December 2004 - University of Arkansas

The Pazdera Times
December 2004
HO, HO, HO....
Merry Christmas to all and a joyous holiday
season as well. Ever wonder what the other
Pazdera relatives have been up to this year?
Ever wonder what you have been up to?
Here is your very own copy of a newsletter
chocked full of news!
Tom Kunz writes (December 2004):
Greetings from the Kunz Family deep in the heart
of Texas. 2004 has been another eventful year for
us with many blessings attached. Here is a quick
run down on the kids: Mauren (23) is at BYU (you
can read her note).
Tyson (22), married Chelsea Wasden in the Idaho
Falls Temple in April. (It is quite an event to see
our children grow and start their own families). He
and Chelsea lived in Houston during the summer
and he worked construction. They returned to
BYU-Idaho in August where Tyson is majoring in
construction Management and Chelsea in English.
Kira (20) is at BYU in Provo with Mauren. She is
really starting to get into the swing of college and is
doing well in her classes. She works on campus at
the BYU laundry receiving, retrieving, releasing
and receipting the clothes that are brought in. She
really enjoys the customer interface role. She finds
plenty of time to play lots of basketball. She wants
to be a coach and will be great at it. During the
summer, she broke her hand playing basketball with
her dad and brothers. She really missed all the
work she couldn't do!
Weston (!7) is a Junior at Magnolia High School,
a member of the JV basketball team and #15 in his
graduating class. He works hard at school and it
shows. He attends an early morning religion class
before school starts and is well-liked by all who
know him. He has been working part-time at Klein's
grocery store where both his sisters and his brother
also worked. He drives a "beast" (a 1981 Buick
Skylark) that has less than 40k miles. Weston is a
life scout and only needs a project to become an
Eagle Scout. He is hoping for an electric guitar for
Garen (15) plays on the Freshman B-Team where
he is the glue that holds the team together. Garen
has natural athletic talent that he is really working
hard at refining and improving. He also attends the
early morning religion class with Weston and is
also an excellent student. He wonders why he
doesn't have his drivers permit and would rather
play X-Box than work, but is great at responding to
pleas for help. He is really in a growing spurt right
now and may soon pass his big brother!. He too, is
a life scout and working towards becoming an
Chase (11) sings in the choir at his school and is
taking piano lessons. He has a natural talent and
really loves music. He likes playing basketball, but
doesn't have the passion for it that his brothers do.
Chase is on student council at school and is learning
to be a leader. He is well-liked and looked up to by
his friends.
MiCayla (9) is our baby. She too sings in the
choir at school along with Chase and is taking
violin and piano lessons. She loves to sing, but
doesn't like to practice. She is full of life and
sunshine. She loves poly pockets and toy horses
and is quite social. She definitely keeps us young!
LaDawn and I are just getting older and wiser.
Seems like everyday we live we feel more gratitude
for the great blessings that are ours.
I made a trip to Denver in October to see my
mom, sister and Aunts Dorothy and Mildred. It was
a grand time. We have done a bit of camping this
year during spring break in March and then again in
August. Other than that we stayed home and
worked on leaky showers and roofs, removing old
decks, planting new landscaping and moving lots of
dirt with the tractor. I think we will be ready for a
real vacation next year. Merry Christmas to all!
We have a website that we try to keep updated
where you can get the latest info on the family. The
address is: http:\\\tomkunz.
Elspeth graduated from Colorado State University
with a bachelor's degree in psychology and almost
immediately was hired by a Denver company in
their human resources department. She works 4 ten
hour days so gets 3 day weekends every week. She
enjoys her work, her apartment and her roommate is
her best friend from high school, who also
graduated last spring.
Mauren Kunz writes (December 2004):
For those of you who don't know me, I am Tom
and LaDawn Kunz's eldest. Last August I returned
from serving an LDS mission for The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Carlsbad,
California. There I learned Spanish and taught
people about how to find love and peace in their
home and hearts through Jesus Christ. It was
AWESOME! I've been back to school at BYU
(Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah) for the
last year and have once again changed my major.
Raleigh graduated from Monarch High School
and is now attending the University of Northern
Colorado in Greeley, working for a degree in
secondary education, literature or writing. His
favorite pastime is ultimate frisbee.
After exploring through Elementary Education,
Human Development, Business, Pharmaceuticals,
and just about any other major you can think of, I
finally decided to try a new one: Communications,
particularly Public Relations. I began taking classes
and realized that it was what I REALLY wanted to
do. I was accepted to the major in October and will
begin those classes in January. That also includes
writing for the school newspaper next semester
which will be a major time commitment, but a
challenge that I'm looking forward to! I'm still as
single as ever and don't really have anything exiting
to share with you except that I'm finally figuring out
my life! :o) My parents should be so proud! :o)
Rebekah is a freshman at Monarch High, working
on a great gpa and enjoying high school sports. She
is in the freshman all girls choir, and has plans for
participation in many more theatrical productions
both high school and community.
Elvena Kunz, Ellen's mom, is about the same as
ever (gets around ok, but can't hear much), will be
89 years old in January. She works word find
puzzles and occasionally sews, enjoying visits from
friends and relatives. Her sister, Dorothy Pazdera,
came for a short visit in October, as did her son,
I don't really know many of you and I'm sure you
don't know me. I haven't been to a family reunion
since I was probably 14 (I'll be 24 next month!)
because I'm never around when they happen. But
we're all family and as different as we may be, that's
what pulls us all together. So, to you all, whether I
know you or not, may you have the very Merriest
Christmas of them all as you remember one another
and Christ, our Savior, who made it all possible.
Love to you all, Mauren Kunz
We are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas,
maybe with some snow this year. Randy and the
offspring all enjoy skiing and snowboarding while
Ellen loves to stay home by the fire. We wish you
all a very merry Christmas.
Katrina and Chris Vigil had their fourth child,
Nicole Grace, on March 22, 2004. Katrina is
Cecelia (Pazdera)Johnston's daughter. Our other
children are Hailey, Madison, Luke and now Nicole.
Ellen Kunz Hickernell writes (December 2004):
Dorothy Pazdera writes (December 2004):
Randy and Ellen will celebrate 29 years of
marriage on Dec. 20, no special plans other than
being together. Randy's sister came for a visit this
fall, and he gets back to Pennsylvania as often as
possible. Ellen went to North and South Carolina
with aunts Mildred Barnes and Dorothy Pazdera for
a few days and all had a great time.
Working and traveling are the two things that
keep me hopping and busy! Guess I have to do
some of the work in order to be able to do the
Trips: Have been to Branson, Missouri ( a
favorite) three or four times this year. If any family
member has not been there, would recommend it.
Teresa Pazdera Harris and husband Mike Harris
recently gave their first daughter's hand in marriage.
Jennifer Leigh Harris married Bobby Evans on
November 6 in Stuart, Florida. The small wedding
was delightful, and has set them on a course
towards a long, happy marriage. Teresa and Mike's
other daughter Valerie Harris graduated from North
Carolina State and has entered a Master's degree
program there.
Weekends in the fall are busy, with lots of other
people doing the same thing - shopping, going to
shows and eating! What a great place to do all
Summer vacation saw me with the Shepherd family
in Yellowstone and home through Moab, Utah and
Bryce National Park! We drove, saw LOTS of
animals, snowed on us June 10th! Great trip!
My sister, Cecelia Johnston and I flew out to
Colorado in May to visit our oldest sis, Elvena. It
was Cecelia's first plane trip and she did well! Was
great to visit with family! I got to go with younger
sister Mildred on her "October " vacation. It was a
first-time trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,
North Carolina and the Outer Banks! Beautiful
Michael Pazdera lives outside of Chattanooga, TN
in a small town named Dunlap, where he has about
20 acres on top of the Columbia plateau. Michael's
corral of horses has added a couple of colts to the
fold, and he continues to find time to hunt and fish.
Michael's son, also Michael Pazdera, lives in
Colorado Springs, CO, and is a youth activity director.
Sprinkle two trips to the casinos in there too, and
you know why I work! Am enjoying the work at
Farmers Bank- I always have plenty to do! Had an
awesome SURPRISE this fall when I was selected
by my peers as the Outstanding Junior Officer of
the Year" ! That was indeed a big surprise to me!
Tom and Libby Pazdera live in western Virginia
in Covington, where they recently moved for
employment opportunities. Their three children,
Monica, Katie Beth, and Zach are all thriving, and
adjusting well to their first home ever outside the
state of Arkansas.
Best wishes to all other members of our family!
Hoping everyone is doing well!
Mary Pazdera Leath and husband Tom still live in
Conway, Arkansas, along with children Danny and
Mary Catherine. Danny is a student at the
University of Central Arkansas, and also works full
time at a locally owned sporting goods store in
Little Rock. Mary Catherine has just become a
Hello from the Road
Mildred Barnes has retired as of October 6, 2004
and is now traveling down the road in a motorhome
with her Significant Other, Don Woltman of
Vermont. They have been from Washington, D.C.
to Arkansas as of the last email and enjoying
visiting all the sites along the way.
Mildred Barnes alias Colorado Roamer
William and Pam Pazdera live in Hickory, North
Carolina with two of their four children - Frank and
Emily. Frank and Emily are both excellent
students, with Frank excelling in musical
accomplishments, and Emily excelling in
friendships. William and Pam's daughter Megan
lives in Cave Springs, Arkansas and is a student at a
college in northwest Arkansas. Their son Dallas
Watts suffered a deeply tragic loss this fall--the
death of his loving wife, and mother of his two
sons--Jackson and Lucas. Jenny Watts will be
missed by all who knew her, and Dallas and his
sons welcome prayers.
Mary Pazdera Leath writes (December 2004):
The family of Frank Pazdera:
Frank's widow, Billie Lou Pazdera, continues to
live in Conway, Arkansas, and enjoys her gardening
and her companion, Cleo the basset hound. This
year, Billie traveled from one end of the United
States to the other. In July, she cruised through the
Inside Passage in Alaska, and in November, she
attended the wedding of her granddaughter in
Florida. She is at home in her recliner plotting her
adventures for the next year.
Teresa Pazdera Harris writes (November 2004):
It's been another great year in the household of
Mike and Teresa Pazdera Harris. Our youngest
daughter Valerie graduated on May 15, 2004 from
NC State University (NCSU) with a Bachelor of
Science in Statistics. She was offered a full
scholarship at NCSU to attend graduate school and
is now working on obtaining her Master of
Statistics degree. She expects to graduate in May
2006 and hopes to remain in the Raleigh, NC area
after completion of her education.
Katelin, is in her second year at the University of
Central Arkansas, Conway. She is a very good
student, making good grades. She observed her 20th
birthday October 30, 2004. Daughter Barbara’s
Jordan Price turned 13 in August.
Barbara, and all her families are doing fine. They
all live in Nashville, TN. Lance and Cayce,
Barbara’s son has a beautiful daughter, Emma
Elizabeth, born January 30, 2004. We now have 3
great grandchildren.
Our oldest daughter Jennifer moved to south
Florida after graduation from NCSU with a
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. She is
employed by the Florida Department of Transportation as a PE Trainee, which is a four-year
program designed to train employees to become
construction managers with the Florida DOT.
Quenton Jr. and Marian are doing very well. I
think they miss Katelin since she is off to college.
My brother Clem and his families are getting
along very well. He is lonesome most of the time.
Quenton and I are doing very well. We both can’t
see very good any more. We have lots of aches and
pains, but try to keep going.
As everyone knows, 2004 was a very bad year for
hurricanes in Florida. Jennifer's area was hit by
Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. Fortunately, for
her, she did not have much damage to her house
which was not the case for many others who lost
everything. We are thankful that her losses were
We had a wonderful time in DC, a beautiful place
to stay. Quenton wanted to see the World War II
Memorial they built. It is beautiful.
Hope all the other cousins are getting along fine
and are happy.
On a better note, Jennifer did meet a young man,
Bobby Evans, in south Florida and they were
married on Saturday, November 6, 2004 at First
Baptist Church in Stuart, Florida. Several family
members were able to travel down to Florida and
rejoice with Jennifer and Bobby at their small,
intimate wedding and reception. Jennifer and Bobby
are making their home in Port St. Lucie, Florida.
Rose Minden is doing well. Keeps a couple of the
great grandsons after school once a week. Or is it
the other way around? Raised a small garden this
past year. Helps the church’s Prayer Tree by
making phone calls. Also is phone contact person
for local chapter of NARFE. Enjoys hearing from
all the relatives.
Frances Pigeon Burge writes (November 2004):
Janice Locknar writes (2003 & 2004):
Since the last Pazdera Times, we’ve had some
good news and not so good. As of July 12, 2004
our son, Quenton Jr., had a heart attack and had 4
bypass on the same day. It was very hard for a few
days. He is doing very well at this time.
Eric Locknar got the WWJD (What Would Jesus
Do) award for the 2nd quarter (fall 2003) at school
this year! Brandon also received the award for
another school quarter.
Quenton and I, took our grand daughter, Katelin
Burge, on a trip to Washington, DC. We were gone
for 3 days, got home on the 11th just before his heart
Brandon got 2nd place in the 'JR TRACTOR
PULL" --He will compete in the Old Fort Days
Rodeo on Tuesday, June 1st. If he wins then, he
will compete again Friday, if wins then goes to the
finals on Saturday. If he wins then, it’s a nice prize
But very thankful for all your prayers and thoughts.
May all the blessings of Christmas be yours. We
wish you and your families a New Year full of love.
Package from Bedford Camera and KTCS radio!
We will just have to wait and see! I was glad he got
2nd--last year he got 1st which meant competing on
Monday night--you have to sit through the Big
long-g-g-g-g-g-g grand entry from everyone that
rode in the parade! Tuesday night the grand entry is
much shorter. He got very restless last year and
was really getting tired by the time he had to race.
Since it was Memorial Day to boot, he had partied
with us at some friends' house--Redneck Olympic,
swimming, etc--he was beat! Maybe it will be
better for him this year!
Alicia Minden writes:
She was fortunate to take a trip to Mexico in
March. Saw a lot of poverty (probably not as much
as there actually is), but also beautiful churches,
shrines, Pyramid of Sun and Moon and Ballet
Forklorico. Mexico City is now the largest city in
the world, something like 22 million, give or take a
million. People everywhere! Still involved with
the choir at church as well as being a lector and
EMC and training Extraordinary Ministers of
Communion. Wishes to all for a great 2005!
Eric & Brandon --Soccer awards in Spring and
Fall Leagues.
Garrett got potty trained--treated to Monster
Truck performance
All three boys, plus cousin Scott Bagley, enjoyed
Tubing on Lake Hamilton--1st time experience for
all I think!
Brandon 1st to read in his Kindergarten class-even before end of 1st nine weeks.
Eric got his 1st deer.
Angela Minden Cyr writes (November 2003):
Juli and Justin are still in Yuma, AZ. I flew out in
June (118 degree weather). Visited the San Diego
Zoo and saw a Padres game. We also went to Las
Vegas for the weekend. I didn't win the 'lottery' but
I didn't lose $$$ either.
Our new additions--3 Guinea Pigs, blessed by
Father Henry, and now have multiplied--we have 7
all total--4 babies in the past 2 1/2 weeks! Yeaks!
Jennifer has gotten a new job in Tulsa and a new
apartment which involved new furniture. She is
totally loving her new advertising/marketing
position and has already gotten a bonus from the
company PLUS 45 yard line OSU football tickets
when the boss doesn't want to attend.
Eric is "Gaspar" in the school Christmas
Musical/Play. Brandon will sing with his class.
Anna Minden Morrow writes (December 2004):
Kerry and Scott Stark had a daughter, Abigail
Diane(sp) on August 13. Scott is son of JoAnn
Geurian Stark, grandson of Inez Novy Geurian and
great grandson of Mary Pazdera Novy.
Son, Don Bagley, is still with Sprint. Wife Patty,
is rehabbing from ACL surgery. Daughter,
Lindsay, turned 21 with the usual celebrations, now
working at Copeland’s. Daughter, Sarah, is
working part time and singing in high school choir.
Son, Steve Bagley, is with Williams
Technologies. Wife, Diane, has survived Spring
machinations. Son, Scott, likes soccer, soccer,
soccer, especially being goalie. Daughter, Rachel,
at 2 ½ likes to be Miss Helpful, tasting, touching
reorganizing and hiding things.
Rose Chechuck writes (December 2004)
Sister, Jeanie and Frank Kubacki's son Luke is a
senior this year. It's so hard to believe he will be
graduating. He is investigating both the University
of Pittsburgh and Duquense University to pursue a
career as a Pharmacist. Their first son, (Jonathan's
daughter, Alyssa) spent the weekend with me
recently. Like her Great Aunt Rosie, she loves to
Son, Rick Morrow, started on bachelor’s degree.
Working with Alliance Shippers.
I didn’t make my goal of walking alone in 2004.
paint. She has quit an imagination for a 4 year old.
We had a lot of fun! Not a drop of paint on the
carpet, thank goodness for newspaper! ;-)
Sister, Gloria, Bruce and Jena are getting ready to
sell Christmas trees and wreathes at the Gazvoda's
pavilion. They sell 5 varieties of trees. The wreathes
are stamped together by Gloria and either Jena or
one of her Aunt's decorates them.
I guess no one in our immediately family has
anything they want to talk about, in this household
anyway. Freecycle seems to be a pretty good thing
going around the world. There are around 30 cities
in AR with Freecycle sites now and growing. I bet
there are a number of sites near you too. Freecycle
may be pretty good news to share with the Pazdera
Allan Hampton writes (December 2004):
Sister, Annie is getting ready for another Craft
sale at her friend Carol's home where several
Crafters display their goods. This year she will also
display Jena's handmade beaded bracelets.
Mom (Dorothy) continues to pass on the bingo
stories that she attends weekly with my sister in
I hope this email finds everyone healthy and doing
well. Thanks for writing the newsletter and
continuing to communicate with everyone. God
Bless you and your family. Happy Holiday to all.
Update on the Tony Friga family:
Have had a good year. Moved into our new home
on Feb. 8th. Everyone came over, our kids, grandkids and friends, and in short order, they had us
moved in. They also brought steaming pots of food
and we finished with a pot luck. Quite a moving
day! We love our new home. It is smaller than our
other house, but that is what we wanted. Still have
the basement to finish, but that will come this
winter. We did get our yard all in. Still lack the
water garden which we hope to do this coming
spring. A lot of our work was cut short as Tony had
to have two complete knee replacements this year.
The first one in May and the second one in October.
He is doing very well with both. Just that recovery
time took a chunk out of his work time. He did
manage to get the garage built during the summer.
He went in to the sleep lab just before Thanksgiving, and is now on a CPAP machine to take care
of his sleep apnea. Should be like a new man when
he gets used to it!
Carole Chi writes (December 2004):
This year my husband Mark and I bought a hot
tub, a dry sauna, and had a 3 season room addition
built on to the back of our home. We’re also in the
process of having the entire house painted, plaster
fixed where needed, and wallpapered. What a
wonderful improvement these updates have made in
our home/lives! We’re enjoying the therapeutic hot
tub nearly every night. Mark celebrated his 60th
birthday this year and we had 2 small “Chi” family
reunions to celebrate it—one in August and another
in October. He is enjoying his 5th year of retirement
while I am in my 2nd year of teaching at the Middle
School and in my 12th year of teaching at Public
Schools in Michigan (7 more to go before I retire).
Our last trip with the Nomads Travel Club was to
Abaco in the Bahamas in February of this year. This
Fall I worked on the Democratic campaign for the
Presidency by working tirelessly as a volunteer
Precinct leader for MoveOn PAC. This
spring/summer I’ll continue/finish my Master’s
Degree in the Art of Teaching.
We did manage a trip to California in September
to visit Anita, Chuck and girls. Was there for "first
day of school" for both Sienna and Sheridan. We
also attended the renewal of wedding vows of
David and Cathy Friga at Guardian Angels Church,
Oran, in July.
Our grand-daughter Nikki and her husband Brian
Langford have moved from Florida to Anchorage,
Alaska this past July. He is stationed there with the
Air Force. LeaAnn is working for "Make a Wish"
My Mom, Pauline Durkacs, is doing fairly well;
Aunt Helen Doubnich is also doing ok. We’re all
just getting older, slowing down a little.
graduation of our daughter Lisa (Nelson) Burnam
with a Masters Degree of Science in Education
from the University of Houston at Clear Lake. We
get to go to Minute Maid Park. For those of you
who are not baseball fans, this is the stadium where
the Astros play in Houston.
foundation in St. Louis, Mo. These are Kem and
Debbie’s daughters. Their son, Tony and his wife
Laura are expecting their second child in May.
Diane and John are on their last year in Germany.
They will be returning to the states in July. We are
planning a trip there in June to see Emily graduate
from high school. Want to take a couple of side
trips while there, one to Prague, and one to
Scotland. Hope nothing happens to cancel those
How appropriate for a college softball player to
get her masters on a baseball field! Lisa currently
works at the Early Childhood Learning Center in La
Marque, TX as an Instructional Coordinator. Lisa
and her husband Kelly have 2 children, Bryce (3)
and Aubrea (2). Deer hunting is a big deal at this
time of the year, here in Texas and both son, Randy
and Dad, Don, each have shot one so far. We had
an awesome year fishing for white bass at Lake
Livingston and so our freezer is pretty full right
The rest of the family is doing fine. Busy with
family and work. That's about it for now. Barb and
Tony Friga
Loretta Friga Winters writes :
I’m doing well. Looking forward to going to
California for Christmas to see son Ron and family.
My kidney transplant is working like it is supposed
to. Daughter, Julie is working/living in Chaffee
now. Sister, Rosalie had a back operation and knee
replacement. Brother Alfred got a deer. Brian
Friga also got a deer.
Wishing y'all happy and blessed holidays from
Mary Ann (Pazdera) Nelson daughter of Martin and
Josephine Pazdera
Sympathy goes to Marsha Foote Friga on death of
her mother, Mary. Funeral was Sat. (August 28) in
Springfield, MO.
The big winner of the Reunion quilt was Dorothy J.
Pazdera from Greenwood. Congratulations! Many
thanks to all that made a contribution to the “kitty.”
Check out the Reunion quilt, pictures of Martin and
Josephine Pazdera’s sons. We are trying to rework
the site.
If you would like to receive the news electronically,
please give me your e-mail address.
Thanks to those that sent in changes of physical
and/or electronic addresses.
Some e-mails have bounced back for various
reasons. If family members are complaining about
not getting an e-letter, check for account being over
quota, accuracy of name, etc.
Martin and Amy Pazdera welcomed a daughter on
September 12, 2004–Kaylynn Grace, 9 lb. 10 oz.,
20 3/4 in. long at Arlington Texas. She joins older
sister Karlie Olivia. They have moved from
Jacksonville, FL to Fort Worth, TX.
Mary Ann Pazdera Nelson writes (December 2004):
I have been thinking about all our blessings and
guess this is a good time to count them. Our family
has been blessed with good health and much to be
happy about this past year. We have no new
additions this year. Our biggest brag comes on the
Nothing was submitted.