Lyon County School District Basic Lesson Design Course -Baking I Grade Level- 10-12 Lesson Title- Bread production Project Review Sponge: Discuss with an elbow partner the reason the straight method is used to produce lean doughs. Key Vocabulary: Straight Method , Modified Straight Method, Sponge Method, Lean Dough, Rich Dough Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast lean dough production to rich dough production. Explain relationship of mixing method used to the lean or rich nature of doughs produced. Standards9.1.1 Identify and use common baking ingredients. 9.1.2 Prepare yeast breads. 9.1.3 9.1.4 Adapt recipes for environmental conditions. 9.1.5 Utilize portion control. 9.1.6 Properly store bread. Readings/ Materials : Breads Project Pack Bread Faults Rubric Ingredients- See Breads Unit Ordering Guide Unit Vocabulary Review Instructional Activities: 1. Explanation of Breads Project Rotation- Groups of two will rotate daily to complete each of the five breads of the project pack 2. Recipe review/ Rubric Review ( Including explanation of self evaluation rubric and in class/homework project requirements Project components will include : Lyon County School District Basic Lesson Design a. Production of each loaf style of bread in lab with a product self evaluation sheet attached b.Competed recipe conversions to a yield of 1( in the case of Brioche and french breads recipe yield will be 13 oz )( In the case of the Foccaicia bread yield will be speced at a half sheet pan) c. Unit Vocabulary Review d. Questions for Discussion in Gisslen Ch 3-4 3. Group Selection ( groups of 2 ) 4. PPP " Mixing methods and the doughs they produce" 5. Class discussion of PPP topics as they relate to issues in project recipes Closure: Exit ticket- 1 piece of trash to leave the room AssessmentWritten unit assessment of dough procedures and vocabulary presented in PPP