Porgy and Bess Teaching Objective Students will discover the distinctive traits of the characters in the opera "Porgy and Bess." Vocabulary Opera- A theatrical work set to music in which all or most of the text is sung with instrumental accompaniment Character trait- The unique attribute of a character. The way a character looks, thinks and acts that makes the individual distinct from all others Resources -The Porgy and Bess Opera Synopsis Sheet, one copy per student -Transparency with the names of each of the eleven characters found on the Porgy and Bess Character Sheet -Character Wheel -A file card and pencil for each student -Vis-à-vis pens -Eraser or sponge -Internet website: www.classical.net/music.1st/works/gershwin//porgy&bess.html Pre Assessment Ask if any of the students have seen Porgy and Bess or know its story. Teaching Sequence Distribute one copy of the opera synopsis to each student and facilitate a class read-aloud of Porgy and Bess. While reading, have the students circle the names and/or descriptions of each of the eleven characters. Ask the students to use the file card and pencil provided to list and distinguish the major and minor characters. Facilitate a discussion of character traits by having the students respond to the following questions. a. Who are the major characters? Who are the minor characters? b. Do you like or dislike any of the characters? Why? c. Does any one of the characters in the opera story remind you of anyone that you know or have read about? If so, how are they alike? d. Did any of the major characters change? If so, how? e. Suppose you had a chance to meet one of the characters. What would you say to him or her? Culminating Activity Ask each student to choose one of the characters and complete the Character Wheel found on page 28. Share the results. Evaluation Did students distinguish each character in the opera by their individual traits? Extension Activity Ask the students to write a response to the following question: If you could be any character in this opera, who would you be? Why? Tally the responses. Co-Curricular Connections/TEKS Fine Arts/Music: 117.12 3.1 A,B, 3.5A,C, 3.6A,B; 117.15 4.1 A,B, 4.5A,D, 4.6; 117.18 5.1A,B, 5.5A,E, 5.6; 117.33 6.1 B, 6.5A,B,D, 6.6 English Language Arts and Reading: 110.5 1A,B,C,D, 3C, 4A, 9A,B,D,F,G, 10A,B,C,D, 13A,B, 14A,B,C,D,; 110.6 1A,B,C, 4A, 10A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,L, 11A,B,C,D, 14A,B,C, 15A,C,D,E,F; 110.7 1A,B,C, 4A, 10A,B,C,F,G,H,I,L, 11A,B,C,D, 14A,B,C, 15A,C,D,E,F,G; 110.22 1A,B,C,D, 4A, 10A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,L,M, 11A,B,C,D, 14A,B,C, 15A,C,E,D,F,G,H