Patient Participation Group

Minutes of the Dudley Park Medical Centre, Patient Participation Group Meeting
Held on January 16th 2013 in the Acocks Green Methodists’ Church Hall.
1. Present
Anne Care (In the Chair), Miriam Bowley, Emma Carlton, Dr Gabriel, Margaret Jones,
Julia Morris, , Mike Swift, Stuart Thomas & David & Veronica Treadwell.
2 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Mahbub Alam, Jane Large, Yasmin Kauser &
Emma & Doug Phillips
3 Minutes of the previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 10th October 2013 were approved as a
correct record, subject to the addition of Jane Large to the list of those PPG Members
4 Matters Arising
a) MMP progress Report
Emma Carlton, the MMP Regional Manager & Dr Gabriel provided an informative report
highlighting progress made on the following issues that had been outstanding since
October 2013 (please note the MMP responses are in italics):
Telephones to be reviewed in 3 months. Work on installing a new
telephone system for all MMP Practices was now underway. The system
was already up & running in two MP Practices & and should be rolled
out by the end of April 2014. The new system would include a “queuing
system” to reassure callers that their call would be answered on a
chronological basis.
Patients to be provided with information relating to telephone call
backs and a notice to be placed in the waiting room about it. This had
been done.
Patients to be provided with information relating to what happens to
urgent calls. Dr Gabriel reported that all urgent calls to the DPMC were
passed to the GP on duty who discussed the reason for the call with the
caller and dealt with the problem accordingly.
Look at changing the pre book system. There are now no pre-books on
Mondays to assist the high demand from those patients who call on
the day. Try to make pre-booking easier and review the pre-book
system in 3 months. An additional trainee GP (Registrar Grade) was
taking up post in the DPMC on 2nd February 2014. This would increase
the number of appointments available by some 140 per week and enable
more pre-booked appointments to be provided.
Support increased use of the internet and ensure that, by the
appointment booking system, internet patients are not given priority.
A more up to date primary care IT system would be provided from this
coming April.
Review confidentiality in the context of others in the waiting room
hearing patients at reception window. Music in reception? Dr Gabriel
made the point that music in the reception area had been provided some
years ago but had caused problems with patients not hearing their
appointments being called. The opening up of the reception area had
made it easier for patients to talk confidentially and a private area was
available for discussion with the receptionists if need be.
Check if we are reaching PCT target for how quickly patients are seen.
This has been done.
Patients to be provided with information explaining why they cannot
always see a doctor of their choice. This has been done.
Patients need an explanation as to why doctors run late. Survey
revealed a lot of patients wait 30 mins or more. Drs must apologise for
the delay when they see the patient. Reception should advise patients
if there is to be a long delay.
Patients to be provided with further information to raise awareness of
late opening on a Monday. Late opening on Mondays has been replaced
with Saturday morning clinics run be nurses
Patients to be provided with the patient survey result showing how
happy patients are with doctor/nurse care and staff generally. This has
been done; paper copies of the relevant survey results are available in
the DPMC reception area.
12 A notice board in reception is to be dedicated to “Being Healthy”. This
will be done now that the DPMC admin team leader (Yasmin Kauser)
has been appointed.
13 The new seating arrangements adjacent to the large TV in the DPMC
waiting area should be revised to give more room for pushchairs,
wheelchairs etc (see item 14 below)
14 The DPMC reception area would be redecorated and upgraded
including the removal of the glass partitions between the patients and
the receptionists. Discussions were continuing with the decorator and it
was expected that the work would be completed by Easter 2014.
15 The future of the DPMC website, bearing in mind the change from the
“EMIS” to the “Vision” information system thus bringing DPMC into
line with all other MMP practices and being able to use the latter’s
online booking and repeat prescription service. (See item 5 above)
16 The appointment of two Advanced Practitioner Nurses to replace Dr
Patel. Both persons have now been appointed and have started work.
17 The merger of DPMC & the three Practices in Kings Heath & Norton,
into one Practice with effect from April 2014. (see agenda item XXX
Members thanked Dr Gabriel & Emma Carlton for the useful progress report and raised
a number of points including the following:
Some members expressed the view that the previous “family” atmosphere
within DPMC no longer existed. It was noted that additional training for "front of
house” staff was being put in hand.
The Chair stressed the need for MMP to include the PPG in future developments,
changes etc. For example, the PPG had requested sight of the redecoration plans
but these had not been forthcoming. Dr Gabriel and Emma pointed out that MMP
and Clinicians in the Practice were made aware of PPG opinions through the PPG
In response to a request from the meeting Emma agreed to provide for the forthcoming
AGM, a list of addition staff and services that had been made available at DPMC following
the latter’s amalgamation with MMP over the past year.
b) PPG Health Fayre
The Chair & the Secretary reported on the Health Fayre held on October 19th 2013.
Whereas very few members of the public had attended, which was disappointing, the
representatives of local voluntary associations who attended had found it a very useful
venue to “network” with colleagues from elsewhere. The comments and ideas for the
future contributed at the Health Fayre had been sent to the Birmingham Cross City CCG
and to the DPMC. The list of those comments and ideas is attached to these minutes as
Appendix 1.
Members endorsed a vote of thanks to all who had helped with the organisation of the
Fayre and on the day of the Fayre itself.
Care Quality Commission CQC) Inspection of DPMC
Dr Gabriel and Emma Carlton reported on the above inspection which had taken place
on 26th November 2013. Emma made the point that this was a routine inspection carried
out at 48 hours’ notice. It was noted that the PPG Chair & Vice Chair had been
interviewed for something like 90 minutes as part of the process. Copies of the CQC
findings were distributed at the meeting prior to the discussion.
The CQC examined DPMC’s current performance against five main national standards,
Patients should be treated with respect, involved in discussion about their care
& treatment & able to influence how the service is run.
People should get safe & appropriate care which meets their needs & protected
their rights.
People should be protected from abuse & staff should respect their human
Staff should be properly trained& supervised, & have the chance to develop &
improve their skills.
The service should have quality checking systems to manage risks & assure the
health, welfare & safety of people who receive care.
The DPMC had met all five standards. Patients interviewed by the CQC Inspectors had
expressed satisfaction with the services provided with the exception of the current
telephone & appointments systems. Members pointed out that the CQC comments
mirrored those the PPG had been making over the past three years. Members
complimented the DPMC on meeting the standards but pointed out that had the PPG
comments been acted upon earlier, the CQC report would have been of an even higher
Emma confirmed that copies of the report would be available in the DPMC reception
area and a copy would be added to the MMP website.
Proposed Expansion of PPG
The Secretary reported that a proposal had been made that the PPG expand its remit to
include the other two SE Birmingham Practices run by MMP. After discussion the
general view was that this would dilute the local “grass roots” element of the PPG &
hence the status quo should be preserved.
Chair’s Report
The Chair reported that the PPG was playing a leading role in organising a Birmingham –
wide PPG Conference on 26th February 2014 at the MAC Centre. A few places were still
available but members would have to reserve a place quickly as demand was high. This
was in addition to the development course for PPG Chairs being set up by the
Birmingham Cross City CCG, in which the PPG was also involved.
Way Forward & Activities for 2014/2015
After discussion it was agreed that the Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary would meet and
prepare a set of proposals for future PPG activities to be agreed at the forthcoming AGM.
David Treadwell reported that applications for a second tranche of “Community First”
funding would be considered in the next few months. The secretary pointed out that
after the health Fayre costs had been taken into account, the PPG had £417 of its current
“Community First” funding let over. After discussion it was agreed that this should be
used, in the first instance, to advertise the PPG, particularly amongst the “hard to reach
patients and carers within the DPMC Practice. The Vice Chair undertook to create new
posters for the PPG notice board in the DP MC reception area.
Any Other Business
a. Blood Tests at the DPMC
David Treadwell raised the lack of a blood testing service at the DPMC which was
causing great inconvenience to patients who found it difficult to travel further afield.
Emma explained that some blood tests were taken at the DPMC but not all. She went
on to say that the Birmingham Cross City CCG was going out to tender for a blood
testing service across the CCG and discussions were underway. Members asked that
Emma report to the CCG that the blood testing service must not be removed from
the surgery.
b. “Health Tourism”
David Treadwell in his role as one of the elected governors of the Heart of England
NHS Foundation Trust, raised the issue of persons being referred to the Trust by GP
Practices for NHS treatment “free at the point of consumption” when they were not
in fact eligible. He went on to say that this was costing the Trust and the CCG
significant amounts of money per annum. He asked what the MMP policy was in
cases such as these. Dr Gabriel and Emma made the point that the Royal College of
GPs had made it clear that it was not a GP’s responsibility to identify and report on
who was and was not eligible for care and treatment “free at the point of
Date & Time of Next Meeting
The Chair reported that the PPG AGM (the third) was being arranged for April 2014. It
would be held on a Saturday morning at DPMC starting at 11.00 am. Refreshments
would be provided. There would be a meeting of the PPG “Executive Team” (i.e. the
Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary, before the AGM to agree the Agenda.
Appendix 1
Dudley Park medical Centre
Patient Participation Group
Public’s Comments on Healthcare in Acocks Green from the Health Fayre
Held on 19th October 2013
The PPG’s Health Fayre attracted about 30 members of the public, PPG Volunteers
& Representatives of the voluntary sector services, both local & national. The
comments provided to the PPG were as follows:
More use should be made of “drop in” centres thus freeing up A & E
Services for the more serious cases.
People are put off using A & E because of the long waiting times
Most people only visit NHS premises once a year
There is a view that it is difficult to obtain a primary care appointment
with the Dr and or nurse of one’s choice.
Very little is done to promote prevention in Primary Care, e.g. the use of Al
Anon posters in GP Surgeries, leaflet drops directed to specific streets &
health exhibitions linked to other events to target specific population
groups (e.g. football matches & men’s health).
Clinical & social care information packs should be made available to
carers at the point of diagnosis.
Diabetic patients have expressed concern at not being receiving sufficient
blood testing strips on prescription.
We need better care for the elderly including: improved diagnosis & care
for those with dementia & nurses specialising in care of the elderly.
Patients are concerned that care for the elderly will be cut as part of the
current NHS savings programme.
NICE Guidelines should be implemented locally e.g. referring patients
with Parkinson’s Disease to a neurologist as soon as possible.
A & E triage staff should ascertain if emergency admissions are suffering
from Chronic complaints, e.g. Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes etc as part of
the diagnostic process.
A & E triage staff should take chronic conditions into account when
deciding the order in which patients are seen in A & E.
Better use of IT, especially nurse lead “on line” diagnosis & treatment,
will improve patient throughput and reduce waiting times.