LLEVADA’S ALGEBRA 1 Section 7.1 Common Factors in Polynomials HI BI TE The FACTORS of numbers are always smaller than the numbers. D In mathematics, factors are the parts that make a whole, and factoring involves division because they are the numbers you get when you divide a number or expression (a given quantity) without a remainder. --- = 3 , the factors of 6 are 2 and 3. Example: If we divide 6 2 To find ALL the factors of a number (called prime factorization), divide the number by each prime number starting with the number 2, until you can’t divide again without getting a remainder (decimal.) Example: Find all the factors of 54 54 ------ = 27 ------ = 9 2 --- = 3 3 3 3 Example: PR O Answer: The factors of 54 are (2)(3)(3)(3) = 2 3 Factor 18 + 36 + 54 completely The prime factorization of 18 is (2)(3)(3) The prime factorization of 36 is (2)(2)(3)(3) The prime factorization of 54 is (2)(3)(3)(3) 2 is common to all three numbers once: 2 3 is common to all three numbers twice: (3)(3) = 9 G (9)(2) = 18 IN Because the highest common factor for all three numbers is 18, the expression 18 + 36 + 54 can be factored to: 18(1 + 2 + 3) PY 18 36 54 By dividing ------ , ------ , and ------ , 18 has been factored to show that 18 + 36 + 54 can also be written as the prod18 18 18 uct of 18(1 + 2 + 3) CO In algebra, factoring works the same way, except this time with numbers AND symbols. Example: Factor 18a3 + 36a2 + 54a completely The factors of of 18a3 are (2)(3)(3)(a)(a)(a) The factors of of 36a2 are (2)(2)(3)(3)(a)(a) The factors of of 54a2 are (2)(3)(3)(3)(a) Common in all three terms we find (2)(3)(3)(a) = 18a Because the highest common factor for all three numbers is 18a, the expression 18a3 + 36a2 + 54a can be factored: 18a (a2 + 2a + 3) 116 Chapter 7: Factoring LLEVADA’S ALGEBRA 1 3 2 18a 36a 54a By dividing ----------- = a2, ----------- = 2a, and --------- = 3, 18a has been factored to show that: 18a 18a 18a 18a3 + 36a2 + 54a Factor completely 6 4 3 4x + 6x – 14x + 2x 18a (a2 + 2a + 3) 2 D Example: can also be written as the product of The common factor is then 2x2. By dividing each term of the expression by 2x2 2x2 (2x4 + 3x2 – 7x + 1) Practice: Factor completely. 1. 3x3 + 6x2 + 12x 4x6 becomes 2x4 6x4 becomes 3x2 14x3 becomes 7x 2x2 becomes 1 PR O Answer: HI BI TE The common coefficient found in 4, 6, 14, and 2 is 2. The common base found x. The common exponent found is 2. 20. 5j3k3 + 10j2k8 – 5j6k7 + 17j7k5 2. 5x4 – 15x2 + 25x 21. 6x7y7z7 + 9x8y7z6 – 9x5y4z11 + 18 3. 12x3y3 – 8x2y2 + 4xy 4. 3x2y2 – 6x3y3 – 9x2y2 5. 2x6 + 4x5 – 6x4 + 8x3 22. 20m2n4 + 16m3n5 – 12m7n8 + 4m7n5 23. 40x2y3z4 – 30x5y5z5 + 20x5y7z10 – 10y7z8 24. 21p6q2 + 24p2q4 – 14p5q9 + 7p3q8 25. 24x3y3z3 + 12x9y8z7 + 18x2y3z4 – 6 7. z3 + z4 + z5 + z7 26. 60s6t6 – 15s4t4 – 45s5t5 + 15s3t7 G 6. 5y5 – 10y4 – 15y3 + 20y2 27. x4y5z6 + x7y7z7 – x7y8z9 + x6y7z8 9. 3a4b4 + 6a3b3 – 9a2b2 – 12ab 28. 14u8v12 + 10u9v8 + 6u7v6 + 2u5v3 IN 8. 4a4 – 8a3 – 12a2 + 16a 29. 4x12y12z12 – 8x8y6z2 – 4x8y6z2 – 4x8y6z2 11. 6x4y4z4 – 12x6y4z3 – 18x6y4z3 + 24xyz 30. 18a14b18 – 12a10b3 – 6a3b9 + 6a7b2 12. 2a2b2 + 6a4b4 + 8a5b5 – 14a3b5 31. 3x4y5z6 + 4x5y14z8 + 6x7y15z8 + 8 13. 3x6y3z6 + 5x7y3z5 – 4x3y3z3 + 8xyz 32. 2c3d3 – 5c3d3 – 6c2d2 – 8cd 14. 3c5d5 – 6c7d7 + 9c6d6 + 18c8d8 33. 6x4y8z3 + 9x7y5z3 + 12x6y7z8 + 15x3y4z5 15. 5x8y7z + 5x5y4z3 – 15x4y3z2 – 35 34. 17e2f + 34e3f3 – 17e2f4 + 51e2f 16. 20e5f + 18e6f8 – 10e7f4 + 36 35. 5x3y4z9 + 5x3y8z7 + 5xy3z4 – 5 17. 5x3y3z3 – 15x5y4z3 + 10x2y9z8 + 5x2y5z7 36. 7g2h – 2g9h7 – 7g3h9 + 14g7h4 18. 21g8h5 + 7g5h6 – 14g7h8 + 28g8h9 37. 8xy5z + 16x2yz3 – 14x4y5z4 + 28x2y5z8 19. 21x6y6z7 – 9x3y2z5 + 6x7y7z7 – 3x2y3z 38. 9x3y5z – 36xy3z6 + 27x2y7z6 – 18 CO PY 10. 10a5b5c5 + 15a3b3c3 – 20a2b2c2 + 25abc 7.1 Common Factors in Polynomials 117