Gerhard Greeff and Ranjan Ghoshal, 2004). The object models are specified in Figure 2.4 Figure 2.4 2004). Production operations model (Gerhard Greeff and Ranjan Ghoshal, 27 2.7.1 The production information exchange categories are the following: Product definition information Product life cycle management information exchanged on how to make a product. Production capability information Information exchanged on required and available production resource capability and capacity. Production schedule information Information exchanged on what to make when and where to make it and resources to use. Production performance information Information exchanged on what was made and what resources were used. This includes feedback information needed to respond to the business system request to make product (Gerhard Greeff and Ranjan Ghoshal, 2004). 2.8 Scope of modeling the SCM The characteristics of the scope of the supply chain modeling are: Span across multiple businesses and organizations. Simulate multiple levels of manufacturing systems. Use a hybrid push-pull distribution system for product distribution. 28 Comprise multiple functional modules, such as simulation engines, display systems, and analysis tools (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). The following manufacturing activities are within the scope of the supply chain modeling: Production planning, scheduling, and control. Transportation planning and scheduling. Materials/parts/products flow within the final assembly plant (and possibly suppliers). Inventory control. Cost control. Data communications between business functions (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). The chain in the modeling includes supply chain members, information flows, and product flows. There are seven major types of organizational units included in the supply chain: a supply chain headquarters, parts suppliers, warehouse, retailers, distributor, a final assembly plant, and a transportation network. Figure 2.5 shows the configuration of this supply chain modeling. The modeling system consists of suppliers, manufacturing centers, warehouses, distributors, and retailers, as well as raw materials, parts, finished products, and outsourcing companies, such as transportation providers (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). The headquarters manages the information flows and provides the products to the customers through the retailers. The final assembly plant assembles finished goods from the components provided by the suppliers. At least two production lines within the assembly plant will be modeled in detail. The final assembly plant manufactures 29 products by using the parts provided from the parts suppliers; the finished products are then sent to the warehouse or to the distributor. The warehouse stores inventory and supplies products to the retailers. Other supply chain members, including the part suppliers, distributors, retailers, and transportation providers, may be independent firms (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). The part suppliers provide manufacturing parts to the final assembly plant. The distributors provide finished products to the retailers as required or according to other independent contracts. The retailers receive the finished products from the warehouses or from the distributors, and the finished products are then shipped to the customers. The transportation providers deliver the parts or finished products to the required destinations. This supply chain model uses a hybrid push-pull distribution system (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). Figure 2.5 The configuration of this supply chain modeling (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). 30 Result of performing a communication data flow analysis of the supply chain modeling showing that a set of data requirements used to communicate among the supply chain members. These data requirements are a set of messages or objects; they are grouped into five units of functionality: headquarters, manufacturing plant, warehouse/distributor, transportation network, and retailer. Figure 2.6 shows the overview of the information model of the supply chain (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). Figure 2.6 overview of the information model of the supply chain (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). 31 A transportation network is represented by three sets of information: transportation status, transportation order, and truck dispatch. A transportation order is represented by an order identification (id), a pickup location id, an order originator id, a tracking number, a delivery location, a status code, a request delivery date, a request pickup date, and a set of shipment data including a list id, total weight, cost, container count number, and value (Y. Tina Lee, Charles McLean and Shigeki Umeda, 2008). 2.9 Modeling of SCMIS Its long time that, researchers have recommended and discussed models for investigate the appropriate of competitive policies with different high stage information systems concepts. Nonetheless, the growth of itemized equipped models for evaluating the strategic appropriate of the abilities capable by a company’s information system has been prevented by restrictions of the hypothesis occupied (Ciborra 2000. Cited in Tim McLaren 2004). The expression supply chain management is frequently employed as a synonym for planning, execution, procuring or some blend of these actions. Successful supply chain management relies on across a stage of faith among partners, particularly in the case of quickly developing supply chain architectures. Obviously distinct and severely imposed security strategy has a significant position in faith creating. Clearly, information systems solutions must also uphold all general information security necessities. A high level of information systems accessibility is necessary to uphold cooperative decision making and execution of decisions(Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 32 The strength of product and flow of information can alter rapidly, together with alters create in the supply chain formation. Information systems solutions should be capable of fit these alters Functional necessities for supply chain information systems depend across a particular supply chain formation problem. These necessities, together with the previous distinct key necessities, ascertain the design of the supply chain information system. Numerous overall qualities of such a design can be recognized. Information system solutions are creating by pairing hardware, connections, and software (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 2.9.1 Decision Making Models Information systems solutions are incongruous, both inside an enterprise and in every part of the supply chain. The interior incongruousness is caused by utilizing different applications for solving different supply chain management problems. For example, decision making is presented utilizing an advanced scheduling system while determinations are executed employing the Enterprise Resource Planning system of different supplier because an enterprise efforts to utilize highest quality selections solutions (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The external supply chain incongruousness is because of supply chain partners utilizing different information systems structure design, which are despite powerfully affected by local tradition. It is significant to notice that incongruousness is feature to all stages of information system solutions. Different software packages are utilized at the execution stage and different platforms and a means of communication are utilized at the infrastructural level (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 33 Reconfigurable supply chain management information systems employ common communication channels and the web, especially, widely. These communication channels present a fundamentally higher level of elasticity and lower expense although up to date technologies can supply a sufficient stage of safety. Web based access to supply chain management information systems supplies a high stage of approachability. In the case of supply chain formation problems, this characteristic upholds cooperative decision making (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Different kinds of information systems are utilized in supply chain management. Information systems entangled with supply chain formation decision making uphold and execution can be sorted. for instance Independent wide-ranging purpose decision making model are utilize to progress and solve different kinds of decision making problems, counting the supply chain formation problem. Another example is the individual problem oriented decision making model software contains particular solutions for specific decision making problems Examples of such packages are LORD and modules of i2 (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Decision making model implementations are complement with different service components, principally for information handling, administration of experiments, and appearance of results. Having the knowledge of information flows and procedures functions in the firms is necessary for any decision-maker modeling effort. Usually, these information flows are explained in terms that are detailed to particular decisionmaker modeling methods. On the other hand, in the varied supply chain environment, that results in mainly varied and often mismatched data functions (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 34 2.9.2 Information Modeling Information modeling is an essential part of the information systems modeling procedure, where models undergo different stages of elaboration starting with common necessities for information systems down to semi feasible models straight used in the execution stage (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The major point of these models is to make simple the progress and upkeep complexity of huge information systems by identifying the system using fewer abstract concepts. That is particularly significant for controlling user necessities to system developers. Likewise, information modeling can be used to explain difficult decisionmaking model problems. Also the expressive potential of information modeling methods helping to know the problem, developed information models present a connection among decision-making model and the enterprise wide information system (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Information modeling discovers many functions that can be used in supply chain modeling and different modeling methods. One of the major purposes of using information modeling is to present a comparatively simply comprehensible demonstration of a problem. Numerous information modeling methods are usually applied to gain an inclusive demonstration of the problem. The alternative of methods and modeling concepts depends ahead of purposes of the information modeling function. In the structure of supply chain arrangement, several purposes can be recognized (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 35 Information modeling techniques are used to achieve a better understanding of a specific decision-making model problem. They can be particularly useful for describing the decision- making setting. This approach is being used in relative to modeling though it’s not often measured in relative to investigative modeling (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 2.9.3 Decision making Model and Information Model If decision-making is to be executed regularly, a software application have to be progress. Information modeling is a necessary fraction of about any software progress plan. Decision-making models link to information presented from other branches of the information system and can also use some functions presented by the supply chain information system. Information modeling is used to design information among factors and recognize existing functions (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The major problem is guarantee that alters made in both decision-making factor and supply chain information system are correctly portrayed in related factors. In this situation of execution the decision-making factors, information modeling techniques are used in an alike way as in the progress of information systems. This approach is mostly appropriate in decision-making factors are executed using all purpose programming languages. If a particular decision-making model circumference and programming languages are used, application of information modeling is not general and the most of existing tools do not support such an approach (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 36 Modeling of the supply chain arrangement problem is considered in the information system progress structure (Fig. 2.7) in order that uphold the integration of decision making model factors and the other components of the information system. The process of creating a model describing the problem to be solved provides additional information systems’ progress procedures with primary input information, like common supply chain explanation and modeling purpose (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Figure 2.7 Interactions between information systems development and decision modeling (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Methods, like utilizes case modeling can be utilize to identify necessities. For the supply chain arrangement problem, important necessities for the information system are implementation of decision-making procedures and integration of decision-making consequences through the supply chain information currents (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 37 Examination and design stage, mechanisms for facing to these necessities. Technique and tool definite modeling and object oriented modeling (or OOM, is a modeling paradigm mainly used in computer programming. Prior to the rise of OOM, the dominant paradigm was functional programming, which emphasized the use of discreet reusable code blocks that could stand on their own, take variables, perform a function on them, and return values) are illustrious (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The object oriented model of the supply chain arrangement problem is enlarged to illustrate the decision making problem in relative on the whole of the supply chain management information system. To attain that, the model is enlarged utilizing perceptions and models definite in the supply chain warehouse. That progresses consistency, integrity, and progress pace of the model. The technique and tool definite modeling related to requirement of the logic of decision making models (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). For example, though information required for solving an optimization problem are illustrated utilizing object oriented modeling, the optimization model by his own is illustrated utilizing particular objective mathematical programming languages (An operations research technique that solves problems in which an optimal value is sought subject to specified constraints. Mathematical programming models include linear programming, quadratic programming, and dynamic programming) (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). If models are appropriately described, model producers can be utilized to implement executable models. The object oriented models enlarged sustain connecting the decision modeling factors with the supply chain management information system. Modifies prepared someplace in the information system in reaction to discrepancies in 38 the operating environment or other components would be broadcasted to collaborated decision modeling factors (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The major differentity among the progress of enterprise wide information systems and decision making factors is that the second are utilized by a little outturn of specialist professionals. Usage of information modeling for decision modeling reasons is also powerfully manipulated by interplays among decision modeling and other modeling endeavors at an enterprise (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). There are two cases that we can separate them from each other: First that the decision modeling is executed separately from information system modeling procedures in an enterprise. Second that the decision modeling is dependent upon existing enterprise information system models. In following we explain these. Autonomous Decision making Model is the customary case when decision models are progressed base on a case by case (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Model particular modeling concepts are employed. Design and illustration of the modeling problem and information necessities are minor and progressed information models, if any, are not adequately elaborated. If beforehand progressed information models are not accessible, then autonomous decision modeling is earlier by scoping only on matters straight related to the decision making problem. Nevertheless, subsequent this approach, no foundation will be formed to decrease the workload of prospect decision making model behavior and execution of decision making model factors (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 39 The approach is possible for unadulterated arrangement problems when influences among the decision making model and other parts of the information system are insignificant. Though, the raise in the scope goes to hardship in combine other factors and distinguishing related information in the enterprise information system. Models advanced while autonomous decision making model do not assist execution of decision making factors and their combination into the supply chain-wide information system (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Supplementally, modernizing of models is difficult as no formalistic relations among decision making model and other parts of the information system are recognized, and tracking of changes can be mechanized. Beginning at the information modeling outlook, decision making model base on a case by case does not expedite the reutilize of existent models, compromises persistence of models progressed, present limited trackability, and does not present execution assists (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Decision making Model dependent upon presented Information Models of decision making factors are progressed founded upon presented supply chain wide information systems models, indirectly suggest that the same thoughts are used in decision making oriented information models, like in the supply chain wide information system. Furthermore, parts of information models can be composed from presented information models. That permits decreasing model progress workload and enhancing modeling steadfastness. Information models progressed for decision making objectives can be attached with analogous factors in the supply chain wide information systems (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 40 That permits the tracking of replaces transpiring in the supply chain information systems and the modernizing of decision making models. Execution of decision making model factors as an element of the supply chain wide information system can be simple and easier to understand. Problems with this approach are amplified preliminary workload, the problem of putting simultaneously information technology and decision making employees, illustration of particular decision making features, and combination of both rationally and technically information models (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). There is a huge diversity of information-modeling methods. Whit pursues the customary information systems progress life-cycle, the first step is necessities engineering. This step is utilized not only to recognize necessities of the projected information systems, but also to achieve a more common perception of an enterprise or set of enterprises, like the supply chain and its dealing. Procedure modeling, perception modeling and scopes modeling are often utilized modeling methods at this step (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 2.9.4 Perception Modeling Supply chain arrangement scopes are supposed to be given at the start of the arrangement procedure. Thus, scope modeling techniques are not assumed. Perception modeling is essential if the supply chain is recognized from the beginning or an arrangement problem solving is try for the initial time. Besides, further detailed data modeling approaches are able to be utilized (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 41 2.9.5 The Unified Modeling Language The problem domain analysis (the process of creating a model describing the problem to be solved) is pursued by application domain analysis and plan. The Unified Modeling Language has turn into one of the major information modeling tools for these steps. It contains an amount of interconnected models. Unified Modeling Language recognizes the rules governing the arrangement of instructions in a programming language modeling while it does not administrate the model growth procedures. Hence, it can be utilized for facing up to a various series of problems (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Whole Unified Modeling Language plans are not equally significant for supply chain arrangement and decision making in universal. For example, the use case plan, which illustrates usefulness from the end utilize outlook, generally is not significant due to the fact that the amount of users for decision making model factors prevalently is trivial. The static arrangement illustration is one of the principal appearances of object oriented modeling held up by Unified Modeling Language (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Likewise, as conceptual models, class diagrams portray subjects characterizing a problem domain. In the supply chain background, the class diagram is chiefly useable for data modeling objectives. Likewise entity relation diagrams can be utilized for data modeling procedures. These diagrams are particularly applicable for portray decision making model data base and distinguishing data sources in the supply chain management information system. Anyway, the class diagram can portray more information than entity relation diagrams (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 42 Hence, the utilizing of class diagrams for data modeling objectives is supported. Class diagrams are also consequential for preparing procedure combination general ability and supporting execution of decision making model factors (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Mechanized alteration tools among class and entity relation diagrams are existed. The Integrated definition language is information modeling approach surrounding instruments for both data and procedure modeling. It is common for many manufacturing applications. A benefit of Unified Modeling Language over Integrated definition language is its combination with software progress procedures. Itemized design and forthright execution assistances are prepared by such Unified Modeling Language diagrams as state, sequence, and deployment diagrams (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The state and sequence diagrams present dynamic interactions between objects. The deployment diagram provides a high-level description of interactions among components. These models are needed principally for attaining the fourth purpose of employing information modeling for supply chain decision making To corroborate combination of decision making factors with other part of the information system, decision making model factors require to be formed subsequent pleasant software engineering performs, with a highlighting on being modular (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). A few of the modeling techniques have been useable to modeling supply chains or allocated manufacturing systems. Decision making model factors with imitationbased decision making abilities are frequently advanced utilizing the object oriented approach. Nonetheless, imitation models in a general manner are separate from other parts of the information system. A superior standard level of wholeness has been 43 attained in the modeling of manufacturing systems (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Al-Ahmari and Ridgway (1999, cited in Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007) employ the GRAI enterprise modeling technique for illustrative high level analysis of the manufacturing system. While their thesis scopes on achieving the simulation model as a system scheduling instrument, the procedure model also could be employed for execution of the manufacturing automation system and the other information systems. Gayialis and Tatsiopoulos (2004 cited in Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007) also use GRAI, along with the ARIS system structural design to describe the vehiclescheduling problem. The models acquired are employed to chosen suitable geographical information systems and enterprise resource planning systems for execution of the decision making model factor. Kang and Kim (1998 cited in Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007) develop an integrated modeling framework for a manufacturing system, where representations of physical processes and information systems are integrated. The object oriented approach is accustomed to illustrate the static structure of the manufacturing system. There are as well numerous works on object oriented modeling in the supply chain formation structure. 2.9.6 Process Modeling Procedure modeling can be accustomed to obtain all four of the stated information modeling application purposes. However, explanation and investigation of 44 the decision making problem is the largest amount of traditional application objective. The supply chain formation procedure modeling held up by two significant information sources: First is the supply chain operations reference model and; Second is the enterprise resource planning reference model. Reference models are significant to attain a general comprehending of supply chain procedures (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 2.9.7 Supply Chain Operations Reference Model The Supply Chain Operations Reference Model was recommended by the Supply Chain Council as a reference model for depicting supply chains. The reference model clarifies expected, standard supply chain management procedures, and execution metrics and best practices connected to these procedures. It has arranged according to rank structure comprise of three levels and a fourth execution stages, which is provide additional details for particular supply chain management problems (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). The first level illustrates general supply chain management procedures, namely Plan, resource, prepare, convey and given back. In additional, the Enable procedures classify is contained to show procedures of make it ready, preserving, and administering the information or connections indispensable for the implementation of other procedures. These principal procedures are more disintegrate in procedure categories, 45 which in turn are disintegrate to procedure main component (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). A depiction of each procedure component contains a short explanation, metrics for all of the regular execution characteristics, most successfully practices describe by their characterize, procedure inputs, and procedure outputs. Procedures supplying inputs and consumption outputs are recognized. The Supply Chain Operations Reference model explains trustworthiness, reactiveness, pliability, expense and assets as standard execution quality, characteristics. The supply chain operations reference model chiefly concentrates practices appropriate for supply chain execution and accomplishment while decision making methods are not covered. The supply chain operations reference model, also another time, can be employed for two objectives: First to illustrate the supply chain under consideration; And second to comprehend procedures related to supply chain formation. (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). If the supply chain operations reference model be accustomed to illustrate supply chain formation, supply chain operations reference procedures are employed as creating blocks to improve an illustrative model. Like an access has been taken by Huang et al. (2005, cited in Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007) which composed a supply chain from procedures determined in the Supply Chain Operations Reference model utilizing a client create formation instrument. This illustrative model presents either the present supply chain or a visualized supply chain arrangement. The formation model advantages of employing widely approved supply chain modeling concepts. However, it shortages in the stage of detail wanted for additional modeling and execution objectives. Hence, another modeling layer is necessary (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 46 Supply chain broad employment and suitability of this layer would be extremely enhanced by using a broadly approved procedures modeling technique, like IDEF or Event Process Chains. As mentioned before, the Supply Chain Operations Reference model also can be employed to progress comprehending of supply chain formation problems (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). These procedures principally help in recognition of issues to be mentioned throughout supply chain formation decision making and in recognition of suitable strategies like cooperative scheduling, outsourcing, exchange of data and third person services. Employ of Supply Chain Operations Reference metrics substantially facilitates explanation of the supply chain formation focus. For example, a broker can recognize pertinent expense factors (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). Furthermore, a broker can effort to structure the generally supply chain scheduling procedures in accord with the Supply Chain Operations Reference guidelines, and describe position of formation decision making in this procedure. Table 1 includes a few execution processes because these are more relevant to operational planning and daily supply chain execution. Nevertheless, a lot of these procedures can be employed if a supply chain formation simulation model is created (Charu Chandra and Jānis Grabis, 2007). 2.9.8 Integration definition for information modeling (IDEF1X) IDEF1X is the semantic data modeling technique. The IDEF1X technique was developed to meet the following requirements: 47 1) Support the development of conceptual schemas. The IDEF1X syntax supports the semantic constructs necessary in the development of a conceptual schema. A fully developed IDEF1X model has the desired characteristics of being consistent, extensible, and transformable. 2) Be a coherent language. IDEF1X has a simple, clean consistent structure with distinct semantic concepts. The syntax and semantics of IDEF1X are relatively easy for users to grasp, yet powerful and robust. 3) Be teachable. Semantic data modeling is a new concept for many IDEF1X users. Therefore, the teachability of the language was an important consideration. The language is designed to be taught to and used by business professionals and system analysts as well as data administrators and database designers. Thus, it can serve as an effective communication tool across interdisciplinary teams. 4) Be well-tested and proven. IDEF1X is based on years of experience with predecessor techniques and has been thoroughly tested both in Air Force development projects and in private industry. 5) Be automatable. IDEF1X diagrams can be generated by a variety of graphics packages. In addition, an active three-schema dictionary has been developed by the Air Force which uses the resulting conceptual schema for an application development and transaction processing in a distributed heterogeneous environment. Commercial software is also available 48 which supports the refinement, analysis, and configuration management of IDEF1X models ( 1993 December 21). The basic constructs of an IDEF1X model are: 1) Things about which data is kept, e.g., people, places, ideas, events, etc., represented by a box; 2) Relationships between those things, represented by lines connecting the boxes; and 3) Characteristics of those things represented by attribute names within the box ( 1993 December 21). IDEF1X methodology can show the communication data flow of the supply chain simulation, and after that we can analyze the data requirement between supply chain members. This analysis focuses on the minimal set of data that needs to be exchanged between members of the supply chain. As a result, a set of data requirements used to communicate among the supply chain members has been identified. Local data required by supply chain members is not contained within the requirements list. These data requirements are a set of messages or entities; they are grouped into nine units of functionality: Generic Order, Generic Order Response, Shipping Order, Shipping Order Response, Product Forecast, Product Forecast Response, Manufacturing Production Report, Truck Dispatch Order/Log, Shipment Report, Transport Request, and Transport Request Response. The information model is presented in the IDEF1X diagrams (Y. Tina Lee and Shigeki Umeda, October 01, 2002). 49 Figure 2.8 Sample of IDEF1X diagram (Y. Tina Lee and Shigeki Umeda, October 01, 2002). 2.10 Conclusion We learnt from previous findings that supply chain management information systems are progressively important to the prosperity of many companies. The advantage of SCMIS among others is that it synchronizes information among the customers, producers, distributors, and other members in a supply chain. Albeit the advantages SCMIS has to offer there are only a few experimentally extracted models appropriate that examines the scope of supply chain management information systems options. 50 Among the investigations carried out on SCMIS is the EDI the profits and abilities of various kinds of supply chain management information systems, electronic market or extended enterprise resource scheduling systems. Besides that, we have also looked at the usage and architecture of SCMIS on Finding 2.4 and 2.5 Modeling is an essential part of the SCMIS. Among the models that have been described in this chapter are: a) Decision Making Models, b) Information Modeling, Perception Modeling, c) The Unified Modeling Language, d) Process Modeling, and e) Supply Chain Operations Reference Model. These models undergo different stages of elaboration starting with common necessities for information systems to feasible models that will be used in the execution stage. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology of the present study will discuss the following areas: Introduction Profile of Vehicle Axle Manufacturing Company (VAMCo.) Supply Chain Management Information System in VAMCo. Current flow of information in the factory with Microsoft Visio 2003 SCMIS Modeling Data Requirements for SCMIS Modeling Data Collection Designing VAMCo. database. Problems of developing the VAMCo. database Data flow diagram (DFD) Entity relationship diagram (IDEF1X) Database management system (DBMS) Operation manual Running the database We will looking at each area in turns. 52 3.1 Introduction The Research Methodology section of this study presents data on the use of SCMIS in one of the manufacturing companies in Iran. Therefore, the data that will be presented in this study are on the basis of a case study. The following parts of this chapter will be looking at VAMCo. company, a vehicle part manufacturing company in Iran, in which it becomes the scope of this research. We will also be looking at various data collection and how the problems are solved with the use of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to simplify the system. The Figure 3.1 summarizes how the present study is carried out. 53 Flow Chart Of Research Methodology Start Finish Background Information Implementation YES Problem Statement Validation Objective Customize The System To The Company NO YES Scope Verification NO Assumption Construct The System Using EDI To Improve The Problem Significance Of The Research Developing The Model Of Supply Chain Management Information System Visit Company Figure 3.1 Flow chart of research methodology (Author, 2010) 54 3. 2 Profile of Vehicle Axle Manufacturing Company (VAMCo.) In this research we will be evaluating a case study in which I have developed a VAMCo. database to be used in one of the vehicle parts manufacturing companies in Iran. The company that has agreed to cooperate with me in this study is Vehicle Axle Manufacturing Co. (V.A.M.Co.). This company was established in 1986 and it is located in Nazar Abad, an industrial city in Iran. In 1996, the Industrial Ministry of Iran through Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (I.D.R.O) decided to change the policy and management of the company. They also decided to change the company’s product to front, rear, independent, portal axles and cover of axles for 3 main ranges of commercial vehicles as follow: A- Light vehicles such as mini buses, light trucks. B- Buses such as intercity buses, city buses, coaches. C- Medium and heavy trucks. In this research we will be only evaluating the cover of light rear axle manufacturing (Figure 3.2). For this product, the company takes its raw materials from three manufacturing companies: 1) The company that supplies roll sheet size 20 from Folad-e-Mobarakeh, 2) The company that supply welds nuts in size 10 from Tehran bazaar and, 3) One pressing required part from a company located in Dolat Abad, Major customers of VAMCO Company are: Mehvar Karan-e- Kosha co., Behran Mehvar Saipa co. and Gama Khodro co. 55 Figure 3.2 3.2.1 Cover of light rear axle (VAMCo., 2010). Bill Of Material (BOM) Bill of Materials is a list of the raw materials, subassemblies, intermediate assemblies, subcomponents, components, parts and the quantities of each needed to manufacture a final product. The bill of material of rear axle cover for VAMCo. can be found in figure 3.3. 56 Bill Of Material (BOM) Cover Rear Axle Cover 1 22 Role Role Sheet Sheet 20 20 size Press Press Part Part Figure 3.3 3.3 1 12 Welded Nuts Nuts Welded Bill of Material (Author, 2010) Supply Chain Management Information System in VAMCo. The objective of this research is to improve the data flow between members in a supply chain system. For this purpose, I have developed a database called VAMCo. 57 database in which after a certain period of revising and improving the new system, we expect to see a decrease in terms of costs and data flow time. This study aims that with the development of such SCIMS software increases the efficiency of the work tasks in the manufacturing company Business process and layout of the manufacturing company can be found in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5. Business Process VAMCO Suppliers Customers Figure 3.4 Business process for rear axle cover (Author, 2010) 58 Figure 3.5 Factory Layout (VAMCo., 2010) 59 3.4 Current flow of information in the factory with Microsoft Visio 2003 Figure 3.6 shows the flow of information in the factory before developing the database. Current Flow of Information In the Factory Receive the customer order Raw material order Order Forecasting Factory First supplier Figure 3.6 3.5 Second supplier Third Supplier Current flow of information in the factory (Author, 2010) SCMIS Modeling The first step is designing a model for information system in supply chain to identify the supply chain elements. Then, the input and the output measurement are 60 carried out and the perceptual models are shaped. After that the quantitative step starts in which this step consists of working on technical problems like progression and evaluation of mathematical and simulation models and control theory techniques. 3.6 Data Requirements for SCMIS Modeling To run and to model SCMIS, three different levels are involved. These levels consist of tactical, operational and strategic. The focus of this research is on strategic modeling of a supply chain management information system. Strategic decisions are long term decisions and they are connected to the company’s strategy. They usually engage most of the supply chain members. One of the basic necessities for supply chain implementation is visibility of appropriate information in the exact time and in the exact arrangement. In stock control strategy these elements might be used at the level of inventory safety, reorder point, stock level of finished goods, raw material and middle parts and inventory location. When it comes to purchase and logistics significant factors are like provider lead time, supply lot size, provider capacity, purchase purview and purchase time. Significant order information consists of parameters such as due date, preference, start and end information and order pattern. Strategic information consists of order control policies and dispatch policies. 61 In the design modeling step of the supply chain the first mission is to find the most significant variables like inputs and outputs and the effect of these variables on the supply chain system. Next, to design the mentioned prototype we will use simulation in the physical and information parts of SCMIS. At the end of the modeling, we will present the key parameters to evaluate this simulation system. We will try to design an efficient information system for SCMIS which utilizes access and Ms Project software that will show the flow of information and regard to that concludes the final result. 3.7 Data Collection To develop the VAMCo. database these data are collected: 1. Production data: Production rate, part number, product number, product price, product type, part type. 2. Customer data: Customer order, due date, order date, order number. 3. Supplier data: Part description, supplier list, part price. 4. Information flow Information within supplier, manufacture and customer 62 3.8 Designing VAMCo. database VAMCo. database created with Microsoft Access, and its utilize to improve the flow of information between suppliers, manufacture and customers. This database should be installing in server inside the VAMCo. factory, regard to that the only way to access the database is by VAMCo. operators and customers can only enter their data by internet but. Customers can order online at any time they want via using internet, and the order data will automatically goes to the database and after less than 8 hours their order will be procedure in VAMCo. factory. The users of the database are the customers of rear axle cover, VAMCo. manufacturing company and the suppliers of rear axle cover for the VAMCo. company. This database helps to improve the flow of data and information between the supply chain members of VAMCo.. 3.9 Problems associated with developing the VAMCo. database Developing this database and installing in VAMCo. factory needs cooperation between supply chain members, it was too hard that convince the supply chain members that this database will improve their manufacturing cycle and it makes a lot of decreasing in cost of stock out and inventory. I spend one mount in this factory to collect the required data and develop this database, but I could only convince one of suppliers and the factory to give me the require data and try this database on their company, until today I receive the customer’s order and production of the factory every day. 63 Developing this database showed that utilizing the information system in supply chain management, helps the manufacturing company to decrease the cost of production, and also helps to the customers and suppliers to send product order and receive material order in the fastest possible way. 3.10 Data flow diagram (DFD) Data flow diagram approach can be used as tool to identify a system (John Azzolini ,2000) Therefore; data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system. It can also be used for the visualization of data processing. Figure 3.7 shows the data flow diagram of the company in improved condition. 64 Customer Product Order Server Send Order Data Factory Delivery Product Planning For Order Production Production Management Production Management Order Inventory Produce Report Purchase Order Front Office Inventory Report Figure 3.7 Raw Material Storage Delivery Part Data Flow Diagram (Author, 2010) Suppliers 65 3.11 Entity relationship diagram (IDEF1X) IDEF1X is a data modeling language for the developing relational database. It is used to produce graphical information model which represents the structure and relate of information within an environment or system. It can be found in figure 3.8. Supplier PK Supplier_ID PK Supplier_Name Supplier_Phone Supplier_Fax Supplier_Address Supplier_Email Note FK1 Product_ID Production_Date Unit_On_Product Unit_On_Reject Note Factory Factory Product Product_Of_Factory FK1 PK Product_ID Factory_ID Factory_Name Working_Days_Per_Week Factory_Phone Factory_Fax Factory_Address Factory_Email Note Product_Name Factory_ID Mean_Daily_Product_Rate Unit_Price Unit_Price Material_Inventory Raw_Material PK FK1 Material_ID Material_Inventory Material_ROP Inventory_Date Note FK1 Customer Material_ID PK Material_Name Supplier_ID Unit_Use_In_Product Production_Rate (Day) Lead time (Day) Note Customer_ID Customer_Name Order_Lead_Time (Day) Customer_Phone Customer_Fax Customer_Address Customer_Email Note Material_Order_Receive Product_Order_By_MKEK FK1 Material_ID Receive_Date Unit_On_Receive Note PK FK1 FK2 Materia_Additional_Order_by_Factory FK2 FK1 Customer_Order_ID Customer_Order_Date Customer_ID Unit_On_Customer_Order Product_ID Note MKEK_Order_Release Material_ID Factory_Order_Date Unit_On_Factory_Order Factory_ID Note FK1 Figure 3.8 Customer_Order_ID Unit_On_Release Release_Date Note Product_Order_By_GKH PK FK1 FK2 Customer_Order_ID Customer_Order_Date Customer_ID Unit_On_Customer_Order Product_ID Note Product_Order_By_BMS PK FK1 FK2 GKH_Order_Release FK1 Customer_Order_ID Unit_On_Release Release_Date Note IDEF1X diagram of the company (Author, 2010) Customer_Order_ID Customer_Order_Date Customer_ID Unit_On_Customer_Order Product_ID Note BMS_Order_Release FK1 Customer_Order_ID Unit_On_Release Release_Date Note 66 3.12 Data relationship Figure 3.9 shows the relationship between supply chain members. This figure created with Microsoft access 2007. Figure 3.9 Data relationship Microsoft Access (Author, 2010) 67 3.13 Operation manual The users of this database need to have Microsoft Access 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Info path 2007 in their computers. The Operation Manual of the database is explained in the following for all the supply chain members. 3.13.1 Operation manual for customers The database is designed to help the customers in dealing with their order request. By following these steps as explained in figures 3.10 to 3.12, customers are able to request their order at any time that they want. 68 To Enter Product_Order_By_BMS Data start Open Microsoft Outlook 2007 Open The Inbox Double Click On BMS E-Mail Inside Inbox Enter The Unit_On_Customer Order Click On Submit Button Click On Send Button Click On Close Button Click On Yes Button Finish Figure 3.10 Customer; Behran Mehvar Saipa Order Steps (Author, 2010) 69 To Enter Product_Order_By_GKH Data start Open Microsoft Outlook 2007 Open The Inbox Double Click On GKH E-Mail Inside Inbox Enter The Unit_On_Customer Order Click On Submit Button Click On Send Button Click On Close Button Click On Yes Button Finish Figure 3.11 Customer; Gama Khodro Order Steps (Author, 2010) 70 To Enter Product_Order_By_MKEK Data start Open Microsoft Outlook 2007 Open The Inbox Double Click On MKEK E-Mail Inside Inbox Enter The Unit_On_Customer Order Click On Submit Button Click On Send Button Click On Close Button Click On Yes Button Finish Figure 3.12 Customer; Mehvar Karan-e-Kosha Order Steps (Author, 2010) 71 3.13.2 Procedures to be followed by personnel-in-charge at VAMCo. factory At the end of each working day, the personnel-in-charge is required to key in the essential data such as daily rear axle cover product and reject, daily order release to the customer and daily receive the raw material and etc. to the database. The steps are explained in figures 3.13 to 3.17. 72 To Enter The Production Detail For Today start Open Vamco Database Press On Rear Axle Cover Today_Production Button Enter Product/ Reject Detail For Today Press On Close Botton Exit From Vamco Database Finish Figure 3.13 To enter the production detail for today (Author, 2010) 73 To Enter The Rear_Axle_Cover Today_Release start Open Vamco Data Base Press on Rear_Axle_Cover_Today Release Press On Behran_Mehvar_Saipa Order_Release Boutton Press On Gama_Khodro Order_Release Boutton Press On Mehvar_Karan-eKosha Order_Release Boutton Enter Today’s Order Release Detail To Behran_Mehvar_Saipa Enter Today’s Order Release Detail To Gama_Khodro Enter Today’s Order Release Detail To Mehvar_Karan-eKosha Press On Mail_Release Report Button Press On Mail_Release Report Button Press On Mail_Release Report Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Finish Figure 3.14 To enter the product release for today (Author, 2010) To Enter The Raw_Material_Today_Order_Receive Detail 74 start Open Vamco Data Base Press on Raw_Material_Today Order_Receive Button Press On PRPA_Today Order_Receive Boutton Press On RS20_Today Order_Receive Boutton Press On WN10_Today Order_Receive Boutton Enter Today’s Unit_On_Receive Enter Today’s Unit_On_Receive Enter Today’s Unit_On_Receive Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Finish Figure 3.15 To enter the raw material order receive for today (Author, 2010) 75 To Enter The Raw_Material_Today_Additional_Order Detail start Open Vamco Data Base Press on Raw_Material_Today Additional_Order Button Press On PRPA_Additional Order Boutton Press On RS20_Additional Order Boutton Press On WN10_Additional Order Boutton Enter Unit_On_Factory_Order (Notice That You Should Enter >= “Today_Rejected”) Enter Unit_On_Factory_Order (Notice That You Should Enter >= “Today_Rejected”) Enter Unit_On_Factory_Order (Notice That You Should Enter >= “Today_Rejected”) Press On Mail_Order Report Button Press On Mail_Order Report Button Press On Mail_Order Report Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Click On Close Button Finish Figure 3.16 To enter the material additional order for today (Author, 2010) 76 To Send Report To The Customer About Estimate Release Order Date start Open Vamco Database Press On Rear Axle Cover Today_Customer Order Button Press On Mail_Release Date_Report Button For All The Customers Press On Close Botton Exit From Vamco Database Finish Figure 3.17 (Author, 2010) To send the estimate release date to the customer for today order 77 3.13.3 Operation manual for Suppliers Suppliers should know about the amount of orders they requested by VAMCo. manufacturing company. In figure 3.18 the steps are explained. 78 To see the VAMCo. Raw material report for today start Open Microsoft Outlook Click on inbox Open the bms Email Inside Inbox Press On open Exit From Microsoft Outlook Finish Figure 3.18 Steps to see the raw material requested by VAMCo. (Author, 2010) 79 3.14 Running the database To run the database each of the supply chain members should follow their steps which are explained in below: 3.14.1Steps to order from customer To have a capability to order, the customer needs to have Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Info Path 2007. The steps could be finding n the figures 3.19 to 3.23. 80 3 1 2 Figure 3.19 Customer order steps 1 (Author, 2010) With having all this two, first step is to Open Microsoft Outlook, Click On Inbox and open the Customer _Order File then click on bms E-Mail inside inbox, After that click on Open Form. 81 2 1 Figure 3.20 Customer order steps 2 (Author, 2010) 5 82 3 Figure 3.21 Customer order steps 3 (Author, 2010) 4 Figure 3.22 The above window Customer order steps 4 (Author, 2010) will be appear Unit_On_Customer_Order and click on Submit button, after that, then enter the 83 5 Figure 3.23 Customer order steps 5 (Author, 2010) After that the massage that the form submitted successfully will occur, then click on Ok button and you can see another window will be open that you should press on Yes button on that window. After doing all this steps, customer will done with the order, the order automatically via internet goes to the database in server and after that factory have the detail order information from each customer separately. 3.14.2 Steps to entering data by factory Now that factory receives the today’s order from customers, its factory turn to entering the needed data to the database, which the steps describe in Follow: First the operator should open the VAMCO database, after that this window will be occurring automatically. The steps can be find in figures 3.24 to 3.45. 84 1 2 Figure 3.24 Factory data entering steps 1 (Author, 2010) This is the main page (Home Page) for the database, the element number 1 which I marked in the window show the production plan for today, it means follow the planning the factory should produce this much of the rear axle cover for today. This number will automatically calculating and showing on this box. The formula for calculation this box is: Maximum amount of raw material lead time = 2 Days Testing the raw material before send them to the production line = 1 Day Production plan for today= Total order for (Today’s Date – 3 Days) 85 Second step is that at the end of the day operator should key in the amount of product and reject in today’s production. For doing that operator should click on the Rear_Axle_cover Today’s Production Button. Figure 3.25 Factory data entering steps 2 (Author, 2010) After that this window will occur. Then operator should enter the amount of product and reject for today. 86 3 Figure 3.26 4 Factory data entering steps 3 (Author, 2010) The third step is to enter the amount of product release for today. The following steps show the procedure of doing that. Operator should click on the Rear_Axle_cover Today’s Release button. Figure 3.27 Factory data entering steps 4 (Author, 2010) 87 This window will occur. 3 1 2 Figure 3.28 Factory data entering steps 5 (Author, 2010) The numbers that marked with number 1 in this page shows the amount of order that follow the plans still factory didn’t release to the specific customers. The formula for this item calculates as follow: Customer_Remains_Order = Total Customer Order until today – Total Customer Order Release until Today 88 The other numbers which marked with number 2 in the page shows the amount of order which should be release on today follow the plan. To calculate this item we have this formula: Maximum Raw Material Lead Time = 2 Days Tasting the Raw material and final product = 1 Day Produce the Rear_Axle_cover Days = (Total Order for 4days ago+ Remains Order) / Production Rate Customer_Order_Plan_Release_For_Today = amount of order in this date {Today’s Date – (2+1+ (Total Order for 4days ago+ Remains Order) / Production Rate))} After that regard to the amount of actual today’s order release operator should click on each customer_Order_Release button to key in the release data. Each of the following buttons are for one specific customer. Figure 3.29 Factory data entering steps 6 (Author, 2010) 89 Then this window will occur (for each of the customers there are different pages): 7 4 5 Figure 3.30 Factory data entering steps 7 (Author, 2010) To send a report to the customer about releasing his order, operator should press on the Mail_Release Report button. Figure 3.31 Factory data entering steps 8 (Author, 2010) 90 After that this page will be appearing, for all the customers, operator should repeat the above steps. 6 Figure 3.32 Factory data entering steps 9 (Author, 2010) The forth step is to enter the amount of raw material which receive from supplier to the factory in today. To do Raw_Material_Today_Order_Receive button. that operator should press the 91 Figure 3.33 Factory data entering steps 10 (Author, 2010) Then we can see this page will be appearing. 5 2 1 Figure 3.34 Factory data entering steps 11 (Author, 2010) Mark number 1 shows the amount of raw material which follows the plan should receive in today. The formula is as follow: 92 Raw material today receive plan = The order in this date (Today’s Date- (Raw material lead time days)) To enter the actual today’s raw material receive, Operator should click on Raw_Material_Today Order_Receive button. Figure 3.35 Factory data entering steps 12 (Author, 2010) Then operator could enter the data on this page. (For each raw material there is specific page that operator should enter the data for them separately). 93 Figure 3.36 Factory data entering steps 13 (Author, 2010) The Fifth step is to enter the raw material additional order for today. operator should press on raw material today additional order. Figure 3.37 Factory data entering steps 14 (Author, 2010) After that this page will be appearing. The 94 1 2 Figure 3.38 Factory data entering steps 15 (Author, 2010) Mark number one shows the tree important element in entering the amount of additional order. 1. Raw material today reject, which it take the data from Product/reject for today 2. Raw material today inventory, which the formula is as follow: Raw material today inventory = total raw material ordered until today – total raw material used until today 95 3. Raw material ROP This is the ROP for the specific raw material. Now operator should key in the additional order for today which is >= raw material reject for today. To do that operator should press on the raw material additional order buttons. (There are three buttons for all three raw materials) Figure 3.39 Factory data entering steps 16 (Author, 2010) After pressing this three buttons separately you can see this page will occur. 4 2 Figure 3.40 1 Factory data entering steps 17 (Author, 2010) 96 After entering the raw material additional order detail for today, to sending the order report to the supplier’s operator should press on the mail order report button. After that in the next page operator should press on send button to send the report. 3 Figure 3.41 Factory data entering steps 18 (Author, 2010) All the above steps should repeat for all the raw materials separately. The last part is to send the report to the customers and tell them the estimate release date for their today’s order. To do that operator should press on rear axle cover today customer order. 97 Figure 3.42 Factory data entering steps 19 (Author, 2010) Then after the next window appeared, operator should press the mail release report date button to send release report to the customers. 2 1 Figure 3.43 Factory data entering steps 20 (Author, 2010) 98 Next there are the new window that operator should click on send button to send the report to the customers. Figure 3.44 Factory data entering steps 21 (Author, 2010) 99 At the end operator should leave the database with clicking on close bottom. Figure 3.45 Factory data entering steps 22 (Author, 2010) 100 3.14.3 Steps to view the factory order by suppliers Now suppliers should know about the detail of VAMCo. Raw material order. To do that they should have Microsoft outlook 2007 and Adobe acrobat reader. The steps can be finding in figures 3.46 to 3.47. First they should open the Microsoft Outlook 2007 and after that they should click on inbox and open the bms E-Mail inside the inbox. 3 2 1 Figure 3.46 steps to view the factory order by supplier 1 (author, 2010) 101 Figure 3.47 steps to view the factory order by supplier 2 (author, 2010) 3.14.4 Steps to see the information about order release time by customers Customers also to see the information about release time for their order should have Microsoft outlook 2007 and Adobe acrobat reader. They should open the Microsoft Outlook 2007 and click on inbox then open the bms E-Mail inside inbox. These steps can be finding in figures 3.48 to 3.51. 102 A. To see the released order in today 2 1 Figure 3.48 3 Steps to see the information about order release time 1 (author, 2010) 103 Figure 3.49 Steps to see the information about order release time 2 (author, 2010) 104 B. To see the estimate date for releasing the order for today 2 1 Figure 3.50 3 Steps to see the information about order release time 3 (author, 2010) 105 Figure 3.51 Steps to see the information about order release time 4 (author, 2010) CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This study will present data on the functional use of VAMCo. database in vehicle axle manufacturing company. We will be looking at these following areas: Comparison of order cycle time between old and new system Developed flow of information in the factory The successes of applying this new database to the company Charts of the developed system Comparison between Old System and Developed system 107 4.1 Comparison of order cycle time between old and new system After the researcher develop the new system and installed it in the factory for one mount, the researcher noticed that the respond time for order decreased from 7 days 1/5/2010 to 8 hours 6/6/2010 this decrease has influenced the inventory and as a result, this saves the cost of production. As you can see in figure 4.1 the flow of data order from customer to the supplier in old system, and in figure 4.2 you can see the flow of data order in the developed system. Figure 4.1 Flow the data Gantt chart in old system (Author, 2010) 108 In this figure you can see the whole ordering procedure takes almost 7 working days, so the factory in order to avoid the stock out costs, has to try to keep the inventory for seven days product. Keeping the inventory for seven days makes the inventory cost high, which in the following part we will discuss about it in detail. Figure 4.2 Flow the data Gantt chart in new system (Author, 2010) This Gantt chart shows the ordering cycle time in newly developed system, which as you can see the order cycle in comparison to the old system, decreased from seven working days to 8 hours. With this order cycle, it’s no longer essential for the factory to have seven days inventory for avoiding the stock out, so the factory’s inventory in newly developed system decreased to one day product. 109 4.2 Developed flow of information in the factory Figure 4.3 Developed flow of information in the factory (Author, 2010) In this figure you can see the developed flow of information in the factory. In the developed system, the factory use EDI for the flow of information between supply chain members, so the transportation for data between supply chain members become fast, and with having that the cycle order time will be decreased. 110 4.3. The successes of applying this new database to the company 4.3.1 Ordering cycle time is shortened The time order cycle in the newly developed system decreased in comparison to the old system. This is because time spent on paper work in the newly developed system is removed. Supply members connect with each other via the internet. 4.3.2 Product inventory decreased Prior to the implementation of the VAMCO, the factory in this study keep their stock for 7 days to avoid out-of-stock problems in inventory. This led to high cost for inventory and maintenance. The implementation of VAMCO enables the factory to reduce the number of days from 7 to 1, which results in reduction of cost for inventory and maintenance. 111 4.3.3 Transportation cost decreased The factory of the study had spent considerably huge amount of money on transportation. They had to send their customer’s order in different parts because they couldn’t meet the release time of the order, so they send the order in different points of time until the order is completely sent out. The newly developed system allows the production of total order finished at specific point of time so that when the factory sends the product to the customer, they can save their cost on transportation and constant delivery of product. 4.3.4 The amount of production lane stop decrease to almost zero In the newly developed system, factory receives the required raw material from suppliers on time and in the right amount, but in the old system because of lack of information flow between suppliers and the factory, usually there was a lacking of raw material in the production lane which that makes the production lane stop. 4.3.5 The cost of production lane stop become almost zero In the newly developed system when we don’t have the production lane being stopped, we also don’t have to bear the cost for production lane stop. 112 4.4 charts of the developed system After applying the new system on the factory, the following results have been taken from the data. Behran Mehvar Saipa Order Unit_On_Customer_Order 21 19 17 15 Mean=14.8 13 11 9 7 5 Figure 4.4 Behran Mehvar Saipa Order chart (Author, 2010) 113 Gama Khodro Order Unit_On_Customer_Order 21 19 17 15 Mean=14.9 13 11 9 7 5 Figure 4.5 21 Gama Khodro Order chart (Author, 2010) Mehvar Karan-e-Kosha Order 19 17 Unit_On_Customer_Order Mean=15.4 15 13 11 9 Figure 4.6 Mehvar Karan Order chart (Author, 2010) 1/1/1900 2/1/1900 3/1/1900 4/1/1900 5/1/1900 6/1/1900 7/1/1900 8/1/1900 9/1/1900 10/1/1900 11/1/1900 12/1/1900 13/1/1900 14/1/1900 15/1/1900 16/1/1900 17/1/1900 18/1/1900 19/1/1900 20/1/1900 21/1/1900 22/1/1900 23/1/1900 24/1/1900 25/1/1900 26/1/1900 27/1/1900 28/1/1900 29/1/1900 Unit_On_Production_Plan Unit_On_Order 114 60 Total Order 55 50 45 Mean=44.9 40 35 Figure 4.7 Figure 4.8 Total Order chart (Author, 2010) Factory Production Plan 60 55 50 Mean=45.3 45 40 35 factory production plan chart (Author, 2010) 115 Production Of Factory Unit_On_Product 55 50 Mean=44.5 45 40 35 Figure 4.9 Production of factory chart (Author, 2010) Factory Reject 4.5 Unt_On_Factory_Reject 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Figure 4.10 factory reject chart (Author, 2010) Mean=0.8 ~0 116 Press Part Total Order Unit_On_Factory_Order 60 55 50 Mean=45.6 45 40 35 Figure 4.11 Press Part Total order chart (Author, 2010) Role Sheet Size 20 Total Order 115 105 100 95 Mean=91.3 90 85 80 Figure 4.12 Role sheet Total order chart (Author, 2010) 31/5/20… 29/5/20… 27/5/20… 25/5/20… 23/5/20… 21/5/20… 19/5/20… 17/5/20… 15/5/20… 13/5/20… 9/5/2010 7/5/2010 5/5/2010 3/5/2010 70 11/5/20… 75 1/5/2010 Unit_on_Factory_order 110 117 Welded Nuts total Order 700 Unit_On_Factory_Order 650 600 550 Mean=548.2 500 450 400 Figure 4.13 Press Part Total order chart (Author, 2010) Product Inventory Unit_On_Product_Inventory 55 53 51 49 47 Mean=44 45 43 41 39 37 35 Figure 4.14 Product Inventory chart (Author, 2010) 118 Presse Part Factory Inventory Unit_On_Factory_Inventory 110 105 100 Mean=87.9 95 90 85 80 75 Figure 4.15 Press factory inventory chart (Author, 2010) Role Sheet Factory Inventory Unit _On_Factory_Inventory 115 110 105 100 Mean=85.03 95 90 85 80 75 70 Figure 4.16 Role sheet factory inventory chart (Author, 2010) 119 Welded Nuts Factory Inventory 1300 1250 1200 Mean=1055.2 1150 1100 1050 1000 Figure 4.17 4.5 31/5/2… 29/5/2… 27/5/2… 25/5/2… 23/5/2… 21/5/2… 19/5/2… 17/5/2… 15/5/2… 13/5/2… 11/5/2… 9/5/20… 7/5/20… 900 5/5/20… 950 3/5/20… Unit_On_Factory_Inventory 1350 Welded Nuts factory inventory chart (Author, 2010) Comparison between Old System and Developed system The end result of this study, as you can see in the table below is that VAMCo. has decreased the cost of production by employing the VAMCo. database within one months. The comparison between the old system and the newly developed system can be seen in table 4.1. 120 Table 4.1 Comparison between old system and new system (Author, 2010) Comparison Between Old System And New One Element Old System New System Unit Product inventory 400 44 Skid Respond Time 7 Days Maximum 8 Hours ----- Transport Cost 55000000 10000000 IR Rial Production Lain Stop 1.5 Almost Zero Hours Cost Of Production Lain Stop 5000000 Almost Zero IR Rial CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION In this Chapter we will discuss about following items: 5.1 Introduction Summary of Research Discussion of findings Recommendation Limitations of the study Introduction Supply chain management and information systems are firmly attached. Execution of supply chain strategies will be extremely complicated with no supporting of information systems. Simultaneously, a lot of progresses in information systems have 122 been appeared from necessities set by enterprises seeking cooperate with their members in the supply chain area. For example, the progression of internet services has been driven by a must for pliability and more open information systems interfaces to uphold reconfigurability Arrangement data using computer system can support business process. Therefore, information flows manage all of record data that related with the system. In this particular case, implementation information technology can help manager to manage the data not only with supplier, but also with customer. 5.2 Summary of Research Today high competitive market needs fast, effective, high responsiveness, online interactive, 24 hours 7 days availability, easy to follow up orders processing, etc. For researchers, the model provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the range of SCM IS capabilities. With further study, the model and concepts could also be adapted for other strategic IS applications. Practitioners can gain a better understanding of the capabilities of their implemented SCM IS and the expected capabilities that future SCM IS may provide. Find out that how well supply chain management information systems facilitate different organizational potential in a company can decrease the complexity of estimating different supply chain management information system. Earlier studies models of the organizational powers, accomplished by dissimilar types of information 123 system (Bensaou 1997; Sabherwal and Chan 2001; Venkatraman and Ramanujam 1987; Zviran 1990). Supply chain management information systems are the information systems between companies that employ information and communication technology to arrange information inside and among the participator of a supply chain like the clients, sellers, providers, and distributors included in the utilization and supply of a special product or service. Companies frequently use a portfolio of supply chain management information systems, which characteristically contain legacy systems linked by electronic data interchange, packaged applications employing Web-based exchange of information or ideas, or some other blend of information connection technology. Nevertheless, there isn’t any single model that is appropriate for investigative and evaluating the potential facilitated by supply chain management information system specifically. Tim S. McLaren (2004) found existing generic IS capabilities constructs such as “analysis” (Sabherwal and Chan 2001; Venkatraman 1989) did not sufficiently discriminate between internal and external analysis, which subsequent interviews showed to be an important distinction in SCM IS. While strategic coalition has received substantial consideration in latest researches of generally information systems policies (Kearns and Lederer 2001; Reich and Benbasat 2000; Sabherwal and Chan 2001), models have not so far been advanced to a adequately itemized stage to tested the organizational ability, capable by particular kinds of information system, such as supply chain management information system. 124 In addition, current researches of information systems abilities have various shortages when used to model the abilities allowed by supply chain management information systems particularly. For instance, vagueness in the current hypothesis makes it indistinct whether or how a model of supply chain management information systems abilities should differentiate among complicated concepts like functional competence, functional elasticity, and interior or exterior business procedure harmony. Thus, the goal of this paper is to develop an integrated model of SCM IS capabilities that is supported by empirical evidence specific to SCM IS implementations. The model developed integrates and enriches theories of competitive strategy, supply chain management, and interorganizational information systems. We learnt from previous findings that supply chain management information systems are progressively important to the prosperity of many companies. The advantage of SCMIS among others is that it synchronizes information among the customers, producers, distributors, and other members in a supply chain. Albeit the advantages SCMIS has to offer there are only a few experimentally extracted models appropriate that examines the scope of supply chain management information systems options. Among the investigations carried out on SCMIS is the EDI the profits and abilities of various kinds of supply chain management information systems, electronic market or extended enterprise resource scheduling systems. 125 5.3 Discussion of findings This study has five major findings and we will be discussing each in turns: 1 Ordering cycle time is shortened 2 Product inventory decreased 3 Transportation cost decreased 4 The amount of production lane stop decrease to almost zero. 5 The cost of production lane stop become almost zero. 5.3.1 Summary of the major findings Ordering cycle time is shortened The time order cycle in the newly developed system decreased in comparison to the old system. This is because time spent on paper work in the newly developed system is removed. Supply members connect with each other via the internet. 126 Product inventory decreased Prior to the implementation of the VAMCO, the factory in this study keep their stock for 7 days to avoid out-of-stock problems in inventory. This led to high cost for inventory and maintenance. The implementation of VAMCO enables the factory to reduce the number of days from 7 to 1, which results in reduction of cost for inventory and maintenance. Transportation cost decreased The factory of the study had spent considerably huge amount of money on transportation. They had to send their customer’s order in different parts because they couldn’t meet the release time of the order, so they send the order in different points of time until the order is completely sent out. The newly developed system allows the production of total order finished at specific point of time so that when the factory sends the product to the customer, they can save their cost on transportation and constant delivery of product. 127 The amount of production lane stop decrease to almost zero In the newly developed system, factory receives the required raw material from suppliers on time and in the right amount, but in the old system because of lack of information flow between suppliers and the factory, usually there was a lacking of raw material in the production lane which that makes the production lane stop. The cost of production lane stop become almost zero In the newly developed system when we don’t have the production lane being stopped, we also don’t have to bear the cost for production lane stop. 5.4 Recommendation In addition, if company wants to develop business, manager also can control all of branch using network system. In conclusion, implement Information system in supply chain management can manage system efficiently and effectively to provide information and communication properly. In this particular case, computer system only covers activity within manufacturing system. Networking only covers about relationship between main office and each branch and also how company manages customer and supplier. 128 5.5 Limitations of the study By developing this database and installing VAMCo. , a factory needs cooperation among all supply chain members. One of the problems the present study encountered is that it was rather difficult to convince the supply chain members that this database will improve their manufacturing cycle and that it could possibly decrease their costs in terms of stock out and inventory. I spend one month in this factory to collect the required data and to develop this database, but I could only convince one of the suppliers and the factory to give me the required data to try the database out. Ever since the implementation of the database I have received numerous customers’ order and production of the factory every day. Another limitation of the study, though it doesn’t give much significance to the findings of the study, is the duration in which the study is carried out. I developed and implemented the database over a course of one month and result has proved success. I believe with longer duration of implementation, I could provide with ample examples of success and plenty of data to support my stance on the success of the program. 129 References Bernard Scott. (2005) .An Introduction To Enterprise Architecture (Second Edition). United States of America: AuthorHouse. Chandra Charu & Grabis Jānis (2007). Supply Chain Configuration. 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