Kenwood Golf & Country Club Newsletter - July 2008

Golf and CountryClub
President: Todd Chamberlin
General Manager: Stephen Smith
Club Manager: William Worrell
Happy 4th of July
his month, I would like to share
with you a letter that I received
from a member.
The letter states: “Last Saturday, June
21, my husband and I hosted a Surprise
Birthday Party for our youngest son. It was
held in the Maryland Room and the outside
deck. The entire evening was nothing but
perfection, from the way it was set up to
everyone who helped in the affair.
It was very easy and pleasurable
working with your Catering Director,
Debbie Lamb and her Associate, Renee
Russell. Debbie did a first-class
arrangement of every detail, offering
valuable suggestions, from the menu, hors
d' oeuvres, music, table cloths, to timing on
how the evening should proceed. Everyone
who helped in this event; the servers, the
bartender, Scott, were excellent. All of this
being overseen by Mr. Clayton Bloomfield,
who, as usual, was superb.
Everyone remarked on how delicious
the food was, and I saw nothing but empty
plates. Your Chef must be complimented on
the sumptuous dinner he prepared.
It was a delightful evening, and the
Kenwood setting enhanced it so. Thank you
for making it so memorable for everyone.
All the improvements that have been done
to Kenwood were certainly apparent”.
A Kenwood Member (Name Withheld)
I hope you and your family are having
a fun summer at Kenwood.
Todd Chamberlin ★
Coming Events
Friday, July 4
Fun & Games at the outdoor pool
Saturday, September 6
Swim-Dive Awards Banquet
Tuesday, July 15
Kenwood Social Bridge
Friday, September 19
Junior Golf Banquet
July 28, 29, 30
CCSDA Champs at Kenwood
Saturday, September 27
80th Anniversary Party
Sunday, August 31
Labor Day Picnic
Editors: Nancy D. Rudy
Patsy Weaver
From the General Manager’s Desk
Stephen E. Smith
hroughout the year it is
important that the rules and
policies of the Kenwood Club
be adhered to in an effort to make the Club
a more enjoyable venue for all our
Members and their guests. Below is a list of
some of issues and areas of concern that
fellow Members, the Board of Governors
and Management want to bring to the
General Membership’s attention. These
items are:
1. Please, always be mindful and
respectful of other Members and their
guests while at the Club.
2. Please drive with caution when on
Club property. Follow the directional
arrows that are painted on the
pavement. Follow the traffic flow as
indicated by the arrows painted on the
3. Members are reminded to update their
contact information as necessary and
to ensure that the information
pertaining to children, newborn
children and spouse is current. Contact
the Club’s Membership Secretary
(Patsy Weaver) to update your
4. Foods and/or Beverages from any
outside source may not be brought
onto Kenwood property for any
reason, at any time, No Exceptions!
Failure to comply with this Policy will
result in disciplinary action.
5. Members availing themselves of the
services offered at the Fitness Center
are reminded that scheduled
appointments with personal trainers,
massage therapists and for exercise,
aerobics and spinning classes are all
subject to a 24 hour cancellation
notice. Members failing to cancel a
scheduled appointment at least 24
hours in advance will have the full
amount of the session cost charged to
their Member Account.
6. Members and Guests of Members with
young children are reminded that
“pool area” is inclusive of the pool
decks, the covered pavilion, the flag
stone patio, the pool snack bar and the
grass covered sun bathing area.)
7. Sign in on the register. All Members
and their Guests entering the Fitness
Center, whether it is for Tennis, the
indoor pool or the exercise area, must
sign in at the front desk of the Fitness
8. The Guest House. Persons under the
age of 21 are not permitted to stay in a
room in the Guest House unless
accompanied by a parent, legal
guardian or an appropriate chaperone
at least 30 years of age or older.
9. The Dress Code for the Golf Course,
Clubhouse and Tennis courts is in
effect at all times.
10. While visiting the Club, park your
vehicle in allocated parking spaces
only. Avoid blocking traffic and
thoroughfares. If you park your vehicle
inappropriately your vehicle can and
may be towed. On occasion the
parking lots on the Club property are
full. Parking is available on the side
streets across from the Club and on
River Road. Please exercise caution
when parking on River Road and on
the side streets across from the Club
property. Please be respectful of the
community and our neighbors.
Your cooperation in these matters will
be greatly appreciated. ★
Friday, July 4th, 2008
Outdoor Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00am-8:00pm
Be sure to join us for lots of
fun and games for the children and adults!
Cocktail Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30am-9:00pm
Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30am-8:30pm
Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00am-6:00pm
Pool Snack Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am-7:00pm
Patio Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am-7:30pm
Poolside Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 noon-7:00pm
Golf Snack Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30am-5:00pm
e are now officially half
way through the year
would you believe, or as
my daughter said “six months until
Christmas!” Whichever way you look at it,
time does fly by, faster than we think. We
all get caught up in the day-to-day things,
and the next thing we know half the year
has gone. We went from “when is this
winter going to be over” to two weeks of
spring and now this unbearable heat. I
realize that you sun worshipers are
enjoying this, but it’s not for me.
I am pleased to introduce a new
member of staff to you all, Ms. Renee
Russell, Assistant Catering Director. I have
had the pleasure of working with Renee
before, many moons ago at my previous
Club. You will find her to be
knowledgeable and professional. She has a
wonderful out going personality and will
prove to be a great addition to Kenwood.
You may have noticed that we now
have a “Reservation Line” for all events. So
if you are unable to access the Web, where
you can make all your reservations for any
Club events, you may use the Reservation
Line. As many of us spend some time at
our computers each day, it is very easy to
make reservations on line.
Our 80th Anniversary party is moving
along and in next month’s magazine we
should have all the details worked out
along with the advertising; so keep the date
free, Saturday, September 27th 2008.
We have marked a new cross walk
from the Fitness Center to the Outdoor
Pool, so please drive with caution this time
of year, as we have many excited children
exiting cars heading to the out door pool.
Have a fun-filled and safe summer.
See you around the Clubhouse.
Bill Worrell
Club Manager ★
The CCSDA Championships will be held at
Kenwood this Year. The event will
occur over a three-day period,
Monday, July 28, Tuesday, July 29 and
Wednesday, July 30. Minimal parking will be available, and
we ask that you please plan your day/days accordingly.
During this time, you may use
the pool at Bethesda Country Club
or Chevy Chase Country Club.
Thank you for your cooperation
in this matter.
Kenwood Management
By Bob Ott
he month of May was a very
successful month for the KGA.
We had two great golf
tournaments and our B Team got off to a
successful start.
The first of our three Member-Guest
Tournaments was held on Friday, May 2.
As I noted last month, we moved this event
from Saturday morning to Friday afternoon
in an attempt to increase participation and
that change seems to have worked very
well. Bill Hall managed the event and did a
wonderful job. The weather was
outstanding and we had a nice dinner after
the event. The competition was very
intense. On the gross side, Jack Read and
his guest Jack Rushing won on a match of
cards over Mark Handwerger and his guest
Brad Love. Both teams had a gross best
ball score of 72. On the net side, Michael
Prestiss and his guest John Treires won
with a net best ball score of 61. Bill Hall
and his guest Bill Myslinski took second
with a net score of 64, and Steve Saxon and
his guest Vincent Burke took third with a
score of 65. Five teams tied for fourth
place, all with a net score of 66. These
teams were: Phil Parker and his guest Jack
Katz, Jim Guidera and his guest Joel
Eisemann, David Kelly and his guest Leo
Miller, Bill Hall and his guest Ken
Baseman, and Jim Leslie and his guest
Steve Piran. Closest to the pin were Pete
Havenstien (member) and David Wray
(guest). Longest drives were Jack Read
(member) and Jeff Edwards (guest). To
inaugurate our refurbished putting green,
we also had a putting contest following the
event. Keeping with the theme of close
matches, Nick Park and his guest David
Wray edged out Bernie Nunez and his
guest in a playoff.
The KGA Board of Governors
Tournament was held on May 17-18 and
consisted of a championship flight and two
additional flights. This is a match play
event, where the players in each flight play
nine-hole matches, except that the finals in
the championship flight are 18 holes. The
winner of the championship flight was
Chris Mortimer, who beat Jack Read in the
final. Tom Paci was the consolation winner
in the championship flight, with Dave
Markey taking the runner up position in the
consolation round. The first flight winner
was Nick Park, who beat Paul Mogin in the
final. The consolation winner for the first
flight was Bill Hall and the consolation
runner up was Tink Alexander. The second
flight was won by Pete Havenstein, who
beat Dick Crone in the final. George
Donkin took the consolation round in this
flight, beating Dave Ward.
Kenwood’s B Team won its first match
of the season against Crofton Country Club
on May 3. This match was very close with
Kenwood winning by a score of 91⁄2 to 81⁄2
score. Kenwood picked up six points in the
home matches with the team of Scott
Mortimer and Bob Cullen and the team of
Chris Huebner and Dave Kelly both
winning three points. Dave Markey and
John Phillips won 1⁄2 point in their away
match. The key to Kenwood’s victory,
however, was the great play of Nick Park
and Jim Guidera, who won all three points
in their away match. As I have mentioned
in the past, away matches are tough. Our
opponent usually reserves its best players
for the matches at its course, and they know
their own course much better than the
visiting team does. Winning all three points
in an away match is a considerable
achievement. Congratulations!
We have two tournaments scheduled
for July. The first event is the Weekday
Afternoon Member-Member/MemberGuest, which will be held on the afternoon
of Thursday, July 17 with a 1 pm shotgun
start. This is a two-man team event,
consisting of either two members or a
member and a guest. Members can invite
up to three guests and play as a separate
team with each guest. The format will be
the best ball of each team. Players with
multiple guests will have their score count
for each team. Prizes will be awarded for
low gross and low net scores. An awards
ceremony with a dinner and member bar
will follow the event. This is a very popular
event and a relatively inexpensive way to
invite your guests for an afternoon round of
golf at Kenwood. Sign up early!
The other July tournament is the
Pinehurst Scotch Two-Man Team Event,
which will be held on July 26. As the name
suggests, this event is also a two-man team
event. Under the Pinehurst Scotch format,
each team member hits his drive and the
team members then alternate shots until the
hole is finished. This is the second year for
this event and it proved to be very popular
last year. I apologize again to my partner
from last year for leaving my putter in the
bag on the 17th hole when he had a two
foot putt left. I went back and got the putter
when I realized it was needed. ★
Lost personal items will be held at the Clubhouse
front desk for 30 days. Items left longer than 30
days will be donated to Goodwill.
By Ann Ittner
he ladies golf season is in full
swing with lots of activity. I am
writing this the day before the
major event of the season - the MemberGuest. It will kick off with a putting contest
on Tuesday night. This is a new event and
has been well subscribed. A full report of
these events will be proffered in the next
The Kenwood Women’s District Golf
Association team placed third in the 2008
matches just missing second by 2 points.
Kaye Mopsik was the captain and team
members were Carolyn Clewell, Harriet
Moss, Judy Perry, Dana Peterson and
Theresa Shingler. Subs were Ann Ittner and
Sally Seawright. Good work team for all
your efforts.
In MPG matches Division II, under
the able leadership of Betty Churchill,
placed second losing by only 1⁄2 a point. In
Division III, captained by Livia Johnson,
there is still one more match. Stay tuned on
this one. Again, good efforts ladies.
The KWGA Working Women’s event
was called because of rain. Many signed up
Winners - Chamberlin
(L-R): Marilyn Starr, Monica Hamrick
1st Flight Winners - Chamberlin
(L-R): Harriet Moss, Theresa Shingler
to play in this Sunday event and a few
hearty souls played nine holes until it really
started to pour. Bonny Gordon and Joan
Perrin were co-chairing the event. Next up
is a 9 hole twilight event on June 19.
The Memorial Day Ringer Tourney
was won by Mary Woodford, second, Sarah
Funt and third Fern Nicklaw.
Monica Hamrick and Marilyn Starr with
56: second were Pat Browne and Alice
Dewys with 62. The overall trophy winners
were Monica and Marilyn. This is the
second year for Monica to be in the
winners circle. Congrats all.
We welcome a new member to our
group, Sara Conley. A photo of Sara is in
this article.
(continued on page 7)
Winners - Chamberlin
Joyce O’Brien (Center) presents trophy to
Marilyn Starr (L) and Monica Hamrick (R)
(L-R): Shakuntala Dhir, Ellen Roche, Livia Johnson,
Joan Perrin, Margaret Heimbold
(Not Pictured): Cynda Wilcox
The Chamberlin two-day Ringer
Tournament started on May 28th. This
trophy is donated in honor of the wife of
Donal Chamberlin, past president of
Kenwood. In class A, the winners were
Harriet Moss and Theresa Shingler with a
60: Second were Mary Mayberry and Sally
Skillman with 61. Class B was won by
Rained Out Working Women’s Tourney
(L-R): Bonnie Gordon, Monica Hamrick, Joan Perrin
(continued from page 6)
Coming up are the Women’s Club
Championships on July 9, 12 and 13.
Please, lets have a good turnout for these
events. And the Board of Governors is on
July 16th.
One golf story to end this epistle. I
was playing in a Mixed Member-Guest at
Talbot Country Club in Easton and on the
last par 3 hole, we had a 39 foot downhill
putt. We all had a chance at it in a scramble
format. I offered to buy my partner a drink
if he sank it, and of course he did. The
other two putted and missed and then I
putted with an offer of a drink also and I
sank the putt. The rest of the day, believe
me, was not memorable.
Don’t forget to post your scores! ★
Winners - Low Net
June 11 Member-Guest
(L-R): Tota Conwell, Judy Perry, Priscilla Layton, Joanne Valdes
Winners - Low Gross
June 11 Member-Guest
(L-R): Kay Tyler, Diane Herndon, Mimi Hoffman, Lisa Schlesinger
New KWGA Member
Sara Conley
save the date!
Attention Niners and 18 Holers!
KCC Niners are hosting the first ever Rally for the Cure®
charity golf tournament to raise funds for the
Susan G. Komen Foundation®
EVENT DATE: Thursday, September 25th, 2008
OPEN TO: All members of the Niners and 18 Holers
By Dick Crone
fter the season-opening
events in April and early
May, the Kenwood
Seniors’ schedule of events continued at the
always-rapid pace.
On May 21, the Kenwood Seniors
traveled across the Potomac to the
challenging and beautiful WASHINGTON
GOLF& C.C., for an enjoyable mixer. The
Kenwood Seniors on the winning teams
ALEXANDER, net 124 (See winners
Jack and Tink in the nearby photo!)
On May 28, the Seniors traveled to
tantalizing LEISURE WORLD, a course
which offers the possibility of “going low,”
but is usually more challenging than
anticipated. The Seniors who helped their
MISGA mixer groups to take advantage of
this compact track were:
1ST (tie) - ED REIDY, net 114!
(See Ed, the very happy winner, in the
nearby photo!)
member, a Board member from 1955-1960,
and an active member of the Kenwood
The results are:
1ST - JIM KASAB, net 64 !! WINNER, THE 2008 DUTTON
TROPHY (See Jim, the happy, proud
Dutton winner, in the nearby photo!)
2ND - MIKE CONLON, 70 Runner-up
putt for a birdie! (Now many Seniors will
want equal space regarding their great
On June 3, the Seniors hosted
Norbeck, Bretton Woods, and Leisure
World in a MISGA mixer. The following
Kenwood Seniors contributed to their
winning foursomes in this net two best
balls event:
THEIM, net 123 (See the overjoyed
Mike and Ray in the nearby photo!)
2ND - BOB RUDY, 125
Low Gross - CRIS SMITH, 83
Special congratulations: to Jim, for his
Dutton Trophy win (his recent play is on a
new level); to Mike, one of our newer
Seniors, for his fine play to garner the
runner-up spot: and to Cris, for his fine low
gross finish!
Regarding Cris’s play in the Dutton,
Bob Rudy files this noteworthy report: on
#16, Cris’s tee shot cleared the creek by
about 30 yards (into #17 fairway); he then
hit his second shot over the tall pines to
within 10 feet of the pin on 16 and sank the
4TH - JIM KASAB, 126
On June 4, the Kenwood Seniors made
the surprisingly short trip for a MISGA
mixer at the beautiful HOLLY HILLS C.C.,
with its stately clubhouse overlooking the
hills of Frederick. The following Seniors
met the challenge and drove their
3RD - DERWIN KIM (again?), 120
On May 29, the Kenwood Seniors
participated in the DUTTON TROPHY
TOURNAMENT, the Seniors’ individual
net stroke play championship!
The Dutton is also the Kenwood
Seniors’ qualifying tournament for the
MISGA Division IV individual stroke play
tournament on June 24 at The Links at
Challedon, near Mr. Airy, which leads to
the MISGA Championships on August 4 at
Piney Branch. Nineteen Seniors qualified
for the MISGA Division IV tournament
because of their fine play in the Dutton!
Congratulations, gentlemen!
The Dutton Trophy is named for Dick
Dutton, a Kenwood Golf Committee
Winning Team
MISGA Mixer with Norbeck, Bretton Woods and Leisure World
June 3
(L-R): Mike Prentiss, Ray Theim and teammates
(continued on page 9)
(continued from page 8)
foursomes to the top of the leader board in
this two-net-best-balls event:
1ST - No Kenwood golfers in this
group (very unusual), net 123
On June 10, the Seniors held the
TOURNAMENT for the Kenwood Seniors’
The Trophy is named after T. Perry
Lippitt, a very active Kenwood golfer who
was Seniors Chairman from 1976 to 1978
Winning Team
Seniors Mixer at Washington Golf
May 21
(L-R): Jack Lauroesch, Tink Alexander and Washington Golf teammate
Winner 2008 Dutton Trophy
Senior Men’s Net Play
Championship - May 29
Jim Kasab
and a Board of Governors member from
1976 to 1978 and 1980 to 1983.
The Lippitt is also the club qualifier
for the MISGA Division IV Two-Man
Tourney on July 8 at Argyle, leading to the
Finals on August 14 at Ocean Pines, near
Ocean City. Ten Senior teams qualified for
the MISGA Division IV tournament
because of their fine play in the Lippitt!
Congratulations, gentlemen!
Following are the prizewinning Senior
two-man teams:
Congratulations to all the winners in
all the events!
NOW, so he can reschedule his family’s
summer vacation to play with you in this
great event!
Also note the other upcoming events:
Tuesday, July 29 - MISGA mixer at
The Links at Challedon (Montgomery
CC) ★
Golf Quote:
“Golf is not a game of great shots.
It’s a game of the most misses. The
people who win make the smallest
— Gene Littler
(nicknamed “Gene the Machine”
because of his rhythmic swing)
(29 PGA wins; US Open Champ, 1961;
Ryder Cup Team, 1961, ’63, ’65, ’67,
’69, ’69, ’71, ’73, ’75 - 14-5-8 record,
5-2-3 in singles matches)
Wednesday, July 2 - MISGA mixer at
Univ. of Maryland
Thursday, July 10 - MISGA mixer at
Tuesday, July 15 - MISGA mixer at
Kenwood w/ Manor, Holly Hills &
Leisure Wld.
Thursday, July 17 - Kenwood at River
Winning Team Member
MISGA Mixer at Leisure World
May 28
Ed Reidy
By Anne Marie Albertine
he glorious hot, sunny days of
summer are finally with us! And
they’ve arrived in super strength
with record breaking temperatures and that
special brand of DC humidity! But the
Niners are not deterred! The June schedule
is loaded with special events and lots of
new opportunities for golf instruction!
The Azalea Bowl is underway and the
first round of matches will feature perennial
prize winner and designer extraordinaire,
Ruth Crone and me!! This is my first foray
into the dream competition and I fear it will
be a short one! But I will never have a
chance to win that beautiful bowl if I don’t
take the plunge! And this will afford our
readers an insider’s view of the intense
competition—I can’t wait to report the
Some exciting results from May
include those Niners who “beat the Pro”
during our May scholarship tournament.
Proceeds will go to fund additional study
for our assistant Pros Geoff Montross and
Kyle Trent. The Pro to beat was Lynn
Participants in Niners “Beat The Pro”
(continued on page 11)
Edee Perry
Niners getting ready to play
Emily Collins
Madeleine Schaller
(continued from page 10)
Hunter and her score was 38. Sailing way
out in front was Birney Saunders with an
impressive 34 followed by Gayle Bauer
with a 35. Karen Degerberg, Edee Perry,
Heidi Crawford and Libba Culp gathered
round the score of 36, while Ruth Crone
and Andrea Casson finished with 37. That’s
eight Niners who “beat the Pro”—these are
ladies to watch over the summer—I’m sure
they’ll be winning more of our prizes!
Specials kudos to Gayle Bauer and her
3rd Place finish in the Club’s Twilight
Tournament on May 31st. We’re proud of
her and very proud to have a Niner finish
so impressively!
And thanks to Gayle for her report of
our May winner for lowest putts: Libba
Culp with a 13! Congratulations Libba!
Geoff Montross
Look for the results of our Thompson
Four Ball Tournament in the next edition
and be sure to stay cool, drink lots of water
and ………Take Time for Nine! ★
Patio Dining Service
Wednesday thru Sunday
12:00 noon-8:00pm
Bar Service
12:00 noon-8:30pm
It is mandatory that all members have their
photo taken at the Fitness Center in order to
use the facility. These photos will be placed on
file and used for identification purposes only.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in guest
fee charges for use of the facility and/or suspension of your
fitness center privileges.
(L-R): Emily, Edee and Madeleine
Kenwood’s 48-hour
cancellation policy is
in effect at all times
for “reservation
required” club events.
Cancellations must be
received 48-hours
prior to the scheduled
event start time.
Failure to comply with
this policy will result in
full charge to your
club account.
By Sharon (Schara) Lewis
Mark Your Calendars:
Junior Country Club Tennis
Wednesday, July 16 (Girls)
rain date July 17
Friday, July 18 (Boys) rain date July 21
10 and under 10:30 at Bethesda
Country Club
12 and under 1 p.m. at Congressional
14 and under 1 p.m. at Kenwood
16 and under 5 p.m. at Chevy Chase
Saturday, July 12, 2008: Davis Cup
Players are divided into evenly
matched teams that represent different
countries (i.e. Australia, France, Italy &
USA). Countries then play each other in
this doubles round robin. This event ends
with a catered lunch on the patio deck.
(Back Row L-R): Diana Dimmer, Canada, Inge Weber, Canada, Linda Bain, USA, Lee Ingrham, USA,
Peggy Machoian, USA, Christine Kingsley, Canada, Muffie Grieve, Canada, Carol Wood, USA,
Mary Bosswell, USA, Courtney Culp, USA
(Front Row L-R):Lisa Dunner, USA, MaryAnn Gaskin, Canada, Joan Oelschlager, USA, Jane Mitchell, Canada
(Not pictured): Karen Ann Broe, USA
In the News:
On a beautiful spring day, twelve
teams competed in the Men’s Woody
Saturday, July 19, 2008:
Doubles Tournament. In the finals, Tom
Parent-Child Tournament
Brunkow and Garet Bornstein won with a
This round-robin event has two flights.
score of 4-2 over Mike Missal and Phil
The Black tournament is for the
Day. After experiencing the fun and
novice/beginning-low/intermediate level
challenges of playing tennis with wood
and the Orange tournament is for the
rackets, the men enjoyed a catered lunch on
high/intermediate-advanced level.
the deck.
As we go to
press, the Men’s
Doubles Tournament
Finals has yet to be
played. In the SemiFinals Rob Bunnen
and Graeme Bush
were victorious over
Andy Luse and Matt
Blackwelder in an
exciting three set
match. In the other
Semi-Final match,
Fred Drilling and
Kim Wincup won
over the team of Tom
Brunkow and Dick
2008 Woody Classic
Ogden. Bunnen/Bush
(L-R): Garet Bornstein, Tom Brunkow - Winners, Chris Furnas, Pro,
will play last year’s
Phil Day, Mike Russal - Finalists
finalist Drilling/Wincup for the title later
this month.
Kenwood’s Ladies’ inter-club teams
have completed their seasons.
Congratulations to Kenwood’s Blue C
Team for defeating Aspen Hill Tennis Club
in a very close playoff match and
advancing to the Red C Division.
The Friendship Cup, featuring
Nationally and Internationally ranked
senior women players from the MidAtlantic region and Canada, was a great
success! Two of Kenwood’s finest players,
Carol Wood and Lisa Dunner, were
amongst the players representing the MidAtlantic region. Many thanks to Carol
Wood for organizing and bringing this
terrific event of women’s singles and
doubles competition to Kenwood.
The Ladies Member Guest tournament
was enjoyed by all that played. Thirty two
women competed in this round robin which
was followed by a delicious meal on the
patio. Many thanks to the coordinators Peg
Philleo and Rebecca Conley. Congratulations to the winning team of Laurie Calder
and her guest Caroline Springer for
winning by only one game over Alice
Corbett and her guest Jan Britto.
(continued on page 13)
(continued from page 12)
Around the Courts:
Kenwood’s Head Tennis Professional
Chris Furnas and Kenwood’s Tennis
Professional Team of Christopher Hoey,
Anna Schmickel and Daniel Omaboe
welcome Adam Kossak to their team.
Adam is a native Washingtonian who has
returned to the area after teaching tennis
and personal training in California for the
past 10 years. A former member of the
University of Delaware Tennis Team, Adam
is a USTA Certified Professional and a
nationally certified personal trainer with
Don’t forget that you can always drop
in and play in the following games:
• Mixed Doubles Drop-in (4 courts) on
Wednesday evenings from 6:00 -7:30
(L-R): Alice Corbett & Guest Jan Britto, Guest Ann Hefter & Irene Korsak,
Guest Kiersten Butterfeld & Tara Blanchard, and Laurie Calder & Guest Caroline Springer
• Men’s Doubles Drop-in (4 courts) on
Monday evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
• Senior Thursdays Doubles, (2 courts)
both men and women, are held on courts
9&10 from 9:30 - 11:30.
• Men’s Drop-In Clinic: Saturday
morning from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Kenwood’s ladies singles and doubles
ladders provide friendly competition and
are open to players of all levels. Sign up
sheets are posted on the bulletin board
outside the pro shop.
Kenwood’s tennis summer camp
continues until August 22, 2008 and the
Advanced Tennis Program continues until
July 14, 2008. The last two Junior InterClub Tennis Matches will be held at
Kenwood on Monday, July 7, 2008 at 1
p.m. against Columbia and Monday July
14, 2008 at 1 p.m. against Bethesda.
Kenwood junior players continue to
make Kenwood proud. Christopher
Bragale, playing for St. Anselm’s Abbey
School, and his partner were finalists in the
PVAC school championships. Kenwood’s
Joseph Nahra also plays for St. Anselm’s
Abbey School’s junior varsity team.
Kenwood Ladies Rising Women’s Red C Team:
(L-R): Poli Noyes (Captain), Barb Umbdenstock, Cathleen Dee, Marcia Lehrman,
Lauren Seelye-Harris, Cissy Glading (Co-Captain), Lisa Wilson, Julie Oxley, Ana
Bartholomew, Barrett O’Connor. (Not pictured): Monica Barry, Laura Cutler, Nancy
Hollingsworth, Cheryl O'Connor, JoAnne Valdes, Lynn Zakupowsky.
The Pro’s Corner by Christopher Hoey
Tennis Tip: Volleys
One of the things I most enjoy about
sports is watching a player who is under
pressure, tired, and behind in the match,
that still has the ability to relax and swing
smoothly without tension. When players
are tense, they tend to tighten their grip
which directly affects the quality of their
swing and their shots. Holding your racket
too tightly will cause you to lose control
when hitting the tennis ball and you will
not be able to sustain a good long match
with a tight grip. Your muscles will fatigue
quickly and your game will in turn fade.
Using a scale of 0-5, 0 is not holding
the racket, and 5 is squeezing it as tightly
as possible, you should try to hold the
racket at a 1 or 2 when you volley. The
tighter you hold the racket, the less the ball
will move. The looser you hold the racket,
the easier it will be to bounce on the
strings. Try this during the impact of your
next volley and you will see how effortless
it really is.
Other News:
Outdoor tennis courts are available on
a first-come, first-served basis except for
courts reserved by the Tennis Committee
(continued on page 15)
2008-2009 SEASON
Unless we hear from you by August 11, 2008, we will automatically renew your Indoor Tennis Contract
for 2008-2009 Season. This year, the season will begin on Sunday, October 12, 2008 and end on
Saturday, April 18. The contract amount will be billed in full on your August 31 statement.
Please call the membership office, 301-320-3000 ext. 1217 should you have any questions. 2008-2009
fees are as follows:
7:00-8:00 am
8:00-12:00 noon
12:00 noon-6:00 p.m.
6:00-9:00 pm
9:00-10:00 pm
7:00-8:00 am
8:00-5:00 pm
5:00-10:00 pm
6:00-8:00 am
8:00-5:00 pm
5:00-10:00 pm
For safety reasons,
baby strollers are
prohibited within
the outdoor pool area.
(continued from page 13)
By Mary Ann Lynch
Tom Brunkow and Dick Ogden
resting between matches during the
Kenwood Men’s Doubles Tournament
for special activities/events. You may sign
up for 1 hour for singles and 11⁄2 hours for
doubles. Please check visually for
unoccupied HarTru courts before bumping
fellow members. When there is a waiting
list for courts, a player may list their name
in the center of the board, although their
partner/opponent has not yet arrived. When
the player’s name arrives at the top of the
list, he must be ready to start play
immediately, or his name goes to the
bottom of the list. The player may not take
the court and wait for their partner/
opponent on the court. The name on the top
of the list must take the first court available
or go to the bottom of the list. When
leaving a court, please erase your time.
At Chris Furnas’ discretion, during the
outdoor season, courts 1-4 (indoor) and 1419 (outdoor) are available to adults and
juniors equally when fewer than 5 HarTru
courts are playable because of weather and
court availability is limited. Juniors may
play on but not sign up for courts 5-13.
Juniors may not be bumped from courts
5-13 when they play with two or more
adults that signed up for one hour and
when playing on Friday, Weekends, and
Holidays, juniors playing with adults have
the rights of an adult.
Feel free to email me at with
any pictures or information you want
included in the column. #
s of this writing, Summer Bowling has been underway for a week. We
have a full house of happy bowlers, and twelve of us met for a light meal
before the season began. We are quite pleased with the new, shiny
bowling balls in Kenwood colors of orange and black, introduced by Mike O'Flahavan for
the first time on Wednesday night for our league.
We welcome Jim and Dale Kasab, Carol O'Flahavan, Kit Hanlon and Julia Hudson,
who used to bowl in previous years and also two new bowlers from Congressional
Country Club, Gayle Brown and Helen Toomey. These new ladies bowled up a storm
and our own Mickey Hubbard had a Turkey (three strikes in a row) with a high game of
144! Jim Kasab and Walt Props are off to a great start too, with highs in all categories
for the gentlemen. Our averages will change weekly so anything could happen for any of
us. There are three teams in first place, having won all their games the first night: Cecila
Tibery with Steven DeVol and Walt Propps; Carol O'Flahavan with Gayle Brown and
Helen Toomey; Kitty Layne with Mary Frances Havenstein and Julia Hudson. ★
The Bowling Alley will be closed until September 12
except for Summer Bowling.
Bowling parties may be booked during the summer months.
Please call John Jennings, Bowling Manager,
301 320 3000 ext. 1293 for information.
By Jim Leslie
he first Mixed Twilight of the season was held on a beautiful evening –
Friday May 30th. The good weather brought golfers out in large numbers.
There were a total of 51 players and a good time was had by all.
The event was contested using the low two net scores on each hole.
Winners, with a score of 57 only after a match of cards that went to the last three
holes, were Marcia and Derwin Kim, Mary Woodford and Jim Kasab. Second place was
taken by Susan and Ken Pepper, Theresa Shingler and Jim Evans. In third place at 62
(note five behind the leading two scores so the first two teams were “hot”) were Gayle
and Bill Bauer and Connie and Horace Bernton.
The next mixed event is the Member Guest on Sunday July 20th. #
By Monica Barry
ell, the heat of summer
certainly hit us hard here
at Kenwood in June. The
chilly week before Memorial Day weekend
lead into scorching temperatures for June.
The coaches did not even have one “Polar
Bear” workout! Everyone wants to be in
the pools!
The winners of the “First-in-the-Pool”
contest are Jack Myers (Diving pool),
Timmy Barry (North pool), Connor
McGarrity (Baby pool) and Alex Johnson
(First Adult in the pool). Alex braved the
cold temps of Memorial Day weekend to
train for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Swim
on the weekend of June 8. He finished the
swim in a little over 2 hours and was about
300th out of more than 600 swimmers! His
training as a former KCC swimmer surely
helped him to a great swim!
As this goes to press, over 200
swimmers and divers are registered for
one or both of our programs. The
Developmental Team alone has over 65
swimmers alone! The future success of our
teams is secure with so many talented
young athletes. Practices are in full swing
and the meet schedule is busy. Please be
sure to refer to the Orange Calendar for
dates, times and locations of our many
evening competitions.
Members should be aware that
Kenwood will act as host for the 2008
C.C.S.D.A. Swimming Championships
from July 28 to July 30. The outdoor pools
will be closed to members on these three
days and there will be a delayed opening on
August 1 to ensure proper clean up from
the event. There will also be some bleacher
construction and visiting team practices on
Sunday, July 27. The pools will be open on
July 27. Kenwood members do have
reciprocity privileges at Bethesda and
Chevy Chase Country Clubs during the
CCSDA competitions. Please call ahead for
pool hours.
For those of you who may want to
step up your swimming workouts, there is a
Masters swimming program available to
members through the end of July at the
outdoor pool. Workouts are conducted by
the Kenwood coaching staff on Monday,
Wednesday and Fridays until August 1
from 6 to 7:30AM. Please see Robert Smith
or Chris Lynch for more details.
As the weather heats up and members
head for the shade, please be careful of the
shade umbrellas placed throughout the pool
areas. If a member wishes to have an
umbrella adjusted, opened or closed, please
see a member of the lifeguard staff for
assistance. The umbrellas are expensive and
management has requested that members
not adjust them themselves.
This month is a packed with activities
almost every day. There will always be lap
lanes available for lap swimming on
competition nights. Please check the
schedule for indoor and outdoor lap
swimming times.
Kenwood Swimming will look to
defend its league title this year and the
Diving team is aiming to reclaim the first
place trophy. When you hear the cheers,
please feel free to join in!
Results will be posted in next month’s
Handicap Access to the
Pool & Patio
All persons that require
handicap assistance to
the pool & patio area
please go directly to the
Front Desk. The
Clubhouse Front Desk
personnel will assist you.
6am-12:30-pm and 4:30pm-7:30pm
Saturday and Sunday
For more information regarding aquatic programs or if you have any questions about swim times or activities,
please email Rob Smith, the Aquatic Director at or call 301-320-3000 ext. 1238
By Vicki Stewart
rying to discern what is fact and
what is fiction when it comes to
exercise can be overwhelming.
Infomercials, magazine articles,
advertisements….they can lead you to
believe something is factual when research
has proven it to be false. Here are a few
misconceptions vs the facts we get from
exercise science.
MYTH: Women need different strength
training exercises so their muscles don’t
bulk up.
FACT: The same exercises that
strengthen and tone muscles are used to
increase muscle size. The bodybuilder next
to you at the gym might be doing the same
bicep curl exercise, but the bodybuilder will
use a really heavy weight.
Most women will not bulk up, because
they lack enough testosterone, even when
they lift a heavier weight. Heavier weight
builds muscular strength (which elicits size
increases, mostly in men), and lower
weight performed with more repetitions
builds muscular endurance.
So essentially, the exercises are the
same. Women in most cases will just lift
lighter weights. Lastly, exercising using a
heavier weight can help bulk up our bones,
and this is a good thing!
MYTH: The right exercise will get rid
of my belly, or remove the floppy fat on the
back of our arms.
FACT: The right exercise will spot
strengthen/shape a body area, but it will not
spot-reduce overlying fat. Unless you
combine enough additional aerobic exercise
and eat to lose weight, specifically fat
weight, then your newly toned abs and
arms will not show definition. This is
especially important for women to
understand, since there really is no such
thing as spot reducing.
What you will generally see as a result
of weight loss and toning, is a leaner look
in our leaner areas first, not the place we
want it off the most! We all have areas of
body fat that are higher than others. For
some it’s in the hips/tush/thighs and others
it is abs or back fat. Unfortunately since
you have more fat to lose there, it takes
longer to see the results. And typically
these “pocket areas of fat” are partially
genetically determined (sorry!).
MYTH: Different exercises shorten or
elongate muscles.
FACT: Our muscle length is genetically
determined. All exercises contract muscles
which briefly shorten them. What might
tighten or shorten over time and with age
are actually your tendons and connective
tissues & joints. So, classes such as Yoga,
Pilates and even heavy weight lifting can
keep your tendons more elastic, relax your
muscles (which mentally feel good) and
help keep your joints and muscles from
stiffening. They will not however
“lengthen/elongate” your muscles. Muscle
length is genetically determined and you
are born with that!
These are just a few of the many
myths out there! So if you feel confused, or
want to know what is true, bring your
questions to the fitness center. One of the
certified trainers on staff will be able to
help you get the facts!
The new quarter has started! Group
exercise passes are now on sale for the July
1 – September 30, 2008 quarter. You may
use your group exercise pass to participate
in any of our classes listed on the group
exercise schedule. These classes include
Yoga, Pilates, Water Exercise*, Muscle
Sculpting, Athletic Conditioning/Circuit
Training, Cardio Kickbox and Group
Cycling (spinning).
Unlimited Pass: $190.00 if you purchase
by July 15. The price goes up to $210.00
after that date! This is your best bet if you
take 2 or more classes a week.
10 Punch Pass: $130.00 for 10 classes
Individual Pass: $16.00 per class
These passes are good from July 1, 2008 –
September 30, 2008.
*Water Exercise on Tues/Thurs will resume
in September. Cycle on Sundays will resume
in September.
Sunday, July 20 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Join us for this challenging workout! We
will start at the fitness center and set up our
spin bikes. From there, as a group we will
head out to the outdoor pool. The event will
run as follows:
20 minute swim – Swim as fast & far as
you can!
5 minute transition to the Fitness Center
40 minute spin class
5 minute transition to the outdoor pool
20 minute swim
Cost: $16 ($8 for unlimited group exercise
pass holders)
Register at the Fitness Center Front Desk.
Deadline to register: JULY 18th. REGISTER
Fitness Center
6:00 am – 6:00 pm
Indoor Pool
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
(no summer camp)
No Group Exercise Classes on this day.
In August, we will be doing our annual
cleaning and repairs. Please note the
following dates & times as different areas
of the fitness center will be affected at
different times/dates.
Friday, August 8 – Monday, August 11:
Group exercise room will be closed at
10:30 am on Friday, August 8 and will reopen at 9:00 am on Monday, August 11 (no
cycling classes at 6:15 am on this date). We
will be resealing the wood floors. We need
to allow time for the floor to harden, so
there will not be any classes after 10:15 am
Friday until 9:15 am on Monday.
Friday, August 8, 2pm and all day
Saturday, August 9 : FITNESS CENTER
IS CLOSED! We will be cleaning our
ceilings, equipment, carpets and KidFit.
The lobby will be open with limited access
to the locker rooms for tennis only. We will
re-open at 6:00 am on Sunday, August. 10.
Saturday, August 9 – Friday, August 15:
The indoor pool will be closed the entire
week. We will be draining the pool and
cleaning it and the systems thoroughly. The
pool will re-open on Saturday, August 16 at
8:00 am. #
By Carrie Corey, Spa Director
o many types of massage so
little time! Although there are
many styles of massage you
can be relieved to know that you do not
need to specify what style you would like
for your session. The Kenwood Spa is
staffed by highly trained healthcare
professionals, whose extensive training
provides a wide range of options to address
the varied problems that you may choose to
tackle during your session. Your therapist
has been trained in many styles of
therapeutic work, and I hope the following
descriptions of some of the more popular
styles of bodywork will help you better
understand some of what is available.
Swedish Massage – The most widely
recognized of all styles of massage, Swedish
is a smooth, flowing style that promotes
general relaxation, improved circulation and
range of movement, and relief of muscular
tension. The main strokes are effleurage
(gliding), petrissage (squeezing), tapotement
(beating), vibration (shaking), joint
movements (stretching), and friction (short
deep strokes moving superficial tissue over
deeper). There is typically no focus on
specific work and many refer to this as a
relaxing massage.
Deep Tissue Massage – Probably the
next most popular style and the most widely
requested here at Kenwood. Deep Tissue is a
massage technique that focuses on the
deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to
release the chronic patterns of tension in the
body through slow strokes and deep pressure
on the contracted areas, either following or
going across the fibers of the muscles,
tendons and fascia. It is usually used in
combination with Swedish and is an
extremely effective way of addressing
specific areas pain from acute and chronic
injuries, repetitive stress or postural
Sports Massage – Perfect for a very
active or athletic individual who seeks a
muscle intensive massage. Sports massage
concentrates more on specific areas of the
body and is ideal for active lifestyles to help
relieve discomfort or pain, or to help prepare
for, or recover from activity. Pre-event
massage tends to be focused on warming up
muscle groups that are activity specific (ex.
legs for runners, shoulders and arm for
pitchers), strokes are brisk with stretching
and prepping the muscles by increasing
blood flow. Post-event massage can be
performed immediately following the
activity/event up to hours/days and is
focused on muscle recovery and addressing
ongoing issues particular to the individual.
Myofascial Massage – As the name
suggests myo refers to muscle, and fascial
refers to the connective tissue covering all
muscles, bones, and organs, providing form
and support, giving shape to the body and its
component parts, while providing the
infrastructure or scaffolding for the body.
Myofascial work specifically addresses
muscle and fascial alignment by addressing
restrictions created by scar tissue, injuries,
posture, emotions, immobility, or misuse.
These restrictions result in pain, tension
patterns, and limited range of motion.
Myofascial techniques utilize stretches and
pressure to help restore normal function to
the muscle and fascia and re-alignment of
structures for optimal function. Although
there are styles of myofascial work such as
Rolfing, Structural Integration, Hellerwork
that are dedicated to full sessions of this
focused work, most therapist will
incorporate some techniques into other
styles of massage.
Orthopedic Massage – Also referred
to as Clinical Massage is really a
combination of deep tissue, myofascial and
sports massage to apply very specific
treatment to the patients’ condition based on
a thorough knowledge of anatomy,
physiology and biomechanics of movement.
The therapist uses assessment skills to
properly evaluate the tissues and structures
involved, and addresses through massage,
stretching, or strengthening the most
appropriate combination of modalities to
restore normal function. The patient is
commonly requested to participate in the
treatment by moving during the massage,
being mindful of proper posture and
movement patterns, or adding specific
stretching and/or strengthening exercises to
their routine.
Prenatal / Pregnancy Massage – For
the pregnant woman’s body undergoing
significant physical and psychological
demands and changes over a short time
span, massage is an excellent tool to help
minimize those stressors. A combination of
Swedish and deep tissue massage is adapted
to the needs of the pregnant woman to help
relieve muscle and joint pain, increasing
flexibility, reducing fluid retention, slowing
the progress of varicose veins and relieving
specific aches and pains common with
pregnancy. It is extremely important to work
with a therapist who has specific training in
pregnancy massage to ensure that specific
precautions are taken at various points
during the pregnancy to achieve the most
benefits from the work.
Lymphatic Massage – This gentle
touch therapy promotes health and aids
recovery from certain illnesses. This
powerful, yet subtle technique can reduce or
prevent fluid retention, enhancing the
removal of toxins from body tissues, and
support the immune system.
Seated Chair Massage – Fully clothed
neck, back and shoulder massage for when
you just need a quick fix. Sessions typically
last 10 to 20 minutes and are an excellent
option when time is limited. The chair
massage sessions are a great way to meet the
therapists and experience their work while
getting a better understanding of what
further treatments might be of benefit to
As you can see by the listings above,
there are many options for your massage
session at Kenwood, but do not fear, your
therapist will discuss your current
concerns/problems with you prior to each
session, and based on your medical history,
will provide you with information necessary
to customize the session to meet your
particular needs. Ideally a one hour session
to start, will give the therapist an opportunity
to see what is going on with the whole body
so they can make the best recommendation
to you for future sessions as they relate to
frequency and duration.
We are eager to assist you in both the
treatment and prevention of any problems
you may have or be susceptible to
developing. Remember if you want to share
our therapists expertise with those outside of
Kenwood, you may bring them in as your
guest (for a $15 fee, up to twice per month)
and pay for their services through your
membership. We are staffed and ready to
help, so please take advantage of our
extensive training and experience and
schedule your massage TODAY!
Stay Cool and we hope to see you
soon! ★
Please make your reservation for any of the events listed below with the
Fitness Center front desk, 301 320 0397.
For additional information, please email Adriane Allen,
KidFit Calendar for July
Monday through Thursday
Golf camp weeks are as listed below.
This is a full day camp and includes six,
one-hour sessions of golf per week.
All instructors are Kenwood Pros and the
ratio is 1-4 for every session. Only eight (8)
campers are accepted per week!
Friday and Saturday
Week #4
Week #5
Camp Topics
Range (fundamentals of swing)
Range (full swing irons)
Range (full swing wood/irons)
Summer Camp:
Registration forms are
available on the website.
Choose from:
Golf Dress Code is to be observed
at all times for the clinics. Golf shirt with
collar, khaki shorts are examples.
No denim, swimsuits, t-shirts, or gym shorts
allowed. Shirts must be tucked in
and hats worn forward.
KidFit Day Camp Ages 4 and up
Toddler Half-Day Camp Ages 3-4
KidFit Golf Camp – Ages 8 and up
Currently, weeks available are:
July 7-11
July 14-18
Steve Papanek
Class A PGA Assistant Golf Professional
Lynne Hunter
Class A PGA/LPGA Assistant Golf Professional
Kyle Trent
PGA Apprentice Assistant Professional
Geoff Montross
PGA Apprentice Assistant Professional
July 7-11
July 14-18
July 21-25
July 28-August 1
August 4-8
Have your next party at KidFit.
We have a large selection of craft
and theme parties
from which you may
choose.We also offer
Indoor Splash Parties.
Call Adriane Allen
at 301 320 3000 ext. 1234 or
for more information.
Through September 7
Mondays 12:00noon-7:00pm
Extended Hours
for Swim Events
Reservations are
Special hours are
available by request.
Call Adriane to discuss
your special needs.
Please call Robert for
availability at
301-320-3000, ext. 1238
or email
Parties may be booked
Mondays through
Thursdays only!
save the date 夝 save the date 夝 save the date 夝 save the date
Saturday, September 27
80th Anniversary Party
By Nancy D. Rudy
here have been a few Americans
we have heard of who have been
honored by having their names
immortalized through association with
articles of clothing. Humanitarian and
wealthy hat manufacturer John B. Stetson
was one American whose name became
synonymous with the high-crowned, broadbrimmed hat worn by western cowboys for
over the past hundred years. A San
Francisco trouser tycoon Levi Strauss
became famous when cowboys adopted his
tough, blue denim pants with the pockets
reinforced with shiny cooper rivets. This
was many decades before faded blue jeans
became an indispensable part of the
American wardrobe. Both Stetson and
Strauss grew accustomed to being known
for their links with articles of clothing.
Amelia Jenks Bloomer was known for
her leading role in promoting a muchneeded dress reform for women. Bloomer
was also a committed feminist and
temperance worker and regretted her lasting
connection with the strange-looking pants
that bore her name.
She became a schoolteacher and soon
after met her husband, Dexter C. Bloomer.
Although only 21, Bloomer had already
developed her own feminist philosophy;
their marriage vows excluded any mention
of “obeying”. Shortly after her marriage,
Bloomer began writing editorials for
upstate New York papers. In 1849 she
began a publication of her own, Lily, a
monthly journal devoted to temperance and
literature in protest over the exclusion of
women from the governing organizations
of the NY temperance movement. Over
time, the magazine developed both
professionalism and an increasingly
feminist slant, accepting articles from other
feminist of that time. At its prime, Lily had
a subscription of 6,000, and it remained
successful until Bloomer sold it. The
magazine has been called the first women’s
suffrage journal in the U.S.
In her publication, Bloomer promoted
a change in dress standards for women that
would be less restrictive during regular
The costume of women should be
suited to her wants and necessities. It
should conduce at once to her health,
comfort and usefulness; and, while it
should not fail also to conduce to her
personal adornment, it should make that
end of secondary importance.
After Elizabeth Smith Miller appeared
wearing a costume she had designed for
herself, Amelia Bloomer publicized this
outfit and her name was quickly connected
with the style. The magazine promoted the
“bifurcated skirt”, a skirt divided into two
parts, designed by Miller but ever after
called “bloomers”. The “Bloomers
costume” was made fun of and became a
sign of extremism. Many women were
intrigued with the idea of getting rid of the
long, heavy skirts and multiple petticoats in
vogue at the time and started wearing
bloomers. After a few years Amelia
Bloomer and her feminist friends stopped
wearing bloomers when they realized that
the notoriety surrounding dress reform was
diverting attention from the real issues of
their cause.
Although Amelia Bloomer was never
wholly successful in the dress reform
which has kept her famous, the ideal of the
“sensible women” promoted by Lily
inspired numerous feminists, including
Louisa May Alcott, who clearly addressed
dress reform in Eight Cousins, and
invariably created down-to-earth heroines
struggling to become “sensible women.”
The paper became an active voice for
change in women’s dress, and the
abandonment of restrictive clothing in favor
of shorter skirts and knee-length
undergarments that came to be known as
In 1857 the Bloomers moved to
Council Bluffs, Iowa. Amelia was active in
relief work during the Civil War, and for
the rest of her life remained an ardent
disciple of change. ★
Amelia Jenks Bloomer
Source: Charles Neilson Gattey, The Bloomer Girls,
Coward-McCann, Inc., 1963.
Welcome, New Members
Gianpiero (JP) Balestrieri
David S. Krakoff
John McCarthy
Candidate To Be Considered
For Membership
Lise Kolbye
Peter F. Gold
The Admissions Committee and Board of Governors earnestly requests your assistance in providing pertinent
information concerning the qualifications of the candidate. Send all letters or correspondence to:
c/o Patsy Weaver, Membership Secretary
In Memoriam
Our sympathy is offered to the family of the following deceased member:
Dr. Robert H. Korkegi
Members attending any of the club’s special events with parties of Sixteen (16) persons or
more will have a 20% service charge automatically added to their food and beverage check.
There are NO Exceptions to this policy.
This policy applies to, but is not limited to the following holiday celebrations:
Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, The 4th of July Celebration, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day, and New Year’s Eve.
Grill Hours
11:30 am-9 pm
11:30 am-9:30 pm
11:30 am-9:30 pm
11:30 am-9 pm
Sunday Brunch
discontinued until
September 7
Open Play
Kenwood Social
Women’s Club
Final rd.
Tee Times 12:00
Mixed M/G
2:00 SC
8:30 SG
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
8:30 SG
Independence Day
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Women’s Club
1st rd.
Tee Times 8:30
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Team matches
Flag Day
T Times
Senior Tennis
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Main Line
Golf Shop
“T” Time
Tennis Shop
8:00 SG
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Mini MM/MG
8:30 SG
Senior Tennis
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Senior Tennis
matches 11:00
Women’s Club
2nd rd.
Tee Times 12:00
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Junior Golf
Team matches
Weekday M/G
2:00 SG
2 Lady Team
T Times
Senior Tennis
Senior Tennis
Junior Golf
Pinehurst Scotch
Times from 8:30
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
2:00 SG
Open play
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
Senior Tennis
Junior Golf
3:00 pm
See next month’s
newsletter for special
announcement about
the return of Junior
Bowling for ages 9-14.
MAIN # – 301-320-3000
ACCOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tae Rhim, Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1212
Jing Zhao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
Trinh Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213
Pat Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
AQUATIC DIRECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Indoor) 1238
(Outdoor) 301 320 2540
BANQUET OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Lamb, Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1216
Renee Russell, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214
BOWLING LANES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293
CHEF’S OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Billenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1270
CHILD CARE (KIDFIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adriane Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234 or 1235
CLUB MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Worrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1318
FITNESS DIRECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vicki Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237
FRONT DESK .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001
GENERAL MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211
GOLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rod Thompson, Head PGA Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221
Steve Papanek, Assistant PGA Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
Lynne Hunter, Assistant PGA/LPGA Professional . . . . . . . . . . 1223
MEMBERSHIP OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patsy Weaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217
POOL SNACK BAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271
RESTAURANT MANAGER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hassan Rostami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
RESTAURANT - RESERVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Todd Chamberlin, President, ext. 1220
CHILD CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 320 0396
FITNESS & SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 320 0397
GOLF SHOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 320 3605
TEE TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 320 4653
TENNIS SHOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 320 3491
FAX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 320 3006