The "electrostatic series" is a table used to determine whether a substance wants to hold onto their electrons (and become positive or negatively charged). 1 Acetate Weak Hold on electrons Glass Wool Fur, Hair Calcium, Magnesium, Lead Silk Aluminum, Zinc Cotton Paraffin Ebonite Polyethylene (plastic) Carbon, Copper, Nickel Rubber Sulfur Strong hold on electrons Platinum, Gold Predict what will happen if ... a) gold is rubbed with fur b) wax and polyethylene are rubbed 2 Pg. 275 # 1b, 2, 3a, 4, 5 1. b) ­ Amount of friction ­ Substances being rubbed ­ Humidity (time of year) 2. The substance closer to the top of the list, gives away electrons and becomes positive. The substances closer to the bottom of the list accept electrons and become negative. 3. Acetate: gives away electrons (+) Fur: accepts electrons (­) Cotton: gives away electrons (+) Rubber: accepts electrons (­) 4. Wool: gives away electrons (+) Silk: accepts electrons (­) 5. Aluminum is better to reduce static because it is closer on the list to hair than plastic. 3