2007 Annual Report


Annual Report of

Donors and Volunteers

July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007 www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


UMass Amherst Foundation

Board of Directors ...............................................83

The Jim and Paula Buonomo Endowment for Student Development ...................................84

1863 Society ...........................................................85

An Enhanced Softball Stadium ...........................86

The UWW Jeff Taylor Educational

Opportunity Endowment....................................89

Acushnet Company Grant ..................................91

Nellie Mae Education Foundation

Grant ........................................................................93

Billy Taylor Endowment for

Jazz Residencies .....................................................95

The William Smith Clark Society ......................96

Commemorations .................................................97

The UMass Amherst Food Science

Center for Health and Wellness ........................97

David Weisblat Gift ...............................................98

Organizations .........................................................98

The Armstrong Fund for Science ......................99

Merriam Internship Scholarship ..................... 100

Matching Companies ......................................... 100

The Lorrey and Kathleen Bianchi

Library Special Collections Fund .................... 101

Seedworks Nursing Professorship ................. 102

Alumni Association Life Members ................. 102

Henry L. Hall, Jr. and Jean Hall Gift ................. 103

Paros Professorship ........................................... 104

Alumni Association Board of Directors ....... 104

Highlights of Giving .................Inside Back Cover

Faye S. Wolfe, Editor

Brian Jenkins, Art Director photo by Nafis Azad ’08

All donor and volunteer lists have been very carefully reviewed for accuracy and inclusion, and we sincerely apologize if any names were accidentally missed in this report. We invite you to address any errors or omissions to

Janet Muzzy

Director of Stewardship,

413-545-5473 jmuzzy@admin.umass.edu


Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends,

UMass Amherst has made great strides in encouraging a culture of philanthropy in the past five years.

In every area, UMass

Amherst’s fundraising is on the upswing and setting new standards. This past fiscal year, we have raised millions of dollars, increased the number of donors, and achieved strong results in attracting major gifts—more than 16 gifts of a half million dollars or more.

The Class of 1957 significantly surpassed its 50th Reunion Class Gift goal, as did the Class of 2007.

These fundraising accomplishments are important because they are the foundation for achieving the mission of UMass Amherst: to be an outstanding place for learning, scholarship, research, and outreach.

These are the goals that motivate us to be supporters. For so many of us,

UMass Amherst made a difference, so we choose to make a difference for the students who follow us.

There is no substitute for a generous and appreciative community of campus alumni and friends. No university sustains excellence without it. We thank all of you who have shown your support for UMass Amherst and hope that you will join our effort to widen and deepen the base of private philanthropic support for the Amherst campus.

Sincerely yours,

Eugene M. Isenberg, President

UMass Amherst Foundation

As we move into a new fiscal year at UMass Amherst, I am pleased to greet you as the Interim Chancellor.

Since I arrived in August, I have been getting to know the UMass Amherst family. I have been impressed with what I have seen and heard. I can see why this historic institution is ranked among the top national universities.

From one end of the campus to the other, exciting research is being done, faculty are engaged with students on subjects and in ways that will make them successful thinkers and leaders. Students are pursuing a wide range of educational opportunities, in the classroom and through internships, community service, and other activities.

Students are also excelling in athletic competitions.

The Studio Arts Building, the Integrated Science Building, the new energy-efficient central heating plant, and the renovation of Skinner Hall are all taking their final shape. This fall, the ground-breaking ceremony for a much-anticipated Recreation

Center took place. This level of construction on the campus hasn’t been seen since the sixties and seventies, but there is still much to be done in the way of modernization, major renovations, and new construction in order to provide the faculty, staff, and students the facilities they will need to carry out the mission of the campus.

During the 2007 fiscal year, UMass Amherst has been very successful in its pursuit of private philanthropy from individuals, foundations, and corporations. And as of

September 30, we were 31 percent ahead of last year in receipts and pledges. I assure you that enlarging that support is one of my priorities. I also want to acknowledge the support of the faculty, the staff, the students, the alumni, the administration, the Trustees, the Commonwealth, the

UMass Amherst Foundation Board, and the private donors who collectively have made UMass Amherst the world-class institution that it is. I am looking forward to meeting you, and

I invite all of you to continue your support to make UMass

Amherst an ever more vital place.

Yours for a stronger UMass Amherst,

Thomas W. Cole, Jr.


UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

The University of Massachusetts Amherst Foundation leads and supports private fundraising on behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of the Amherst campus. Its volunteer Board of Directors provides leadership for the development of philanthropic investment in support of the research, teaching, and outreach of UMass Amherst. The Foundation works closely with campus leadership to identify opportunities for private support and to enhance UMass

Amherst’s effectiveness in communicating its remarkable strength and opportunities to its many constituencies.

University of Massachusetts Amherst Foundation

Board of Directors


Eugene M. Isenberg ’50, ’00HD

Board President

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Nabors Industries Ltd.

John A. Armstrong ’03HA

Board Vice President

(Retired) Vice President, Science and Technology


George “Trigger” Burke ’56 ‘96HD

Board Secretary/Clerk


Law Office of George G. Burke

* Joyce M. Hatch ’88MBA, Board Treasurer

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

University of Massachusetts Amherst

* Toivo Tammerk, Executive Director,

UMass Amherst Foundation

Vice Chancellor for Advancement

University of Massachusetts Amherst


Thomas Ackerman ’76

Corporate Executive Vice President and Chief

Financial Officer

Charles River Laboratories

International, Inc.

Henry L. Barr ’68

Senior Partner

Law Firm of Barr & Cole

Douglas A. Berthiaume ’71, ’05HD

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Waters Corporation

Randolph W. “Bill” Bromery ’79HD

Commonwealth Professor Emeritus

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Paul J. Carney ’82

Douglas R. Cliggott ’78

Chief Investment Officer

Dover Management, LLC

* Thomas W. Cole, Jr.

Interim Chancellor

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Patricia H. Crosson ’72MED, ’74Ed.D.

(Retired) Professor of Education

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Peter F. DiGiammarino ’75

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Compusearch Software Systems, Inc.

George R. Ditomassi, Jr. ’57, ’96HD

(Retired) Chief Operating Officer, Hasbro, Inc.

and President of Hasbro International

Paul S. Doherty

President and Co-founder

Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy, P.C.

Kenneth R. Feinberg ’67, ’02HD

Owner and Partner

The Feinberg Group, LLP

Grace K. Fey

Executive Vice President

Frontier Capital Management Co., LLC

Maureen Flanagan ’66

Owner and General Manager

Express Design and Renovation, LLC

David G. Fubini ’76


McKinsey & Company

Beth C. Gamel ’78MS

Executive Vice President

Pillar Financial Advisors

Dorothy Dunklee Gavin ’43

Charter Member

UMass Amherst Alumni Association

Dev V. Gupta ’77Ph.D.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Susan Hagedorn ’77

Melvin Howard ’57

(Retired) Vice Chairman

Xerox Corporation

Pamela M. Jacobs ’69

Past President

Washington, D.C., UMass Amherst Alumni Club

James Arthur Jemison ’92

Project Manager

GLC Development Resources, LLC

James “Jess” Kane ’70

Founding Partner, Kane Tesini & Soporowski

& Associates LLP and Past President, UMass

Amherst Alumni Association

* Richard J. Lawton

Attorney, Law Office of Richard J. Lawton and Chair, Trustee Development, University of


Gilbert A. Leveille ’56

Executive Director

Wrigley Science Institute

Matthew O. Littlefield ’99

Vice President

Lehman Brothers

Robert M. Mahoney ’70

Vice Chairman

Citizens Financial Group, Inc.

Gordon N. Oakes, Jr. ’63, ’88HD

Andrew T. Rudd

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Advisor Software, Inc.

* Charlena M. Seymour

Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

University of Massachusetts Amherst

* Katherine V. Smith

Vice President for Advancement and Chief

Operating Officer

UMass Foundation, University of Massachusetts

Earl W. Stafford ’76

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Universal Systems & Technology, Inc.

Matthew F. Sutton ’86

(Retired) Managing Director

CIBC World Markets

* Lieselle E. Trinidad

Graduate Student, College of Engineering

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Herbert L. Tyson ’82

Vice President

Dutko Worldwide

* Lawrence S. Zacharias

Professor, Isenberg School of Management

University of Massachusetts Amherst

* = Ex-Officio Directors

HA = Honorary Alumnus or Alumna

HD = Honorary Degree Recipient

Brief biographies of the directors are found at www.umass.edu/foundation www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com



Isenberg School of Management students—like these in China—go places. The Buonomo endowment will support similar experiences that extend classroom learning. Photos by John McCarthy.

The Jim and Paula Buonomo Endowment for Student Development

J ames and Paula Buonomo married when he was a senior at UMass Amherst studying political science. During what James has called “one of the best times of their life,” Paula worked on campus while he went to graduate school here for his

MBA. Paula is now an aide to U.S. Congressman

James McGovern of Massachusetts. James is CFO of Nypro, a private, employee-owned company with 17,000 employees. In 2006, the Massachusetts company became the world’s first plastics manufacturer to earn $1 billion in sales.

This spring, a gift from the couple established the

Jim and Paula Buonomo Endowment for Student

Professional Development. The endowment will help fund activities and programs for ISOM undergraduates and graduate students including practicums, consulting projects, field trips, internships with start-up firms, networking events, student clubs focused on community service, and other “experiential learning.”

Working for a company that is global in scope,

James Buonomo believes in the value of experiences that broaden one’s horizons.

“I’ve been lucky enough to circumnavigate the globe

50-60 times and have visited Asia a hundred times in the last 13 or 14 years,” he noted. “What I’ve learned is first of all, that it’s nice to live in America, but second, it’s also important not to be too ethnocentric.

That’s a bit of a problem in this country. It’s important to remember that wherever someone lives, that’s home for them. External experiences can expand students’ point of view.”

The father of two grown children, Buonomo was motivated to give to UMass Amherst by the bond he feels with other parents. “Wherever you go,” he said, “I’ve found there’s one common theme. In my travels, sitting down to dinner, talking, with a family in China, in Japan, in Europe, what I hear is always the same: parents want their kids to have a better life.”

UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

The 1863 Society recognizes donors who have made significant gifts to further the mission of UMass Amherst by ensuring every student is offered the finest education and research activities are of the highest caliber.

1863 Society

Founders Circle

Recognizes individuals who have made lifetime realized gifts or irrevocable planned gifts of $250,000 or more.

Founders Circle

Distinguished Benefactor

$5 million+

1 Anonymous Donor

Eugene M. Isenberg ’50,’00HD

& Ronnie F. Isenberg

John F. Welch, Jr. ’57,’82HD ~

& Suzanne Welch +

Founders Circle

Distinguished Patron

$1 million+

3 Anonymous Donors

Harold Alfond & Bibby Alfond *

John A. Armstrong ’03HA

& Elizabeth Armstrong +

Mildred S. Barber ’43 *

Wilmer D. Barrett ’34 * %

John P. Flavin ’59,’99HD +

Frederick J. Francis ’54PhD > ~ +

Dorothy (Dunklee) Gavin ’43 ~

& Joseph G. Gavin, Jr. +

Steven M. Gluckstern ’74EdD,’03HD

& Judith Gluckstern

Dev V. Gupta ’77PhD %

Patricia A. (Gilgut) Johnson ’64

& Weldon H. Johnson *

Alma W. Keilty

Estates of W. Torrey Little

& Doris T. Little

Richard J. Mahoney ’55,’83HD

& Barbara M. (Barnett) Mahoney ’55

Terrence Murray ’01HD

Charles Nirenberg ’46,’94HD

& Janet Nirenberg +

Jerome M. Paros ’60

Charles F. Perrell ’71,’72MBA ~

Michael G. Philipp ’75,’82MBA,’04HD

& Cheryl L. (Edmonds) Philipp ’76

Andrew T. Rudd % & Virginia Rudd %

John F. Smith, Jr. ’60,’93HD

Founders Circle Distinguished Fellow


2 Anonymous Donors

Estate of Walter R. Amesbury, Jr.

Estate of Jane H. Bemis

John W. Bennett ’52 > ~ +

Douglas A. Berthiaume ’71,’05HD

& Diana Berthiaume

Nicholas N. Boraski ’50,’91HD + $

Randolph W. Bromery ’79HD >

& Cecile T. Bromery + $

George G. Burke ’56,’96HD ~

& Sandra B. Burke +

Janet W. Dakin *

Krikor Ermonian ’52 ~ +

Robert Glass & Sandra A. Glass

Jeremy A. Goldberg

& Jane A. Goldberg

Albert H. Gordon

Estate of Mr. Leonard J. Horwitz ’49

William F. Hubbard ’87,’89MBA

& Lee A. Bartow ’83

Ian R. Lutz & Jennifer Lutz

William P. MacConnell ’43 *

& Shirley (Nestle) MacConnell ’39

Robert M. Mahoney ’70 ~

& Kathleen S. Mahoney ’70

Edward P. Marram ’59,’61MS ~

Estate of Mr. John W. Northcott, Jr. ’41

Frank R. O’Keefe, Jr. ’51

& Patricia K. O’Keefe +

Estate of Elizabeth M. Rountree

Marilyn Schoenbaum

Helen E. Symons ’65

Founders Circle

Distinguished Associate


2 Anonymous Donors

Estate of Barr G. Ashcraft ’66MA

Robert B. Brack ’60

& Janet P. Bailey ’67,’77EdD +

Estate of Eunice F. Chappuis

I. Mike Chase ’50 * & Rona Chase

Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. ’75 +

Patricia M. (Sharland) Coviello ’76 +

Estate of Russell B. Davis ’36S

John L. M. Crouse ’56 + $

George A. Dickerman ’61,’92HD

& Sharon (Farbman) Dickerman

’63,’84MS + $

Estate of Harold G. Dickey ’17

George R. Ditomassi, Jr. ’57,’96HD

Barry R. Duke

Kenneth R. Feinberg ’67,’02HD ~

& Diane S. Feinberg

David H. Gaunt ’67,’70MBA

& Carole M. (O’Malley) Gaunt ’67 +

Charles N. Glynne ’36 *

Robert C. Gunness ’32,’63HD *

Henry L. Hall, Jr. ’53 ~ & Jean E. Hall +

David M. Hankowski ’66

& Mary (Desmond) Hankowski ’66 +

Charles J. Hoff +

Jay Howland ’68 %

& Ingrid Howland % +

Robert D. Jacobs ’68 ~

& Pamela (Meadows) Jacobs ’69 ~ +

Martin G. Jacobson ’68

Arthur F. Kinney > +

Estate of Ruth M. Klingener

Stephen R. Levy ’62,’01HD

& Sandra R. Levy +

Jerome M. Mileur > +

Robert W. Osterman, Jr.

E. Paul Robsham ’92HD, HA *

Janice (Rittenburg) Rossbach ’49 ~ + $

Estate of Marjorie Sells Carter

Estate of Isobel M. Smith ’56

Milton C. Taft ’54 ~

Robert P. Thimot ’53 ~

& Barbara A. Thimot

Joseph Troll ’65PhD >

& Yolanda Troll +

Chancellor’s Circle and Deans’ Circle

Recognizes individuals who have made gifts between July 1, 2006 and June 30,


Chancellor’s Circle Benefactor


John A. Armstrong ’03HA

& Elizabeth Armstrong +

Richard J. Mahoney ’55,’83HD

& Barbara M. (Barnett) Mahoney ’55

Jerome M. Paros ’60

Chancellor’s Circle Patron


Estate of Barr G. Ashcraft ’66MA

James D. Ellis & Trish Farrington +

Michael G. Hluchyj ’76

& Theresa (Murphy) Hluchyj ’77 +

William F. Hubbard ’87,’89MBA

& Lee A. Bartow ’83

Ian R. Lutz & Jennifer Lutz

Robert M. Mahoney ’70 ~

& Kathleen Scott Mahoney ’70

Richard A. Pitino ’75

Roberta L. (Bergevin) Sawtelle ’75

& John J. Sawtelle, III

Chancellor’s Circle Fellow


1 Anonymous Donor

Karl B. Baer & Marion Muller-Baer

Estate of Mildred S. Barber ’43

Lorrey J. Bianchi ’69 ~

& Kathleen M. Casey-Bianchi + $

Robert B. Brack ’60

& Janet P. Bailey ’67,’77EdD +

John C. Brouillard ’70

& Elaine Brouillard +

James R. Buonomo ’74,’76MBA +

Estate of Clarice A. Burrell

John V. Calipari HA %

& Ellen Calipari %

* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Stanley E. Charm ’50 +

David J. Der Hagopian ’72 ~ +

Frank A. Di Tommaso ’81

Peter N. Di Tommaso ’82

George R. Ditomassi, Jr. ’57,’96HD

Kathleen M. (Driscoll) Eckert ’75

& Robert A. Eckert

Kent M. Elwell ’83 $

Peter Eppie

Krikor Ermonian ’52 ~

Peter M. Fairbanks ’70

& Roberta (Case) Fairbanks ’72 +

John M. Ferriter ’71

& Sandra M. (McPherson)

Ferriter ’71 ~ +

David G. Fubini ’76 & Bertha R. Fubini

David H. Gaunt ’67,’70MBA

& Carole M. (O’Malley) Gaunt ’67 +

David M. Hankowski ’66

& Mary (Desmond) Hankowski ’66 +

Jerry C. Hong ’93 $

Robert D. Jacobs ’68 ~

& Pamela (Meadows) Jacobs ’69 ~ +

David Johnson +

Arlindo Jorge ’50 ~ +

Louis J. Kirsch III ’55 +

Frank R. Kline, Jr. ’74MS

& Shelly L. Kline

Thomas J. Lyden ’72,’73MS

& Denyse A. Lyden + $

Michael J. Morris ’80 +

Kristin Morrison >

Charles Nirenberg ’46,’94HD

& Janet Nirenberg +

Frank R. O’Keefe, Jr. ’51

& Patricia K. O’Keefe +

J. Brian Palmer ’95 + $

Gary W. Pritchard ’80

& Christine M. (Mahoney)

Pritchard ’79 + $

Dandamudi V. Rao ’70MS,’72PhD

John P. Regish ’63MBA %

Mark Rosenbaum +

Janice (Rittenburg) Rossbach ’49 ~ + $

Peter Salmon ’77,’79MS ~ $

Tom Shields, Sr. & Mary J. Shields

Chancellor’s Circle Fellow www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


An Enhanced

Softball Stadium

W hen the 2007-08 UMass softball team plays its first home game next spring, its fans will be sitting pretty. An anonymous donor’s gift has enabled UMass Amherst to replace bleachers with stadium-style seating.

“We will now have a championship-caliber facility, giving us the opportunity to host NCAA and Super

Regional NCAA events,” says Head Coach Elaine

Sortino (above). “The field will have a stadium feel, with seating that is 30 feet high. The seats are really the finishing touch and will make it one of the most attractive facilities in New England.”

Angled so that everyone can see the plays, the

400 or so seats will include 101 chairback seats behind home plate and two sections of bench seating extending to each dugout. The stadium is located in the southwest corner of campus, where there are two other state-of-the-art athletic facilities,

Rudd Field and the track and field complex. The combined effect, says Sortino, will give one of the campus gateways a very nice presence.”

“Softball as a spectator sport has grown exponentially in popularity,” Sortino says. She should know—she’s been coaching the team for

27 years. “People are mesmerized by women throwing 70-mile-per-hour pitches, comparable to a baseball pitch of 100 miles per hour, and doing it so gracefully. It’s also an easy game to watch—it’s not hard to follow.”

Thanks to the softball team’s tremendous record

(among its feats: 19 Atlantic 10 Championships), attendance at home games has often strained seating capacity. In covering a substantial portion of the $390,000 price tag for the field’s upgrade, the anonymous donor’s gift makes SRO games a thing of the past. “It’s more than just making a sizeable contribution,” says Sortino. “The donor stepped up to the plate—and hit a grand slam.”

86 UMass Amherst • Fall 2007


James M. Smith ’67,’07HD +

Judith L. Streeter ’75

Jeffrey C. Taylor ’01

Hayden B. Tibbetts, Jr. ’60 ~

Sidney Topol ’47,’85HD

Geraldine C. Wise ’61 & Richard A. Wise

Chancellor’s Circle Associate


Thomas F. Ackerman ’76 ~

& Cynthia Ackerman +

Jeffrey J. Anderson & Mary Ellen Anderson +

Ronald M. Ansin %

Timothy C. Barabe ’75

& Gail Kennedy +

Henry L. Barr ’68 ~

& Andrea (Rose) Barr ’68 ~

Peter L. Bloom ’78 ~

& Denise A. (Colls) Bloom ’79 ~

Nicholas N. Boraski ’50,’91HD + $

David B. Breed ’69 % & Marta Breed %

Frank G. Brenna ’38 *

Nancy Brinley

George G. Burke ’56,’96HD ~

& Sandra B. Burke +

Edward J. Callahan ’79

& Erin M. (Moynihan) Callahan ’78

Jules Chametzky >

I. Mike Chase ’50 * & Rona Chase

Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. ’75 +

John M. Cryan ’58

Ray P. D’Alonzo ’77PhD + $

Deborah L. Daniels ’76 & Piet Bleyendaal +

Kevin S. Delbridge ’85MBA +

John M. Dempsey ’74

George A. Dickerman ’61,’92HD

& Sharon (Farbman) Dickerman

’63,’84MS + $

Estate of Walter E. Dickinson +

Peter F. DiGiammarino ’75

& Peg (Owen) DiGiammarino ’75 +

Marlene Drewski

Jennifer L. Dutkowsky ’04

Robert Dutkowsky %

& Lorraine Dutkowsky % +

Joseph J. Floyd ’83 % & Janet Floyd % +

Frederick J. Francis ’54PhD > ~ +

Daniel M. Glosband ’66

& Merrily (Cotton) Glosband ’68 +

Harold Grinspoon & Diane Troderman +

Estate of Charles R. Groome ’59

Garrett S. Hart ’75MA,’79PhD ~

& Patricia D. Palleschi ’74MA,’77PhD ~

Jeffrey F. Hatch ’74MED,’91CAGS

& Joyce M. Hatch ’88MBA > +

George K. Hertz ’69,’73MPA ~

& Camilla B. Hertz +

Kenneth D. Hintlian ’76 ~

& Kathleen A. Hintlian +

Melvin Howard ’57 & Vivien Weissman +

Estate of Richard W. Hubbard ’35 +

James G. Hunt ’77 ~

& Ellen (Katz) Hunt ’77,’93MS +

David M. Kantor ’79 & Teena R. Kantor

Kristen A. Keel ’88,’92MPA

Paul G. Kelliher ’74,’75MBA >

& Joanne F. Kelliher + $

John S. Kendzierski ’78 % ~

& Patricia Kendzierski % +

Raymond E. Laplante, Jr. ’87

& Marie P. (Swiatlowski) Laplante ’87 + $

Alan L. LeBovidge ’64 & Carol S. LeBovidge

Susan B. Leschine >

Gilbert A. Leveille ’56 ~

& Carol A. Leveille + $

Stephen R. Levy ’62,’01HD

& Sandra R. Levy +

Lawrence H. Liederman ’67 % $

W. Glenn Lyle ’80

Kevin P. Lyons

Peter W. Maden ’61

James L. Mahoney ’81 +

James M. Malandrinos ’01

Todd L. Mansfield ’90MS,’93PhD

& Michele A. (Maden) Mansfield

’92PhD $

Lynn Margulis >

James R. Marshall ’49

& Alice (O’Neil) Marshall ’49 +

Edwin D. McGuire ’75,’77MS ~

James P. Mendrek ’57 ~ +

Dwight H. Merriam ’68

Jerome M. Mileur > +

Dennis M. Miner ’87

C. Andras Moritz >

Vincent G. Murphy ’67MS,’71PhD

Jerome L. Myers > & Nancy A. Myers > +

Kenneth L. O’Brien ’63 % >

& Claudia O’Brien +

Robert O’Connell %

& Patricia Dunn-O’Connell %

Gordon N. Oakes, Jr. ’63,’88HD ~

& Pamela (O’Donnell) Oakes ’63 ~ +

Louis Panaccione ’80

Laura Patrick

Robert B. Perlman ’88 & Serena Perlman +

Michael J. Reardon ’80

& Melisse K. (De Pourtales) Reardon ’80 +

Clinton S. Roberts ’30S *

James P. Robertson, Jr. ’92 +

Robert J. Rosen ’69

& Nancy J. (Freedman) Rosen ’70 +

Scott Rosenzweig % & Janice Rosenzweig %

Patrick Sanders % & Barbara J. Sanders %

Michael S. Sarli ’75 ~ + $

Robert K. Sheridan

Norman A. Smith ’79,’91MBA ~

& Suzanne Wingate + $

Howard D. Stidham > +

Loretta Stratton %

D. Kay Strickland

Michael B. Tannenbaum ’91

William E. Taylor ’75EdD,’86HD

& Theodora C. Taylor

H. Brian Thompson ’60 +

George Trakas

John F. Welch, Jr. ’57,’82HD ~

& Suzanne Welch +

Cleve E. Willis > & Barbara A. Willis

Matthew F. Wolff ’79

Thomas J. Wolff ’78

Isaac E. Young

Deans’ Circle Partner


3 Anonymous Donors

Joseph C. Aiello ’74 % ~

& Mary Mitchell ’76 % ~ +

Peter Alpert >

Douglas G. Arent ’97

& Dana M. (Berlin) Arent ’97 $

Robert Band ’69

& Joy A. (Salus) Band ’69

Joan B. Barksdale ’66

& Edgar W. Barksdale, Jr. +

Larry G. Benedict ’67,’70MED,’73EdD

& Susan (McGuinn) Benedict

’69,’71MED,’79CAGS,’87EdD +

Lucy Wilson Benson ’69HD +

Leo J. Berard ’57 ~

& Anne M. (Heanue) Berard ’57 ~ $

Murray L. Berkowitz ’71,’73MS ~ &

Rebecca (Silverman) Berkowitz ’71 ~

Marc L. Berman ’80

& Elizabeth H. Stone

Channing L. Bete %

& Marie A. Bete % +

Margaret E. Barr Bigelow > +

Beverly Brandt

David W. Briggs ’68 ~

& John F. Benton, II +

Richard K. Brown ’78PhD

J. Killara Burn

Joseph J. Cancellieri, Jr. ’75 +

Gregory J. Cannella ’88 > +

Maryanne Cataldo ’79 ~

Matthew Ciaschini ’94

Michael V. Ciresi & Ann C. Ciresi

Fergus M. Clydesdale ’66PhD > + $

Philip G. Condon ’73,’76MBA +

James L. Craig ’96CAGS,’96MED >

& Christine L. Craig +

Morgan Davis & Sandy Davis

Wayne Devonport

Richard Dieter ’66MS ~ +

Frank P. DiGiammarino, II ’55 %

& Helen DiGiammarino

Penelope Dobkin

Robert W. Donald ’56 ~

Paul M. Duchesneau

& Renate Duchesneau

Lee R. Edwards +

John W. Eldridge, Jr. ’66

Jacob Epstein ’69,’76MM

David R. Evans % >

Wendy S. (Shankel) Evans ’79

& Morris Evans

Ferdinand L. Federico %

& Adrian A. Federico %

Barry H. Federman ’99MPA,’02MS ~ +

Kenneth R. Feinberg ’67,’02HD ~

& Diane S. Feinberg

Saul F. Feingold ’54 ~

& Norma (Gurwitz) Feingold ’54 ~ +

Charles Feldberg ’54 ~

& Mildred (Velleman)

Feldberg ’55 ~ +

Robert S. Feldman >

& Katherine V. Feldman +

Mitchell L. Finegold ’57 $

Lois M. Fink

Robert T. Foote, Jr. ’62 %

& Marianne F. Dunn ’77 +

Carl M. Fortin ’64 ~ & Janice Fortin +

David R. Gaboury ’76

& Mary E. Gaboury

Beth C. Gamel ’78MS %

& John E. Gamel % +

Griffin M. Gappert ’04PhD

Edward C. Gray ’73 ~

Steven Greene ’69

Richard B. Gulman ’79 ~

& Susan J. (Mann) Gulman ’81 +

William L. Gunlicks ’67MBA

Richard G. Haas ’58S & Janet G. Haas

Barry L. Haase ’62

Henry L. Hall, Jr. ’53 ~ & Jean E. Hall +

Paul J. Hamel ’75 & Cheryl T. Hamel

D. Gibson Hammond, Jr. ’77MS ~

& Susan M. Hammond + $

Richard P. Harrison ’72

& Linda (Zinkofsky) Harrison ’69

Roy D. Hegedus ’85PhD

Michael J. Hermanson ’70S +

Brian W. Hill ’69 % & Susan C. Hill

Richard T. Horan % & Joan F. Horan %

Jay Howland ’68 % & Ingrid Howland +

Otto K. Hunerwadel

& Marjorie G. Hunerwadel

Vincent Ilardi > +

Maui Ing & Karen B. Ing $

Kyle E. Jackson ’82

Douglas W. Johnson ’72S

Marshall G. Jones ’72MS,’74PhD + $

A. Leo Joseph ’89MS

Robert W. Joyce ’50 ~ +

Frank E. Karasz >

Stephen R. Kellogg, Sr. ’72

John F. Kennedy ’76MBA ~ +

Thomas P. Kipp ’81

& Barbara H. (Levin) Kipp ’81 + $

Lothar W. Kleiner ’75MS,’78PhD + $

Andrew C. Knowles III ’57,’82HD ~

& Mary A. (Pomposo) Knowles ’57 ~ +

Philip G. LeBlanc ’83 +

Charles Light

Elaine N. (Norton) Linscott ’62 +

John V. Lombardi > ~

& Cathryn L. Lombardi +

Charles D. Machlin ’82 ~ +

William C. MacLeod ’63 ~ + $

Andrew P. Manesis %

& Sally L. M. Manesis %

Paul Manganaro ’87

Daniel P. Marsh ’82 + $

Kevin F. Masterson ’77 %

& Karen D. Masterson %

Marie V. McDemmond

’85EdD,’06HD $

Richard J. McNulty ’75

Paula J. (Connor) Meyer ’86

Stephen G. Miller ’78 ~

Charles Moran & Kay J. Moran +

Manuel Moreira %

& Maria C. Moreira % >

Edward M. Murphy & Marilyn Murphy

Ronald J. Nathan + $

F. James Neil, Jr. & Jean M. Neil

Jennifer L. Nicolai ’94 %

& Richard J. Miller %

John N. Nunnelly ’82MBA +

Jaime Pereira ’76 ~

& Cindy Pereira % + $

Scott M. Perry ’82

& Ann C. (Reddy) Perry ’82 +

Michael J. Quinn ’80

& Jane E. (White) Quinn ’83 $

W. Greg Rothman ’89 & Dede Rothman

Marvin O. Schlanger ’72MS

& Eva (Listman) Schlanger ’70MA

Irwin Schneider % & Roni Schneider %

Elizabeth Segers ’81 $

James H. Sexton ’74,’79MS

& Marcia (Wiechert) Sexton ’76 +

Gregory S. Sherowski ’70 $

Allen L. Shumway, Jr. ’54 ~ +

Betsy S. Siersma ’85MA

Paul J. Silverman ’69

Elvira R. (Suarez) Sisolak ’67

& William H. Sisolak +

Christine G. Solt ’92 ~

Earl W. Stafford ’76 ~

& Amanda L. Stafford ~

Robert A. Stern & Susan G. Ryerson

Beat Streuli

John W. Sullivan ’94MS $

Michael Susco % & Jill Gold %

Alan C. Swedlund

& Mary Allen Swedlund +

Paul H. Terry ’59MS,’63PhD ~

Hilary Till

Frederick C. Tillis >

& E. Louise Tillis +

Mark J. Tobin ’76S,’78

& Mary Beth C. Tobin

John H. Underwood ’62

Maureen T. (Tracy) Venti ’72 ~

& Edward G. Venti ~ +

Esther M. Warner ’59 +

Jeffrey M. Waxman ’90 ~ $

David B. Weisblat ’75 +

Carol A. Wentworth-Bete ’76

& Michael Bete +

David R. White ’77,’78MS $

Kent A. Whitney ’78 ~

& Jean (Hollingshead) Whitney ’80 ~

Richard L. Wikander ’84MA,’91PhD >

Robert J. Woolrich ’76MS ~

& Noeline S. Woolrich

Don Zimmer & Jean Zimmer

Deans’ Circle Sponsor


3 Anonymous Donors

Mary K. Alexander ’74MS,’85EdD

& Lillian R. Goodman

Noel E. Anderson ’74,’80PhD

& Donna M. (Fafard)

Anderson ’76,’78MS + $

Paul R. Appleby ’69,’70MED

& Marie T. (Sienkiewicz)

Appleby ’69,’80MED +

Steven J. Aronson ’75

& Risa S. (Dubin) Aronson ’75

Robert S. August ’57 ~

Ronald J. Bartos ’80 + $

Jeffrey D. Basch ’90 + $

Dean’s Circle Sponsor


* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Paul N. Belval ’84

& Janet (Harver) Belval ’84 +

Heidi S. Berenson ’79 ~

Mark R. Berman

Daniel J. Bonelli ’78

& Patricia A. (Pepe) Bonelli ’78 $

Brent B. Bottamini ’98 $

Horace C. Boyer > & Gloria B. Boyer +

Richard W. Boyle ’57,’60MS ~ +

Elizabeth M. Brackett ’80 ~ +

Richard L. Bresciani ’60 ~

& Joanne (Albertini) Bresciani ’60 ~ +

Randolph W. Bromery ’79HD >

& Cecile T. Bromery + $

David A. Brown

James W. Brown ’72 %

& Karen A. Brown % + $

Cynthia A. Burke ’83 ~ +

Dennis F. Burke ’76

& Jayne E. (Driscoll) Burke ’77 $

Douglas H. Burr ’71,’73MBA +

Dennis M. Bushe ’65 + $

Gordon E. Cadwgan, Jr. ’76PhD

& Ruth J. Cadwgan +

Andrew J. Cantillon ’91 $

Steven P. Carlson ’80 $

Kim Cartelli-Mathews ’96

Bob Champigny ’69 % ~

& Carol B. Champigny % +

H. King Chapin

Mark S. Chapin ’79

& Terry (Wagner) Chapin ’79

Lim C. Chhuy ’66MS

& Dorothy (Haskell) Chhuy ’66 +

Martin P. Chotiner ’76 + $

David J. Colella ’75 ~ +

Peter L. Conrad ’80PhD ~

& Janice Marchut Conrad +

Sabina G. Cournoyer ’79MA +

Teresa K. Cromwell ’84MA

& Kathleen A. Cote ’71,’03HD +

Mary-Jane Cross ’66 ~

Bruce Cutting & Carol M. Cutting

James H. David ’55,’63PhD ~

& Jacqueline (Aube) David ’61 ~ +

Thomas J. Delnickas ’61 ~

& Sandra (Ritchie) Delnickas ’61

Crescent Diamond

Anthony P. DiCenzo ’73,’74MS

& Carolyn (Barron)

DiCenzo ’72MS + $

Paul D. DiGiammarino ’76

& Robin (Butler) DiGiammarino ’76

Vincent DiMarco www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


Megan A. Donnelly ’87 $

Thomas Dougherty, Jr. ’85 + $

Stephen P. Driscoll ’73 ~

Sheldon M. Drucker ’67

Richard C. Egan % & Betsy Egan % +

W. Eric Egan ’82 & Margot T. Egan +

Deborah (Meyer) Fanning ’64 ~ +

Grace K. Fey ’07HD

& Edward Fey

John J. Fitzgerald ’63,’78MA ~ +

Maureen (Green) Flanagan ’66 ~

Daniel E. Flynn ’87 +

Nancy E. Fogg-Johnson ’69

Christopher J. Fontaine ’79

David & Beth Fontaine

Todd M. Fruhbeis ’89

& Jennifer E. (Gagnon) Fruhbeis ’89

Denise A. Gaudet ’77 ~

Dorothy (Dunklee) Gavin ’43 ~

& Joseph G. Gavin, Jr. +

William G. Gelb ’70MS,’71PhD

& Penny H. (Lewow) Gelb ’70 +

Annette (Nelson) Gibavic ’64 ~ +

Steven L. Gill

Gwendolyn Glass +

Dennis P. Godfrey ’75 % +

Richard A. Goldsby

& Barbara A. Osborne >

Francis W. Goodell $

Robert M. Goodhue ’70,’80MS ~

& Jeananne W. Goodhue + $

Asheley R. Griffith ’72MA,’96PhD

& Marcia S. Curtis ’78PhD > +

Stephen J. Gulo, Jr. ’66 + $

Dena M. (Petrangelo) Hall ’95

William J. Harrington ’51,’52 ~

Douglas J. Harris ’99MS,’00PhD $

Joel M. Hartstone ’67 +

Bryan C. Harvey ’77,’97EdD >

& J. Lynn Griesemer +

Thomas M. Healy % & Lori J. Healy % +

Robert A. Henry ’70 +

William S. Hogan, Jr.

& Karen C. Hogan +

Carl L. Howard ’59

& Beverly (Johnson) Howard ’57

John H. Hubbe ’84 ~ + $

William L. Israel >

& Eileen T. Breslin > +

David James

Dennis P. Jancsy ’69,’72MBA ~ +

Paul E. Johnson, Jr. ’69

& Martha (Whelan) Johnson ’69 +

William L. Johnson

& Elizabeth E. Johnson

Jennifer Johnsrud

James F. Kane ’70 % ~

& Andrea D. (Segal) Kane ’70 % ~ +

Lisa (Vuillemenot) Kanwischer ’87 ~

& Stephen M. Kanwischer $

Harvey Katz & Deb Katz

John P. Keenan ’72 ~

& Dagmar (Schorkhuber)

Keenan ’73 ~ +

Harold P. Kelley, Jr. ’56 ~ + $

Michael E. Kennedy ’72

& Rita J. Kennedy $

Kathleen M. Keroack ’75MS ~

Erik P. Kimball ’87 ~

& Mary C. Walsh ’87 ~ +

Saul B. Klaman ’41 ~ +

Curt P. Kohlberg ’80

& Allegra K. Manacher ’83MED +

John J. Kominski ’59,’90HD ~ +

Gary P. Lamoureaux ’69,’84EdD % ~

& Nancy (Hansen)

Lamoureaux ’73 ~ +

Harold M. Lane, Jr. ’60 ~ +

Irene J. Lang ’74 ~ $

John P. Lareau ’72 ~

& Margaret (McMahon) Lareau ’72

William J. Lawrence ’83MBA $

William A. Lee ’77 +

Joseph A. Leonard, Jr. ’06MBA

& Christine V. Leonard $

Steven N. Lesser ’78,’79MBA

Tucuong Lien ’70

& Jennifer (Chen) Lien ’71 $

Matthew O. Littlefield ’99

& Susan Littlefield + $

John M. Lovejoy ’61MA

& Nancy Lovejoy +

Francis P. Lucier ’50,’77HD + $

Clark MacKenzie +

William E. Mahoney ’55 ~ +

George F. Markham & Arky Markham +

Robert P. Marzilli ’75S,’77 +

W. Fred Maskrey %

& Judith Maskrey % $

Joseph E. Mauger, Jr. ’57 ~

& Nancy (Telfer) Mauger ’58 ~ +

Donald R. Mayo ’57 ~ +

David J. Mazzo ’81MS,’84PhD

F. Ward McCarthy ’73

Christine B. (Tucker) McCartney ’73

Francis X. McDermott ’55 ~ $

Joseph R. McEacharn ’95

David J. McEntee

Melinda C. McIntosh >

Thomas V. Milbury ’79 ~

& Robyn B. Glazer Milbury ’79 ~ $

Hukam C. Mongia ’69PhD

& Sita Mongia $

John W. Moore ’58S % +

Rupert D. Morrill ’42 ~ +

Robert J. Morse ’77

Mara A. Motherway

William D. Motherway ’87 ~ $

John R. Mullin ’67 >

& Judith A. Mullin ’87

Robert W. Munroe ’82

& Erin L. (Heath) Munroe ’82

Gerald W. Murphy ’57 ~

Ladimer S. Nagurney

& Anna B. Nagurney > +

Basant Nanda ’92MS $

Robert P. Neil, Jr. ’78 %

& Mary (Martins) Neil ’78 % + $

Mike Niziolek

Bonnie K. (Goldsmith) Novek ’88

& Keith E. Novek $

Lawrence M. Nugent ’56 ~ +

John J. O’Connor %

& Ellen O’Connor % $

Gordon B. Palley ’74 ~

& Cynthia (Mis) Palley

’77,’85CAGS ~ +

Russ G. Paparo ’86 ~

& Leslie A. Paparo ’87 ~

Keith M. Parent % ~

& Pamela A. Parent % ~

Lawrence W. Parrish ’57,’67MA ~

Claude M. Penchina

& Meira S. Penchina

Roy D. Perdue ’73 +

Thomas G. Peters ’71,’73MS

Catharine C. Porter ’92EdD >

& Gordon DeWerth +

Christopher Pyle

James R. Ralph +

Edward Rewolinski

J. Melinda Rigney ’86EdD

& Lloyd W. Ortman, Jr. +

Frank B. Riordan ’91

Donald W. Rizzo ’57 ~ & Carol Rizzo

John E. Robison & Martha Schuette

Martin J. Rogosa ’79

& Elizabeth (Salerno) Rogosa ’88

Joseph Roif & Judith Roif +

Arthur L. Rosenthal ’73PhD

Sander B. Ross ’70 ~

& Carol F. Ross +

James J. Ryan ’82 $

Tiyo A. Salah-El

Lillian Santiago-Bauza

Gerald L. Schafer >

& Rutherford W. Witthus +

Irwin B. Schwartz ’82 +

Michael E. Schwartz & Mary Schwartz

Richard W. Sears ’58 +

Brian E. Silman ’66 ~ +

Walter R. Silvia ’62,’65MBA ~

& Diann (Coyle) Silvia ’62 ~ + $

Albert L. Skinner ’74 & Donna F. Skinner

Jeffrey T. Slovin ’87 %

Barry F. Smith ’76 $

J. Richard Smith ’66 ~

& Sally (Minich) Smith ’66 % ~ +

Richard G. Smith ’78 +

Stephen M. Soler ’82

Barbara L. Sparks ’70 ~ +

Scott M. Sparr ’80

& Melissa A. (Mark) Sparr ’80 + $

David A. Spieler ’74

& Karen A. (Kester) Spieler ’75 +

Paul E. Steffen, Jr. ’89

& S. R. Gifford-Steffen

’86MS,’89PhD + $

Herbert A. Stone ’55,’58MS +

Ronald D. Story %

Laureen (Ziino) Stroll ’83 ~ +

Linda J. (Mole) Supranowicz ’93 $

Matthew F. Sutton ’86 ~

& Victoria C. Sutton

John P. Sweeney

Paula B. (Bazinet) Sweeney ’57 * ~

Joseph J. Tabacco, Jr. ’71 +

Barbara L. (Beebe) Takahashi ’81 +

Edwin L. Thomas ’69 %

Rachel E. (Chandler) Tierney

’62,’74MS,’90PhD ~

& James E. Tierney % +

Wendy Tiner ’82 $

Nick Triano ’83,’83 ~

Richard D. Vladimer % ~

& Jane Vladimer %

Edmund F. Ward ’75,’77MBA ~ +

Paul C. Washburn III ’81,’84MBA

& Elizabeth L. (Baker) Washburn ’84 +

George S. Weaver, Jr. ’55S +

Dale Williams %

& Christine Willliams % +

Jack M. Wilson & Judi C. Wilson

Gregory D. Woodworth +

Grace C. Wung ’98

Richard P. Wynn ’50 ~ +

Jonathan O. Yorks ’83

& Susan K. (Keene) Yorks ’83 +

Margaret J. (Pew) Zube ’70MA,’74PhD

Deans’ Circle Member


9 Anonymous Donors

Mary P. (Greig) Abbott ’79 ~

Todd Y. Ackerman ’93

& Nicole M. (Merrigan) Ackerman ’95

Joseph S. Ackerstein ’71 ~

Theodore M. Adams ’83 %

& M. Angela Montemagni

’82S,’91 % + $

Tralance O. Addy ’73MS,’74PhD

Douglas W. Adler ’75MBA > +

Carl D. Aframe ’68 % +

John F. Ahern ’74 % > +

Iftikhar Ahmad ’86MS %

& Farida Ahmad %

Robert R. Alkon ’70 ~ & Helen Alkon

Glenn S. Allan ’75MED,’77EdD ~

& Paula A. Allan +

Kenneth D. Allen ’81

& Susan (Barber) Allen ’81 $

Norman Alshooler %

& Abigail B. Alshooler %

Robert T. Ames ’57

& Mary Ellen (Boland) Ames ’57

Richard C. Amoling ’60 ~ + $

Jack T. Ampuja ’70

Elva (Foerster) Anderson ’48 ~ +

Richard M. Anderson

Stephen G. Anderson ’74 ~

& Gail M. Parker +

Edward S. Andrews, Jr. ’85 $

Cyril L. Applebaum ’45 ~

& Barbara Applebaum +

Dorrie Arnold

Robert J. Aronno ’56 +

C. Eva (Mitchell) Artzerounian


& David E. Artzerounian % +

Souheil Asmar ’76 $

Susan F. Assmann ’95MS ~ +

David J. Aubuchon ’83

& Deirdre (O’Driscoll)

Aubuchon ’85MBA

Roger C. Avery ’66 ~ +

John S. Babiec, Jr. ’67PhD $

Marshall Bacherman %

& Rosalyn Bacherman

Richard A. Bachman ’77MBA +

Charles J. Baczek, Jr. ’72

& Linda A. (Vosburgh)

Baczek ’72 + $

William Baczek

Francis M. Baker

Arthur J. Ballard ’56 +

Paul J. Banks ’81 %

& Nancy J. (MacDonald)

Banks ’80 %

Jane A. Baran ’72,’74MA >

& David E. Hoffman +

Elaine (Chomyn) Barker ’63,’69MA ~

& Allen V. Barker > +

Amy C. Barkin +

Elaine Barkin +

Kenneth M. Barna %

& Jane D. Barna +

Estate of David L. Baronian ’58S

Roger S. Barous ’57 ~ +

Christopher J. Barrett ’93,’95MS

& Lori B. Sheehan ’93

Robert K. Barrett ’64 ~

Robert C. Barrette ’80 $

Kenneth H. Barrows ’60

& Betsy (Howes) Barrows ’64

Shelley (Pratt) Barrows ’92 $

David P. Barry ’73

& Nancy S. (Walsh) Barry ’73

Sean Barry

David M. Bartley ’56,’61MED,’80HD,

’88EdD % ~ +

Michael C. Bartley ’91 ~

Stephen A. Basile ’75 +

Susan E. Bassett ’78

Pamela J. Batalis ’92MS

Roger G. Bates ’34 ~ +

Janet (Hamilton) Bath ’78,’85MS ~ +

Virginia A. Beal >

Richard L. Beauchine ’73 ~

Jessica (Martin) Beaulieu ’98 $

Paul G. Beaulieu ’82

Paul A. Beck ’64

Alan A. Belinskas ’75 ~ +

Bruce C. Belliveau ’78,’82

James G. Bennas ’39

& Nina Bennas +

Paul M. Bennett ’57 +

Nathaniel B. Berg ’86

Eric N. Berkowitz ’71,’73MBA >

& Sandra (Brouck) Berkowitz ’72

Joel D. Berkowitz ’63 +

Craig Berry ’91 ~ + $

John G. Bestgen, Jr. ’55 ~ +

Thomas E. Bezanson

& Janie Bezanson

Emily D. Biagioli ’86

& Aram H. Flores $

Thomas C. Bibeau


& Marjorie V. (Stockwell)

Bibeau ’70

Christopher D. Biemesderfer ’79 +

Mark W. Biscoe, Jr. ’82

Soren Bisgaard >

& Sue Ellen Bisgaard

Thorr D. Bjorn ’90,’95MED > ~

& Cyndy (Amelia) Bjorn ’93 ~ +

Michael J. Blauer ’76

Richard V. Blomstrom ’63 %

Peter L. Blum ’88

Donald M. Boettger ’85

Robert J. Bogart ’83 & Patricia Bogart

Rudolf Bom & Elaine Pressman

Vincent S. Bonanno ’81

Robert A. Bosselman ’70,’77PhD

Claudette Boudreau

Michael B. Bouffard ’86

Jean (Familant) Bourdon ’78

& James P. Bourdon

Ann C. (Sheehy) Bourgeois ’60 ~ +

Joseph G. Bourgeois ’60 * ~ +

Stephen P. Bowen $

Kristen A. Bowsher ’88

Barbara K. (Kronish) Boykin ’81 $

Linda (Lovell) Bradley ’64

Mark B. Bradley ’79 ~

Liane Brandon >

Rudolph and Reinharde Brauner

Howard L. Breslau ’86 ~

& Jane G. Breslau

Bette A. Bridges ’72 ~

& Kenneth W. Brody

Michael H. Brodnitz ’66PhD +

Joseph E. Broughton, Jr. ’37S

Alan C. Brown ’71 + $

Timothy J. Bryant ’89 ~

& Lisa (Leonard) Bryant ’88 ~

Raymond H. Buckley ’52 ~ $

Richard F. Buckley ’83 ~ $

Barry L. Bunshoft ’55 ~

Edward D. Burke ’72

& Marilyn J. Burke ’84,’02MED +

Robert W. Burke ’47 ~

Virginia A. (Gardella) Burke ’57 ~

Samuel W. Burns %

& Linda Burns % + $

James A. Burrows ’70S,’73

Thomas Burton

Leslie (Horner) Button ’77,’88MS >

& Leroy J. Button, III > +

Evan D. Buxner ’90

Barton B. Byg > & Jan E. Whitaker +

Stephen G. Cadenelli

& Linda A. Cadenelli

Gregory J. Caetano ’84 +

Joseph M. Cahill ’68,’69MBA +

Marta B. Calas ’87PhD >

& Linda M. Smircich > +

Joseph A. Carnevale ’71

& Mary C. Carnevale +

Kelley R. Carr ’88 +

Dean’s Circle Member


* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Former UWW Director

Gary Bernhard and Jeff Taylor

The UWW Jeff Taylor

Educational Opportunity


J eff Taylor once accepted a challenge to try to beat the water-skiing record of fellow entrepreneur extraordinaire, Virgin Group’s Richard Branson. The

Monster.com founder managed to go more than three miles along the Florida coast on his second try. A self-described “nontraditional learner,” Taylor took on another challenge in 2000, when he came back to UMass Amherst to finish his college education.

Originally on campus from 1978 to 1983, he’d started businesses and been his fraternity’s president but hadn’t graduated. By 2000, he’d made his mark and made millions. Through the UMass Amherst Outreach program, University Without Walls, he earned his bachelor’s degree in 2001.

Now Taylor is helping UWW with a challenging goal: raising $350,000. This spring he gave $75,000 to the newly created UWW Jeff Taylor Educational

Opportunity Endowment. Notably, 100 percent of the program’s faculty and staff have given as well. The endowment will provide scholarships and academic access to students of diverse backgrounds who wish to attend UWW.

In its 36-year history, the rigorous, interdisciplinary program has enabled nearly 4,000 students to earn bachelor’s degrees, many of them while working and raising families. UWW director Cindy Suopis said recently, “We’ve restructured and expanded our entire curriculum in direct response to the needs and experiences of our students. Our students now will be able to take courses in the classroom, online, or in a

‘blended learning’ format that combines the two.”

Among Taylor’s favorite sayings is “Earn, learn, yearn.” The UWW Jeff Taylor Educational Opportunity

Endowment will help UWW students who are applying that philosophy every day.



John A. Carriere ’75 + $

Jane (Thompson) Caruvana ’58 + $

Stewart M. Casper ’75 ~

Jay A. Catelli ’05 ~ $

Inah (Choi) Chambers ’90 $

Stephen C. Chambers ’69 % + $

James E. Chaney ’79

& Marina L. (Morbeck) Chaney ’81

Edward S. Chang % >

& Angela A. Niu % +

Scott D. Chaplin ’89 ~

Michael L. Chernoff ’77PhD

& Jaymie (Wolcott)

Chernoff ’76MRP > ~

Robert M. Chiarelli ’69,’71MA + $

Chae C. Choi ’84

David J. Chou ’81

Kevin J. Chrobak & Laurie E. Frazer

Gerald A. Chrusciel ’55 ~ + $

Bernadine E. Chwalek ’77 ~ $

Paul W. Cichocki ’91

& Cynthia M. Ostrowski ’90

Jeffrey K. Cimini ’87

& Anne M. (Shine) Cimini ’87 $

Nathaniel G. Clark ’76

Christopher M. Clarke ’85 ~

Stephen W. Clarke ’86

& Elizabeth W. Clarke + $

David J. Clarkson ’73 ~

Mary M. Cleveland

Arthur S. Clifford, Jr. ’77MA % ~

& Suzanne K. Lorimer ’80MA ~ +

Charles J. Clock ’78EdD ~ +

Lawrence D. Clough ’77

Kevin Coffey +

Alan S. Cohen ’66 ~

& Natalie K. Cohen

Jeffrey M. Cohen ’82 +

Robert S. Cohen ’55,’63MS ~

& Iris C. (Sidman) Cohen ’57 +

William R. Coke ’79

Robert W. Colantuoni ’74

& Deborah (Subzda)

Colantuoni ’73 + $

Esther K. Colby *

George F. Cole ’56,’62MA ~ +

Robert C. Cole, Jr. ’59 ~

& Margaret S. Cole +

Robert W. Collins ’69

& Sharyn (Kronick) Collins ’69 +

Randall C. Collord ’75 ~ + $

Peter G. Colton ’78

Paul M. Conlin ’88 $

James Connelly & Karen T. Connelly

Frank J. Consoli ’75

Stephen B. Constant ’78 %

Robert E. Cook ’72 % ~

& Dimitra T. Cook ’73 % ~ + $

Brian L. Coolbaugh ’78

Douglas C. Cooney ’73,’76MA ~

& Joanne Grzybowski ’82 + $

Scott R. Cooper & Susan L. Cooper +

Robert L. Corkum ’53 ~ + $

Richard B. Covell ’77 & Helen Covell +

Charlene Coyle % $

Richard W. Crawford ’78

Gerald S. Creem ’67 + $

Margo Crist +

Rosemary C. Crosier ’73,’75MS +

Kelvin F. Cross ’75,’77MS ~

& Caren P. (Arnstein) Cross ’77 +

Garry N. Crothers, CGCS

James E. Curley ’66,’68MS,’70PhD $

Stephen J. Curry ’91S,’93

Paul R. Cutts ’66 ~

& Dana (Paul) Cutts ’64 ~ + $

Douglas M. Dale % ~

& Elizabeth A. (O’Keefe) Dale

’86MPA,’98EdD ~ +

Christopher M. Dalo ’87,’89MS

Laura J. (Errico) Dames ’92

Sean M. Dandley ’85

& Jayne T. (Drury) Dandley ’85

Thomas J. Danielson ’91PhD $

Donald F. Dargie ’65 % +

William A. Darity, Sr. >

& Trudy Darity +

Kristen B. Darlington ’96

Paul Davis & Robin Davis

Peter D. Dawson ’70 ~

& Beverly Dawson ~ +

Alexander E. Dean ’67 ~ $

George B. Dean ’75

& Leslie K. Meyer +

Marge Deary

Thomas E. Decker, Jr. ’65 % +

Maureen DeFuria %

Edgar M. Delaney ’59 +

Gregory C. Depp %

& Maureen G. Depp % $

Philip DesAutels & Michele DesAutels $

Erica S. (Hitchcock) DeSouza ’92

Daniel S. Deutsch ’00 $

John K. Devadoss ’94MS $

Mario DiCarlo ’48S

& Gertrude M. DiCarlo

P. J. DiGiammarino

& Susan C. DiGiammarino

David W. Dik ’57

John Y. Ding ’90MS,’93PhD

& Linda H. Zhang ’92MS,’95PhD $

Peter D. Dion ’86

Anne (Chase) Dobson +

Jacqueline F. Dorfman ’82 ~

David W. Douglas

Michael H. Douvadjian ’69 +

William E. Dowd +

Emily J. Drake ’66 ~ +

Kenneth M. Drumm ’70 +

John F. Dubach > & Copper F. Giloth >

Marlene J. DuBiel ’61 +

Christopher J. Dubord ’83 $

Brian E. Dunleavy ’66

& Margaret (Barrett) Dunleavy ’66 + $

Mary F. Dupont ’93,’96MS

Stewart W. Ehly ’71 +

Arthur Elkins ’57 >

Edith (Smith) Engel ’68 +

Gary D. Engle ’71

William P. Ennen ’84

Susan G. Ernst ’75PhD +

Sybil H. Eshbach

Daniel D. Ewing, III ’70

& Carol (McLellan) Ewing ’71 + $

Julius Fabos > & Edith Fabos +

Richard B. Fairbanks ’67,’69MS

Dorothy J. (Woodley) Fairweather ’76

Thomas M. Feeley %

Marc A. Feinberg ’91

& Mindy Feinberg +

Conrad P. Ferrara ’60,’61MS

& Jean (Creamer) Ferrara ’62

Paul B. Ferraro ’89,’92MS

& Ellen J. (Martin) Ferraro


Ronald J. Ferris %

Martha (Kimball) Field ’78S,’80,’84MS

& Barry C. Field % >

Roger E. Finck & Joanne Finck +

Edward G. Fisher ’76PhD

Ralph J. Fishman ’49 ~

Shaun Fitzgerald ’71 ~ +

Neil F. Fitzpatrick ’74

& Maureen P. Arkle ’86,’88MPH

Nancy A. Flavin ’87 ~ +

Kevin J. Flynn ’74

& Jane A. (Williams) Flynn ’75 $

Ruth-Ann (Kirby) Flynn ’63 +

John Fogarty % > & Charlotte Fogarty

Michael T. Foley ’72 % ~

& Anne H. Foley

Thomas C. Foley ’57 ~

Thomas V. Foley ’57 $

Andrew B. Forbes ’91,’94MS

& Jennifer H. Lewis-Forbes ’93

Stephen J. Forde, III ’81,’89MS

& Dawn (Kalinen) Forde ’80 + $

Margaret M. Forest

Howard W. Forman ’56

Thomas W. Fox ’49,’51MS > ~

& Jean (Manning) Fox ’47 ~ +

James B. Francis ’86 $

Christopher L. Frank ’82S

Daniel J. Frazier >

Marsha A. (Porta) Fredericks ’70 % ~ +

Robert F. Fredette ’74 % ~

& Louise I. (Faille) Fredette ’74 % ~ +

Kenneth Freeman ’86

& Akiko Freeman +

Margaret H. (Rawson) Freeman


& Donald C. Freeman +

Bruce B. Friend ’79

Dorothy (Cochran) Fullam ’56 ~ +

Robert W. Fuller ’57

Virginia A. (Boire) Funk ’60 ~ +

Susan Gabrielli % & John J. Gabrielli %

Peter P. Gallinaro ’74 +

Helen K. Galloway ’61 ~

Paul T. Gannon ’74 %

& Janet (Sullivan) Gannon ’74 % +

Francis M. Garahan ’76 +

Gary R. Gardinier ’69

& Arleen (Ruder)

Gardinier ’69MED + $

Alan C. Garlick & Deborah L. Garlick +

Michael J. Garrity ’81

& Linda L. (Lewis) Garrity ’80 +

Karen L. Garvin ’66 +

Judith L. (Fleischer) Gass ’59 ~

Andrew S. Gelina ’95

& Patricia (Horan) Gelina ’90

Harvey W. Gendreau ’72 ~ +

Robert A. Gentry ’71 ~ +

Ronald R. Gerace ’84 ~

& Juliane M. (Sicard) Gerace ’85 ~ +

Edmund L. Gettier III % >

Beth A. (Pastino) Giannotto ’88 +

David J. Giarla ’67 ~ +

Edward P. Gill

Harold W. Gilligan %

James F. Gillooly ’81

& Anne M. (Dutka) Gillooly ’81 $

Mary E. Gilmartin ’88

Jeffrey Glidden %

& Janet Glidden % +

Robert L. Gluckstern ’48PhD,’05HD >

Laurence A. Godard, Jr. ’79 + $

Patrick M. Goggins ’72

& Denise M. Goggins

Carol M. Goldberg ’72 ~ + $

Steven H. Goldsher

& Frances M. Goldsher +

Joseph I. Goldstein > ~

& Barbara H. Goldstein +

Gay L. Goodwin ’96 %

& Steven D. Goodwin % >

Edmund F. Goolsby ’79 %

& Gail H. Goolsby %

Gail D. Gordon ’80MS

Robert D. Gordon ’48,’84HD

& Nancy (Miller) Gordon ’49

Robert M. Gorman ’63

Ronald R. Gould ’69 + $

Pamela (Forsythe) Grange ’79 ~ +

John L. Grant ’73 %

& Joanne (Perakis) Grant ’73 % +

Deborah (Scarfone) Gray ’74

Brady L. Green ’86

& Natalie J. (Dury) Green ’88

Howard C. Greene ’79

& Michelle M. Greene + $

Richard J. Gregory ’86PhD

& Gillian M. (Norman) Gregory

’82MS,’86PhD +

Alfred L. Griggs & Sally Griggs

Joseph B. Grimaldi ’66

& Lynne J. (Peirce) Grimaldi ’65

Jeffrey A. Grodsky

Ronald Grodsky +

Laurence J. Groipen ’79 ~

& Lori (Lipnick) Groipen ’80 ~ +

Charles Grose

Thomas S. Gruca

& Rhoda M. Cummings +

Flora (Mueller) Guzik ’66 % ~

& Richard J. Guzik % ~ +

Charles D. Hadley, Jr.

’64,’67MA % ~ +

Edward M. Hadro ’56 $

Gary J. Hagopian ’62 +

David J. Haidak %

Johanna (Reiser) Hale ’72

Michael R. Haley, Jr. ’65

& Joan Haley +

Kevin D. Hall ’76

M. Martin Halley

& Josephine A. Halley

Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern

’74MA,’79PhD %

& Joel M. Halpern % >

John F. Hamel ’56 +

Sarah J. Hammann ’80 ~

William R. Handrich, Jr. ’63S ~

& Priscilla Handrich +

David N. Hansen ’74

Benjamin R. Happ ’98

& Amy L. (Wiswell) Happ ’98

Jeffrey M. Hardin ’74

& Jane (Mulligan) Hardin ’74

Joseph F. Harding ’72 ~

& Janet R. Harding ’75 ~ +

Richard P. Harland ’59

John J. Harney ’83

& Margo (Kennedy) Harney ’84

Gail A. (Goldberg) Harris ’77 % +

Susan L. (Butcher) Harris ’70 % ~

& Richard Harris %

Roderick P. Hart ’66

& Margaret L. (McVey) Hart ’68 +

William J. Hart, Jr. ’44,’47MS ~ +

Karen L. (Morin) Hawkins ’67 ~

William O. Hayden ’77 ~ + $

Hamilton R. Hayes ’63

Hans A. Helgeson ’84,’85MED

& Marisa P. (Puzzanghero)

Helgeson ’85 $

Philip J. Hendel &

Margaret Hendel +

Lawrence G. Herman ’73 +

Mary Ann Higgins ’72 +

William H. Higgins %

& Erika G. Higgins % +

Francis L. Higginson, III

Willie L. Hill, Jr. >

& Beverly G. Hill > +

Allen J. Hinkle ’73

& Mary L. (Gibson) Hinkle ’74

R. Paul Hirt ’81

& Lynn M. Campana ’81 + $

Sumesh C. Hirway ’75PhD

Michael J. Hislop ’77

Hugh F. Hoffman III ’81MA +

Joseph E. Hoffman ’99

Lawrence M. Hogan ’78

& Debra (Lewis) Hogan ’78 +

MaryAnn (Zimmerman) Hogan ’76 >

John C. Holdsworth

& Justine G. Holdsworth

James A. Hollister ’59 ~

Ted Horton ’67S

Richard W. Hoss ’62 ~ +

Barbara C. Howard ’78

Kelly Huang ’91

& Michelle L. (Weber) Huang ’91 $

Kerry J. Hueston ’00,’00 +

Laurence A. Hughes ’58 $

Michele J. (Feldman) Hughes ’67

William M. Hurt & Suzanne G. Hurt

Alan D. Hurvitz ’72 + $

Gordon J. Hutchins, Jr. ’70

Charles K. Hyde ’66 +

J. David Ingram ’57 % ~

& Jennifer (Wrightson) Ingram

’58 ~ +

Motoko Inoue

Jeanne (Collins) Irwin ’51

Viola E. (Dube) Iungerich ’60

Mary A. Jablonski ’77 ~ +

Janice (Butcher) James ’77

& Ralph M. James +

Arthur F. Jenkins

Stephen A. Jenkins ’76 ~

Corinne A. (Morris) Johnson ’80 ~ $

Gordon A. Johnson ’93PhD

Robin R. Johnson ’02,’02

Gerald R. Jolly ’67S

& Dolly G. Jolly ’00 +

Christopher L. Jones ’75 % ~

& Lorraine S. Theroux ’75 % ~ +

Gerald L. Jones

Paul C. Jones ’64 ~

& Ruth (Owen) Jones

’64,’78MED,’86MA ~ +

Walter R. Josiah ’82 + $

Thomas Jurkowski %

& Jackie Jurkowski %

Lorraine M. (Augusta) Kaimal ’53 +

Charles T. Kalal ’96MBA % + $

Raymond J. Kaleda ’66

& Laurel V. Kaleda + $

Alan J. Kamlot ’87 ~

Philip T. Kan ’69,’72MS,’75PhD

Richard A. Kane ’92

David Kaplan & Janet M. Rifkin > +

Sumner Z. Kaplan ’41 ~ +

Steven R. Karas ’80 %

& Lynne Satlof-Karas ’79 %

Ilana (Levenson) Katz ’88 ~

& Warren J. Katz +

Jay J. Kaufman ’75 % ~

& Lesley E. (Rosenthal)

Kaufman ’77 % +

John R. Keilty ’73 ~ +

John J. Kelleher, Jr. ’69

Paul W. Kelley ’67 ~

James R. Kelly > & Carol A. Kelly +

Thomas Kennedy

Paul J. Kenny ’87 ~

Colleen (Beaudin) Kettle ’84

Thomas E. Kida ’78PhD >

& Kathryn T. (MacDonald)

Sullivan ’93PhD +

Robert J. Kieras ’75 ~ +

Michel W. Kildare ’57 ~

John H. King, Jr.

Arthur F. Kinney > +

John P. Kirchner ’54

Robert L. Klein ’58

& Elizabeth S. (Spencer) Ivey

’76PhD + $

Clifford J. Knox ’50 ~ + $

John H. Kokoski ’69S

& Elaine Kokoski

Dean’s Circle Member

* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Acushnet Company Grant

A cushnet Company brands, including Titleist, Cobra, and FootJoy, have tremendous cachet on the links.

At the top golf tournaments, you’re more likely to see

FootJoy shoes sidling up to the ball on the greens than any other brand. Their innovative design owes a lot to

UMass Amherst’s own Dr. Joseph Hamill (above). An expert on the biomechanics of the lower extremities,

Hamill mostly studies runners’ injuries. Over the past

15 years, though, he has received nearly $1 million in grants, including $60,000 in 2007, from Acushnet to help redefine what a golf shoe should be.

Ideally, golf shoes offer both flexibility—for striding down fairways—and stability, “a rigid platform,” in Hamill’s words, for taking a swing. Hamill has contributed to the effort to reconcile these aims by investigating such factors affecting feet and legs in motion as forefoot flexibility, mediolateral control, and axial rigidity. Most of the work he does in his

Totman lab, using infrared high-speed cameras, an electromyographic system, force platforms, et al, but sometimes he sits down with FootJoy designers at the factory in Brockton.

“The FootJoy people are really, really nice,” says Hamill. “We started the relationship with a handshake—we didn’t even have a contract the first few years. I like working with them because they’re a

Massachusetts company, and they’ve been very good to my lab. Their funding helps me to support several graduate students who work with me.”

Hamill also has a personal interest—he’s an avid golfer. From a stack of FootJoy shoe boxes by his desk, he removes a snazzy number—white with teal lizard trim—and regards it with the air of a connoisseur. He says, “They’re extremely comfortable. You can take them right out of the box and go play.” www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com



John Koritkoski ’97

& Tara M. Swartz ’98,’98

David V. Koski ’57 ~

William A. Kousmanidis ’90

Michael Kreisler >

Hiromi Kubota ’01

Paul Kuzmeskas %

& Deborah B. Kuzmeskas %

Dale M. Labossiere ’78 +

Victoria J. LaFore ’95MBA $

Peter A. Laird ’76

& Jeannine C. Atkins ’80 +

Robert L. LaPalme ’77,’78MBA +

Glenn LaPlante

Norman A. Lariviere ’57 ~

Joseph S. Larson ’56,’58MS % > ~

& Wendy (Nichols) Larson ’58 ~ +

Richard J. Larson ’97MS,’00PhD ~ $

Jack Lathrop & Kate Lathrop

Frank P. Lattuca, Jr. ’64S,’81EdD % ~

& Nancy Lattuca

Lou Lattuca

Steven N. LaValley ’81 + $

Ronald LaVerdiere

Arthur C. Lawrence ’83

Daniel P. Leahey ’78 +

Leah (Koncelik) Lebec ’79MA

& Alain K. Lebec

Mark A. Leccese ’79 +

Steven M. Lee ’96

David F. Leland, Sr. ’48

& Alice (McNally) Leland ’48 +

Clark A. Lennon ’61 + $

Harold Leppo ’59

& Elaine (Zeitzoff) Leppo ’64 +

Linda L. Letcher ’84MS + $

Leslie J. (Silverman) Levick ’79 +

Howard L. Levin ’75 +

Stewart H. Levin %

& Catherine E. Levin %

Ann C. Levinger ’77MED,’82EdD

& George Levinger >

Franklin Lewenberg ’67 % ~

& Betsy (Singer) Lewenberg ’68 ~ +

Peter K. Lewenberg ’69 % ~

& Gail B. Lewenberg % +

Roger S. Lewenberg ’74 % ~

& Carol C. Lewenberg % +

Robert C. Lienert ’86

& Rhonda L. Hallal ’89 + $

Tzong-Shin Lin ’72MS,’75PhD ~ + $

Yi-Do Lin ’71PhD +

Robert F. Littleton, Jr. ’71

Kenneth A. Lloyd ’73

Eva B. Lohrer ’85MS +

Patricia J. Loncrini ’97S

& John F. Loncrini +

Joseph W. Long ’63

James L. Longo ’79

Elizabeth L. Loughran ’81EdD +

James R. Loux ’97 ~

Steven C. Luby ’84,’86MS

Robert H. Luhrs

Bruce F. MacCombie

’67,’68MM,’86HD >

& Turi MacCombie %

Jane M. Mackay ’68

R. Kirk Mackey ’78

David W. MacLaughlan ’70

Richard F. MacPherson

& Sandra MacPherson

Brendan A. MacWade ’95 $

John R. Madigan ’02

Beth N. Mahoney ’70 ~

John T. Mahoney III ’77 ~ +

Lewis C. Mainzer % >

& Caden Mainzer % +

Peter F. Makowiecki ’82

Michael F. Malone ’79PhD >

& Christine A. Lau +

Louis J. Manfredi ’78MS

& Joanne M. Carroll ’81,’83MS + $

Arthur P. Mange > & Elaine J. Mange +

Sandra J. Mangurian ’64 ~ +

James F. Manwell ’77MS,’81PhD >

Mark A. Marchand ’80 + $

Dana C. Marchant ’74 %

& Mary (Gray) Marchant ’75 % $

Robert K. Marcum

Carol (Cranmer) Marrion ’68

Alan Marshall & Laurie Marshall

Bonnie (Reid) Martin ’70

Irwin G. Martin ’80PhD

William P. Martyn ’58 * ~ +

John E. Masaschi ’55 +

Lisa L. (Pike) Masteralexis ’87 >

& James Masteralexis +

Angela M. Mastromatteo ’91

Elaine J. Matte Mut ’81MBA

& Alan D. Mut + $

Gareth B. Matthews +

Michael K. Matthews ’85

Wallace J. Matthews, Jr. ’67

Charlene H. Mazer ’81MS

& Edward L. Mazer

Alan H. McArdle ’71,’86PhD % >

& Janice P. Mason ’80 % +

Douglas R. McCallum ’75

& Diana L. Neff +

Suzanne L. (Delaney) McCarthy ’87

Kevin F. McCusker ’79 +

Anne M. McDonald %

Richard G. McGee ’67 %

Timothy J. McGrath ’98PhD

Robert J. McHale ’59 ~ +

Anne M. (Potvin) McIntosh

’70,’76MED % +

David J. McLaughlin ’84,’89PhD > ~

& Ann (Frei) McLaughlin ’90MA

Joseph J. McLaughlin ’79 %

& Diane McLaughlin %

Gerald D. McLellan ’57 ~

Michael McMahon % +

Jayne (Arnold) McMellen ’64 % ~ + $

Jonathan A. McNeilly ’86MS $

William L. McQuaide ’80,’82MBA

Paul K. Metevia, Jr. ’63 %

& Gayle (Johnson) Metevia ’63 %

Rens G. Methratta ’02 $

Marcia B. Meudell ’77PhD +

Glenn W. Meurer, Jr. ’80,’85,’87 ~

& Barbara (Weldon) Meurer ’80 ~ +

Mary L. Milkey-May ’81MM ~

& Ernest D. May % > ~ +

James A. Miller ’56 ~

& Ellen (Davis) Miller ’57 ~ +

Kendall G. Miller ’79

& Carla A. (Ray) Miller ’82,’85MS

Edward W. Millette III ’86 ~

George H. Millman ’47 ~ + $

James L. Milton ’70MS,’73PhD

& Martha (Sailor) Milton ’74 +

David J. Mollica %

& Donna J. Zimmer Mollica %

Glenn S. Moore

Marilyn (Towle) Moore ’57 ~

Michael J. Moore ’80 % ~

& Mary E. Morris ’80 % ~

Sherry A. Moore

Sherwood A. Moore ’37S,’06HD * +

Michael & Lynn Moran

Timothy P. Moran ’80

& Cynthia E. (Lemoine) Moran ’72

Jason P. Morgan ’97 ~ $

Vance N. Morgan ’54

Michael W. Morris, Sr. ’63 % ~

& Mary Joan M. Morris %

John H. Morton ’66

& Rachel M. (England) Morton ’66

Sally Motherway +

Thomas H. Mourey ’76,’79PhD +

John Moynihan ’76 ~

& Deborah A. Norton ’76 ~ +

Kathleen M. Moynihan ’88 $

Susan E. Moynihan ’78

James E. Mulcahy ’60S,’66 ~

Richard T. Mulcahy

John T. Murphy ’65

Kevin L. Murphy ’82 & Debby J. Murphy

Donald R. Muzyka ’60 ~

Sharon D. Myers ’86 +

Paul L. Nash

John M. Naughton ’59 % ~ +

John R. Nelson, Jr. %

Mark E. Nelson ’60 ~ +

Daniel J. Nerbonne ’80

& Margaret B. Nerbonne

Peter Nessen & Beatrice Nessen

Gloria E. Nevarez ’93 +

Richard M. Newman ’89 + $

Daniel S. Newton ’90 $

Bryan O. Nicholas, III ’74,’77MBA %

& Cheryl A. Nicholas ’81,’96MS % ~

Yumei Ning ’97MS $

Clifford M. Noreen ’80 % $

Peter S. Novak

Alan C. November ’74

Stuart J. Novick ’72

& Katherine (Smiles) Novick ’73 +

Patrick M. O’Brien ’94

& Karen E. (Russo) O’Brien ’94 $

Paul R. O’Keeffe ’70 ~ + $

William R. O’Leary ’91 $

Elizabeth O’Reilly

James S. O’Sullivan ’65 + $

Elizabeth H. Odell

Alexander F. Ogonowski ’42S + $

Michael S. Olstein

Robert W. Otto ’79 ~

& Bonita E. Otto >

Ron N. Paasch

Mark A. Padolsky ’77 +

Susan L. (Berry) Pakula ’69 +

Peter Panickzo

Thomas W. Panke ’65 +

Mark L. Parent & Sandra Parent +

Thomas F. Parker ’72

Todd W. Paro ’82 $

John J. Pasteris ’54 + $

Eric M. Patey ’89

& Charlene (Douville) Patey ’88 $

Keith M. Paul ’98, ‘06 > ~

& Michael R. Chunyk +

Henry E. Peach ’92

& Deborah K. Nowers ’92EdD +

Glen H. Pearson ’76PhD +

Philip C. Pedersen ’74

& Brenda E. Johnson ’72 $

Branimir Pejcinovic ’86MS,’90PhD

Ethan Penner

Donna J. Perkins ’75

Sheryl D. Pertain ’98 $

Charles E. Peters, Jr. ’73

Dale Peterson & Lorna Peterson +

James P. Petri ’77S

James K. Petros, Jr. ’74 $

Frederick J. Pevey, Jr. ’72,’82MBA

John D. Pfeil ’74

& Cathy L. (Groll) Pfeil ’74 +

John W. Philpott ’63,’77MBA +

Raymond S. Pierson ’79 ~ +

Victor J. Pietkiewicz ’53 ~ + $

Barry S. Pilson ’81 ~ +

Richard C. Placek

& Marcia S. Placek +

Christine (Kosmas) Plette ’73,’92MA

& Anne J. Herrington > +

Patricia (Reid) Ponte ’76 ~ +

Mark A. Popovsky ’72

& Andrea L. Lavender

Larry M. Post ’75 ~ +

Jay Poswolsky ’02MBA %

Robert A. Potash >

& Jeanne Potash +

Charles A. Powers, Jr. ’40 ~

Richard R. Powers III ’02 $

Russell W. Pratt ’59 ~

Bruce N. Press ’89

Jay M. Primack +

Thomas F. Prince ’57 ~

& Joyce (Duval) Prince ’56,’74MA ~

Scott W. Prior ’71 %

& Nanette Vonnegut %

Kyle E. Procter-Murphy ’80 + $

Martha C. Prybylo ’84,’89MPA

Gary E. Pzegeo ’89

& Mary K. Werler $

Michael F. Quinlan ’84

& Jennifer D. (Carbone)

Quinlan ’95 $

Patrick J. Quinlan ’82

John F. Quinn ’57 ~

Keith P. Quinton

Jason L. Radlo ’49

& Irene (Frank) Radlo ’51 +

Peter D. Rappo ’70 ~

Robert T. Ratay ’62MS,’69PhD

& Gabriella (Szekely)

Ratay ’60,’62MA

Susan P. Rauch ’95EdD

Robert W. Rauh ’69MBA ~

& Cheryl Rauh +

Robert G. Raymond ’49 ~

& Jean (Semon) Raymond ’48 ~

Randall Reardon

Richard D. Reardon ’58

& Shirley (Niedbala)

Reardon ’57 ~ +

Jeffery Rearick %

& Bonnie Rearick % $

David A. Reed ’80 %

& Pamela (Katsounakis)

Reed ’80 % +

Douglas A. Reed ’69S

& Ann C. Pickrell

Andrew J. Reid ’67

Patrick D. Reis ’91

& Sharon M. (Mello) Reis ’90

William J. Rex ’54 ~ +

Carl Ribeiro ’68 +

Marcel E. Ricciardelli ’90 + $

Marie L. (Keleher) Riccio ’80

John F. Rich ’75MBA ~

Theresa A. Richards ’90

& Leonard L. Richards

Jill C. Richardson ’76 +

Linda J. Richardson ’74

David Rifken

John M. Riley III ’78 ~

Alexander S. Risk

George Rizopoulos ’84MS

Robert L. Robbins ’83MBA ~ $

Norman R. Robertson ’72

Michael A. Rodman ’61 ~ +

Ivan E. Rodriguez ’02PhD $

Amanda L. Roeder ’02

& Arthur Moffa +

Gerard F. Rogers ’82 ~ +

Richard T. Rogers >

& Julie A. Caswell >

Elizabeth F. (Fowle) Rome ’81

& David L. Rome

David H. Rosen ’59 %

Robert Rosen & Carol Ann Wood +

David P. Rossiter III ’79MBA

Pierre A. Rouzier % > ~

& Arlene Rouzier % ~ +

Mark Rovelli ’79 ~ + $

Barbara (Margolis) Rovit ’49

& Richard L. Rovit +

Alfred Rowell % & Kathy Rowell %

Edward A. Rubin ’69 ~

& Ann Marie (Sullivan)

Rubin ’72 +

Kenneth S. Rubin ’76,’78MBA

& Jeanette B. (Flynn) Rubin ’78

Jill Rulfs ’73 %

& James B. Broadhurst % +

Pauline (Morlock) Russell ’46 ~

Christina M. Ryan ’68

John W. Ryan ’67PhD,’83HD ~

& Pat Ryan

Charles W. Saber ’76

Philip J. Sabra ’71 ~

& Wendy L. (Lash) Sabra ’72 ~

Stephen T. Sadler ’76

& Melanie Sadler

Peter J. Salemi %

& Rosemary J. Salemi %

Nicholas W. Sampson ’82 ~

& Denise M. Coll ’75 ~

Robert W. Samuels %

& Audrey J. Fitzgerald Samuels %

Scott A. Sandler ’83

Edward M. Sargavakian ’88 +

Gerard J. Sarnie ’75,’78MBA ~ +

John G. Savage +

Thomas J. Savage ’84

& Maureen (Brady) Savage ’86

William I. Savel ’55 ~

Vladimir Savikovsky %

& Lena Savikovsky % +

Richard Sawicki

Robert H. Scales, Jr. ’57

Noel E. Schablik ’69 ~

& Carol (Podolski) Schablik ’69 +

Margaret (Conley) Schadt ’85MS +

Bill G. Scheffer ’57 ~ +

David G. Scherer >

& Christine B. McCormick >

Timothy P. Schmitt ’72S %

& Karen (Cearnal)

Schmitt ’73 % + $

Henning G. Schulzrinne ’93PhD

Sigrit J. Schutz ’77PhD

& James E. Cathey >

Linda Schwabe

Ernest Schwartz ’39 ~ +

William J. Sciarappa

Gilbert C. Scott ’89 +

Janet A. Secatore ’69

Sandra E. (Armstrong) Seifert ’84

Elisabeth O. Selkirk >

Judith (Broder) Sellner ’52

& Arthur Sellner +

Dayton J. Semerjian ’88 $

Arthur B. Semle %

& Norma B. Semle %

Brian D. Semle ’86

& Susan (Bova) Semle ’88

Richard M. Senatore ’91

& Valerie L. (Vidmar)

Senatore ’93 +

Harry N. Seymour % >

& Charlena M. Seymour % > +

Mathew R. Sgan ’56 %

Ray Shankel & Helen Shankel

Andrew I. Shapiro ’82 ~

& Ruth Bonsignore ’83 ~

Gary P. Sharpe ’70

Dean’s Circle Member


* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Nellie Mae Education

Foundation Grant

M any high school dropouts eventually get their diplomas, but only a small percentage go on to college, and even fewer get degrees. Various organizations are trying to improve the numbers. The

Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF), for example, sponsors college prep programs in which participants brush up academic skills and learn about the college application process, financial aid, and college culture.

Do the programs work? That’s what Cristine Smith EdD ’97 and Steven Sireci, School of Education professors, want to find out. NMEF gave them a $1 million grant this year to launch the Adult Transitions Longitudinal Study. ATLAS is a five-year research project that will follow one year’s cohort of students, approximately 300 people, enrolled in 11

New England college prep programs. Smith and Sireci will track how many complete the programs, how many go to college, and how many graduate. They’ll also collect data on the graduates’ employment to find out if their earnings improved and if their attitudes toward their children’s educations and the value of a college degree changed.

“Many people drop out of high school because of learning disabilities or poverty. We want to find out what supports and what hinders these students’ success in college,” says

Smith. “We hope that what we discover will help college prep programs to understand and remove barriers that nontraditional college students encounter. Another goal is to make our findings available to other foundations and state governments who may fund and run similar programs.

“It’s a great project to be working on,” Smith adds.

“Traditionally, the emphasis in adult education has been on helping people get their GEDs. The trend now is toward encouraging people to go on to college after that, because post-secondary education is so important in enabling people to make a living wage and for our society to be globally competitive. We hope the information we provide will support this trend and help future students.” www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


Garrett C. Sharpless ’76

& Kathy (Gruber) Sharpless ’77 +

Robert P. Shaughnessey ’75,’03 ~

Walter L. Shaw ’70

Herbert J. Shepardson ’78

& Elizabeth A. (Scott)

Shepardson ’78

Norma L. (Jewell) Shiatte ’54 ~ +

James G. Shields ’60 ~

& Marilynn (Kolazyk)

Shields ’61 ~ + $

Neal R. Shipley

Edward D. Shirley ’78 $

Anil J. Shrikhande ’73PhD +

J. Curtis Shumway +

Stephen Shusterman ’62

& Sandra L. (Gruber) Shusterman

Alfred J. Siano ’62

& Mary (Shea) Siano ’69 $

Rupinder S. Sidhu ’77MBA

Norman W. Silcox ’53,’55MS

& Betsy (Burghardt) Silcox ’57 $

Albert Silverman %

& Virginia Lenaghen %

Emily S. Silverman > ~ +

Scott J. Simenas ’71 + $

David L. Simmons ’75 % +

Stacy B. Simonson & Norman Simonson

Bruce G. Simpson ’68 $

Richard H. Simpson ’58 > ~

& Constance L. Kennedy +

Neil P. Sirota ’88

Edwin V. Sisson ’68 +

Patience (Pye) Skarsgard ’67

Thomas M. Skiba ’90

& Elisabeth A. (Richard) Skiba ’91

Karen D. Skolfield ’98MFA

& Dennis L. Goeckel > +

Thomas C. Slane ’74MS

Gloria Slosberg

Emil J. Slowinski, Jr. ’46

& Emily D. Slowinski +

Benedict J. Smar >

George A. Smith, Jr. ’55 ~

& Linda Smith ~ +

Howard R. Smith ’75 ~ $

Nathaniel M. Smith ’78 ~

Louise F. Snow $

Donald J. Sokolnicki ’76

Vivek K. Soni ’82MS,’86PhD

& Ameeta (Narula) Soni ’82MS

Elaine J. Sortino HA > +

Peter J. Southard ’86

& Patricia J. Stevens ’85 +

Donald J. Southwick ’71 % ~

& Sandra (Desjourdy) Southwick ’73 +

John G. Spanbauer ’81MS

& Nancy E. (Rider) Spanbauer ’77 +

Peter F. Spears ’68 +

William H. Spence ’74

Aaron D. Spencer

Guy A. Spinelli ’73 +

John G. Spitzak ’85,’96PhD +

James T. Stamas ’54 ~ +

Constance (Newton) Stancell ’69 ~ $

Gary E. Stanitis ’80 %

& Judith A. (Bell) Stanitis ’80 %

John F. Stanne ’83 ~ + $

Michael P. Stansky ’80

& Jill (Metlitz) Stansky ’81 +

Herbert Stark & Paulina H. Stark

Mary A. (Satterthwaite) Stasiak ’81 ~ +

Richard M. Steele ’57 ~

& Lois (Bain) Steele ’57 ~ $

Jane E. (Isgur) Stein ’82MS % >

& Peter B. Stein % +

Glenn R. Stephens ’91 ~ +

Morton M. Sternheim %

& Helen R. Sternheim % +

George E. Stewart %

& Glenna Stewart %

Stephen C. Stimson ’83 +

Shirley C. (Hodgkins) Stolte ’64

& Robert R. Stolte + $

Robert E. Stone III %

& Lorraine S. Stone %

Walter Storozuk, Jr. & Evelyn Storozuk +

Peter F. Straley ’85MBA

& Donna Straley

John Stuart

David A. Sturgis ’00 $

Thomas A. Sturgis ’00 $

Stacey M. Styles

Don P. Sugai ’76MS,’78PhD

& Danuta Bukatko ’76PhD

Douglas M. Suliman, Jr. ’77 %

& Patricia M. (O’Brien) Suliman ’80

Daniel J. Sullivan ’65

Eileen M. Sullivan ’76MBA $

James F. Sullivan ’55 ~

& Sally Sullivan +

Robert Sullivan & Patricia Sullivan % +

William A. Sutton % +

Laurie S. (Forman) Swaim ’83 +

Richard C. Swain ’55 % ~

& Sandy J. Swain % +

Howard B. Swartz ’78

& Kathleen M. Keohane + $

Charles Swider

Bernard P. Szymanski, Jr. ’94MS %

& Candra Szymanski % +

Donald Taglialatella

Ting-Wei Tang > & Shirley S. Tang +

Gary F. Tansino ’74 % +

Karen A. Tarlow ’70,’73MM

& John A. Montanari >

Philip J. Tarpey, Jr. ’55

Jason A. Tata ’95 + $

Corey A. Tavel

Gordon E. Taylor ’52 ~

& Marion (Felton) Taylor ’54 ~ +

Joseph P. Taylor ’83 + $

Eugene Terry ’74PhD %

& Esther M. (Alexander) Terry ’74PhD > ~

Ann M. Testarmata ’77

Leverne Thelan & Mary Lou Thelan +

Patricia Thiebeaulx

Alexander C. Thole ’84 ~

& Lori I. Weiss-Thole ’84 ~

Cherie R. (Burns) Thompson ’92

& Irwin E. Thompson +

Kenzie K. Thompson > +

Robert E. Till

Zina Tillona > +

Barbara (Shannon) Tincher ’72

Leonard A. Todd ’50 ~ +

Maurice Tonkin ’38 +

Lois (Beurman) Torf ’46,’86HD

Paul M. Torpey ’78 & Leslie A. Torpey

James L. Torres ’82

& Suzanne M. (Jacek) Torres ’82 $

Nancy (Gage) Torrey ’73 ~

& Philip B. Torrey +

Louis G. Tortoriello ’68MS $

Michelle A. Toth ’90

Conrad D. Totman ’58

& Michiko (Ikegami) Totman ’59

Richard J. Trant +

William F. Troy III ’76

& Karen (Izbicki) Troy ’76

Thomas T. Tung ’76PhD $

Jay E. Turnberg ’78,’79MS %

& Ann (Muri) Turnberg ’77 % +

Alexandra Turner

Charles Turner

Faythe D. Turner ’78PhD

Gregory J. Turner %

& Shelley M. Turner +

Jessica Turner

Dennis J. Twohig ’61 +

Carol M. Tyler ’77

Steven C. Upton ’71 %

& Patricia Upton

Paul E. Utgoff > & Karen Utgoff

Daniel C. Van Starrenburg ’80S

Eric J. Vargo ’96 ~

Patrick J. Veale ’79

& Karen M. (Carbone) Veale ’80 ~ + $

Richard J. Volungis ’55MS

& Mildred (Spelman) Volungis ’56 +

Alexander M. Vyce ’68 +

Shirley A. Wagner ’77MA,’83PhD

Thomas Walkowiak ’82

John S. Wallace ’96MS

& Barbara J. Wallace ’86MBA

Altina L. Waller ’71,’73MA,’80PhD

Garrett Waller >

John B. Walsh ’57 ~ +

Hongxin Wang ’91MS

Tony Wang % & Tai Wang %

Zhuang Wang ’85MS

Edward C. Warner ’43 ~

& Mary E. (Martin) Warner ’44 ~ +

Patricia C. Warner > +

Elizabeth C. Washburn % +

James H. Weeks ’52

Barry Y. Weiner ’63 +

Alan H. Weinfeld ’96 ~

James V. Weis ’82 ~ $

Michael E. Weissel ’89 ~

& Karen S. Weissel +

Edward L. Weist ’88PhD

& Annemarie (Ott) Weist ’86 + $

Paul R. Wennik ’62 +

James E. West ’50

Janet M. Westley ’67 +

Barbara J. White

Robert C. Wiesel ’72

Edward C. Williams III ’88

Rawn N. Williams

Richard J. Williams ’57 $

James B. Wills, Jr. ’82 ~

Jane C. (Caffrey) Wilson ’56 ~

Richard D. Wilson ’63 ~

& Barbara J. (Fitz) Wilson ’63 ~ +

Frederic Winthrop

Deter Wisniewski >

Gerard H. Wolf ’66 +

Samuel L. Wolman ’83 +

Hing-Cheung Wong ’79MS,’81PhD

& Bee-Yau Huang ’81MS

Nancy E. Wyllie ’00 ~

Taoling Xie ’92PhD

C. Daniel Yang ’95PhD

Paul Zahradnik

Susan (Dewar) Zajac ’54 ~

Paul J. Zegger ’82 +

Thomas W. Zeiler ’85MA,’89PhD

Russell W. Zub ’76,’79MS

& Carol N. Zub ’87MS + $

Donald Zucco

Deans’ Circle Affiliate

Recent Alumni

Mawunyo K. Adanu ’99MS $

Jenafer L. Andren ’04MS >

Chad W. Arnold ’03

Andrew C. Bail ’02 ~ +

Courtney L. (Nagelschmidt) Balzotti ’02

Roni R. Beal ’03 ~ +

Lawrence A. Becker ’96MA,’01PhD

Laurie Benoit ’99 > ~

& Barry DelCastilho

Marina B. Blanco ’04MA

Rosalie Bleznicki ’97 ~ +

Adam R. Brewster ’05

Mark F. Buffone ’98 ~

& Nancy M. (Kahn)

Buffone ’95,’03MED > ~ +

Brendan J. Burroughs ’03 ~

Kevin P. Cavanaugh ’03MED

Carlos A. Cevallos ’00 ~

& Barbara (Baumel) Cevallos ’90 ~

Jennifer A. Chase ’06

Charles N. Cheatwood, Jr. ’02MS $

Dansong Chen ’02MS,’03MS,’03MS

& Lina Chen ’05

Yong-Qing Cheng ’97PhD

& Cheng-Feng Han ’96MS

Jamie B. Chisum ’97MED

Phuoc T. Chu ’05 $

Autumn B. Cohen ’04

Kevin M. Cronin ’98

Michael A. Czabaj ’06 $

Christopher M. D’Amour ’03,’04

Jon T. Davenport ’05,’06MS $

Amanda J. Ellis ’97 ~ $

James N. Figlar ’94MS,’98PhD

& Julie (Gibb) Figlar ’98MS

Matthew R. Frascella ’01,’01

& Diana L. Lapointe ’03 $

Paul Friedmann ’00MBA ~

Duncan W. Gillan ’00 ~

& Ruth S. (Smith) Gillan ’81 ~

H. Robert Graglia ’97 ~

Joshua P. Grey ’97 ~ +

James M. Harrity, Jr. ’99MED,’06EdD ~

Aaron A. Harsh ’97,’99MPA +

Christopher C. Heathwood ’05PhD

David L. Hoagland ’05

94 UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

Michael J. Houy ’03

Lauren Hurd ’05

Paul D. Hutchen ’02

John J. Janus ’03 ~

Todd A. Kitterman ’02 ~

Edward J. Kosinski ’02 ~

& Athena (Estavillo) Kosinski ’00 ~

Borislava Kostova ’06PhD ~ $

Bernard R. Kubiak ’05MPA

Matthew P. Latchford ’04

Gregory P. Leger ’02 ~

& Jayme L. (Brown) Leger ’03 ~

John M. Macuga ’99 ~ +

Pedro J. Manzano-Yates ’07MS

Christopher A. Martin ’97

David W. Mason ’99

John A. Mathews ’04MPA >

& Barbara A. Mathews

Beth T. McBratney ’98

Tiago D. Moreira ’03

Shayan S. Mozaffar ’03 + $

Janet Muzzy ’05 > ~ +

Karolyn N. Myers ’04

Paul J. Neavyn ’03 ~

George E. Oulundsen III ’99PhD $

Joseph J. Petkunas ’97

Katherine A. Piedra ’04MBA ~

Laura J. (Veise) Ritter ’99MS ~

Michael S. Ross ’99

& Nicole M. (Bonanno) Ross ’88

Brian T. Roughan ’98

Adam P. Roy ’98 $

Michelle E. Salek ’01 ~

Matthew Saradjian ’02,’02,’04MBA

& Margaret L. Saradjian

Matthew B. Sawa ’98 ~

Timothy B. Schulze ’02MBA

& Burcu (Akcidem) Schulze

’02MBA $

Benjamin M. Scott ’99 ~

Matthew Shilvock ’02MPA

Jauna L. Souza ’03

Kelly Stone ’98MS

Laurel B. Sturma ’06

& David P. Sturma

Julia L. Sullivan ’03

Cynthia A. Suopis ’02PhD >

Tracy E. Sutherland ’02

Mary A. Taft ’00PhD ~

& Leslie E. Smith > +

Shalabh Tandon ’95MS,’97PhD

& Karla B. (Rasmussen)

Tandon ’96MM $

Matthew Torra

Matthew J. Twarog ’98

& Jesse L. (Rutherford)

Twarog ’97 $

Christopher M. Van Voorhies ’03 $

Jason D. Vandoros ’03

Santosh K. Verma ’01MPH

James A. Wagstaff

Michael E. Warner ’05

Sarah E. Weisner ’05 > ~

Anthony R. Witman ’03,’05MS

Adrienne L. Wootters ’02PhD ~

Eric J. Wright ’97MS

& Dawn M. Wright + $

Taewon Yang ’02PhD

Xiaoyu Yang ’04PhD

Jun Zhang ’94MS,’00PhD

Lei Zheng ’02PhD $

* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Billy Taylor Endowment for Jazz Residencies

T his year, Billy Taylor and Teddi, his wife, gave $10,000 to the Billy Taylor Endowment for Jazz Residencies, which they established eight years ago. Now totaling over $100,000, thanks to gifts from the Taylors and others, the endowment brings recognized and emerging artists to campus to teach, perform, and commune with students for three days every year.

Resident artists have included Regina Carter, Jason Moran, and

Nnenna Freelon.

Dr. Taylor (he earned an EdD from UMass Amherst in 1975 and received an honorary Doctor of Arts in 1986) says “this place was where everything came together” for him.

By then he was already an established artist. With other jazz greats on faculty, there was a lot of “crosspollination,” he remembers.

That wasn’t his first experience with crosspollination. In the forties, coming to New York fresh out of college, Taylor stepped into a golden musical moment. Of the legendary club-lined

Manhattan block where he spent many hours listening and performing, he says,

“Playing on 52nd Street was like going to music school.”

A virtuoso musician and an acclaimed composer, Taylor is also a preeminent and versatile educator. To spread the word about jazz, “America’s classical music,” as he famously put it,

Taylor started New York’s pioneering Jazzmobile program, was a longtime CBS Sunday Morning host, National Public Radio presenter, a WLIB (AM) deejay, and a Downbeat contributor.

The Wilmer D. Barrett Professor of Music at UMass Amherst is still a spell-binding teacher. Last summer, his lecture at Jazz in July was met with cheers and wild applause from a mostly teenage audience.

“Jazz is personal communication,” he told them, onstage in Bezanson Hall. With hands poised over the keys, he introduced an evocative musical interlude: “I could tell you what I mean, but it has more meaning at the piano.”

Through the endowment, gifted jazz artists share their discoveries with a younger generation. “You want to spread your knowledge and enthusiasm among friends,” Taylor urges. “Say what you have to say, no one else can do it quite the same.” www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


The following individuals have designated the University of Massachusetts

Amherst as a beneficiary of their estate plans through life insurance, wills, life income gifts, and retained life estates. We recognize them for their commitment to the future of UMass Amherst.

The William Smith Clark Society

Herschel G. Abbott # >

& Beth L. Abbott # *

Elizabeth Acheson ’51

Andrea Adams ’89,’91MPA

George H. Allen ’36,’67HD *

Mary P. Anderson ’66,’71MS

Frederick N. Andrews

’35,’36MS,’62HD *

Margaret E. (Truran) Angelini ’39

Barr G. Ashcraft ’66MA *

Theodore S. Bacon, Jr. >

Mildred S. Barber ’43 # *

Ellsworth Barnard ’28,’69HD # * >

& Mary (Taylor) Barnard ’34 # *

John B. Barr ’33 # *

Wilmer D. Barrett ’34 * %

Virginia A. Beal >

Karakian Bedrosian ’54

James M. Begin ’85 *

Larry G. Benedict ’67,’70MED,’73EdD

& Susan (McGuinn) Benedict

’69,’71MED,’79CAGS,’87EdD +

John E. Bennett ’43 ~

John W. Bennett ’52 > ~ +

Lorrey J. Bianchi ’69 ~ + $

Edward L. Bike ’24 # *

& Elsie (Nickerson) Bike ’26 # *

Richard J. Bonomi ’66

Cecile M. Bouchard

& Nancy E. Webster

Linda M. (Lemieux) Bouley ’65 ~

Juanita (Ford) Bradspies, ’59

Joseph & Eunice Brine

Randolph W. Bromery ’79HD > + $

Robert N. Brooks

Roger W. Brown, Jr. ’40 ~

Kenneth L. Bullis ’39MS *

Mary Jane (Parisi) Burke ’59 ~

Clarice A. Burrell # *

Theodore C. Caldwell # *

Samuel D. Cannavo ’69 #

Mary (Ireland) Carlson ’46

Edward S. Chang % > +

I. Mike Chase ’50 # *

Michael J. Clifford ’50,’53MS # ~

Robert W. Coburn

Julie A. Cohan

Charlotte M. Cooke *

Theodore F. Cooke, Jr. ’34 *

John C. Corr ’61 ~ +

Tony D. Crespi ’85EdD

& Cheryl S. Crespi

John M. Cryan ’58

Janet W. Dakin *

Jeanette L. (Dipaoli) Damon ’83CAGS

Judith A. Davidson ’83PhD

Harriet (Rayner) Derry ’43 *

Robert J. Devalle ’58 #

Robert O. Dewey ’47 *

George A. Dickerman ’61,’92HD + $

Leslie A. Dierauf ’70

Stephen E. Elmont ’64 *

Jean E. Ferson ’52

Irene F. Fogg # *

Martin Fonseca ’29 # *

Gail (Mandell) Fox ’65

Benedict F. Galas ’51 #

Karen L. Garvin ’66 +

Dorothy (Dunklee) Gavin ’43 ~ +

George J. Gibavic ’50S *

& Annette (Nelson) Gibavic ’64 ~ +

Charles L. Gleason ’40 *

& Martha (Shirley) Gleason ’42 ~

William A. Green ’65 #

& N. Bonny (Clapp) Green ’66 #

Peter F. Grigas, ’62

Robert C. Gunness ’32,’63HD # *

Myron D. Hager ’40 # ~

& Gladys (Archibald) Hager ’41 # ~

Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern

’74MA,’79PhD %

& Joel M. Halpern % >

Shane P. Hammond ’91,’95MED

Stanley L. Handman ’55 # ~

& Penny Bix-Handman

William B. Harmon ’65 ~

William J. Harrington ’51,’52 ~

& Joyce (Gibbs) Harrington

’45,’52MS *

Susan M. (McCarthy) Hewett ’72

& Roger M. Hewett #

Martha B. Hill ’42 *

Jonathan A. Hite ’78 #

Norman C. Holcomb ’66 %

Doris R. Holden ’75,’80MS ~ +

Jean (Gould) Hollis ’46 ~ +

Frank F. Homeyer ’28 *

Rhoda S. Honigberg +

Leonard J. Horwitz ’49 *

Douglas W. Hosmer ’44

E. Vickery Hubbard *

Richard W. Hubbard ’35 # * +

Richard F. Jackson ’49,’55MS,’57PhD ~

Mary (Ingraham) Jones ’27 # *

Robert W. Joyce ’50 ~ +

Marie B. Kelleher ’42

Diane E. Kelton ’45,’62PhD ~ +

Evelyn (Davis) Kennedy ’26 *

Louis J. Kirsch III ’55 +

Suzanne C. Knapp ’51

J. Henry Korson *

David J. Lane ’58 ~ +

John W. Lederle ’70HD * >

& Angie K. Lederle *

Maurice W. Leland ’42

Ruth (Raphael) Levens ’48,’50MS # +

W. Torrey Little * & Doris T. Little *

Linda G. Lockwood

Daniel Rosenfield ’53 ~

John J. Ross ’48S *

Janice (Rittenburg) Rossbach ’49 ~ + $

Robert H. Ruf, Jr. ’52S,’55 *

& Patricia A. Ruf *

Janet C. Sargent ’35 *

Neil Scanlan ’67 ~

Manfred E. Schmaizl ’60 ~ +

Judith (Broder) Sellner ’52 +

Gary P. Sharpe ’70

Alice K. (Monk) Shepard ’43

Julian S. Shock, Jr. ’68S *

Don H. Smith ’34 #

Frederic S. Smith III ’63 # % +

Norman A. Smith ’79,’91MBA ~ + $

Susan C. Soloyanis ’75MS,’78PhD

Barbara L. Sparks ’70 ~ +

Richard D. Lundy ’47 #

Douglas V. MacBrien ’76,’79MBA

William P. MacConnell ’43 *

John A. Maginnis ’18,’68HD *

Elaine (Nicpon) Marieb ’69PhD,’85MS

Esther (Coffin) Martin ’47

Michael A. Mendelsohn ’66

& Elizabeth M. Ferry ’66

Charlotte (Roberts) Messner ’55 ~

Donald G. Moriarty ’60 %

Roy E. Morse ’40,’41MS,’48PhD ~

James E. Mulcahy ’60S,’66 ~

Gerald W. Murphy ’57 ~

Stephen J. Nojeim ’81MS

John F. O’Connell, Jr. ’69,’72MBA

Carl S. Oberg ’50

Dorothy Ornest *

John V. Osmun ’40 ~

& Dorothy (Morley) Osmun ’40 *

Wayne S. Paige ’58 *

Bradford O. Parker *

Charles F. Perrell ’71,’72MBA ~

Victor J. Pietkiewicz

’53 # ~ + $

Arthur I. Poland, ’64 +

Marjorie (Aubertin) Pratt ’45

Thomas E. Radlo ’69 ~ +

Margarita H. Rand *

Marvin D. Rausch #

& Jane M. Rausch # >

Mary (Carney) Rockwell ’45

Israel J. Rogosa ’42 *

Harold D. Rose ’39 *

Diane (Presz) Stengle ’72,’80PhD % ~

Doris (Dyer) Steward ’39 * ~

Helen E. Symons ’65 #

Jesse A. Taft ’30,’48MS *

Milton C. Taft ’54 ~

Paul H. Terry ’59MS,’63PhD ~

Donald N. Thatcher ’49 *

& Janet (Sanctuary) Thatcher ’49 ~ +

Kasha V. Thayer ’44 *

Robert P. Thimot ’53 ~

& Barbara A. Thimot

Hayden B. Tibbetts, Jr. ’60 ~

Rose N. Vali # *

C. Lynn Vendien # * >

Marguerite (Merritt) Walker ’45 ~

Esther M. Wallace * HA >

Nancy R. Webber ’42 # ~

Millicent (Carpenter) Wettstein ’40

Kenneth D. Witt ’42 ~ $

John M. Zebb ’75

Ervin H. Zube ’99HD *

# = Charter Member

* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

96 UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

The following individuals have been honored or memorialized by members of this year’s 1863 Society.


In Honor of

E. Wayne Abercrombie >

Lorrey J. Bianchi ’69 ~

& Kathleen M. Casey-Bianchi

Ingrid P. (Babb) Bracey

’75MED,’84EdD % >

Nicholas K. Bromell >

Julie A. Caswell >

Frank P. DiGiammarino, II ’55 %

& Helen DiGiammarino

Lee R. Edwards

Kenneth R. Feinberg

’67,’02HD ~

Judith I. Gill ’72 ~

John J. Kominski ’59,’90HD ~

George M. Langford >

Frank P. Lattuca, Jr.

’64S,’81EdD % > ~

C. Peter Lillya >

Cathryn L. Lombardi

John V. Lombardi > ~

Jerome M. Mileur >

Ronald C. Mannino % >

John R. Mullin ’67 >

Sonia Nieto ’79EdD >

Kenneth L. O’Brien ’63 % >

Margaret J. O’Brien >

Thomas O’Brien > ~

W. Brian O’Connor

George R. Richason, Jr.

’37,’39,’91HD > ~

Alan C. Swedlund

Cleve E. Willis >

In Memory of

Charles S. Adams

Edward E. Anderson

’41,’42MS,’49PhD ~

Thomas J. Andrews ’41

Scott J. Bacherman ’76

David J. Beaubien ’57

Kathleen A. (Horan) Berman ’76

Charles Breslin

Barbara B. Burn >

Anne Halley Chametzky

Mary F. Condron

Edna Cook

John D. DeFuria ’71 %

Thomas J. Gaffney, Sr.

Joseph Hopkins

Antoinette Ilardi

Louis J. Israel

Mr. & Mrs. G. N. Jeppson

John A. Leamna HA %

Kerry (Dunn) MacKenzie ’88

John M. Maki >

Robert E. McIntosh III

Sherwood A. Moore ’37S,’06HD

David H. Navon >

James P. O’Connell ’58

Katherine C. Panish

Robin J. Popplestone >

F. Miles Sawyer >

Donald C. Sellar ’49

Joyce E. Smar

Forrest S. Stoddard ’79PhD %

John T. Sweeney ’56 % ~

Eric P. Valdepeñas

Edith Walker

Helen V. (Eaton) Walsh ’71

Aaron D. Wilson ’94

Andrew D. Wise ’90

Stanley Young >

The UMass Amherst Food

Science Center for Health and Wellness

I magine savoring delicious strawberry ice cream loaded with gingko biloba for added brain power.

Not skimping on the salad dressing, because its omega-3 fats could reduce, rather than increase, your chances of a heart attack. Called healthful food intervention, this approach delivers beneficial agents painlessly into people’s bodies and lives. So that it can expand its innovative research in this and other areas, the Food Science Department in the College of

Natural Resources and the Environment has launched the Just Imagine Campaign to create the Center for Health and Wellness. This spring, Dr. Karakian

Bedrosian ’54 made a planned gift of $250,000 toward the center’s creation. Bedrosian is the inventor of a highly successful method of shipping produce long distances without refrigeration.

In the first phase, NRE will transform three rooms in

Chenoweth Lab into a state-of-the-art research suite, at a projected cost of $4 million, with $2 million to be raised by Food Science. The second phase will add another suite. The center, to open once the first suite is complete, will house departmental research efforts and be the on-campus site for clinical trials.

“We are the only food science department taking such a multifactor approach to finding food solutions to health issues. Our research encompasses metabolic products, food safety, food biotechnology, nanotechnology, and recommendations for public policy in both developed and underdeveloped countries,” says Department Chair Fergus Clydesdale.

Bringing together scientists from many disciplines and academic institutions and promoting alliances with industry and government, the new center will make the department an even bigger player when it comes to this key research.



Through their generosity, the following corporations, foundations, and other organizations supported a broad range of programs and activities at a level of $25,000 or more.


David Weisblat Gift

A s an undergraduate at UMass Amherst,

David Weisblat ’75 majored in political science. The former honors program student believes his education prepared him well for law school and a successful career as a tax specialist and partner in a foremost

Washington, D.C., firm. That is why he has steadily contributed to Commonwealth

College, the honors college at UMass


This year, Weisblat substantially increased the amount of his gift to Commonwealth

College. As he has in the past, he gave to the college’s general operating budget, so that Dean Priscilla M. Clarkson (above) can decide how best to use his contribution. “It’s impossible for me to judge where the needs are, so it makes more sense to provide the support and let others decide how to use it most effectively,” Weisblat says.

Appointed last June, Clarkson is a new dean but a familiar figure on campus.

She earned her bachelor’s, master’s, and

PhD at UMass Amherst and joined the

Exercise Science faculty in 1977. She brings impressive credentials as a scientist and an administrator to her role as dean, and equally impressive aims. Weisblat’s gift, she notes, may go toward new initiatives designed to attract more motivated students from all backgrounds to Commonwealth College.

Or it may help fund community service programs or the Honors Research Grant

Awards Program that provides money for undergraduate to pursue research projects.

However it is applied, Weisblat’s gift will enrich the educational experience of some of

UMass Amherst’s best and brightest students.

98 UMass Amherst • Fall 2007


(including Corporate Foundations)

Acushnet Company

Aetna +

All States Asphalt, Inc. +

Analog Devices, Inc.

Ansoft Corporation

Ball Horticultural Company +

Barker Steel Company, Inc.

Bluestone Energy

Services, Inc.

BOC Edwards, Inc.

Bunge Oils, Inc.

Center for Popular


Cleary Chemical


Corporation for Public


E.I. du Pont de Nemours

& Company +

Eastman Kodak Company

Enzyme Research

Laboratories, Inc.

Essilor of America, Inc.

ExxonMobil Foundation

Fila USA

General Motors Corporation

Google, Inc.

Hartford Hospital

HCC Specialty

Underwriters, Inc.

Hong Family

Investment, LLC

Intel Corporation +

International Business

Machines Corporation +

International Food

Network, Ltd. +

Interstate Industrial


M/A-COM, Inc. +

Microsoft Corporation +

Narus Incorporated

The Options

Industry Council

Paroscientific, Inc.

Pearl/Adams Corporation

Pepsico Foundation

Raytheon Company +

R.J. Reynolds

Tobacco Company

Saudi Basic Industries


Sprint Nextel Corporation

Syngenta Crop

Protection, Inc. +

Tate & Lyle Ingredients

Americas, Inc.

TCS America, Inc.

Unilever Bestfoods +

The Valley Advocate

Western Mass

Electric Company

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Wolf, Greenfield

& Sacks, P.C.

Zurich Capital

Markets Inc. +


(including Family Foundations)

1 Anonymous Donor

John A. & Elizabeth S.

Armstrong Fund

ASHP Research

& Education Foundation

Ayco Charitable

Foundation +

The Boston Foundation, Inc.

John & Elaine

Brouillard Fund

Jessie B. Cox

Charitable Trust

Lotta M. Crabtree Trust +

Cricket Island Foundation

Camille & Henry Dreyfus


Robert & Kathleen Eckert

Family Fund

Educational Foundation

of America

Ford Foundation

Pamela Meadows Jacobs

Family Trust

JEHT Foundation

Max Kade Foundation,

Inc. +

Frank & Shelly Kline

Living Trust

John S. & James L. Knight


Lipp Family Foundation

J. Willard & Alice S.

Marriott Foundation

Massachusetts 4-H

Foundation, Inc. +

The Medical Foundation

Andrew W. Mellon


Nellie Mae Educational


Nirenberg Foundation,

Inc. +

Parkinson’s Disease

Foundation, Inc.

Sheryl L. Rosenbaum

Foundation +

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

The Spencer Foundation

Topol Family Fund

Vietnam Education


Other Organizations

Alpha Tau Gamma, Inc.

Alumni Turf Group

American Chemical

Society +

American Diabetes


American Heart Association

Baystate Health

System, Inc. +

Baystate Medical Center

Chartered Alternative

Investment Analyst


Cure Autism Now

DuPont Crop Protection

Fidelity Charitable

Gift Fund +

Goldman Sachs

Philanthropy Fund

Ideal Consulting

Services Inc.

International Rett

Syndrome Association

Korea Institute of

Machinery and Materials

Massachusetts Fruit

Growers’ Association,

Inc. +

Minnesota News Council

National Grid USA Service

Company, Inc.

National Humanities Center

New England Regional

Turfgrass Foundation

New York Farmers

PERI Support Fund

Research Support Fund +

Shield Family Fund

Society for Women’s

Health Research

Society of American

Military Engineers +

Space Telescope

Science Institute +

Vanguard Charitable

Endowment Program +

Wildlife Conservation


+ = 5 or more consecutive years of giving

The Armstong Fund for Science

J ohn and Elizabeth Armstrong, who have given generously to UMass Amherst before, established the Armstrong Fund for Science last year because they want to “promote major scientific advances in society by supporting researchers with bold vision, documented credentials, and a passion for results,” in John Armstrong’s words. A new faculty member in the College of Natural Sciences and

Mathematics, Harry Bermudez, was awarded one of the two inaugural grants. (The other went to Assistant

Professor Janice Telfer, at the College of Natural

Resources and the Environment.)

An assistant professor in the department of Polymer

Science and Engineering, Bermudez (above) received a one-year, $22,500 grant for research related to immune system response. The grant will allow him to conduct in vitro experiments to interrogate specific types of immune cells at different stages of response and their interactions with bacterial viruses. Bermudez hopes to uncover some of the survival secrets of viruses, “classical evaders of the immune system,” as he has put it. That kind of information could ultimately have important practical applications: in the creation of synthetic materials, for example, that would improve hip implants.

Holding a bachelor’s from UMass Amherst and a

PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in chemical engineering, Bermudez is drawn to research that explores the interface between materials and biology.

As a postdoctoral fellow, he was involved in tissue engineering. Back at his alma mater, Bermudez is pleased to be in an academic setting where interdisciplinary inquiry is ongoing. Sitting in his office in the Conte Polymer Research Center, he notes, “This building has really been ahead of the curve, in terms of it being a place where people from civil engineering, chemical engineering, molecular biology, and other fields come together.”

“This grant,” he adds, “will be a tremendous help, in getting my lab built up, in hiring graduate students.

Just the materials alone are very expensive. From this beginning, I can build a larger research group and pursue larger research grants.” www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


The following companies provided matching gift support for this year’s 1863 Society donors.

Merriam Internship


B efore coming to UMass Amherst, I didn’t know what economics was,” says Rod Motamedi ’08 (above), one of the first recipients of the Merriam Internship

Scholarship. Originally planning to study business, he took a microeconomics course and realized, “all the things that I find most interesting about business are really the domain of economists.”

Dwight Merriam ’68 established the scholarship in 2007 to support summer or semester-long internships in public policy, law, ecological conservation, and/or real estate development. It enabled Motamedi, who is paying his own way through school, to accept an internship at Regional Economic

Models, where he’s gotten “a mixture of life and work lessons.” He says, “I learned about the underlying threads that hold economics together and the on-the-ground reality of working in economics: that two monitors are better than one, and sometimes the printer breaks.”

It has also built on his positive experience at UMass Amherst: “I can’t think of a class

I haven’t liked. I’ve been surrounded by excellence.”

Dwight Merriam set up the scholarship to help outstanding students like Motamedi. “As someone from a background of very limited means, I know how important having cash in school is.” Mentoring was also part of the deal: “I thought it would be useful for the recipients to have the opportunity to call on me as needed,” he says. His third motive?

“To strongly encourage other alumni to give in bigger or smaller ways and as a multiyear commitment. Doing so is a partial payback to the university for the well-rounded education that got me to the place in the landscape I’m in today.”

100 UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

Matching Companies

Abbott Laboratories Fund


AECOM Technology


AEGON Transamerica


Aetna Foundation, Inc.

Air Products and

Chemicals, Inc.

Albertsons, Inc.

Altria Group, Inc.

American Express Gift

Matching Program

American International

Group, Inc.


Pharmaceuticals, LP

David Babson & Co.,


Bank of America

BD Matching Gift


Black Rock Advertising

& Publishing

Campbell Soup


The Chubb Corporation

The Coca-Cola Company

Computer Associates

International, Inc.

ConAgra Foundation


Cytec Industries, Inc.


Corporation Fund

Deerfield Associates

Executive Search, Inc.

Deloitte Foundation

Deluxe Corporation


Deutsche Bank Americas


The Dow Chemical


Ernst & Young


ExxonMobil Foundation

Fannie Mae Foundation

Fidelity Investments

FM Global Foundation

H.B. Fuller Company

GAP Foundation

GartnerGroup, Inc.

General Electric Fund

General Motors


General Re Corporation

Genworth Financial

The Gillette Company


Pitney Bowes

Goldman Sachs &


Goodrich Foundation

Guardian Life Insurance

John Hancock

Harris Foundation

Hartford Financial

Services Group

Hasbro Charitable Trust

IBM International


Intel Corporation

Johnson & Johnson

Juniper Networks

KPMG Foundation

Lehman Brothers

Lockheed Martin

Loomis Sayles &

Company, LP

Lumina Foundation for


MARKEM Corporation

Marsh & McLennan

Companies, Inc.

MassMutual Life

Insurance Company


Companies, Inc.

McKesson HBOC


Merck Company


Merrill Lynch & Co.

Foundation, Inc.

Metropolitan Life

Insurance Company

MFS Investment Services

Microsoft Corporation

Moody’s Foundation

Nationwide Insurance

Enterprise Foundation

New Balance Athletic

Shoe, Inc.

NIKE, Inc.

Northeast Utilities


Northern Trust

Charitable Trust

Northwestern Mutual

Life Foundation, Inc.

NSTAR Foundation

Olin Corporation

Charitable Trust

OppenheimerFunds, Inc.

Osram Sylvania, Inc.

Pacific Life

PepsiCo Foundation, Inc.

Pfizer Foundation

Philips Electronics North

America Corporation

PPG Industries




Procter & Gamble


The Prudential


Raytheon Company

Reebok Foundation

Rexam Foundation

Sallie Mae


Sensient Technologies


Shell Oil Company


Sprint Foundation

St. Paul Travelers

Symbol Technologies,


Time Warner Foundation

Toyota Motor Sales

U.S.A., Inc.


United Asset



United Technologies

Verizon Foundation

Wachovia Foundation,


Wells Fargo Foundation


Enterprise Fund

White Mountains

Insurance Group, Ltd.

XL America

Zais Group, LLC

Matching Companies

The Lorrey and Kathleen Bianchi Library

Special Collections Fund

P erhaps because of their successful careers in information technologies, both Kathy and Lorrey

Bianchi seem exceptionally at home thinking about what’s next. Libraries everywhere are working to keep pace with the changing ways patrons find and use information. As longtime generous supporters of the UMass Amherst Libraries, the Bianchis have demonstrated their understanding that first editions and wi-fi have a place in libraries—and they are helping to ensure UMass Amherst has the means to offer both.

Last spring, the couple arranged a planned gift that will establish the Lorrey and Kathleen Bianchi Library Special

Collections Fund. The fund will be used to purchase, preserve, and process materials in the Library’s Special

Collections and University Archives Department. Their gift reflects their willingness to “imagine a future for research libraries,” says Emily Silverman, director of development and communication for the library. “They have acted on their sense of how we can shine, what defines us—our unique holdings.”

Special Collections has many treasures, from the papers of W.E.B. Du Bois to 200-year-old maps. The Bianchi fund will enable it to build on its strengths, whether through acquiring rare books, digitizing valuable collections, preserving fragile artifacts, or repairing timeworn materials. Lorrey Bianchi has also arranged a planned gift of his extensive collection of books, posters, maps, and other materials on the French Second Empire

(1852-1870) to the department.

“The library is already a destination,” says Lorrey, a

1969 UMass Amherst graduate. “The students who use the library have grown up with technology—it’s a part of learning for them—so having access to technology is an incentive to go there. When I was a student, I used to go to Morrill [Science Center] at night to find a quiet place on campus to study—the library offers that, too. I’ll do anything I can to help the campus libraries.”

Says Silverman, “The Bianchis have thought about what their legacy might be. They’ve got confidence in their convictions and have shown that they’re ready to act.

I also admire their idea of what philanthropy can be in your life—that, ultimately, it feels good to give.” www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com


The following individuals became life members during fiscal year 2007.




I n 1975, Susan Hagedorn (above) was a struggling single mother starting UMass

Amherst’s two-year nursing program for students with bachelor’s degrees. Once she had her nursing degree, she set about building a career devoted to improving the lives of underserved populations, especially adolescents. She has earned advanced degrees, and certifications, and has published widely on the teaching and practice of nursing.

This year, Hagedorn pledged $1.5 million to create the Seedworks Nursing Professorship for Social Justice. The endowed professorship is the first for the nursing school and the only one in a public nursing school in New England.

She made her gift partly because her UMass

Amherst experience was, in her words, “a pivotal event” in her life.

Hagedorn also made her gift because she believes, “Academics have a huge responsibility to think broadly and to mentor students and to go beyond scholarship—to be agents of social change.”

As she envisions it, the professorship will, said

Hagedorn, “produce a mentor for students who will integrate nursing with implementing social change.”

“This is an extraordinary, transformative gift,” said School of Nursing dean Eileen Breslin,

“one that speaks to the heritage of this school and its strong commitment to community and to meeting the needs of the underserved. It will enable us to attract and retain the best faculty and students—and ultimately improve the lives of men, women, and children.”

Robert J. Atwater ‘86

James A. Bergeron ‘61,’64MS,’67PhD +

Glenn J. Bingle ‘66

& Janet M. (Deckers) Bingle ‘66 +

Timothy M. Bishko ‘94

Peter L. Bloom ‘78

& Denise A. (Colls) Bloom ‘79

Jeremias J. Botelho ‘03

David W. Briggs ‘68 +

Matthew J. Burns ‘77 $

Maryanne Cataldo ‘79

Mary A. Cedrone ‘82 +

Alexander Chan ‘92

Nicholas R. Collopy ‘04

Richard Dieter ‘66MS +

Evan S. Dobelle ‘63,’70MED,’87EdD,’00HD

Claire M. Donaldson ‘81

Michael R. Dussault ‘85

& Karin E. (Hoy) Dussault ‘91 $

Scott R. Eames ‘83

Nancy L. (Hastings) Eliason ‘62 +

John H. Federman ‘86

Maurice J. Ferriter ‘79

Michael S. Fetterer ‘95 $

Brent P. Fletcher ‘75

Thomas C. Foley ‘57

Norman C. Gessman ‘57

Christos E. Gianarakos ‘43

Judith I. Gill ‘72

Duncan W. Gillan ‘00

& Ruth S. (Smith) Gillan ‘81

Robert J. Gonnella ‘72,’74MBA +

Thomas P. Heiser ‘84

Annette H. Heyman ‘47 +

Andrew Hochberg ‘84

& Bonnie Barber ‘84

Steve J. Hoogheem ‘79MS +

John H. Hubbe ‘84 + $

Paul G. Jodka ‘87

Michelle M. Kristel ‘86

John Krzeminski, Jr. ‘87 %

& Joan Partyka ‘76 %

Jeffrey R. Labonte ‘93

Kathleen M. Lahey ‘82

Edward F. Larkin, Jr. ‘59 +

Mark R. Leslie ‘78

Dorette M. (Gelzinis) Markham ‘66

John Mason ‘56

John J. McGinty ‘57

Karen O. Moore ‘89MS

Rupert D. Morrill ‘42 +

Michael P. Morrissey ‘94

Gary D. Murad ‘90

James D. Murphy ‘66

Christopher W. Nalbandian ‘95

Susan W. (Schwartz) Neadle ‘87MS

Philip E. Norment ‘81,’84MBA

& Maureen A. Shiels ‘82,’84MBA

Alumni Association Life Members

Shirley A. Nylund ‘77 +

Philip Nyman ‘58

Thomas O’Brien > +

Aimi K. O’Connor ‘90

Chad A. O’Connor ‘01

James F. O’Neill ‘88 +

Edward J. O’Reilly ‘75

Jean R. Onofrio ‘79S,’82 +

Robert W. Otto ‘79

David J. Pacheco ‘85 +

Russ G. Paparo ‘86

& Leslie A. Paparo ‘87

Sanjeevkumar C. Patel ‘04

Dennis R. Racca ‘84

Catherine A. Reardon ‘88

Brendon L. Reed ‘05

David K. Richter ‘96

John E. Ringle ‘77,’88MPA

& Elisa M. Hill ‘88MPH

James E. Robinson, Jr. ‘85S,’90 +

Miriam (Britt) Rosenthall ‘72MS

Lawrence A. Rybacki ‘77

Scott C. Sambade ‘90

Adam F. Sheehan ‘94

Ruth J. Shepard ‘63 +

Linda (Desmarais) Sheridan ‘74 +

Gilbert M. Slovin ‘54

Cheryl D. Smith ‘94 % +

Jeremy D. St. Jean ‘98

John F. Stanne ‘83 + $

John F. Steeves ‘87

Elizabeth L. (Leeds) Stevens ‘99

Janet E. Such ‘74 +

William D. Sullivan ‘96MBA

Prabakar Sundarrajan ‘83MS

Brent J. Tartamella ‘94

John C. Taylor ‘95

Esther M. (Alexander) Terry ‘74PhD >

Jeanne M. (Franceschina) Traester ‘84

Robert M. Twiss ‘70

& Joan M. (Callahan) Twiss ‘77

Christopher L. Vadnais ‘00

Meredith A. (Miner) Waites ‘89

Mary E. Wall ‘77

Annell (McCoy) Waters ‘74

James V. Weis ‘82 $

John F. Welch, Jr. ‘57,’82HD +

* = Deceased

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

102 UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

Alumni Association Life Members

Henry L. Hall, Jr. and Jean Hall Gift

T o Henry L. Hall, Jr. ’53, it almost goes without saying that scholarships are a good idea. Over the years he and his wife, Jean, have given both their time and money to supporting UMass

Amherst. This spring, they contributed to a scholarship fund for students in the

College of Humanities and

Fine Arts. “We wanted to make a contribution,” he says modestly, “and scholarships can be helpful.” Hall knows from personal experience, having received a scholarship himself to go to college.

In commenting on the value of their gift, HFA dean

Joel Martin offered other reasons why scholarships matter. “Humanities and the arts are the thirdmost-popular majors nationally among all students, according to a recent survey by The Chronicle of

Higher Education, ” he noted .

“With 121 colleges and universities in Massachusetts alone, the competition for the best students in the humanities and fine arts is intense. If we are to continue to attract the best undergraduate and graduate students to UMass Amherst, we must provide robust scholarship support.

“This is also a good investment that extends beyond the individual recipients,” Martin continued.

“A top student helps bring out the best in other students.

Because so much of what we do is performative or public, the impact is magnified even more. One only needs to attend one of the many concerts given by HFA students to see how students inspire one another to do their very best and to work harder to do even better. Our faculty is superb, but nothing motivates a student like a peer performing at a high level of competence and artistry.” www.UMassAmherstMagazine.com



Paros Professorship

I n 1960, the year Jerome Paros graduated from UMass

Amherst, the cold war was decades away from thawing. Nuclear weapons testing was in full swing, and the US was racing the USSR to send the first man into space.

It was a time when a scientist with a vision, an entrepreneurial spirit, and luck could prosper. Paros is one such scientist. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, the son of Russian immigrants, he followed his brother to UMass Amherst where he got a “well-rounded education,” in his words, and a degree in physics. He has put both of them to good use. Paroscientific, Inc., the Redmond, Washington-based company he started in 1972, is internationally known for its sophisticated, innovative equipment that detects and measures tsunamis and other complex geophysical phenomena.

Paros believes that the greatest advances in science and education will come through cross-disciplinary research and collaboration between industry, government, and academia. Guided by that philosophy, in 2007 Paros gave $1 million to endow the Jerome M. Paros Professor of Environmental Sciences, the second UMass Amherst professorship he has endowed.

To be held jointly by the College of Engineering and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the environmental sciences professorship, Paros believes, will generate some synergy. Synergy several times over, in fact: between the two schools and the two Paros professors’ work. Andreas Muschinski was appointed this spring as Paros Professor of Measurement Sciences.

A faculty member of the Electrical and Computer

Engineering department, Muschinski is involved in research related to meteorology, clean energy,

“stratified shear flows,” and “atmospheric seiches.”

Paros envisions down the road the creation of an atmospheric and environmental research center on campus, yet another way to bolster UMass Amherst as a research university, where, he says, “Good science comes from good observers running good experiments with good sensors.”

UMass Amherst • Fall 2007

Alumni Association

Board of Directors

The volunteer Board of Directors of the University of

Massachusetts Amherst Alumni Association provides leadership in promoting the interests of UMass Amherst and its alumni around the world, and in delivering relevant programs and services to enlighten, engage, and strengthen the student, faculty and alumni bodies.

Craig S. Brown ’84 %

Thomas P. Campbell III ’90

William A. Carroll ’54 +

Shyno E. Chacko ’93

Alexander Chan ’92

Sara P. Coady Howe ’02

Mary E. Custard ’82, ’87MED %

Michael Fiorentino, Jr. ’78EdD

Colin F. Glatzel ’08

Edward J. Godek III ’96 +

Jacqueline M. Govoni ’05

Ronald F. Grasso, Jr. ’92

David L. Hautanen ’87, ’90MED

Madeline L. Haynes ’10

Andrew Hochberg ’84

Paul J. Hohenberger, Jr. ’87 >

Harold M. Lane, Jr. ’60 +

Sean T. LeBlanc ’88 +

Christine A. Lopes ’97

Andrew A. MacDougall ’95

Kathleen M. Mitchell ’79 +

Suzanne N. Morse ’95

Michaella C. Morzuch ’03

Kerry E. Mulcahy ’02, ’04MPA

George R. Richason, Jr. ’37, ’39MS, ’91HD > +

David K. Richter ’96

Robert P. Shaughnessey ’75

Kimberly E. Sherman ’87

Paul H. Sienkiewicz ’74,’75MBA

Joel E. Slovin ’79

Ronald F. Spicer, Jr. ’88MED

James F. Sullivan ’55 +

Anna G. (Ronghi) Symington ’76S, ’79, ’83MS +

Kevin T. White ’86

Richard S. Williams ’75 %

+ = 5 or more years of consecutive giving

$ = Matching gift or claim

~ = Alumni Association member in FY ’07

% = Parent

> = Current faculty, staff, or emeritus faculty

HA = Honorary alumnus or alumna

HD = Honorary degree recipient

S = Stockbridge alumnus or alumna

Highlights of Giving

$28,374,585 in Gifts and Pledges from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007

By Constituency

Alumni .......................$10,838,310

Parents ............................$479,788

Other Individuals ..........$2,973,396

Foundations ..................$3,771,432

Corporations .................$5,296,157

Other Organizations .....$5,015,502

Other Organizations - 18%

Corporations - 19%

Foundations - 13%

Alumni - 38%

Parents - 2%

Other Individuals - 10%

By Designation

Capital ..........................$1,702,694

Faculty Support ............$2,840,181

Academic Support ........$5,296,035

Research Support ..........$4,378,622

Student Support ............$5,580,211

Program Support ...........$7,461,189

Library Support .............$1,115,653

Library Support - 4%

Program Support - 26%

Student Support - 20%

By Purpose

Endowment ..................$7,203,187

Capital ..........................$1,702,694

Current Operations .....$19,468,704

Capital - 6%

Endowment - 25%

Capital - 6%

Faculty Support - 10%

Academic Support - 19%

Research Support - 15%

Current Operations - 69%

Number of Donors by Constituency

Alumni ................................23,602

Parents ..................................5,934

Other Individuals ...................2,707

Organizations ........................1,758

TOTAL ...................................34,001

Organizations - 5%

Other Individuals - 9%

Parents - 17%

Alumni - 69%
