PENGEMBANGAN ORGANISASI: Definisi dan Latar Belakang

Definisi dan Latar Belakang
Lina Miftahul Jannah
Sebagai sebuah sistem organisasi berPROSES, artinya
organisasi tidaklah statis tetapi DINAMIS. Dinamisnya
organisasi dapat diartikan bahwa organisasi tersebut
‘hidup’, ‘bergerak’ dapat merespon lingkungan
sekitarnya dan memiliki peluang untuk melakukan
perubahan atas masukan ataupun pengaruh tersebut.
• Perubahan kebijakan pimpinan
• Perubahan tujuan
• Perluasan wilayah operasi
• Volume kegiatan bertambah
• Sikap dan perilaku para
anggota organisasi.
Sumber Daya Alam
• struktur organisasi.
• sikap & perilaku pegawai.
• tata aliran kerja.
• peralatan kerja.
• prosedur kerja
• hubungan kerja antar personel.
Mengadakan pengkajian.
Melakukan identifikasi.
Menetapkan perubahan.
Menentukan strategi.
Melakukan evaluasi.
OD pada hakikatnya adalah perubahan organisasi, sebab di dalam
pengembangan selalu terindikasi adanya perubahan. Karenanya
ketika membahas Pengembangan Organisasi, maka secara tidak
langsung yang kita bahas adalah perubahan itu sendiri.
Konsepsi OD berkembang dari berbagai macam bidang ilmu
pengetahuan yang mempelajari usaha-usaha untuk mengadakan
perubahan sehingga dapat lebih mampu menyesuaikan diri
dengan tuntutan perubahan.
Pusat perhatian OD adalah pada perubahan dan inovasi.
Bennis mengemukakan bahwa OD dalah suatu jawaban terhadap
perubahan, suatu strategi pendidikan yang rumit yang dimaksudkan
untuk merubah kepercayaan, nilai-nilai dan struktur dari suatu
organisasi, sehingga organisasi tersebut dapat lebih mampu
menyesuaikan diri dengan teknologi, pasar, dan tantangan baru, serta
perputaran yang sangat cepat dari perubahan itu sendiri.
“Organization Development ... attempt to influence the members of an
organization to expand their candidness ... and to take greater
responsibility for their own actions ... The assumption behind OD is that
when people pursue both of these objectives simultaneously, they are
likely to discover new ways of working together that they experience as
more effective for achieving their own and their shared (organizational)
goals ...”
(Neilsen, “Becoming an OD Practitioner”, Englewood Cliffs, CA: Prentice-Hall, 1984, pp. 23.)
Beckhard (1969): as "an effort, planned, organization-wide, and
managed from the top, to increase organization effectiveness and
health through planned interventions in the organization's processes,
using behavioral-science knowledge." In essence, OD is a planned
system of change.
Beckhard, “Organization development: Strategies and Models”, Reading, MA: AddisonWesley, 1969, p. 9.
Planned. OD takes a long-range approach to improving organizational performance
and efficiency. It avoids the (usual) "quick-fix".
Organization-wide. OD focuses on the total system.
Managed from the top. To be effective, OD must have the support of topmanagement. They have to model it, not just espouse it. The OD process also needs
the buy-in and ownership of workers throughout the organization.
Increase organization effectiveness and health. OD is tied to the bottom-line. Its goal is
to improve the organization, to make it more efficient and more competitive by
aligning the organization's systems with its people.
Planned interventions. After proper preparation, OD uses activities called
interventions to make system wide, permanent changes in the organization.
Using behavioral-science knowledge. OD is a discipline that combines research and
experience to understanding people, business systems, and their interactions.
Beer (1980), the aim of OD are
• (1) enhancing congruence between
organizational structure, processes,
strategy, people, and culture;
• (2) developing new and creative
organizational solutions; and
• (3) developing the organization’s selfrenewing capacity.
Human resources may be a large
fraction of our costs of doing
business. They certainly can make
the difference between
organizational success and failure.
We better know how to manage
Changing nature of the workplace. Workers
today want feedback on their performance, a
sense of accomplishment, feelings of value and
worth, and commitment to social
responsibility. They need to be more efficient,
to improve their time management. And, of
course, if we are to continue doing more work
with less people, we need to make our
processes more efficient.
Global markets. The environments are
changing, and our organizations must also
change to survive and prosper. We need to be
more responsible to and develop closer
partnerships with our customers. We must
change to survive, and we argue that we
should attack the problems, not the
symptoms, in a systematic, planned, humane
Accelerated rate of change. Taking
an open-systems approach, we can
easily identify the competitions on
an international scale for people,
capital, physical resources, and
Jika para pemimpinnya telah bekerja efektif
dan respektif
Jika seluruh individu anggota/staf organisasi
telah termotivasi untuk berubah
Jika bentuk organisasinya tidak hirarkis dan
seluruh anggota terbiasa untuk berkolaborasi
2nd curve