wi Ert*, ,tot* *o.. , , MoffonroA €. - :,t' rrhgrlg$gEo;t{9, *t fi+.r*<re Grct, rlr<. MOTiON eAL.frc. t: were read on this motion tollor , numbered 1 to ----------:: to Show Cause - Affidavits - Exhibits... n Yes Kruo a, UO*t thc foregcfng papers, it is orderad thet this motion I 'l :1. rr|sffitrn-cEq- ,ilil ', ."::: <','a4 l', :.tf '.;,,i.l-:i1., ,r.r':,;,,ii;;1;;r1l- 1 LJ REFERENCE SUPREMECOURTOF THE STATEOFNEW YORK COUNTYOF NEW YORK : PART 12 ------------------x IN RE:NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOSLITIGATION ------------------x IndexNo. 190372112 This DocumentRelatesTo: ESTHER BARUCH ANdNERYE BARUCH,et al., Plaintiffs, DECISION AND ORDER - against- et al., BAXTERHEALTHCARECORPORATION, Defendants. BARBARA JAFFE, J.: For plaintiffs: Thomas E. Comerford, Esq. Weitz& Luxenberg,P.C. 700 Broadway New York, NY 10003 2l2-558-5500 For joint defendants: StephenNovakidis, Esq. Sedgwick, LLP Three GatewayCtr., l2'h Fl. Newark,NJ 07102 973-242-0002 For Baxter (Am. Sci.): StevenT. Corbin, Esq. Philip J. O'Rourke, Esq. Lewis Brisbois et al. 7'7Water St., Ste.2100 New York, NY 10005 212-232-t300 For Fisher: RichardO'Leary, Esq. ReneeA. Gallagher,Esq. McCarter & English, LLP 245 Park Ave. New York, NY 10167 212-609-6800 For Burnham: Matthew L. Charles,Esq. Wilson, Elser et al. 150E. 42"dSr. New York, NY 10017-5693 212-915-6046 For Pneumo Abex: Alfred J. Sargente,Esq. Hawkins Pamell et al. 90 Broad St., 4'hFl. New York, NY 10004 212-981-450r John T. Williams, Esq. Hinkhouse Williams Walsh LLP 180N. StetsonAve., Ste.3400 Chicago,Illinois 60601 3r2-784-5400 For Biltrite/Carrier/Clyde: JessicaMullery, Esq. Wilson, Elser et al. 1 5 0E . 4 2 " dS t . New York, NY 10017 212-490-3000 For Volkswagen Group: Michael B. Sena,Esq. Herzfeld & Rubin P.C. 125 Broad St. New York, NY 10004 212-471-8500 For Siemens: Julia A. Taurence,Esq. Wilson Elser et al. 1 5 0E . 4 2 " dS t . New York, NY 10017-5693 212-490-3000 For Lennox/Union/I)ana: Daniel E. DeCicco,Esq. Darger Errante et al. 116E. 27thSL at Park Ave. New York, NY 10016 212-452-5300 For Goodyear: Ian S. Millican, Esq. Lynch Daskal Emery LLP 2 6 4 W . 4 0 ' hS t . New York, NY 10018 For Oakfabco: Mark K. Hsu, Esq. Hawkins Pamell et al. 90 Broad St., 9'hFl. New York, NY 10004-2205 212-897-9655 For Standard: Matthew J. Rice, Esq. McCarter & English, LLP 245 Park Ave. New York, NY 10167 212-609-6800 For Fel-Pro: Jeffrey J. Sheng,Esq. Wilson Elser et al. 1 5 0E . 4 2 " dS t . New York, NY 10017 212-490-3000 For Blackmer: Robert A. Schaefer,Jr., Esq. Harris Beach PLLC 100 Wall St. New York, NY 10005 212-687-0100 For Nash: David Sasser,Esq. McGivney & Kluger, P.C 80 Broad St., 23'dFl. New York, NY 10004 212-509-3456 For Ford: Evan L. Browne, Esq. Aaronson Rappaport et al. 600 Third Ave. New York, NY 10016 212-593-6700 For Volvo: Cynthia Lee, Esq. Hardin, Kundla et al. 673 Morris Ave., PO Box 730 Springfield,NJ 07081 9',73-912-5222 By order to show causedatedJuly 8, 2013,plaintiffs move pursuantto CPLR 602 fot an order consolidatingthe following casesfor trial: (1) EstherBaruch,Index No.190372/12; () Arthur (3) Karl Fersch,IndexNo. 190468112; (2)Harry Brown, IndexNo. 190415112; Fischer,Index No. 190462112;(5) JosephGoldman,Index No. 190266112;(6) Arthur Juni, (8) JohnNelson,IndexNo. IndexNo. 1903l5lI2; (7) PatrickMcCloskey,IndexNo. 190441112; (9) Carl Terry, Index No. 190403112;and(10) Daryl Middleton, Index No. 190247112; 190367112. Defendantsjointly oppose,with supplementalopposition submitted in the following cases: (1) Baruch, by defendantsBaxter HealthcareCorporation (Baxter) (alUaAmerican Scientific), and Fisher Scientific Company LLC (Fisher); (2) Terry, by defendantsSiemens Industry Inc., Carrier Corporation (Carrier), American Biltrite Inc. (incorrectly slWaAmerican Biltrite, Inc., individually and as successorto Amtico Floors) (Biltrite/Amtico), Burnham LLC (Burnham), Lennox Industries, Inc. (Lennox), and Union Carbide Corporation (Union Carbide); CarrierandBlackmer; (3) Brown,by defendantCarrier;(4) Nelson,by defendants Biltrite/Amtico,clyde union, Inc. (inconectlys/trlaunion Pump (5) McCloskey,by defendants Goodyearcanada company)(clyde), Burnham,andThe GoodyearTire & Rubbercompanyand FederalMogul AsbestosPersonalInjury Trust Inc. (together,Goodyear);(6) Juni,by defendants to Felt ProductsMfg. Co.,PneumoAbex LLC (Abex),DanaCompanies'LLc asSuccessor (Dana),oakfabco,Inc. (oakfabco),andFordMotor company(Ford);(7) Fersch,by defendants Abex, andVolkswagenGroupof America,Inc. (Volkswagen);(8) Middleton,by defendants Ford,andVolvo Carsof North America(Volvo); Abex, StandardMotor Products(Standard), and(9) Fischer,by defendantThe NashEngineeringcompany(Nash). I. APPLICABLELAW pursuantto CpLR 602(a),a motionfor ajoint trial restsin the discretionof the trial court' (SeeRodgersv Worrell,2!4 AD2d 55312dDept19951).Generally,in orderto join actionsfor trial, theremustbe a "plain identitybetweenthe issuesinvolvedin the [ ]two controversies." (ViggoS.S.Corp.v Marship Corp. of Monrovia,26NY2d 157U9701).A motion for a joint trial prejudiceto a substantialright. (See shouldbe grantedunlessthe opposingpartydemonstrates Fransenv Maniscalco,256AD2d 305 [2ndDept 1998]; seeIn re New YorkCityAsbestos discretionin Litigation[Bernard],99AD3d 410 [1't Dept2012][courtprovidentlyexercised consolidatingactionsfor joint trial astheyinvolvedcommonquestionsof law andfact and defendantdid not establishprejudicel). In determiningwhetherto consolidatethe individualplaintiff s casesfor a joint trial courtsconsiderthe factorssetforth in Malcolmv wheretheplaintiffs allegeexposureto asbestos, Co.,995FZd346(2d Cir 1993): Ntl.Gypsum (1) (2) (3) (4) the same whetherthe plaintiffs workedat a commonworksite,not necessarily work locationbut a similarkind of worksite; asbestos whetherthe plaintiffs had similaroccupations'asa "worker's exposureto with mustdependmainly on his occupation,"suchasthosewho workeddirectly to asbestos exposed asopposedto thosewho were materialscontainingasbestos asbYstanders; over a similarperiodof time; whetherthe plaintiffs wereexposedto asbestos jury whetherthe plaintiffs sufferor sufferedfrom a similartype of disease,asthe will hearevidenceaboutthe etiologyandpathologyof eachdisease,andthereis sufferersmay havecloseto normallife , an opportunityfor prejudiceasasbestosis spanswhile othersmayhaveterminalcancers; (5) whetherthe plaintiffs arealive;"deadplaintiffsmay presentthejury with a of the fatethat awaitsthoseclaimantswho arestill powerfuldemonstration living"; (6) the statusofdiscoveryin eachcase; (7) by the samecounsel;and whetherthe plaintiffs arerepresented (S) whetherthe plaintiffs sufferfrom the sametypeof cancer,aseachcancertype requires"distinct testimonyregardingetiology,pathology,andconsequences." (Malcolm,995F2d at 350-353). namedin eachcase. Anotherfactorto be consideredis the numberof defendants II. PLAINTIFFS'INFORMATION A. EsterBaruch in 1994while Baruchsuffersfrom mesothelioma.Shewasallegedlyexposedto asbestos workingasa laboratorytechnicianin Brooklyn,New York andusinglaboratoryglovesthat on a daily basis,andthenbetween1996and 1998,while shelaunderedher containedasbestos insulationandpipe family's clothesin her homenextto a boiler which hadasbestos-containing remainingin her actionareBaxter/AmericanScientificandFisher. covering.Thetwo defendants 4 B. Hanlt Brown asbestosfrom 1958 to Brown suffers from mesothelioma,and was allegedly exposedto commercial' industrial, 1974 whileemployed as an insulator for multiple contractorsat numerous and powerhousesites through New york City. He was allegedly exposedto asbestos-containing wallboard' joint productsincluding boilers, turbines, pumps, chillers, insulation piping, spray, in his action are compound,floor and ceiling tiles, and gaskets. The 14 defendantsremaining LILCO' Bell & Gossett,Carrier,con Edison,crane co., DB Riley, FosterWheeler,Goulds, Mario DiBono, Northern, Peerless,Port Authority, Tishman (WTC), and Warren' C. Karl Fersch Ferschsuffers from lung cancer,and was allegedly exposedto asbestoswhile working as an auto mechanic in the 1950sthrough the 1990sin various garagesin New York, and while working directly with or near brakes,clutches,and gasketsthat contained asbestos' He also worked in commercial spacesaround boilers containing asbestosbetween 1957 and 1966 in the Bronx, and while performing home renovation work that exposedhim to asbestos-containing insulation, caulking, ceiling and floor tiles, and wallboard. The two defendantsremaining in his action are Abex and Volkswagen. D. Arthur Fischer Fischerdied of mesotheliomaon December27,2012. Between 1950and t954,he worked as a civilian draftsman at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and installed radar systemsand equipmenton ships. He was allegedly exposedto asbestoscontainedin gaskets,packing, and insulation handled in his presenceby yardworkersworking on pumps, valves, and turbines on various Navy ships. The 1l defendantsremaining in his action are Aurora, Buffalo, Nash, Northem, and warren' chicago Pump, crosby, Edwards, Fairbanksco., oneida,IMo, E. JosePhGoldman at the Goldman suffers from mesothelioma. He was employed as a civilian machinist in New Jersey Brooklyn Navy yard between 1940 and 1943and as a machinist at a factory repairs to pumps, between l95l and 1952. Hewas allegedly exposedto asbestoswhile making were working valves, packing, and gaskets,and while working around others on Navy ships who on boilers, turbines, generators,valves, pumps' piping and insulation' The eight defendants remaining in his action are Atwood, Aurora, Buffalo, Chicago Pump, Goulds, IMO, Northern, and Warren. F. Arthur Juni Juni suffers from mesothelioma. While working as a mechanic from t964 to 2009, he was exposedto asbestoscontainedin brakes,clutches,axles and engines/manifoldson pieces of heavy equipment. Specifically, while working as a courier in the machine shop of a powerhouse,he was exposedto asbestos-containingblock pipe covering, cement,paper,and blanketsused in his presence,and while working as an auto mechanic,he was exposedto asbestoscontainedin brakes, clutches,manifold gaskets,and blankets. He may also have been exposedto asbestoswhen presentin his father's dentistry office from work done on false teeth. The sevendefendantsremaining in his action are Caterpillar, Dana, Ford, International, Kerr, Lipo Rollaway, and Ranson & Randolf. G. Patrick McCloskelt McCloskey suffers from mesothelioma. He was exposedto asbestosfrom 1963 to 2004 while working as a steamfitter at various commercial and industrial worksites, including worked directly with powerhouses,offlce buildings, hospitals, schools,and refineries' He productscontaining asbestossuch as gaskets,packing, insulation, and btanketswhile working pipe covering, steam with pumps, valves, turbines, heating and cooling coils, heat exchangers, workers in his traps, and sheetrock. He was also exposedto asbestosdust createdby other on presenceas they worked with plaster, floor tiles, spray-onfireproofing, and insulation are AO Smith, equipmentsuch as pumps and boilers. The 31 defendantsremaining in his action Con Amtico, Azrock, Bell & Gossett,Buffalo, Bumham, Chicago Pump, Cleaver Brooks, Edison, Crown Boiler, Dana, DB Riley, FairbanksCo., Foster Wheeler, Gardner Denver' Goodyear,Goulds, Kennedy, Mario DiBono, Morse Diesel, oakfabco, Peerless,Port Auth., Sarco,Superior,Tishman (WTC), Treadwell, Turner, Union Pumps, Warren, and Weil McClain' H. John Nelson Nelson suffers from mesothelioma,and was exposedto asbestosas a seamanand radarmanin the Navy between 1951 and 1954. While performing his fire watch and cleanup duties aboardNavy ships undergoing shipyardrepairs,he was allegedly exposedto asbestos while observingother workers welding, tearing off insulation, and re-insulating pipes, pumps, valves, boilers, turbines, and refrigeration plants. The sevendefendantsremaining in his action are Atwood, Blackmer, Buffalo, Carrier,IMO, Northern, and Warren' L Carl Terry Terry suffers from mesothelioma. While working as a gas station attendantbetween 1967 and 1968,he worked around and assistedbrake mechanics. While working as an electrician and constructionworker from 1971 to 2012 in residential,commercial, and industrial settings,he was exposedto asbestoscontained in electrical parts and oomponents,such as panels,switch gears, gaskets,packing,rope, andcircuitbreakers,boilers,furnaces,hot waterheaters,pumps,valves, joint compound,cement,insulation,ceilingandfloor tiles, andplasterers'The 34 sheetrock, remainingin his actionareAO Smith,Allen Bradley,Amtico, Azrock' Bell defendants & Gossett,Burnham,Carrier,Compudyne,CraneCo.,Crosby,CrownBoiler, CutlerHammer, DunhamBush,Fairbanks,Fulton,Goulds,GouldsElectric,ITE,Kaiser,Kennedy,Kentile, RobertShaw,Rockwell,Square-D,Tishman' Kohler,Lennox,MorseDiesel,Murray,Peerless, Turner,Union Pumps,Union Carbide,andWeil Mcl-ain' J. Daryl Middleton Middletonis dying of lung cancer.From 1979to 1980,he workedasa gasattendant while his co-workersperformedbrake,clutch,andrelatedrepairwork. From 1980to 1984and remainingin his l98B to Z000,heperformedmuffler andbrakerepairs.The l0 defendants actionareAbex, EIS, Ford,Honda,International,Maremont,Nissan,Saab,Toyota,andVolvo. III. ANALYSIS A. Baruch is uniqueto this group,ie, throughwearinglaboratory As Baruch'sexposureto asbestos gloveswhile working at a laboratoryandwhile workingnext to a boiler at home,andthetwo in no otheraction,her caseshouldbe tried remainingin her actionaredefendants defendants from the others. separately B. NaW Ctroup(Fischer.Goldman.Nelson) while working on Navy shipsor at the Navy Theseplaintiffs wereexposedto asbestos yard betweenthe 1940sand 1950s.Thus,any"stateof the art" evidencethey offer will overlap. (SeeegIn re New YorkCity AsbestosLitigation [CapozioJ,22 Misc 3d 1109[Af,2009NY Slip Op 50072[U][SupCt, New York County2009] [similaritiesin mannerin which almostall during plaintiffsperformedtasksin constructiontradeswhich exposedthemto asbestos alsowould be overlappingperiodsfrom 1940sto 1990s;stateof art andotherexperttestimony common])' substantially containedwithin insulation All wereengagedin activitiesthat exposedthemto asbestos pumps,andvalves.(SeeIn theMatter of New YorkCity AsbestosLitigation [DummittJ,36 Misc 3d t234lAl,20l2NY Slip op 51597[U][SupCt, New York county 2012] [finding sufficient similarityof occupationsasboth plaintiffs allegedexposurefrom work, includingequipment andconstructionwork, andnatureof exposurealsosimilar]). While repairandmaintenance including plaintiffsmayhaveworkedat differentsites,a well-organizedtrialpresentation, will reduceanyconfusion. materialsfor thejurors to usein organizingtheir deliberations, Two out of the threeplaintiffs areliving, andall threesufferor sufferedfrom mesothelioma.The two living plaintiffs arethe oldestof the ten plaintiffs. Finally,of the 14 remainingin thesecases,four arein all threecases(Buffalo,IMO, Northern,and defendants Warren),andfour arein at leasttwo (Atwood,Aurora,ChicagoPump,andGoulds)' Of the threeof the themarein noneof the othersevenactions' Thus,there remainingsix defendants, in commonthannot. aremoredefendants For thesereasons,thereexistin thesethreecasescommonissuesthat predominateover that anyundueprejudicewill result,or that havenot established individualissues,anddefendants right to dueprocesswill be violated. their fourteenthamendment C. AutomotiveGrottpFersch' Juni. Middleton) Theseplaintiffs workedasmechanics,albeitat differentfacilitiesandtimes(1950sto periodof the 1970sto the 1990s),andwereexposedto asbestos 2000s,with an overlapping containedin automotivebrakesandclutches.While two of the threesufferfrom lung cancerand arethe only two in this trial clusterwith this diagnosis,the level of toxicity is of their diseases repetitiveor redundant the sameandmuchof the samemedicalevidencewill be presented.Any of New medicaltestimonymay be limited to reducethe lengthof the trial. (SeeIn theMatter Litigation[AttholzJ,l l Misc 3d 1063[A],2006 NY Slip Op 50375[U][Sup YorkCity Asbestos andonehad lung cancer, Ct, New york County 20061[whilemostplaintiffshadmesothelioma jury confusionasdiseases evidenceasto both cancerswould not generallycauseunduedelayor etiologyandpathologyl). sharedcomparable remainingin theseactions,threearein two of themand Moreover,of the 16defendants arein only oneof thesethreecases, in noneof the otheractions. While the other13defendants 12of themarein no otheractions. D. ConstructionGroup @rown.McCloskey.Terry) while working aslaborersor around Theseplaintiffs wereallegedlyexposedto asbestos laborersat industrial,residential,andcommercialsitesandbuildingsbetweenthe 1950sand betweenthe 1960sand 1970s,andall were 2000s,with an overlappingperiodof two decades containedin exposedno laterthanthe 1960s.All threewereallegedlyexposedto asbestos gaskets,boilers,pumps,floor tile, andinsulation' in Theyareall alive andsufferingfrom mesothelioma.Moreover,of the 53 defendants while 20 theseactions,threearein all threeactions(Bell & Gossett,Goulds,andPeerless), 19arein noneof the otherseven arein two of the actions;of these23 defendants, defendants arein in only oneof thesethreeactions,25 defendants actions.Of the remaining30 defendants noneofthe othersevenactions. IV. CONCLUSION Accordingly, it is hereby 10 consolidating ORDERED,that plaintiffs' motionto consolidateis grantedto the extentof the following casesfor a joint trial: (1) (b) JosephGoldman,Index Groupone - (a) ArthurFischer,IndexNo. 190462112; No.190366112;and(c)JohnNelson,IndexNo'190247112; (Z) GroupTwo , (a) HarryBrown,IndexNo. 1904151t2;(b) PatrickMcCloskey, and(c) CarlTerry,IndexNo. 190403/12; IndexNo. 190441112; (3) (b) ArthurJuni,IndexNo. GroupThree- (a) Karl Fersch,IndexNo. 190463/12; is turther l90315ll2; and(c) DarylMiddleton,IndexNo. 190367112;it shallbetried separately; ORDERED,that the EsterBaruchaction,IndexNo. 190372112, it is further ORDERED,that the partiesin Trial GroupOneshallappearfor a final pretrialconference in room279,80 CentreStreet,New er 24,2013at 10am,aspreviouslyscheduled, on Septemb York, New York.; it is further ORDERED,that thejoint trials of the remainingTrial Groupsandthe Baruchtrial shall commencesubjectto courtavailabilityon at leastfive days'noticefollowing the completionof the trial groupsaheadof them. ENTER: DATED: August20,2013 New York" New York ll