Notebook with 4 sections: 1) notes 2) handouts 3) poetic devices 4

North Phoenix Prep
Mr. Brian Mostoller
If you would like copies of the course’s weekly plans (available every Monday), please email me.
If absent, quizzes and Touchstone discussions are made up after school in room 508 within 2 weeks of the
assessment. Tests are made up in Silent Study- you may bring your lunch and take the full hour, if needed. If you
have two or more excused absences in a week, the Friday quiz can be made up within 2 weeks. The last day to
make up any classwork is the day before quarter/semester exams begin.
Poetry is an in-depth study of many of the great poems of the Western world. Structure, poetic devices, poetry vocabulary,
writing, and discussion skills will all be of focus. The text that will be used is Immortal Poems of the English Language.
Notebook with 4 sections: 1) notes 2) handouts 3) poetic devices 4) writing
Blue or black pens
Required book/poem we’re studying at that particular time
Poetic-device flashcards to study
Water (no leaving class to go to the fountain)
1. To critically read, think, and discuss (through the Touchstone-method) great poetry.
2. To develop creative thinking, effective writing, and effective oral communication skills.
3. To understand poetry through writing one’s own poetry.
4. To analyze poetry through the five-paragraph essay.
5. To evaluate the development of theme and literary devices, in writing.
6. To increase the understanding of poetic devices.
7. To foster a sense of wonder and depth of inquiry.
The course is based upon total points. A great focus is upon teacher-narrative evaluations of each student and
participation (participation involves attentive listening during discussions, asking pertinent questions,
volunteering answers that deepen discussions, being prepared, and respecting others during discussions)
Assessments consist of: tests and quizzes; writing assignments, projects, and presentations; participation; and
Progress reports will be provided every 3 weeks throughout the year.
Students: Please keep all notes until the end of the semester
This course is reading and writing intensive. Homework can include: projects, writing poems, and/or studying for
1. Be on time. During a quarter, on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc tardy, a detention will be given.
2. Be prepared . . . notebook, books, pens and pencils, and any work that’s due.
3. Be diligent . . . work until dismissed. Restroom excuses are in the middle of the period, unless an emergency.
4. Be respectful . . . toward North Phoenix and each other. No gum, and students must keep all four legs of their
chairs on the ground.
Infractions of the above:
Step 1: Warning (not every day)
Step 2: One-on-one conference with potential seat change
Step 3: Parent contact with seat change
Step 4: Detention with Mr. Mos after school
Step 5: Detention with administration
Policy on Late Work
All assigned work is expected to be turned in on the due date at the beginning of class. Any work that is submitted after
that is considered late. Work turned in one day late will only be eligible for 50% credit. No credit will be issued for
assignments turned in after that. If you have a one-day excused absence, you have one day to make up the work and/or to
schedule a makeup due date. For in-class assignments (for example, a quiz), you need to make this up within 2
weeks. For on-going assignments (for example, a process essay done over numerous days), the assignment is due
the day you return. It is your responsibility to come to me to make arrangements; I will not track you down.
Technology failure is not an excuse for late assignments.
Availability/Office hours
After school in classroom, but if no one shows up within 5 minutes after school lets out, Mr. Mos may be somewhere on
campus running errands.
Student Responsibility:
If you miss class it’s your responsibility to 1) check the bulletin board for the weekly syllabus to see what you missed 2)
consult one or two classmates to copy down any notes you missed (or copy down the notes during Lyceum) 3) check the
bin for any graded work 4) schedule a day to make up any work and ask me questions at Lyceum
Restroom availability is between classroom activities (i.e. do not ask to go in the middle of a discussion); you must
sign out before you leave the classroom and only one person out at a time.
All backpacks/bags must be placed in lockers.
No Food or Drink (except water) is allowed in the classroom.
Papers must have an M.L.A. heading: On right-hand side of paper
For activities, there are “silent” (no talking), “quiet” (whispering), and “discussion” (voiced dialogue) times.
If you want to check your grades, come after school. If you are absent on a day graded work is distributed,
you need to retrieve your work from the appropriate bin.
Pop culture (popular and modern music or art forms) is not discussed in class for the sole reason that we can immerse
ourselves in the works we are studying.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have read, understood, and agreed to the Poetry syllabus.
Student Printed Name
Student signature
Parent Printed Name
Parent signature