Learn about International Communications

Penn State College of Communications
Graduate Orientation 2010
International Communications
A complex, eclectic field of inquiry
IC as “Field”
A ‘topic’ field (of intersections and overlaps) rather than a discipline field
Conception is more fluid and dynamic than most definitional projects might allow
Organization of the ‘field’ = ongoing process
Constitutive Topics of Inquiry in/as International Communication
Clusters of issues that either share empirical roots or address common structural
concerns and might provide focus points for a variety of courses and research
projects. Not mutually exclusive
Constitutive Topics of Inquiry in/as International Communication
Communication and Development (development communication)
Technology transfer (diffusion of innovation)
Development journalism
Modernization Theory
Dependency Theories
Nation, nationalism, and national culture
State, nation-state, and sovereignty
International relations and communication
Global communication access (NWIO, NWICO)
Cultural imperialism
Media Imperialism
Transnational corporations, transnational media corporations
International organizations and communications (UNESCO, UN)
International television and radio broadcasting
Broadcasting and Propaganda (RFE, RL)
Theories of the Press (Four Theories of the Press)
Free flow of information
International traffic in media content (music, film, tv content)
Global news flow
International news agencies
Transborder data flow
International telecommunication technology (satellite technology)
International telecommunication policy and regulation (International Telecommunications Union
Cross-cultural media reception studies
Supranational organizations (WTO, IMF, World Bank)
Development/Modernization Cluster
Communication and Development (development
Technology transfer (diffusion of innovation)
Development journalism
Dependency Theories
Journalism in International Arena Cluster
Theories of the Press
International news agencies
Global news flow
Free flow of information
Telecommunication Cluster
Transborder data flow
International telecommunication technology
(satellite technology)
International telecommunication policy and
regulation (International Telecommunications
International television and radio broadcasting
Culture/International Communication Cluster
Nation, nationalism, and national culture
Cultural imperialism
Media Imperialism
International traffic in media content (music, film,
tv content)
Cross-cultural media reception studies
Global Media Access Cluster
Global communication access (NWIO, NWICO)
International traffic in media content (music, film,
TV content; digital commerce/culture)
International news agencies
Free flow of information
Global news flow
International news agencies
Geopolitics and Communication
International relations and communication
State, nation-state, sovereignty and
Nation, national identity, national culture, and
Broadcasting and Propaganda (RFE, RL)
International organizations and communications
Theories and Methods
Cultural convergence
  technologies/products/policies
Transnational forces
  Global
  cultural hybridity/heterogeneity/homogeneity
Cultural Production
  politics
and processes
Local/Global intersections
International Communication/Globalization
Employ different theoretical perspectives
Globalization = confluence of different disciplines and discourses
Media and media activities in IC must be considered in their whole
context – political, regulatory, economic and cultural
The very challenges of studying media in their global context
highlight the importance of holistic attention to media
production, text, and audience in their globalized economic,
social, and political contexts
Linked to moral and political concerns
PSU College of Comm Faculty
Anthony Olorunnisola: Media Transformations in Africa's transitional democracies.
Michael Elavsky: Cultural Industries, Politics of Globalization, Music, Postsocialist Cultures
John Nichols: International Communications Policy
Bu Zhong: Social Networking, Media Ethics/Judgment in News/Sports Production/Consumption
Krishna Jayakar: Telecommunications Policy, Intellectual Property Rights, Media Economics
Denis Davis: Mass Comm. Theory, New Media Literacy, Research Methods, Political
Ronald Bettig – Political Economy of Communications, Global Social Justice
Colleen Connolly-Ahern – International Advertising and Public Relations
Institute for Information Policy
Richard Taylor
Amit Schejter
Effect on Investment/Information Technology on Economic Development in Asia-Pacific region.
Telecommunications Policy and Social Justice (Israel/Middle East)
Aspects of international Film production and culture:
  Barbara Bird
  Jeanne Hall
  Dorn Hetzel
Classes Offered
COMM 505, International Communications Problems
Legal and communications problems of the international flow of news and opinion; international press codes.
COMM 510, Comparative Theories of Press Systems
Institutional structure and normative functions of press systems in modern societies as shaped by prevailing world
view and social organization.
COMM 584, International Telecommunications and Trade Policy
An interdisciplinary perspective that investigates contemporary debates and ongoing or anticipated conflicts in
international telecommunications and trade policy.
COMM 585, Media and Telecommunications Industries (3)
Study the structure and performance of media, telecommunications and information industries applying principles
and ideas from microeconomics, finance and communications.
COMM 504, Seminar in the History of Mass Communications
COMM 506, Introduction to Mass Communications Research
COMM 511, Mass Communications Research Methods II
COMM 512, Government and Communications
COMM 514, Political Economy of Communications
COMM 520, Theory and Application of Strategic Communications
COMM 522, Advertising, Public Relations and Society
COMM 550, Film Theory and Criticism
COMM 556, Close Textual Analysis--Film and Video
COMM 580, Telecommunications Seminar
COMM 581, History of Electrical, Electronic and Optical Communications
COMM 582, Ethics and Emerging Communications Technology
COMM 586, Issues E-Commerce Policy
COMM 587, Internet Law and Policy
COMM 595, Communications Internship
COMM 596, Independent Studies
COMM 597, Special Topics