student's name Music Appreciation 20 Century Study Questions

student’s name
Music Appreciation
20th Century Study Questions
Please answer each of these questions succinctly, but thoroughly. Use complete
sentences. Write the page number of the text where you located each answer or state
lecture or handout if that is where you find the answer.
1. From where did composers draw their inspiration for their compositions?
2. Olivier Messiaen was known for his novel use rhythmic procedures based upon
what influence?
3. What was a non-European influence on 20th century composers?
4. How were traditional forms used in 20th century music?
5. What is a glissando?
6. How were traditional orchestral instruments treated in 20th century compositions
that was different from previous musical periods?
7. Why did modern orchestral and chamber works sound transparent? In other
words, how did the composer score for instruments in an orchestra or chamber
8. What is a polychord?
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9. What is a fourth chord?
10. How was a tone cluster treated?
11. What happen to traditionally tonality during the 20th century?
12. Besides major and minor scales, what else was the basis for many 20th century
13. What is polytonality?
14. What is bitonality?
15. What is atonality?
16. What is the twelve-tone system?
17. What types of meters were used in 20th century music?
18. Define polyrhythm.
19. Define ostinato.
20. What is octave displacement?
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21. After WWI, an organization was formed with the purpose of giving the public a
greater opportunity to hear new music. What was this organization called?
22. What groups have indirectly become patrons of music in the 20th century?
23. What is impressionism?
24. Who is a composer known for writing in the impressionistic style?
25. What is primitivism?
26. Who is the composer who is known for primitivism in his/her music?
27. What is expressionism?
28. Who is the composer known for writing in the expressionistic style?
29. Who is Arnold Schoenberg and what is his major music contribution to 20th
century writing in regards to melody and harmony?
30. What is Sprechstimme?
31. Who is Charles Ives and why is he important to the musical world?
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32. Who is John Cage and why is he important to the musical world?
33. What is a prepared piano?
34. What is chance or indeterminate music?
35. What is concrete music?
36. Who is Oliver Messaien and why is he important to 20th century music?
37. How did musical timbres change from the romantic period?
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