2/27/2011 Activating Strategy • Think About It: – What makes something living? AP Lesson #66 EQ: What theories have been proposed to explain the origin of life on earth? 500 Millions of years ago 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic ARCHEAN PROTEROZOIC PRECAMBRIAN 0 Colonization of land by animals Appearance of animals and land plants First multicellular organisms Bacteria Archae- Protista Plantae Fungi bacteria Animalia Oldest definite fossils of eukaryotes Appearance of oxygen in atmosphere Oldest definite fossils of prokaryotes 4000 Molten-hot surface of earth becomes cooler 4500 Formation of earth The evolutionary tree of life can be documented with evidence. The Origin of Life on Earth is another story… 1 2/27/2011 What is Life? • First we have to define LIFE… – – – – – organized as cells respond to stimuli regulate homeostasis Coordinate metabolism develop • change & mature within lifetime – reproduce • heredity • adaptation & evolution The Origin of Life is a Hypotheses • Special Creation – Was life created by a supernatural or divine force? – not testable • Spontaneous Abiotic Origin – Did life evolve spontaneously from inorganic molecules? – testable • Extraterrestrial Origin – Was the original source of organic (carbon) materials comets & meteorites striking early Earth? – testable How is the origin of life possible? • Chemical and physical processes on early Earth may have produced very simple cells through a sequence of stages: 1. Abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules 2. Joining of these small molecules into macromolecules 3. Packaging of molecules into “protobionts” 4. Origin of self-replicating molecules 2 2/27/2011 When did life begin? • ~3.5 bya the first prokaryotes are found in the fossil record – Heterotrophic – Competition for organic molecules 3.5 billion year old fossil of bacteria modern bacteria chains of one-celled cyanobacteria Stromatolites Fossilized mats of prokaryotes resemble modern microbial colonies How did we get an oxygenated atmosphere? • ~ 2.7 bya mutation resulted in photosynthetic bacteria – oxidizing atmosphere • evidence in banded iron in rocks = rusting • Aerobic respiration possible (Lots more ATP!) 3 2/27/2011 What lead to the origin of eukaryotes? • ~ 2bya development of internal membranes – created specialization – advantage: increase efficiency infolding of the plasma membrane endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plasma membrane nuclear envelope nucleus DNA cell wall Prokaryotic ancestor of eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cell plasma membrane Eukaryotic cell How did mitochondria originate? • Endosymbiosis – aerobic bacteria was engulfed, but was not digested – Mutualistic relationship internal membrane system aerobic bacterium mitochondrion Endosymbiosis Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion Ancestral eukaryotic cell How did chloroplasts originate? • origin of chloroplasts • engulfed photosynthetic bacteria, but did not digest them • mutually beneficial relationship Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion Endosymbiosis photosynthetic bacterium Eukaryotic cell with chloroplast & mitochondrion chloroplast mitochondrion 4 2/27/2011 What evidence supports endosymbiosis? • Structural – resemble bacteria • Genetic – have their own circular DNA • Functional Lynn Margulis – move freely within the cell – reproduce independently What’s the next big change? • ~ 543 mya diversification of Animals – within 10–20 million years most of the major phyla of animals appear in fossil record ~ 90,000 years ago Modern Humans Colonization of land Animals Origin of solar system and Earth 4 1 Proterozoic 2 Archaean Heterotrophic Prokaryotes 3 Multicellular eukaryotes Single-celled eukaryotes Autotrophic Prokaryotes Atmospheric oxygen 5 2/27/2011 Summarizing Strategy • 3 – 2 – 1: – 3 most important things learned – 2 questions that you still wonder – 1 way this information connects to what you know Assessment • HW: Chapter 25 Wkst and Read/Skim Chapter 26 Colonization of land 4 1 Proterozoic 2 Archaean 3 6 2/27/2011 How did cells originate? • Protobionts – abiotically produced molecules surrounded by a membrane–like structure • Bubbles → separate inside from outside → metabolism & reproduction How did Genetics originate? • RNA is likely first genetic material • Multi-functional – codes information • self-replicating molecule • makes inheritance possible • natural selection & evolution – enzyme functions – regulatory molecule – transport molecule Dawn of natural selection What were the conditions like on early Earth? • Reducing atmosphere – water vapor (H2O), CO2, N2, NOx, H2, NH3, CH4, H2 S – lots of available H & electrons low O2 = organic molecules – low oxygen • Energy source do not breakdown as quickly – lightning, UV radiation, volcanic 7 2/27/2011 How did organic molecules originate? Electrodes discharge sparks (lightning simulation) • Abiotic synthesis – 1920 Oparin & Haldane propose reducing atmosphere hypothesis – 1953 Miller & Urey test hypothesis CH4 Water vapor NH3 Mixture of gases ("primitive atmosphere") H2 Condenser Water • formed simple amino acids – adenine Heated water ("ocean") Condensed liquid with complex, organic molecules Stanley Miller University of Chicago Click for Video 8