_:P_,a psyc2J a tlmt tile not _® dangero_ FRO5[ tt.seand. THE 7{O, 8up?l. DEPARTMENT COPENHAGEN. HEAD: OF 180_ }89-395 :PSYCtIIATRY) OVERL-EGE DR. (1964). FREDERIKSBERG 3IED. EINAR LSD 2365 ,_J: ttOSI'ITAL) GEERT-JORGENSEN. _der the correct , Chief Pilysic[an_ ,s Nervesanatoriutla HOMICIDE AFTER LYSERGIC Knud In an article about TREATMENT ACID WITH DIETHYLAMIDE Knudsen Lysergic' Acid Diethylamide Dr. I{. A. SA,xmsox and I. D.A. WmT_,:L,tW mention, that they ill many patiel\ts have observed enhanced initiative emotionality and aggressive behaviour after treatment with LSD. A ease history is produced third day after LSD-treatment about a 25-year old woman, committed homicide. No disl)ositions for mental diseases patient has grown up in a solid pietistic She has a three years ymmger him and the rest of her family. who on the . in her family are known. The labour environment in a village. brother. She has good relations with She visited a council school in the country. After this the 1)atient had various domestic jobs and was popular there. She was in her native place considered a healthy and in every respect natural young girl. She has had no erotic experiences, did not smoke and only very seldom drank alcoholic liquors and in very small amounts, until not quite 20 years old she went to Norway as a domestic servant in Oslo. Ostensibly she bad two male friends with whom she had intimate relations during herstayin Norway. She got a Danish girl friend, Kirsten, who got engaged to the later murdered Kai. He had a_ illicit still and led the girls into abuse of alcohol and visits to restaurants. At a certain time the patient helped her girl friend in a primitive attempt at a procured abortion, l(ai surprised them and later Not to be published outside on repeatedly the medical threatened to inform the police press. 389 if the patient would not hal I) him. Later on he was arrested of theft and made her smuggle out some letters, It has not been possible ' to get out details about her stay on a charge in Norway but the patient gradually got mixed up in considerable dissipation, where injections were given presumably of stimulating remedies or sedatives. She thought that she at any rate at a certain period has got morphia. As she thought that life had become too complicated she got many self-reproaches as to the life she had become mixed up with, she went to ])enmark but two days after her arrival in a tense and unbalanced state she was sent to the mental hospitals in the towns of Aarhus and Viborg from where she was discharged in November 1959 and sent to a folk high school. (diagnosis: psychopathic personality? drugaddiction?) During the Christmas holidays she went to her friends Kirsten and •' Kai, who now had got married and lived in Copenhagen, as she did not like to go to her parents because she was ashamed of her behaviour in Norway and her two removals to a hospital. During her girl friend's removal to a hospital Kai made her drunk, had intimate relations with her and gave her injections. Pregnancy was proved in the montk of February. She was very doubtful as to the carrying through of her pregnancy, but there was psychiatric indication for abortus provoeatus , enter on inti and forces hc Sound with about. He p boy friend a She move and has vari ske saw him to a girl friez look her up other things under her be is sentto Fr She stayed i from hospita She allege_ selfreproaehe hospital, and she was at t; Her state and she was after the intervention again sent to the Mental hospital ia the town of Viborg for three months in the same state of mind as by the previous removals to a hospital. (diagnosis: psychopathic personality?-- drug addiction?) After her discharge from hospital she went to Copenhagen as a hospital orderly. She had only been for three weeks in the job when after open and co, As we got th after her sta; and adaptabl contained am her with LSI: There is a ] It eonclud( having gone to see Kai and Kirsten she learned that he in the face of others had accused her of having stolen 25 pounds, She got drunk and was sent to detention and on that occasion the idea struck her that he ought to be killed. At that time the patient for the first time is removed to Frederiksberg Hospital. She was sent to hospital for five days under the diagnosis: "Psychopathic personality (Vacillation). Addiction to alcohol." She was sent to positive. The pressive glee energy. Her A strong feeli ments. Her ] very doubtful of working of hospital in a drunken depressed state. During the few days she was in hospital she was very taciturn, sulky, and annoyed, somewhat self-reproaehful and did not want a longer stay or treatment, there are pre patient is mu tions to other During the time from :February to June 1961 she is often rung up or looked up by KAI who ostensibly presses her to lend him money and sion hampere( being obvious 390 _d on a charge enter ou intimate relations. He wishes to have an illicit still in her room and forces her to accompany all old acquaintance from Norway across the ay in Norway [e dissipation, remedies or Sound with a bag, the conten_ of which she did not know anything about. Hc presses her to do so by threatening to tell her quiet steady bo b, friend about her past in Norway. )eriod has got _plicated she .ixcd up with, t a tense and in the towns in November She moves several times to escape him, starts on evening lessons and has various jobs, but he looks her up several times. The last time she saw him was i_ September 1(.)6.1 and October the 1st she moved to a girl friend's flat. She was always in a state of anxiety that he might look her up and shunned human society and was paranoyed. Among other things when coming home she would look into the wardrobe and c personality? under her bed, whether he was there. For the second time the patient is sent to Frederiksberg Hospital on the twenty-third of January 1962. She stayed in hospital for 8 months. Immediately after her discharge from hospital on April 27 the homicide was committed. She alleged to have suffered from 4 or 5 periods of depression and Kirsten and a, as she did mr behaviour r girl friend's tare relations in the month trough of her ts provocatus :ntal hospital e of mind as mpathic per- _eu as a hosb when after the face of occasion the e patient for _is: "Psycho'_was sent to s she was in _hat self-re_en rung up • money and selfreproaches during the 15 months from her first removal to the hospital, and as it was thought that she had endogenous depression she was at the beginning treated with 8 Narco-curare-electroshock. Her state of mind became somewhat better and she became more opcn and cooperative, but still was shy and much contacthampered. As we got the impression that the psycho-traumatic events during and after her stay in N or_ay had ehanged her from a robust industrious and adaptable girl into a hampered, shy, contained and inadaptable girl we thought her with LSD-treatment. depressed, distrustful, selfpossibly to be able to help There is a Rorschach-test 4 days after the second removal to hospital. It concludes: Even if the contact is rather weak yet the accept is positive. pressive The patient produces 32 replies. gloom but there is no peculiar Her state depressive is marked by deenfeeblement of energy. Her gifts are somewhere in the uppermost half of the average. A strong feeling of insufficiency can influence the intellectual achievements. Her personality is much introverted, emotional and touchy, very doubtful with tendency to sensitivity. The extrovert possibilities of working off are very narrow, the powers of contact are rather weak, there are predispositions to accumulation of passion. At present the patient is much absorbed in conflict-filled speculations about her relations to other people. She seems to fix feelings of resentment, is aggression hampered and her conception of men has a paranoid note without being obviously paranoid. Besides there is a certain uneasiness. 391 Conclusion soon calmed do Her gifts are somewhere in the ul)permost half of the average. Her state is marked by depressive gloom but without weakness of energy. Besides there is anxiety, a certain sinister feeling and tendency to paranoid coloured opinions, ]?crsonality is sensitive without confidence in herself, very emotional and sensitive, aggressive state_ On the followi on the third da To a high degree extrovert possibilities of working off are missing. habitual state, she was to go tq job as a visitin_ return to tell h( Immediately :Before the LSD-trcatment we knew that whom we have mentioned before. she was dependent on Kai, that she was re One hour an( given, The patient with a week's of Eastern, received interval, was given a total of 5 LSD-treatments which were given apart from the last treatment which because at an interval of a fortnight. that she of Fine Arts an she came back1 During Each time she got 50 gamma LSD. During the first four treatments she was very self-contained, depressed and self-reproachful and difficult to contact. She only came with a few desultory remarks. Her behaviour during the first treatmcnt showed many traces of passion, where she scratched her wrist. Sometimes she was aggressive when l the f( pital and later ( stated that, to treatment, she It was as if she Besides, it w_ mentioning the later mm'dercd ](ai and during the second treatment she, among othcr things, cried: "Go away Kai, I don't want to Kai, I kill you!" She was rather exhausted after the treatments, lying drowsy in bed the following day. On the third day after the treatments nothing by some fellow • morning before patients and tt behaviour. remarkable in the ward was to bc observed, and she obviously felt well. ])uring the last LSD-trcatment on April 25, she got l{itMin in order to gct her out of her hampered state, she said when being given the injection: "Kai pricked too". Thereafter she was very unstable, crying, After having was in vain, if I a taxi-cab to t to see Kai. lie and one moment she indicated that she desired to kill Kai while lookil_g they returned t at her hands of what and saying that they could be used to so many purposes -- the next moment she folded her hands and was self-reproachful, She indicated that the doctor's face now and then assumed the shape of that of Kai. J)uring the last four treatments she was placed in a belt because of her motorious agitation and her primitively attempted suicide while being treated. During the last treatment she was released from the belt and broke a few panes. She had to get hypnofen and after that she came into an excited state in which she broke a chair, In the afternoon she fell asleep on medicine. About 11 p.m. she woke up and was restless 392 and desperate, she threw a cup on the floor but was had ha complete void i with her, on ex on her garment: while she grasp. Then she remel had the knife i_ that she was s( During the fi depressed and c: soon calmed down and when talking with her, she did not make any _'erage. Her of energy. tcy to para- aggressive statements as to Kai. Oa the following day she was very drowsy, quiet, and unobtrusive and on the third day, the day of her discharge, she seemed to be in her habitual state, although somewhat depressed. It was thought that g emotional she was to go to the Health ]insurance Society, in order to apply for a job as a visiting woman assistant, there -- and later in the day was to Lre missing, return to tell how she had got on. Immediately before leaving the Ward at about _nt on Kai, 11,30 a.m. she indicated that she was restless arid would like to throw something on the floor. One hour and a hMf after she had left the ward, information was given, that she had stabbed a man with a knife at the RoyM Academy were given [chbecause of Fine Arts and through the ca_uMty ward of the 5Iunicipal hospital she camebackto the ward. treatments I and diffiks. Her be- During the following mental observations at the Frederiksberg Hospital al_d later o_1at the psychiatric ward of the National Hospital she stated that, to a certain degree, still under the influence of the LSI)treatment, she had felt confused and labile, when leaving the ward. of passion, ssive when It was as if she had been beside herself. Besides, it was informed, that she, without • treatment mt to Kai, 'ing drowsy nts nothing by some fellow patients in the ward but had controlled herself. On the morning before the discharge the patient had taken leave of the other patients and the staff had not observed anything remarkable in her behaviour. ly felt well. [in in ordex" given the ble, crying, bile looking After having come home to the flat, she got the idea that everything was in vain, if Kai did not get away. She put a knife in her pocket, took a taxi-cab to the Royal Academy of the Fine Arts, where she went to see Kai. He took her to a pub, where they had a few drinks. Then they returned to the Academy where Kai was employed. Her memory _y purposes eproachful, the shape _.din a belt }ted suicide eased from l after that of what had hapl)ened there is only fragmentary and influenced by a complete void in her memory. She is of opinion that Kai had coition with her, on examination, however, no signs of sperm had been found on her garnlents. She is of opinion too that he put his head on her lap while she grasped the handle of the knife she had in her shoulder bag. Then she remembers that Kai lay upon her. She is of opinion that she had the knife in her hand and grasped the blade. She then remembers that she was screaming and that a lot of people came in. . she woke ,or but was During the first days after the homicide the patient was apathetic, depressed and crying now and then. Several times she indicated thoughts reason, had been irritated 393 : :: : : " ! of suicide. On the basis of the doctor's certificate of her state of mind from the Psychiatric Department of the National Hospital the Medicolegal Council states among other things: that the abnormal mental components which are supposed to have manifested themselves in the patients psyche at the moment of action are connected with the fact that since the age of twenty she apparently has had certain symptoms of charaeterological insufficiency -- by way of introduction of the abuse of drugs and alcohol and in the following years with a more permanent reduction of the mental resistance an inclination to react with depressions, lack of self-confidence and irresoluteness even to slight outward strain. and this seJ department provoking I continued w 8a._D_SOX, I_, of Lyre, Under the possibly ambivalent -- but at any rate very straining relations with Kai there is developed a reactive, anxious-depressive state coloured by an abnormal prospensity to self-importance which at any rate during the last six months before the homicide, dominated her to such a degree that it must be regarded as having been of psychotic nature, a depressive -- psychogenic psychosis -- lasting mainly unchanged from September 1961 until the events on April, 27, 1962. In this mentally delicate person the LSD-treatment have activated to an exceptional degree already existing aggressive impulses and incitements together with the fact that it has weakened the inhibition and selfcontrol of the accused. Thus it must be assumed that the treatment has decisively influenced the faculty of the accused for self-control _nd control of aggrcs_iv0 irnpulse_ -- including the motive to killing Kai As to the amnesia of the accused concerning the action of killing itself that must be supposed to be due to an effectively conditional, psychogenic repression Her detailed memory of the course of event on the day in question until the moment of homicide makes it unlikely that amnesia is caused by a disturbance of consciousness existing at that moment The patient was recommended to be sent to a mental hospital This report is in accordance with the opinion of Overl0ege Dr med EI_'AI_ GEERT-J6RGENSEN expressed in his certificate of her state of mind in which as to the influence on her action the following is stated: "I do not think that the patient on her discharge has been under the toxic influence of LSD. On the other hand I dare not rule out that the LSD-treatment has diminished certain restraints which she had previously been in possession of. Cases of homicide after LSD-treatment are not known in literature 394 Discussion: -i ¸ i/ :ate of mind and this serious complication the Medico:mal mental _elves in the "ith the fact dcpartment concerning the LSD-treatment, but because of thoughtprovoking positive results with other patients the treatment will be continued with this drug. n symptoms of the abuse e permanent with depresghtoutward has sharpened the safety valve of the l_cferences ' _A.xmso:,-,R. A. & I. D. A. "_VIIITELA'_V 1957): Further Studies in the Therapeutic Value of Lyserglc Acid Diethylamide in Mental Illness. J. Ment. Sci. 103, 431. K. P. KNUDSEI_', M.D. ry straining Frederiksberg Copenhagen ,ressivc state dfich at any Denmark minated her of psychotic mainly ua7, 1962. ve activated Discussion: See under ALNrES, Hospital R! npulscs and he ir hibition at the treatr self-control Ce to killing )n of killing conditional, rse of event _s it unlikely existing at )spital. ,ge Dr. reed. her state of ng is stated: ;n under the outthatthe he had prein literature 395 '