VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics 7. Basic equations II (4.7-4.8) • • • • Bernoulli´s equation Kinetic energy, potential energy, and pressure energy for fluid in motion Energy head (line): velocity head, pressure head, and elevation head, Bernoulli´s equation, applications Exercises: C12, C14, and C23 VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics BERNOULLI’S EQUATION • Bernoulli’s equation is the energy equation for an ideal fluid (friction and energy losses assumed negligible). • Bernoulli’s equation may, however, be used with satisfactory accuracy in many engineering problems and has the advantage of providing valuable insight about energy conditions in fluid flow VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics BERNOULLI’S EQUATION p γw + V 2 + z = H = const . 2g Bernoulli’s equation is a useful relationship between pressure p, velocity V, and geometric height z, above a reference plane (datum). H: energy head (m) z: elevation head above datum (m) V: velocity (m/s) g: gravity acceleration (m/s2) p: pressure (Pa) w: weight density for the flowing fluid (N/m3) Quantity Name Measure of H Energy head Total energy P/w Pressure head Pressure energy Z Elevation head Potential energy V2/(2g) Velocity head Kinetic energy p γ w + z = piezometric head or H .G.L = Hydraulic Grade Line = Trycknivå VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics p/w VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics Validity criterias – Bernoulli’s equation 1) 2) 3) 4) Along a streamline For an ideal fluid Steady flow Incompressible flow VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics C12 If crude oil flows through this pipeline and its velocity at A is 2.4 m/s, where is the oil level in the open tube C? VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics KINETIC ENERGY CORRECTION FACTOR, α For a real fluid, friction will cause a non-uniform velocity distribution ⇒ the velocity head have to be corrected before use of the Bernoulli equation. The real kinetic energy is obtained by integration over the section area and is then expressed in terms of the mean velocity, V, and a correction coefficient, α. The corrected velocity head becomes α V 2 Eqn, 4.26: α = Σ(v3dA)/V3A 2g Some values of α (table 4.2 text book): • α=2 (laminar pipe flow) • α ≈ 1.06 (turbulent pipe flow) • α ≈ 1.05 (turbulent flow in wide channel) VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics WHY THE ENERGY CORRECTION COEFFICIENT α (MOMENTUM COEFFICIENT β) OFTEN MAY BE OMITTED 1) Most engineering pipe flow problems involve turbulent flow in which α is only slightly more than unity. 2) In laminar flow where α is large, velocity heads are usually negligible when compared to the other Bernoulli terms 3) The velocity heads in most pipe flows are usually so small compared to the other terms that inclusion of α has little effect 4) The effect of α tends to cancel since it appears on both sides of the equation 5) Engineering answers are not usually required to an accuracy which would justify the inclusion of α in the equation. VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics C14* Water is flowing. The flow picture is axisymmetric. Calculate the flowrate and manometer reading. 1 2 4 5 3 VVR 120 Fluid Mechanics C23* Channel and gate are 1 m wide (normal to the plane of the paper). Calculate q1, q2, and Q3. 1 2 3