November Monthly Instructional Calendar - 6th grade Science – Teresa Kramer 404-334-4790 ext. 465--Kmail is the best way to contact- This Week’s Focus Monday Tuesday 2 6.3 Pathways Opens November 1st CC: Plate Tectonics (recording—sent through kmail) Work on Quizlet flashcards OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 6 Plate Tectonics 9 Unit 4: Plate Tectonics Work on 6.3 Study Island or USA Test Prep Assignments 16 Study Island: Watch Weather and Climate part 1 recording below Weather and Climate Part 1 Recording PBL: Why do some volcanoes explode? Mystery Science Exploration Why do some volcanoes explode? 11 CC: Volcanoes 12 Work on Quizlet flashcards OLS Cumulative Progress: 27 lessons (lesson count adjusted for students with later start dates) 13 OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 15 Unit Assessment OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 14 Review Work on Quizlet and flashcards 17 CC: Atmosphere 18 OLS: Unit 5, Lesson 4 Daily Weather OLS: Unit 5, Lesson 2 Layers of Atmosphere Study Island: Watch Weather and Climate part 2 recording below Weather and Climate Part 2 Recording Work on Quizlet and flashcards 23 No School: Catch up time Unit 5: Air, Weather, and Climate OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 12 Earthquakes OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 13 Lab--Seismographs USA Test Prep: Video: Building Landforms USA Test Prep: Performance Task: Plate Tectonics USA Test Prep: Interim Assessment 2 is Due TODAY! 6 OLS: Unit 4, lesson 9 Landforms OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 8 Plate Boundaries USA Test Prep: Video: Divergent and Convergent Plates 10 5 CC: Plate Boundaries USA Test Prep: Performance Task: Important Geologic Events Work on Quizlet flashcards Unit 5: Air, Weather, and Climate CC: Earthquakes Friday 4 OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 7 Energy of Convection USA Test Prep: Video: Plate Tectonics Example OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 10 Lab—Plate Boundaries Thursday 3 Study Island: Geological Processes Geological Processes Recording USA Test Prep: Interim Assessment 2 is Due November 4th! Wednesday 24 OLS Cumulative Progress: 32 lessons (lesson count adjusted for students with later start dates) USA Test Prep: Performance Task: Constructive & Destructive Processes 19 CC: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation OLS: Unit 4, Lesson 3 Conduction, Convection, and Radiation Work on Quizlet flashcards Complete any missing or not mastered assignments. Work on 6.3 Study Island or USA Test Prep Assignments 25 20 USA Test Prep: Video: Heat Transfer: Radiation 26 OLS Cumulative Progress: 35 lessons (lesson count adjusted for students with later start dates) 27 Thanksgiving Break USA Test Prep: Performance Task: Transfer of Heat Energy Study Island: Weather and Climate 30 1 CC: Air Circulation/ Air Masses (recording—sent through kmail) OLS: Unit 5, Lesson 5 Air Circulation Work on Quizlet flashcards OLS: Unit 5, Lesson 6 Air Masses 2 USA Test Prep: Video: Unequal Heating and Weather CC: Weather Fronts 3 OLS: Unit 5, Lesson 7 Weather Fronts OLS: Unit 5, Lesson 8 Meteorology 4 USA Test Prep: Video: Evaporation and Weather Work on Quizlet and flashcards OLS Cumulative Progress: 39 lessons (lesson count adjusted for students with later start dates) November Monthly Instructional Calendar - 6th grade Science – Teresa Kramer 404-334-4790 ext. 465--Kmail is the best way to contact- Science Cumulative Assignment List OLS Lessons Assigned through the end of the month. Unit Lessons 1: Earth’s Surface 1: Introduction to Earth Science 2: Spheres of the Earth 3: Mapping the Earth 4: Mapping Earth’s Physical Features 5: Weathering 6: Erosion 7: Soils of the Earth 8: Soil Profiles 9: Lab: Desertification 11: Earth’s Surface Unit Review 2: Rocks and Minerals 1: Identifying Minerals and Crystals 2: Lab: Mineral Identification 3: Igneous Rocks 4: Sedimentary Rocks 5: Metamorphic Rocks 7: Rock Cycle 8: Lab: Rock Cycle Unit 5: Air, Weather, and Climate Lessons 2: Layers of Atmosphere 4: Daily Weather 3: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 5: Air Circulation 6: Air Masses 7: Weather Fronts 8: Meteorology Required USA Test Prep Assignments to Date: Pre-Test (Closing October 31) Interim Assessment 1 (closed) Interim Assessment 2 (Due November 4th) Unit 1 Practice Assignments Unit 2 Practice Assignments Fossils and Plate Tectonics Part I 3: Geologic History 4: Fossils 5: Records in Rocks Quizlet: See separate attachment for links OR join my quizlet classroom to have immediate access to my flashcard sets. Join Mrs. Kramer's Quizlet Classroom! Click Here! 4: Plate Tectonics 2: Center of the Earth 3: Continental Drift 4: Seafloor Geography 5: Seafloor Spreading 6: Plate Tectonics 7: Energy of Convection 8: Plate Boundaries 9: Landforms 10: Lab—Plate Boundaries 12: Earthquakes 13: Lab—Seismographs 14: Unit Review 15: Unit Assessment Link to Science Class Connect Recordings and Resources: Mrs. Kramer's Science Recordings and Resources